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Membrane hyperpolarization induced by short pulses of inward current, by stimulation of the anal nerve, which leads to the appearance of a long IPSP in the neuron, and developing during the appearance of spontaneous IPSPs in the neuron was investigated in neuron RPa1 ofHelix pomatia. Short-term hyperpolarization of the neuron membrane by an inward current (10 msec) led to the development of self-maintained (regenerative) membrane hyperpolarization lasting several seconds. The amplitude and duration of regenerative hyperpolarization increased with an increase in amplitude and duration of the pulse of inward current. The time course of IPSPs arising spontaneously in the neuron and in response to stimulation of the anal nerve was similar to that of regenerative hyperpolarization evoked by a pulse of inward current. It is suggested that regenerative hyperpolarization associated with activation of endogenous mechanisms of regulation of the bursting activity of the neuron may be due not only to short-term membrane hyperpolarization of the test neuron by the electric current, but also to hyperpolarization occurring during IPSP generation.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 67–74, January–February, 1981.  相似文献   

Summary The ionic requirements for bursting activity have been investigated in the electrically coupled PD-AB cells group of the Stomatogastric ganglion in the lobster.The passive electrical properties and coupling parameters have been determined in either current or voltage clamp conditions. In voltage clamped cells, the current displayed slow inward transients with superimposed fast transients corresponding respectively to the slow waves and spikes of the coupled undamped cells. The amplitude and frequency of the slow transients were reduced upon hyperpolarization.Cyclic conductance changes were observed with short current pulses, the coupling ratio also changes cyclically being lower during the bursts and slowly increasing during the interburst interval.The slow wave amplitude increased in low K-saline. The post-burst hyperpolarization but not the top level of the wave behaved like a potassium electrode for [K]o higher than 10 mM/l.TEA at low concentration (1 to 5 mM/l) increased the slow wave amplitude by lifting its top level by 10 to 20 mV. The post-burst hyperpolarization remained almost unchanged and its K-dependence was not altered by TEA.Low Na-saline reduced the slow wave amplitude (6 to 11 mV per decade). The Na-dependence increased in the presence of TEA. Slow waves devoid of spikes persisted in 10% Na saline containing TEA. 10–9 M/1 TTX blocked the spikes. 10–7 M/1 TTX blocked the slow waves.Mg-free saline had no effect on the slow wave. In Ca-free saline the cells depolarized and the bursting activity tended to vanish. Repolarization with current led to long lasting slow waves deprived of post-burst hyperpolarization. The bursting ceased when EDTA was added to the Ca-free saline.Cobalt (up to 10 mM/l) was similar to Ca-free saline in its effects; lengthening of the wave and blockage of the repolarization. Replacing Ba for Ca produced large (up to 70 mV) slow waves which were reduced by Co and Ca.Bistable states were observed in various experimental conditions. It is concluded that the slow waves are produced by activation of sodium and calcium currents. The amplitude of the slow wave is modulated by the simultaneous activation of a TEA-sensitive K current. The repolarization is caused by increased K current activated by the inward calcium current. The slow pacemaker potential in the interburst interval corresponds to the slow disappearance of the K current.This work was supported by N.I.H. grant no. 09322, NSF grant no. 00250, and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship to A.D.S. and by the CNRS and a DGRST grant no. 16501891 to M. Gola. We are grateful to Stuart Thompson and Felix Strumwasser for helpful comments and to Barbara McLean for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Electrical characteristics of snail command neurons were studied during and after defensive conditioning. Tapping on the shell was used as a conditioned stimulus. A light air blow into the lung cavity orifice (pneumostome) was used as an unconditioned stimulus. The conditioned defensive reflex is known to be retained for 40 days. We have shown earlier the decrease in membrane and threshold potentials of command neurons after defensive conditioning (Gainutdinov et al., 1996). In these experiments it has been found that the decreased level of membrane and threshold potentials are maintained during 40 days after defensive reflex conditioning.  相似文献   

The glucose-induced B-cell electrical activity was recorded in islets of Langerhans isolated from Swiss Webster albino mice originating from different suppliers. 23 out of 25 islets obtained from mice bred at the Charles River Breeding Station (CR mice) exhibited irregular or chaotic burst patterns of electrical activity, while 36 out of 40 islets isolated from mice bred locally at the National Institutes of Health displayed the typical bursting activity. The CR mice tended to recover a regular pattern after 1 mo on the National Institutes of Health mouse diet. The irregular or chaotic bursting electrical activity is proposed to result from changes in B-cell membrane composition or cellular metabolism, possibly induced by differences in diet.  相似文献   

A basic biophysical model for bursting neurons   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Presented here is a basic biophysical cell model for bursting, an extension of our previous model (Av-Ron et al. 1991) for excitability and oscillations. By changing a limited set of model parameters, one can describe different patterns of bursting behavior in terms of the burst cycle, the durations of oscillation and quiescence, and firing frequency.  相似文献   

Steady-state current-voltage characteristics of the membrane and ionic currents arising during changes in membrane potential in bursting neurons ofHelix pomatia were studied by the voltage clamp method. The steady-state current-voltage characteristics of the membrane were shown to have a nonlinear region. Replacement of sodium ions by Tris-HC1 ions in the external solution completely abolishes this nonlinearity. Hyperpolarization of the membrane under voltage clamp conditions leads to the development of an outward current which reaches a maximum and then is inactivated. This current has a reversal potential in the region of the potassium equilibrium potential. Depolarization of the membrane to the threshold value for excitation of uncontrollable regions of the axon hillock causes the appearance of a slow inward current. After reaching a maximum, the inward current falls to zero. A model of generation of waves in a bursting neuron is suggested.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 193–202, March–April, 1978.  相似文献   

In fresh water pulmonate snails, contact with the water surface as well as a tactile stimulation of the mantle wall induces a co-ordinated activity in symmetrical pedal neurones RPeD1 and LPeD1. The GDC and GSC being not primary sensory neurones, their activity is co-ordinated by polysynaptic mechanisms. In both species, a depolarising current applied to the GDC and GSC caused a discharge in one of the columellar nerves. The data obtained suggest that the co-ordination of activity in the GDC and GSC may have a functional significance for controlling the left and right halves of the columellar muscle in respiration.  相似文献   

In this paper a modular model of the GnRH neuron is presented. For the aim of simplicity, the currents corresponding to fast time scales and action potential generation are described by an impulsive system, while the slower currents and calcium dynamics are described by usual ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The model is able to reproduce the depolarizing afterpotentials, afterhyperpolarization, periodic bursting behavior and the corresponding calcium transients observed in the case of GnRH neurons.  相似文献   

In most central neurons, action potentials are followed by an afterhyperpolarization (AHP) that controls firing pattern and excitability. The medium and slow components of the AHP have been ascribed to the activation of small conductance Ca(2+)-activated potassium (SK) channels. Cloned SK channels are heteromeric complexes of SK alpha-subunits and calmodulin. The channels are activated by Ca(2+) binding to calmodulin that induces conformational changes resulting in channel opening, and channel deactivation is the reverse process brought about by dissociation of Ca(2+) from calmodulin. Here we show that SK channel gating is effectively modulated by 1-ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone (EBIO). Application of EBIO to cloned SK channels shifts the Ca(2+) concentration-response relation into the lower nanomolar range and slows channel deactivation by almost 10-fold. In hippocampal CA1 neurons, EBIO increased both the medium and slow AHP, strongly reducing electrical activity. Moreover, EBIO suppressed the hyperexcitability induced by low Mg(2+) in cultured cortical neurons. These results underscore the importance of SK channels for shaping the electrical response patterns of central neurons and suggest that modulating SK channel gating is a potent mechanism for controlling excitability in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium ions, a specific blocker of the inward calcium current in molluscan neurons, on electrical activity of identified neuron RPal ofHelix pomatia was studied. Cadmium ions in a concentration of 1 mM were shown to block bursting activity of the neuron completely. The membrane potential increased under these circumstances to about ?65 mV. After rinsing out the cadmium ions electrical activity in the neuron was fully restored. If a modulating factor (a peptide fraction obtained from the water-soluble part of snail brain homogenate) was added to the solution containing cadmium ions, however, not only was bursting activity not blocked, but it was actually intensified. Addition of modulating factor to the solution after blocking induced by cadmium ions led to the reappearance of bursting activity if not more than a few tens of seconds had elapsed after blocking developed. As the time after the beginning of blocking increased, addition of the modulating factor became less effective and caused only rhythmic activity to develop. It was concluded from the results of these experiments that bursting activity of neuron RPal is not endogenous but is induced in it by a modulating factor secreted by an unidentified peptidergic interneuron. Calcium ions do not play an essential role in the generation of slow depolarization waves in the neuron under these circumstances but they are essential for secretion of the modulating factor.  相似文献   

Proper functioning of working memory involves the expression of stimulus-selective persistent activity in pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which refers to neural activity that persists for seconds beyond the end of the stimulus. The mechanisms which PFC pyramidal neurons use to discriminate between preferred vs. neutral inputs at the cellular level are largely unknown. Moreover, the presence of pyramidal cell subtypes with different firing patterns, such as regular spiking and intrinsic bursting, raises the question as to what their distinct role might be in persistent firing in the PFC. Here, we use a compartmental modeling approach to search for discriminatory features in the properties of incoming stimuli to a PFC pyramidal neuron and/or its response that signal which of these stimuli will result in persistent activity emergence. Furthermore, we use our modeling approach to study cell-type specific differences in persistent activity properties, via implementing a regular spiking (RS) and an intrinsic bursting (IB) model neuron. We identify synaptic location within the basal dendrites as a feature of stimulus selectivity. Specifically, persistent activity-inducing stimuli consist of activated synapses that are located more distally from the soma compared to non-inducing stimuli, in both model cells. In addition, the action potential (AP) latency and the first few inter-spike-intervals of the neuronal response can be used to reliably detect inducing vs. non-inducing inputs, suggesting a potential mechanism by which downstream neurons can rapidly decode the upcoming emergence of persistent activity. While the two model neurons did not differ in the coding features of persistent activity emergence, the properties of persistent activity, such as the firing pattern and the duration of temporally-restricted persistent activity were distinct. Collectively, our results pinpoint to specific features of the neuronal response to a given stimulus that code for its ability to induce persistent activity and predict differential roles of RS and IB neurons in persistent activity expression.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons exhibit at least two intrinsic modes of action potential burst firing, referred to as parabolic and irregular bursting. Parabolic bursting is characterized by a slow wave in membrane potential that can underlie periodic clusters of action potentials with increased interspike interval at the beginning and at the end of each cluster. Irregular bursting is characterized by clusters of action potentials that are separated by varying durations of interburst intervals and a relatively stable baseline potential. Based on recent studies of isolated ionic currents, a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley (HH)-like model for the GnRH neuron is developed to reproduce each mode of burst firing with an appropriate set of conductances. Model outcomes for bursting are in agreement with the experimental recordings in terms of interburst interval, interspike interval, active phase duration, and other quantitative properties specific to each mode of bursting. The model also shows similar outcomes in membrane potential to those seen experimentally when tetrodotoxin (TTX) is used to block action potentials during bursting, and when estradiol transitions cells exhibiting slow oscillations to irregular bursting mode in vitro. Based on the parameter values used to reproduce each mode of bursting, the model suggests that GnRH neurons can switch between the two through changes in the maximum conductance of certain ionic currents, notably the slow inward Ca2+ current I s, and the Ca2+ -activated K+ current I KCa. Bifurcation analysis of the model shows that both modes of bursting are similar from a dynamical systems perspective despite differences in burst characteristics.  相似文献   

A computationally efficient, biophysically-based model of neuronal behavior is presented; it incorporates ion channel dynamics in its two fast ion channels while preserving simplicity by representing only one slow ion current. The model equations are shown to provide a wide array of physiological dynamics in terms of spiking patterns, bursting, subthreshold oscillations, and chaotic firing. Despite its simplicity, the model is capable of simulating an extensive range of spiking patterns. Several common neuronal behaviors observed in vivo are demonstrated by varying model parameters. These behaviors are classified into dynamical classes using phase diagrams whose boundaries in parameter space prove to be accurately delineated by linear stability analysis. This simple model is suitable for use in large scale simulations involving neural field theory or neuronal networks.  相似文献   

The effect of theophylline, an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, on electrical activity of bursting neuron RPa1 ofHelix pomatia was investigated. In a concentration of 1 mM theophylline, when added to the external solution, increases the frequency and number of action potentials in the burst and also the duration of the inter-burst interval and the amplitude of membrane potential waves. In concentrations of 2.5 and 5.0 mM theophylline leads to reversible inhibition of bursting activity. During rinsing this activity rises to a higher level and then returns to the original value. The action of theophylline develops and disappears (as a result of rinsing) in the course of 1–5 min, depending on concentration of the inhibitor. It is suggested that electrical activity of the molluscan bursting neuron is controlled through the cyclic nucleotide system.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 75–79, January–February, 1981.  相似文献   


1. Impulse activity of phasically firing (bursting) paraventricular neurons, which are assumed to be of the vasopressinergic type, have been extracellularly recorded in brain slices of the rat.

2. Analysis of burst patterns during temperature changes, angiotensin II application and combined application of both stimuli demonstrated that certain burst parameters are effected much stronger than the mean firing rate and also for a longer period of time.

3. The most sensitive parameter was the intraburst frequency which is considered to be the most effective parameter for increased vasopressin release.

4. These data indicate that there are functionally relevant changes in the impulse patterns which are not necessarily manifested in the mean firing rate.

Author Keywords: Hypothalamus; Paraventricular nucleus; PVN; Vasopressin; AVP; Angiotensin II; Neuronal temperature sensitivity; Osmoregulation; Phasic activity; Burst; Impulse pattern; Neuromodulation; Neuronal interactions; In vitro; Rat  相似文献   

1. The effects of met-enkephalin on electrical coupling between molluscan neurons have been investigated using the isolated brains of Helix pomatia and Lymnaea stagnalis.2. In the presence of both serotonin and met-enkephalin, non-rectifying electrical coupling is strongly facilitated between identified respiratory neurons in Helix, whilst coupling between putative, serotonin-containing, ciliomotoneurons in Lymnaea is facilitated by met-enkephalin alone.3. Facilitation of coupling by met-enkephalin is weaker in the strongly coupled neurons, VDl/RPaD2 of Lymnaea.4. These data suggest that met-enkephalin can modulate different groups of electrically coupled cells and may be involved in coordination of motor patterns.  相似文献   

The use of the mathematical model of rat nociceptive neuron membrane allowed us to predict a new mechanism of suppression of ectopic bursting discharges, which arise in neurons of dorsal root ganglia and are one of the causes of neuropathic pain. The treatment with comenic acid leads to switching off the ectopic bursting discharges due to a decrease in the effective charge transferring via the activation gating structure of the slow sodium channels (Na V1.8a). Comenic acid is a drug substance of a new non-opioid analgesic [1] Thus, this analgesic not only reduces the frequency of rhythmic discharges of nociceptive neuron membrane [2] but also it suppresses its ectopic bursting discharges.  相似文献   

Time intervals of 12 records of bursting discharges in Aplysia neurons were analysed by digital computer to determine the interrelations between the burst period, the interburst interval and the burst duration. The effects of membrane potential changes on the parameters of bursting discharges were examined also. A low correlation was found between burst duration and burst period in the majority of cases, and this was interpreted as an indication of probable independence between the mechanisms governing these parameters. Also, a specific temporal organization of interspike intervals seems to be present in each type of neuron. The results suggest that the mechanism governing the burst period is characterized by a slow membrane potential oscillation resembling that observed in bursting neurons when actions potentials are blocked by tetrodotoxin. The burst duration would be determined by the response of the neuron to suprathreshold depolarization.  相似文献   

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