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The adhesion of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (IEs) to chondroitin-4-sulfate (CSA) via the PfEMP1-CSA parasite ligand domain is correlated with placental malaria in primigravidae. The recent identification of parasite genes encoding CSA adhesion molecules and the development of pan-reactive monoclonal antibodies against the Pf(CSA) ligand have opened up new avenues for the development of anti-IE sequestration therapies for the prevention of placental malaria. A model closely mimicking placental sequestration of IEs during pregnancy is needed for the preclinical and clinical evaluation of candidate molecules for the induction of antibodies that could protect pregnant women from placental malaria. We found that normal placenta cryosections were a specific and highly consistent support for the binding of IEs to CSA in flow conditions under physiological conditions. This model makes possible the quantitative and qualitative analysis of IE adhesion. We identified distinct CSA-binding phenotypes within the FCR3(CSA)-selected parasites in flow analyses, but not in static analyses. We also analyzed inhibitors of placental parasite binding such as soluble CSA and antibodies directed against the Pf(CSA) ligand. Our data demonstrate that placenta cryosections could be used to standardize assays between laboratories, potentially advancing the development of therapies against placental malaria.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate K (CS-K) from king crab cartilage rich in rare 3-O-sulfated glucuronic acid (GlcUA(3S)) displayed neuritogenic activity and affinity toward various growth factors like CS-E from squid cartilage. CS-K-mediated neuritogenesis of mouse hippocampal neurons in culture was abolished by digestion with chondroitinase (CSase) ABC, indicating the possible involvement of GlcUA(3S). However, identification of GlcUA(3S) in CS chains by conventional high performance liquid chromatography has been hampered by its CSase ABC-mediated degradation. To investigate the degradation process, an authentic CS-E tetrasaccharide, Delta4,5HexUA-GalNAc(4S)-GlcUA(3S)-GalNAc(4S), was digested with CSase ABC, and the end product was identified as GalNAc(4S) by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Putative GalNAc(6S) and GalNAc(4S,6S), derived presumably from GlcUA(3S)-GalNAc(6S) and GlcUA(3S)-GalNAc(4S,6S), respectively, were also detected by ESI-MS in the CSase ABC digest of a CS-E oligosaccharide fraction resistant to CSases AC-I and AC-II. Intermediates during the CSase ABC-mediated degradation of Delta4,5HexUA(3S)-GalNAc(4S) to GalNAc(4S) were identified through ESI-MS of a partial CSase ABC digest of a CS-K tetrasaccharide, GlcUA(3S)-GalNAc(4S)-GlcUA(3S)-GalNAc(4S), and the conceivable mechanism behind the degradation of the GlcUA(3S) moiety was elucidated. Although a fucose branch was also identified in CS-K, defucosylated CS-K exhibited greater neuritogenic activity than the native CS-K, excluding the possibility of the involvement of fucose in the activity. Rather, (3S)-containing disaccharides are likely involved. These findings will enable us to detect GlcUA(3S)-containing disaccharides in CS chains to better understand CS-mediated biological processes.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum infection during pregnancy results in the accumulation of infected red blood cells (IRBCs) in the placenta, leading to poor pregnancy outcome. In the preceding paper (Achur, R. N., Valiyaveettil, M., Alkhalil, A., Ockenhouse, C. F., and Gowda, D. C. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 40344-40356), we reported that unusually low sulfated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) in the intervillous spaces of the placenta mediate the IRBC adherence. In this study, we report the structural requirements for the adherence and the minimum chondroitin 4-sulfate (C4S) structural motif that supports IRBC adherence. Partially sulfated C4Ss with varying sulfate contents were prepared by solvolytic desulfation of a fully sulfated C4S. These and other nonmodified C4Ss, with different proportions of 4-, 6-, and nonsulfated disaccharide repeats, were analyzed for inhibition of IRBC adherence to the placental CSPG. C4Ss containing 30-50% 4-sulfated and 50-70% nonsulfated disaccharide repeats efficiently inhibited IRBC adherence; C6S had no inhibitory activity. Oligosaccharides of varying sizes were prepared by the partial depolymerization of C4Ss containing varying levels of 4-sulfation, and their ability to inhibit the IRBC adherence was studied. Oligosaccharides with six or more disaccharide repeats inhibited IRBC adherence to the same level as that of the intact C4Ss, indicating that a dodecasaccharide is the minimum structural motif required for optimal IRBC adherence. Of the C4S dodecasaccharides, only those with two or three sulfate groups per molecule showed maximum IRBC inhibition. These data define the structural requirements for the IRBC adherence to placental CSPGs with implications for the development of therapeutics for maternal malaria.  相似文献   

Sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells (IRBCs) in the human placenta is mediated by chondroitin 4-sulfate (C4S). A cytoadherence assay using chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) is widely used for studying C4S-IRBC interactions. Bovine tracheal chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) preparation lacking a major portion of core protein has been frequently used for the assay. Here the CSPG purified from bovine trachea and CSA were assessed for IRBC binding and the CS chains studied in detail for structure-activity relationship. The IRBCs bound at significantly higher density to the CSPG than CSA. The CS chains of CSPG/CSA are heterogeneous with varying levels of 4- and 6-sulfates, which are distributed such that approximately 80% of the 4-sulfated disaccharides are present as single and blocks of two or three separated by one to three 6-sulfated disaccharides. The remainder of the 4-sulfated disaccharides is present in blocks composed of 4-12 units, separated by 6-sulfated disaccharides. In the IRBC adherence inhibition analysis, CSA fragments with 88%-92% 4-sulfate were significantly less inhibitory than the intact CSA, indicating that the regions consisting of shorter 4-sulfated blocks efficiently bind IRBCs despite the presence of relatively high levels of 6-sulfate. This is because the 6-sulfated disaccharides have unsubstituted C-4 hydroxyls that are crucial for IRBC binding. The presence of high levels of 6-sulfate, however, significantly interfere with the IRBC binding activity of CSA, which otherwise would more efficiently bind IRBCs. Thus our study revealed the distribution pattern of 4- and 6-sulfate in bovine tracheal CSA and structural basis for IRBC binding.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum infection in pregnant women results in the chondroitin 4-sulfate-mediated adherence of the parasite-infected red blood cells (IRBCs) in the placenta, adversely affecting the health of the fetus and mother. We have previously shown that unusually low sulfated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) in the intervillous spaces of the placenta are the receptors for IRBC adhesion, which involves a chondroitin 4-sulfate motif consisting of six disaccharide moieties with approximately 30% 4-sulfated residues. However, it was puzzling how the placental CSPGs, which have only approximately 8% of the disaccharide 4-sulfated, could efficiently bind IRBCs. Thus, we undertook to determine the precise structural features of the CS chains of placental CSPGs that interact with IRBCs. We show that the placental CSPGs are a mixture of two major populations, which are similar by all criteria except differing in their sulfate contents; 2-3% and 9-14% of the disaccharide units of the CS chains are 4-sulfated, and the remainder are nonsulfated. The majority of the sulfate groups in the CSPGs are clustered in CS chain domains consisting of 6-14 repeating disaccharide units. While the sulfate-rich regions of the CS chains contain 20-28% 4-sulfated disaccharides, the other regions have little or no sulfate. Further, we find that the placental CSPGs are able to efficiently bind IRBCs due to the presence of 4-sulfated disaccharide clusters. The oligosaccharides corresponding to the sulfate-rich domains of the CS chains efficiently inhibited IRBC adhesion. Thus, our data demonstrate, for the first time, the unique distribution of sulfate groups in the CS chains of placental CSPGs and that these sulfate-clustered domains have the necessary structural elements for the efficient adhesion of IRBCs, although the CS chains have an overall low degree of sulfation.  相似文献   

In areas of intense Plasmodium falciparum transmission, clinical immunity is acquired during childhood, and adults enjoy substantial protection against malaria. An exception to this rule is pregnant women, in whom malaria is both more prevalent and severe than in nonpregnant women. Pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM) in endemic areas is concentrated in the first few pregnancies, indicating that protective immunity to PAM is a function of parity. The placenta is often heavily infected in PAM, and placental parasites show a striking preference for chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) as an adhesion receptor. Plasma Abs from malaria-exposed multiparous women are able to interfere with binding of P. falciparum parasites to CSA in vitro, and acquisition of Abs interfering with CSA-specific parasite sequestration thus appears to be a critical element in acquired protection against PAM. Here we show that adults from an area of hyperendemic P. falciparum transmission generally possessed low levels of Abs specifically recognizing surface Ags expressed by a CSA-adhering parasite isolate, while unselected isolates were well recognized. In marked contrast, most third-trimester pregnant women from that area had very high plasma levels of such Abs. Plasma levels of Abs specifically recognizing the CSA-adhering isolate strongly depended on parity, whereas recognition of CSA-nonadhering isolates did not. Finally, we demonstrate a clear correlation between plasma levels of Abs recognizing the CSA-specific isolate and the ability to interfere with its sequestration to CSA in vitro. Our study supports the hypothesis that Abs inhibiting CSA-specific parasite sequestration are important in acquisition of protection against PAM.  相似文献   

The structures of the bovine corneal chondroitin sulfate (CS) chains and the nature of core proteins to which these chains are attached have not been studied in detail. In this study, we show that structurally diverse CS chains are present in bovine cornea and that they are mainly linked to decorin core protein. DEAE-Sephacel chromatography fractionated the corneal chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) into three distinct fractions, CSPG-I, CSPG-II, and CSPG-III. These CSPGs markedly differ in their CS and dermatan sulfate (DS) contents, and in particular the CS structure-the overall sulfate content and 4- to 6-sulfate ratio. In general, the CS chains of the corneal CSPGs have low to moderate levels (15-64%) of sulfated disaccharides and 0-30% DS content. Structural analysis indicated that the DS disaccharide units in the CS chains are segregated as large blocks. We have also assessed the suitability of the corneal CSPGs as an alternative to placental CSPG or the widely used bovine tracheal chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) for studying the structural interactions involved in the adherence of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells (IRBCs) to chondroitin 4-sulfate. The data demonstrate that the corneal CSPGs efficiently bind IRBCs, and that the binding strength is either comparable or significantly higher than the placental CSPG. In contrast, the IRBC binding strength of bovine tracheal CSA is markedly lower than the human placental and bovine corneal CSPGs. Thus, our data demonstrate that the bovine corneal CSPG but not tracheal CSA is suitable for studying structural interactions involved in IRBC-C4S binding.  相似文献   

Infection with Plasmodium falciparum during pregnancy leads to the accumulation of parasite-infected erythrocytes in the placenta, and is associated with excess perinatal mortality, premature delivery and intrauterine growth retardation in the infant, as well as increased maternal mortality and morbidity. P. falciparum can adhere to specific receptors on host cells, an important virulence factor enabling parasites to accumulate in various organs. We report here that most P. falciparum isolates from infected placentae can bind to hyaluronic acid, a newly discovered receptor for parasite adhesion that is present on the placental lining. In laboratory isolates selected for specific high-level adhesion, binding to hyaluronic acid could be inhibited by dodecamer or larger oligosaccharide fragments or polysaccharides, treatment of immobilized receptor with hyaluronidase, or treatment of infected erythrocytes with trypsin. In vitro flow-based assays demonstrated that high levels of adhesion occurred at low wall shear stress, conditions thought to prevail in the placenta. Our findings indicate that adhesion to hyaluronic acid is involved in mediating placental parasite accumulation, thus changing the present understanding of the mechanisms of placental infection, with implications for the development of therapeutic and preventative interventions.  相似文献   

A feature of infection with Plasmodium falciparum is the ability of parasite-infected erythrocytes to adhere to vascular endothelial cells and accumulate in vital organs, associated with severe clinical disease. Hyaluronic acid was recently identified as a receptor for adhesion and has been implicated in mediating the accumulation of parasites in the placenta. Here, we report in vitro assays to measure specific adhesion of infected erythrocytes to hyaluronic acid that is distinct from binding to chondroitin sulphate A, another glycosaminoglycan implicated as a receptor in placental malaria. In this study, specific adhesion of mature stage infected erythrocytes to hyaluronic acid of high purity immobilised on plastic surfaces was abolished by pre-treating hyaluronic acid with a specific hyaluronate lyase from Streptomyces, whereas the same treatment of chondroitin sulphate A had little effect. Adhesion to hyaluronic acid could not be explained by the presence of chondroitin sulphate A or other glycosaminoglycans in the hyaluronic acid preparations. Chinese hamster ovary cells bound in a similar manner in the assays and confirmed that hyaluronic acid was appropriately immobilised for cell adhesion. In contrast to parasites, these cells did not adhere to chondroitin sulphate A. The adsorption of hyaluronic acid onto plastic surfaces was also confirmed by the use of a specific hyaluronic acid-binding protein. Fixing cells with glutaraldehyde at the completion of adhesion assays reduced the number of parasites remaining adherent to hyaluronic acid, but not to chondroitin sulphate A or CD36. These findings have important implications for understanding and evaluating interactions between P. falciparum and hyaluronic acid that may be involved in disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum parasites that sequester in the placenta bind to the molecule chondroitin sulfate A (CSA). Women become resistant to malaria during pregnancy as they acquire antibodies that inhibit parasite adhesion to CSA, suggesting that a vaccine against placental malaria is feasible. Hyaluronic acid (HA) and non-immune IgG have also been proposed as receptors for P. falciparum adhesion in the placenta, but evidence for their roles is inconclusive. In this study, CSA, HA, and IgG were simultaneously assessed for their relative contributions to placental adhesion. Placental parasites collected in Tanzania uniformly adhered to the molecule CSA, and soluble CSA completely inhibited adhesion of most samples to placental cryosections. Three of 46 placental parasite samples also adhered to immobilized HA, but HA failed to inhibit adhesion of any placental parasites to placental cryosections. Similarly, non-immune IgG and protein A failed to inhibit adhesion of parasite samples to placental cryosection. P. falciparum adhesion in the placenta appears to be a non-redundant process that requires CSA as a receptor. Vaccines that elicit functional antibodies against CSA-binding parasites may confer resistance to pregnancy malaria.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes infected with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, bind to post-capillary venular endothelium and to uninfected red blood cells via specific receptor-ligand interactions. The interactions between malaria-parasitized erythrocytes and host cells is a highly cooperative and finely regulated process which contributes both to the evasion of host immune mechanisms and to the pathogenesis of the disease, in particular the development of cerebral malaria. The cellular and molecular interactions responsible for the adhesion of parasitzed red cells to host cells are the subject of this review.  相似文献   

A dodecasaccharide motif of the low-sulfated chondroitin 4-sulfate (C4S) mediate the binding of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells (IRBCs) in human placenta. Here we studied the detailed C4S structural requirements by assessing the ability of chemically modified C4S to inhibit IRBC binding to the placental chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan. Replacement of the N-acetyl groups with bulky N-acyl or N-benzoyl substituents had no effect on the inhibitory activity of C4S, whereas reduction of the carboxyl groups abrogated the activity. Dermatan sulfates showed approximately 50% inhibitory activity when compared with C4Ss with similar sulfate contents. These data demonstrate that the C4S carboxyl groups and their equatorial orientation but not the N-acetyl groups are critical for IRBC binding. Conjugation of bulky substituents to the reducing end N-acetylgalactosamine residues of C4S dodecasaccharide had no effect on its inhibitory activity. Based on these results, we prepared photoaffinity reagents for the identification of the parasite proteins involved in C4S binding. Cross-linking of the IRBCs with a radioiodinated photoactivable C4S dodecasaccharide labeled a approximately 22-kDa novel parasite protein, suggesting strongly for the first time that a low molecular weight IRBC surface protein rather than a 200-400-kDa PfEMP1 is involved in C4S binding. Conjugation of biotin to the C4S dodecasaccharide photoaffinity probe afforded a strategy for the isolation of the labeled protein by avidin affinity precipitation, facilitating efforts to identify the C4S-adherent IRBC protein(s). Our results also have broader implications for designing oligosaccharide-based photoaffinity probes for the identification of proteins involved in glycosaminoglycan-dependent attachment of microbes to hosts.  相似文献   

In pregnant women infected with Plasmodium falciparum, the infected red blood cells (IRBCs) selectively accumulate in the intervillous spaces of placenta, leading to poor fetal outcome and severe health complications in the mother. Although chondroitin 4-sulfate is known to mediate IRBC adherence to placenta, the natural receptor has not been identified. In the present study, the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) of human placenta were purified and structurally characterized, and adherence of IRBCs to these CSPGs investigated. The data indicate that the placenta contains three distinct types of CSPGs: significant quantities of uniquely low sulfated, extracellular CSPGs localized in the intervillous spaces, minor amounts of two cell-associated CSPGs, and major amounts of dermatan sulfate-like CSPGs of the fibrous tissue. Of the various CSPGs isolated from the placenta, the low sulfated CSPGs of the intervillous spaces most efficiently bind IRBCs. Based on IRBC adherence capacities and localization patterns of various CSPGs, we conclude that the CSPGs of the intervillous spaces are the receptors for placental IRBC adherence. The identification and characterization of these CSPGs provide a valuable tool for understanding the precise molecular interactions involved in placental IRBC adherence and for the development of therapeutic strategies for maternal malaria. In the accompanying paper (Alkhalil, A., Achur, R. N., Valiyaveettil, M., Ockenhouse, C. F., and Gowda, D. C. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 40357-40364), we report the structural requirements for the IRBC adherence.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate (CS)-D and CS-E, which are characterized by oversulfated disaccharide units, have been shown to regulate neuronal adhesion, cell migration, and neurite outgrowth. CS proteoglycans (CSPGs) consist of a core protein to which one or more CS chains are attached via a serine residue. Although several brain CSPGs, including mouse DSD-1-PG/phosphacan, have been found to contain the oversulfated D disaccharide motif, no brain CSPG has been reported to contain the oversulfated E motif. Here we analyzed the CS chain of appican, the CSPG form of the Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein. Appican is expressed almost exclusively by astrocytes and has been reported to have brain- and astrocyte-specific functions including stimulation of both neural cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth. The present findings show that the CS chain of appican has a molecular mass of 25-50 kDa. This chain contains a significant fraction (14.3%) of the oversulfated E motif GlcUA beta 1-3GalNAc(4,6-O-disulfate). The rest of the chain consists of GlcUA beta 1-3GalNAc(4-O-sulfate) (81.2%) and minor fractions of GlcUA beta 1-3GalNAc and GlcUA beta 1-3GalNAc(6-O-sulfate). We also show that the CS chain of appican contains in its linkage region the 4-O-sulfated Gal structure. Thus, appican is the first example of a specific brain CSPG that contains the E disaccharide unit in its sugar backbone and the 4-O-sulfated Gal residue in its linkage region. The presence of the E unit is consistent with and may explain the neurotrophic activities of appican.  相似文献   

Chondroitin 4-sulfate (C4S) is known to mediate the adherence of Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells (IRBCs) to human placenta. Recently, hyaluronic acid (HA) has also been reported to bind IRBCs, and HA has been suggested as an additional receptor for the sequestration of IRBCs in the placenta. In this study, we assessed the adherence of 3D7 parasite strain, which has been reported to bind both C4S and HA, using highly purified clinical grade rooster comb HA, Streptococcus HA, several preparations of human umbilical cord HA (hucHA), and bovine vitreous humor HA (bvhHA). While all hucHA preparations and bvhHA bound with moderate to high density to IRBCs, the rooster comb and bacterial HAs did not bind IRBCs. IRBCs binding to the hucHA and bvhHA could be abolished by pretreatment with testicular hyaluronidase but not with Streptomyces hyalurolyticus hyaluronidase, suggesting that IRBC binding to hucHA and bvhHA was due to chondroitin sulfate (CS) contaminants in HAs. Compositional analysis confirmed the presence of CS in both hucHA and bvhHA. The CSs present in these commercial hucHA and bvhHA samples were isolated, characterized, and studied for their ability to bind IRBCs. The data suggested that IRBC adherence to hucHA and bvhHA was mediated by the CS present in these samples. However, our data did not exclude the possibility of a minor population of distinct parasite subtype adhering to HA and further studies using pure HA conjugated to proteins or lipids and placental parasite isolates should clarify whether HA is an in vivo receptor for IRBC adherence.  相似文献   

During the intra-erythrocytic development of Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite modifies the host cell surface by exporting proteins that interact with or insert into the erythrocyte membrane. These proteins include the principal mediator of cytoadherence, P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). To implement these changes, the parasite establishes a protein-trafficking system beyond its confines. Membrane-bound structures called Maurer's clefts are intermediate trafficking compartments for proteins destined for the host cell membrane. We disrupted the gene for the membrane-associated histidine-rich protein 1 (MAHRP1). MAHRP1 is not essential for parasite viability or Maurer's cleft formation; however, in its absence, these organelles become disorganized in permeabilized cells. Maurer's cleft-resident proteins and transit cargo are exported normally in the absence of MAHRP1; however, the virulence determinant, PfEMP1, accumulates within the parasite, is depleted from the Maurer's clefts and is not presented at the red blood cell surface. Complementation of the mutant parasites with mahrp1 led to the reappearance of PfEMP1 on the infected red blood cell surface, and binding studies show that PfEMP1-mediated binding to CD36 is restored. These data suggest an important role of MAHRP1 in the translocation of PfEMP1 from the parasite to the host cell membrane.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum bind specifically to cultured endothelial cells and to a line of amelanotic melanoma cells. We have fixed endothelial cells and amelanotic melanoma cells in various ways and determined whether the fixed cells were still able to bind infected erythrocytes. Only cells fixed with 1.0-2.5% formalin in phosphate-buffered saline continued to bind infected erythrocytes as well as unfixed cells. The mechanism of binding to fixed and unfixed cells appeared to be identical for the following reasons. First, erythrocytes infected by parasite strains that bound to unfixed cells also bound to fixed cells while those that did not bind to unfixed cells did not bind to fixed cells. Second, immune serum that inhibited binding to unfixed cells also inhibited binding to fixed cells. Third, electron microscopy showed that knobs were the points of attachment between infected erythrocytes and both fixed and unfixed melanoma cells. Fixed cells gave reproducible results over at least 2 months. Thus, we have developed a simplified, reproducible assay for measuring binding of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes to target cells.  相似文献   

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