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During Drosophila oogenesis, nurse cells undergo changes in chromosomal morphology, first from the polytenic form to a transient condensed phase known as the five-blob configuration, then into a diffuse polytenic-polyploid state for the remainder of oogenesis. The mechanism by which nurse-cell chromosome dispersal is regulated remains elusive. Mutations in several genes, including the heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein genes squid (sqd) and hrb27C, the alternative splicing factor gene poly U binding factor 68kDa (pUf68, also known as half-pint), and the germ-line-specific gene ovarian tumor (otu), that produce defects in nurse-cell chromosome dispersal also produce defects in oocyte polarity, suggesting a link between these two processes. Here, we characterize a novel gene named poly, which, when mutated in the germ line, disrupts nurse-cell chromosome dispersal, as well as localization of anteroposterior and dorsoventral determinants in the oocyte. We also show that poly interacts genetically with hrb27C and otu. We conclude that poly is required for nurse-cell chromosome dispersal and oocyte polarization in the Drosophila germ-line. In addition, our interaction data suggest that poly is probably a member of the characterized mRNP complex that mediates both processes.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the formation of the embryonic axes is initiated by Gurken, a transforming growth factor alpha signal from the oocyte to the posterior follicle cells, and an unknown polarising signal back to the oocyte. We report that Drosophila Merlin is specifically required only within the posterior follicle cells to initiate axis formation. Merlin mutants show defects in nuclear migration and mRNA localisation in the oocyte. Merlin is not required to specify posterior follicle cell identity in response to the Gurken signal from the oocyte, but is required for the unknown polarising signal back to the oocyte. Merlin is also required non-autonomously, only in follicle cells that have received the Gurken signal, to maintain cell polarity and limit proliferation, but is not required in embryos and larvae. These results are consistent with the fact that human Merlin is encoded by the gene for the tumour suppressor neurofibromatosis-2 and is a member of the Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin family of proteins that link actin to transmembrane proteins. We propose that Merlin acts in response to the Gurken signal by apically targeting the signal that initiates axis specification in the oocyte.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication between the somatic and germline cells is vital to development of the Drosophila egg chamber. One critical outcome of this communication is the polarization of the oocyte along the anterior-posterior axis, a process induced by an unknown signal from the somatic follicle cells to the oocyte. The existence of this signal has been inferred from several reports demonstrating that the differentiation and patterning of the follicle cells by the spatially restricted activation of certain cell-signaling pathways is necessary for axis formation in the oocyte. These reports have also provided a framework for understanding how these signaling pathways are integrated to generate the follicle-cell pattern, but the precise role of the follicle cells in anterior-posterior axis formation remains enigmatic. Research has identified several genes that appear to be involved in the polarizing communication from the follicle cells to the oocyte. Interestingly the proteins encoded by most of these genes are associated with the extracellular matrix, suggesting a pivotal role for this complex biological component in the polarizing communication between the follicle cells and the oocyte. This review summarizes the findings in this area, and uses the experimental analyses of these genes to evaluate various models describing the possible nature of the polarizing signal, and the role of these genes in it.  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein Dystroglycan is a central element of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex, which is involved in the pathogenesis of many forms of muscular dystrophy. Dystroglycan is a receptor for multiple extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules such as Laminin, agrin and perlecan, and plays a role in linking the ECM to the actin cytoskeleton; however, how these interactions are regulated and their basic cellular functions are poorly understood. Using mosaic analysis and RNAi in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster, we show that Dystroglycan is required cell-autonomously for cellular polarity in two different cell types, the epithelial cells (apicobasal polarity) and the oocyte (anteroposterior polarity). Loss of Dystroglycan function in follicle and disc epithelia results in expansion of apical markers to the basal side of cells and overexpression results in a reduced apical localization of these same markers. In Dystroglycan germline clones early oocyte polarity markers fail to be localized to the posterior, and oocyte cortical F-actin organization is abnormal. Dystroglycan is also required non-cell-autonomously to organize the planar polarity of basal actin in follicle cells, possibly by organizing the Laminin ECM. These data suggest that the primary function of Dystroglycan in oogenesis is to organize cellular polarity; and this study sets the stage for analyzing the Dystroglycan complex by using the power of Drosophila molecular genetics.  相似文献   

Germline cysts containing 16 interconnected cells (cystocytes) are produced at an early stage of Drosophila oogenesis by progenitor cells known as cystoblasts that undergo four synchronous rounds of incomplete division. During cyst formation, a region of specialized, spectrin-rich cytoplasm called the fusome traverses the intercellular Connections (ring canals), linking individual cystocytes. Subsequently, 15 cystocytes begin to transport specific RNAs and other components into the remaining cell, the future oocyte. We used fusome-specific antibodies to characterize the early stages of cyst formation. During the first cystoblast division, a spherical mass of fusome material (the “spectrosome”) was associated with only one pole of the mitotic spindle, revealing that this division is asymmetric. During the subsequent three divisions, the growing fusome always associated with the pole of each mitotic spindle that remained in the mother cell, and only extended through the newly formed ring canals after each division was completed. These observations suggest that fusomes help establish a system of directional transport between cystocytes that underlies oocyte determination. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Localized mRNA translation is a widespread mechanism for targeting protein synthesis, important for cell fate, motility and pathogenesis. In Drosophila, the spatiotemporal control of gurken/TGF-α mRNA translation is required for establishing the embryonic body axes. A number of recent studies have highlighted key aspects of the mechanism of gurken mRNA translational control at the dorsoanterior corner of the mid-stage oocyte. Orb/CPEB and Wispy/GLD-2 are required for polyadenylation of gurken mRNA, but unlocalized gurken mRNA in the oocyte is not fully polyadenylated.1 Norvell A, Wong J, Randolph K, Thompson L. Wispy and Orb cooperate in the cytoplasmic polyadenylation of localized gurken mRNA. Dev Dyn Off Publ Am Assoc Anat 2015; 244:1276-1285. [Google Scholar] At the dorsoanterior corner, Orb and gurken mRNA have been shown to be enriched at the edge of Processing bodies, where translation occurs.2 Weil TT, Parton RM, Herpers B, Soetaert J, Veenendaal T, Xanthakis D, Dobbie IM, Halstead JM, Hayashi R, Rabouille C, et al. Drosophila patterning is established by differential association of mRNAs with P bodies. Nat Cell Biol 2012; 14:1305-1313; PMID:23178881; http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncb2627[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Over-expression of Orb in the adjacent nurse cells, where gurken mRNA is transcribed, is sufficient to cause mis-expression of Gurken protein.3 Davidson A, Parton RM, Rabouille C, Weil TT, Davis I. Localized translation of gurken/TGF-α mRNA during axis specification is controlled by access to Orb/CPEB on processing bodies. Cell Rep 2016; 14:2451-2462; PMID:26947065; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.02.038[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] In orb mutant egg chambers, reducing the activity of CK2, a Serine/Threonine protein kinase, enhances the ventralized phenotype, consistent with perturbation of gurken translation.4 Wong LC, Costa A, McLeod I, Sarkeshik A, Yates J 3rd, Kyin S, Perlman D, Schedl P, et al. The functioning of the drosophila CPEB protein Orb is regulated by phosphorylation and requires casein kinase 2 activity. PLoS One 2011; 6:e24355; PMID:21949709; http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0024355[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Here we show that sites phosphorylated by CK2 overlap with active Orb and with Gurken protein expression. Together with our new findings we consolidate the literature into a working model for gurken mRNA translational control and review the role of kinases, cell cycle factors and polyadenylation machinery highlighting a multitude of conserved factors and mechanisms in the Drosophila egg chamber.  相似文献   

During early oogenesis, one cell from a cyst of 16 germ cells is selected to become the oocyte. Recent data suggest that the choice of this cell within the cyst is strongly biased as early as the cyst itself forms. However, it was further shown that, although selected, the oocyte fate needs to be maintained. The maintenance of the oocyte identity requires the activity of the Drosophila homologues of the Caenorhabditis elegans par genes. It was shown that the par genes are required for the first polarisation of the oocyte as early as in region 3 of the germarium. This reveals a striking conservation between the polarisation along the antero-posterior axis of the Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell embryo and the Drosophila oocyte.  相似文献   

The PAR-1 kinase is required for the posterior localisation of the germline determinants in C. elegans and Drosophila, and localises to the posterior of the zygote and the oocyte in each case. We show that Drosophila PAR-1 is also required much earlier in oogenesis for the selection of one cell in a germline cyst to become the oocyte. Although the initial steps in oocyte determination are delayed, three markers for oocyte identity, the synaptonemal complex, the centrosomes and Orb protein, still become restricted to one cell in mutant clones. However, the centrosomes and Orb protein fail to translocate from the anterior to the posterior cortex of the presumptive oocyte in region 3 of the germarium, and the cell exits meiosis and becomes a nurse cell. Furthermore, markers for the minus ends of the microtubules also fail to move from the anterior to the posterior of the oocyte in mutant clones. Thus, PAR-1 is required for the maintenance of oocyte identity, and plays a role in microtubule-dependent localisation within the oocyte at two stages of oogenesis. Finally, we show that PAR-1 localises on the fusome, and provides a link between the asymmetry of the fusome and the selection of the oocyte.  相似文献   

In a genetic screen we isolated mutations in CG10260, which encodes a phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4KIIIalpha), and found that PI4KIIIalpha is required for Hippo signaling in Drosophila ovarian follicle cells. PI4KIIIalpha mutations in the posterior follicle cells lead to oocyte polarization defects similar to those caused by mutations in the Hippo signaling pathway. PI4KIIIalpha mutations also cause misexpression of well-established Hippo signaling targets. The Merlin-Expanded-Kibra complex is required at the apical membrane for Hippo activity. In PI4KIIIalpha mutant follicle cells, Merlin fails to localize to the apical domain. Our analysis of PI4KIIIalpha mutants provides a new link in Hippo signal transduction from the cell membrane to its core kinase cascade.  相似文献   

The orb gene encodes an RNA recognition motif (RRM)-type RNA-binding protein that is a member of the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein (CPEB) family of translational regulators. Early in oogenesis, orb is required for the formation and initial differentiation of the egg chamber, while later in oogenesis it functions in the determination of the dorsoventral (DV) and anteroposterior axes of egg and embryo. In the studies reported here, we have examined the role of the orb gene in the gurken (grk)-Drosophila epidermal growth factor receptor (DER) signaling pathway. During the previtellogenic stages of oogenesis, the grk-DER signaling pathway defines the posterior pole of the oocyte by specifying posterior follicle cell identity. This is accomplished through the localized expression of Grk at the very posterior of the oocyte. Later in oogenesis, the grk-DER pathway is used to establish the DV axis. Grk protein synthesized at the dorsal anterior corner of the oocyte signals dorsal fate to the overlying follicle cell epithelium. We show that orb functions in both the early and late grk-DER signaling pathways, and in each case is required for the localized expression of Grk protein. We have found that orb is also required to promote the synthesis of a key component of the DV polarity pathway, K(10). Finally, we present evidence that Orb protein expression during the mid- to late stages of oogenesis is, in turn, negatively regulated by K(10).  相似文献   

Meiosis is coupled to gamete development and must be well regulated to prevent aneuploidy. During meiotic maturation, Drosophila oocytes progress from prophase I to metaphase I. The molecular factors controlling meiotic maturation timing, however, are poorly understood. We show that Drosophila alpha-endosulfine (endos) plays a key role in this process. endos mutant oocytes have a prolonged prophase I and fail to progress to metaphase I. This phenotype is similar to that of mutants of cdc2 (synonymous with cdk1) and of twine, the meiotic homolog of cdc25, which is required for Cdk1 activation. We found that Twine and Polo kinase levels are reduced in endos mutants, and identified Early girl (Elgi), a predicted E3 ubiquitin ligase, as a strong Endos-binding protein. In elgi mutant oocytes, the transition into metaphase I occurs prematurely, but Polo and Twine levels are unaffected. These results suggest that Endos controls meiotic maturation by regulating Twine and Polo levels, and, independently, by antagonizing Elgi. Finally, germline-specific expression of the human alpha-endosulfine ENSA rescues the endos mutant meiotic defects and infertility, and alpha-endosulfine is expressed in mouse oocytes, suggesting potential conservation of its meiotic function.  相似文献   

Drosophila embryonic dorsal-ventral polarity is defined by a maternally encoded signal transduction pathway. Gastrulation Defective, Snake, and Easter comprise a serine protease cascade that operates in the perivitelline space to generate active ligand for the Toll receptor, which resides in the embryonic membrane. Toll is activated only on the ventral side of the embryo. Spatial regulation of this pathway is initiated by the ventrally restricted expression of the sulfotransferase Pipe in the follicular epithelium that surrounds the developing oocyte. Pipe is thought to modify a target molecule that is secreted and localized within the ventral region of the egg and future embryo, where it influences the activity of the pathway such that active Toll ligand is produced only ventrally. A potential substrate for Pipe is encoded by nudel, which is expressed throughout the follicle cell layer and encodes a large, multi-functional secreted protein that contains a serine protease domain as well as other structural features characteristic of extracellular matrix proteins. A previous mosaic analysis suggested that the protease domain of Nudel is not a target for Pipe activity as its expression is not required in pipe-expressing cells, but failed to rule out such a role for other functional domains of the protein. To investigate this possibility, we carried out a mosaic analysis of additional nudel alleles, including some that affect the entire protein. Our analysis demonstrated that proteolytically processed segments of Nudel are secreted into the perivitelline space and stably localized, as would be expected for the target of Pipe, However, we found no requirement for nudel to be expressed in ventral, pipe-expressing follicle cells, thereby eliminating Nudel as an essential substrate of Pipe sulfotransferase activity.  相似文献   

Stein D  Cho YS  Zhang Z  Stevens LM 《Fly》2008,2(4):220-228
Drosophila embryonic dorsal-ventral polarity is defined by a maternally encoded signal transduction pathway. Gastrulation Defective, Snake, and Easter comprise a serine protease cascade that operates in the perivitelline space to generate active ligand for the Toll receptor, which resides in the embryonic membrane. Toll is activated only on the ventral side of the embryo. Spatial regulation of this pathway is initiated by the ventrally restricted expression of the sulfotransferase Pipe in the follicular epithelium that surrounds the developing oocyte. Pipe is thought to modify a target molecule that is secreted and localized within the ventral region of the egg and future embryo, where it influences the activity of the pathway such that active Toll ligand is produced only ventrally. A potential substrate for Pipe is encoded by nudel, which is expressed throughout the follicle cell layer and encodes a large, multi-functional secreted protein that contains a serine protease domain as well as other structural features characteristic of extracellular matrix proteins. A previous mosaic analysis suggested that the protease domain of Nudel is not a target for Pipe activity as its expression is not required in pipe-expressing cells, but failed to rule out such a role for other functional domains of the protein. To investigate this possibility, we carried out a mosaic analysis of additional nudel alleles, including some that affect the entire protein. Our analysis demonstrated that proteolytically processed segments of Nudel are secreted into the perivitelline space and stably localized, as would be expected for the target of Pipe, However, we found no requirement for nudel to be expressed in ventral, pipe-expressing follicle cells, thereby eliminating Nudel as an essential substrate of Pipe sulfotransferase activity.  相似文献   

During oogenesis in Drosophila, mRNAs encoding determinants required for the polarization of egg and embryo become localized in the oocyte in a spatially restricted manner. The TGF-alpha like signaling molecule Gurken has a central role in the polarization of both body axes and the corresponding mRNA displays a unique localization pattern, accumulating initially at the posterior and later at the anterior-dorsal of the oocyte. Correct localization of gurken RNA requires a number of cis-acting sequence elements, a complex of trans-acting proteins, of which only several have been identified, and the motor proteins Dynein and Kinesin, traveling along polarized microtubules. Here we report that the cytoplasmic Dynein-light-chain (DDLC1) which is the cargo-binding subunit of the Dynein motor protein, directly bound with high specificity and affinity to a 230-nucleotide region within the 3'UTR of gurken, making it the first Drosophila mRNA-cargo to directly bind to the DLC. Although DDLC1 lacks known RNA-binding motifs, comparison to double-stranded RNA-binding proteins suggested structural resemblance. Phenotypic analysis of ddlc1 mutants supports a role for DDLC1 in gurken RNA localization and anchoring as well as in correct positioning of the oocyte nucleus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Drosophila oocyte determination involves a complex process by which a single cell within an interconnected cyst of 16 germline cells differentiates into an oocyte. This process requires the asymmetric accumulation of both specific messenger RNAs and proteins within the future oocyte as well as the proper organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton, which together with the fusome provides polarity within the developing germline cyst. RESULTS: In addition to its previously described late oogenic role in the establishment of anterior-posterior polarity and subsequent embryonic axis formation, the Drosophila par-1 gene is required very early in the germline for establishing cyst polarity and for oocyte specification. Germline clonal analyses, for which we used a protein null mutation, reveal that Drosophila par-1 (par-1) is required for the asymmetric accumulation of oocyte-specific factors as well as the proper organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton. Similarly, somatic clonal analyses indicate that par-1 is required for microtubule stabilization in follicle cells. The PAR-1 protein is localized to the fusome and ring canals within the developing germline cyst in direct contact with microtubules. Likewise, in the follicular epithelium, PAR-1 colocalizes with microtubules along the basolateral membrane. However, in either case PAR-1 localization is independent of microtubules. CONCLUSIONS: The Drosophila par-1 gene plays at least two essential roles during oogenesis; it is required early in the germline for organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton and subsequent oocyte determination, and it has a second, previously described role late in oogenesis in axis formation. In both cases, par-1 appears to exert its effects through the regulation of microtubule dynamics and/or stability, and this finding is consistent with the defined role of the mammalian PAR-1 homologs.  相似文献   

A small proportion of ovarian chambers from females homozygous for the otu7 (for ovarian tumor) mutation contain an "oocyte" that in its nuclear morphology resembles a nurse cell. Such transformed oocytes also appear in colchicine-poisoned wild type ovaries. Cytophotometric estimates demonstrate that these oocytes have undergone 3-4 additional DNA replications, but that they lag behind the adjacent nurse cells by an average of 1.3 replication cycles. It follows that, under certain circumstances, the definitive oocyte can switch to the nurse cell developmental pathway and therefore that a mechanism normally exists for preventing the further replication of its DNA. In the case of otu7, oocytes sometimes restart their endocyclic DNA replications and produce paired, polytene, homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

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