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We have compared the total single-copy sequences transcribed as nuclear RNA in blastula and pluteus stage embryos of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla by hybridization of excess nuclear RNA with purified radioactive single-copy DNA. The kinetics of hybridization of either blastula or pluteus nuclear RNA with single-copy DNA show a single pseudo-first-order reaction with 34% of the single-copy genome. From the rate of the reaction and the purity of the nuclear RNA, it can be estimated that the reacting RNAs are present on the average at a concentration of one molecule per 14 nuclei. A mixture of blastula and pluteus RNA also hybridizes with 34% of the single-copy genome, indicating that the total complexity of RNAs transcribed at both stages is no greater than transcribed at each stage alone. The identity of the sequences transcribed by blastula and pluteus embryos was further examined by fractionation of the labeled DNA into sequences complementary and not complementary to pluteus RNA. This was achieved by hybridization of single-copy DNA to high pluteus RNA Cot, and separation of the hybridized and nonhybridized DNA on hydroxylapatite. Using either the DNA complementary or noncomplementary with pluteus RNA, essentially identical amounts of RNA:DNA hybrids are formed at high RNA Cot with blastula or pluteus RNA. Gross changes in the total RNA sequences transcribed do not appear to be involved in the developmental changes between blastula and pluteus, even though 45% of the mRNA sequences change between these two stages (Galau et al., 1976).  相似文献   

Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos were fractionated into two cell populations of defined lineages at times corresponding to two critical developmental events: determination (16-cell stage) and early differentiation (mesenchyme blastula). The 16-cell stage blastomeres, labeled with [35S]methionine, exhibited identical protein synthesis patterns by fluorography, and this pattern was not significantly altered by cell separation. In comparing the proteins of the mesenchyme blastula to the 16-cell stage, differences (increases and decreases) were seen by fluorography of newly synthesized proteins. The synthesis of 2.9% of the mesenchyme blastula proteins is specific to or enriched in primary mesenchyme cells and 8.2% is specific to or enriched in endoderm/ectoderm cells. Additionally, in contrast to the earlier stage, the pattern of protein synthesis in the mesenchyme blastula embryos is substantially altered by cell separation. The ability to alter protein synthesis in response to environmental factors may be a further demonstration of the differentiation of these cells.  相似文献   

Timing the early events during sea urchin fertilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine precisely the timing, duration, and sequences of the earliest events during sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus) fertilization, the bioelectric recordings of microelectrode-impaled eggs were electronically superimposed, by video mixing, over the microscopic differential interference contrast image of the same egg at insemination. Videotape analysis, utilizing a slow-motion analyzer, demonstrates that the successful sperm triggers the bioelectric membrane potential reversal within 3.36 +/- 3.02 sec (0.72-9.76 sec range; sigma = 23 eggs) of sperm-egg attachment. This sperm, actively gyrating about its attachment site, is indistinguishable from the other, unsuccessful sperm until 12.66 +/- 2.72 sec (6.72-16.60 sec range; sigma = 15) later when the sperm tail ceases its beating and sperm incorporation ensues. The cortical granules begin to discharge, and the fertilization coat starts to elevate at the fusion site at 20.79 +/- 3.18 sec (13.62-26.08 sec range; sigma = 12) after the onset of the fertilization potential, i.e., an average of about 8 sec after the cessation of sperm-tail motility during incorporation. In most cases, the bioelectric responses starts within 7 sec of sperm adhesions; if the data are analyzed excluding the few slow cases, the fertilization potential is found to start 1.93 sec (+/- 1.28 sec) after sperm attachment. These results indicate that the first successful sperm triggers the fast block to polyspermy within 3.4 sec, perhaps as quickly as 1.9 sec, of sperm-egg adhesion, about 13 sec before the first morphological indication of fertilization, and about 21 sec before the characteristic elevation of the fertilization coat responsible for the late block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

Complete turnover of poly(A) on maternal mRNA of sea urchin embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G J Dolecki  R F Duncan  T Humphreys 《Cell》1977,11(2):339-344
Measurement of the incorporation of radioactive adenosine into precursor pools and into poly(A) of fertilized sea urchin eggs showed that the amount of adenosine incoporated into poly(A) after a 2 hr incubation approximated the total poly(A) content of the embryos. This was observed whether the incubation was begun at fertilization when the poly(A) content is tripling or at 2.5 hr after fertilization when the poly(A) levels are not changing, and thus indicates that poly(A) turns over continually and completely. The turnover appears to take place on polysomal mRNA, since after either 10 or 120 min of incubation, 75% of the 3H-adenosine incorporated into poly(A) is on polysomes. Poly(A) lengths before and after fertilization are not significantly different, indicating that the increase in poly(A) content reflects the addition of poly(A) sequences onto mRNA molecules which previously contained no poly(A) sequences or only short poly(A) sequences. Both the new as well as the preexisting poly(A) tracts must turn over to produce the incorporation we observe. The radioactive poly(A) tracts measured by alkaline release of adenosine begin as short sequences and gradually extend their lengths until they have reached a size consistent with the idea that the poly(A) sequences have become fully radioactive. This labeling pattern shows that the poly(A) is turning over from the 3′ end terminal probably by a shortening and lengthening mechanism.  相似文献   

A library of cDNA clones was constructed representing polysomal polyadenylated RNA of mesenchyme blastulae of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Using this library, we determined whether or not individual RNA species are associated with animalization of embryos by zinc ions. Clones corresponding to the most actively synthesized RNAs during the period just prior to the mesenchyme blastula stage were selected by screening colonies with in vivo-labeled RNA. The most abundant of these were chosen for further study. Individual RNA abundance was measured as percent of mass of total polyadenylated RNA by hybridizing cDNA exhaustively with cloned DNA on filters. The RNAs in the selected, cloned sequences were present in abundances of 0.01 to 1% of the mass of polyadenylated RNA. Changes in abundance of individual RNA species occurred during normal development and departures from these developmental changes occurred in the zinc-animalized embryos. Two RNA species, which normally increase 10-fold in abundance, are drastically repressed and at least one RNA species increases in abundance dramatically in the animalized embryos. These departures from the normal program of presumptive gene expression may furnish insights into changes in the normal processes of development.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of the basal lamina in the sea urchin embryo   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The patterns of expression for several extracellular matrix components during development of the sea urchin embryo are described. An immunofluorescence assay was employed on paraffin-sectioned material using (i) polyclonal antibodies against known vertebrate extracellular matrix components: laminin, fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, collagen types I, III, and IV; and (ii) monoclonal antibodies generated against sea urchin embryonic components. Most extracellular matrix components studied were found localized within the unfertilized egg in granules (0.5-2.0 micron) distinct from the cortical granules. Fertilization initiated trafficking of the extracellular matrix (ECM) components from within the egg granules to the basal lamina of the developing embryo. The various ECM components arrived within the developing basal lamina at different times, and not all components were unique to the basal lamina. Two ECM components were not found within the egg. These molecules appeared de novo at the mesenchyme blastula stage, and remained specific to the mesoderm through development. The reactivity of antibodies to vertebrate ECM antigens with components of the sea urchin embryo suggests the presence of immunologically similar ECM molecules between the phyla.  相似文献   

A 13-fold increase in carbonic anhydrase specific activity was found during the first 24 h in developing embryos of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Carbonic anhydrase activity was sensitive to inhibition by 10−4 M acetazolamide. Roles for carbonic anhydrase activity in intracellular pH regulation and spicule formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Fertilization in gametes of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus was reversibly inhibited by several analogs of the anionic dye fluorescein. The dyes acted very rapidly and were effective when added before or several seconds after insemination. Eggs and sperm did not appear to be irreversibly modified by incubation in seawater solutions containing tetraiodofluorescein (erythrosin B). Sperm binding to the vitelline layer was also inhibited by erythrosin B, but required concentrations greater than that necessary to block fertilization. The ability of the compounds to block fertilization was a function of the particular fluorescein derivative used and its concentration. The concentration required to inhibit fertilization in 50% of the eggs was related to dye lipid solubility. The dyes may inhibit fertilization by preventing gamete membrane fusion.  相似文献   

We have examined the synthesis of messenger-like RNA in unfertilized sea urchin eggs. Most of the RNA synthesized is restricted to the nucleus and sediments from 16 to 30S. A small fraction can be isolated from the postmitochondrial supernatant and displays a sedimentation profile typical of embryonic mRNA with peaks at 9 and 18S. This cytoplasmic RNA is largely present as free RNPs and we estimate that less than 20% of the RNA is in polysomes. The RNA made in the egg is unstable and reaches a steady state with a half-time of about 30 min. We have examined the accumulation of RNA in the egg and have calculated a rate of synthesis of 1.4 × 10?14 g of RNA/min/egg which is similar, on a per-nucleus basis, to that found in the just-fertilized egg and very early embryo. It is approximately 10 times greater than the rate of RNA synthesis in the blastula nucleus. We estimate that the RNA synthesized by the unfertilized egg amounts to a maximum of 3 × 10?13 g of potential mRNA at the time of fertilization, or 10–15% of its immediate needs. This RNA cannot account for the increase in protein synthesis that occurs after fertilization, which must be the result of the translation of another population of more stable egg or oogenic mRNA that is kinetically distinct from the RNA we have measured. The steady-state level of labeled RNA present in the egg does not change upon fertilization until after the first cleavage, at about 2.5 hr after fertilization. Thus the RNA synthesis that occurs in the just-fertilized zygote appears to be merely a continuation (at least quantitatively) of the RNA synthesis taking place in the egg.  相似文献   

RNA transcription and translation in sea urchin oocytes and eggs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The steady-state concentrations and absolute rates of synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules were measured in oocytes, eggs, embryos, and larvae of the Hawaiian sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. The steady-state concentration per genome of the RNA precursor sequences measured by hybridization to a cloned rDNA fragment was approximately 100- to 300-fold greater in the RNA obtained from oocytes and eggs than in the RNA extracted from embryos and larvae. Since the rate of processing of the rRNA precursor at different stages is not greatly different, the rates of rRNA synthesis must be considerably greater in oocytes than in embryo cells. The absolute rate of RNA synthesis in oocytes and embryos was determined from the incorporation of [3H]guanosine into cellular GTP pools and into both precursor and mature rRNA species. The data indicate an approximately 40-fold higher rate of rRNA synthesis in oocytes than that measured in embryos or previously in larvae (J. Griffith and T. Humphreys, 1979, Biochemistry18, 2178–2185). Together these results indicate that the ribosomal genes are transcribed much more rapidly during sea urchin oogenesis than during embryogenesis or larval stages.  相似文献   

The chromatin proteins of different embryonic stages, ranging from 16 cell to gastrula, of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were labeled, in vivo, with 14C and were labeled, in vitro, with 3H. The proteins thus labeled were separated by high resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis. The extent of possible cytoplasmic contamination has been examined with reconstruction experiments. Gastrula chromatin contains over 200 separable nonhistone proteins, and about 90% of them are also detected at the 60-cell stage; cleavage stages have over all protein gel patterns displaying numerous differences with the pattern shown by chromatin from later stages. Differences in the proportion of histone to nonhistone proteins that are synthesized are observable at the different embryonic stages, with histones predominating in midcleavage. About half of the nonhistone proteins of the developing embryo that can be labeled with 3H, in vitro, are not labeled with 14C, in vivo, and hence, must originate from a reservoir of nonhistone proteins assembled during oogenesis.  相似文献   

We detected by electrophoresis, several glycoproteins in the eggs of three species of sea urchin. The major glycoprotein band disappears as development of the embryo proceeds. This protein is enriched in the yolk fraction obtained by zone sedimentation in 2.5–30% sucrose gradients. A fractionally larger glycoprotein has been found to be the major protein in the coelomic fluid of male and female gravid sea urchins. Partial proteolysis peptide mapping shows that the major coelomic fluid protein and the major yolk protein are related, presumably in a precursor-product relationship.  相似文献   

The synthesis and turnover kinetics of polysomal mRNA have been measured in sea urchin embryos. Polysomes were isolated from stages ranging between mesenchyme blastula and late gastrula Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos which had been exposed to exogenous 3H-guanosine. The amount of radioactivity incorporated into messenger and ribosomal RNAs was determined separately as a function of time, and the precursor pool specific activity was measured in the same embryos. Synthesis and decay rate constants were extracted from the data by a leastsquares procedure. Per embryo, the rate of mRNA synthesis was calculated to be about 0.13 pg min?1, while the rate of rRNA synthesis is about 0.022 pg min?1. The newly synthesized mRNA turns over with a half-time of 5.7 hr. The data support only a single decay rate for the mRNA, but small fractions of mRNA decaying at different rates cannot be excluded. Previous studies have shown that a minor fraction of the mRNA includes the least abundant, most highly diverse set of messages (“complex class” mRNAs). To determine whether mRNAs of the complex class are synthesized and degraded at similar rates, labeled mRNA was measured in hybrids formed in mRNA excess reactions with single copy DNA. These experiments showed that complex class mRNAs represent an approximately proportional amount of the new mRNA synthesis, and turn over at the same average rate as does the bulk of the mRNA. Most of the mRNAs in the embryo polysomes are newly synthesized, rather than maternal. This statement refers both to complex class mRNAs and to prevalent mRNAs. Considering the sequence homology between embryo and oocyte mRNAs shown earlier, these results indicate that many of the same structural genes active during oogenesis are being transcribed in embryos at these stages.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the patterns of protein synthesis in developing embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. There was an increase in the number of proteins detectably synthesized during development, as well as significant changes in relative rates of synthesis involving approximately 20% of the nearly 900 newly synthesized polypeptides. The majority of these changes were increases rather than decreases in synthesis; about half were of at least 10-fold, while a few were of more than 100-fold. Very few changes were detected upon fertilization and during the first several hours of development, while about 60% of the changes detected occurred between the hatching and the beginning of invagination. An analysis of proteins detected by silver staining indicated that most remained nearly constant in mass during embryonic development, but several increased or declined substantially. Many proteins present in eggs were not detectably synthesized in either eggs or embryos.  相似文献   

Peptide antibiotic subtilin is synthesized via precursor proteins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Biogenesis of subtilin, an antimicrobial peptide produced by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, was studied in growing cells. Pulse-chase labeling experiments with [35S]cysteine revealed the presence of precursor proteins of subtilin. The synthesis of both precursor proteins and subtilin was inhibited by inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis. When the precursor proteins were incubated with crude extracts of the organism in vitro, they were converted to subtilin. Pepstatin and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride in combination inhibited this conversion.  相似文献   

Anti-tubulin immunofluorescence microscopy is used here to demonstrate the configurations of the microtubule-containing structures which participate in the pronuclear movements of sea urchin fertilization. This technique shows that the egg is devoid of microtubules until after the fertilizing sperm is fully incorporated. All the microtubules which appear during the course of fertilization are organized around the base of the sperm head and the sperm aster thus formed behaves in a way that could account for the characteristic motions of the male and female pronuclei as documented by time-lapse video microscopy. Extension of astral microtubules appears to be responsible for the slow (ca. 2.5 μm min?1) movement of the sperm aster into the cytoplasm of the egg; the rapid (ca. 15 μm min?1) migration of the female pronucleus to the sperm aster seems to depend on connection of the female pronucleus to microtubules of the sperm aster. Continued extension of astral microtubules after the pronuclei are brought into conjunction can account for the centripetal motion of the paired (or fused) pronuclei and for the positioning of the zygote nucleus in the center of the egg. The behavior of astral microtubules during these motions suggests that they are capable of transmitting both pushing and pulling forces. All the pronuclear movements, and the assembly of detectable microtubules, are sensitive to the microtubule inhibitors griseofulvin and colchicine. Because of this sensitivity, and since all the observable microtubules within the egg during fertilization arise at the sperm aster, it is concluded that the pronuclear movements of fertilization result from the actions of the sperm aster. The pronuclear movements of sea urchin fertilization represent a simple but striking example of microtubule-mediated motility.  相似文献   

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