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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Two previous papers in this series evaluated model fit of eight thermal-germination models parameterized from constant-temperature germination data. The previous studies determined that model formulations with the fewest shape assumptions provided the best estimates of both germination rate and germination time. The purpose of this latest study was to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of these same models in predicting germination time and relative seedlot performance under field-variable temperature scenarios. METHODS: The seeds of four rangeland grass species were germinated under 104 variable-temperature treatments simulating six planting dates at three field sites in south-western Idaho. Measured and estimated germination times for all subpopulations were compared for all models, species and temperature treatments. KEY RESULTS: All models showed similar, and relatively high, predictive accuracy for field-temperature simulations except for the iterative-probit-optimization (IPO) model, which exhibited systematic errors as a function of subpopulation. Highest efficiency was obtained with the statistical-gridding (SG) model, which could be directly parameterized by measured subpopulation rate data. Relative seedlot response predicted by thermal time coefficients was somewhat different from that estimated from mean field-variable temperature response as a function of subpopulation. CONCLUSIONS: All germination response models tested performed relatively well in estimating field-variable temperature response. IPO caused systematic errors in predictions of germination time, and may have degraded the physiological relevance of resultant cardinal-temperature parameters. Comparative indices based on expected field performance may be more ecologically relevant than indices derived from a broader range of potential thermal conditions.  相似文献   

In dry-summer seasonal climates, the beginning of the rainy season can prompt germination under different temperatures, depending on altitude. Understanding germination responses to temperature with altitude is important in fire-prone environments for species regenerating after fire from seeds (seeders), particularly under changing climate. Here we investigated the role of temperature in four Mediterranean seeder shrubs from Central Spain. Seeds from 17 sites (285–1,253 m altitude), of two hard-seeded nanophanerophytes (Cistus ladanifer and C. salviifolius) and two soft-seeded chamaephytes (Lavandula pedunculata and Thymus mastichina) were investigated. Intact and heat shock treated seeds were set to germinate under four temperature regimes, including a treatment simulating future warming. GLM with binomial or gamma functions were used to test treatment effects using altitude as a covariate. Altitude was a significant covariate only in L. pedunculata. Temperature did not affect final germination in either Cistus, but it significantly affected T. mastichina, and interacted with altitude in L. pedunculata, whereby the higher the altitude the less it germinated with decreasing temperature. Germination speed (T50) was lower at colder temperatures in all but C. salviifolius that was insensitive to our treatments. Heat shock significantly increased final germination in both Cistus and T. mastichina, but did not interact with temperature or altitude. We conclude that germination response to temperature, including varying sensitivity with altitude, differed among these species; thus, changes in the timing of the onset of the rainy season will diversely affect populations at various altitudes. We discuss our results in a context of changing climate and fire.  相似文献   

The potential and proven disease resistance of various cool season cultivars of common forage, range, and turfgrasses to fungi, bacteria, and viruses is reviewed. Included are certain grass species ofAgropyron, Agrostis, Arrhenatherum, Bromus, Dactylis, Elymus, Festuca, Lolium, Phalaris, Phleum, andPoa. These cultivars may be useful in crop improvement programs and for germplasm exchange.  相似文献   

Hardegree SP 《Annals of botany》2006,97(6):1115-1125
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The purpose of this study was to compare the relative accuracy of different thermal-germination models in predicting germination-time under constant-temperature conditions. Of specific interest was the assessment of shape assumptions associated with the cardinal-temperature germination model and probit distribution often used to distribute thermal coefficients among seed subpopulations. METHODS: The seeds of four rangeland grass species were germinated over the constant-temperature range of 3-38 degrees C and monitored for subpopulation variability in germination-rate response. Subpopulation-specific germination rate was estimated as a function of temperature and residual model error for three variations of the cardinal-temperature model, non-linear regression and piece-wise linear regression. The data were used to test relative model fit under alternative assumptions regarding model shape. KEY RESULTS: In general, optimal model fit was obtained by limiting model-shape assumptions. All models were relatively accurate in the sub-optimal temperature range except in the 3 degrees C treatment where predicted germination times were in error by as much as 70 d for the cardinal-temperature models. CONCLUSIONS: Germination model selection should be driven by research objectives. Cardinal-temperature models yield coefficients that can be directly compared for purposes of screening germplasm. Other model formulations, however, may be more accurate in predicting germination-time, especially at low temperatures where small errors in predicted rate can result in relatively large errors in germination time.  相似文献   

Ecosystem responses to climate change will largely be driven by responses of the dominant species. However, if co-dominant species have traits that lead them to differential responses, then predicting how ecosystem structure and function will be altered is more challenging. We assessed differences in response to climate change factors for the two dominant C4 grass species in tallgrass prairie, Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans, by measuring changes in a suite of plant ecophysiological traits in response to experimentally elevated air temperatures and increased precipitation variability over two growing seasons. Maximum photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance, water-use efficiency, chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf water potential varied with leaf and canopy temperature as well as with volumetric soil water content (0–15 cm). Both species had similar responses to imposed changes in temperature and water availability, but when differences occurred, responses by A. gerardii were more closely linked with changes in air temperature whereas S. nutans was more sensitive to changes in water availability. Moreover, S. nutans was more responsive overall than A. gerardii to climate alterations. These results indicate both grass species are responsive to forecast changes in temperature and precipitation, but their differential sensitivity to temperature and water availability suggest that future population and community structure may vary based on the magnitude and scope of an altered climate.  相似文献   

Stipa steppes are considered to be an important model ecosystem in arid land ecology owing to their wide geographical distribution and their strong association with human activities. This paper presents data on the seed germination of four Jordanian Stipa species ( Stipa capensis, Stipa parviflora , Stipa arabica and Stipa lagascae ) that are widespread throughout various phytogeographical regions in Jordan. We studied variation in seed germination under laboratory conditions among populations and under various temperature regimes. There was significant variation in seed germination with temperature in all four species and seed provenance was significant for three out of the four species. The temperature levels that were most suitable for germination varied from low (8/4°C and 20/10°C) for S. lagascae to high (20/10°C and 32/20°C) for S. capensis ; S. arabica and S. parviflora germinated equally well at all three temperature regimes. Variations among populations were species specific, but populations with the highest seed germination were always of arid and Saharan Mediterranean origin. Thus, seed germination was negatively correlated with annual precipitation. Such flexibility among temperatures and populations could be interpreted as an efficient survival strategy for species growing under unpredictable environmental conditions. Where artificial reseeding is necessary, differences among species and also among different seed provenances should be taken into account.  相似文献   

High soil temperature is a critical factor limiting growth of cool-season grasses. This study was designed to examine changes in water, nutritional, and hormonal status in response to high soil temperature for creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stoloniferavar. palustris) and to compare the sensitivity of those parameters to high soil temperatures. Plants of ‘Penncross’ were exposed to 35 °C soil temperature (heat stress) or 20 °C (control) in water baths while air temperature was maintained at 20 °C in growth chambers. Turfgrass quality, shoot growth rate, and root biomass decreased below the control levels at 15, 15, and 10 days of heat stress, respectively, while root mortality increased above the control level at 5 days of heat stress. Relative water content (RWC) of leaves decreased below the control level at 15 days of heat treatment. Root N content increased while P and K content did not change over time at 35 °C. Shoot N, P, and K content decreased below the control level at 15, 15, and 10 days of heat stress, respectively. Root abscisic acid (ABA) content decreased below the control level at 10 days while shoot ABA content increased above the control level at 5 days. The content of cytokinins (zeatin (Z) and zeatin riboside (ZR), dihydrogen zeatin riboside (DHZR), and isopentenyl adenosine (iPA)) decreased below their respective control levels as early as 5 days of heat stress for roots and 10 days for shoots. The decline in cytokinin content was also more dramatic than changes in other parameters. Our results suggested that cytokinin was most sensitive to high soil temperature among parameters examined, suggesting that changes in cytokinins could serve as an early stress indicator for plant responses to high soil temperature; however, decreased water, nutrient (N, P, and K), and cytokinin content, and increased ABA could all contribute to the decline in shoot and root growth for creeping bentgrass exposed to high soil temperatures.  相似文献   

Huang  Bingru  Fu  Jinmin 《Plant and Soil》2000,227(1-2):17-26
The study was conducted to investigate carbon metabolic responses to surface soil drying for cool-season grasses. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae Schreb.) were grown in a greenhouse in split tubes consisting of two sections. Plants were subjected to three soil moisture regimes: (1) well-watered control; (2) drying of upper 20-cm soil (upper drying); and (3) drying of whole 40-cm soil profile (full drying). Upper drying for 30 d had no dramatic effects on leaf water potential (Ψleaf) and canopy photosynthetic rate (Pn) in either grass species compared to the well-watered control, but it reduced canopy respiration rate (Rcanopy) and root respiration rate in the top 20 cm of soil (Rtop). For both species in the lower 20 cm of wet soil, root respiration rates (Rbottom) were similar to the control levels, and carbon allocation to roots increased with the upper soil drying, particularly for tall fescue. The proportion of roots decreased in the 0-20 cm drying soil, but increased in the lower 20 cm wet soil for both grass species; the increase was greater for tall fescue. The Ψleaf, Pn, Rcanopy, Rtop, Rbottom, and carbon allocation to roots in both soil layers were all significantly higher for upper dried plants than for fully dried plants of both grass species. The reductions in Rcanopy and Rtop in surface drying soil and increases in root respiration and carbon allocation to roots in lower wet soil could help these grasses cope with surface-soil drought stress. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Global climate changes and biological invasions are environmental disturbances that may interact synergistically, causing loss of biodiversity. As the early stages of development are the most sensitive and easily affected by these constraints, this study investigated the effects of increased carbon dioxide (CO2) and temperature, as forecasted for 2100, on seed germination and early development of three species of invasive African grasses that have gradually replaced landscapes of the Brazilian Cerrado biome. It was observed that these parameters affected percentage and rate of germination in Urochloa brizantha, rate of germination and mean germination time in Urochloa decumbens and accelerated autotrophy acquisition in U. brizantha, U. decumbens and Megathyrsus maximus. Regarding root elongation, all species showed changes in total length, absolute and relative growth rate, but at different stages of development or time intervals, with increased temperature being more significant than increased CO2, probably due to seed reserves still being the main carbon sources at this stage. Taken together, the results indicate that the effects of CO2 and increased temperature are species specific and highlight the greatest potential of U. brizantha to germinate, and of U. decumbens for seedling establishment under these environmental changes.  相似文献   

The germination requirements of four perennial halophytic grasses, Aeluropus lagopoides, Halopyrum mucronatum, Sporobolus ioclados, and Urochondra setulosa, were studied under control conditions in the laboratory. Treatments included two light levels (12?:?12 h light?:?dark period and 24-h dark environment), six salinity concentrations (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 mmol/L NaCl), and four temperature regimes (fluctuating day?:?night temperature regimes of 10°?:?20°, 15°?:?25°, 20°?:?30° and 25°?:?35°C), using a completely randomized block design. Best seed germination of all grasses was obtained in a distilled water control. Increase in salinity progressively inhibited germination of all species. For example, few seeds of H. mucronatum germinated above 300 mmol/L NaCl, while seeds of the other grasses germinated in up to 500 mmol/L NaCl. Optimal temperature regime for germination for all species was 20°?:?30°C both for light- and dark-germinated seeds. At higher temperatures differences between light and dark treatments were not significant. Absence of light had no effect on the seed germination of U. setulosa and H. mucronatum; however, germination was lower in all salinity treatments. In the case of A. lagopoides, absence of light substantially inhibited the germination both in control and saline conditions. The light effect was marked in the case of S. ioclados, which showed very low germination in the absence of light both under saline and nonsaline conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Most current thermal-germination models are parameterized with subpopulation-specific rate data, interpolated from cumulative-germination-response curves. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative accuracy of three-dimensional models for predicting cumulative germination response to temperature. Three-dimensional models are relatively more efficient to implement than two-dimensional models and can be parameterized directly with measured data. METHODS: Seeds of four rangeland grass species were germinated over the constant-temperature range of 3 to 38 degrees C and monitored for subpopulation variability in germination-rate response. Models for estimating subpopulation germination rate were generated as a function of temperature using three-dimensional regression, statistical gridding and iterative-probit optimization using both measured and interpolated-subpopulation data as model inputs. KEY RESULTS: Statistical gridding is more accurate than three-dimensional regression and iterative-probit optimization for modelling germination rate and germination time as a function of temperature and subpopulation. Optimization of the iterative-probit model lowers base-temperature estimates, relative to two-dimensional cardinal-temperature models, and results in an inability to resolve optimal-temperature coefficients as a function of subpopulation. Residual model error for the three-dimensional model was extremely high when parameterized with measured-subpopulation data. Use of measured data for model evaluation provided a more realistic estimate of predictive error than did evaluation of the larger set of interpolated-subpopulation data. CONCLUSIONS: Statistical-gridding techniques may provide a relatively efficient method for estimating germination response in situations where the primary objective is to estimate germination time. This methodology allows for direct use of germination data for model parameterization and automates the significant computational requirements of a two-dimensional piece-wise-linear model, previously shown to produce the most accurate estimates of germination time.  相似文献   

In natural environments, drought often occurs in surface soil while water is available for plant uptake deeper in the soil profile. The objective of the study was to examine the involvement of antioxidant metabolism and lipid peroxidation in the responses of two cool-season grasses to surface soil drying. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) were grown in split tubes, consisting of two sections (each 10 cm in diameter and 20 cm long). Grasses were subjected to three soil moisture regimes: (a) well-watered control: whole soil profile was watered; (b) surface drying: surface 20 cm of soil was dried by withholding irrigation and the lower 20 cm of soil was watered; (c) full drying: whole soil profile was dried. Surface drying had no effects on relative water content (RWC) and chlorophyll content (Chl) for both grasses and only slightly reduced shoot growth for tall fescue. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity increased, while catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) activities remained unchanged during most periods of surface drying. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content was unaffected by surface drying for tall fescue, but increased initially and then decreased to the control level for Kentucky bluegrass. Under full drying, RWC, Chl content, and shoot dry weight decreased, but MDA content increased in both grasses; SOD and POD activities initially increased transiently and then decreased; CAT remained unchanged for 25 days and then decreased. These results suggested that both Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue were capable of surviving surface soil drying. This capability could be related to increases in antioxidant activities, particularly SOD and CAT. However, full drying suppressed antioxidant activities and induced lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The present study reports the temperature tolerance, estimated using dynamic and static methodologies, and preferred temperature range, based on oxygen consumption rate (OCR), of juvenile meagre (Argyrosomus regius) (Asso, 1801) (3.4±0.9 g) after 30 days of acclimation at 18, 22, 26 and 30 °C. Meagre has dynamic and static thermal tolerance zones of 551 °C2 and 460 °C2, respectively and is a low resistance fish species, with a resistance zone area of 87 °C2. The OCR of juvenile meagre at the above acclimation temperatures was 370, 410, 618 and 642 mg h−1 kg1, respectively, and is significantly different (P<0.0001, n=20). The fact that OCR increases by rising temperatures and gradually decreases after 26 °C indicates that the preferred temperature range of juvenile meagre is between 26 and 30 °C. Our study suggests that meagre is unable to respond to low and high temperature variation in aquaculture facilities or its natural habitats.  相似文献   

Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are highly useful molecular markers for plant improvement. Expressed sequence tag (EST)-SSR markers have a higher rate of transferability across species than genomic SSR markers and are thus well suited for application in cross-species phylogenetic studies. Our objectives were to examine the amplification of tall fescue EST-SSR markers in 12 grass species representing 8 genera of 4 tribes from 2 subfamilies of Poaceae and the applicability of these markers for phylogenetic analysis of grass species. About 43% of the 145 EST-SSR primer pairs produced PCR bands in all 12 grass species and had high levels of polymorphism in all forage grasses studied. Thus, these markers will be useful in a variety of forage grass species, including the ones tested in this study. SSR marker data were useful in grouping genotypes within each species. Lolium temulentum, a potential model species for cool-season forage grasses, showed a close relation with the major Festuca-Lolium species in the study. Tall wheat grass was found to be closely related to hexaploid wheat, thereby confirming the known taxonomic relations between these species. While clustering of closely related species was found, the effectiveness of such data in evaluating distantly related species needs further investigations. The phylogenetic trees based on DNA sequences of selected SSR bands were in agreement with the phylogenetic relations based on length polymorphism of SSRs markers. Tall fescue EST-SSR markers depicted phylogenetic relations among a wide range of cool-season forage grass species and thus are an important resource for researchers working with such grass species.  相似文献   

  • The relationship between the phytohormones, gibberellin (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) and light and temperature on seed germination is still not well understood. We aimed to investigate the role of the ABA and GA on seed germination of Vellozia caruncularis, V. intermedia and V. alutacea in response to light/dark conditions on different temperature.
  • Seeds were incubated in GA (GA3 or GA4) or ABA and their respective biosynthesis inhibitors (paclobutrazol – PAC, and fluridone – FLU) solutions at two contrasting temperatures (25 and 40 °C). Furthermore, endogenous concentrations of active GAs and those of ABA were measured in seeds of V. intermedia and V. alutacea during imbibition/germination.
  • Exogenous ABA inhibited the germination of Vellozia species under all conditions tested. GA, FLU and FLU + GA3 stimulated germination in the dark at 25 °C (GA4 being more effective than GA3). PAC reduced seed germination in V. caruncularis and V. alutacea, but did not affect germination of V. intermedia at 40 °C either under light or dark conditions. During imbibition in the dark, levels of active GAs decreased in the seeds of V. intermedia, but were not altered in those of V. alutacea. Incubation at 40 °C decreased ABA levels during imbibition in both V. caruncularis and V. alutacea.
  • We conclude that the seeds of Vellozia species studied here require light or high temperature to germinate and ABA has a major role in the regulation of Vellozia seed germination in response to light and temperature.

Fructan plays an important role as an alternate carbohydrate and may contribute to drought and cold-stress tolerances in various plant species. The gene coding for sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase (6-SFT; EC, an enzyme that catalyzes the formation and extension of beta-2,6-linked fructans (levans), is important to fructan synthesis in many cool-season grasses, including cereal species. In this study, we compared a conserved sequence from the 6-SFT gene in barley with comparable sequences in 20 other cool-season grasses. We detected several DNA length polymorphisms, including variations in one simple-sequence repeat (SSR) in a 6-SFT intron of the barley cultivars Steptoe and Morex. Using the 'Steptoe' x 'Morex' doubled-haploid mapping population, the 6-SFT gene was genetically mapped to the distal region in the short arm of barley chromosome 1 (7H), where it is closely linked with trait locus Rpg1. Primers designed from other conserved regions of the barley 6-SFT gene successfully amplified 351- or 354-bp sequences of this gene from diverse cool season grass species. Sequence identities of the PCR products were greater than 80% among the 21 species. Phylogeny, as determined using these DNA sequences, is similar to that obtained from rDNA ITS sequences, and congruent with our current knowledge of genome relationships.  相似文献   

Aim Using a long‐term data set we investigated the response of semi‐desert grasslands to altered disturbance regimes in conjunction with climate patterns. Specifically, we were interested in the response of a non‐native grass (Eragrostis lehmanniana), mesquite (Prosopis velutina), and native species to the reintroduction of fire and removal of livestock. Location The study site is located on the 45,360‐ha Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge (31°32′ N, 110°30′ W) in southern Arizona, USA. In 1985, livestock were removed and prescribed fires were reintroduced to this semi‐desert grassland dominated by non‐native grasses and encroaching mesquite trees. Methods Plant species cover was monitored along 38, 30‐m transects five times over a period of 15 years. Data were analysed using principal components analysis on the variance–covariance and correlation matrix, multivariate analysis of variance for changes over time in relation to environmental data, and analysis of variance for altered disturbance regimes. Results Reintroduction of fire and removal of livestock have not led to an increase in native species diversity or a decrease in non‐native grasses or mesquite. The cover of non‐native grass was influenced by soil type in 1993. Main conclusions Variability of plant community richness, diversity, and cover over time appear to be most closely linked to fluctuations in precipitation rather than human‐altered disturbance regimes. The effects of altered grazing and fire regimes are likely confounded by complex interactions with climatic factors in systems significantly altered from their original physiognomy.  相似文献   

Sonchus oleraceus and Rapistrum rugosum are two rapidly emerging weeds of the northern grain region of Australia. To understand the ability of these weeds regarding their germination response to temperature and different soil moisture regimes, experiments were undertaken on the germination of these weeds at varying osmotic potential and temperature regimes. The experiment was conducted as a split-plot design with alternating day/night temperature regimes (15/5, 20/10, 25/15 and 30/20°C) as a main plot and osmotic potential regimes (0.0, −0.1, −0.2, −0.4, −0.6, −0.8 and −1 MPa) as a subplot. At different temperature regimes, there was 65–91% germination of S. oleraceus in water (0 MPa). There was 0–4% germination at −0.8 MPa and no germination at −1.0 MPa. Osmotic potential values that can cause 50% reduction in germination of S. oleraceus based on a sigmoid regression model ranged from −0.38 to −0.48 MPa. There was 33–81% germination of R. rugosum in distilled water (0 MPa), 1–3% germination at −0.8 MPa and no germination at −1.0 MPa. Osmotic potential values that can cause 50% reduction in germination of R. rugosum based on a sigmoid model ranged from −0.26 to −0.54 MPa. Results of the study were related to the emergence pattern of weeds during field survey and soil moisture profiles estimated by the Australian Landscape Water Balance Model and explain the emergence of these weeds outside the normal seasonal window of prevalence as a response to changes in weather.  相似文献   

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