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Nagasawa  Kazuya 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):411-416
The population size of the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, was monitored annually in the summers of 1991–1997 by examining six species of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) caught by surface long-lines in oceanic offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. The annual copepod population size on all salmonids caught was estimated by combining the calculated number of copepods carrying on each salmonid species. The copepod population fluctuated markedly from year to year, which resulted largely from marked annual changes in abundance of pink salmon (O. gorbuscha). Since pink salmon were most frequently and heavily infected and since their abundance changed every year, the copepod population was high in the years when this salmonid species was abundant, but low when it was rare. On the contrary, chum salmon (O. keta) did not show high prevalence and intensity of infection, but the annual abundance of this host species was consistently high, i.e. chum salmon carried many copepods every year. Copepods on other salmonid species (sockeye salmon O. nerka, coho salmon O. kisutch, chinook salmon O. tshawytscha, and steelhead trout O. mykiss) constantly formed a small percentage of the total copepod population. Both chum and pink salmon are the most important hosts in terms of their substantial contribution to support the copepod population, but the importance as hosts of each species is definitely different between the species. Chum salmon is a stable important host supporting the copepod population at a relatively high level every year, while the number of copepods on pink salmon annually exhibits marked fluctuations, and this salmonid species is regarded as an unstable important host.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a critical driver of gene flow, with important consequences for population genetic structure, social interactions and other biological processes. Limited dispersal may result in kin‐structured populations in which kin selection may operate, but it may also increase the risk of kin competition and inbreeding. Here, we use a combination of long‐term field data and molecular genetics to examine dispersal patterns and their consequences for the population genetics of a highly social bird, the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius), which exhibits cooperation at various levels of sociality from nuclear family groups to its unique communal nests. Using 20 years of data, involving capture of 6508 birds and 3151 recaptures at 48 colonies, we found that both sexes exhibit philopatry and that any dispersal occurs over relatively short distances. Dispersal is female‐biased, with females dispersing earlier, further, and to less closely related destination colonies than males. Genotyping data from 30 colonies showed that this pattern of dispersal is reflected by fine‐scale genetic structure for both sexes, revealed by isolation by distance in terms of genetic relatedness and significant genetic variance among colonies. Both relationships were stronger among males than females. Crucially, significant relatedness extended beyond the level of the colony for both sexes. Such fine‐scale population genetic structure may have played an important role in the evolution of cooperative behaviour in this species, but it may also result in a significant inbreeding risk, against which female‐biased dispersal alone is unlikely to be an effective strategy.  相似文献   

Background While rates of gene flow between rhesus and longtail macaque populations near their hybrid zone in Indochina have been quantified elsewhere, this study demonstrates that the inter‐specific introgression is not limited to the Indochinese hybrid zone but is more geographically widespread. Methods Twelve rhesus and longtail macaque populations were analyzed using single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) loci. Results There is evidence for inter‐specific admixture between Chinese rhesus and mainland longtails, with implications for genetic diversity both in the Chinese super‐SPF population at the California National Primate Research Center and in other primate facilities. Eastern Chinese rhesus appeared more highly derived than western Chinese rhesus, and allele sharing between longtails and Chinese rhesus was not random with regard to geographic distance, but no significant nuclear genetic differences between eastern and western Chinese rhesus were detected among the 245 genic SNPs assayed. Conclusion The implications of this inter‐specific admixture for the use of Chinese rhesus and mainland longtail in biomedical research should be considered.  相似文献   

Human‐mediated habitat fragmentation in freshwater ecosystems can negatively impact genetic diversity, demography, and life history of native biota, while disrupting the behavior of species that are dependent on spatial connectivity to complete their life cycles. In the Alouette River system (British Columbia, Canada), dam construction in 1928 impacted passage of anadromous sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), with the last records of migrants occurring in the 1930s. Since that time, O. nerka persisted as a resident population in Alouette Reservoir until experimental water releases beginning in 2005 created conditions for migration; two years later, returning migrants were observed for the first time in ~70 years, raising important basic and applied questions regarding life‐history variation and population structure in this system. Here, we investigated the genetic distinctiveness and population history of Alouette Reservoir O. nerka using genome‐wide SNP data (n = 7,709 loci) collected for resident and migrant individuals, as well as for neighboring anadromous sockeye salmon and resident kokanee populations within the Fraser River drainage (n = 312 individuals). Bayesian clustering and principal components analyses based on neutral loci revealed five distinct clusters, largely associated with geography, and clearly demonstrated that Alouette Reservoir resident and migrant individuals are genetically distinct from other O. nerka populations in the Fraser River drainage. At a finer level, there was no clear evidence for differentiation between Alouette Reservoir residents and migrants; although we detected eight high‐confidence outlier loci, they all mapped to sex chromosomes suggesting that differences were likely due to uneven sex ratios rather than life history. Taken together, these data suggest that contemporary Alouette Reservoir O. nerka represents a landlocked sockeye salmon population, constituting the first reported instance of deep‐water spawning behavior associated with this life‐history form. This finding punctuates the need for reassessment of conservation status and supports ongoing fisheries management activities in Alouette Reservoir.  相似文献   

This study examined sex‐specific differences in home range size of adult Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins off Bunbury, Western Australia. We applied a new kernel density estimation approach that accounted for physical barriers to movements. A Bayesian mixture model was developed to estimate a sex effect in home range size with latent group partitioning constrained by association data. A post hoc analysis investigated group partitioning relating to the proportion of time spent in open vs. sheltered waters. From 2007 to 2013, photographic‐identification data were collected along boat‐based systematic transect lines (n = 586). Analyses focused on adult dolphins of known sex (sighted ≥ 30 times; n = 22 males and 34 females). The 95% utilization distributions of males varied between 27 and 187 km2 (; 94.8 ± 48.15) and for females between 20 and 133 km2 (65.6 ± 30.9). The mixture model indicated a 99% probability that males had larger home ranges than females. Dolphins mostly sighted in open waters had larger home ranges than those in sheltered waters. Home ranges of dolphins sighted in sheltered waters overlapped with areas of highest human activity. We suggest that sex differences in home ranges are driven by male mating strategies, and home range size differences between habitats may be influenced by prey availability and predation risk.  相似文献   

We describe a new method and a computer program salmonn b to calculate the effective number of breeders (Nb) per year in semelparous species with variable age at maturity. The existing temporal method for the ‘salmon’ life history produces an estimate of the harmonic mean Nb in the two sampled years. salmonn b reads genotypic data in standard formats and computes yearly Nb values by combining information from pairwise comparisons of samples taken in 3 or more years. Simulations show that the new method produces unbiased estimates of yearly Nb, and precision is inversely proportional to true effective size.  相似文献   

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