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In order to generate protein assemblies with a desired function, the rational design of protein–protein binding interfaces is of significant interest. Approaches based on random mutagenesis or directed evolution may involve complex experimental selection procedures. Also, molecular modeling approaches to design entirely new proteins and interactions with partner molecules can involve large computational efforts and screening steps. In order to simplify at least the initial effort for designing a putative binding interface between two proteins the Match_Motif approach has been developed. It employs the large collection of known protein–protein complex structures to suggest interface modifications that may lead to improved binding for a desired input interaction geometry. The approach extracts interaction motifs based on the backbone structure of short (four residues) segments and the relative arrangement with respect to short segments on the partner protein. The interaction geometry is used to search through a database of such motifs in known stable bound complexes. All matches are rapidly identified (within a few seconds) and collected and can be used to guide changes in the interface that may lead to improved binding. In the output, an alternative interface structure is also proposed based on the frequency of occurrence of side chains at a given interface position in all matches and based on sterical considerations. Applications of the procedure to known complex structures and alternative arrangements are presented and discussed. The program, data files, and example applications can be downloaded from https://www.groups.ph.tum.de/t38/downloads/.  相似文献   

The cytosolic iron–sulfur (Fe-S) cluster assembly (CIA) pathway delivers Fe-S clusters to nuclear and cytosolic Fe-S proteins involved in essential cellular functions. Although the delivery process is regulated by the availability of iron and oxygen, it remains unclear how CIA components orchestrate the cluster transfer under varying cellular environments. Here, we utilized a targeted proteomics assay for monitoring CIA factors and substrates to characterize the CIA machinery. We find that nucleotide-binding protein 1 (NUBP1/NBP35), cytosolic iron–sulfur assembly component 3 (CIAO3/NARFL), and CIA substrates associate with nucleotide-binding protein 2 (NUBP2/CFD1), a component of the CIA scaffold complex. NUBP2 also weakly associates with the CIA targeting complex (MMS19, CIAO1, and CIAO2B) indicating the possible existence of a higher order complex. Interactions between CIAO3 and the CIA scaffold complex are strengthened upon iron supplementation or low oxygen tension, while iron chelation and reactive oxygen species weaken CIAO3 interactions with CIA components. We further demonstrate that CIAO3 mutants defective in Fe-S cluster binding fail to integrate into the higher order complexes. However, these mutants exhibit stronger associations with CIA substrates under conditions in which the association with the CIA targeting complex is reduced suggesting that CIAO3 and CIA substrates may associate in complexes independently of the CIA targeting complex. Together, our data suggest that CIA components potentially form a metabolon whose assembly is regulated by environmental cues and requires Fe-S cluster incorporation in CIAO3. These findings provide additional evidence that the CIA pathway adapts to changes in cellular environment through complex reorganization.  相似文献   

The postsynaptic density extends across the postsynaptic dendritic spine with discs large (DLG) as the most abundant scaffolding protein. DLG dynamically alters the structure of the postsynaptic density, thus controlling the function and distribution of specific receptors at the synapse. DLG contains three PDZ domains and one important interaction governing postsynaptic architecture is that between the PDZ3 domain from DLG and a protein called cysteine-rich interactor of PDZ3 (CRIPT). However, little is known regarding functional evolution of the PDZ3:CRIPT interaction. Here, we subjected PDZ3 and CRIPT to ancestral sequence reconstruction, resurrection, and biophysical experiments. We show that the PDZ3:CRIPT interaction is an ancient interaction, which was likely present in the last common ancestor of Eukaryotes, and that high affinity is maintained in most extant animal phyla. However, affinity is low in nematodes and insects, raising questions about the physiological function of the interaction in species from these animal groups. Our findings demonstrate how an apparently established protein–protein interaction involved in cellular scaffolding in bilaterians can suddenly be subject to dynamic evolution including possible loss of function.  相似文献   

Interactions among proteins are fundamental for life and determining whether two particular proteins physically interact can be essential for fully understanding a protein’s function. We present Caenorhabditiselegans light-induced coclustering (CeLINC), an optical binary protein–protein interaction assay to determine whether two proteins interact in vivo. Based on CRY2/CIB1 light-dependent oligomerization, CeLINC can rapidly and unambiguously identify protein–protein interactions between pairs of fluorescently tagged proteins. A fluorescently tagged bait protein is captured using a nanobody directed against the fluorescent protein (GFP or mCherry) and brought into artificial clusters within the cell. Colocalization of a fluorescently tagged prey protein in the cluster indicates a protein interaction. We tested the system with an array of positive and negative reference protein pairs. Assay performance was extremely robust with no false positives detected in the negative reference pairs. We then used the system to test for interactions among apical and basolateral polarity regulators. We confirmed interactions seen between PAR-6, PKC-3, and PAR-3, but observed no physical interactions among the basolateral Scribble module proteins LET-413, DLG-1, and LGL-1. We have generated a plasmid toolkit that allows use of custom promoters or CRY2 variants to promote flexibility of the system. The CeLINC assay is a powerful and rapid technique that can be widely applied in C. elegans due to the universal plasmids that can be used with existing fluorescently tagged strains without need for additional cloning or genetic modification of the genome.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interaction (PPI) establishes the central basis for complex cellular networks in a biological cell. Association of proteins with other proteins occurs at varying affinities, yet with a high degree of specificity. PPIs lead to diverse functionality such as catalysis, regulation, signaling, immunity, and inhibition, playing a crucial role in functional genomics. The molecular principle of such interactions is often elusive in nature. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of known protein complexes from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) is essential for the characterization of structural interface features to determine structure–function relationship. Thus, we analyzed a nonredundant dataset of 278 heterodimer protein complexes, categorized into major functional classes, for distinguishing features. Interestingly, our analysis has identified five key features (interface area, interface polar residue abundance, hydrogen bonds, solvation free energy gain from interface formation, and binding energy) that are discriminatory among the functional classes using Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test. Significant correlations between these PPI interface features amongst functional categories are also documented. Salt bridges correlate with interface area in regulator-inhibitors (r = 0.75). These representative features have implications for the prediction of potential function of novel protein complexes. The results provide molecular insights for better understanding of PPIs and their relation to biological functions.  相似文献   

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) control RNA fate from synthesis to decay. Since their cellular expression levels frequently do not reflect their in vivo activity, methods are needed to assess the steady state RNA-binding activity of RBPs as well as their responses to stimuli. While electrophoresis mobility shift assays (EMSA) have been used for such determinations, their results serve at best as proxies for the RBP activities in living cells. Here, we describe a quantitative dual fluorescence method to analyze protein–mRNA interactions in vivo. Known or candidate RBPs are fused to fluorescent proteins (eGFP, YFP), expressed in cells, cross-linked in vivo to RNA by ultraviolet light irradiation, and immunoprecipitated, after lysis, with a single chain antibody fragment directed against eGFP (GFP-binding protein, GBP). Polyadenylated RNA-binding activity of fusion proteins is assessed by hybridization with an oligo(DT) probe coupled with a red fluorophore. Since UV light is directly applied to living cells, the assay can be used to monitor dynamic changes in RNA-binding activities in response to biological or pharmacological stimuli. Notably, immunoprecipitation and hybridization can also be performed with commercially available GBP-coupled 96-well plates (GFP-multiTrap), allowing highly parallel RNA-binding measurements in a single experiment. Therefore, this method creates the possibility to conduct in vivo high-throughput RNA-binding assays. We believe that this fast and simple radioactivity-free method will find many useful applications in RNA biology.  相似文献   

Targeting protein–protein interactions for therapeutic development involves designing small molecules to either disrupt or enhance a known PPI. For this purpose, it is necessary to compute reliably the effect of chemical modifications of small molecules on the protein–protein association free energy. Here we present results obtained using a novel thermodynamic free energy cycle, for the rational design of allosteric inhibitors of HIV‐1 integrase (ALLINI) that act specifically in the early stage of the infection cycle. The new compounds can serve as molecular probes to dissect the multifunctional mechanisms of ALLINIs to inform the discovery of new allosteric inhibitors. The free energy protocol developed here can be more broadly applied to study quantitatively the effects of small molecules on modulating the strengths of protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   

The reticular network of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is formed by connecting ER tubules through three-way junctions and undergoes constant remodeling through formation and loss of the three-way junctions. Transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 3 (TMCC3), an ER membrane protein localizing at three-way junctions, has been shown to positively regulate formation of the reticular ER network. However, elements that negatively regulate TMCC3 localization have not been characterized. In this study, we report that 14-3-3γ, a phospho-serine/phospho-threonine-binding protein involved in various signal transduction pathways, is a negative regulator of TMCC3. We demonstrate that overexpression of 14-3-3γ reduced localization of TMCC3 to three-way junctions and decreased the number of three-way junctions. TMCC3 bound to 14-3-3γ through the N terminus and had deduced 14-3-3 binding motifs. Additionally, we determined that a TMCC3 mutant substituting alanine for serine to be phosphorylated in the binding motif reduced binding to 14-3-3γ. The TMCC3 mutant was more prone than wildtype TMCC3 to localize at three-way junctions in the cells overexpressing 14-3-3γ. Furthermore, the TMCC3 mutant rescued the ER sheet expansion caused by TMCC3 knockdown less than wild-type TMCC3. Taken together, these results indicate that 14-3-3γ binding negatively regulates localization of TMCC3 to the three-way junctions for the proper reticular ER network, implying that the negative regulation of TMCC3 by 14-3-3γ would underlie remodeling of the reticular network of the ER.  相似文献   

Chaperones of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family engage in protein–protein interactions with many cochaperones. One “hotspot” for cochaperone binding is the EEVD motif, found at the extreme C terminus of cytoplasmic Hsp70s. This motif is known to bind tetratricopeptide repeat domain cochaperones, such as the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP. In addition, the EEVD motif also interacts with a structurally distinct domain that is present in class B J-domain proteins, such as DnaJB4. These observations suggest that CHIP and DnaJB4 might compete for binding to Hsp70’s EEVD motif; however, the molecular determinants of such competition are not clear. Using a collection of EEVD-derived peptides, including mutations and truncations, we explored which residues are critical for binding to both CHIP and DnaJB4. These results revealed that some features, such as the C-terminal carboxylate, are important for both interactions. However, CHIP and DnaJB4 also had unique preferences, especially at the isoleucine position immediately adjacent to the EEVD. Finally, we show that competition between these cochaperones is important in vitro, as DnaJB4 limits the ubiquitination activity of the Hsp70–CHIP complex, whereas CHIP suppresses the client refolding activity of the Hsp70–DnaJB4 complex. Together, these data suggest that the EEVD motif has evolved to support diverse protein–protein interactions, such that competition between cochaperones may help guide whether Hsp70-bound proteins are folded or degraded.  相似文献   

Nucleolin is a multifunctional RNA Binding Protein (RBP) with diverse subcellular localizations, including the nucleolus in all eukaryotic cells, the plasma membrane in tumor cells, and the axon in neurons. Here we show that the glycine arginine rich (GAR) domain of nucleolin drives subcellular localization via protein‐protein interactions with a kinesin light chain. In addition, GAR sequences mediate plasma membrane interactions of nucleolin. Both these modalities are in addition to the already reported involvement of the GAR domain in liquid‐liquid phase separation in the nucleolus. Nucleolin transport to axons requires the GAR domain, and heterozygous GAR deletion mice reveal reduced axonal localization of nucleolin cargo mRNAs and enhanced sensory neuron growth. Thus, the GAR domain governs axonal transport of a growth controlling RNA‐RBP complex in neurons, and is a versatile localization determinant for different subcellular compartments. Localization determination by GAR domains may explain why GAR mutants in diverse RBPs are associated with neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Mitogen‐activated protein kinases (MAPK) are broadly used regulators of cellular signaling. However, how these enzymes can be involved in such a broad spectrum of physiological functions is not understood. Systematic discovery of MAPK networks both experimentally and in silico has been hindered because MAPKs bind to other proteins with low affinity and mostly in less‐characterized disordered regions. We used a structurally consistent model on kinase‐docking motif interactions to facilitate the discovery of short functional sites in the structurally flexible and functionally under‐explored part of the human proteome and applied experimental tools specifically tailored to detect low‐affinity protein–protein interactions for their validation in vitro and in cell‐based assays. The combined computational and experimental approach enabled the identification of many novel MAPK‐docking motifs that were elusive for other large‐scale protein–protein interaction screens. The analysis produced an extensive list of independently evolved linear binding motifs from a functionally diverse set of proteins. These all target, with characteristic binding specificity, an ancient protein interaction surface on evolutionarily related but physiologically clearly distinct three MAPKs (JNK, ERK, and p38). This inventory of human protein kinase binding sites was compared with that of other organisms to examine how kinase‐mediated partnerships evolved over time. The analysis suggests that most human MAPK‐binding motifs are surprisingly new evolutionarily inventions and newly found links highlight (previously hidden) roles of MAPKs. We propose that short MAPK‐binding stretches are created in disordered protein segments through a variety of ways and they represent a major resource for ancient signaling enzymes to acquire new regulatory roles.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying disease is key for expediting the development of novel therapeutic interventions. Disease mechanisms are often mediated by interactions between proteins. Insights into the physical rewiring of protein–protein interactions in response to mutations, pathological conditions, or pathogen infection can advance our understanding of disease etiology, progression, and pathogenesis and can lead to the identification of potential druggable targets. Advances in quantitative mass spectrometry (MS)‐based approaches have allowed unbiased mapping of these disease‐mediated changes in protein–protein interactions on a global scale. Here, we review MS techniques that have been instrumental for the identification of protein–protein interactions at a system‐level, and we discuss the challenges associated with these methodologies as well as novel MS advancements that aim to address these challenges. An overview of examples from diverse disease contexts illustrates the potential of MS‐based protein–protein interaction mapping approaches for revealing disease mechanisms, pinpointing new therapeutic targets, and eventually moving toward personalized applications.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is one of the most dynamic and widespread post‐translational modifications regulating virtually every aspect of eukaryotic cell biology. Here, we assemble a dataset from 75 independent phosphoproteomic experiments performed in our laboratory using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We report 30,902 phosphosites identified from cells cultured in a range of DNA damage conditions and/or arrested in distinct cell cycle stages. To generate a comprehensive resource for the budding yeast community, we aggregate our dataset with the Saccharomyces Genome Database and another recently published study, resulting in over 46,000 budding yeast phosphosites. With the goal of enhancing the identification of functional phosphorylation events, we perform computational positioning of phosphorylation sites on available 3D protein structures and systematically identify events predicted to regulate protein complex architecture. Results reveal hundreds of phosphorylation sites mapping to or near protein interaction interfaces, many of which result in steric or electrostatic “clashes” predicted to disrupt the interaction. With the advancement of Cryo‐EM and the increasing number of available structures, our approach should help drive the functional and spatial exploration of the phosphoproteome.  相似文献   

A range of cargo adaptor proteins are known to recruit cytoskeletal motors to distinct subcellular compartments. However, the structural impact of cargo recruitment on motor function is poorly understood. Here, we dissect the multimodal regulation of myosin VI activity through the cargo adaptor GAIP-interacting protein, C terminus (GIPC), whose overexpression with this motor in cancer enhances cell migration. Using a range of biophysical techniques, including motility assays, FRET-based conformational sensors, optical trapping, and DNA origami–based cargo scaffolds to probe the individual and ensemble properties of GIPC–myosin VI motility, we report that the GIPC myosin-interacting region (MIR) releases an autoinhibitory interaction within myosin VI. We show that the resulting conformational changes in the myosin lever arm, including the proximal tail domain, increase the flexibility of the adaptor–motor linkage, and that increased flexibility correlates with faster actomyosin association and dissociation rates. Taken together, the GIPC MIR–myosin VI interaction stimulates a twofold to threefold increase in ensemble cargo speed. Furthermore, the GIPC MIR–myosin VI ensembles yield similar cargo run lengths as forced processive myosin VI dimers. We conclude that the emergent behavior from these individual aspects of myosin regulation is the fast, processive, and smooth cargo transport on cellular actin networks. Our study delineates the multimodal regulation of myosin VI by the cargo adaptor GIPC, while highlighting linkage flexibility as a novel biophysical mechanism for modulating cellular cargo motility.  相似文献   

Understanding the core replication complex of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is essential to the development of novel coronavirus-specific antiviral therapeutics. Among the proteins required for faithful replication of the SARS-CoV-2 genome are nonstructural protein 14 (NSP14), a bifunctional enzyme with an N-terminal 3′-to-5′ exoribonuclease (ExoN) and a C-terminal N7-methyltransferase, and its accessory protein, NSP10. The difficulty in producing pure and high quantities of the NSP10/14 complex has hampered the biochemical and structural study of these important proteins. We developed a straightforward protocol for the expression and purification of both NSP10 and NSP14 from Escherichia coli and for the in vitro assembly and purification of a stoichiometric NSP10/14 complex with high yields. Using these methods, we observe that NSP10 provides a 260-fold increase in kcat/Km in the exoribonucleolytic activity of NSP14 and enhances protein stability. We also probed the effect of two small molecules on NSP10/14 activity, remdesivir monophosphate and the methyltransferase inhibitor S-adenosylhomocysteine. Our analysis highlights two important factors for drug development: first, unlike other exonucleases, the monophosphate nucleoside analog intermediate of remdesivir does not inhibit NSP14 activity; and second, S-adenosylhomocysteine modestly activates NSP14 exonuclease activity. In total, our analysis provides insights for future structure–function studies of SARS-CoV-2 replication fidelity for the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019.  相似文献   

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