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The development of the head — especially of the head structures which show traces of a metameric origin — is described. These structures confirm that the head of Carausius consists of an acron and six segments. The development of the thorax and legs confirm Weber's subcoxal theory.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Natürliche und synthetische Abscisinsäure wird in Explantaten, Blattstiel- und Internodialsegmenten von Coleus rheneltianus transportiert.In jüngeren Pflanzenteilen erfolgt der Transport vorwiegend oder ausschließlich basipetal, während in älteren Organteilen auch eine erhebliche akropetale Wanderung stattfindet. Eine Bestimmung der Transportgeschwindigkeit ergab für synthetische Abscisinsäure in älteren Blattstielsegmenten ungefähr 24–36 mm/h.
Transport of abscisic acid in explants, petiole and internode segments of Coleus rheneltianus
Summary Synthetic or natural abscisic acid isolated from tomato fruits is transported in explants, petiole and internode segments from Coleus rheneltianus.Transport in segments and explants from younger parts (2nd node or internode) is mainly basipetal. In older parts (segments and explants from 5th nodes or internodes) translocation in acropetal direction is nearly of the same order of magnitude as in basipetal direction.The velocity of transport of synthetic absisic acid was investigated in petiole segments from 5th nodes and was found to be approximately 24 to 36 mm/h.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Hans Söding in Dankbarkeit zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Bild des Pinealorgans vonSalmo gairdneri kann man drei verschiedene Außengliedtypen der Photorezeptoren unterscheiden. Diese Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf die Ultrastrukturkonzepte von Rüdeberg (1969) und Bergmann (1971) diskutiert. Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Studien erleichtern die anatomische Klassifizierung von pinealen Sinneszellen aufgrund ihrer Außengliedform.
Scanning electron microscopic observations of pineal photoreceptor cells in the trout,Salmo gairdneri (teleostei)
Summary The outer segments of pineal photoreceptor cells ofSalmo gairdneri were investigated with the scanning electron microscope. The scanning electron micrographs showed three different types of outer segments. These results are discussed with respect to the ultrastructural concepts of Rüdeberg (1969) and Bergmann (1971). Scanning electron microscopy permits better anatomical classification of pineal photoreceptor cells according to the form of their outer segments.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. A. Oksche). Herrn Prof. Dr. G. Pfefferkorn, Direktor des Instituts für Medizinische Physik an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, danke ich für einen Arbeitsplatz am Rasterelektronenmikroskop, Herrn Prof. Dr. H. G. Fromme, Münster, für die Unterstützung bei der präparativen Aufbereitung des Materials.  相似文献   

Résumé Pendant la période de reproduction, les néphrons du rein de l'Epinoche mâle subissent d'importantes modifications de structure sous l'action des hormones sexuelles. Au niveau de chacun d'entre eux, se différencient deux segments distincts par leur fonction et par leur cytologie. Le segment urinaire, très court, est formé de cellules identiques à celles du jeune, qui remplissent leur fonction d'excrétion. Le segment glandulaire, plus volumineux, subit une transformation muqueuse et élabore une sécrétion qui sert à construire le nid. L'évolution de ces deux segments est étudiée au cours de la période de reproduction et les modifications cytologiques correspondantes sont décrites.
Fine structure of the kidney of the three-spined-stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeate L.) during its mucous transformation
Summary Under the action of sexual hormones the nephrons of the kidney of the male three-spined-stickleback undergo considerable transformations during the breeding period. They differentiate into two segments which differ from one another in function and cytology. The cells of the urinary segment are identical to those of the young fish. They have an excretory function. The glandular segment undergoes a mucous transformation and synthesizes a secretion which is used for the building of the nest. The cytological transformations occuring at the level of these two segments during the breeding period are described with special attention to the mucous cells.

A fourth species ofSclerorhachis, S. leptoclada Rech. f., has been discovered in S. Khorasan. It differs from the three known species by its tender habit, rosette leaves with few short segments, extremely reduced stem leaves, and very small heads.Sclerorhachis with its four vicarious species confined to the most arid parts of the Iranian highlands is believed to belong to the paleoxeromorphics (Rechinger 1952).
Florae Iranicae praecursores 22.  相似文献   

G. Teuchert 《Zoomorphology》1976,83(2):193-207
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Feinstruktur von drei Sinneseinrichtungen untersucht, die am Vorderende vonTurbanella cornuta (Gastrotricha) liegen.DieSinneshaare sind primÄre und bipolare Sinneszellen mit einer apikalen Zilie, die von Stereozilien umgeben wird. Dashintere Kopfsinnesorgan enthÄlt 12–14 primÄre, bipolare Sinneszellen, die mit einigen Becherzellen gemeinsam ein extrazellulÄres Organlumen umstellen. In das Lumen münden die an ihren Enden aufgezweigten Dendriten ein. Bei demvorderen Kopfsinnesorgan münden zwei Dendriten in ein Organlumen ein und spalten sich in viele regelmÄ\ige Mikrovilli auf, die jeweils einen Innentubulus enthalten. Die Dendriten der beiden letzteren Sinnesorgane besitzen eine Züienregion.Es ist anzunehmen, da\ die drei Arten von Sinneseinrichtungen verschiedene Funktionen haben. Es wird diskutiert, ob den Sinneshaaren möglicherweise eine mechanorezeptive Funktion, den hinteren Kopfsinnesorganen eine chemorezeptive Funktion und den vorderen Kopfsinnesorganen eine Lichtsinnesfunktion zukommt.
Sensory devices inTurbanella cornuta remane (Gastrotricha)
Summary At the head ofTurbanella cornuta (Gastrotricha) three types of sensory devices are recognized.Thesensory hairs are primary and bipolar cells with an apical cilium that is surrounded by sterocilia. Theposterior sense organ of the head contains 12–14 primary and bipolar sensory cells. These cells and some secretory cells form an extracellular lumen, where the dendrits of sensory cells penetrate with several swallen terminals. Concerning theanterior sense organ of the head two dendrits penetrate into a common lumen and branch out into a lot of regular microvilli, each of which contains one single microtubule. The dendrits of the anterior and posterior sense organs are separated into an inner and an outer segment by a ciliar region.Probably the described sensory devices are coordinated to different functions. It is discussed wheather the sensory hairs have a mechanical function, the posterior sense organs of the head have a chemical function and the anterior sense organs of the head are sensitive to light.

Zusammenfassung 1. Ein neuer Polychaet,Parapodrilus psammophilus nov. gen. nov. spec., wurde im Eulitoral der Nordsseinsel Sylt entdeckt.2. Körperform, Größe und Gliederung dieses Interstitialbewohners zeigen gewisse Beziehungen zur Familie Dinophilidae der Archiannelida.3. Die Existenz einästiger, mit Borsten und Aciculae versehener Parapodien unterscheidet die neue Art jedoch scharf von allen Genera der Dinophilidae. Der Mangel eines für die Archianneliden typischen muskulösen Schlundsackes macht darüber hinaus die Einreihung in diese Gruppe problematisch.4. Der Verfasser beschränkt sich daher vorläufig auf eine Beschreibung des neuen Polychaeten und auf eine kurze Diagnose der neuen Gattung. Die Einordnung in das System der Polychaeta bleibt einer eingehenderen anatomischen Untersuchung vorbehalten.
Parapodrilus psammophilus nov. gen. nov. spec., a new polychaete genus from the mesopsammal of the North Sea
A new polychaete genus,Parapodrilus psammophilus, is described on the basis of individuals caught in the sandy interstitial zone on the island Sylt (North Sea, German Bight). The main features of the new polychaete are: length up to 650µm; body divided into a prostomium (without any appendages), 7 segments and pygidium; segments 3 to 6 carry simple parapods as well as setae and aciculae.

The origin of the neuroblasts and their further development is investigated as to the arrangement and formation of functional groups. These groups are visible mainly in the protocerebrum with its highly developed centers. Moreover the development of brain-parts and -structures is described. These researches finally allow some remarks concerning head segmentation.
Die embryogenese des gehirns paurometaboler insekten untersuchungen an Carausius morosus und Periplaneta americana

Inauguraldissertation der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universitat Stuttgart (TH).  相似文献   

Summary Prometaphasic chromosomes of Gorilla, Homo and Pan are compared, using R, Q, T and H-bands techniques in complement of a previous work (Lejeune et al., 1973). Various mechanisms of chromosomal rearrangements are demonstrated with particular reference to heterochromatic segments. Some phylogenic conclusions are proposed.
Zusammenfassung Prometaphase-Chromosomen von Gorilla, Mensch und Schimpanse werden mit hilfe der R-, Q-, T- und H-Bandentechnik verglichen; frühere Arbeiten (Lejeune et al., 1973) werden dadurch ergänzt. Verschiedene Mechanismen von Chromosomen-Rearrangements werden dargestellt; dabei finden die Heterochromatin-Segmente besondere Beachtung. Einige phylogenetische Folgerungen werden gezogen.

Travail de l'E.R.A. no 47 du C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei Calliphora vicina und Periplaneta americana wurde mit Hilfe experimentell erzeugter anterograder Degeneration der Verlauf von Axonen antennaler Rezeptorzellen im Oberschlundganglion verfolgt. Nach Abtrennen einer Antennengeißel (die beiden proximalen Segmente bleiben intakt) findet man degenerierte Nervenfortsätze in den Glomeruli des ipsilateralen Deutocerebrum. Bei Calliphora laufen viele dieser Axone über eine Bahn dorsal des Oesophagus in die Glomeruli des contralateralen Deutocerebrum. Ein großer Ast des Antennennerven Calliphora zieht vorbei an der Region der Glomeruli in posteriore Regionen des Oberschlundganglions. Nach Abtrennen der ganzen Antenne einschließlich der proximalen Segmente findet sich in diesem Trakt eine große Zahl degenerierter Axone. Die Synapsen in der Region der Glomeruli ähneln anderen Synapsen, wie sie im Zentralnervensystem von Insekten bisher beschrieben wurden.
Sensory inputs and synaptic connections in the insect CNSExperimental degeneration in the antennal afferent pathway in the supraoesophageal ganglia of flies and cockroaches
Summary Pathways of axons from antennal receptor organs into the brain have been traced by means of anterograde experimental degeneration in Calliphora vicina and Periplaneta americana. After removal of one antennal flagellum (with the two proximal segments left intact) degenerating nervous processes were found in the glomeruli of the ipsilateral deutocerebrum. In Calliphora a great number of these axons run via a pathway dorsal to the oesophagus into the glomeruli of the contralateral deutocerebrum. A big branch of the antennal nerve of Calliphora runs toward a posterior region of the brain bypassing the glomerular region. After removal of the whole antenna including the proximal segments degenerations can be seen also in this branch on the ipsilateral side. The synapses in the glomerular region of the deutocerebrum resemble other central synapses in insects described so far (electron dense cleft, often ribbon-like dense structures within the presynaptic element near or at the synaptic membrane, clear vesicles etc.).
Mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds für die wissenschaftliche Forschung Nr. 3807.  相似文献   

Changes in the behavior of crawling leeches were investigated after various kinds of manipulations, including selective transection or inactivation of body parts, as well as partial or complete transection of the central nerve cord, using a frame-by-frame analysis of video tapes of the crawling animals. From these studies, we found that: 1. Leeches made rhythmic crawling cycles even after their suckers were prevented from contacting the substrate by covering them over with glue. Hence, engagement and disengagement of the suckers are not necessary links in the crawling cycle. 2. Cutting the small, medial connective (Faivre's nerve) had no influence on crawling, but contraction during the whole-body shortening reflex was interrupted. Thus two behaviors which use the same motor output (i.e., whole-body shortening and the contraction phase of crawling) are mediated by two different pathways. 3. Cutting all the connectives between two ganglia in the middle of the leech resulted in a loss of coordination between the parts of the animal on either side of the cut. Therefore, temporally coordinated sucker activity must be mediated through these connectives. 4. Pieces of leech bodies produced by complete transection produced rhythmic crawling cycles as long as the pieces included the head or tail plus 2–4 adjacent midbody segments. In all cases, the crawling movements progressed without delays as the movements reached the cut ends. Pieces of animals that included only midbody segments did not produce crawling movements. 5. These results can be explained by a model composed of intersegmental pathways for both elongation and contraction, circuits in the head and tail brains that switch between elongation and contraction, and both ascending and descending inhibitory influences that determine when the cycle switches from elongation to contraction and back again.Abbreviations C1-C7 caudal segments 1 through 7 (comprise the tail sucker) - Circ. circular muscle(s) - CD circular element driver - CPG central pattern generator - ED elongation element driver - El elongation - El init initiation of elongation - FN Faivre's nerve - fs + front sucker attachment - s— front sucker release - Long longitudinal muscle(s) - M1-M21 midbody segments 1 through 21 - R1-R4 rostral segments 1 through 4 (comprise the head) - rs + rear sucker attachment - rs rear sucker release - Sens sensory input - SR stretch receptors(s) - ti tonic inhibition  相似文献   

Summary Light promotes the acropetal movement of 2-[14C]ABA through root segments of Phaseolus coccineus L. The promotion occurs only when the segments are irradited during the transport period. Red light and blue light are as effective as white light. There is no significant promotion when the segments are irradiated with green light or when they are kept in darkness during the transport period after preceding light treatment. Light has no effect on basipetal ABA-transport.
Abkürzungen ABA Abscisinsäure - D Dunkel - GA Gibberellinsäure - IAA Indolessigsäure - L Licht - PPO Diphenyloxazol  相似文献   

Noriko Yamasaki 《Chromosoma》1971,33(4):372-381
The somatic metaphase chromosomes of Cypripedium debile and Trillium kamtschaticum are stained differentially by treatment with an acetic orcein-hydrochloric acid mixture: In Cypripedium, the heterochromatic segments stain densely whereas the euchromatic segments are unstained. In Trillium, in contrast, the heterochromatic segments are unstained and euchromatin is stained. Such an inconsistency in stain patterns is considered to stem from different species-specific reactivity of heterochromatin and euchromatin to hydrochloric acid in the staining medium.—In metaphase chromosomes of Cypripedium stained with fast green (Alfert and Geschwind, 1953), the euchromatic segments are stained positively, whereas the heterochromatin, as well as the chromocenters, are unstained. In Trillium, all heterochromatin, euchromatin and chromocenter are stained homogeneously by this method. These results indicate that the heterochromatic segments and chromocenters in Cypripedium are associated with non-histon type proteins, whereas the euchromatic segments in Cypripedium, as well as two different types of the segments and the chromocenters in Trillium, are all bound to histon type proteins. — From these findings, it is concluded that two types of heterochromatin occur in plant materials, though it remains unsettled whether they correspond to - and -heterochromatin as found in Dipteran giant chromosomes.—Karyotype analysis is made on the basis of the differential staining pattern of chromosomes revealed by means of acetic orcein-hydrochloric procedure.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das positive allornetrische Wachstum von Pedipalpen und Laufbeinen vonT. froesi wird demonstriet. Die Zahl der Tibialdornen an der Tibia wird vom vierten Stadium an reduziert bis nur noch die Dornen übrigbleiben, die die terminale Greifschere bilden. Das 1. Beinpaar wächst isometrisch, und die Zahl der Fühlerbeinsegmente bleibt vom 2. Stadium an nahezu konstant. Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Damoniae Simon 1936 und Phrynichinae Simon 1892 in der Familie Phrynichidae zusammenzufassen.
Postembryonic growth inTrichodamon froesi mello leitao (Amblypygi, Arachnida)
Summary Positive allometric growth of pedipalps and walking legs is demonstrated inT. froesi. From the fourth instar onward, the number of spines on the pedipalp tibia is reduced, and finally only those which participate in the formation of the pincers remain. The first legs grow isometrically, and the number of antenniform leg segments remains nearly constant from the second instar onward. It is suggested that the subfamilies Damoninae Simon 1936 and Phrynichinae Simon 1892 belong to a single family, the Phrynichidae.

Phylogenetic, morphological, and developmental data concerning the Arthropoda are reviewed and discussed with the aim of reconstructing the ancestral body plan of the mandibulate arthropods (Myriapoda, Hexapoda, Crustacea). Comparative morphology as well as embryology of malacostracans and hexapods (cell-lineages, patterns of mitotic domains, patterns of en-stripe formation, expression zones of pair-rule, homeotic, and gap-like genes) suggest that (a) the basic boundary subdividing the mandibulate body into the primary embryonic regions, anterior protocephalon and posterior protocorm, runs anteriorly to parasegment PS1 (=within the mandibular segment); (b) protocephalon (pregnathal region) probably is not a unitary body region; (c) maxillary segments are closely related to the postgnathal trunk segments; (d) the “typical” mandibulate head (pregnathal-mandibular-maxillary) is not developed in all Mandibulata and has evolved several times in parallel; and (e) postcephalic tagmosis is much less conserved, and probably more recent, than tagmosis of more anterior areas. The arachnomorphan anterior tagma, the prosoma, is compared with the hypothesized ancestral mandibulate head.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Die beiden im deutschen Küstenraum lebenden Archianneliden-Arten der GattungTrilobodrilus werden vergleichend dargestellt.2.T. heideri Remane aus dem Sublitoral von Helgoland erhält eine ergänzende Beschreibung.3.T. axi nov. spec. wird als neue Art aus dem Eulitoral von Sylt beschrieben.4. Die Artidentität der bisherigen Funde vonT. heideri wird diskutiert.5. Es wird auf die weitgehende Übereinstimmung vonT. heideri undT. nipponicus Uchida & Okuda hingewiesen.
The genustrilobodrilus (archiannelida, polychaeta) from the German coast of the North Sea
A comparison betweenT. heideri Remane from the sublittoral zone near the island Helgoland andT. axi nov. spec. from the sandy eulittoral zone of the island Sylt is presented. The two species, having very similar appearance, are separated by the size, the form of the prostomium, the number of segments and the form of the glands in the epidermis. It is most probable that allT. heideri hitherto described for eulittoral habitats are identical withT. axi.

Zusammenjassung Es kann festgestellt werden, daß Untersuchungen der mikroskopischen Anatomic adulter Phoronis ijimai, Oka eine Eigenständigkeit des Epistoms sowie des zu diesem Körperteil gehörenden Coeloms ergeben. Ph. ijimai besitzt also eine archimere Gliederung. Der vorderste Abschnitt, das Epistom, kann mit dem Prosoma, sein Coelom mit dem Axocoel des Archicoelomatenbauplans homologisiert werden. Entsprechend sind die folgenden Körperabschnitte homolog mit Mesosoma and Metasoma resp. Hydrocoel und Somatocoel.Die Archicoelomaten-Natur der Phoronidea ist damit auch im Hinblick auf die Körpergliederung sicher.
Morphological investigations about the Archicoelomate-ProblemI. The body segmentation in Phoronis ijimai Oka (Phoronidea)
Summary Investigations of the microscopic anatomy in adult Phoronis ijimai Oka can be said to reveal autonomy of the epistome and of the coelom belonging to this section of the body. Ph. ijimai thus possesses an archimeric segmentation. The front section, the epistome can be compared to the prosoma, its coelom to the axocoel in archicoelomate structure. In the same way the succeeding segments are comparable with mesosoma and metasoma or hydrocoel and somatocoel respectively.Allocation of Phoronidae to the Archicoelomates is thus also justified by the body segmentation.

Segmentation, i.e. the subdivision of the body into serially homologous units, is one of the hallmarks of the arthropods. Arthropod segmentation is best understood in the fly Drosophila melanogaster. But different from the situation in most arthropods in this species all segments are formed from the early blastoderm (so called long-germ developmental mode). In most other arthropods only the anterior segments are formed in a similar way (so called short-germ developmental mode). Posterior segments are added one at a time or in pairs of two from a posterior segment addition zone. The segmentation mechanisms are not universally conserved among arthropods and only little is known about the genetic patterning of the anterior segments. Here we present the expression patterns of the insect head patterning gene orthologs hunchback (hb), orthodenticle (otd), buttonhead-like (btdl), collier (col), cap-n-collar (cnc) and crocodile (croc), and the trunk gap gene Krüppel (Kr) in the myriapod Glomeris marginata. Conserved expression of these genes in insects and a myriapod suggests that the anterior segmentation system may be conserved in at least these two classes of arthropods. This finding implies that the anterior patterning mechanism already existed in the last common ancestor of insects and myriapods.  相似文献   

Continuing our study about Echinops (Kruse & Meusel 1969) several species of the genera Acantholepis, Xeranthemum, Chardinia, Siebera, Amphoricarpus are analysed as to their leaf sequence. Acantholepis is very similar to Echinops. The single florets of the head are surrounded by bractlets. The teethes of the upper foliage leaves and of the outer involucral bracts are corresponding to segments of a pinnatifid leaf of Echinops. The other genera have foliage leaves with entire margins. The distal parts of the inner involucral bracts are homologous to the lamina of the leaves, and the receptacular scales are divided in small segments. The relations between the different leaf forms are studied from the view points of comparativ morphology and organogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Gordius vespae vulgaris Baird, 1853, is suppressed as a synonym ofMermis pachysoma Linstow, 1905.M. pachysoma is transferred to the collective groupAgamomermis Stiles, 1903. Examination of the head of the species revealed 16 papillae in six groups and small vase-shaped amphids.
Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit istGordius vespae vulgaris Baird, 1853 als ein Synonym vonMermis pachysoma Linstow, 1905, beschrieben.M. pachysoma Linstow ist in die kollektive GattungAgamomermis Stiles, 1903 gestellt. Sechzehn Papillen in sechs Gruppen und kleinen vasenförmigen Amphiden waren auf dem Kopf des Artes gefunden.

Sommaire Gordius vespæ vulgaris Baird, 1853, est un synonyme deMermis pachysoma Linstow, 1905.M. pachysoma est transféré au genre collectifAgamomermis Stiles, 1903. On rencontre sur la tête de cet animal 16 papilles réparties en 6 groupes et de patites amphides en forme de vase.

Contribution No. 3814, Entomology Division, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada.  相似文献   

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