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A large part of the nutrient flux in deciduous forests is through fine root turnover, yet this process is seldom measured. As part of a nutrient cycling study, fine root dynamics were studied for two years at Huntington Forest in the Adirondack Mountain region of New York, USA. Root growth phenology was characterized using field rhizotrons, three methods were used to estimate fine root production, two methods were used to estimate fine root mortality, and decomposition was estimated using the buried bag technique. During both 1986 and 1987, fine root elongation began in early April, peaked during July and August, and nearly ceased by mid-October. Mean fine root ( 3 mm diameter) biomass in the surface 28-cm was 2.5 t ha–1 and necromass was 2.9 t ha–1. Annual decomposition rates ranged from 17 to 30% beneath the litter and 27 to 52% at a depth of 10 cm. Depending on the method used for estimation, fine root production ranged from 2.0 to 2.9 t ha–1, mortality ranged from 1.8 to 3.7 t ha–1 yr–1, and decomposition was 0.9 t ha–1 yr–1. Thus, turnover ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 yr–1. The nutrients that cycled through fine roots annually were 4.5–6.1 kg Ca, 1.1–1.4 kg Mg, 0.3–0.4 kg K, 1.2–1.7 kg P, 20.3–27.3 kg N, and 1.8–2.4 kg S ha–1. Fine root turnover was less important than leaf litterfall in the cycling of Ca and Mg and was similar to leaf litterfall in the amount of N, P, K and S cycled.  相似文献   

Climate projection requires an accurate understanding for soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition and its response to warming. An emergent view considers that environmental constraints rather than chemical structure alone control SOC turnover and its temperature sensitivity (i.e., Q10), but direct long-term evidence is lacking. Here, using compound-specific radiocarbon analysis of soil profiles along a 3300-km grassland transect, we provide direct evidence for the rapid turnover of lignin-derived phenols compared with slower-cycling molecular components of SOC (i.e., long-chain lipids and black carbon). Furthermore, in contrast to the slow-cycling components whose turnover is strongly modulated by mineral association and exhibits low Q10, lignin turnover is mainly regulated by temperature and has a high Q10. Such contrasts resemble those between fast-cycling (i.e., light) and mineral-associated slow-cycling fractions from globally distributed soils. Collectively, our results suggest that warming may greatly accelerate the decomposition of lignin, especially in soils with relatively weak mineral associations.  相似文献   

* Greater fine-root production under elevated [CO2] may increase the input of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to the soil profile because fine root populations turn over quickly in forested ecosystems. * Here, the effect of elevated [CO)] was assessed on root biomass and N inputs at several soil depths by combining a long-term minirhizotron dataset with continuous, root-specific measurements of root mass and [N]. The experiment was conducted in a CO(2)-enriched sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) plantation. * CO2) enrichment had no effect on root tissue density or [N] within a given diameter class. Root biomass production and standing crop were doubled under elevated [CO2]. Though fine-root turnover declined under elevated [CO2], fine-root mortality was also nearly doubled under CO2 enrichment. Over 9 yr, root mortality resulted in 681 g m(-2) of extra C and 9 g m(-2) of extra N input to the soil system under elevated [CO2]. At least half of these inputs were below 30 cm soil depth. * Increased C and N input to the soil under CO2 enrichment, especially below 30 cm depth, might alter soil C storage and N mineralization. Future research should focus on quantifying root decomposition dynamics and C and N mineralization deeper in the soil.  相似文献   

Characterizing the use of carbon (C) reserves in trees is important for understanding regional and global C cycles, stress responses, asynchrony between photosynthetic activity and growth demand, and isotopic exchanges in studies of tree physiology and ecosystem C cycling. Using an inadvertent, whole-ecosystem radiocarbon (14C) release in a temperate deciduous oak forest and numerical modeling, we estimated that the mean age of stored C used to grow both leaf buds and new roots is 0.7 years and about 55% of new-root growth annually comes from stored C. Therefore, the calculated mean age of C used to grow new-root tissue is ∼0.4 years. In short, new roots contain a lot of stored C but it is young in age. Additionally, the type of structure used to model stored C input is important. Model structures that did not include storage, or that assumed stored and new C mixed well (within root or shoot tissues) before being used for root growth, did not fit the data nearly as well as when a distinct storage pool was used. Consistent with these whole-ecosystem labeling results, the mean age of C in new-root tissues determined using 'bomb-14C' in three additional forest sites in North America and Europe (one deciduous, two coniferous) was less than 1–2 years. The effect of stored reserves on estimated ages of fine roots is unlikely to be large in most natural abundance isotope studies. However, models of root C dynamics should take stored reserves into account, particularly for pulse-labeling studies and fast-cycling roots (<1 years).  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of coppice conversion to high forest on the beech fine-root systems. We compared the seasonal pattern of live and dead fine-root mass (d < 2 mm), production and turnover in three beech stands that differed in management practices. Tree density was higher in the 40-year-old coppice stand than in the stands that were converted from coppice to high forest in 1994 and 2004, respectively. We found that a reduction in tree density reduced the total fine-root biomass (Coppice stand, 353.8 g m?2; Conversion 1994 stand, 203.6 g m?2; Conversion 2004 stand, 176.2 g m?2) which continued to be characterised by a bimodal pattern with two major peaks, one in spring and one in early fall. Conversion to high forest may also affect the fine-root soil depth distribution. Both fine-root production and turnover rate were sensitive to management practices. They were lower in the Coppice stand (production 131.5 g m?2 year?1; turnover rate 0.41 year?1) than in the converted stands (1994 Conversion stand: production 232 g m?2 year?1, turnover rate 1.06 year?1; 2004 Conversion stand: production 164.2 g m?2 year?1, turnover rate 0.79 year?1).  相似文献   

Fine root production and turnover play important roles in regulating carbon (C) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. In order to examine effects of climate change on root production and turnover, a field experiment with increased temperature and precipitation had been conducted in a semiarid temperate steppe in northern China since April 2005. Experimental warming decreased annual root production, mortality, and mean standing crop by 10.3%, 12.1%, 7.0%, respectively, while root turnover was not affected in 2006 and 2007 by the warming. Annual root production and turnover was 5.9% and 10.3% greater in the elevated than ambient precipitation plots. Changes in root production and mortality in response to increased temperature and precipitation could be largely attributed to the changes in gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and belowground/aboveground C allocation. There were significant interactive effects of warming and increased precipitation on root productivity, mortality, and standing crop. Experimental warming had positive and negative effects on the three root variables (root production, mortality, standing crop) under ambient and increased precipitation, respectively. Increased precipitation stimulated and suppressed the three root variables in the unwarmed and warmed subplots, respectively. The positive dependence of soil respiration and ecosystem respiration upon root productivity and mortality highlights the important role of root dynamics in ecosystem C cycling. The nonadditive effects of increased temperature and precipitation on root productivity, mortality, and standing crop observed in this study are critical for model projections of climate–ecosystem feedbacks. These findings indicate that carbon allocation is a focal point for future research and that results from single factor experiments should be treated with caution because of factor interactions.  相似文献   

不同森林类型根系分布与土壤性质的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黄林  王峰  周立江  黄茹  齐代华  魏刚 《生态学报》2012,32(19):6110-6119

The depth and duration of snow pack is declining in the northeastern United States as a result of warming air temperatures. Since snow insulates soil, a decreased snow pack can increase the frequency of soil freezing, which has been shown to have important biogeochemical implications. One of the most notable effects of soil freezing is increased inorganic nitrogen losses from soil during the following growing season. Decreased nitrogen retention is thought to be due to reduced root uptake, but has not yet been measured directly. We conducted a 2‐year snow‐removal experiment at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, USA to determine the effects of soil freezing on root uptake and leaching of inorganic nitrogen simultaneously. Snow removal significantly increased the depth of maximal soil frost by 37.2 and 39.5 cm in the first and second winters, respectively (< 0.001 in 2008/2009 and 2009/2010). As a consequence of soil freezing, root uptake of ammonium declined significantly during the first and second growing seasons after snow removal (= 0.023 for 2009 and = 0.005 for 2010). These observed reductions in root nitrogen uptake coincided with significant increases in soil solution concentrations of ammonium in the Oa horizon (= 0.001 for 2009 and 2010) and nitrate in the B horizon (< 0.001 and = 0.003 for 2009 and 2010, respectively). The excess flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from the Oa horizon that was attributable to soil freezing was 7.0 and 2.8 kg N ha?1 in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The excess flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from the B horizon was lower, amounting to 1.7 and 0.7 kg N ha?1 in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Results of this study provide direct evidence that soil freezing reduces root nitrogen uptake, demonstrating that the effects of winter climate change on root function has significant consequences for nitrogen retention and loss in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Root production and turnover were studied using sequential core sampling and observations in permanent minirhizotrons in the field in three dry heathland stands dominated by the evergreen dwarfshrub Calluna vulgaris and the grasses Deschampsia flexuosa and Molinia caerulea, respectively. Root biomass production, estimated by core sampling, amounted to 160 (Calluna), 180 (Deschampsia) and 1380 (Molinia) g m-2 yr-1, respectively. Root biomass turnover rate in Calluna (0.64 yr-1) was lower compared with the grasses (Deschampsia: 0.96 yr-1; Molinia 1.68yr-1)). Root length turnover rate was 0.75–0.77 yr-1 (Deschampsia) and 1.17–1.49 yr-1 (Molinia), respectively. No resorption of N and P from senescing roots was observed in either species. Input of organic N into the soil due to root turnover, estimated using the core sampling data, amounted to 1.8 g N m-2 yr-1(Calluna), 1.7 g N m-2 yr-1 (Deschampsia) and 19.7 g N m-2 yr-1 (Molinia), respectively. The organic P input was 0.05, 0.07 and 0.55 g P M-2 yr-1, respectively. Using the minirhizotron turnover estimates these values were20–22% (Deschampsia) and 11–30% (Molinia) lower.When the biomass turnover data were used, it appeared that in the Molinia stand root turnover contributed 67% to total litter production, 87% to total litter nitrogen loss and 84% to total litter phosphorus loss. For Calluna and Deschampsia these percentages were about three and two times lower, respectively.This study shows that (1) Root turnover is a key factor in ecosystem C, N, and P cycling; and that (2) The relative importance of root turnover differs between species.  相似文献   

植物残体添加和去除试验(The Detritus Input and Removal Treatments, DIRT)是研究地上凋落物以及植物根系对土壤营养物质循环过程及机制探究的一种试验设计。于2012年6月选择福建省三明森林生态系统与全球变化研究站的米槠常绿阔叶天然林,设置5种处理:对照(CT)、去除凋落物(NL)、去除根系(NR)、去除凋落物与根系(NI)、添加双倍凋落物(DL),在2018年12月对各处理不同土层(0—10cm、10—20cm)土壤磷组分及其影响因子进行研究,结果表明:(1)在0—10cm土层中DL处理总磷含量显著大于NL处理,NI处理无机磷含量最低,在10—20cm中DL处理有机磷含量显著大于其他处理;(2)DL处理活性磷(Resin-P、NaHCO3-Pi、NaHCO3-Po)含量在0—10cm土层中显著大于其他处理。在10—20cm土层中NR处理活性磷以及中等活性磷显著大于NL处理。残留态磷(Residual-P)含量最高,但在各处理与土层之间并没有明显差异;(3)酸性磷酸酶在0—10 cm土层不同处理间的变化...  相似文献   

The question of how tropical trees cope with infertile soils has been challenging to address, in part, because fine root dynamics must be studied in situ. We used annual fertilization with nitrogen (N as urea, 12.5 g N m?2 year?1), phosphorus (P as superphosphate, 5 g P m?2 year?1) and potassium (K as KCl, 5 g K m?2 year?1) within 38 ha of old‐growth lowland tropical moist forest in Panama and examined fine root dynamics with minirhizotron images. We expected that added P, above all, would (i) decrease fine root biomass but, (ii) have no impact on fine root turnover. Soil in the study area was moderately acidic (pH = 5.28), had moderate concentrations of exchangeable base cations (13.4 cmol kg?1), low concentrations of Bray‐extractable phosphate (PO4 = 2.2 mg kg?1), and modest concentrations of KCl‐extractable nitrate (NO3 = 5.0 mg kg?1) and KCl‐extractable ammonium (NH4 = 15.5 mg kg?1). Added N increased concentrations of KCl‐extractable NO3 and acidified the soil by one pH unit. Added P increased concentrations of Bray‐extractable PO4 and P in the labile fraction. Concentrations of exchangeable K were elevated in K addition plots but reduced by N additions. Fine root dynamics responded to added K rather than added P. After 2 years, added K decreased fine root biomass from 330 to 275 g m?2. The turnover coefficient of fine roots <1 mm diameter ranged from 2.6 to 4.4 per year, and the largest values occurred in plots with added K. This study supported the view that biomass and dynamics of fine roots respond to soil nutrient availability in species‐rich, lowland tropical moist forest. However, K rather than P elicited root responses. Fine roots smaller than 1 mm have a short lifetime (<140 days), and control of fine root production by nutrient availability in tropical forests deserves more study.  相似文献   

细根对植物群落功能的发挥和土壤碳库及全球碳循环具有重要意义。利用连续土钻取样法和分解袋法,于2010年5—10月整个生长季节内,对三工河流域两处长势不同的琵琶柴群落的细根(φ2mm)生物量、分解与周转规律及其与土壤环境的关系进行研究。结果表明,群落1和群落2土壤容重、土壤含水量、pH和电导率等土壤因子差异显著。两群落的细根生物量表现出相同的季节和垂直变化趋势,即在5—8月逐渐增加,8月达到最大值,9—10月份逐渐下降。平均月细根生物量分别为51.55g/m2和133.93 g/m2。群落1的活细根和死细根分别占总细根生物量的69.68%和30.32%,群落2活细根和死细根分别占总细根生物量的72.61%和27.39%。在垂直变化上,随土壤深度增加细根生物量先增加后逐渐降低,其中10—20cm土壤层次细根生物量比例最大,群落1和群落2分别占46.48%和29.15%。群落1和群落2的细根年分解率分别为34.82%、42.91%。达到半分解和95%分解时,群落1需要630 d和2933 d,群落2需要467 d和2238 d。群落1和群落2的细根净生产力分别为50.67 g/m2和178.15 g/m2,细根年周转率分别为1.41次、1.69次。逐步回归分析结果显示细根动态受土壤水分、pH值、电导度等土壤因子的显著影响,琵琶柴细根具有相对较低的分解速率和较高的周转速率。  相似文献   

López  B.  Sabaté  S.  Gracia  C.A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(1):125-134
The biomass, production and mortality of fine roots (roots with diameter <2.5 mm) were studied in a typical Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest in NE Spain using the minirhizotron methodology. A total of 1212 roots were monitored between June of 1994 and March of 1997. Mean annual fine root biomass in the holm oak forest of Prades was 71±8 g m–2 yr–1. Mean annual production for the period analysed was 260+11 g m–2 yr–1. Mortality was similar to production, with a mean value of 253±3 g m–2 yr–1. Seasonal fine root biomass presented a cyclic behaviour, with higher values in autumn and winter and lower in spring and summer. Production was highest in winter, and mortality in spring. In summer, production and mortality values were the lowest for the year. Production values in autumn and spring were very similar. The vertical distribution of fine root biomass decreased with increasing depth except for the top 10–20 cm, where values were lower than immediately below. Production and mortality values were similar between 10 and 50 cm depth. In the 0–10 cm and the 50–60 cm depth intervals, both production and mortality were lower.  相似文献   

Freezing and thawing may alter element turnover and solute fluxes in soils by changing physical and biological soil properties. We simulated soil frost in replicated snow removal plots in a mountainous Norway spruce stand in the Fichtelgebirge area, Germany, and investigated N net mineralization, solute concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and of mineral ions (NH4+, NO3, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+). At the snow removal plots the minimum soil temperature was −5 °C at 5 cm depth, while the control plots were covered by snow and experienced no soil frost. The soil frost lasted for about 3 months and penetrated the soil to about 15 cm depth. In the 3 months after thawing, the in situ N net mineralization in the forest floor and upper mineral soil was not affected by soil frost. In late summer, NO3 concentrations increased in forest floor percolates and soil solutions at 20 cm soil depth in the snow removal plots relative to the control. The increase lasted for about 2–4 months at a time of low seepage water fluxes. Soil frost did not affect DOC concentrations and radiocarbon signatures of DOC. No specific frost effect was observed for K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ in soil solutions, however, the Na+ concentrations in the upper mineral soil increased. In the 12 months following snowmelt, the solute fluxes of N, DOC, and mineral ions were not influenced by the previous soil frost at any depth. Our experiment did not support the hypothesis that moderate soil frost triggers solute losses of N, DOC, and mineral ions from temperate forest soils.  相似文献   

漓江水陆交错带典型立地根系分布与土壤性质的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李青山  王冬梅  信忠保  李扬  任远 《生态学报》2014,34(8):2003-2011
研究根系与土壤关系是发掘河岸带生态退化等问题内在原因的重要途径。在漓江流域水陆交错带选取缓坡、陡坡、江心洲、人工岸坡4种典型立地类型,对不同土层深度的根长密度、根系生物量、比根长,以及根系特征与土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷的关系进行了研究,旨在为漓江流域生态修复过程中植被恢复、植被配置、快速绿化材料选取提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)同一立地类型0—10 cm土层和10—20 cm土层比根长差异性不显著。0—10 cm到10—20 cm土层,各立地类型根长密度和根系生物量密度均减小,但不同立地类型根长密度和根系生物量密度的差异程度逐渐缩小,表明地形、地表植物类型及生长状况对根长密度分布的影响也随土层深度的增加而逐渐减小。细根根长和生物量随着土壤深度的增加而减小。(2)土壤有机质含量差异性显著,分布规律为人工岸坡陡坡江心洲缓坡;土壤全氮含量从大到小依次是人工岸坡、陡坡、缓坡、江心洲,其值分别为:3.12、2.33、1.56、1.32 g/kg;土壤全氮与土壤有机质呈显著正相关。江心洲和缓坡有效磷含量远远大于人工岸坡和陡坡,原因是漓江水长期受人为洗漱影响,导致受江水干扰大的立地类型有效磷含量高。(3)根长密度、比根长、根系生物量与有机质、全氮含量呈正相关,与有效磷含量呈负相关,说明土壤根系越丰富,越有利于增加土壤有机质和全氮含量,但遏制了土壤有效磷。细根长度、生物量与根长密度在0.01水平(双侧)上显著正相关,与根系生物量密度呈负相关。  相似文献   

Global change is affecting primary productivity in forests worldwide, and this, in turn, will alter long‐term carbon (C) sequestration in wooded ecosystems. On one hand, increased primary productivity, for example, in response to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), can result in greater inputs of organic matter to the soil, which could increase C sequestration belowground. On other hand, many of the interactions between plants and microorganisms that determine soil C dynamics are poorly characterized, and additional inputs of plant material, such as leaf litter, can result in the mineralization of soil organic matter, and the release of soil C as CO2 during so‐called “priming effects”. Until now, very few studies made direct comparison of changes in soil C dynamics in response to altered plant inputs in different wooded ecosystems. We addressed this with a cross‐continental study with litter removal and addition treatments in a temperate woodland (Wytham Woods) and lowland tropical forest (Gigante forest) to compare the consequences of increased litterfall on soil respiration in two distinct wooded ecosystems. Mean soil respiration was almost twice as high at Gigante (5.0 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1) than at Wytham (2.7 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1) but surprisingly, litter manipulation treatments had a greater and more immediate effect on soil respiration at Wytham. We measured a 30% increase in soil respiration in response to litter addition treatments at Wytham, compared to a 10% increase at Gigante. Importantly, despite higher soil respiration rates at Gigante, priming effects were stronger and more consistent at Wytham. Our results suggest that in situ priming effects in wooded ecosystems track seasonality in litterfall and soil respiration but the amount of soil C released by priming is not proportional to rates of soil respiration. Instead, priming effects may be promoted by larger inputs of organic matter combined with slower turnover rates.  相似文献   

Biochar additions can improve soil fertility and sequester carbon, but biochar effects have been investigated primarily in agricultural systems. Biochar from spruce and maple sawdust feedstocks (with and without inorganic phosphorus in a factorial design) were added to plots in a commercially managed temperate hardwood forest stand in central Ontario, Canada; treatments were applied as a top‐dressing immediately prior to fall leaf abscission in September 2011. Forests in this region have acidic, sandy soils, and due to nitrogen deposition may exhibit phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium limitation. To investigate short‐term impacts of biochar application on soil nutrient supply and greenhouse gas fluxes as compared to phosphorus fertilization, data were collected over the first year after treatment application; linear mixed models were used to analyze data. Two to six weeks after treatment application, there were higher concentrations of potassium in spruce and maple biochar plots, and phosphorus in spruce biochar plots, as compared to the control treatment. There were higher concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in the phosphorus plots. In the following spring and summer (9–12 months after treatment application), there were higher soil calcium concentrations in maple biochar plots, and phosphorus plots still had higher soil phosphorus concentrations than control plots. No treatment effects on fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide were detected in the field; however, laboratory incubations after 12 months showed higher microbial respiration in soils from maple biochar plots as compared to spruce biochar, despite no effect on microbial biomass. The results suggest that the most important short‐term impact of biochar additions in this system is the increased supply of the limiting plant nutrients phosphorus and calcium. We expect that larger changes in mineral soil physical and chemical properties will occur when the surface‐applied biochar becomes incorporated into the soil after a few years.  相似文献   

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