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The new species Paullinia lingulata from French Guiana is described, illustrated, and compared with a vegetatively similar species found in French Guiana.  相似文献   

A new species ofSerjania (S.lancistipula) from Bahia belonging to theS. paradoxa group is described and illustrated. A key to the species in theparadoxa group is provided.  相似文献   

Hans T. Beck 《Brittonia》1992,44(3):306-311
Paullinia lachnocarpa has been known only from flowering and immature fruiting material collected in Ecuador. A recent collection with mature fruit shows that this biternate-leaved plant with multi-stelar stems and schizocarpic (indehiscent) fruit is best placed in its own genus,Chimborazoa. The only known species isChimborazoa lachnocarpa, which appears to be endemic to mountainous areas (1200–2000 m) in the provinces Chimborazo and Cotopaxi, Ecuador. The pollen morphology ofChimborazoa differs from that ofPaullinia. The lectotypification ofP. lachnocarpa is discussed, the new genus is described and illustrated, and a key to the genera of the Paullinieae is provided.  相似文献   

T. Rehse  W. J. Kress 《Brittonia》2003,55(3):205-208
A third species of the until recently monotypic genusDistichochlamys (Zingiberaceae) is described from living and preserved material collected in northern Vietnam.Distichochlamys rubrostriata is distinguished from the original species,D. citrea, and the recently describedD. orlowii, on the basis of leaf, inflorescence bract, lateral staminode, and labellum characters.  相似文献   

Primulina elegans (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Vietnam is described. This species is similar to P. gemella and P. diffusa in having stolons and papillose-hispid leaves, but is easily distinguished from them by having 9–15 cymes and corollas with two brown stripes on the adaxial lip and nine purplish lines on the abaxial lip. Furthermore, Primulina elegans differs from P. gemmella by its broadly infundibuliform corollas with purplish glandular pubescent filaments, and from P. diffusa by having three slightly purplish glandular pubescent staminodes.  相似文献   

A clambering bamboo endemic to northern Vietnam is shown to represent a new species, M. trangdinhensis H.N.Nguyen & V.T.Tran (Gramineae: Bambusoideae‐Bambusinae), which is described and illustrated. It is similar to M. tonkinensis in general appearance, but differs by being covered with appressed white hairs, and by auricles lacking or forming a low rim only, smaller leaf blade 20–24 × 2.3–2.5 cm, and smaller glumes 6–7 × 4.0–4.5 mm. A key to all species of the genus is included.  相似文献   

The present paper describes and illustrates the new speciesAverrhoidium dalyi and provides a key to the species ofAverrhoidium. The new species is known from lowland, terra firme forest in the Purus River basin, in Acre, Brazil, and from Manu National Park in Madre de Dios, Peru.
Resumen  En el presente artículo se describe, discute e ilustra la nueva especieAverrhoidium dalyi coleccionada en la cuenca del Río Purus en el estado de Acre, Brasil y en el Parque Nacional del Manu en el departamento Madre de Dios, Peru. También en el presente se provee una clave para las especies deAverrhoidium.

A new species of Aerobryum Dozy & Molk. (Brachytheciaceae), A. brevicuspis S.He from Lao Cai Province, northern Vietnam is described and illustrated. The new species resembles epiphytic A. speciosum Dozy & Molk. in the presence of pendent, sparsely branched stems, similar shape of leaves and areolation, but differs by its apiculate to cuspidate leaf apices, a single, faint or sometimes double costae in branch leaves, rather differentiated alar cells, the presence of a central strand in the stems, and numerous clustered axillary hairs that are often 5-8(-10) cells long.  相似文献   

Here we describe and illustrate a new species, Melocalamus grandiauritus N.H. Xia, Q.M. Qin & J. B. Ni sp. nov., from the lowland forest in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Molecular phylogeny based on the GBSSI indicates that this species is a member of Melocalamus. Morphologically, M. grandiauritus is different from all congeneric species in Vietnam. It is somewhat similar to M. pacoensis H.N.Nguyen & V.T.Tran, but is easily distinguished by having much wider suborbicular culm leaf auricles, very high and ventricose auricles of foliage leaves, entire ligules of both culm leaves and foliage leaves, and large leaf blades.  相似文献   

Two new Brazilian species,Serjania fluminensis andS. unidentata, are described, illustrated, and discussed.  相似文献   

Argostemma bachmaense, a new species from central Vietnam, is described and illustrated here. The new species is most similar to A. laoticum and A. vietnamicum but can be distinguished from the latter two by having a well-developed internode with leaf pairs separately arranged along stem, isophyllous or slightly anisophyllous leaves, an oblanceolate to spatulate lamina with attenuate base and lateral veins with 4–5 pairs prominent on abaxially, a terminal, solitary flower, an absent bract, narrowly ovate or broadly lanceolate, 8.5–10.5 × 2.8–4.2 mm petals, 6.5–7.5 mm long stamen with yellow anther, a 8.5–9.5 mm long, exerted style and a globose stigma. Information on ecology, phenology and preliminary conservation assessment of the proposed new species are provided. In addition, we also provide an identification key to the nine Argostemma species found in Vietnam.  相似文献   

One new species ofSerjania (S. erythrocaulis) belonging to theS. paradoxa group ofSerjania sect.Eurycoccus is described and illustrated bringing the total number of species in this group to eight. A second new species,Serjania divaricocca, belonging to sect.Serjania is also described and illustrated.
Resumen  Una especie neuva deSerjania (S. erythrocaulis) perteneciente al grupoS. paradoxa de la secciónEurycoccus es descrita e ilustrada. Con esta especie, el numero total de especies conocidas para este grupo aumenta a ocho. Una segunda nueva especie,Serjania divaricocca, perteneciente a la secciónSerjania es también descrita e ilustrada.

The new speciesUrvillea venezuelensis, from northwestern Venezuela, is described, illustrated, and compared to its putative closest relativeU. dasycarpa. Additionally micromorphological characters of pollen grains are described. The new species belongs toUrvillea sectionStenelytron, which is characterized by compressed fruit locules.  相似文献   

Paullinia fournieri, a new species from Costa Rica is described, illustrated, and its relationships to other species are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species group, the Protohermes fruhstorferi group of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes, is recognised. Three species belonging to the new species group are described and illustrated, including one new species from northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

A new species of the Drosophila (Drosophila) melanica species group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Drosophila denruoi Suwito & Watabe, sp. nov., is described from northern Vietnam. It is proved by crossing experiments that reproductive isolation is complete between this species and other morphologically similar species. Larval ganglion cells of D. denruoi possess 2n = 12 chromosomes, comprised of four pairs of acrocentric, one pair of metacentric and one pair of micro‐chromosomes. This is the largest number of acrocentric chromosomes in the group and implies that the species has the most primitive chromosomal configuration in the melanica group. Based on the results of crossing experiments and close morphological examination, Drosophila pengi Okada & Kurokawa, 1957 from central Japan, once regarded as a synonym of Drosophila tsigana Burla & Gloor, 1952, is shown to be distinct from D. tsigana. Drosophila pengi is thus resurrected as a member of the melanica group. We synonymize Drosophila bisetata Toda, 1988, described from central Myanmar, with D. pengi. In addition, a population from Guizhou, southwestern China, once regarded as D. tsigana, is also identified as D. pengi. These populations from central Myanmar and southwestern China share the diagnostic characters of D. pengi. At the same time, it is reconfirmed that the Hokkaido population is conspecific with European D. tsigana. Furthermore, another species, Drosophila longiserrata Toda, 1988 described from central Myanmar, is synonymized with Drosophila afer Tan, Hsu & Sheng, 1949 from China, based on their having identical karyotypes and external morphology.  相似文献   

A new species of coral, Favia camranensis sp. n., from the Hon Nai reef, Cam Ranh Bay, in southern Vietnam is described. This coral differs from all known faviids in that its corallites project one above another by more than 2 mm. The septa and septa-costae are heavily ornamented with complexly serrated trabecular spines. This coral can form monospecific aggregations of 5–20 colonies.  相似文献   

Amomum cristatissimum N.S. Lý & ?korni?k., a new species from Qu?ng Ngãi Province in central Vietnam with echinate fruits and large yellow flowers is described and illustrated. Its affinities to other species with similar fruits are discussed, and details on distribution, ecology, phenology and preliminary conservation assessment are provided.  相似文献   

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