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Summary The behaviour of arctic fox Alopex lagopus pups was studied in 51 in two regions of southern Scandinavia (60 and 63°N) and in 51 on the western coast of Svalbard (79°N). In Scandinavia, observations were made both in years of high and low abundance of food (i.e. voles and lemmings). No rodents live on the western coast of Svalbard, where foxes depend mainly on sea birds. Pups were on average lying nearly half the time, with explore and play fight next in frequency. Pups in a year of decreasing or low lemming abundance rested more outside the den, rested more overall, and less frequently indulged in exploration or play fighting than pups in years of higher abundance of voles and lemmings. They also began following adults at an early age and abandoned their natal den earlier. Svalbard pups were intermediate in several respects, but they regularly abandoned their natal den at the age of about 1 1/2 months. Pups at dens were active 24% of daytime hours (08.00–20.00) and 31% of nighttime hours (20.00–08.00).  相似文献   

Here, we report from the first direct observation of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) intrusion on an arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) breeding den from the southern Arctic tundra of Yamal Peninsula, Russia in 2007. At the same time, as a current range retraction of the original inhabitant of the circumpolar tundra zone the arctic fox is going on, the red fox is expanding their range from the south into arctic habitats. Thus, within large parts of the northern tundra areas the two species are sympatric which gives opportunities for direct interactions including interference competition. However, direct first-hand observations of such interactions are rare, especially in the Russian Arctic. In the present study, we observed one red fox taking over an arctic fox breeding den which resulted in den abandonment by the arctic fox. On July 19, eight arctic fox pups were observed on the den before the red fox was observed on the same den July 22. The pups were never seen at the den or elsewhere after the red fox was observed on the den for as long as we stayed in the area (until August 10). Our observation supports the view that direct interference with red fox on breeding dens may contribute to the range retraction of arctic foxes from the southern limits of the Arctic tundra in Russia.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal, territoriality and reproductive success can have a major impact on the range, genetics and risk of extinction of a population. The proportions of animals that disperse have often been investigated, but not their fate. We have studied the lifetime reproductive success of arctic foxes that successfully emigrated, travelled and settled. Of these, some settled in the vicinity of their natal site as residents and some immigrated from other areas, i.e. short- and long-range dispersers respectively. We found no sex bias in migration patterns. In presaturation years, more immigrants than residents settled. Immigrant females had higher reproductive success than resident females. There was strong support for the ultimate hypothesis of Competition For Resources (CFR), but not for the hypotheses of Competition For Mates (CFM), Resident Fitness (RFH) and Inbreeding Avoidance (IA). Our data on arctic foxes could not be fully explained by any of four proximate hypotheses. We suggest that the reason is that dispersal and establishment should be considered as state dependent life history characteristics of individuals rather than population averages.  相似文献   

It was shown that in the years when the numbers of the Arctic foxes are high, even though the lemming numbers are high as well, Brent geese nest considerably closer to owls’ nests than in the years with low Arctic fox numbers. At values of the Arctic fox densities greater than one breeding pair per 20 km2, the factor of lemming numbers ceases to affect the distance between owl and geese nests. This distance becomes dependent on the Arctic fox density (numbers). When the Arctic fox density is greater than the pronounced threshold, the owl-Brent internest distance is inversely and linearly related to the Arctic fox density.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic fragmentation of habitat and populations is recognized as one of the most important factors influencing loss of biodiversity. Since it is difficult to quantify demographic parameters in small populations, we need alternative methods to elucidate important factors affecting the viability of local populations. The Fennoscandian arctic fox inhabits a naturally fragmented alpine tundra environment, but historic anthropogenic impacts have further fragmented its distribution. After almost 80 yr of protection, the population remains critically endangered. Both intrinsic factors (related to the isolation and size of sub‐populations) and extrinsic factors (related to environmental conditions influencing patch quality and interspecific competition) have been proposed as explanations for the lack of population growth. To distinguish between these hypotheses, we conducted a spatially explicit analysis that compares areas where the species has persisted with areas where it has become locally extinct. We used characteristics of the fragments of alpine tundra habitat and individual arctic fox breeding dens (including both currently active dens and historically active dens) within the fragments to evaluate the importance of habitat characteristics and connectivity in explaining variation in persistence within a fragment. The number of reproductive events in a fragment was related to the size of the fragment, but not more than expected following a 1:1 relationship, suggesting little effect of fragment size on the relative number of reproductions. The likelihood of a den being used for breeding was positively associated with factors minimising interspecific competition as well as increasing within‐fragment connectivity. These results support the idea that the failure of Fennoscandian arctic fox to recover is caused by demographic factors that can be related to fine‐scale Allee or Allee‐like effects, as well as environmental influences related to increased competition and exclusion by red foxes.  相似文献   

Animal movement is a fundamental process shaping ecosystems at multiple levels, from the fate of individuals to global patterns of biodiversity. The spatio‐temporal dynamic of food resources is a major driver of animal movement and generates patterns ranging from range residency to migration and nomadism. Arctic tundra predators face a strongly fluctuating environment marked by cyclic microtine populations, high seasonality, and the potential availability of sea ice, which gives access to marine resources in winter. This type of relatively poor and highly variable environment can promote long‐distance movements and resource tracking in mobile species. Here, we investigated the winter movements of the arctic fox, a major tundra predator often described as a seasonal migrant or nomad. We used six years of Argos satellite telemetry data collected on 66 adults from Bylot Island (Nunavut, Canada) tracked during the sea ice period. We hypothesized that long‐distance movements would be influenced by spatio‐temporal changes in resource availability and individual characteristics. Despite strong annual and seasonal changes in resource abundance and distribution, we found that a majority of individuals remained resident, especially those located in an area characterized by highly predictable pulse resources (goose nesting colony) and abundant cached food items (eggs). Foxes compensated terrestrial food shortage by commuting to the sea ice rather than using long‐distance tracking or moving completely onto the sea ice for winter. Individual characteristics also influenced movement patterns: age positively influenced the propensity to engage in nomadism, suggesting older foxes may be driven out of their territories. Our results show how these mammalian predators can adjust their movement patterns to favor range residency despite strong spatio‐temporal fluctuations in food resources. Understanding the movement responses of predators to prey dynamics helps identifying the scales at which they work, which is a critical aspect of the functioning and connectivity among meta‐ecosystems.  相似文献   

Changing energy requirements and dramatic shifts in food availability are major factors driving behaviour and distribution of herbivores. We investigate this in wintering East Canadian High Arctic light-bellied brent geese Branta bernicla hrota in Northern Ireland. They followed a sequential pattern of habitat use, feeding on intertidal Zostera spp. in autumn and early winter before moving to predominantly saltmarsh and farmland in late winter and early spring. Night-time feeding occurred throughout and made a considerable contribution to the birds' daily energy budget, at times accounting for >50% of energy intake. Nocturnal feeding, however, is limited to the intertidal, possibly because of predation risk on terrestrial habitat, and increases with moonlight. The amount of Zostera spp., declined dramatically after the arrival of birds, predominantly, but not entirely, due to consumption by the birds. Birds gained fat reserves in the first 2 months but then this was dramatically lost as their major food source collapsed and their daily energy intake declined. Single birds consistently fared worse than paired birds and pairs with juveniles fared better than those without suggesting a benefit of having a family to compete for food. Many birds leave the Lough at this time of reduced Zostera spp. for other sea inlets in Ireland but some remain. Body condition of the latter gradually improved in early spring and reflected a heavy reliance on terrestrial habitats, particularly farmland, to meet the birds' daily energy requirements. However, even in the period immediately before migration to the breeding ground, the birds did not regain the amount of abdominal fatness observed in November. The dramatic changes in available food and requirements of the birds drive the major changes seen in foraging behaviour as the birds evade starvation in the wintering period.  相似文献   

Responses of breeding duck populations to changes in food supply   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
We describe the main results of a monitoring study at Lake Myvatn, northern Iceland, begun in 1975. The aims were to find factors that limit production of young and cause changes in density of breeding ducks of several species. We estimated numbers of ducks in spring, before nesting, numbers of ducklings produced, and numbers moulting. Chironomid and simuliid dipterans were monitored with window traps. In all duck species studied, production of young was correlated with food abundance. Reproductive performance determined subsequent changes in spring population density of Eurasian Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Greater Scaup, Common Scoter and Harlequin Duck. The spring population of Barrow's Goldeneye apparently did not respond to variation in reproductive success. Moulting numbers of male Tufted Duck were related to chironomid abundance, but not those of Scaup and Barrow's Goldeneye. Moulting numbers were not associated with previous reproductive output.  相似文献   

The present work describes the association between environmental variables and reproductive seasonality in wild femaleCtenomys talarum Thomas, 1898. We assessed monthly variation in external reproductive features and vaginal smears of free-living females over a year-long period. We examined the relationship between frequency of lactating and pregnant females and temperature, plant biomass, plant water content, and rainfall (same month and 1 month prior) using path analysis. About 80% of the variance in the occurrence of pregnancy was explained by the model that included all of the above mentioned variables. Temperature had a direct negative effect on pregnancy. However, temperature had a positive effect on pregnancy through plant-water content and thus, positively influenced frequency of pregnancy. Although plant biomass was correlated with plant-water content, plant biomass had no significant effect on frequency of pregnancy. There were no effects (direct or indirect) of rainfall on pregnancy. The combination of vaginal smears and external features from free-living and autopsied females showed that reproductive activities occurred when new plant tissues were more abundant. Thus, enhanced energetic demands during gestation and lactation were assured. Moreover, births occurred when ambient temperatures provided a favorable thermal environment for pups that demonstrated poor thermoregulatory abilities during their initial phase of development.  相似文献   

The circumpolar arctic fox Alopex lagopus thrives in cold climates and has a high migration rate involving long-distance movements. Thus, it differs from many temperate taxa that were subjected to cyclical restriction in glacial refugia during the Ice Ages. We investigated population history and genetic structure through mitochondrial control region variation in 191 arctic foxes from throughout the arctic. Several haplotypes had a Holarctic distribution and no phylogeographical structure was found. Furthermore, there was no difference in haplotype diversity between populations inhabiting previously glaciated and unglaciated regions. This suggests current gene flow among the studied populations, with the exception of those in Iceland, which is surrounded by year-round open water. Arctic foxes have often been separated into two ecotypes: 'lemming' and 'coastal'. An analysis of molecular variance suggested particularly high gene flow among populations of the 'lemming' ecotype. This could be explained by their higher migration rate and reduced fitness in migrants between ecotypes. A mismatch analysis indicated a sudden expansion in population size around 118 000 BP, which coincides with the last interglacial. We propose that glacial cycles affected the arctic fox in a way opposite to their effect on temperate species, with interglacials leading to short-term isolation in northern refugia.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 79–89.  相似文献   

Investigating macro-geographical genetic structures of animal populations is crucial to reconstruct population histories and to identify significant units for conservation. This approach may also provide information about the intraspecific flexibility of social systems. We investigated the history and current structure of a large number of populations in the communally breeding Bechstein's bat ( Myotis bechsteinii ). Our aim was to understand which factors shape the species' social system over a large ecological and geographical range. Using sequence data from one coding and one noncoding mitochondrial DNA region, we identified the Balkan Peninsula as the main and probably only glacial refugium of the species in Europe. Sequence data also suggest the presence of a cryptic taxon in the Caucasus and Anatolia. In a second step, we used seven autosomal and two mitochondrial microsatellite loci to compare population structures inside and outside of the Balkan glacial refugium. Central European and Balkan populations both were more strongly differentiated for mitochondrial DNA than for nuclear DNA, had higher genetic diversities and lower levels of relatedness at swarming (mating) sites than in maternity (breeding) colonies, and showed more differentiation between colonies than between swarming sites. All these suggest that populations are shaped by strong female philopatry, male dispersal, and outbreeding throughout their European range. We conclude that Bechstein's bats have a stable social system that is independent from the postglacial history and location of the populations. Our findings have implications for the understanding of the benefits of sociality in female Bechstein's bats and for the conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

We studied the nestling diet and the foraging performance of Great Tits in relation to prey abundance in the field. Numerous experimental studies present data on foraging decisions in captive Great Tits. Little is, however, known about prey selection in the field in relation to the food available and the consequences this has for the food delivery rate to nestlings. Since the foraging performance of the parents is one of the main determinants of fledging weight and juvenile survival, foraging behaviour is an important part of Great Tit reproduction. During the early breeding season up to 75% of the prey biomass delivered to the nestlings were spiders, which is in contrast with other studies. Only when caterpillars reached a size of 10–12 mg (approximately the average size of the spiders caught at that time) did the Great Tits change their preferences and 80–90% of the delivered prey masses were caterpillars, as reported by other authors. This 'switching' between prey occurred within a few days. It was not related to the changes in abundance but to size of caterpillars. The rate at which caterpillars were delivered to the nestlings (in mg/nestling/h) was strongly correlated with the caterpillar biomass available (in mg/m of branches) and nestling growth rate was significantly influenced by the mass of available caterpillars. The results provide evidence why perfect timing of breeding is so important for the Great Tit, and contribute to the understanding of the causal link between food supply, growth and breeding success.  相似文献   

Global climate change affects ecosystems via several trophic levels. We investigated changes in the timing of breeding in the willow tit (Poecile montanus) and timing of its caterpillar food resource in relation to warming springs in a boreal forest. We used generalized linear mixed effect models to study the importance of synchrony between the timing of breeding in willow tits and the caterpillar food availability on the breeding success, measured as nestling survival rate and mean nestling weight. Both the timing of breeding and the timing of the caterpillar peak advanced during the last decades, and were well explained by spring temperatures. Unlike in most passerine populations studied, synchrony has improved with rising spring temperatures. However, it had only a modest although statistically significant positive influence on breeding success. Spring temperatures do not seem to be used as cues for the timing of caterpillar food availability by willow tits. We conclude that responses to climatic warming seem to be population, species and habitat specific, necessitating research in a wide range of taxa in different climatic zones.  相似文献   

Captive breeding programs aim to maintain populations that are demographically self-sustaining and genetically healthy. It has been well documented that the best way for managed breeding programs to retain gene diversity (GD) and limit inbreeding is to select breeding pairs that minimize a population's average kinship. We used a series of computer simulations to test 4 methods of minimizing average kinship across a variety of scenarios with varying generation lengths, mortality rates, reproductive rates, and rates of breeding pair success. "Static MK Selection" and "Dynamic MK Selection" are 2 methods for iteratively selecting genetically underrepresented individuals for breeding, whereas "Ranked MK Selection" and "Simultaneous MK Selection" are 2 methods for concurrently selecting the group of breeding individuals that produce offspring with the lowest average kinship. For populations with discrete generations (24 tested scenarios), we found that the Simultaneous and Ranked MK Selection methods were generally the best, nearly equivalent methods for selecting breeding pairs that retained GD and limited inbreeding. For populations with overlapping generations (198 tested scenarios), we found that Dynamic MK Selection was the most robust method for selecting breeding pairs. We used these results to provide guidelines for identifying which method of minimizing average kinship was most appropriate for various breeding program scenarios.  相似文献   

D. W. YALDEN 《Ibis》1986,128(1):23-36
The diet of the Common Sandpiper, as studied by faecal analysis, includes a wide variety of prey, the majority of which are of terrestrial rather than of aquatic origin. Observation of feeding activity confirms that much time is spent feeding in grassland, although shingly river edges are also important. The feeding activity of young chicks is also largely confined to wet grassy areas, but older chicks feed almost entirely along the  相似文献   

Both mass (as a measure of body reserves) during breeding and adult survival should reflect variation in food availability. Those species that are adapted to less seasonally variable foraging niches and so where competition dominates during breeding, will tend to have a higher mass increase via an interrupted foraging response, because their foraging demands increase and so become more unpredictable. They will then produce few offspring per breeding attempt, but trade this off with higher adult survival. In contrast, those species that occupy a more seasonal niche will not gain mass because foraging remains predictable, as resources become superabundant during breeding. They can also produce more offspring per breeding attempt, but with a trade-off with reduced adult survival. We tested whether the then predicted positive correlation between levels of mass gained during seasonal breeding and adult survival was present across 40 species of tropical bird measured over a 10-year period in a West African savannah. We showed that species with a greater seasonal mass increase had higher adult survival, controlling for annual mass variation (i.e. annual variation in absolute food availability) and variation in the timing of peak mass (i.e. annual predictability of food availability), clutch size, body size, migratory status and phylogeny. Our results support the hypothesis that the degree of seasonal mass variation in birds is probably an indication of life history adaptation: across tropical bird species it may therefore be possible to use mass gain during breeding as an index of adult survival.  相似文献   

Despite strong links between sociality and fitness that ultimately affect the size of animal populations, the particular social and ecological factors that lead to endangerment are not well understood. Here, we synthesize approximately 25 years of data and present new analyses that highlight dynamics in forest composition, food availability, the nutritional quality of food, disease, physiological stress and population size of endangered folivorous red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus). There is a decline in the quality of leaves 15 and 30 years following two previous studies in an undisturbed area of forest. The consumption of a low-quality diet in one month was associated with higher glucocorticoid levels in the subsequent month and stress levels in groups living in degraded forest fragments where diet was poor was more than twice those in forest groups. In contrast, forest composition has changed and when red colobus food availability was weighted by the protein-to-fibre ratio, which we have shown positively predicts folivore biomass, there was an increase in the availability of high-quality trees. Despite these changing social and ecological factors, the abundance of red colobus has remained stable, possibly through a combination of increasing group size and behavioural flexibility.  相似文献   

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