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Lu Y 《Heredity》2006,96(1):22-28
The historical migration rate of a species is often difficult to estimate with neutral markers, because the relationship between the turnover time of the markers and the age of the species commonly remains unknown. Compared with neutral markers, the plant self-incompatibility locus (S) provides a much better source of data for migration-rate estimation due to its high allelic polymorphism and antiquity. Here, the results from extensive surveys of S alleles in two wild solanaceous species, Solanum carolinense and Physalis longifolia, indicate that historical migration rates have differed significantly between the species; the higher migration rate found in S. carolinense appears to have interacted with the balancing selection at the S locus to result in fewer S alleles being maintained in the species. Historical population growth rates estimated via a modified coalescent approach also suggest a faster growing population for S. carolinense than for P. longifolia, which would have further widened their interspecific difference in S-allelle polymorphism. These historical factors may have reduced the probability of new S alleles to prevailing in S. carolinense, leaving old ones segregating at the S locus with little signature of positive selection being currently detectable.  相似文献   

Summary The operation of gametophytic self-incompat ibility systems may lead to disturbed segregation ratios for genes at loci linked to the self-incompatibility loci. An exhaustive consideration of the types of crosses, methods of linkage estimation, progeny sizes and controls needed for accurate analysis of disturbed segregation ratios is presented. Examples of the application of these methods are included.  相似文献   

Summary The approach to linkage equilibrium of a locus linked to the locus determining gametophytic self-incompatibility (S) is considered. For the simplest case of three alleles at the S locus and two at the linked locus it is necessary to consider 3 measures of linkage disequilibrium. These are found to approach their equilibrium value of zero in one of three ways: 1) steadily declining to zero; 2) oscillating as decline proceeds; 3) a combination: 2) followed by 1). Linkage equilibrium may be established before genotype frequencies reach their expectation under random crossing. Earlier studies (Li 1951; Moran 1962) of the approach to S allele equilibrium have been based on the assumption that all types of pollen take part in fertilizations equally frequently. Such an assumption leads to simpler expressions for changes in S gene frequencies but is extremely unrealistic and, in particular, leads to a different rate of approach to equilibrium from the more comprehensive model. It is shown that even in the absence of selection it is not possible to predict the equilibrium gene frequency of a linked locus until S allele equilibrium is reached. This frequency may be either higher or lower than that calculated from a gene count in the starting genotype pool. However, these two gene frequencies may stabilize long before linkage equilibrium is achieved. An examination of selection against one genotype at the linked locus is undertaken. If linkage is complete, lethality can be less effective at reducing the gene frequency than is less intense selection (in only a few generations of selection). Here too linkage equilibrium may be established with selection still effective in bringing about a decline in gene frequency. An examination of the analysis and conclusions of Rasmuson (1980) shows that because these were based on the inadequate formulae previously discussed and exclude phenomena discussed above, they are misleading. The possibility of a gametophytic self-incompatibility system providing a sufficient condition for the sheltering of lethals in the absence of the condition of complete linkage to the S locus (r=0) is shown to be unlikely.  相似文献   

Red clover is a hermaphroditic allogamous diploid (2n = 2x = 14) with a homomorphic gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) system (Trifolium pratense L.). Red clover GSI has long been studied, and it is thought that the genetic control of GSI constitutes a single locus. Although GSI genes have been identified in other species, the genomic location of the red clover GSI-locus remains unknown. The objective of this study was to use a mapping-based approach to identify simple sequence repeats (SSR) that were closely linked to the GSI-locus. Previously published SSR markers were used in this effort (Sato et al. in DNA Res 12:301–364, 2005). A bi-parental cross was initiated in which the parents were known to have one self-incompatibility allele (S-allele) in common. S-allele genotypes of 100 progeny were determined through test crosses and pollen compatibility. Pseudo F1 linkage analysis isolated the GSI-locus on red clover linkage-group one within 2.5 cM of markers RCS5615, RCS0810, and RCS3161. A second 256 progeny mapping testcross population of a heterozygous self-compatible mutant revealed that this specific self-compatible mutant mapped to the same location as the GSI-locus. Finally, 82 genotypes were identified whose parents putatively shared one S-allele in common from maternal halfsib families derived from two random mating populations in which paternal identity was determined using molecular markers. Unique S-allele identity in the two random mating populations was tentatively inferred based on haplotypes of two highly allelic linkage-group one SSR (RCS0810 and RCS4956), which were closely linked to each other and the GSI-locus. Paternally derived pollen haplotype linkage analysis of RCS0810 and RCS4956 SSR and the GSI-locus again revealed tight linkage at 2.5 and 4.7 cM between the GSI-locus and RCS0810 and RCS4956, respectively. The map-based location of the GSI-locus in red clover has many immediate applications to red clover plant breeding and could be useful in helping to sequence the GSI-locus.  相似文献   

The occurrence of gynodioecy among angiosperms appears to be associated with self-compatibility. We use individual-based simulations to investigate the conditions for breakdown of a gametophytic self-incompatibility system in gynodioecious populations and make a comparison with hermaphroditic populations where the conditions are well known. We study three types of mutations causing self-compatibility. We track the fate of these mutations in both gynodioecious and hermaphroditic populations, where we vary the number of S-alleles, inbreeding depression and selfing rate. We find that the conditions for breakdown are less stringent if the population is gynodioecious and that the breakdown of self-incompatibility tends to promote stability of gynodioecious populations since it results in a higher frequency of females. We also find that fecundity selection has a large effect on the probability of breakdown of self-incompatibility, in particular if caused by a mutation destroying the female function of the S-locus.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) involves the recognition and rejection of self or genetically identical pollen. Gametophytic SI is probably the most widespread of the SI systems and, so far, two completely different SI mechanisms, which appear to have evolved separately, have been identified. One mechanism is the RNase system, which is found in the Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae. The other is a complex system, so far found only in the Papaveraceae, which involves the triggering of signal transduction cascade(s) that result in rapid pollen tube inhibition and cell death. Here, we present an overview of what is currently known about the mechanisms involved in controlling pollen tube inhibition in these two systems.  相似文献   

The breakdown of self-incompatibility has occurred repeatedly throughout the evolution of flowering plants and has profound impacts on the genetic structure of populations. Recent advances in understanding of the molecular basis of self-incompatibility have provided insights into the mechanisms of its loss in natural populations, especially in the tomato family, the Solanaceae. In the Solanaceae, the gene that controls self-incompatibility in the style codes for a ribonuclease that causes the degradation of RNA in pollen tubes bearing an allele at the S-locus that matches either of the two alleles held by the maternal plant. The pollen component of the S-locus has yet to be identified. Loss of self-incompatibility can be attributed to three types of causes: duplication of the S-locus, mutations that cause loss of S-RNase activity, and mutations that do not cause loss of S-RNase activity. Duplication of the S-locus has been well studied in radiation-induced mutants but may be a relatively rare cause of the breakdown of self-incompatibility in nature. Point mutations within the S-locus that disrupt the production of S-RNase have been documented in natural populations. There are also a number of mutants in which S-RNase production is unimpaired, yet self-incompatibility is disrupted. The identity and function of these mutations is not well understood. Careful work on a handful of model organisms will enable population biologists to better understand the breakdown of self-incompatibility in nature.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationship between self-incompatibility systems in different families of flowering plants has long been a topic of interest. Physiological differences in the mode of gene action and the enormous sequence differences between genes with different modes of action suggest that many instances of self-incompatibility have arisen independently. In contrast, previous analyses of the S-RNase associated with gametophytic self-incompatibility in the eudicot families (Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae, and Rosaceae) have suggested that sequences within families form well-supported and distinct lineages. In this study we demonstrate that in fact, S-RNase-mediated gametophytic self-incompatibility evolved only once in the eudicots.  相似文献   

In self-incompatibility, a number of S haplotypes are maintained by frequency-dependent selection, which results in trans-specific S haplotypes. The region of several kilobases (approximately 40-60 kb) from SP6 to SP2, including self-incompatibility-related genes and some adjacent genes in Brassica rapa, has high nucleotide diversity due to the hitchhiking effect, and therefore we call this region the "S-locus complex." Recombination in the S-locus complex is considered to be suppressed. We sequenced regions of >50 kb of the S-locus complex of three S haplotypes in B. rapa and found higher nucleotide diversity in intergenic regions than in coding regions. Two highly similar regions of >10 kb were found between BrS-8 and BrS-46. Phylogenetic analysis using trans-specific S haplotypes (called interspecific pairs) of B. rapa and B. oleracea suggested that recombination reduced the nucleotide diversity in these two regions and that the genes not involved in self-incompatibility in the S-locus complex and the kinase domain, but not the S domain, of SRK have also experienced recombination. Recombination may reduce hitchhiking diversity in the S-locus complex, whereas the region from the S domain to SP11 would disfavor recombination.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the Pyrus pyrifolia pistil ribonuclease (S(3)-RNase) responsible for gametophytic self-incompatibility was determined at 1.5-A resolution. It consists of eight helices and seven beta-strands, and its folding topology is typical of RNase T(2) family enzymes. Based on a structural comparison of S(3)-RNase with RNase Rh, a fungal RNase T(2) family enzyme, the active site residues of S(3)-RNase assigned were His(33) and His(88) as catalysts and Glu(84) and Lys(87) as stabilizers of an intermediate in the transition state. Moreover, amino acid residues that constitute substrate binding sites of the two RNases could be superimposed geometrically. A hypervariable (HV) region that has an S-allele-specific sequence comprises a long loop and short alpha-helix. This region is far from the active site cleft, exposed on the molecule's surface, and positively charged. Four positively selected (PS) regions, in which the number of nonsynonymous substitutions exceeds that of synonymous ones, are located on either side of the active site cleft, and accessible to solvent. These structural features suggest that the HV or PS regions may interact with a pollen S-gene product(s) to recognize self and non-self pollen.  相似文献   

We isolated cDNA clones encoding five S-RNases (S1-,S3- , S5-, S6-, S7-RNases) from pistils of Pyrus pyrifolia (Japanese pear), a member of the Rosaceae. Their amino acid sequences were aligned with those of other rosaceous S-RNases sequenced so far. A total of 76 conserved amino acid residues were stretched throughout the sequence, but were absent from the 51–66 region which was designated the hypervariable (HV) region. The phylogenetic tree of rosaceous S-RNases showed that S-RNase polymorphism predated the divergence of Pyrus and Malus. Pairwise comparison of these S-RNases detected two highly homologous pairs, P. pyrifolia S1- and S4-RNases (90.0%) and P. pyrifolia S3- and S5-RNases (95.5%). The positions of amino acid substitutions between S1- and S4-RNases were spread over the entire region, but in the pair of S3- and S5-RNases, amino acid substitutions were found in the 21–90 region including the HV region. The substitutions in this restricted region appear to be sufficient to discriminate between S3 and S5 pollen and to trigger the self-incompatible reaction.  相似文献   

Historical inferences from the self-incompatibility locus   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  

Summary In order to study the extent and nature of differences among various S-allele-associated proteins in N. alata, we carried out comparative studies of seven such proteins. We first isolated and sequenced cDNA clones for the Sz-, SF11-, S1-, and Sa-alleles, and then we compared the deduced amino acid sequences both of these four S-proteins and of three previously published S2-, S3-, and S6-proteins. This comparison revealed (1) an average homology of 53.8% among the seven proteins and (2) two homology classes, with Sz and SF11 in one class and S1, S2, S3, and S6 in the other class. There are 60 conserved residues, including 9 cysteines. Of the 144 variable residues, 50 were identified as hypervariable based on a calculation of their Similarity Indices. Although conserved, variable, and hypervariable residues are dispersed throughout the protein, some are clustered to form five conserved, five hypervariable, and a number of variable regions. Those variable sites which contain residues conserved within one class of S-proteins but different between classes might provide a clue to the evolutionary relationship of these two classes of S-proteins. The hypervariable residues, which account for sequence variability, may contribute to allelic specificity.  相似文献   

Vieira J  Charlesworth B 《Genetics》2000,155(4):1701-1709
The genomic DNA sequence of a 2.4-kb region of the X-linked developmental gene fused was determined in 15 Drosophila virilis strains. One common replacement polymorphism is observed, where a negatively charged aspartic amino acid is replaced by the noncharged amino acid alanine. This replacement variant is located within the serine/threonine kinase domain of the fused gene and is present in approximately 50% of the sequences in our sample. Significant linkage disequilibrium is detected around this replacement site, although the fused gene is located in a region of the D. virilis X chromosome that seems to experience normal levels of recombination. In a 600-bp region around the replacement site, all eight alanine sequences are identical; of the six aspartic acid sequences, three are also identical. The occurrence of little or no variation within the aspartic acid and alanine haplotypes, coupled with the presence of several differences between them, is very unlikely under the usual equilibrium neutral model. Our results suggest that the fused alanine haplotypes have recently increased in frequency in the D. virilis population.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination accomplishes the exchange of genetic information between two similar or identical DNA duplexes. It can occur either by gene conversion, a process of unidirectional genetic exchange, or by reciprocal crossing over. Homologous recombination is well known for its role in generating genetic diversity in meiosis and, in mitosis, as a DNA repair mechanism. In the immune system, the evidence suggests a role for homologous recombination in Ig gene evolution and in the diversification of Ab function. Previously, we reported the occurrence of homologous recombination between repeated, donor and recipient alleles of the Ig H chain mu gene C (Cmu) region residing at the Ig mu locus in mouse hybridoma cells. In this study, we constructed mouse hybridoma cell lines bearing Cmu region heteroalleles to learn more about the intrachromosomal homologous recombination process. A high frequency of homologous recombination (gene conversion) was observed for markers spanning the entire recipient Cmu region, suggesting that recombination might initiate at random sites within the Cmu region. The Cmu region heteroalleles were equally proficient as either conversion donors or recipients. Remarkably, when the same Cmu heteroalleles were tested for recombination in ectopic genomic positions, the mean frequency of gene conversion was reduced by at least 65-fold. These results are consistent with the murine IgH mu locus behaving as a hot spot for intrachromosomal homologous recombination.  相似文献   

We isolated S allele-associated cDNA clones from each of the stylar cDNA libraries of Lycopersicon peruvianum of two different S genotypes (S12Sband S13Sc) with S11Scallele-associated cDNA (LPS11) as a probe. The longest cDNA clones, designated LPS12 and LPS13, which were 779 bp and 853 bp in length, contained open reading frames of 189 and 210 amino acids, respectively. The three S alleleassociated cDNAs (LPS11, LPS12, and LPS13) did not cross-hybridize to each other under highly stringent condition by northern blot analysis. Their average identity to Nicotiana alata S-proteins so far was 49%. The fragments corresponding to LPS11 or LPS12 cosegregated with their respective S alleles in genetic crosses. From these results, we conclude that the three cloned cDNAs were derived from the three different S alleles of L. peruvianum.  相似文献   

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