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The effect of auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on growth and in vivo extensibility of third internode sections from red light grown pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska) and the isolated tissues (cortex plus vascular tissue = cortical cylinder, and epidermis) was investigated. Living tissue was stretched at constant force (creep test) in a custom-built extensiometer. In the intact section, IAA-induced increase in total (Etot), elastic (Eel), and plastic (Epl) extensibility is closely related to the growth rate. The extensibility of the cortical cylinder, measured immediately after peeling of intact sections incubated for 4 hours in IAA, is not increased by IAA. Epidermal strips, peeled from growing sections incubated in IAA, show a Epl increase, which is correlated to the growth rate of the intact segments. The isolated cortical cylinder expands in water; IAA has only a small growth-promoting effect. The extensibility of the cortical cylinder is not increased by IAA. Epidermal strips contract about 10% on isolation. When incubated in IAA, they do not elongate, but respond with an Epl increase. The amount of expansion of the cortical cylinder and contraction of the epidermis (tissue tension), measured immediately following excision and peeling, stays constant during IAA-induced growth of intact sections. The results support the hypothesis that IAA induces growth of the intact section by causing an Epl increase of the outer epidermal wall. The driving force comes from the expansion of the cortical cylinder which is under constant compression in the intact section.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1988,54(1):23-28
The interaction between cortical cylinder (cortex plus vascular tissue) and epidermis during auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA)-induced growth of third internode sections from red light-grown pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) was investigated. A quantitative comparison of the relative effects of IAA on growth of intact and peeled sections showed that intact segments are nearly 20-fold more sensitive to IAA than peeled cortical cylinders. Tissue tension, determined with the ‘split section test’, was constant during IAA-induced growth of intact sections. Peeled sections also displayed a small amount of tissue tension, which was likewise independent of IAA. The incorporation of myo-[2-3H(N)]inositol ([3H]Ins) into non-cellulosic polysaccharides in the cell walls was stimulated by IAA in both the cortical cylinder and the epidermis by + 70% and + 55%, respectively, after 4 h. A mich higher amount of incorporation was detectable in the epidermis than in the cortical cylinder on a unit weight basis. During a 4-h growth period in IAA the cortical cylinder lost about 50 μg of its initial dry weight per section whereas the epidermis increased in dry weight by about + 24 μg. We conclude that during IAA-induced long-term growth the cortical cylinder (1) provides the driving force for organ growth, (2) responds to IAA by an increase in matrix cell wall synthesis and (3) releases material, some of which is transferred to the attached epidermal cells.  相似文献   

The water transport properties of etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L.) internodes were studied using both dynamic and steady-state methods to determine (a) whether water transport through the growing tissue limits the rate of cell enlargement, and (b) whether auxin stimulates growth in part by increasing the hydraulic conductance of the growing tissue.

Measurements using the pressure probe technique showed that the hydraulic conductivity of cortical cell membranes was the same for both slowly growing and auxin-induced rapidly growing cells (membrane hydraulic conductivity, about 1.5 × 10−5 centimeters per second per bar). In a second technique which measured the rate of water movement through the entire pea internode, the half-time for radial water flow was about 60 seconds and was not altered by auxin application. These results indicate that auxin does not alter the hydraulic conductance of pea stem tissue, either at the cellular or the whole tissue level.

Measurements of the turgor pressure of cortical cells, combined with osmotic pressure measurements of expressed cell sap, show that the water potential of growing pea stems was about −3 bars. When the growth rate was altered by various treatments, including decapitation, auxin application, cold temperature, and KCN treatment, the water potential was independent of the growth rate of the stem. We attribute the depression of the water potential in young pea stems to the presence of solutes in the cell wall free space of the tissue. This interpretation is supported by the results of infiltration and perfusion experiments.

From the results of these dynamic and steady-state experiments, we conclude that the internal gradient in water potential (from the xylem to the epidermis) needed to sustain cell enlargement is small (no greater than 0.5 bar). Thus, the hydraulic conductance of the tissue is sufficiently large that it does not control or limit the rate of cell enlargement.


Multiple forms of invertase in developing oat internodes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Three different invertases are found in the developing internodes of oat (Avena sativa cv. Victory). Two soluble invertases (I and II) are separable on diethylaminoethylcellulose and Sephadex columns. They are further distinguished by their kinetic constants, heat stability, and differences in stability and apparent activity optima in response to pH treatments. Relative activities of the two soluble isozymes change considerably during the developmental stages examined. Invertase I activity rises early and begins to fall after maximal activity is reached at 6 hours of incubation. This early increase in activity accompanies the period of most rapid growth rate of the internode. Invertase II activity does not increase significantly during the first 6 hours of internode extension, but rapidly rises to a maximum activity at 16 hours, then declines. The third form of invertase, bound invertase (III), is present in both immature and mature stem tissue. Its activity increases (by 6 hours) during immature growth stages, decreases considerably with maturation, and remains relatively constant in mature tissue.  相似文献   

The transmembrane electropotential of microsomal vesicles from pea internode segments, monitored by equilibrium distribution of the permeant anion SCN?, is strongly hyperpolarized when ATP is present in the incubation medium.The stimulation of SCN? uptake by ATP is rather specific with respect to the other nucleoside di- and triphosphates tested: ADP, GTP, CTP and UTP. ATP-stimulated SCN? uptake is strongly inhibited by ATPase inhibitors such as p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonate and N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and by 2.5% toluene/ethanol (1 : 4, v/v), the latter being a treatment which makes the vesicles permeable. On the contrary, oligomycin is almost ineffective in influencing ATP-induced SCN? uptake. The proton conductor carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone strongly inhibits ATP-stimulated SCN? uptake. The effect of ATP on SCN? uptake depends on the pH of the medium, the maximum being reached at about pH 7.0.These data support the view that microsomal fractions from pea internodes contain membrane vesicles endowed with a membrane-bound ATPase coupling ATP hydrolysis to electrogenic transport of ions, probably H+.  相似文献   

Daphne Vince 《Planta》1968,82(3):261-279
Summary Ligh-induced anthocyanin synthesis in excised dark-grown internodes of Sorghum was depressed by the addition of auxin to the incubating medium at physiological concentrations. Both IAA and the synthetic auxin, 2,4-D, reduced anthocyanin yield. Similar results were obtained with isolated internode segments and in internodes incubated with coleoptiles (the major source of endogenous auxins) attached. Auxin increased the duration of the lag phase before anthocyanin synthesis began and reduced the rate during the subsequent linear phase. Elongation continued longer with IAA than without it and anthocyanin formation did not begin until extension growth had ceased or was slowing down in both cases; the rate of anthocyanin synthesis in the IAA solution remained depressed compared with that in buffer even after extension growth had ceased in both.At low concentrations IAA stimulated elongation growth without reducing anthocyanin yield and it is unlikely that the effect of IAA on anthocyanin synthesis results from the increased utilisation in growth of substrates needed for anthocyanin formation. The results of reciprocal transfer experiments from dark to light, and vice versa, showed that the action of IAA was associated with its presence in the incubating medium during the irradiation period. If present only in darkness, before or after transfer to light, IAA did not reduce anthocyanin formation; in the former case total yield was increased by IAA as a result of the stimulation of elongation growth, the concentration of anthocyanin remaining unchanged.GA3 also decreased anthocyanin content; the effect was greater in sections incubated with coleoptiles attached and it is possible that GA3 acts by increasing the concentration of endogenous auxins. However, CCC, which has been reported to decrease endogenous auxin levels, also reduced anthocyanin yield.The effect of IAA was not influenced by the presence of ascorbate in the incubating medium, nor did added ascorbate result in the formation of any acylated cyanidin derivative in internodes maintained in darkness.Possible relationships between light-induced anthocyanin formation and the photo-inhibition of elongation are discussed.  相似文献   

The proteins removed from the extracellular space of dark-grown pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) internode sections by centrifugation were studied. A large number of proteins were resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These proteins ranged in size from 10 to 150 kdalton and their removal from the cell wall was greatly facilitated by the presence of salts of divalent and trivalent cations in the infiltration medium. Pulse-labelling experiments with [35S)-methionine showed that many of the proteins extracted from the cell wall incorporated radioactivity and that treatment with indoleacetic acid (IAA) altered the pattern of radiolabel incorporation. One of the proteins centrifuged from pea internode sections possessed per-oxidase (EC activity. The activity of this peroxidase increased less in auxin-treated internode segments than in untreated controls. Antibodies were raised to the total protein fraction extracted by centrifugation and used to localize antigens on protein blots. Most of the proteins centrifuged from pea internode sections were stained by a dye coupled to the cell wall antiserum. Light microscopic immunohistochemical studies showed that the proteins centrifuged from dark-grown pea internodes were localized almost exclusively in the cell wall and intercellular spaces of pea internode tissue. Light microscopic immunohistochemistry also showed that antibodies to extracted proteins penetrate into the apoplast of abraded pea internode segments and split pea stems. These antibodies did not influence growth of IAA-treated or control tissue.  相似文献   

Third internodes or whole stems of 7-days old etiolated pea plants were extracted and the content of gibberellin-like substances and inhibitors has been determined. Extracts were found to contain four or five different gibberellin-like substances, some of which are chromatographically similar to GA3. The content of gibberellins has been high in young internodes and decreased along with the internodes elongation. Brief red light irradiation brings about quantitative changes in gibberellin content, depending also on the length of internodes. The extracts contain acidic and neutral inhibitors which interfere with the response to GA3. The content of the inhibitors does not seem to be affected by the ageing of internodes or by the light treatment.  相似文献   

Reversion of far red-absorbing phytochrome to red-absorbing phytochrome without phytochrome destruction (that is, without loss of absorbancy and photoreversibility) occurs in the following tissues of etiolated Alaska pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L.): young radicles (24 hours after start of imbibition), young epicotyls (48 hours after start of imbibition), and the juvenile region of the epicotyl immediately subjacent to the plumule in older epicotyls. Reversion occurs rapidly in the dark during the first 30 minutes following initial phototransformation of red-absorbing phytochrome to far red-absorbing phytochrome. If these tissues are illuminated continuously with red light for 30 minutes, the total amount of phytochrome remains unchanged. Beyond 30 minutes after a single phototransformation or after the start of continuous red irradiation, phytochrome destruction commences. In young radicles, sodium azide inhibits this destruction, but does not affect reversion. In older tissues in which far red-absorbing phytochrome destruction begins immediately upon phototransformation, strong evidence for simultaneous far red-absorbing phytochrome reversion is obtained from comparison of far red-absorbing phytochrome loss in the dark following a single phototransformation with far red-absorbing phytochrome loss under continuous red light.  相似文献   

I Potter  S C Fry 《Plant physiology》1993,103(1):235-241
Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) activity extractable from internodes of tall and dwarf varieties of pea (Pisum sativum L.) was assayed radiochemically using tamarind seed xyloglucan as donor substrate and an oligosaccharidyl-[3H]alditol as acceptor substrate. Internodes I and II showed little elongation during the period 15 to 21 d after sowing; XET activity remained relatively constant and was unaffected by exogenous gibberellic acid (GA3). A single application of GA3 to the dwarf genotype resulted in a small enhancement of elongation in internode III between d 17 and 21 and caused a small increase in XET activity in internode III. Repeated applications of GA3 caused internode V to elongate between d 20 and 26, to the same extent as in the tall variety, and concomitantly led to greatly elevated XET activity (expressed per unit fresh weight, per unit of extractable protein, and per internode). Thus, XET activity correlated with GA3-enhanced length in pea internodes; the possibility that this represents a causal relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

Red light inhibits the growth of etiolated pea internodes, causes a shift toward higher indoleacetic acid (IAA) concentrations in the IAA dose-response curve of excised sections, and promotes the synthesis in intact internodes of kaempferol-3-triglucoside. Gibberellic acid (GA3) prevents all 3 effects, the first effect substantially and the last 2 completely. This suggests GA3 blockage of an early or basic event initiated by the active form of phytochrome. The red light-induced shift in the IAA dose-response curve of excised sections is consistent with a light-induced increase in the activity of an IAA destruction system, since the magnitude of the red light inhibition varied with IAA concentration. The red light and GA3 effects on growth and on flavonoid synthesis are consistent with the view that phytochrome may control growth by regulating the synthesis of phenolic compounds which act as cofactors in an IAA-oxidase system. GA3 reversal of the red light-induced shift in the IAA dose-response curve involves both growth promotion and inhibition by GA3 at different IAA concentrations and this, together with the GA3 reversal of light-induced flavonoid synthesis, supports the suggested regulatory role of phenolic compounds in growth.  相似文献   

Starch synthesis in developing pea embryos   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

Gibberellic acid (GA3) induces invertase activity within 6 hours in Avena stem segments that are incubated in the dark at 23°. The maximum amount of promotion is about 5 times that of invertase activity in untreated segments. GA3 causes significant promotion of invertase activity at concentrations as low as 3 × 10−5 μm GA3. The increase in invertase activity elicited by GA3 between 3 × 10−5 μm and 300 μm closely parallels the growth promotion that is caused by GA3 over this concentration range. In control segments, invertase activity rises steeply during the first 6 hours of incubation, then decays slowly between 12 and 48 hours. In GA3-treated segments, the invertase activity also rises during the first 6 hours, parallel to that in control segments and continues to rise during the next 42 hours. These changes in invertase activity during 48-hour incubation periods do not parallel the changes in growth that occur in control and GA3-treated segments. Cycloheximide at 10 μg/ml abolishes all GA3-promoted growth and invertase activity in these segments. Actinomycin D at 40 and 80 μg/ml decreases GA3-promoted growth by 20% and invertase activity by 38 and 44%, respectively. The data clearly support the idea that protein synthesis is necessary for GA3-promoted growth and invertase activity in Avena stem segments.  相似文献   

The effects of vasectomy and exercise upon arterial extensibility, cholesterol deposition, and the extent of stainable tissue lipids were determined in rats. A 2 X 3 factorial design with two activity levels (treadmill exercise and sedentary) and three treatment levels (vasectomy, sham vasectomy and control) were employed. The exercise groups had significantly greater arterial extensibility measures at breaking load and stretch distance at 45% load and breaking point. The vasectomy-sedentary group had significantly less extensibility than the control-sedentary group for stiffness and stretch distance at 45% load and breaking point. Vasectomy significantly increased the amount of esterified and total cholesterol in aortic tissue. The vasectomy-sedentary group had significantly higher unesterified cholesterol levels than the three exercise groups. Total cholesterol levels were significantly higher for the sedentary groups than the exercise groups. There were no significant differences between groups in the extent of stainable tissue lipids.  相似文献   

Changes in the physical and chemical properties of pea starch in developing seeds have been investigated. Increase in the iodine-binding capacity of st  相似文献   

Urquhart AA  Joy KW 《Plant physiology》1982,69(5):1226-1232
Amino acid metabolism and transport was investigated in the leaves of 3-week-old nonnodulated seedlings of Pisum sativum L. Xylem sap entering the shoot contained nitrate (about 5 millimolar), and amino compounds (11 millimolar) of which 70% was asparagine plus glutamine; aspartate and homoserine were also present. Mature leaves showed stable nitrogen levels and incoming nitrogen was redistributed to growing leaves. Younger leaves, still enclosed in the stipules, showed negligible rates of transpiration, suggesting that most of their nitrogen must arrive in the phloem.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase has been fractionated during development and germination of seeds of smooth and wrinkled-seeded peas. The total phosphorylase levels have been compared. In addition, a number of other pea tissues and other legumes have been examined. Some kinetic properties of the two enzymes present have been measured. Both enzymes have been further purified by affinity chromatography on Sepharose 4B-starch columns and by sequential gel filtration in the absence and presence of amylopectin. The MW and sub-unit structures of the two enzymes have been examined and their possible roles discussed.  相似文献   

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