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CYP2C9 encodes a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of enzymes which play a central role in activating and detoxifying many carcinogens and endogenous compounds thought to be involved in the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). In the past decade, the relationship between CYP2C9 common polymorphisms (R144C and I359L) and CRC has been reported in various ethnic groups; however, these studies have yielded contradictory results. To investigate this inconsistency, we performed this meta-analysis.


Databases including Pubmed, EMBASE, Web of Science and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) were searched to find relevant studies. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to assess the strength of association.


A total of 13 articles involving 9,463 cases and 11,416 controls were included. Overall, the summary odds ratio of CRC was 0.98 (95% CI: 0.89−1.06) and 0.99 (95% CI: 0.87−1.14) for CYP2C9 144C and 359L alleles, respectively. No significant results were observed using dominant or recessive genetic model for these polymorphisms. In the stratified analyses according to ethnicity and sex, no evidence of any gene-disease association was obtained.


This meta-analysis suggests that the CYP2C9 may not be associated with colorectal cancer development.  相似文献   

Withdrawal of the endothelin (ET)-mediated vasoconstrictor influence contributes to metabolic coronary vasodilation during exercise. Because production of nitric oxide (NO) and prostanoids increases with increasing shear stress and because NO and prostanoids are able to modify the release of ET, we hypothesized that the withdrawal of ET-mediated coronary vasoconstriction during exercise is mediated through NO and/or prostanoids. To test this hypothesis, 19 chronically instrumented swine were studied at rest and while running on a treadmill up to 85-90% of maximal heart rate. Blockade of ET(A)/ET(B) receptors with tezosentan resulted in an increase in coronary venous O(2) levels (i.e., in coronary vasodilation) at rest, which waned at increasing levels of exercise intensity. Inhibition of either NO synthase [N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine (l-NNA)] or cyclooxygenase (indomethacin) did not affect the response to tezosentan under resting conditions but unmasked a vasodilator response to tezosentan during exercise. The vasodilator response to tezosentan during exercise increased progressively after combined administration of l-NNA and indomethacin. These findings suggest that NO and prostanoids act synergistically to inhibit the vasoconstrictor influence of ET on the coronary circulation during exercise, thereby facilitating the exercise-induced vasodilation of coronary resistance vessels.  相似文献   

The cDNA of a P-450 human-2 and the two other closely related cDNAs, MP-8 (two deduced amino acids substituted) and lambda hPA6 (two deduced amino acids deleted) were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, and their catalytic and chemical properties were compared to identify which cDNA encodes a major S-mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylase in human livers. In immunoblots, P-450 human-2 cDNA-derived protein in yeasts was stained at the position identical with P-450 human-2 purified from liver and a major protein in microsomes of 19 Japanese livers. MP-8- and lambda hPA6-derived proteins were immunostained at positions near, but distinct from P-450 human-2, and were not detected in those 19 livers. All three proteins expressed in yeasts catalyzed hydroxylation of mephenytoin, hexobarbital, benzo[a]pyrene and tolbutamide, although the rates of the hydroxylation of most of the drugs by P-450 human-2 were higher than those of the two others. In addition, these expressed proteins showed clear differences in the hydroxylation of chiral substrates: P-450 human-2 catalyzed the hydroxylation of S-mephenytoin five times faster than that of the R-enantiomer. Similar high enantioselectivities were also observed on the hydroxylation of R- and S-hexobarbital. However, MP-8- and lambda hPA6-derived proteins catalyzed hydroxylation of these two drugs with less or almost no stereoselectivity. These results indicate that only a few amino acid alterations cause dramatic changes in both the chemical and catalytic properties of P-450 human-2.  相似文献   

The hypothalamus has long been recognized as a major site in the central nervous system (CNS) where a spectrum of internal and external environmental information is integrated for energy homeostasis. The isolation and sequencing of leptin in the mid 90 s, together with the demonstration of leptin administration's ability to correct the obesity syndrome in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice and humans by suppressing food intake and weight gain in laboratory rodents, confirmed the hypothesized existence of a direct humoral signal from adipose tissue to the hypothalamus, thus integrating the energy-related signals. In the 80 s, neuropeptide Y (NPY) was identified as a potent appetite-stimulating neuropeptide produced, released and acting locally within the hypothalamus. This is recognized as a major physiological appetite transducer and central neurochemical substrate receiving, interpreting and processing incoming information on energy status. More recently, ghrelin, produced in the stomach and released into the general circulation, has drawn attention as the other limb of the feedback circuit that stimulates appetite at NPY network level. Prolonged fasting suppresses serum leptin, while suppressing TSH secretion. Intervention with leptin replacement can prevent fasting-induced changes in TSH, suggesting that leptin regulates TSH. Low leptin levels in sportsmen and sportswomen as well as in recreational runners are consistent with reduction in body fat, but are also influenced by the presence of low insulin, hypothyroxemia, and elevated cortisol levels. These metabolic adaptations to chronic energy deficits indicate a role in leptin regulation. A study within the general population found that activity levels and leptin were significantly negatively associated in both sexes. Circulating ghrelin levels, however, do not change during energy expenditure.  相似文献   

A general derivation is presented for the scaling laws governing the size and number of capillary blood vessels in mammals. The derivation is based on the assumption of three idealized similarity principles known to apply, at least approximately, to resting mammals: (i) size-invariant blood pressure; (ii) size-invariant fraction of blood in the capillaries; and (iii) size-invariant oxygen consumption and uptake, per unit of body mass, during each heart cycle. Results indicate that the radius and length of capillaries, and the number that are open and active in the resting state, should scale with mammal mass to the powers 1/12, 5/24 and 5/8, respectively, consistent with earlier work by the author. Measurements are presented supporting the results. Physiological changes accompanying strenuous exercise are accounted for by a change in the scaling law for capillary number, from scaling exponent 5/8 to 3/4.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation at rest and during exercise in prepubertal boys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal balance was studied in 11 boys, aged 10-12 years, with various values for maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), during two standardized sweating tests performed in a climatic chamber in randomized order. One of the tests consisted in a 90-min passive heat exposure [dry bulb temperature (Tdb) 45 degrees C] at rest. The second test was represented by a 60-min ergocycle exercise at 60% of individual VO2max (Tdb 20 degrees C). At rest, rectal temperature increased during heat exposure similar to observations made in adults, but the combined heat transfer coefficient reached higher values, reflecting greater radiative and convective heat gains in the children. Children also exhibited a greater increase in mean skin temperature, and a greater heat dissipation through sweating. Conversely, during the exercise sweating-test, although the increase in rectal temperature did not differ from that of adults for similar levels of exercise, evaporative heat loss was much lower in children, suggesting a greater radiative and convective heat loss due to the relatively greater body surface area. Thermophysiological reactions were not related to VO2max in children, in contrast to adults.  相似文献   

Conventional (whole body) CYP2E1 knockout mice displayed protection against high-fat diet-induced weight gain, obesity, and hyperlipidemia with increased energy expenditure despite normal food intake and spontaneous locomotor activity. In addition, the CYP2E1 knockout mice displayed a marked improvement in glucose tolerance on both normal chow and high-fat diets. Euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps demonstrated a marked protection against high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance in CYP2E1 knockout mice, with enhanced adipose tissue glucose uptake and insulin suppression of hepatic glucose output. In parallel, adipose tissue was protected against high-fat diet-induced proinflammatory cytokine production. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the CYP2E1 deletion protects mice against high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance with improved glucose homeostasis in vivo.  相似文献   

Mean arterial pressure (Pa), heart rate, cardiac output (Q), and Q distribution (with radiolabeled microspheres) were measured in miniature swine as they ran at high levels on a motor-driven treadmill. Each animal ran on two occasions: once during exercise at maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) and once at an intensity estimated to require approximately 115% VO2max. The purpose was to assess these cardiovascular variables to determine whether the calculated resistance to blood flow during supramaximal exercise was different from that during maximal exercise. A total of 114 tissues/organs were dissected for blood flow analysis. Pa and Q were unaltered between the two exercise conditions. Blood flow to all but one of the 62 skeletal muscles sampled was unchanged between conditions as were the blood flows to the visceral organs and brain. The results demonstrate that vascular resistance was constant in all these tissues between maximal and supramaximal exercise intensities. Elevated blood flows were measured in 7 of the 11 coronary sites sampled. Calculated resistance to blood flow indicated that a decrease in resistance occurred in most of the samples having elevated blood flow. Because heart rate was elevated during the supramaximal exercise, the increase in blood flow was probably in response to the greater myocardial work and concomitant elevation in O2 demand. In summary, it was shown that Pa, Q, and Q distribution in most tissues remained unchanged during exercise at intensities above VO2max. Thus a precise matching occurs between the increasingly powerful vasoconstrictor drive initiated by the sympathetic nervous system and the elevated local vasodilatory drive responding to the greater O2 demand during the supramaximal exercise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reductions in cytochrome P-450 levels and aminopyrine N-demethylase activity of hepatic microsomes obtained from cardiomyopathic hamsters (BIO 14.6) occurred at all stages of the disease before the development of congestive heart failure (CHF). Cytochrome b5 levels were reduced only in animals with CHF when compared with age-matched controls (BIO.RB). Total microsomal protein and p-nitrophenol glucuronidation were not affected by the disease process. We conclude that the reduction in cytochrome P-450 levels and N-demethylase activity in cardiomyopathic hamsters is not a consequence of CHF, but is one of the manifestations of the disease process.  相似文献   

The effects of regional alpha- and specific beta 2-adrenergic receptor blockade on measurements of late diastolic coronary resistance (LDCR) and mean coronary blood flow velocity (CBFV) during exercise were examined in 14 conscious adult mongrel dogs. Specific beta 2-adrenergic receptor blockade (ICI 118.551) significantly decreased CBFV and increased LDCR by blockade of beta 2-vasodilator tone independent of alpha-adrenergic receptor-mediated tone and independent of altering myocardial metabolism. alpha-Adrenergic receptor blockade (phentolamine, 1 mg) significantly increased CBFV and decreased LDCR by blocking sympathetically mediated vasoconstrictor tone. There was no significant difference in the magnitude of response between alpha- and beta 2-adrenergic receptor blockade. These results demonstrate that alpha- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors have a significant and evidently equal influence on CBFV and LDCR during exercise. Four weeks of daily exercise and left stellate ganglionectomy (LSGx) prevented phentolamine-induced vasodilation but not ICI 118.551-induced vasoconstriction. This suggests that daily exercise and LSGx significantly decreased the alpha-adrenergic receptor-mediated vasoconstrictor tone on the coronary circulation, resulting in an apparently greater role for the coronary vascular beta 2-adrenergic receptor on the control of CBFV and LDCR during exercise.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical studies with a monoclonal antibody (MAb-HL3), which recognises a major isozyme of human hepatic cytochrome P-450, have demonstrated this cytochrome in both cryostat and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections of normal human adult liver. Prior trypsin digestion of the formalin-fixed sections prevented staining. There was a zonal distribution of immunoreactive cytochrome P-450, with localization predominantly in the hepatocytes of zone 3 of the hepatic acinus (the centrilobular region). Cytochrome P-450 was also demonstrated in foetal liver, but all foetal hepatocytes contained immunoreactive cytochrome P-450 and there was no zonal distribution of the protein. The biliary epithelium of adult liver contained a small amount of immunoreactive cytochrome P-450 whereas there was no immunoreactivity in the epithelium of foetal bile ducts.  相似文献   

This study compared glycogen depletion in active skeletal muscle after light and moderate exercise in both cold and comfortable ambient conditions. Twelve male subjects (Ss) were divided into two groups equally matched for the submaximal exercise intensity corresponding to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mM (W4) during cycle exercise. On two separate days Ss rested for 30 min at ambient temperatures of either 9 degrees C or 21 degrees C, with the order of temperature exposure being counter-balanced among Ss. Following rest a tissue specimen was obtained from the m. vastus lateralis with the needle biopsy technique. Six Ss then exercised on a cycle ergometer for 30 min at 30% W4 (range = 50 - 65 W) while the remaining group exercised at 60% W4 (range = 85 - 120 W). Another biopsy was taken immediately after exercise and both samples were assayed for glycogen content. Identical procedures were repeated for the second environmental exposure. No significant glycogen depletion was observed in the Ss exercising at 30% W4 in 21 degrees C, but a 23% decrease (p = 0.04) was observed when the same exercise was performed at 9 degrees C. A 22% decrease (p = 0.002) in glycogen occurred in the 60% W4 group at 21 degrees C, which was not significantly different from that observed during the same exercise at 9 degrees C. The results suggest that muscle substrate utilization is increased during light exercise in a cold environment as compared to similar exercise at a comfortable temperature, probably due to shivering thermogenesis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The interaction between P-450C21 and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, both purified from bovine adrenocortical microsomes, has been investigated in a reconstituted system with a nonionic detergent, Emulgen 913, by kinetic analysis and gel filtrations. Steady state kinetic data in progesterone 21-hydroxylation showed formation of an equimolar complex between the two enzyme proteins at low Emulgen concentration. Steady state kinetic studies on the electron transfer from NADPH to P-450C21 via the reductase showed that a stable complex formation between the two enzyme proteins was not involved in the steady state electron transfer at high Emulgen concentration. In stopped flow experiments, a time course of the P-450C21 reduction showed biphasic kinetics composed of fast and slow phases. The dependence of kinetic parameters on Emulgen concentration indicates that the fast phase corresponds to the electron transfer within the complex and the slow phase to the electron transfer through a random collision between P-450C21 and the reductase. The stable complex formation between P-450C21 and the reductase has been clearly demonstrated by gel filtration. The stable complex was composed of several molecules of the two enzyme proteins at an equimolar ratio, which was active for progesterone 21-hydroxylation and had a tendency to dissociate at high Emulgen concentration.  相似文献   

The supine pulmonary venous admixture (shunt) has been measured at Cerro de Pasco, 4,350 m altitude in eight subjects native to high altitude (HAN) under resting condition. Alveolar-arterial O2 tension difference (AaDO2) was also determined at rest and during exercise. The same subjects were studied again after 10 days' sojourn at sea level in Lima at 150 m altitude. They were compared with four subjects from sea level (SLN) who were studied first at Lima and after 2 and 10 days at Cerro de Pasco. At altitude, AaDO2 was smaller in HAN than SLN both at rest and during exercise. Shunt was the same in both groups. It is concluded that HAN show more even ventilation/perfusion relationship (VA/Q) at altitude, probably due to their high pulmonary artery pressure. On the contrary, SLN show less even VA/Q on altitude exposure, since their shunt decreased 37%. At sea level, HAN increased their AaDO2 due partially to an increase of 110% in their shunt, and in part due to less even VA/Q as shown by augmented VD/VT ratios. Each group tended to have a more effective gas exchange in its own environment.  相似文献   

A functionally active system of microsomal monooxygenases has been found in a long-term transplanted tumor MC-II of C57B1/6j mice. In microsomal fraction of the tumor, one could detect cytochrome P-450 and benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase (BP hydroxylase) activity. The latter one increased more than 2 times after the animals received 3-MC and aroclor 1254. In in-vitro experiments, the microsomal monooxygenase inhibitors, SKF 525-A and metyrapone, did not affect BP hydroxylation, whereas alpha-naphthoflavone inhibited the enzyme. It is assumed that tumor MC-II contains hemoprotein that is similar to cytochrome P1-450.  相似文献   

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