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Phosphorus (P) deficiency tolerance is a pivotal trait for plant growth and development. Most of the commercial modern cultivars lack this trait and reported it as a very serious problem limiting crop productivity. This trait is advantageous if present in modern high yielding varieties as it increases the yield under the phosphorus-deficient soil conditions. With the importance of phosphorus deficiency tolerance, the present investigation was carried out with an objective to screen for tolerance to phosphorus deficiency using solution culture and phosphorus uptake 1 (Pup1) locus linked markers in 30 diverse rice genotypes. A wide range of varied responses to P deficiency in rice genotypes for all the traits were observed. Root length and enzyme activity showed increased mean performance under the − P condition when compared to + P condition. Medium to high heritability estimates were obtained for most of the traits. Correlation analysis showed that the traits: root P content, fresh shoot weight, dry shoot weight, and shoot length showed highly significant correlations with each other under − P conditions. Based on the hydroponics and molecular screening, three genotypes viz., ADT (R) 48, Improved Pusa Basmati 1 and UPLRI 5 were classified as tolerant for its response to P deficiency as they possessed significant increase in desirable root and shoot traits, increased acid phosphatase enzyme and these genotypes also possessed the Pup1 allele for all the five markers. The selected genotypes may be useful for the exploration of novel genes conferring phosphorus deficiency tolerance and used as donor parents in the breeding programs. Absence of this allele in the rice genotypes viz., drought tolerant (Anna (R) 4) and submergence tolerant (CR 1009 Sub 1) may warrant the development of multiple abiotic stress tolerance cultivars for upland and submergence cropping systems in future rice breeding program.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s12298-020-00903-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The p hosphorus up take 1 ( Pup1 ) locus was identified as a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for tolerance of phosphorus deficiency in rice. Near-isogenic lines with the Pup1 region from tolerant donor parent Kasalath typically show threefold higher phosphorus uptake and grain yield in phosphorus-deficient field trials than the intolerant parent Nipponbare. In this study, we report the fine mapping of the Pup1 locus to the long arm of chromosome 12 (15.31–15.47 Mb). Genes in the region were initially identified on the basis of the Nipponbare reference genome, but did not reveal any obvious candidate genes related to phosphorus uptake. Kasalath BAC clones were therefore sequenced and revealed a 278-kbp sequence significantly different from the syntenic regions in Nipponbare (145 kb) and in the indica reference genome of 93-11 (742 kbp). Size differences are caused by large insertions or deletions (INDELs), and an exceptionally large number of retrotransposon and transposon-related elements (TEs) present in all three sequences (45%–54%). About 46 kb of the Kasalath sequence did not align with the entire Nipponbare genome, and only three Nipponbare genes (fatty acid α-dioxygenase, dirigent protein and aspartic proteinase) are highly conserved in Kasalath. Two Nipponbare genes (expressed proteins) might have evolved by at least three TE integrations in an ancestor gene that is still present in Kasalath. Several predicted Kasalath genes are novel or unknown genes that are mainly located within INDEL regions. Our results highlight the importance of sequencing QTL regions in the respective donor parent, as important genes might not be present in the current reference genomes.  相似文献   

Marker-assisted breeding is a very useful tool for breeders but still lags behind its potential because information on the effect of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in different genetic backgrounds and ideal molecular markers are unavailable. Here, we report on some first steps toward the validation and application of the major rice QTL Phosphate uptake 1 (Pup1) that confers tolerance of phosphorus (P) deficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Based on the Pup1 genomic sequence of the tolerant donor variety Kasalath that recently became available, markers were designed that target (1) putative genes that are partially conserved in the Nipponbare reference genome and (2) Kasalath-specific genes that are located in a large insertion-deletion (INDEL) region that is absent in Nipponbare. Testing these markers in 159 diverse rice accessions confirmed their diagnostic value across genotypes and showed that Pup1 is present in more than 50% of rice accessions adapted to stress-prone environments, whereas it was detected in only about 10% of the analyzed irrigated/lowland varieties. Furthermore, the Pup1 locus was detected in more than 80% of the analyzed drought-tolerant rice breeding lines, suggesting that breeders are unknowingly selecting for Pup1. A hydroponics experiment revealed genotypic differences in the response to P deficiency between upland and irrigated varieties but confirmed that root elongation is independent of Pup1. Contrasting Pup1 near-isogenic lines (NILs) were subsequently grown in two different P-deficient soils and environments. Under the applied aerobic growth conditions, NILs with the Pup1 locus maintained significantly higher grain weight plant?1 under P deprivation in comparison with intolerant sister lines without Pup1. Overall, the data provide evidence that Pup1 has the potential to improve yield in P-deficient and/or drought-prone environments and in diverse genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

The major quantitative trait locus (QTL) Phosphorus uptake1 (Pup1) confers tolerance of phosphorus deficiency in soil and is currently one of the most promising QTLs for the development of tolerant rice (Oryza sativa) varieties. To facilitate targeted introgression of Pup1 into intolerant varieties, the gene models predicted in the Pup1 region in the donor variety Kasalath were used to develop gene-based molecular markers that are evenly distributed over the fine-mapped 278-kb QTL region. To validate the gene models and optimize the markers, gene expression analyses and partial allelic sequencing were conducted. The markers were tested in more than 80 diverse rice accessions revealing three main groups with different Pup1 allele constitution. Accessions with tolerant (group I) and intolerant (group III) Pup1 alleles were distinguished from genotypes with Kasalath alleles at some of the analyzed loci (partial Pup1; group II). A germplasm survey additionally confirmed earlier data showing that Pup1 is largely absent from irrigated rice varieties but conserved in varieties and breeding lines adapted to drought-prone environments. A core set of Pup1 markers has been defined, and sequence polymorphisms suitable for single-nucleotide polymorphism marker development for high-throughput genotyping were identified. Following a marker-assisted backcrossing approach, Pup1 was introgressed into two irrigated rice varieties and three Indonesian upland varieties. First phenotypic evaluations of the introgression lines suggest that Pup1 is effective in different genetic backgrounds and environments and that it has the potential to significantly enhance grain yield under field conditions.  相似文献   

Marker-assisted breeding is a very useful tool for breeders but still lags behind its potential because information on the effect of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in different genetic backgrounds and ideal molecular markers are unavailable. Here, we report on some first steps toward the validation and application of the major rice QTL Phosphate uptake 1 (Pup1) that confers tolerance of phosphorus (P) deficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Based on the Pup1 genomic sequence of the tolerant donor variety Kasalath that recently became available, markers were designed that target (1) putative genes that are partially conserved in the Nipponbare reference genome and (2) Kasalath-specific genes that are located in a large insertion-deletion (INDEL) region that is absent in Nipponbare. Testing these markers in 159 diverse rice accessions confirmed their diagnostic value across genotypes and showed that Pup1 is present in more than 50% of rice accessions adapted to stress-prone environments, whereas it was detected in only about 10% of the analyzed irrigated/lowland varieties. Furthermore, the Pup1 locus was detected in more than 80% of the analyzed drought-tolerant rice breeding lines, suggesting that breeders are unknowingly selecting for Pup1. A hydroponics experiment revealed genotypic differences in the response to P deficiency between upland and irrigated varieties but confirmed that root elongation is independent of Pup1. Contrasting Pup1 near-isogenic lines (NILs) were subsequently grown in two different P-deficient soils and environments. Under the applied aerobic growth conditions, NILs with the Pup1 locus maintained significantly higher grain weight plant−1 under P deprivation in comparison with intolerant sister lines without Pup1. Overall, the data provide evidence that Pup1 has the potential to improve yield in P-deficient and/or drought-prone environments and in diverse genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Leaf size is a major determinant of plant architecture and yield potential in crops. A previous study showed that the genomic region of chromosome 1 contains a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for flag leaf size in a set of backcross recombinant inbred lines derived from two elite parental lines (Zhenshan 97 and 93-11). In the present study, the QTL (qFL1) was shown to explain a large proportion of the variation in flag leaf size (leaf length, width and area) in derived populations (BC2F3 and BC3F2) in multiple environments. Using a large segregating population, we narrowed the location of qFL1 to a 31 kb region containing four predicted genes. Expression of one of these genes, OsFTL1, differed between leaves in near-isogenic lines carrying alleles of Zhenshan 97 and 93-11. qFL1 had a pleiotropic effect on flag leaf size and yield-related traits. Conditional QTL analysis of the derived population (BC3F2) supports the assertion that qFL1 is the QTL for flag leaf length and exhibits pleiotropy. Pyramiding of qFL1 with two known genes (GS3 and Wx) from 93-11 into Zhenshan 97 enlarged flag leaves, improved grain size and amylose content, and increased yield per plant, but slightly delayed heading date. These results provide a foundation for the functional characterization of the gene underlying the pleiotropic effects of qFL1 and for genetic improvement of the plant architecture and yield potential of rice.  相似文献   


Key message

A gene not only control tiller and plant height, but also regulate panicle structure by QTL dissection in rice.


An ideal panicle structure is important for improvement of plant architecture and rice yield. In this study, using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of PA64s and 93-11, we identified a quantitative trait locus (QTL), designated qPPB3 for primary panicle branch number. With a BC3F2 population derived from a backcross between a resequenced RIL carrying PA64s allele and 93-11, qPPB3 was fine mapped to a 34.6-kb genomic region. Gene prediction analysis identified four putative genes, among which Os03g0203200, a previously reported gene for plant height and tiller number, Dwarf 88 (D88)/Dwarf 14 (D14), had three nucleotide substitutions in 93-11 compared with PA64s. The T to G substitution resulted in one amino acid change from valine in 93-11 to glycine in PA64s. Real-time PCR analysis showed expression level of D88 was higher in 93-11 than PA64s. The expression of APO1 and IPA1 increased, while GN1a and DST decreased in 93-11 compared with PA64s. Therefore, D88/D14 is not only a key regulator for branching, but also affects panicle structure.  相似文献   

基于CSSL的水稻穗颈长度QTL的代换作图   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨德卫  朱镇  张亚东  林静  陈涛  赵凌  朱文银  王才林 《遗传》2009,31(7):741-747
水稻穗颈长度是影响杂交水稻制种产量提高的重要农艺性状之一。文章利用94个以籼稻品种9311为遗传背景、粳稻品种日本晴为染色体片段供体的覆盖全基因组的染色体片段置换系(Chromosome segment substi-tution lines, CSSL)为材料, 调查和分析CSSL群体及双亲的穗颈长度。结果表明: 在17个置换系中检测到8个控制水稻穗颈长度的数量性状位点(Quantitative trait loci, QTL), 分别位于第2、3、7、8、9和第11染色体; 利用代换作图法, 定位了其中的7个穗颈长度QTL; 其加性效应值介于0.10~3.20之间, 其中qPE-9和qPE-11的加性效应值较大, 平均效应值分别为3.15和2.95, 表现为主效基因特征; qPE-2-2、qPE-3-1、qPE-3-2、qPE-7和qPE-8等5个QTL被定位在小于10.0 cM的区段内。利用CSSL可以有效地鉴定水稻穗颈长度QTL, 这些QTL为分子标记辅助选育穗颈长度适中的水稻品系及其进一步的精细定位奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Grain length in rice plays an important role in determining rice appearance, milling, cooking and eating quality. In this study, the genetic basis of grain length was dissected into six main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and twelve pairs of epistatic QTLs. The stability of these QTLs was evaluated in four environments using an F7 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross between a Japonica variety, Asominori, and an Indica variety, IR24. Moreover, chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) harboring each of the six main-effect QTLs were used to evaluate gene action of QTLs across eight environments. A major QTL denoted as qGL-3a, was found to express stably not only in the isogenic background of Asominori but also in the recombinant background of Asominori and IR24 under multiple environments. The IR24 allele at qGL-3a has a positive effect on grain length. Based on the test of advanced backcross progenies, qGL-3a was dissected as a single Mendelian factor, i.e., long rice grain was controlled by a recessive gene gl-3. High-resolution genetic and physical maps were further constructed for fine mapping gl-3 by using 11 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers designed using sequence information from seven BAC/PAC clones and a BC4F2 population consisting of 2,068 individuals. Consequently, the gl-3 gene was narrowed down to a candidate genomic region of 87.5 kb long defined by SSR markers RMw357 and RMw353 on chromosome 3, which provides a basis for map-based cloning of this gene and for marker-aided QTL pyramiding in rice quality breeding.  相似文献   

The temperate japonica rice cultivar M202 is the predominant variety grown in California due to its tolerance to low temperature stress, good grain quality and high yield. Earlier analysis of a recombinant inbred line mapping population derived from a cross between M202 and IR50, an indica cultivar that is highly sensitive to cold stress, resulted in the identification of a number of QTL conferring tolerance to cold-induced wilting and necrosis. A major QTL, qCTS12, located on the short arm of chromosome 12, contributes over 40% of the phenotypic variance. To identify the gene(s) underlying qCTS12, we have undertaken the fine mapping of this locus. Saturating the short arm of chromosome 12 with microsatellite markers revealed that qCTS12 is closest to RM7003. Using RM5746 and RM3103, which are immediately outside of RM7003, we screened 1,954 F5-F10 lines to find recombinants in the qCTS12 region. Additional microsatellite markers were identified from publicly available genomic sequence and used to fine map qCTS12 to a region of approximately 87 kb located on the BAC clone OSJNBb0071I17. This region contains ten open reading frames (ORFs) consisting of five hypothetical and expressed proteins of unknown function, a transposon protein, a putative NBS-LRR disease resistance protein, two zeta class glutathione S-transferases (OsGSTZ1 and OsGSTZ2), and a DAHP synthetase. Further fine mapping with markers developed from the ORFs delimited the QTL to a region of about 55 kb. The most likely candidates for the gene(s) underlying qCTS12 are OsGSTZ1 and OsGSTZ2.The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Popular African upland rice variety Nerica4 performs poorly under phosphorus (P) deficiency; the objective was to identify plant and soil traits likely to improve its P efficiency....  相似文献   

Rice stripe disease, caused by rice stripe virus (RSV) is a serious constraint to rice production in subtropical regions of East Asia. We performed fine mapping of a RSV resistance QTL on chromosome 11, qSTV11 ( SG ), using near-isogenic lines (NILs, BC(6)F(4)) derived from a cross between the highly resistant variety, Shingwang, and the highly susceptible variety, Ilpum, using 11 insertion and deletion (InDel) markers. qSTV11 ( SG ) was localized to a 150-kb region between InDel 11 (17.86 Mbp) and InDel 5 (18.01?Mbp). Among the two markers in this region, InDel 7 is diagnostic of RSV resistance in 55 Korean japonica and indica rice varieties. InDel 7 could also distinguish the allele type of Nagdong, Shingwang, Mudgo, and Pe-bi-hun from Zenith harboring the Stv-b ( i ) allele. As a result, qSTV11 ( SG ) is likely to be the Stv-b ( i ) allele. There were 21 genes in the 150-kb region harboring the qSTV11 ( SG ) locus. Three of these genes, LOC_Os11g31430, LOC_Os11g31450, and LOC_Os11g31470, were exclusively expressed in the susceptible variety. These expression profiles were consistent with the quantitative nature along with incomplete dominance of RSV resistance. Sequencing of these genes showed that there were several amino acid substitutions between susceptible and resistant varieties. Putative functions of these candidate genes for qSTV11 ( SG ) are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between root-hair growth, acid exudation and phosphorus (P) uptake as well as the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with these traits were determined for a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross of two contrasting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes, DOR364 and G19833, which were grown in solution culture and under field conditions with low-P availability. In the solution-culture study, root-hair density, root-hair length, H+ exudation and total acid exudation were measured. Substantial genotypic variability was observed for these traits and their response to P availability. The P-efficient parent G19833 had greater root-hair density, longer root-hair length, and greater exudation of H+ and total acid than the P-inefficient genotype DOR364. These traits segregated continuously in the RIL population, with obvious tendency of trait transgression. Genetic analysis revealed that the root traits measured had various heritabilities, with h b 2 ranging from 43.24 to 86.70%. Using an integrated genetic map developed for the population, a total of 19 QTLs associated with root hair, acid exudation and P-uptake traits were detected on 8 linkage groups. P uptake in the field was positively correlated with total acid exudation, basal root-hair length, and basal root-hair density. Acid-exudation traits were intercorrelated, as were root-hair traits. Total acid exudation was positively correlated with basal root-hair density and length. Linkage analysis revealed that some of the root-trait QTLs were closely linked with QTLs for P uptake in the field. We propose that marker-assisted selection (MAS) might be a feasible alternative to conventional screening of phenotypic root traits.  相似文献   

Rice black streaked-dwarf virus (RBSDV) disease is recently expanding in southern China and poses a serious threat to rice crops. Few studies related to the genetics and breeding of RBSDV resistance have been reported. We have previously mapped a number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for RBSDV resistance by using a recombinant inbred line population of ‘Zhenshan 97’ (ZS97, susceptible)/‘Minghui 63’ (MH63, resistant) with natural infection data in two locations. In the present study, we confirmed the presence of a number of resistant QTLs on chromosomes 6, 7, and 9 from MH63 by using the same population in four different locations. We then focused on a major QTL, qRBSDV-6 MH , on chromosome 6 and introduced it into a highly susceptible japonica rice variety, ‘Huaidao 5’, using MH63 as the donor via marker-assisted selection, to generate seven backcross inbred lines (BILs). Natural infection and artificial inoculation-based tests revealed that all of the BILs had a significantly higher resistance to RBSDV than the recurrent parent. These results demonstrate that qRBSDV-6 MH is a stable major resistance QTL of high breeding value. We also constructed a set of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) specific to the qRBSDV-6 MH region and these used as fine mapping population. Combining the genotypes of CSSLs with the phenotypes from natural infection data in a highly RBSDV epidemic area during two different sowing seasons, we were able to precisely map qRBSDV-6 MH to the markers S18 and S23 at a physical distance of 627.6 kb on the Nipponbare reference genome.  相似文献   

Developing a deep root system is an important strategy for avoiding drought stress in rice. Using the 'basket' method, the ratio of deep rooting (RDR; the proportion of total roots that elongated through the basket bottom) was calculated to evaluate deep rooting. A new major quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling RDR was detected on chromosome 9 by using 117 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between the lowland cultivar IR64, with shallow rooting, and the upland cultivar Kinandang Patong (KP), with deep rooting. This QTL explained 66.6% of the total phenotypic variance in RDR in the RILs. A BC(2)F(3) line homozygous for the KP allele of the QTL had an RDR of 40.4%, compared with 2.6% for the homozygous IR64 allele. Fine mapping of this QTL was undertaken using eight BC(2)F(3) recombinant lines. The RDR QTL Dro1 (Deeper rooting 1) was mapped between the markers RM24393 and RM7424, which delimit a 608.4 kb interval in the reference cultivar Nipponbare. To clarify the influence of Dro1 in an upland field, the root distribution in different soil layers was quantified by means of core sampling. A line homozygous for the KP allele of Dro1 (Dro1-KP) and IR64 did not differ in root dry weight in the shallow soil layers (0-25 cm), but root dry weight of Dro1-KP in deep soil layers (25-50 cm) was significantly greater than that of IR64, suggesting that Dro1 plays a crucial role in increased deep rooting under upland field conditions.  相似文献   

Seedling vigor is among the major determinants of stable stand establishment in direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in temperate regions. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for seedling vigor were identified using 250 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between two japonica rice cultivars Kakehashi and Dunghan Shali. Seedling heights measured at 14 days after sowing were 20.3 and 29.4 cm for Kakehashi and Dunghan Shali, respectively. For the RILs, the height ranged from 14.1 to 31.7 cm. Four putative QTLs associated with seedling height were detected. qPHS3-2, the major QTL that was located on the long arm of chromosome 3, accounted for 26.2 % of the phenotypic variance. Using progeny of the near isogenic lines (NILs) produced by the backcross introduction of a chromosome segment carrying this major QTL into an elite cultivar Iwatekko, we fine-mapped qPHS3-2 to a 81-kb interval between two markers, ID_CAPS_01 and RM16227. Within this mapped region, we identified the gene OsGA20ox1, which is related to gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis. The relative expression levels of GA20ox1 in seedlings of Dunghan Shali and NILs were higher than that of Iwatekko. Concomitantly, the amount of endogenous active GA was higher in Dunghan Shali and the NILs compared to the level detected in Iwatekko. These results indicate that OsGA20ox1 is a strong candidate gene for major QTL controlling seedling vigor in rice.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is one of the essential macronutrients for plant growth and development. Grain yield is the primary trait of interest in maize breeding programs. Maize grain yield and yield-related traits are seriously affected by P deficiency. Kernel number per row (KN), as one of the major components of grain yield, has attracted the attention of more and more breeders. In our previous study, one major QTL (named qKN), controlling KN under different P regimes was mapped to the interval between molecular markers bnlg1360 and umc1645 on chromosome 10 using a F 2:3 population derived from the cross between maize inbreds 178 and 5,003 (107). In order to understand its genetic basis, we developed a population of near isogenic lines (NILs) and two P regimes were used to fine map and characterize qKN. The QTL qKN was finally localized in a region of ~480 kb. A single qKN allele of inbred 178 increased KN by 6.08–10.76 % in the 5,003 (107) background; qKN acted in a partially dominant manner. Our results will be instrumental for the future identification and isolation of the candidate gene underlying qKN. The tightly linked molecular markers that we developed for qKN will be useful in maize breeding programs for improving KN applying the marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

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