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The seasonal development of phloem in the stems of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ldb.) was studied over two seasons on 50–60-year-old trees growing in a natural stand in the Siberian forest-steppe zone. Trees at the age of 20–25 years were used to study metabolites in differentiating and mature phloem elements, cambial zone, and radially growing xylem cells in the periods of early and late wood formation. The development of the current-year phloem in the stems of 50–60-year-old trees started, depending on climatic conditions, in the second-third decades of May, 10–20 days before the xylem formation, and ended together with the shoot growth cessation in late July. Monitoring of the seasonal activity of cambium producing phloem sieve cells and the duration of their differentiation compared to the xylem derivatives in the cambium demonstrated that the top production of phloem and xylem cells could coincide or not coincide during the season, while their differentiation activity was always in antiphase. Sieve cells in the early phloem are separated from those in the late phloem by a layer of tannin-containing cells, which are formed in the period when late xylem formation starts. The starch content in the structural elements of phloem depends on the state of annual xylem layer development. The content of low molecular weight carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, and phenols in phloem cells, cambial zone, and xylem derivatives of the cambium depends on the cell type and developmental stage as well as on the type of forming wood (early or late) differing by the cell wall parameters and, hence, by the requirement for assimilates. Significant differences in the dynamics of substances per dry weight and cell were observed during cell development.  相似文献   

Seasonal development of phloem in scots pine stems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The formation of phloem was studied for two years in stems of 50 to 60 year old trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in nature. The development of phloem of the current year begins 10 to 20 days before the xylem formation and is completed with the termination of shoot growth in the end of June. Observations over the seasonal activity of cambium producing sieve cells of phloem and duration of their differentiation as compared to the xylem derivatives of cambium have shown that the maxima of formation of phloem and xylem cells could coincide or not coincide by season, while the activities of their differentiation were always in antiphase. The sieve cells of early phloem were separated from those of late phloem by a layer of tannin-containing cells, which are formed simultaneously with the formation of late xylem cells by the cambium. Seasonal dynamics of accumulation of starch grain in structural elements of the phloem is related to the xylem development. The content of metabolites in differentiating and mature phloem elements, in the cambium zone, and in the xylem cells growing in the radial direction depended on cell specificity, stage of their development, and type of forming wood, early or late, which differ in the cell wall parameters and, hence, requirement of assimilates. Significant differences were described between the content of low molecular weigh carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, and phenol compounds using two methods of calculation: per dry weight and per cell.  相似文献   

Antonova GF  Stasova VV 《Ontogenez》2006,37(5):368-383
The formation of phloem was studied for two years in stems of 50 to 60 year old trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in nature. The development of phloem of the current year begins 10 to 20 days before the xylem formation and is completed with the termination of shoot growth in the end of June. Observations over the seasonal activity of cambium producing sieve-like cells of phloem and duration of their differentiation as compared to the xylem derivatives of cambium have shown that the maxima of formation of phloem and xylem cells could coincide or not coincide by season, while the activities of their differentiation were always at antiphase. The sieve-like cells of early phloem were separated from those of late phloem by a layer of tannin-containing cells, which are formed simultaneously with the formation of late xylem cells by the cambium. Seasonal dynamics of accumulation of starch grain in structural elements of the phloem is related to the xylem development. The content of metabolites in differentiating and mature phloem elements, in the cambium zone, and in the xylem cells growing in the radial direction depended on cell specificity, stage of their development, and type of forming wood, early or late, which differ in the cell wall parameters and, hence, requirement of assimilates. Significant differences were described between the content of low molecular weigh carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, and phenol compounds using two methods of calculation: per dry weight and per cell.  相似文献   

In Samoa, field observations, experiments, and SEM micrographs of hair and feather samples indicate the dioecious lianaFreycinetia reineckei to be both chiropterophilous and ornithophilous with the principal pollinators being an endemic flying fox,Pteropus samoensis, and an endemic starling,Aplonis atrifuscus. Nutritional analysis of staminate and pistillate inflorescenses indicate qualitative and quantitative differences between the rewards offered by the two sexes. No nectar is presented, the principal pollinator rewards being fleshy bracts and pollen. As a result, staminate and bisexual inflorescenses sustain higher levels of pollinator damage, a factor which may tend to maintain dioecism within the population.  相似文献   

Preliminary study shows the two species of Sararanga to differ considerably in morphology and anatomy. The presence of stellate trichomes in S. philippinensis is a major character separating the two species; such trichomes are not found elsewhere in the family. Massive strands of thickened cells (buttresses) extend across the leaf of S. sinuosu but appear absent from S. philippinensis. The leaf anatomy of the latter more closely resembles that common in Freycinetia. The photosynthetic tissue is not clearly differentiated into distinct layers. Both species of Sararanga have unspecialized stomata. The presence of raphides in different structures in the two species may be distinctive. The pollen grains are ellipsoidal, with an intricate reticulate exine. The fruits contrast in structure with those of Pandanus and Freycinetia and the seeds of Sararanga philippinensis have a characteristic elaborate testa.  相似文献   

STONE, BENJAMIN C, 1988. Notes on the genus Pandanus (Pandanaceae) in Tahiti. Pandanus tectorius Park. ex Z. is reinstated with choice of a representative pistillate specimen, following the example of St. John who selected a representative pistillate specimen for P. odoratissimus L. fil., thus making possible the comparison and contrast of other taxa distinguished on carpological characters. Most other putative endemic species are reduced to synonymy under P. teclorius , but the interior, upland species P. papenooensis St. John is shown to be a well-marked endemic (but with P. aoraiewis St. John as a synonym). One new combination is made under P. tectorius for a variety from Raiatea.  相似文献   

  • Some chewing larvae are capable of inducing galls in the host vascular cylinder, e.g. Dasineura sp. (Cecidomyiidae) on Peumus boldus stems. Due to the medicinal and economic importance of P. boldus, the anatomical and functional implications of establishment of Dasineura sp. on P. boldus stems were investigated. We asked if establishment of Dasineura sp. in P. boldus stems induces abnormalities at the cellular and organizational level of the vascular system that increase during gall development in favour of the hydric status of the gall.
  • Anatomical alterations induced in the stems during gall development were determined. Cytohistometric analyses in mature galls were compared to non-galled stems, and water potential and leaf area of non-galled stems were compared with galled stems.
  • Dasineura sp. establishes in the vascular cambium, leading to delignification and rupture of xylem cells, inhibiting formation of phloem and perivascular sclerenchyma. Gall diameter increases together with larval feeding activity, producing a large larval chamber and numerous layers of nutritive tissue, vascular parenchyma, and sclerenchyma. These anatomical alterations do not affect the leaf area of galled stems but favour increased water flow towards these stems.
  • The anatomical alterations induced by Dasineura sp. in P. boldus stems guarantee water and nutrient supply to the gall and larva. After the inducer exits stems, some host branches no longer have vascular connections with the plant body.

The construction cost of a plant tissue, i.e. the amount of photoassimilates used in the synthesis of a unit weight, varies with its biochemical composition. Crop modellers use standard values published for a few groups of cultivated species. Yet, there are also intraspecific variations in the construction cost in relation with the development of the plant or organ. This research aimed at analysing the ontogenic changes in the construction cost of leaves, stems, roots, and fruits of tomato plants and the specific contribution of the mineral content to these changes. For that purpose, samples were harvested from the vegetative phase to the beginning of fruit production. The estimation of the construction cost was based on the contents of carbon, nitrogen and ash. In leaves, the construction cost decreased with the physiological age whereas, in stem internodes, it varied with the sympod number. These ontogenic changes could partly be explained by different accumulations of minerals. In contrast, the construction cost and the mineral content of fruits and roots remained fairly stable. On a whole plant basis, the construction cost of the bulk of each category of organs varied much less. Most of the increase in the mean construction cost of the whole plant during the experiment was due to changes in the allocation ratio between the vegetative parts and the fruits. Attention of crop modellers is drawn to the importance of a precise estimation of the construction cost and to the existence of ontogenic changes at the whole plant and organ levels.Key words: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., construction cost, mineral content, ontogeny, carbon content   相似文献   

Blood vessels course through organs, providing them with essential nutrient and gaseous exchange. However, the vasculature has also been shown to provide non-nutritional signals that play key roles in the control of organ growth, morphogenesis and homeostasis. Here, we examine a decade of work on the contribution of vascular paracrine signals to developing tissues, with a focus on pancreatic β-cells. During the early stages of embryonic development, blood vessels are required for pancreas specification. Later, the vasculature constrains pancreas branching, differentiation and growth. During adult life, capillaries provide a vascular niche for the maintenance of β-cell function and survival. We explore the possibility that the vasculature constitutes a dynamic and regionalized signaling system that carries out multiple and changing functions as it coordinately grows with the pancreatic epithelial tree.  相似文献   

南瓜属植物离体茎段嫁接维管组织的发育过程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在离体条件下,采用同瓜属植物的下胚轴节段进行嫁接,光镜观察发现:异种嫁接西葫芦/南瓜和南瓜自体嫁接嫁接后6-8d在接穗、砧木的薄壁细胞和嫁接面处愈伤组织细胞中分化出管状分子和筛分子,边接接穗和砧木的质部和韧皮部桥在嫁接后8d形成。随后随发育天数的增加其数目增加,用6(5)CF作为筛管输导的示踪剂检验了不同发育时期砧木和接穗间的连通情况,发现嫁接后8d从接穗引入的6(5)CF可以输导到砧木。  相似文献   

In Sararanga , the fruit is a berry as in Freycinetia. The testa comprises a lignifled outer integument with several cell layers, and an unlignified inner integument with two cell layers. Abortive fruits are frequent; they correspond to normal fruits that do not have carpels and sometimes have a lateral process that suggests an abortive carpel. The staminate flowers have a pistillode as in Freycinetia. The anther walls have 1–3 cell layers with endothecial thickenings, one layer in the distal part, 2–3 layers in the proximal part, as in Pandanus. Thus, within the family Pandanaceae, Sararanga has an intermediate position between Pandanus and Freycinetia. Generally speaking, there is a gradient in the vascularization of the bracts on the inflorescences: upper bracts are unvascularized, lower bracts vascularized. Anatomy suggests that the cupules are a perianth.  相似文献   

双子叶植物出土幼苗根茎转变区维管组织发育动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨菁  董忠民 《西北植物学报》2003,23(7):1111-1115
关于根茎初生维管系统之间的连接以及与子叶的关系,在文献中已有广泛的论述,有过各种不同的解释。大部分早期关于根茎转变区的文献研究的是初生组织已完成发育的幼苗。这些研究者认为转变区域是根和茎这两种轴器官之间维管组织发生转变、相互连接的区域。但由于茎中的初生维管组织可以认为是叶迹及叶迹的延伸的综合,转变区域应被看作是轴维管系统与叶迹维管系统之间的连接。因此,转变区的研究必须说明根维管系统与最早的真叶叶迹之间的关系。通过对北乌头和大豆胚胎及幼苗维管组织的解剖学研究,本工作显示在出土萌发的双子叶植物中,初生维管组织在根-下胚轴-子叶中形成一连续系统,并完成根与子叶叶迹之间的维管组织过渡转变。而上胚轴中的维管组织是位于根-下胚轴-子叶上方独立形成的第二维管系统。上胚轴中维管组织的分化起始于第一真叶叶迹基部,向上分化进入叶片,向下进入胚轴并在子叶节下方与根-下胚轴-子叶维管系统相连接。真叶叶迹的木质部与下胚轴中靠近韧皮部的后生木质部或次生木质部连接。根与上胚轴之间不存在维管组织的过渡、转变,而只是在同样发育方向的组织中有一种直接的简单的连接.  相似文献   

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