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Body resistance and reactance to the conduction of an alternating electrical current were measured using electrodes attached to distal and proximal portions of limbs in anesthetized dogs. Body impedance was calculated from these measurements obtained at 30-min time intervals during a control period and after intravenous administration of 0.9% saline. Extracellular (ECW) and total body water (TBW) were determined by bromide and heavy water dilution techniques, respectively. Baseline impedance obtained from proximal electrodes was related to ECW (r = 0.95, P less than 0.001) and TBW (r = 0.80, P less than 0.02). After saline infusion, proximal electrodes detected a significant fall in impedance (P less than 0.001), whereas distal electrodes did not (P = 0.06). Furthermore, ECW and TBW could be estimated from the drop of proximal impedance after this bolus infusion (r = 0.82, P less than 0.02, and r = 0.86, P less than 0.01, respectively), but not from distal impedance measurements. Proximally placed impedance electrodes are superior to traditionally used distal electrodes for assessment of body fluid changes in the dog.  相似文献   

Nano-black lipid membranes (nano-BLMs) were obtained by functionalization of highly ordered porous alumina substrates with an average pore diameter of 60 nm based on a self-assembled alkanethiol submonolayer followed by spreading of 1,2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine dissolved in n-decane on the hydrophobic substrate. By means of impedance spectroscopy, we analyzed the influence of the self-assembled alkanethiol submonolayer on the electrical properties of the nano-BLMs as well as their long-term stability. We were able to stably integrate nano-BLMs into a flow through system, which allowed us to readily exchange buffer solutions several times and accounts for mass transport phenomena. The ionophore valinomycin was successfully inserted into nano-BLMs and its transport activity monitored as a function of different potassium and sodium ion concentrations reflecting the specificity of valinomycin for potassium ions.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides cells were pyrolyzed in athermogravimetric analyzer to investigate the pyrolytic characteristics anddetermine the kinetic parameters. Heating rates of 15, 40, 60 and 80 °C-1 up to a final temperature of 800 °C wereused. The pyrolysis reactions mainly took place between 160–520°C with a volatile yield of about 80%. The devolatilization stageconsisted of two main temperature zones (I and II) with a transition at300–320 °C. Crude lipid in cells decomposed at Zone II whileother main components at Zone I. The increase of heating rate caused alateral shift to higher temperatures in the thermograms, a decrease ofactivation energies for the devolatilization stage and an increase of both theinstantaneous maximum and average reaction rates. The difference ofactivation energies between two zones implied that more energy input forlipid pyrolysis seems needed in comparison with other main components.These data are useful for the design, operation, and modeling of thepyrolysis systems for microalgae.  相似文献   

The effect of the ion carrier valinomycin on the electrochemical features of the phosphatidylcholine membrane was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Phosphatidylcholine and valinomycin were chosen for the study because they fulfil essential functions in lively organisms. The experimental impedance values obtained in the presence of different amounts of carrier, studied with several potassium ion concentrations, were used for the research ability of valinomycin to form a 1:1 potassium ion complex on the lipid bilayer/electrolyte solution interface. Based on derived mathematical equations, the heterogeneous equilibrium constant (K h), association rate constant of the complex (k R) and dissociation rate constant of the complex (k D) were calculated. The result of the investigation is the proposal of a new method for the determination of the parameters used to describe the chemical reaction at the interface between a carrier molecule from the membrane and a monovalent ion from the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

Impedance of renal vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) cultured on microelectrodes was measured by electric cell-substrate impedance sensing. Changes in measured impedance as a function of frequency were compared with the calculated values obtained from an extended cell-electrode model to estimate the junctional resistance, distance between the ventral cell surface and the substratum, and apical and basolateral membrane capacitances of renal VSMCs. This cell-electrode model was derived to accommodate the slender and rectangular shape of VSMCs. The calculated changes in impedance (Zcal) based on the model agreed well with the experimental measurement (Zexp), and the percentage error defined as |(ZcalZexp)/Zexp| was 1.0%. To test the sensitivity of the new model for capturing changes in cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions induced by changes in cellular environment, we then applied this model to analyze timpedance changes induced by an integrin binding peptide in renal VSMCs. Our result demonstrates that integrin binding peptide decreases junctional resistance between cells, increases the distance between the basolateral cell surface and substratum, and increases the apical membrane capacitance, whereas the basolateral membrane capacitance stays relatively stable. This model provides a generic approach for impedance analysis of cell layers composed of slender, rectangular cells. electric cell-substrate impedance sensing; cell attachment; cell adhesion; extracellular matrix; integrin  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum/Clostridium thermolacticum co-culture fermentation has been shown to be a promising way of producing ethanol from several carbohydrates. In this research, immobilization techniques using sodium alginate and alkali pretreatment were successfully applied on this co-culture to improve the bio-ethanol fermentation performance during consolidated bio-processing (CBP). The ethanol yield obtained increased by over 60 % (as a percentage of the theoretical maximum) as compared to free cell fermentation. For cellobiose under optimized conditions, the ethanol yields were approaching about 85 % of the theoretical efficiency. To examine the feasibility of this immobilization co-culture on lignocellulosic biomass conversion, untreated and pretreated aspen biomasses were also used for fermentation experiments. The immobilized co-culture shows clear benefits in bio-ethanol production in the CBP process using pretreated aspen. With a 3-h, 9 % NaOH pretreatment, the aspen powder fermentation yields approached 78 % of the maximum theoretical efficiency, which is almost twice the yield of the untreated aspen fermentation.  相似文献   

The scarab gut: A potential bioreactor for bio-fuel production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Cellulose and hemicelluloses are the most prevalent sources of carbon in nature. Currently many approaches employ micro-organisms and their enzyme products to degrade plant feedstocks for production of bioenergy. Scarab larvae are one such model. They consume celluloses from a variety of sources including plant roots, soil organic matter and decaying wood, and are able to extract nutrients and energy from these sources. In this paper, we review the physicochemical properties of the scarab larval gut, the diversity and digestive role that microflora play in the scarab gut and discuss the potential for applying these digestive processes in bioreactors for improving bio-fuel production. Scarab larvae are characterised by their highly alkaline midgut which is dominated by serine proteinase enzymes, and a modified hindgut which harbors the majority of the intestinal microbiota under anaerobic conditions. Evidence suggests that digestion of recalcitrant organic matter in scarab larvae likely results from a combination of endogenous gut proteinases and cellulolytic enzymes produced by symbiotic micro-organisms. Most of the easily digestible proteins are mobilized and absorbed in the midgut by endogenous proteinases. The hindgut contents of scarab larvae are characterized by high concentrations of volatile fatty acids, the presence of fermenting bacteria, and typical anaerobic activities, such as methanogenesis. The hindgut typically contains a wide diversity of micro-organisms, some of which appear to be obligate symbionts with cellulolytic potential. As a result, the scarab larval gut can be regarded as a small bioreactor resembling the rumen of sheep or cattle, where solid food particles composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and polysaccharides are degraded through enzymatic and fermentation processes. Together these observations suggest scarab larvae have potential to assist the bio-fuel industry by providing new sources of (hemi)cellulolytic bacteria and bacterial (hemi)cellulolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The microfabricated impedance spectroscopy flow cytometer used in this study permits rapid dielectric characterization of a cell population with a simple microfluidic channel. Impedance measurements over a wide frequency range provide information on cell size, membrane capacitance, and cytoplasm conductivity as a function of frequency. The amplitude, opacity, and phase information can be used for discrimination between different cell populations without the use of cell markers. METHODS: Polystyrene beads, red blood cells (RBCs), ghosts, and RBCs fixed in glutaraldehyde were passed through a microfabricated flow cytometer and measured individually by using two simultaneously applied discrete frequencies. The cells were characterized at 1,000 per minute in the frequency range of 350 kHz to 20 MHz. RESULTS: Cell size was easily measured with submicron accuracy. Polystyrene beads and RBCs were differentiated using opacity. RBCs and ghosts were differentiated using phase information, whereas RBCs and fixed RBCs were differentiated using opacity. RBCs fixed using increasing concentrations of glutaraldehyde showed increasing opacity. This increased opacity was linked to decreased cytoplasm conductivity and decreased membrane capacitance, both resulting from protein cross-linking. CONCLUSIONS: This work presents label-free differentiation of cells in an on-chip flow cytometer based on impedance spectroscopy, which will be a powerful tool for cell characterization.  相似文献   

An innovative method is presented to measure the mechanical driving point impedance of biological structures up to at least 40 kHz. The technique employs an atomic force cantilever with a ferromagnetic coating and an external magnetic field to apply a calibrated force to the cantilever. Measurement of the resulting cantilever velocity using a laser Doppler vibrometer yields the impedance. A key feature of the method is that it permits measurements for biological tissue in physiological solutions. The method was applied to measure the point impedance of the organ of Corti in situ, to elucidate the biophysical basis of cochlear amplification. The basilar membrane was mechanically clamped at its tympanic surface and the measurements conducted at different radial positions on the reticular lamina. The tectorial membrane was removed. The impedance was described by a generalized Voigt-Kelvin viscoelastic model, in which the stiffness was real-valued and independent of frequency, but the viscosity was complex-valued with positive real part, which was dependent on frequency and negative imaginary part, which was independent of frequency. There was no evidence for an inertial component. The magnitude of the impedance was greatest at the tunnel of Corti, and decreased monotonically in each of the radial directions. In the absence of inertia, the mechanical load on the outer hair cells causes their electromotile displacement responses to be reduced by only 10-fold over the entire range of auditory frequencies.  相似文献   

C M Lo  C R Keese    I Giaever 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(6):2800-2807
Transepithelial impedance of Madin-Darby canine kidney cell layers is measured by a new instrumental method, referred to as electric cell-substrate impedance sensing. In this method, cells are cultured on small evaporated gold electrodes, and the impedance is measured in the frequency range 20-50,000 Hz by a small probing current. A model for impedance analysis of epithelial cells measured by this method is developed. The model considers three different pathways for the current flowing from the electrode through the cell layer: (1) in through the basal and out through the apical membrane, (2) in through the lateral and out through the apical membrane, and (3) between the cells through the paracellular space. By comparing model calculation with experimental impedance data, several morphological and cellular parameters can be determined: (1) the resistivity of the cell layer, (2) the average distance between the basal cell surface and substratum, and (3) the capacitance of apical, basal, and lateral cell membranes. This model is used to analyze impedance changes on removal of Ca2+ from confluent Mardin-Darby canine kidney cell layers. The method shows that reduction of Ca2+ concentration causes junction resistance between cells to drop and the distance between the basal cell surface and substratum to increase.  相似文献   

Distilled grain waste eluted from Chinese spirit making is rich in carbohydrates, and could potentially serve as feedstock for the production of bio-fuel ethanol. Our study evaluated two types of saccharification methods that convert distilled grain waste to monosaccharides: enzymatic saccharification and concentrated H2SO4 saccharification. Results showed that enzymatic saccharification performed unsatisfactorily because of inefficient removal of lignin during pretreatment. Concentrated H2SO4 saccharification led to a total sugar recovery efficiency of 79.0 %, and to considerably higher sugar concentrations than enzymatic saccharification. The process of ethanol production from distilled grain waste based on concentrated H2SO4 saccharification was then studied. The process mainly consisted of concentrated H2SO4 saccharification, solid–liquid separation, decoloration, sugar–acid separation, oligosaccharide hydrolysis, and continuous ethanol fermentation. An improved simulated moving bed system was employed to separate sugars from acid after concentrated H2SO4 saccharification, by which 95.8 % of glucose and 85.8 % of xylose went into the sugar-rich fraction, while 83.3 % of H2SO4 went into the acid-rich fraction. A flocculating yeast strain, Saccharomyces cerevisiae KF-7, was used for continuous ethanol fermentation, which produced an ethanol yield of 91.9–98.9 %, based on glucose concentration.  相似文献   

This paper develops techniques for equivalent circuit analysis of tight epithelia by alternating-current impedance measurements, and tests these techniques on rabbit urinary bladder. Our approach consists of measuring transepithelial impedance, also measuring the DC voltage-divider ratio with a microelectrode, and extracting values of circuit parameters by computer fit of the data to an equivalent circuit model. We show that the commonly used equivalent circuit models of epithelia give significant misfits to the impedance data, because these models (so-called "lumped models") improperly represent the distributed resistors associated with long and narrow spaces such as lateral intercellular spaces (LIS). We develop a new "distributed model" of an epithelium to take account of these structures and thereby obtain much better fits to the data. The extracted parameters include the resistance and capacitance of the apical and basolateral cell membranes, the series resistance, and the ratio of the cross-sectional area to the length of the LIS. The capacitance values yield estimates of real area of the apical and basolateral membranes. Thus, impedance analysis can yield morphological information (configuration of the LIS, and real membrane areas) about a living tissue, independently of electron microscopy. The effects of transport-modifying agents such as amiloride and nystatin can be related to their effects on particular circuit elements by extracting parameter values from impedance runs before and during application of the agent. Calculated parameter values have been validated by independent electrophysiological and morphological measurements.  相似文献   

Recent developments in bio-fuel cell technology are reviewed. A general introduction to bio-fuel cells, including their operating principles and applications, is provided. New materials and methods for the immobilisation of enzymes and mediators on electrodes, including the use of nanostructured electrodes are considered. Fuel, mediator and enzyme materials (anode and cathode), as well as cell configurations are discussed. A detailed summary of recently developed enzymatic fuel cell systems, including performance measurements, is conveniently provided in tabular form. The current scientific and engineering challenges involved in developing practical bio-fuel cell systems are described, with particular emphasis on a fundamental understanding of the reaction environment, the performance and stability requirements, modularity and scalability. In a companion review (Part II), new developments in microbial fuel cell technologies are reviewed in the context of fuel sources, electron transfer mechanisms, anode materials and enhanced O(2) reduction.  相似文献   

Detailed understanding of chemoreceptor cell transduction andfiltering depends on precise control and thus measurement ofthe chemical stimulus. In contrast to vision and hearing, accuratestimulus measurement in chemoreception has not been possibleat biologically relevant spatial and temporal scales. In thispaper we introduce a new high-speed (200 hz) electrochemicalmethod for the direct measurement of odor signals at biologicallyrelevant space scales (10-100 µm). We tested this systemin three applications: (i) temporal and spatial features ofodor plumes, (ii) stimulus calibrations in physiological recordingchambers and (iii) boundary layer diffusion measurements withinreceptor structures.  相似文献   

Impedance spectroscopy has been widely used in characterizing the electronic properties of semiconductors. Its application in the perovskite photovoltaic research is a natural extension of the well‐established methodology in the new semiconducting material. However, it turns out that the published results are sometimes very strange, difficult to interpret, or the interpretations contradict each other. It is now clear that most of these troubles stem from the dominating influence of ionic contributions. Herein, some of the published data are reviewed and the possible problems are identified, which can be reconciled by taking into account the explicit contribution of the ionic behavior.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the use of a commercially available off-line gas sensing electrode for determination of ammonia and glutamine in cell culture media. The measurement technique was tested in different media preparations with different serum concentrations. The glutamine decomposition was studied as a function of pH for cell culture medium and the results were compared to those obtained by conventional methods,i.e., HPLC. Finally, glutamine and ammonia metabolism were studied during the cultivation of a hybridoma cell line.  相似文献   

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