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目的探讨阴道液中唾液酸酶活性、阴道加德纳菌及抗阴道加德纳菌的溶血素(anti-Gvh)IgA水平在细菌性阴道病(BV)的相关性。方法对15例健康人和60例临床诊断为BV的患者,取阴道分泌物分别进行唾液酸酶活性和anti-Gvh IgA水平测定及阴道加德纳菌(Gv)分离培养。唾液酸酶活性利用从底物-5溴-4氯-3吲哚基-α-D-N乙酰基神经氨酸(X-Neu5Ac)转化而得到的甲氧基苯酚的纳摩尔数来表示;anti-Gvh IgA通过ELISA法测定。结果BV组Gv活菌数(6.96 log CFU/g)显著高于健康对照组(2.58 log CFU/g)(P<0.01)。BV组anti-GvhIgA(238.0±220.6)显著高于健康对照组(175.0±40.16)(P<0.01)。BV组Gv分离率(86.7%)显著高于健康对照组(33.3%)(P<0.01)。45例临床诊断为BV的患者中,其中26例Gvh IgA(+),19例Gvh IgA(-);Gvh IgA(-)组阴道液中唾液酸酶活性(5.00±1.29)显著高于Gvh IgA(+)组(1.58±1.22)(P<0.01),2组的Gv的分离率和活菌数差异却没有显著性(P>0.05)。结论BV患者阴道内高活性的唾液酸酶与低水平anti-Gvh IgA和黏膜IgA破坏程度具有关联性。  相似文献   

The severe side-effects elicited by conventional antibiotic therapy and the recurrence of Bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria and bacterial resistance have led to the development of novel alternative therapies, among which genital probiotics are widely used. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activities of Lactobacillus plantarum Lp62 and its supernatant against Gardnerella vaginalis, using both in vitro and in vivo approaches. In vitro assays were used to evaluate the viability of the strain and the antimicrobial activities of the supernatant in different pH ranges. An in vivo assay was performed on female BALB/c mice, wherein the animals were divided into eight groups: four control groups and four treated groups (for curative and preventive therapies). After infecting and treating the mice, the animals were killed to quantify the bacterial load using qPCR, evaluate leucocyte cellular response, determine vaginal cytokine levels and perform cytokine tissue gene expression. Our analyses revealed significant activity of the strain and its supernatant against G. vaginalis. Preliminary in vitro tests showed that the strain grew with equal efficiency in different pH ranges. Meanwhile, the presence of halo and inhibition of pathogen growth established the significant activity of the supernatant against G. vaginalis. We observed that both micro-organisms are resident bacteria of mouse microbiota and that the lactobacilli population growth was affected by G. vaginalis and vice versa. We also observed that the treated groups, with their low bacterial load, absence of leucocyte recruitment, reduced cytokine levels in the vaginal lavage and normalized cytokine gene expression, successfully controlled the infection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how human vaginal isolates of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus jensenii, Lactobacillus gasseri and Lactobacillus crispatus inhibit the vaginosis-associated pathogens Gardnerella vaginalis and Prevotella bivia. Results show that all the strains in coculture condition reduced the viability of G. vaginalis and P. bivia, but with differing degrees of efficacy. The treatment of G. vaginalis- and P. bivia-infected cultured human cervix epithelial HeLa cells with L. gasseri strain KS120.1 culture or cell-free culture supernatant (CFCS) results in the killing of the pathogens that are adhering to the cells. The mechanism of the killing activity is not attributable to low pH and the presence of lactic acid alone, but rather to the presence of hydrogen peroxide and proteolytic enzyme-resistant compound(s) present in the CFCSs. In addition, coculture of G. vaginalis or P. bivia with L. gasseri KS120.1 culture or KS120.1 bacteria results in inhibition of the adhesion of the pathogens onto HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Rhizobia are used exclusively in agricultural systems for enhancing the ability of legumes to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Knowledge about the indigenous population is necessary for the selection and application of inoculant strains. In this study, we have assessed the genetic diversity of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from the host plant, Arachis hypogaea along the coastline of Tamil Nadu. Different populations collected from varying environmental conditions were analysed for salt and pH tolerance. Genetic diversity among the strains was studied using RAPD markers and PCR-RFLP of 16S rDNA and nifD genes. The approaches used in this study yielded consistent results, which revealed a high degree of heterogeneity among strains and detection of two distinct genetic groups.  相似文献   

Bacterial vaginosis (BV), a common condition seen in premenopausal women, is associated with preterm labor, pelvic inflammatory disease, and delivery of low birth weight infants. Gardnerella vaginalis is the predominant bacterial species associated with BV, although its exact role in the pathology of BV is unknown. Using immunofluorescence, confocal and transmission electron microscopy, we found that VK2 vaginal epithelial cells take up G. vaginalis after exposure to the bacteria. Confocal microscopy also indicated the presence of internalized G. vaginalis within vaginal epithelial cells obtained from a subject with BV. Using VK2 cells and (35)S labeled bacteria in an invasion assay, we found that a 1 h uptake of G. vaginalis was 21.8-fold higher than heat-killed G. vaginalis, 84-fold compared to Lactobacillus acidophilus and 6.6-fold compared to Lactobacillus crispatus. Internalization was inhibited by pre-exposure of cells to cytochalasin-D. In addition, the cytoskeletal protein vimentin was upregulated in VK2 cells exposed to G. vaginalis, but there was no change in actin cytoskeletal polymerization/rearrangements or vimentin subcellular relocalization post exposure. Cytoskeletal protein modifications could represent a potential mechanism for G. vaginalis mediated internalization by vaginal epithelial cells. Finally, understanding vaginal bacteria/host interactions will allow us to better understand the underlying mechanisms of BV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Twenty-three strains of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale from various origins, associated with respiratory pathology of birds, were compared using plasmid profiles, ribotyping and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in order to achieve a precise strain characterization as well as to highlight the relationships between these strains. No plasmid could be detected. These strains were poorly discriminated by ribotyping although different enzymes were used. The RAPD analysis has given reproducible DNA fingerprints and a good level of discrimination. This method can be used with only one or two primers to differentiate the O. rhinotracheale strains and could be used in epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the genetic diversity and the technological properties of 44 strains of Streptococcus thermophilus isolated from dairy products. Methods METHODS AND RESULTS: Strains were analysed for some relevant technological properties, i.e. exopolysaccharide (EPS) production, growth kinetic in skim milk medium, urease activity and galactose fermentation. The EPS production, determined by evaluating the colour of the colonies grown in ruthenium red milk agar, was observed in 50% of the analysed strains. Urease activity, determined by colorimetric and conductimetric methods, showed that 91% of the isolates, all except four, could hydrolyse urea. A conductimetric approach was also used for the evaluation of the overall metabolic behaviour in milk of Strep. thermophilus strains and the differences observed allowed grouping of the strains in seven different clusters. A total of 11 strains were able to produce acid in presence of galactose. Genetic diversity of Streptococcus thermophilus strains, evaluated by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA fingerprinting (RAPD) and amplified epsC-D restriction analysis, allowed the identification of 21 different genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: Comparison between the genotypic and phenotypic data highlights an interesting correlation between some important technological properties and well-defined genotypes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The genetic and technological characterization carried out on several Strep. thermophilus strains of dairy origin should expand the knowledge on this important lactic acid bacteria species and lead to a simple, rapid, and reliable identification of strains on the basis of well-defined biotechnological properties.  相似文献   

Sixteen flor yeast strains from the Magarach Collection of the Microorganisms for Winemaking (Yalta, Crimea), which are used for production of sherry, were analyzed for morphophysiological, cultural, and biochemical properties. Long-term storage did not affect their viability or the preservation of major properties, such as their flor- and aldehyde-forming abilities, and the ability to produce wines with typical sherry properties. Significant variation in the strains was observed mainly in the aldehyde-forming and flor-forming abilities and flor properties. Interdelta typing was shown to be the most informative technique to study the genetic diversity of flor yeast strains. Certain correlations between genetic polymorphisms and the enological properties of the strains were observed. The presence of a 24-bp long deletion in the ITS1 spacer of the ribosomal gene cluster, a typical feature of Spanish flor yeast strains, is correlated with a high level of production of aldehydes and acetales, efficient flor formation, and the ability to produce high quality sherry. The presence of a specific deletion in the promoter of the FLO11 gene appeared to be less informative, since the aldehyde and acetal production and flor formation abilities of such strains were variable. The studies of intraspecies genetic polymorphism by various molecular markers have revealed a high degree of phylogenetic closeness of some yeast flor strains from different geographic regions.  相似文献   

Individual yeast strains belonging to the Saccharomyces sensu stricto complex were isolated from Amarone wine produced in four cellars of the Valpolicella area (Italy) and characterized by conventional physiological tests and by RAPD-PCR and mtDNA restriction assays. Thirteen out of 20 strains were classified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ex S. cerevisiae p.r. cerevisiae and p.r. bayanus) and the remaining as Saccharomyces bayanus (ex S. cerevisiae p.r. uvarum). RAPD-PCR method proved to be a fast and reliable tool for identification of Saccharomyces sensu stricto strains and also gave intraspecific differentiation. Restriction analysis of mtDNA permitted to distinguish S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus species and to discern polymorphism among S. cerevisiae isolates. The assessment of the phenotypic diversity within the isolates by gas-chromatographic analysis of secondary fermentation products was explored. Small quantities of isobutanol were produced by most of the strains and higher amounts by some S. cerevisiae strains with phenotypes Gal- and Mel-; all S. bayanus strains produced low amounts of amilyc alcohols. From this study it appears that each winery owns particular strains, with different genetic and biochemical characteristics, selected by specific environmental pressures during the Amarone winemaking process carried out at low temperature in presence of high sugar content.  相似文献   

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) is a seed-transmitted, quarantine pathogen which causes bacterial wilt and canker of tomato. Despite efforts to prevent seed contamination, new introductions are regularly detected, associated with new regions of tomato seed production. It seems as if the expanding diversity of Cmm also challenges the limited host range.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity among marine creatures, especially molluscs, as a source for searching out novel lineages of bacteria, was studied. Marine creatures were collected at the coasts of the Kanto area in Japan. A total of 116 strains of bacteria were isolated from the intestines of 19 species of marine creatures includings molluscs, pisces and protochordata. Partial sequencing of 16S rDNA revealed that most of the isolates belonged to the gamma subclass of the Proteobacteria and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group. The BLAST searches revealed that the complete 16S rDNA sequence of 17 strains out of 116 isolates showed less than 94% similarity with 16S rDNA sequences deposited in the database. Four strains out of the 17 isolates belonged to the Rhodobacter group, 8 strains to the Alteromonas group, and the remaining 5 strains to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group. Phylogenetic positions of 6 strains belonging to the Alteromonas group, which were isolated from different marine creatures, were close to each other, and represented a novel 16S rDNA lineage within the gamma subclass of Proteobacteria. Therefore, it may be inferred that these 6 strains belong to a new genus of Proteobacteria. Phylogenetic positions of the other strains are also independent from neighboring taxa, and they were suggested to respectively form a novel lineage. From these results, it is clear that the biodiversity of bacteria in marine creatures is much wider than was previously thought, and unknown microbiological resources are buried in these organisms.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Cylindrospermopsis strains (cyanobacteria) was examined using mainly the 16S-23S internally transcribed spacer (ITS1) sequences. Strains were grouped in three clusters: (i) America, (ii) Europe, and (iii) Africa and Australia. These results suggested a recent spread of Cylindrospermopsis across the American and European continents from restricted warm refuge areas instead of exchanges between continents. On the other hand, they also suggested a recent colonization of Australia by African strains.  相似文献   

吴敏解  焦国宾 《中国微生态学杂志》2012,24(6):561+564-561,564
目的探讨生化检测法在细菌性阴道病(BV)诊断中的应用价值。方法对绍兴市人民医院妇科门诊650例阴道分泌物进行常规及生化检测。结果在650例疑似细菌性阴道病患者中,以“唾液酸苷酶阳性+过氧化氢阳性”为诊断标准,共检出BV患者483例(占总数的74.31%);使用Amsel法检出细菌性阴道病患者481例(占总数的74%)。使用生化检测法和Amsel法检出细菌性阴道病的阳性率差异无统计学意义(x2=0.53,P〉O.05),二者的符合率为94.15%(612/650),具有很高的一致性。结论生化检测准确、快速,具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探究阴道加德纳菌(Gardnerella vaginalis)检出率及唾液酸酶A基因携带与细菌性阴道病(BV)的关系。方法选择2017年1月至2019年8月确诊的BV患者82例作为BV组,并随机选择同时期健康女性82例作为健康组,比较2组人群G. vaginalis检出率和唾液酸酶A基因携带情况,相关统计学资料分析其对BV发生的影响。结果BV组人群G. vaginalis阳性检出率高于健康组(χ2=11.511,P<0.05)。BV组人群共检出G. vaginalis 1、2、3、4、5、6和7型,其中2型占比最高;BV组人群G. vaginalis 2、3、4型占比率高于健康组(χ2=4.148,17.009,9.973,均P<0.05)。BV组人群唾液酸酶A基因携带率高于健康组(χ2=39.234,P<0.05)。较健康组人群,BV组PCR DGGE宽度更窄,肠道菌群条带数少(t=9.217,P<0.05)。结论G. vaginalis检出率和唾液酸酶A基因携带情况与BV发生相关,有待成为相关生物学治疗靶点。  相似文献   

The natural diversity of the elt operons, encoding the heat-labile toxin LT-I (LT), carried by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains isolated from humans was investigated. For many years, LT was supposed to be represented by a rather conserved toxin, and one derivative, produced by the reference H10407 strain, was intensively studied either as a virulence factor or as a vaccine adjuvant. Amplicons encompassing the two LT-encoding genes (eltA and eltB) of 51 human-derived ETEC strains, either LT(+) (25 strains) only or LT(+)/ST(+) (26 strains), isolated from asymptomatic (24 strains) or diarrheic (27 strains) subjects, were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and DNA sequencing. Seven polymorphic RFLP types of the H10407 strain were detected with six (BsaI, DdeI, HhaI, HincII, HphI, and MspI) restriction enzymes. Additionally, the single-nucleotide polymorphic analysis revealed 50 base changes in the elt operon, including 21 polymorphic sites at eltA and 9 at eltB. Based on the deduced amino acid sequences, 16 LT types were identified, including LT1, expressed by the H10407 strain and 23 other strains belonging to seven different serotypes, and LT2, expressed by 11 strains of six different serotypes. In vitro experiments carried out with purified toxins indicated that no significant differences in GM1-binding affinity could be detected among LT1, LT2, and LT4. However, LT4, but not other toxin types, showed reduced toxic activities measured either in vitro with cultured cells (Y-1 cells) or in vivo in rabbit ligated ileal loops. Collectively, these results indicate that the natural diversity of LTs produced by wild-type ETEC strains isolated from human hosts is considerably larger than previously assumed and may impact the pathogeneses of the strains and the epidemiology of the disease.  相似文献   

Strains of Azotobacter mediate in the nitrogen fixation process by reducing of N2 to ammonia. In this study, 50 strains were isolated from different rhizospheric soil in central Iran, by using soil paste-plate method. These strains were biochemically identified and characterized on differential LG medium based on morphological and physiological properties. Results obtained showed that identified strains were belonging to three species, namely A. chroococcum, A. vinelandii and A. beijernckii. In order to molecular analysis, the 16S rRNA gene was amplified using 27f and 1495r primers and PCR products were subsequently restricted with RsaI, HpaII and HhaI. Cluster analysis based on amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis were revealed intraspecific polymorphism and differentiated strains into two mains clusters, clusters A and B. Cluster A strains were related to the A. vinelandii, whereas cluster B strains were related to the A. chroococcum and A. beijerinckii. The results show that amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis is a powerful and discriminatory tool for the identification of members of the genus Azotobacter.  相似文献   

Metronidazole resistance was produced in susceptible Gardnerella vaginalis after subculture in the presence of metronidazole. Metronidazole-resistant gardnerellae were less susceptible to growth inhibition by Lactobacillus culture filtrates. A low pH (+/- 4) and lactic acid accounted for 60 to 95% of inhibitory activity, and H2O2 accounted for only 0 to 30%. However, in the presence of myeloperoxidase, H2O2-producing lactobacilli decreased the viability of metronidazole-susceptible gardnerellae 2,000-fold.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study Bacillus contamination of wheat flour and ropy bread, to analyse genetic diversity of isolated strains and to evaluate the ability of these strains to produce ropy bread. METHODS AND RESULTS: Classical and molecular methods [16S rDNA sequencing and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR] were used to identify and type-isolated strains. The predominant species isolated were Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis. RAPD analysis demonstrated that the same sample may harbor different strains. Ten of 15 strains of B. subtilis and four of six strains of B. licheniformis were able to cause rope spoilage of the laboratory-baked bread. CONCLUSION: RAPD typing can be useful in the tracking of Bacillus strains during bakery processing and in the understanding of the role of different Bacillus strains in the rope spoilage of bread. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results indicate the variability of Bacillus strains isolated from flour and responsible for rope spoilage of bread.  相似文献   

Abstract The cytolytic toxin (CTox) produced by Gardnerella vaginalis is able to form voltage-dependent cationic channels when incorporated in lipid membranes (Moran et al, 1991) FEBS Lett. 283, 317–320). Osmotic protection experiments show that toxin incorporated in human erythrocytes forms pores between 18 Å and 28 Å in diameter. A hypothesis of pore formation as a primary event to produce cytolysis is proposed. The CTox activity increases when cells are depolarized by increasing the extracellular K+ concentration, probably reflecting the voltage dependent character of CTox formed channels. The cytolytic effect of the toxin was prevented by low temperatures and was a function of the extracellular Ca2+ concentration, suggesting a Ca2+ influx as part of the lytic mechanism. Binding of CTox to erythrocytes was dependent on external Ca2+ and was less temperature-dependent. Dose-response analysis suggests cooperativity of the toxin for the lytic activity, although no direct evidence of oligomerization has been found.  相似文献   

The recently developed MLVA has high discriminatory power for the typing of individual strains or isolates of Francisella tularensis. In the present study, MLVA was applied to 33 Japanese F. tularensis subspecies holarctica strains to examine the genetic diversity of F. tularensis isolated. Among the seven VNTR loci analyzed, Ft-M2, Ft-M10, and Ft-M20 loci showed high genetic polymorphism in Japanese strains, whereas Ft-M3 was most variable in non-Japanese strains. These results provide novel extended information about the genomic diversity among the strains of F. tularensis ssp. holarctica distributed in Japan and enable determination of whether a given isolate is indigenous to Japan by examining these loci using MLVA.  相似文献   

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