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Miscanthus sinensis is a dominant perennial C4 grass with the potential to being a feedstock crop in North America, Europe, and China. Variation in chloroplast DNA sequence was used to obtain information regarding the genetic diversity and structure of populations of M. sinensis in southwest China. Chloroplast DNA, trnL-F and rpl20-rps12 sequences from seventy-five individuals representing 14 populations of M. sinensis were used to study the sequence variation. Seven haplotypes and 16 polymorphic sites (2.7%) were identified. Five substitutions, 6 indels, and 5 existing substitutions and indels sites, were detected through splicing these two gene segments. The genetic diversity within the studied populations (diversity of haploids, h = 0.561, nucleotide diversity, π = 0.00504) was low, this may be affected by the relatively larger effect of genetic drift on the chloroplast DNA, reflecting smaller effective populations than nuclear DNA. Genetic variance within the populations was higher than that between the populations, suggesting that higher gene flow may exist within these populations. The results of parsimony network in seven haplotypes indicated that H1 and H2 may be ancient haplotypes, which may help guide future research on the origin of M. sinensis. Our results provide information on the genetic diversity and structure of M. sinensis and may assist future studies on the phylogeography of M. sinensis.  相似文献   

Species and hybrids of Miscanthus are a promising energy crop, but their outcrossing mating systems and perennial life cycles are serious challenges for breeding programs. One approach to accelerating the domestication of Miscanthus is to harness the tremendous genetic variation that is present within this genus using phenotypic data from extensive field trials, high‐density genotyping and sequencing technologies, and rapidly developing statistical methods of relating phenotype to genotype. The success of this approach, however, hinges on detailed knowledge about the population genetic structure of the germplasm used in the breeding program. We therefore used data for 120 single‐nucleotide polymorphism and 52 simple sequence repeat markers to depict patterns of putatively neutral population structure among 244 Miscanthus genotypes grown in a field trial near Aberystwyth (UK) and delineate a population of 145 M . sinensis genotypes that will be used for association mapping and genomic selection. Comparative multivariate analyses of molecular marker and phenotypic data for 17 traits related to phenology, morphology/biomass, and cell wall composition revealed significant geographic patterns in this population. A longitudinal cline accounted for a substantial proportion of molecular marker variation (R2 = 0.60, = 3.4 × 10?15). In contrast, genetic variation for phenotypic traits tended to follow latitudinal and altitudinal gradients, with several traits appearing to have been affected by divergent selection (i.e., QST >> FST). These contrasting geographic trends are unusual relative to other plants and provide opportunities for powerful studies of phenotype–genotype associations and the evolutionary history of M. sinensis.  相似文献   

Preliminary genetic linkage map of Miscanthus sinensis with RAPD markers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used an "offspring cross" mapping strategy in combination with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay to construct the first genetic map of the species Miscanthus sinensis (2 n = 2 x = 38). This map is based on an outbred population of 89 individuals resulting from the cross between two genotypes from a previously designed cross. Consequently, both parents are fullsibs. The same proportion of bi-parental markers (heterozygotic in both parents) and pseudo-testcross markers (heterozygotic in one parent and null in the other), mono-parental markers, have been obtained. A total of 383 RAPD markers were analysed within the 89 F1 plants. Out of these markers, 257 were mapped into 28 linkage groups which spanned a total map length of around 1,074.5 cM with an average density of 4.2 cM per marker. Out of 257 mapped markers, 62 were inherited from F1.1 (P1), 63 from F1.7 (P7) and 132 were bi-parental markers. The contribution to the map was equal from both parents. This map provides a useful tool for genetic analyses of agronomically interesting characters in M. sinensis such as flowering, yield, plant height, stem diameter and mineral constitution. The offspring cross mapping strategy is proposed to obtain a higher efficiency in developing integrated maps including both parents.  相似文献   

Plants from the genus Miscanthus are potential renewable sources of lignocellulosic biomass for energy production. A potential strategy for Miscanthus crop improvement involves interspecific manipulation of ploidy levels to generate superior germplasm and to circumvent reproductive barriers for the introduction of new genetic variation into core germplasm. Synthetic autotetraploid lines of Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Miscanthus sinensis, and autoallohexaploid Miscanthus x giganteus were produced in tissue culture from oryzalin treatments to seed‐ and immature inflorescence‐derived callus lines. This is the first report of the genome doubling of diploid M. sacchariflorus. Genome doubling of diploid M. sinensis, M. sacchariflorus, and triploid M. x giganteus to generate tetraploid and hexaploid lines was confirmed by stomata size, nuclear DNA content, and chromosome counts. A putative pentaploid line was also identified among the M. x giganteus synthetic polyploid lines by nuclear DNA content and chromosome counts. Comparisons of phenotypic performance of synthetic polyploid lines with their diploid and triploid progenitors in the greenhouse found species‐specific differences in plant tiller number, height, and flowering time among the doubled lines. Stem diameter tended to increase after polyploidization but there were no significant improvements in biomass traits. Under field conditions, M. x giganteus synthetic hexaploid lines showed greater phenotypic variation, in terms of plant height, stem diameter, and tiller number, than their progenitor lines. Production of synthetic autopolyploid lines displaying significant phenotypic variation suggests that ploidy manipulation can introduce useful genetic diversity in the limited Miscanthus germplasm currently available in the United States. The role of polyploidization in the evolution and breeding of the genus Miscanthus is discussed.  相似文献   

芒(Miscanthus sinensis Anderss)是多年生C4草本植物,可为能量和纤维素产品生产提供高品质的木质纤维素材料,是一种理想的能源植物。采用Illumina Hi Seq?2000高通量测序技术,对芒花芽和叶芽进行转录组分析。经拼接组装共获得98 326个Unigene,序列平均长度822 bp,N50为1 337 bp。将Unigene序列与NR、NT、Swiss-Prot、KEGG、GO和COG数据库进行比对(Evalue1e-5),共有74 134条Unigene获得了基因注释,占总Unigene的75.40%。其中,通过GO功能分类,45 507个Unigene映射到GO不同的功能节点上;通过KEGG pathways分析,共有36 710个Unigene参与了128个代谢通路;比对到同源序列比例最高的物种分别为高粱(37 731,60.86%)、玉米(16 258,26.22%)、水稻(3 065,4.94%),共占所有同源序列的92.02%。此外,获得了芒C4关键酶相关基因24个。这些注释信息的完成为芒功能基因及相关候选基因的发掘提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

We have created a high-resolution linkage map of Miscanthus sinensis, using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), identifying all 19 linkage groups for the first time. The result is technically significant since Miscanthus has a very large and highly heterozygous genome, but has no or limited genomics information to date. The composite linkage map containing markers from both parental linkage maps is composed of 3,745 SNP markers spanning 2,396 cM on 19 linkage groups with a 0.64 cM average resolution. Comparative genomics analyses of the M. sinensis composite linkage map to the genomes of sorghum, maize, rice, and Brachypodium distachyon indicate that sorghum has the closest syntenic relationship to Miscanthus compared to other species. The comparative results revealed that each pair of the 19 M. sinensis linkages aligned to one sorghum chromosome, except for LG8, which mapped to two sorghum chromosomes (4 and 7), presumably due to a chromosome fusion event after genome duplication. The data also revealed several other chromosome rearrangements relative to sorghum, including two telomere-centromere inversions of the sorghum syntenic chromosome 7 in LG8 of M. sinensis and two paracentric inversions of sorghum syntenic chromosome 4 in LG7 and LG8 of M. sinensis. The results clearly demonstrate, for the first time, that the diploid M. sinensis is tetraploid origin consisting of two sub-genomes. This complete and high resolution composite linkage map will not only serve as a useful resource for novel QTL discoveries, but also enable informed deployment of the wealth of existing genomics resources of other species to the improvement of Miscanthus as a high biomass energy crop. In addition, it has utility as a reference for genome sequence assembly for the forthcoming whole genome sequencing of the Miscanthus genus.  相似文献   

Natural genetic variation in plant photosynthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural genetic variation in plant photosynthesis is a largely unexplored and as a result an underused genetic resource for crop improvement. Numerous studies show genetic variation in photosynthetic traits in both crop and wild species, and there is an increasingly detailed knowledge base concerning the interaction of photosynthetic phenotypes with their environment. The genetic factors that cause this variation remain largely unknown. Investigations into natural genetic variation in photosynthesis will provide insights into the genetic regulation of this complex trait. Such insights can be used to understand evolutionary processes that affect primary production, allow greater understanding of the genetic regulation of photosynthesis and ultimately increase the productivity of our crops.  相似文献   

We present SSR-based genetic maps from a cross between Miscanthus sacchariflorus Robustus and M. sinensis, the progenitors of the promising cellulosic biofuel feedstock Miscanthus × giganteus. cDNA-derived SSR markers were mapped by the two-way pseudo-testcross model due to the high heterozygosity of each parental species. A total of 261 loci were mapped in M. sacchariflorus, spanning 40 linkage groups and 1,998.8 cM, covering an estimated 72.7% of the genome. For M. sinensis, a total of 303 loci were mapped, forming 23 linkage groups and 2,238.3 cM, covering 84.9% of the genome. The use of cDNA-derived SSR loci permitted alignment of the Miscanthus linkage groups to the sorghum chromosomes, revealing a whole genome duplication affecting the Miscanthus lineage after the divergence of subtribes Sorghinae and Saccharinae, as well as traces of the pan-cereal whole genome duplication. While the present maps provide for many early research needs in this emerging crop, additional markers are also needed to improve map density and to further characterize the structural changes of the Miscanthus genome since its divergence from sorghum and Saccharum.  相似文献   

We estimated DNA sequence variation of the Adh1 locus in the outcrossing Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae) and its close selfing relative, M. condensatus. Tajima's test of selection is significantly negative for both overall exons and replacement sites in M. sinensis. Among its entire sample, nucleotide diversity of nonsynonymous sites is higher than that of synonymous sites. A McDonald and Kreitman test of neutrality indicates an excess of intraspecific replacement polymorphisms, suggesting possible directional selection toward advantageous mutants. However, frequent intragenic recombination suggests both purifying and positive selection is unlikely. Recent demographic expansions coupled with relaxation of purifying selection may have resulted in elevated genetic diversity at the Adh1 locus as well as the trnL-trnF intergenic spacer of cpDNA in this outcrossing species. In contrast, low levels of genetic diversity were detected at both the Adh1 locus and the cpDNA spacer in M. condensatus, consistent with bottlenecks associated with selfing in all populations. While Tajima's D and Fu and Li's F statistics did not reveal deviation from neutrality at the Adh1 locus in M. condensatus, 12 replacements vs. 10 synonymous changes were detected. Based on pairwise comparisons of the d(N)/d(S) ratio, lineages of closely related populations of the species distributed along saline habitats appeared to be under directional selection.  相似文献   

TAC1, a major quantitative trait locus controlling tiller angle in rice   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A critical step during rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation is dense planting: a wider tiller angle will increase leaf shade and decrease photosynthesis efficiency, whereas a narrower tiller angle makes for more efficient plant architecture. The molecular basis of tiller angle remains unknown. This research demonstrates that tiller angle is controlled by a major quantitative trait locus, TAC1 (Tiller Angle Control 1). TAC1 was mapped to a 35-kb region on chromosome 9 using a large F(2) population from crosses between an indica rice, IR24, which displays a relatively spread-out plant architecture, and an introgressed line, IL55, derived from japonica rice Asominori, which displays a compact plant architecture with extremely erect tillers. Genetic complementation further identified the TAC1 gene, which harbors three introns in its coding region and a fourth 1.5-kb intron in the 3'-untranslated region. A mutation in the 3'-splicing site of this 1.5-kb intron from 'AGGA' to 'GGGA' decreases the level of tac1, resulting in a compact plant architecture with a tiller angle close to zero. Further sequence verification of the mutation in the 3'-splicing site of the 1.5-kb intron revealed that the tac1 mutation 'GGGA' was present in 88 compact japonica rice accessions and TAC1 with 'AGGA' was present in 21 wild rice accessions and 43 indica rice accessions, all with the spread-out form, indicating that tac1 had been extensively utilized in densely planted rice grown in high-latitude temperate areas and at high altitudes where japonica rice varieties are widely cultivated.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(6):935-940
The present work studied the antioxidant capacity of the lignin obtained from Miscanthus sinensis. As the lignin structure is very complex, extraction and separation processes highly influence obtained lignin structure and its properties, including the antioxidant activity. Lignin fractions were obtained from black liquor resulting from different fractionating and autohydrolysis processes of M. sinensis. Different lignin fractions with specific molecular weight were separated by ultrafiltration using different cut-off ceramic membranes (10 and 15 kDa). The physico-chemical properties, phenolic groups content and the antioxidant capacity of each lignin sample were studied. It was found that antiradical activity of the analyzed lignin samples was closely related with the used fractionating process (soda, organosolv and autohydrolysis treatments). The ultrafiltration process allows obtaining lignins with different antioxidant capacity, improving this property as the used cut-off was greater.  相似文献   

Miscanthus is increasingly gaining popularity as a bioenergy grass because of its extremely high biomass productivity. Many clones of this grass were introduced into United States over the past century from East Asia where it originated, and planted for ornamental and landscaping purposes. An understanding of the genetic diversity among these naturalized populations may help in the efficient selection of potential parents in the Miscanthus breeding program. Here, we report our study analyzing the genetic diversity of 228 MiscanthusDNA samples selected from seven sites in six states (Ohio, North Carolina, Washington D.C., Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Virginia) across the eastern United States. Ten transferable DNA markers from other plant species were employed to amplify genomic DNA of Miscanthus because of the paucity of molecular markers in Miscanthus. There were significant genetic variations observed within and among US naturalized populations. The highest genetic diversity (0.3738) was found among the North Carolina genotypes taken from Biltmore Deer Park and Biltmore, Madison County, Cody Rd. The lowest genetic diversity (0.2776) was observed among Virginia genotypes that were diverged from those from other states, suggesting Virginia genotypes might be independently introduced into the United States from the different origin. By the cluster and structure analysis, 228 genotypes were categorized into two major groups that were further divided into six subgroups at the DNA level and the groups were generally consistent with geographic region.  相似文献   

Miscanthus sinensis is a moderately invasive ornamental grass species being considered as a bioenergy species in the USA and elsewhere. In this study, we show the range of environmental conditions tolerated by this species in wild populations in the USA and in Japan. Six naturalized populations in the USA and five native populations in Japan were sampled in summer 2009. In each population, environmental factors (canopy cover and soil fertility) were measured, along with measurements of size and morphology for 30 plants. Relationships between M. sinensis size and environmental variables in the two countries were determined using linear mixed effects models. Results indicated that M. sinensis can tolerate extremely wide variation in soil and climate conditions in the populations we sampled across both ranges, suggesting that it could be successfully grown across a wide distribution in the USA, both intentionally as a bioenergy crop and unintentionally as an escaped invader. Plant size generally responded to different environmental conditions in both ranges, with USA plants being negatively influenced by canopy cover and Japanese plants being positively influenced by soil fertility measures. We recommend caution in growing M. sinensis for bioenergy or ornamental purposes to minimize escape outside of its native range.  相似文献   

Natural variation and genetic constraints on drought tolerance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The number of viable shoots influences the overall architecture and productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The development of lateral branches, or tillers, largely determines the resultant canopy. Tillers develop from the outgrowth of axillary buds, which form in leaf axils at the crown of the plant. Tiller number can be reduced if axillary buds are not formed or if the outgrowth of these buds is restricted. The teosinte branched1 (tb1) gene in maize, and homologs in rice and Arabidopsis, genetically regulate vegetative branching. In maize, increased expression of the tb1 gene restricts the outgrowth of axillary buds into lateral branches. In this study, the maize tb1 gene was introduced through transformation into the wheat cultivar "Bobwhite" to determine the effect of tb1 overexpression on wheat shoot architecture. Examination of multiple generations of plants reveals that tb1 overexpression in wheat results in reduced tiller and spike number. In addition, the number of spikelets on the spike and leaf number were significantly greater in tb1-expressing plants, and the height of these plants was also reduced. These data reveal that the function of the tb1 gene and genetic regulation of lateral branching via the tb1 mode of action is conserved between wheat, rice, maize and Arabidopsis. Thus, the tb1 gene can be used to alter plant architecture in agriculturally important crops like wheat.  相似文献   

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