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Gereon Müller 《Morphology》2013,23(2):245-268
This paper addresses the question of how certain kinds of overlapping syncretisms in inflectional paradigms can be accounted for that Baerman et al. (Language 80:807–824, 2005) refer to as convergent/divergent bidirectional syncretisms (based on earlier work by Stump, Inflectional morphology, 2001). Bidirectional syncretism strongly resists accounts in terms of standard rules of exponence (or similar devices) that correlate inflection markers with (often underspecified) morpho-syntactic specifications (such rules are used in many morphological theories; e.g., Anderson, A-morphous morphology, 1992; Halle and Marantz in The view from building, pp. 111–176, 1993; Aronoff, Morphology by itself, 1994; Wunderlich in Yearbook of morphology 1995, pp. 93–114, 1996; and Stump, Inflectional morphology, 2001). The reason is that it is difficult to capture overlapping distributions by natural classes. In view of this, rules of referral have been proposed to derive bidirectional syncretism (Stump, Inflectional morphology, 2001; Baerman et al. (Language 80:807–824, 2005)). In contrast, I would like to pursue the hypothesis that systematic instances of overlapping syncretism ultimately motivate a new approach to inflectional morphology—one that fully dispenses with the assumption that morphological exponents are paired with morpho-syntactic feature specifications (and that therefore qualifies as radically non-morphemic): First, rules of exponence are replaced with feature co-occurrence restrictions (FCRs; Gazdar et al., Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, 1985). For phonologically determined natural classes of exponents, FCRs state incompatibilites with morpho-syntactic feature specifications. Second, marker competition is resolved by a principle of Phonology-driven Marker Selection (PMS). PMS takes over the role of the Specificity (Blocking, Elsewhere, Panini) Principle of standard analyses. Empirically, the main focus is on Bonan declension; the analysis is subsequently extended to Gujarati conjugation and Latin o-declension, with further remarks on bidirectional syncretism in other inflectional paradigms.  相似文献   

The Peruvian plant Lepidium meyenii (Maca) has been shown to possess neuroprotective activity both in vitro and in vivo [13]. Previous studies have also demonstrated the activity of the pentane extract and its macamides, the most representative lipophilic constituents of Maca, in the endocannabinoid system as fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) inhibitors. One of the most active macamides, N-3-methoxybenzyl-linoleamide [4, 5], was studied to determine its mechanism of interaction with FAAH and whether it has inhibitory activity on mono-acyl glycerol lipase (MAGL), the second enzyme responsible for endocannabinoid degradation [6]. Macamide concentrations from 1 to 100 μM were tested using FAAH and MAGL inhibitor assay methods and showed no effect on MAGL. Tests with other conditions were performed in order to characterize the inhibitory mechanism of FAAH inhibition. N-3-methoxybenzyl-linoleamide displayed significant time-dependent and dose-dependent FAAH inhibitory activity. The mechanism of inhibition was most likely irreversible or slowly reversible. These results suggest the potential application of macamides isolated from Maca as FAAH inhibitors, as they might act on the central nervous system to provide analgesic, anti-inflammatory, or neuroprotective effects, by modulating the release of neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific species of Kyphosus is reviewed with K. bosquii (Lacepède 1802), K. incisor (Cuvier 1831), K. analogus (Gill 1862) and K. elegans (Peters 1869) considered valid, and K. atlanticus sp. nov. newly described. Kyphosus bosquii and K. atlanticus are both characterized by 12 dorsal- and 11 anal-fin soft rays, but differ in the number of longitudinal scale rows along the midbody (61–66, mode 63 vs. 50–56, mode 54). Kyphosus incisor and K. analogus, characterized by 14 dorsal- and 13 anal-fin soft rays, similarly differ from each other in midbody longitudinal scale row counts (57–64, mode 60 vs. 68–74, mode 70 or 72). Kyphosus elegans is characterized by 13 dorsal- and 12 anal-fin soft rays, and 51–57 midbody longitudinal scale rows. Kyphosus bosquii, K. atlanticus and K. incisor are distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, K. analogus and K. elegans occurring in the Eastern Pacific. The holotype of Pimelepterus flavolineatus Poey 1866, here regarded as a junior synonym of K. incisor, was located within a collection of Cuban fishes donated to the Smithsonian Institution by Poey in 1873. A neotype is designated here for K. analogus. Pimelepterus gallveii Cunningham 1910, Kyphosus palpebrosus Miranda-Ribeiro 1919 and K. metzelaari Jordan and Evermann 1927 are recognized as junior synonyms of K. bosquii. Pimelepterus sandwicensis Sauvage 1880 is a junior synonym of K. elegans. Perca saltatrix Linnaeus 1758, together with the replacement name Perca sectatrix Linnaeus 1766, is regarded as nomina dubia.  相似文献   

Heckerocrinus nom. nov., a new generic name of fossil Ordovician crinoid, is proposed for preoccupied fossil generic name Bockia Hecker 1940 non Reisinger 1924 [Vermes: Turbellaria??Typhloplanidae-Protoplanellinae]. Illegitimate family name Bockiidae Ubaghs 1972 is replaced with a new valid family name Heckerocrinidae nom. nov.  相似文献   

From amphipod collections from the deep Norwegian Sea, three species are here redescribed: Maera loveni (Bruzelius 1859) (Maeridae), Leucothoe aff. spinicarpa (Abildgaard, 1789) and L. uschakovi Gurjanova, 1951 (Leucothoidae). A key to all Atlantic and Mediterranean Leucothoe species (males only) is provided.  相似文献   

A new generic name, Stukalinia nom. nov., is proposed for a fossil Ordoviacian crinoid that currently has the preoccupied fossil generic name Lobocrinus Stukalina 1982 non Wachsmuth and Springer (1897), along with a new family name, Stukaliniidae nom. nov., instead of the illegitimate family name Lobocrinidae Stukalina (1982).  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is the primary cause of the legionellosis diseases (90 %) (Yu et al. in J Infect Dis 186:127–128, 2002; Doleans et al. in J Clin Microbiol 42:458–460, 2004; Den Boer et al. in Clin Microbiol Infect 14:459–466, 2008). In this study, methodologies based on molecular biology were developed in order to provide a quick diagnosis of the bacterial presence in water samples of Spain. Multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assays were realized to target the 16S rRNA and macrophage infectivity potentiator (mip) genes of, respectively, Legionella spp. and L. pneumophila including in the design of an internal control. The results obtained by the culture and the gene amplification methods agreed in 94.44 % for the 16S rRNA gene, and a concordance of 66.67 % of the cases was obtained for the mip gene.  相似文献   

The types of the species of the Coniacian ammonite genus Hemitissotia Peron, 1897, identified in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), which are currently held in the Wiedmann (Universität Tübingen, Germany) and Choffat (Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, Portugal) collections, have been revised and refigured. New specimens of the taxa Hemitissotia ceadouroensis Choffat, 1898, Hemitissotia celtiberica Wiedmann, 1975b, Hemitissotia turzoi Karrenberg, 1935, Hemitissotia dullai (Karrenberg 1935) and Hemitissotia lenticeratiformis Wiedmann in Wiedmann and Kauffman, 1978 have also been presented. As results, H. celtiberica has been considered as a junior synonym of H. ceadouroensis, and the lectotype of this species and the neotypes of H. turzoi and H. dullai have been designated and figured. Additionally, the geographical and stratigraphical distributions of all of these species have been determined with precision, and several phylogenetic relationships between them have been identified, revealing morphologies that become progressively smaller and more depressed and ornamented (hydrodynamically less efficient), interpreted as an adaptative response to sea-level changes.  相似文献   

Joseph G. Meert 《Evolution》2012,5(4):547-554
During the voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle, Charles Darwin quickly realized that geographic isolation led to significant changes in the adaptation of local flora and fauna (Darwin 1859). Genetic isolation is one of the well-known mechanisms by which adaptation (allopatric speciation) can occur (Palumbi, Annu Rev Ecol Syst 25:547?C72, 1994; Ricklefs, J Avian Biol 33:207?C11, 2002; Burns et al., Evolution 56:1240?C52, 2002; Hendry et al., Science 290:516?C8, 2009). Evolutionary changes can also occur when landmasses converge or are ??bridged.?? An important and relatively recent (Pliocene Epoch) example known as the ??Great American Biotic Interchange?? allowed for the migration of previously isolated species into new ecological niches between North and South America (Webb 1985, Ann Mo Bot Gard 93:245?C57, 2006; Kirby and MacFadden, Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 228:193?C202, 2005). Geographic isolation (vicariance) or geographic merging (geodispersal) can occur for a variety of reasons (sea level rise, splitting of continents, mountain building). In addition, the growth of a large supercontinent (or breakup) may change the climatic zonation on the globe and form a different type of barrier for species migration. This short review paper focuses on changing paleogeography throughout the Phanerozoic and the close ties between paleogeography and the evolutionary history of life on Earth.  相似文献   

Two species of the genus Camponotites (Formicidae, Formicinae) are described from the Late Pliocene deposits of Willershausen, Lower Saxony, northern Germany: C. silvestris Steinbach, 1967, and C. steinbachi n. sp. The generic name Camponotites has been established for fossil (Tertiary) ants independently by Steinbach (Bericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover 111:95–102, 1967) and by Dlussky (Trudy paleontologi?eskogo instituta, akademiâ nauk SSSR, 1981), each for materials of different stratigraphical and geographical origin. Though poorly described, Camponotites Steinbach, 1967, and the single included (type) species C. silvestris Steinbach, 1967 (a monotypic species from the Late Pliocene of Willershausen), were based upon indication in the sense of the ICZN. Therefore, both the generic and specific names are valid and available. Camponotites Dlussky, 1981 (and its type species C. macropterus Dlussky, 1981) were certainly introduced correctly and are therefore available, too; but due to its homonymy the generic name is not valid. The revision shows that in this rare case both generic names are not only homonyms but also synonyms.  相似文献   

This year is a special year for plant biotechnology. It was 30 years ago, on January 18 1983, one of the most important dates in the history of plant biotechnology, that three independent groups described Agrobacterium tumefaciens—mediated genetic transformation at the Miami Winter Symposium, leading to the production of normal, fertile transgenic plants (Bevan et al. in Nature 304:184–187, 1983; Fraley et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 80:4803–4807, 1983; Herrera-Estrella et al. in EMBO J 2:987–995, 1983; Vasil in Plant Cell Rep 27:1432–1440, 2008). Since then, plant biotechnology has rapidly advanced into a useful and valuable tool and has made a significant impact on crop production, development of a biotech industry and the bio-based economy worldwide.  相似文献   

Production of doubled haploids (DHs) is a convenient tool to obtain pure lines for breeding purposes. Until now, the easiest and most useful approach to obtain pepper DHs is via anther culture. However, this method has an associated possibility of producing calli from anther wall tissues that would be coexisting in the anther locule with embryos derived from microspores. Using two established protocols for anther culture, Dumas de Vaulx et al. (Agronomie 2:983–988, 1981) and Supena et al. (Sci Hort 107:226–232, 2006a; Plant Cell Rep 25:1–10, 2006b) callus and embryo development was assessed in four sweet pepper cultivars. For all genotypes tested, the protocol of Dumas de Vaulx et al. (Agronomie 2:983–988, 1981) promoted both embryo development and callus growth, whereas the protocol of Supena et al. (Sci Hort 107:226–232, 2006a; Plant Cell Rep 25:1–10, 2006b) produced no callus but only embryos. However, differences in embryo production were observed among these genotypes. In parallel, anthers were exposed to a 35 °C inductive heat shock for 4, 8, 12 and 16 days, prior to culture at 25 °C. The duration of the heat shock had significant effects in embryo production, but also in callus generation. Callus generation increased with prolonged exposures to 35 °C. Embryo and callus origin was analyzed by flow cytometry, light microscopy and molecular markers. Tests conducted demonstrated a gametophytic origin for all of the embryos tested, and a sporophytic origin for all of the calli. Together, our results reveal that culture conditions have a significant influence on the presence of calli derived from anther walls, which could be minimized by reducing heat shock exposure and/or using a shed-microspore approach.  相似文献   

Available type material of Prionospio heterobranchia Moore, 1907, P. (Prionospio) texana Hartman, 1951, P. spongicola Wesenberg-Lund, 1958 and P. (P.) newportensis Reish, 1959, as well as newly collected material from the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Chetumal Bay in the Caribbean Sea, was examined. Several important differences were found between P. heterobranchia, P. (Prionospio) texana, P. spongicola and P. (P.) newportensis, and as a result, these three species are removed from synonymy with P. heterobranchia Moore, 1907, and redescribed and reinstated as valid species. In addition, three new species were identified and described: P. caribensis sp. nov., P. rosariae sp. nov. and P. jamaicensis sp. nov. A key to all species of Prionospio with five pairs of branchiae is provided.  相似文献   

Since 2007, the ArcticNet and CHOne programmes have allowed researchers, through oceanographic surveys on the ‘NGCC Amundsen’, to collect yearly benthic samples in the Canadian High Arctic. From the Beaufort Sea to the Bay of Baffin, more than 262 samples have been collected and analysed to provide essential data to explain patterns of biodiversity in the Canadian Arctic archipelago. Whereas common species are well known, other more rare species belonging to a few minute species groups, with debatable taxonomy, were set aside for further analyses. Focusing on Syllidae (Annelida, Polychaeta), we found and describe here Streptospinigera niuqtuut sp. nov. from muddy habitats of bathyal Arctic and continental slope beds of northern Atlantic coasts of United States between depths of 169 and 707 m. S. niuqtuut differs from congeneric species by unique dorsal simple chaetae of 1–5 chaetigers dorsally curved and distally rounded, with some sub-distal serration. This species may have frequently been reported from the region as Syllides longocirrata Ørsted 1845 but in fact are species of the genus Streptospinigera Kudenov 1983. We also transfer Streptosyllis templadoi San Martín 1984 to this genus and provide herein a key for the identification of all species of the genus.  相似文献   

The development of new anti-neoplastic drugs is a key issue for cancer chemotherapy due to the reality that, most likely, certain cancer cells are resistant to current chemotherapy. The past two decades have witnessed tremendous advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of cancer. These advances have allowed identification new targets as oncogenes, tumor supressor genes and the possible implication of the mitochondria (Fulda et al. Nat Rev Drug Discov 9:447–464, 2010). Annonaceous Acetogenins (ACGs) have been described as the most potent inhibitors of the respiratory chain because of their interaction with mitochondrial Complex I (Degli Esposti and Ghelli Biochim Biophys Acta 1187:116–120, 1994; Zafra-Polo et al. Phytochemistry 42:253–271, 1996; Miyoshi et al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1365:443–452, 1998; Tormo et al. Arch Biochem Biophys 369:119–126, 1999; Motoyama et al. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 12:2089–2092, 2002). To explore a possible application of natural products from Annonaceous plants to cancer treatment, we have selected four bis-tetrahydrofuranic ACGs, three from Annona cherimolia (cherimolin-1, motrilin and laherradurin) and one from Rollinia mucosa (rollinianstatin-1) in order to fully describe their mechanisms responsible within the cell (Fig. 1). In this study, using a hepato-carcinoma cell line (HepG2) as a model, we showed that the bis-THF ACGs caused cell death through the induction of the apoptotic mitochondrial pathway. Their potency and behavior were compared with the classical mitochondrial respiratory chain Complex I inhibitor rotenone in every apoptotic pathway step.
Fig. 1
ACGs structures  相似文献   

Evidence is presented to show that self-sustained oscillations of purely hemodynamical origin are possible in some arcade-type microvascular networks supplied with steady boundary conditions, but that in others the oscillations disappear with sufficient reduction of the time step Δt, showing them to be numerical artefacts. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the onset of fluctuations, we proceed to perform a linear stability analysis for the convective model of Kiani et al. (Microvasc. Res. 45:219–232, 1993; Am. J. Physiol. 266(35):H1822–H1828, 1994), and show that this leads via a system of delay differential equations to a nonlinear eigenvalue problem. This result generalises the characteristic equation obtained by Carr et al. (Ann. Biomed. Eng. 33:764–771, 2005) and Geddes et al. (SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 6(4):694–727, 2007) who solved a special case in a two node network. An implicit numerical method is proposed for the computation of blood flows in networks using the convective model. In a moderate size subnetwork of one of the networks chosen by Kiani et al. (Am. J. Physiol. 266(35):H1822–H1828, 1994), the topology, vessel lengths, and diameters of which were based on microvascular networks in the rat mesentery, we compare results generated using the original explicit numerical method of Kiani et al. (Am. J. Physiol. 266(35):H1822–H1828, 1994) with those from our implicit scheme. From the linear stability theory, a critical value D RBC,crit of a red blood cell diameter parameter D RBC in the plasma skimming model of Fenton et al. (Pflügers Arch. 403:396–401, 1985b) is identified for the onset of oscillations about steady state and both the explicit and implicit methods are used to calculate the inflow hematocrit solutions in all vessels of the subnetwork at the critical parameter value, subject to perturbed initial conditions. The results of the implicit method are demonstrated to be in excellent and superior agreement with the predictions of the linear analysis in this case. For values of D RBC slightly larger than D RBC,crit the bifurcating periodic solutions calculated using either the explicit or implicit schemes are characteristic of those of a supercritical Hopf bifurcation and the graphs of D RBC vs. oscillation amplitude would seem to converge as Δt→0.  相似文献   

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