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A marked increase in acid phosphatase activity took place incotyledons of germinating Vigna mungo seeds. The attachmentof axis organs was not required for this development of enzymeactivity in cotyledons. DEAE-cellulose column chromatographyrevealed that the phosphatase is composed of at least threeforms. (Received August 19, 1981; Accepted October 30, 1981)  相似文献   

Pulse-chase experiments indicated that the higher levels ofa-amylase in detached and incubated cotyledons of Vigna mungothan those in cotyledons attached to the embryonic axis weredue to both faster synthesis and slower degradation of the enzymein the detached cotyledons than in the attached cotyledons.Levels of a-amylase in the cotyledons were examined in termsof possible effects of end-products and the effects of exogenouslyapplied plant hormones and growth regulators. Levels of a-amylaseactivity and content were reduced by high concentrations ofglucose and sucrose, and it is suggested that this effect wascaused mostly by osmotic stress and partly by end-product repression.The level of a-amylase was nearly twice that in controls after1 to 10µM GA3 had been applied to the cotyledons. In addition,0.1 mM kinetin, 0.1 mM 2,4-D and 0.1 to 0.S mM naphthaleneaceticacid also increased the level by 34% to 66% as compared to thecontrol. ABA and uniconazole both prevented the synthesis ofa-amylase. (Received July 4, 1994; Accepted November 14, 1994)  相似文献   

A sulfhydryl-endopeptidase was purified as a 33 kilodalton (kD) mass polypeptide from cotyledons of Vigna mungo seedlings. Immunoblot analysis with antiserum made against the purified enzyme showed that the sulfhydryl-endopeptidase was synthesized only in the cotyledons during germination and that the amount of the enzyme increased until 4 days after imbibition and decreased thereafter. Next, an RNA fraction was prepared from cotyledons of 3 day old seedlings and translated in a wheat germ system. The synthesis of a 45 kD polypeptide was shown by the analysis of its translation products by immunoprecipitation with the antiserum to the endopeptidase and gel electrophoresis. When the RNA fraction was translated in the presence of canine microsomal membranes, a smaller polypeptide, having a 43 kD molecular mass, was detected as the translation product. When membrane-bound polysomes, but not free polysomes, prepared from cotyledons were used for translation in the wheat germ system, both the 43 and 45 kD polypeptides were synthesized. By incubation of a crude enzyme extract from cotyledons at 5 ± 1°C at neutral pH, the 43 kD polypeptide was sequentially cleaved to the 33 kD polypeptide via 39 and 36 kD intermediate polypeptides. The endopeptidase was activated simultaneously with the processing. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the 33 kD polypeptide was the fully activated form of the enzyme, whereas little or no activity was detected in other forms. From the present results, we postulate that the sulfhydryl-endopeptidase is first synthesized as the 45 kD precursor with a 2 kD signal peptide being cleaved, and that the 43 kD polypeptide is further cleaved to give the 33kD mature enzyme.  相似文献   

Two major endopeptidases were present in cotyledons of germinating Vigna mungo seeds, as detected by the zymogram after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. They were not detectable in cotyledons of dry seeds, but their intensities on the zymogram increased during germination. During incubation of detached cotyledons, however, the activities showed only a slight increase for 5 days. These two endopeptidases could be separated by Sephacryl S-200 column chromatography. One of them was found to be a serine-endopeptidase as judged by phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride and diisopropyl fluorophosphate inhibition. The other was a sulfhydryl-endopeptidase because of its dependency on 2-mercaptoethanol and inhibition by leupeptin, chymostatin, and antipain. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicatd that the two endopeptidases digested the Vigna mungo seed globulin subunits at different rates. The serine enzyme digested the 56 kilodalton subunit at first, but the sulfhydryl enzyme digested the 54 kilodalton peptide more efficiently than the 56 kilodalton peptide. The pattern of digestion of globulin by the combination of the serine- and sulfhydryl-endopeptidases was similar to that using crude enzyme extracts.  相似文献   

Endopeptidase (azocaseolytic enzyme) and carboxypeptidase activitiesin cotyledons of germinating Vigna mungo seeds increased until3 days after the onset of imbibition and decreased thereafter.In detached and incubated cotyledons, the endopeptidase activityincreased only a little while the carboxypeptidase activitycontinued increasing even after 3 days of incubation. The activitiesof leucine-aminopeptidase and alanine-aminopeptidase, exceptfor that of one leucine-aminopeptidase isoenzyme relativelyabundantly present in unimbibed dry cotyledons, increased slightlyon the first day and declined during germination. In detachedcotyledons, the activities maintained their initial levels throughoutthe incubation period. When cotyledons were detached from germinatingseedlings on days 2 and 4 then incubated, the endopeptidaseactivity started to decrease just after removal of the axisbut the carboxypeptidase activity increased more markedly thanwhen the axis remained attached. Exogenously supplied GA3, kinetin,IAA, or their combinations, showed no significant effect onthe developmental patterns of the endopeptidase and carboxypeptidaseactivities in cotyledons. These results are discussed in relationto the role of the axis in controlling peptidase formation incotyledons of germinating V. mungo seeds. (Received November 18, 1983; Accepted February 28, 1984)  相似文献   

Vigna mungo seeds. SEP activity was separated into two isoforms by CM-cellulose column chromatography. These forms, termed SEP-1 and SEP-II, showed endopeptidase activities even at acidic pH, suggesting that SEPs are unique serine endopeptidases, since most serine proteases are optimum at neutral pH. Received 14 December 1998/ Accepted in revised form 22 February 1999  相似文献   

胚轴对萌发豌豆子叶中淀粉酶活性表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萌发豌豆的上、下肢轴均能诱导子叶中淀粉酶活性,外源GA和6—BA具有类似胚轴的作用。离体子叶的淀粉酶凝胶电泳只有一条活性极低的酶带,连生子叶中有两条酶带,其中由胚轴诱导新出现了一条活性很高的同工酶带,它的活性受亚胺环己酮的强烈抑制,而受放线菌素D影响不大。推测豌豆子叶中存在淀粉酶的长寿命mRN—A,胚轴和外源激素的作用在于促进mRNA的翻译。  相似文献   

α-Amylase activity increased in attached cotyledons of germinated Vigna mungo seeds until the 5th day after imbibition and decreased thereafter, whereas in detached and incubated cotyledons the activity continuously increased and, at the 6th day, reached the value more than three times that of the maximum activity of attached cotyledons. Zymograms of the activities and Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion test on the activities of attached and detached cotyledons showed that the increase of activity in detached cotyledons was due to the identical enzyme as in attached tissues. α-Amylase contents, determined by single radial immunodiffusion method, changed in parallel with enzyme activity in both attached and detached cotyledons, which also suggested the de novo synthesis of α-amylase in V. mungo cotyledons.

The rate of incorporation of the label from [3H]leucine into α-amylase and the ratios of dpm in α-amylase/dpm in trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction did not show significant difference between attached and detached cotyledons. The results indicated that in attached cotyledons fluctuation of α-amylase activity was regulated by both synthesis and degradation of the enzyme, whereas in detached cotyledons α-amylase was synthesized and accumulated, because of low degrading activity during incubation.


We studied the localization of α-amylase with indirect fluorescence microscopy in transversely sectioned cotyledons of Vigna mungo seedlings. Tissue sections were fixed in periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde and treated with anti-α-amylase immunoglobulin G followed by fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G. α-Amylase appeared in the cells farthest from vascular bundles on the second day of growth and appeared gradually closer to the vascular bundles as growth progressed. The pattern of α-amylase appearance was similar in detached cotyledons, indicating that attachment of the embryonic axis has no effect on this pattern. However, in attached cotyledons, α-amylase disappeared from the regions where starch grains had been digested, but in detached cotyledons there was no disappearance of α-amylase, and digestion was slower than in intact cotyledons.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative changes of mRNA in Vigna mungocotyledons during seed germination have been investigated. TotalRNA is higher in dry cotyledons and declines during germination.Poly(A)+ RNA also is present at a relatively high level in drycotyledons, increases slightly during the first day of germination,and then decreases. Polysomal RNA is very low in dry cotyledonsbut increases rapidly during the first day of germination, andthen declines. The translational activity of the mRNA in a wheatgerm cell-free system is low on day 0 but increases rapidlyon day 1 of germination. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresisof in vitro translation products reveals that many new peptidesare synthesized on day 1 of germination. Synthesis of most ofthese polypeptides continue throughout 5 days of germination. Change in the mRNA population during germination has been investigatedusing cDNA against poly(A)+ RNA from 3-day-old cotyledons. Withtotal RNA of day 3 and 5, the cDNA strongly hybridized withRNA similar in size to 25 S ribosomal RNA, but no specific bandsare detected with samples of day 0 or 1. With poly(A)+ RNA ofday 5 or 1, the cDNA tends to hybridize with RNAs of relativelysmall molecular size. Cordycepin and -amanitin prevent the increasein poly (A)+ RNA content and the appearance of new mRNAs duringthe first day of germination. 1Present address: Division of Regulation of Macromolecular Function,Institute for Protein Research, Suita City, Osaka 565, Japan. (Received January 13, 1986; Accepted June 10, 1986)  相似文献   

[14C]-Labeled amino acids and sucrose were fed to Vigna unguiculataseeds through cut-ends of cotyledons, and incorporations ofradioactivity into trichloroacetic acid- and 80% ethanol-insolublefractions of axes, respectively, were followed during 48 h ofthe post-imbibition development. The results of these studies,together with determinations of changes in dry weight and proteincontents after the onset of imbibition, indicated that the reservematerials stored in cotyledons were available for active growthof axes only after 12 h of post-imbibition. However, pulse-labelingexperiments, where [3H]-labeled leucine and uridine were feddirectly to axes attached to or detached from cotyledons, indicatedthat synthesis of protein and RNA in both axes was very pronouncedeven at earlier stages (2–8 h) of post-imbibition. Albuminand globulin proteins of axes disappeared most rapidly duringthe 6–12 h period of post-imbibition. Cycloheximide, -amanitinand cordycepin added to imbibing axes inhibited the degradationof major globulin proteins, whereas the inhibitors had littleeffect on the degradation of major albumin proteins. Both proteolyticand amylolytic activities were found to occur in embryonic axesof ‘dry’ seeds, and increased to higher levels asthe germination proceeded. Axes at early stages of germinationmay degrade the self-sustained reserve proteins and utilizethem for the synthesis of new proteins. (Received June 11, 1983; Accepted August 16, 1983)  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase from cotyledons of dark-grown Vigna mungo seedlingswas separated into four forms (la, Ib, Ha and lib) by ion-exchangercolumn chromatographies. Each form of the acid phosphatase wascharacterized for its pH dependency, substrate specificity,thermal stability, activation energy, approximate molecularweight, and the effect of metal ions and other substances onits activity. Each form of the enzyme exhibited high activitytowards ATP and ADP relative to their activity towards p-nitrophenylphosphate,but showed very low activity towards phytate, a major organicphosphate reserve in cotyledons. Among the four forms, lib wasmost distinguishable by its low molecular weight and the thermalenhancement of activity.  相似文献   

From autoradiographical experiments on water-imbibing pea (Pisum sativum) or Phaseolus mungo cotyledons supplied with glucose-14C or iodoacetic acid-14C, it was shown that the compounds did not penetrate into the innermost part of the cotyledons but remained in the peripheral region during the early germination period. Changes in the rates of incorporation of 14C into alcohol from glucose-14C were examined during the early period of germination, and it was concluded that glucose supplied exo-genously was actively metabolized in the peripheral region. Endogenous alcohol formation was supposed to occur mainly in the peripheral region in the early phases of germination. On the basis of these results, the heterogeneity of the distribution of physiological activities in the cotyledon is discussed.  相似文献   

As in cotyledons of Agrostemma githago, synthesis of DNA takesplace after germination in cotyledons of Vaccaria pyramidataand is followed by the formation of hydrolases, in particular,-amylase and acid phosphatase. If DNA synthesis is inhibitedby hydroxyurea, no, or only slight, enzyme activity develops.The possible role of this DNA synthesis is discussed. Key words: DNA synthesis, amylase activity, phosphatase activity, seed germination, cotyledons, Vaccaria pyramidata  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations of L--aminooxy-ß-phenyIpropionicacid (AOPP), an analog of L-phenylalanine, on the activity ofphenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL, EC [EC] ) and the growthof radicles in 24 h old germinating lettuce (Lactuca salivaL.) seeds were investigated. AOPP causes a significant inhibitionof PAL activity in the seeds (85% inhibition at 104 M). It alsocauses a stimulation of radicle growth at that concentration.The results show that the inhibition of PAL by AOPP may be dueto an irreversible binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme leadingto its inactivation. AOPP also inhibits ethylene biosynthesisin germinating lettuce seeds which could probably explain thestimulation of radicle growth in these seeds. The enzyme shows typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The Km forL-phenylalanine is 4.2 x 105 M. The enzyme does not show anytyrosine ammonia-lyase activity. Various substrate analogs suchas D-phenylalanine, p-fluorophenylalanine, ß-phenyllacticacid, tryptophan and the product of the enzyme reaction, trans-cinnamicacid, inhibit the enzyme competitively. A number of intermediatesand endproducts of the phenylpropanpid pathway, except chlorogenicacid, do not show any inhibition. 1Scientific contribution number 1423 from the New HampshireAgricultural Experiment Station. (Received May 9, 1986; Accepted September 8, 1986)  相似文献   

Teasterone 3-myristate as a new type of brassinosteroid derivative was found in lily anthers. Esterification only occurs with the hydroxyl group at C3. There is no endogenous esterified derivative of typhasterol, castasterone, or brassinolide in the lily tissues.  相似文献   

<正> 亲和层析技术做为现代生化实验室常用的提纯方法,具有专一性强,活力损失小,分离步骤少等优点。天冬氨酸酶是重要的酶制剂,以往见报的分离纯化工艺步骤繁琐,活力损失大。本文报道的新工艺是用聚乙二醇(PEG)/磷酸钾双水相抽提;DEAE-sophadex A-50柱层析除PEG和部分杂蛋白;环氧氯丙烷活化载体,底物作配基的亲和层析技术获得了电泳纯的天冬氨酸酶。  相似文献   

An auxin-induced -amylase (AMY I; EC [EC] ) with a low affinityfor potato starch was purified to homogeneity from detachedcotyledons of Pisum sativum, as judged by the presence of asingle band after non-denaturing PAGE and SDS-PAGE. AMY I wascompared with a previously purified auxin-induced -amylase (AMYII) that had a higher affinity for potato starch. No differencebetween AMY I and AMY II was apparent after SDS-PAGE or isoelectricfocusing (IEF) and rates of degradation of soluble starch wereidentical. However, AMY I was less active than AMY II in thedegradation of starch granules. A factor that converted AMYII to AMY I in vitro was detected in a crude extract of detachedcotyledons. The factor was heat-labile. 1Present address: Shionogi & Co. Ltd., Fukushima-ku, Osaka,553 Japan  相似文献   

The purine salvage pathway enzyme adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (AMP: pyrophosphate phosphoribosyltransferase EC 2.42.7) has been purified to greater than 85% homogeneity from crude rat liver 100,000 × g supernatant in one step by affinity chromatography. The enzyme binds to an AMP-agarose column and is eluted off the column by 1 mM 5-phosphori-bosyl pyrophosphate with a 50 to 80% recovery. Enzyme kinetics indicate that the mechanism of the specific elution is due to competition of the product AMP and substrate 5-phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate for the same site on the enzyme.  相似文献   

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