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Fish assemblages on two inshore rocky subtidal sites on the west coast of Scotland, were studied using diver visual surveys on a monthly basis between September 1995 and December 1999. A total of 17 689 fishes and 26 species were recorded from the two sites, Saulmore Point (056°27'N; 005°24'W) near Oban and Davy's Rock (055°46'N; 004°53'W) on the Isle of Great Cumbrae. The gobiid Thorogobius eppiphiatus , dominated the Saulmore Point site; six fish species accounted for >93% of total abundance at that site. At Davy's Rock four species contributed at least 93% of total fish abundance, and the dominant species was the labrid Ctenolabrus rupestris . Total abundance of the dominant species displayed a clear seasonal trend, and this was significantly related to recorded daily average seawater temperature. A maximum abundance of 4.9 fishes m−2 was recorded in November 1998 at Davy's Rock and 2.5 fishes m−2 at Saulmore Point in October 1998. Multivariate analysis indicated a degree of variation in assemblage structure between winter and summer at both sites. A number of species showed some degree of interannual variation, in particular the gobiid Gobiusculus flavescens whose abundance increased by over 300 times over a 5 month period in 1998. Correlation analysis showed that variation in annual winter seawater temperature could act as an indicator of interannual variation in abundance of some of the dominant species utilizing rocky subtidal habitats.  相似文献   

Mumford Cove, a 48 ha Connecticut embayment on Long Island Sound, has a history of excessive nutrient inputs and corresponding eutrophic conditions with concomitant eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) loss. From 1945 to 1987, a municipal wastewater treatment facility discharged into the cove. In 1987, when the wastewater outfall was diverted to another location, the cove supported a near monoculture of the green algae Ulva lactuca L., covering 74% of the bottom. By 1988, macroalgal areal cover in Mumford Cove had declined to 9%. When we first sampled the cove in 1992, Z. marina and Ruppia maritima L. were present. By 1999, areal distribution of Z. marina and R. maritima had expanded to cover a third of the bottom. Periodic summertime surveys from 2002 through 2004 indicated that Z. marina was present in approximately half of the cove; R. maritima was sparse. Fifteen years after termination of nutrient enrichment, this cove had recovered from 40 years of point source anthropogenic nutrient input, returning from an Ulva-dominated to a Zostera-dominated state.  相似文献   

Francisco Barros   《Acta Oecologica》2005,27(3):211-223
It was proposed that predation could explain differences in the structure of the benthic macrofaunal assemblages in subtidal sandy sediments close to compared with those far from rocky reefs. This hypothesis was tested using experimental exclusion cages and partial cages at two sites at two distances at two different rocky reefs. Undisturbed uncaged assemblages of macrofauna close to the rocky reefs were generally different from those in the partial cages and full cages. However, caging artifacts could not be detected and there were no strong correlations between the macrofauna and the proportions of different grain size and organic content. The structure of the macrofaunal assemblages close to the rocky reefs was, nevertheless, different from those far from the reefs and the sediments were finer far from than close to the rocky reefs. The results indicated that factors other than predation or grain size caused the differences in the macrofauna. For the spatial and temporal scales used in this study, it was clear that, although predation maybe intense, on its own it cannot explain the differences in the structure of the assemblages close and far from rocky reefs. The importance of adequate replication on caging experiments is discussed and it is suggested that alternative ways need to be found to test predictions about the influence of predation on soft sediment benthic assemblages.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(4):262-274
A high degree of resistance against nutrient enrichment has previously been demonstrated for macroalgal-dominated rocky shore communities in the presence of moderate to large amounts of macroinvertebrate grazers. To experimentally examine, under controlled conditions, the possible roles for this resistance of two other factors, i.e. disturbance (presence/absence of the macroalgal canopy itself) and wave action, the canopy algae and associated algal and animal assemblages were removed by scraping from approximately one third of the area of eight littoral mesocosms, subjected to two different wave action regimes. After this, excessive nutrients were added to four mesocosms with the factor nutrients fully crossed with the factor wave action with two replicate mesocosm basins of each nutrient/wave treatment combination. Disturbance was added to the design as a within-basin factor thus making up a split-plot experiment. The abundance of grazers was allowed to vary freely and under the influence of the treatments. After 11 summer weeks, there were significant differences in community structure between nutrient enrichment levels for both algal and animal assemblages when examined by multivariate statistical techniques. Univariate analyses confirmed a significantly stimulated colonisation by green algae, mainly Ulva lactuca, in both disturbed (scraped) and undisturbed areas of nutrient-enriched mesocosms. In un-enriched mesocosms, the green algae were absent from undisturbed areas and rare in disturbed areas, where mainly brown Ectocarpus spp. and red algae had settled. Among the macrofauna, the total abundance of grazers was stimulated in nutrient-enriched mesocosms with individuals of the amphipod genus Gammarus and the isopod genus Jaera being especially numerous. With regard to wave action, no significant differences occurred in community structure, although there were indications of significant nutrient × wave effects for both the amount of exported red algae and the amount of accumulated brown algae. The study shows that eutrophication-related community shifts on rocky shores may occur very rapidly, regardless of the level of wave-energetic stress and the abundance of grazers, if the nutrient concentrations are high and the colonisation and growth of opportunistic algae are facilitated by disturbance such as (naturally or anthropogenically driven) canopy gap forming processes.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2008,88(4):262-274
A high degree of resistance against nutrient enrichment has previously been demonstrated for macroalgal-dominated rocky shore communities in the presence of moderate to large amounts of macroinvertebrate grazers. To experimentally examine, under controlled conditions, the possible roles for this resistance of two other factors, i.e. disturbance (presence/absence of the macroalgal canopy itself) and wave action, the canopy algae and associated algal and animal assemblages were removed by scraping from approximately one third of the area of eight littoral mesocosms, subjected to two different wave action regimes. After this, excessive nutrients were added to four mesocosms with the factor nutrients fully crossed with the factor wave action with two replicate mesocosm basins of each nutrient/wave treatment combination. Disturbance was added to the design as a within-basin factor thus making up a split-plot experiment. The abundance of grazers was allowed to vary freely and under the influence of the treatments. After 11 summer weeks, there were significant differences in community structure between nutrient enrichment levels for both algal and animal assemblages when examined by multivariate statistical techniques. Univariate analyses confirmed a significantly stimulated colonisation by green algae, mainly Ulva lactuca, in both disturbed (scraped) and undisturbed areas of nutrient-enriched mesocosms. In un-enriched mesocosms, the green algae were absent from undisturbed areas and rare in disturbed areas, where mainly brown Ectocarpus spp. and red algae had settled. Among the macrofauna, the total abundance of grazers was stimulated in nutrient-enriched mesocosms with individuals of the amphipod genus Gammarus and the isopod genus Jaera being especially numerous. With regard to wave action, no significant differences occurred in community structure, although there were indications of significant nutrient × wave effects for both the amount of exported red algae and the amount of accumulated brown algae. The study shows that eutrophication-related community shifts on rocky shores may occur very rapidly, regardless of the level of wave-energetic stress and the abundance of grazers, if the nutrient concentrations are high and the colonisation and growth of opportunistic algae are facilitated by disturbance such as (naturally or anthropogenically driven) canopy gap forming processes.  相似文献   

Urban structures in the form of pontoons and pilings represent major coastal habitats for marine organisms and understanding the factors causing abundances of organisms to differ between these and natural habitat has been neglected in the study of coastal ecology. It has been proposed that composition of substrata explain differences previously described between subtidal assemblages of epibiota on rocky reef (sandstone) and pontoons (concrete) in Sydney Harbour, Australia. This study tested the hypothesis that differences in the composition of substratum (sandstone vs. concrete) independent of type of habitat (rocky reef vs. pontoon) affects the development of epibiotic assemblages. This was tested by experimentally providing substratum of the two types in both habitats. Epibiotic assemblages were unaffected by the composition of substratum but strongly affected by the type of habitat; demonstrating that pontoons constitute novel habitats for epibiota. This result highlights a need for determining how current ecological understanding of subtidal epibiota, which is heavily based on studies of urban structures (pilings and pontoons), relates to natural reef. Future tests of hypotheses about the nature of these differences will not only contribute to better ecological understanding of epibiota and their use of urban structures as habitats, but also to better predictions of future changes to the ecology of coastal habitats.  相似文献   

Because of the decreasing fossil fuel supply and increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, microalgae have been identified as a viable and sustainable feedstock for biofuel production. The major effect of the release of wastewater rich in organic compounds has led to the eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems. A combined approach of freshwater diatom cultivation with urban sewage water treatment is a promising solution for nutrient removal and biofuel production. In this study, urban wastewater from eutrophic Hussain Sagar Lake was used to cultivate a diatom algae consortium, and the effects of silica and trace metal enrichment on growth, nutrient removal, and lipid production were evaluated. The nano-silica-based micronutrient mixture Nualgi containing Si, Fe, and metal ions was used to optimize diatom growth. Respectively, N and P reductions of 95.1% and 88.9%, COD and BOD reductions of 91% and 51% with a biomass yield of 122.5 mg L?1 day?1 and lipid productivity of 37 mg L?1 day?1 were observed for cultures grown in waste water using Nualgi. Fatty acid profiles revealed 13 different fatty acids with slight differences in their percentage of dry cell weight (DCW) depending on enrichment level. These results demonstrate the potential of diatom algae grown in wastewater to produce feedstock for renewable biodiesel production. Enhanced carbon and excess nutrient utilization makes diatoms ideal candidates for co-processes such as CO2 sequestration, biodiesel production, and wastewater phycoremediation.  相似文献   

The interactions between physical disturbances and biogeochemical cycling are fundamental to ecology. The benthic microbial community controls the major pathway of nutrient recycling in most shallow-water ecosystems. This community is strongly influenced by physical forcing and nutrient inputs. Our study tests the hypotheses that benthic microbial communities respond to shelter and enrichment with (1) increased biomass, (2) change in community composition and (3) increased uptake of inorganic nutrients from the water column. Replicate in situ plots were sheltered from physical disturbance and enriched with inorganic nutrients or left without additional nutrients. At t(0) and after 10?days, sediment-water fluxes of nutrients, O(2) and N(2) , were measured, the community was characterized with biomarkers. Autochthonous benthic microalgal (BMA) biomass increased 30% with shelter and a natural fivefold increase in nutrient concentration; biomass did not increase with greater enrichment. Diatoms remained the dominant taxon of BMA, suggesting that the sediments were not N or Si limited. Bacteria and other heterotrophic organisms increased with enrichment and shelter. Daily exchanges of inorganic nutrients between sediments and the water column did not change in response to shelter or nutrient enrichment. In these sediments, physical disturbance, perhaps in conjunction with nutrient enrichment, was the primary determinant of microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Whilst both abiotic and biotic factors affect communities, biological interactions are widely believed to be the most important factors structuring subtidal communities. Among the potential biological interactions a few “key ” species may regulate species fluctuations. A rocky subtidal community in the Oslofjord (Norway) has been investigated using stereophotography, field experiments and manipulations (settlement plates, scraping, cages). The purpose was to develop a method for biological monitoring of chronic pollution effects. Around 60 species were identified in the community. The most permanent occupants wereLithothamnion sp. (25–30% cover) andPomatoceros triqueter (ca. 20% cover). The most important fluctuation was induced by the rapid growth of the hydroidLaomedea longissima to a 100% cover in June and its rapid disappearance. Free space covered more than 30% except in the period with large hydroid occurrence. The most active settlement period was in summer and autumn. The most important predators observed wereCoryphella sp.,Asterias rubens andPasmmechinus miliaris.Coryphella grazed upon the hydroids andAsterias andPsammechinus foraged on settled organisms which resulted in an increase of free space. Predation and recruitment in that order are probably the two most important factors structuring the studied community. The “key ” species were therefore the three predators. A monitoring programme should concentrate on these predators and their influence on the success of recruitment and the abundance of hydroids and free space, since these species control the natural fluctuations in the studied community. The stereophotographic method combined with simple settlement-plate experiments seems suitable for such a monitoring programme.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms producing and maintaining discontinuities between patches in mosaics of habitats is necessary to predict changes in patterns of abundance and distribution of species. On temperate rocky reefs, physical and biological disturbance can result in a mosaic of patches of encrusting coralline, turf- or canopy-forming algae. We experimentally investigated the effects of disturbance within and at the boundary between these patches, in order to identify mechanisms accounting for re-colonisation of space and to assess whether the response of boundaries can alter the relative size of contrasting habitats. Also, we tested whether the resilience of the different types of assemblages depends on species richness (i.e. number of taxa present) of habitats or, alternatively, on other properties of systems like differences in life-history traits of dominating species. Although the nature of the mechanisms generating differences among habitats changed among different stages of the colonisation, local processes (within patches) prevailed over larger scale processes (among patches) in determining early patterns of colonisation of space in mosaics. By the end of the experiment, assemblages in clearings at boundaries had recovered to the undisturbed reference condition, in contrast to clearings within barren patches or algal turfs. Boundaries represent, therefore, relatively more stable components of the mosaic, with greater resilience than adjacent habitats. Although sea urchins are often indicated as the main force regulating the proportion of contrasting habitats on shallow rocky reefs, determining the nature of variation in the interaction between species dominating each type of habitat is crucial to understand dynamics of mosaics. Finally, our study provides evidence that resilience could not be entirely controlled by initial species diversity, suggesting that different proportions of dominant taxa could influence the stability of natural systems.  相似文献   

Climate-driven change represents the cumulative effect of global through local-scale conditions, and understanding their manifestation at local scales can empower local management. Change in the dominance of habitats is often the product of local nutrient pollution that occurs at relatively local scales (i.e. catchment scale), a critical scale of management at which global impacts will manifest. We tested whether forecasted global-scale change [elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and subsequent ocean acidification] and local stressors (elevated nutrients) can combine to accelerate the expansion of filamentous turfs at the expense of calcifying algae (kelp understorey). Our results not only support this model of future change, but also highlight the synergistic effects of future CO2 and nutrient concentrations on the abundance of turfs. These results suggest that global and local stressors need to be assessed in meaningful combinations so that the anticipated effects of climate change do not create the false impression that, however complex, climate change will produce smaller effects than reality. These findings empower local managers because they show that policies of reducing local stressors (e.g. nutrient pollution) can reduce the effects of global stressors not under their governance (e.g. ocean acidification). The connection between research and government policy provides an example whereby knowledge (and decision making) across local through global scales provides solutions to some of the most vexing challenges for attaining social goals of sustainability, biological conservation and economic development.  相似文献   

1. Grazer and nutrient controls of phytoplankton biomass were tested on two reservoirs of different productivity to assess the potential for zooplankton grazing to affect chlorophyll/phosphorus regression models under Australian conditions. Experiments with zooplankton and nutrients manipulated in enclosures, laboratory feeding trials, and the analysis of in-lake plankton time series were performed. 2. Enclosures with water from the more productive Lake Hume (chlorophyll a = 3–17.5 μg l–1), revealed significant zooplankton effects on chlorophyll a in 3/6, phosphorus limitation in 4/6 and nitrogen limitation in 1/6 of experiments conducted throughout the year. Enclosures with water from the less productive Lake Dartmouth (chlorophyll a = 0.8–3.5 μg l–1), revealed significant zooplankton effects in 5/6, phosphorus limitation in 5/6 and nitrogen limitation in 2/6 of experiments. 3. While Lake Hume enclosure manipulations of the biomass of cladocerans (Daphnia and Diaphanosoma) and large copepods (Boeckella) had negative effects, small copepods (Mesocyclops and Calamoecia) could have positive effects on chlorophyll a. 4. In Lake Hume, total phytoplankton biovolume was negatively correlated with cladoceran biomass, positively with copepod biomass and was uncorrelated with total crustacean biomass. In Lake Dartmouth, total phytoplankton biovolume was negatively correlated with cladoceran biomass, copepod biomass and total crustacean biomass. 5. In both reservoirs, temporal variation in the biomass of Daphnia carinata alone could explain more than 50% of the observed variance in total phytoplankton biovolume. 6. During a period of low phytoplankton biovolume in Lake Hume in spring–summer 1993–94, a conservative estimate of cladoceran community grazing reached a maximum of 0.80 day–1, suggesting that Cladocera made an important contribution to the development of the observed clear-water phase. 7. Enclosure experiments predicted significant grazing when the Cladocera/Phytoplankton biomass ratio was greater than 0.1; this threshold was consistently exceeded during clear water phase in Lake Hume. 8. Crustacean length had a significant effect on individual grazing rates in bottle experiments, with large Daphnia having highest rates. In both reservoirs, mean crustacean length was negatively correlated with phytoplankton biovolume. The observed upper limit of its variation was nearly twice as high compared to other world lakes.  相似文献   

Microalgal biofilms are sensitive to environmental conditions. Impacts of contaminants on assemblages of marine biofilm are often investigated in laboratories or in mesocosms. Such experiments are rarely representative of the effects of contaminants on biofilms under natural conditions. Studies in field situations, with enough power to detect impacts, are necessary to develop a better understanding of the effects of contaminants on ecological processes. Metals are a common contaminant of marine systems and can cause disturbances to assemblages. Using a new technique to experimentally deliver contaminants to microalgal assemblages, hypotheses were tested regarding the effects of zinc on microalgal biofilms growing on settlement panels in subtidal and intertidal habitats. PAM fluorometry was used to assess the amount and physiological state of biofilms on panels. Control panels deployed for 1 month in each habitat had significantly greater amounts of biofilm than those exposed to zinc. After deployment for 3 months, the results varied with location. The observed effects on the biofilm did not, however, cause significant changes in the macro-invertebrate assemblages that developed on the panels.  相似文献   

Microalgal biofilms are sensitive to environmental conditions. Impacts of contaminants on assemblages of marine biofilm are often investigated in laboratories or in mesocosms. Such experiments are rarely representative of the effects of contaminants on biofilms under natural conditions. Studies in field situations, with enough power to detect impacts, are necessary to develop a better understanding of the effects of contaminants on ecological processes. Metals are a common contaminant of marine systems and can cause disturbances to assemblages. Using a new technique to experimentally deliver contaminants to microalgal assemblages, hypotheses were tested regarding the effects of zinc on microalgal biofilms growing on settlement panels in subtidal and intertidal habitats. PAM fluorometry was used to assess the amount and physiological state of biofilms on panels. Control panels deployed for 1 month in each habitat had significantly greater amounts of biofilm than those exposed to zinc. After deployment for 3 months, the results varied with location. The observed effects on the biofilm did not, however, cause significant changes in the macro-invertebrate assemblages that developed on the panels.  相似文献   

Experiments in intertidal and subtidal rocky marine habitats in temperate Australia have identified the effects of various biological and physical factors on algal assemblages. In intertidal habitats, these involve micro- and macro-algae and grazing by gastropods. In subtidal habitats, interactions among micro- and macro-algae, echinoids, gastropods, micro-invertebrates and sessile invertebrates have been studied. Experimental studies on physical disturbances of algal assemblages have focussed on the effects of desiccation and storms. Most studies have not considered more than one spatial or temporal scale. Few have been concerned with seasonal influences and fewer have been concerned with variation from year to year. Most of the work lacks applicability to biogeographic comparisons. More experimental work across a variety of spatial and temporal scales is required to determine significant biological and physical processes affecting structure of algal assemblages across broad areas of temperate Australia.  相似文献   

Question: What are the differences in trait compositions that enable native plants to colonise comparable natural and man‐made habitats? Are these traits independent of phylogenetic relationships between species? Location: Czech Republic. Methods: The relative importance of biological, ecological and distributional traits of native species was studied, using a dataset of 75 species growing in rock and wall habitats in the Czech Republic. Species preferences for individual habitats due to climatic conditions and proportions of different vegetation types in their surroundings were partialled out using partial canonical correspondence analysis. The pattern of plant traits along a gradient from natural rock habitats to secondary wall habitats was analysed using regression trees and generalized linear models with and without phylogenetic correction. Results: The most common native species colonising rock habitats are phanerophytes, mostly woody juveniles, with a CSR life strategy and most are adapted to epizoochory. Summer green leaves, annual life span, CR life strategy, reproduction mostly by seeds and dispersal by ants are all traits positively associated with the ability of species to colonise wall habitats. These species are also characterised by their high demand for nutrients, temperature, base‐rich substrates and light. Biological and ecological traits are more important for colonising new habitats than traits related to species dispersal ability or phylogenetic relationships between species. Biological and ecological traits alone explained 29.3% of variability in the species dataset, while dispersal characteristics and phylogeny alone explained 9.1% and 4.8%, respectively. Conclusions: We outline how the process of environmental filtering determines native species assemblages and identify a set of species traits that enable them to persist in particular habitats. We conclude that although urbanisation generally results in loss of natural habitats, there are new, man‐made habitats potentially suitable for native species.  相似文献   

Strong top-down control by consumers has been demonstrated in rocky intertidal communities around the world. In contrast, the role of bottom-up effects (nutrients and productivity), known to have important influences in terrestrial and particularly freshwater ecosystems, is poorly known in marine hard-bottom communities. Recent studies in South Africa, New England, Oregon and New Zealand suggest that bottom-up processes can have important effects on rocky intertidal community structure. A significant aspect of all of these studies was the incorporation of processes varying on larger spatial scales than previously considered (10’s to 1000’s of km). In all four regions, variation in oceanographic factors (currents, upwelling, nutrients, rates of particle flux) was associated with different magnitudes of algal and/or phytoplankton abundance, availability of particulate food, and rates of recruitment. These processes led to differences in prey abundance and growth, secondary production, consumer growth, and consumer impact on prey resources. Oceanographic conditions therefore may vary on scales that generate ecologically significant variability in populations at the bottom of the food chain, and through upward-flowing food chain effects, lead to variation in top-down trophic effects. I conclude that top-down and bottom-up processes can be important joint determinants of community structure in rocky intertidal habitats, and predict that such effects will occur generally wherever oceanographic ‘discontinuities’ lie adjacent to rocky coastlines. I further argue that increased attention by researchers and of funding agencies to such benthic–pelagic coupling would dramatically enhance our understanding of the dynamics of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

During the last 25 yr, Sami reindeer husbandry in parts of Finnmarksvidda in the Norwegian Arctic has been in a critical state because of overexploitation of lichen-dominated tundra, which serves as winter forage. To better understand the ecosystem’s capabilities for recovery we investigated vegetation cover changes over a 7-yr period, starting in 1998, at 52 sites dispersed over a large area at Finnmarksvidda. Two types of plots were established: one fenced from reindeer grazing and trampling and one open for reindeer. The investigations in 2005 showed that lichen cover had had a significant and rapid increase (up to 8.6-fold per year). The cover of vascular plants, mainly dwarf shrubs, also increased significantly, while barren areas and the cover of litter decreased significantly during the period. Mean relative growth rate of lichen biomass was 0.083 ± 0.011 per year in open plots, which is considered very rapid recovery compared to previous studies. Lichen recovery was significantly faster on leeward ridges than on exposed ridges, and fencing alone did not have any significant effects on lichen recovery, but in interaction with time, fencing contributed to increasing recovery rates. The lichen heath recovery was reciprocally correlated with reindeer density. In addition, lichen recovery was probably facilitated by recent climate changes, viz. shallower snow depths which made leeward tundra and forest floor vegetation accessible for reindeer, and increased summer precipitation rates which improved growth rates. The results from this study show that in a very short time there was a transition from an overexploited depauperate vegetation and barren ground state to a flourishing lichen-dominated vegetation state, suggesting that the injuries were repairable. The vegetation transitions which have taken place in the study area are considered to be reversible with fewer persistent effects.  相似文献   

Mass mortalities ofStrongylocentrotus droebachiensis, attributed to disease, have occurred along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia from 1980 to 1982. An amoeboid protist has been tentatively identified as the pathogenic agent. Temperature appears to play an important role in triggering epizootics and determining the extent of mortality. Epizootics have occurred in the autumn of each year during months of record high temperatures. The virtual elimination of echinoids over a large area of coast has enabled regeneration of kelp beds. Disease may play a key role in determining the structure and stability of benthic communities off Nova Scotia and elsewhere by controlling echinoid abundance.  相似文献   

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