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【目的】前期研究发现麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae孤雌蚜有翅和无翅个体中存在很多差异表达的微小RNA(microRNA, miRNA),本研究旨在进一步明确这些miRNA在豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum中发挥作用的发育阶段,探索miRNA调控孤雌蚜翅两型性分化的机制。【方法】选择在麦长管蚜有翅蚜和无翅蚜中显著差异表达,且靶基因为蜕皮激素、胰岛素信号通路及翅型发育关键基因的5个miRNA(Let-7,miR-92a, miR-92b, miR-92a-1-p5和miR-277),利用qPCR检测这些miRNA及其靶标基因在豌豆蚜3-4龄若蚜和成虫有翅和无翅个体中的表达谱;同时利用双荧光素酶活性检测法对上述miRNA的靶基因进行验证。【结果】表达谱分析发现,这5个miRNA在豌豆蚜成虫中表达量均高于其在若蚜中的表达量,而其预测的靶基因在4龄若蚜中的表达量均高于其在成虫中的表达量,表明miRNA对其靶基因的调控作用可能集中在成虫阶段。分析豌豆蚜有翅和无翅个体中5个miRNA的表达情况发现,在成虫有翅个体中5个miRNA的表达量均高于无翅个体中的,其中miR-277表达差异最显著,成虫有翅个体中的表达量是无翅个体中表达量的7.5倍;其次为Let-7,表达差异达3倍。而Let-7在3龄有翅若蚜和无翅若蚜中表达差异最显著,有翅个体中的表达量是无翅个体中的37.8倍;其次为miR-277,表达差异达7.6倍。比较5个miRNA与其靶基因在豌豆蚜3-4龄若蚜及成虫有翅和无翅个体中的表达发现,miRNA Let-7和miR-92b的表达趋势分别与其靶基因abrupt和Foxo的基本相反。荧光素酶活性检测结果显示,Let-7的真实靶标为abrupt,共转染Let-7模拟物后与对照相比,荧光素酶活性下降53%,达极显著水平。其他miRNA与靶标基因的互作不显著。【结论】首次发现miRNA对豌豆蚜孤雌蚜翅型分化相关基因的调控可能发生在成虫阶段。Let-7可能通过调控abrupt基因参与孤雌蚜翅型分化。该研究为进一步探索miRNA参与孤雌蚜翅两型性分化的机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Wing dimorphism is a fascinating feature of the ability of insects to adapt to environments. The brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens, a serious pest of rice, can switch between the long- and short-winged morphs. It has been known that environmental factors can affect the wing morph of BPH. However, it is still unclear whether the effect of environment is dependent on BPH genetic backgrounds or not. In the present study, we established the pure-bred lineages of short- and long-winged BPHs via multigenerational selection, and we found that survival and fecundity were similar between these 2 lineages. Wing morphs of the pure-bred lineages were almost fully dependent on genetics, but independent of the environmental factors, nymphal density and rice plant stage, 2 key factors affecting BPH wing morphs. In the unselected BPH population, short- and long-winged morphs were produced depending on those 2 environmental factors, indicating the contribution of environment to wing morph. In the wing-selected lineages, 4 developmental regulated genes of wing, NlInR1, NlInR2, NlAkt, and NlFoxo were expressed stably in the short-winged adults, but almost silenced in the long-winged adults. However, all these genes were expressed normally with a similar level in both the short- and long-winged adults in an unselected population except NlFoxo. The pure-bred lineages of long- and short-winged morphs exhibited different expression patterns of wing development-regulated genes, suggesting the genetic determination of wing morphs. Effects of environmental factors on wing morphs occurred only in the genetic mix population.  相似文献   

The C4 grass Arundinella hirta is characterized by unusual leaf blade anatomy: veins are widely spaced and files of bundle-sheath-like cells, the distinctive cells, form longitudinal strands that are not associated with vascular tissue. While distinctive cells (DCs) appear to function like bundle sheath cells (BSCs), they differ developmentally in two ways: they are derived from ground meristem rather than procambium and they are formed 1–2 plastochrons later. This study describes ultrastructural features of differentiating of BSCs, DCs, and associated mesophyll cells (MCs) during leaf development. BSCs and DCs differ from adjacent MCs by undergoing earlier cell enlargement, greater rates of chloroplast enlargement, reduction of chloroplast thylakoids at late stages of differentiation, more extensive starch formation, greater wall thickening, and deposition of a suberin lamella. The precocious delimitation of the bundle sheath layer is reflected in earlier BSC enlargement and vacuole growth. Derivation of DCs from ground meristem is correlated with late developmental changes in chloroplast size, wall thickness, and plasmodesmatal density. Despite these differences in timing of events, particularly at early stages, the development of the specialized structural features of BSCs and DCs is essentially similar. Thus, proximity to vascular tissue appears to be nonessential for the coordination and regulation of BSC- and MC-specific developmental events.  相似文献   

The Dictyostelium gene ampA, initially identified by the D11 cDNA, encodes a novel anti-adhesive-like protein. The ampA gene product inhibits premature cell agglutination during growth and modulates cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion during development. Analysis of the promoter indicates that cap site-proximal sequence directs ampA expression during both growth and early development. Expression following tip formation is controlled by more distal sequence, which contains TTGA repeats known to regulate prestalk cell gene expression in other promoters. Comparison of reporter gene expression and endogenous mRNA accumulation indicates that during growth the ampA gene is expressed in an increasing number of cells as a function of density. The number of cells expressing the ampA gene drops as development initiates, but the cells that continue to express the gene do so at high levels. These cells are initially scattered throughout the entire aggregate. By the tip formation stage, however, the majority of ampA-expressing cells are localized to the mound periphery, with only a few cells remaining scattered in the upper portion of the mound. In the final culminant, ampA is expressed only in the upper cup, lower cup, and basal disc. Although reporter expression is observed in cells that migrate anteriorly to a banded region just posterior to the tip, expression is rarely observed in the extreme tip. AmpA protein however, is localized to the tip as well as to ALCs during late development. The results presented here suggest that ampA gene expression is shut off in ALCs that continue along the prestalk differentiation pathway before they are added to the primordial stalk.  相似文献   

During its life cycle, the amoebozoon Physarum polycephalum forms multinucleate plasmodial cells that can grow to macroscopic size while maintaining a naturally synchronous population of nuclei. Sporulation‐competent plasmodia were stimulated through photoactivation of the phytochrome photoreceptor and the expression of sporulation marker genes was analyzed quantitatively by repeatedly taking samples of the same plasmodial cell at successive time points after the stimulus pulse. Principal component analysis of the gene expression data revealed that plasmodial cells take different trajectories leading to cell fate decision and differentiation and suggested that averaging over individual cells is inappropriate. Queries for genes with pairwise correlated expression kinetics revealed qualitatively different patterns of co‐regulation, indicating that alternative programs of differential regulation are operational in individual plasmodial cells. At the single cell level, the response to stimulation of a non‐sporulating mutant was qualitatively different as compared to the wild type with respect to the differentially regulated genes and their patterns of co‐regulation. The observation of individual differences during commitment and differentiation supports the concept of a Waddington‐type quasipotential landscape for the regulatory control of cell differentiation. Comparison of wild type and sporulation mutant data further supports the idea that mutations may impact the topology of this landscape.  相似文献   

Half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) is a rare marine flatfish whose mature ovary and testis greatly differ in volume and weight. The length and weight of mature females are over twice greater than those of mature males. To obtain sufficient information on gonad differentiation and the relationship between gonad development and growth in the fish, we compared gene expression between the ovary and testis using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Testis cDNAs are subtracted from...  相似文献   

Summary The temporal pattern of replication of the rRNA and legumin genes differs in synchronized pea root cells. The relative number of rRNA genes replicated hourly during the first five hours of S phase ranges between 5 and 10 percent. In late S phase, during hours six through nine, the number of rRNA genes replicated increases reaching a maximum of about 25 percent at the ninth hour. Unlike the rRNA genes, the legumin genes have a wave-like pattern of replication peaking in early S phase at the third hour and again in late S phase at the eighth hour.Replicating rDNA, isolated by benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE-column chromatography, has EcoR I restriction sites that are absent in non-replicating rDNA sequences. The cleavage of these sites is independent of the time of rDNA replication. The transient nature of the EcoR I sites suggests that they exist in a hemimethylated state in parental DNA.The two Hind III repeat-size classes of rDNA of var. Alaska peas are replicated simultaneously as cells progress through S phase. Thus, even if the 9.0 kb and 8.6 kb repeat classes are located on different chromosomes, their temporal order of replication is the same.  相似文献   

The glutathione reductase (GR; EC isozyme present in peroxisomes has been purified for the first time, and its unequivocal localization in these organelles, by immunogold electron microscopy, is reported. The enzyme was purified c. 21-fold with a specific activity of 9523 units mg(-1) protein, and a yield of 44 microg protein kg(-1) leaves was obtained. The subunit size of the peroxisomal GR was 56 kDa and the isoelectric point was 5.4. The enzyme was recognized by a polyclonal antibody raised against total GR from pea (Pisum sativum) leaves. The localization of GR in peroxisomes adds to chloroplasts and mitochondria where GR isozymes are also present, and suggests a multiple targeting of this enzyme to distinct cell compartments depending on the metabolism of each organelle under the plant growth conditions. The expression level of GR in several organs of pea plants and under different stress conditions was investigated. The possible role of peroxisomal GR under abiotic stress conditions, such as cadmium toxicity, high light, darkness, high temperature, wounding and low temperature, is discussed.  相似文献   

The synthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is a key regulatory step for the production of hemes and chlorophyll via the tetrapyrrole synthesis pathway. The first enzyme committed to ALA synthesis is glutamyl-tRNA reductase encoded in Arabidopsis by a small family of nuclear-encoded HEMA genes. To better understand the regulation of the tetrapyrrole synthesis pathway we have made a detailed study of HEMA2 expression with transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana L. Col. plants carrying chimeric HEMA2 promoter:gusA fusion constructs. Our results show that the HEMA2 promoter directs expression predominantly to roots and flowers, but that HEMA2 is also expressed at low levels in photosynthetic tissues. Deletion analysis of the HEMA2 promoter indicates that a ca. 850 bp fragment immediately upstream of the HEMA2 coding region is sufficient to drive regulated gusA expression. In contrast to HEMA1, HEMA2 is not up-regulated by red, far-red, blue, UV or white light. In addition, elimination of a promotive plastid signal by Norflurazon-induced photobleaching of plastids had no effect on HEMA2 expression while being required for normal white-light induction of HEMA1. HEMA2 expression in the cotyledons is inhibited by the presence of sucrose or glucose, but not fructose, and this response is light-independent. HEMA1 expression in cotyledons is also inhibited by sugars, but in a strictly light-dependent manner. The roles of HEMA1 and HEMA2 in meeting cellular tetrapyrrole requirements are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae 9个微小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)在两翅型间不同发育阶段的表达模式,揭示其在蚜虫翅型分化中发挥作用的关键时期.[方法]RT-PCR克隆麦长管蚜内参基因U6的cDNA全长序列和9个miRNA,并利用qRT-PCR方法检测9个miRNA在有翅和无翅麦长管蚜不同...  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been constructed to describe the accumulation of radioactivity in the DNA of mouse L cells growing exponentially in the presence of [3H]thymidine. The model depends on three parameters: (1) the rate of transformation of exogenous thymidine into dTTP; (2) the rate of synthesis of DNA; and (3) the pool size of dTTP. From experiments in which cells are labeled over short and long periods, respectively, data may be obtained by which the parameters may be estimated. The results show that the size of the dTTP pool estimated in this way agrees with the total amount of dTTP in the cell as estimated by an enzymatic assay; thus all the dTTP in the cell serves as precursor in DNA synthesis. In addition, experiments in which satellite DNA has been separated from bulk DNA show that these two species are made from the same precursor pool of dTTP.  相似文献   

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