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Lake Bogoria, in the Rift Valley of Kenya is an extreme saline lake (conductivity 40–80 mS cm–1, alkalinity 1500 m equ l–1). It is hydrologically more stable than the other, endorheic lakes in Kenya, because it is deep – maximum depth at present just over 10 m in an area of 3000 ha – and so does not have periods when it is dry. It is ecologically simple, with only one species dominating the phytoplankton – the cyanobacterium `spirulina', Arthrospira fusiformis. Its biomass and productivity were very high – biomass between 38 and 365 g l–1 chlorophyll `a' and 3.4–21 × 103 coils ml–1 and net production between 0.24 and 1 gm C m3 h, the latter in a narrow zone of less than a metre. There were no macro-zooplankton in the plankton and the only grazer of A. fusiformis was the lesser flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor,which occurred irregularly in very high concentrations (in excess of 1 × 106). Detritivory in the benthos was effected by a single chironomid species, Paratendipes sp., at a maximum density of 4 × 104 m–2. The mean daily emergence of adult chironomids was estimated to be 1 × 103 m–2, the maximum 3. There was no littoral plant community within the lake but 44 dicotyledonous and 31 monocotyledonous plant species in the drawn-down zone and adjacent to it. A diverse draw-down terrestrial invertebrate fauna, only superficially described here, processed the flamingo feathers and carcasses, with other detritus such as chironomid pupal exuviae and decaying A. fusiformis scum. About 50 bird species depended upon the chironomids, either as they emerged through the water column as flying adults or later on the shoreline as floating pupal exuvia and dead adults. The lake has high conservation value because of three bird species in particular – lesser flamingo, Cape teal and black-necked grebe. The former provides real economic value in a region otherwise impoverished, because of the spectacle of tens of thousands of flamingos set against the landscape of hot springs and fumaroles at the lake edge, which draws 15000 visitors per annum. P. minor has experienced three periods during the past ten years when major mortalities have occurred, the last of which killed 700 birds day–1. This could have involved as many as 200000 birds (about 1/5th of the maximum population at this lake) if mortality was at a constant rate for the nine months it was observed. Causes of mortality have been suggested as avian tuberculosis, poisoning from cyanobacterial toxins or from heavy metal contamination at Lake Nakuru, but it is still not yet clear what contribution each makes to the problem.  相似文献   

For decades frequent mass mortalities of Lesser Flamingos (Phoeniconaiasminor Geoffroy) have been observed at alkaline-saline KenyanRift Valley lakes. To estimate the potential influence of toxiccyanobacteria on these mass deaths, the phytoplankton communitieswere investigated in Lakes Bogoria, Nakuru and Elmenteita. Cyanobacterialtoxins were analyzed both in the phytoplankton from the threelakes and in isolated monocyanobacterial strains of Arthrospirafusiformis, Anabaenopsis abijatae, Spirulina subsalsa and Phormidiumterebriformis. Lake Bogoria was dominated by the cyanobacteriumA. fusiformis. In L. Nakuru and L. Elmenteita the phytoplanktonmainly consisted of A. fusiformis, A. abijatae and Anabaenopsisarnoldii, and in L. Nakuru an unknown Anabaena sp. was alsofound. Furthermore, this is the first time A. abijatae and theunknown Anabaena sp. have been found in Kenyan lakes. Phytoplanktonwet weight biomass was found to be high, reaching 777 mg L–1in L. Bogoria, 104 mg L–1 in L. Nakuru and 202 mg L–1in L. Elmenteita. Using HPLC, the cyanobacterial hepatotoxinsmicrocystin-LR, -RR -YR, -LF and -LA and the neurotoxin anatoxin-awere detected in phytoplankton samples from L. Bogoria and L.Nakuru. Total microcystin concentrations amounted to 155 µgmicrocystin-LR equivalents g–1 DW in L. Bogoria, and 4593µg microcystin-LR equivalents g–1 DW in L. Nakuru,with anatoxin-a concentrations at 9 µg g–1 DW inL. Bogoria and 223 µg g–1 DW in L. Nakuru. In L.Elmenteita phytoplankton, no cyanobacterial toxins were found.A. fusiformis was identified as one source of the toxins. Theisolated strain of A. fusiformis from L. Bogoria was found toproduce both microcystin-YR (15.0 µg g–1 DW) andanatoxin-a (10.4 µg g–1 DW), whilst the A. fusiformisstrain from L. Nakuru was found to produce anatoxin-a (0.14µg g–1 DW). Since A. fusiformis mass developmentsare characteristic of alkaline-saline lakes, health risks towildlife, especially the Arthrospira-consuming Lesser Flamingo,may be expected.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to follow the fate of the cyanobacterial toxin, nodularin, produced by Nodularia spumigena through ingestion by Mytilus edulis and re-ingestion of faecal material (coprophagy). Mussels were fed with cultures of N. spumigena, and the faeces that were produced were fed to other mussels not previously exposed to N. spumigena. Concentrations of nodularin were measured in the food (N. spumigena), the mussels and in the faeces in order to make a toxin budget. High concentrations of nodularin were found in the mussels and their faeces after 48 h incubation with N. spumigena. When the toxic faeces were fed to new mussels, the toxin content of faeces was reduced from 95 μg nod g−1 dry weight (DW) to 1 μg nod g−1 DW through the process of coprophagy. Hence, when toxic faeces were fed to mussels, the nodularin concentration of the resulting faecal material was reduced by 99%. Pseudofaeces were produced when the mussels were grazing on N. spumigena, but not when grazing on faeces. The pseudofaeces contained high concentrations of nodularin and apparently intact N. spumigena cells. However, these cells were growth-inhibited and their potential contribution to seeding a bloom is probably limited. Our data indicate that a large fraction of ingested nodularin in M. edulis is egested with the faeces, and that the concentration of nodularin in the faeces is reduced when faeces are re-ingested.  相似文献   

Microcystis spp., which occur as colonies of different sizes under natural conditions, have expanded in temperate and tropical freshwater ecosystems and caused seriously environmental and ecological problems. In the current study, a Bayesian network (BN) framework was developed to access the probability of microcystins (MCs) risk in large shallow eutrophic lakes in China, namely, Taihu Lake, Chaohu Lake, and Dianchi Lake. By means of a knowledge-supported way, physicochemical factors, Microcystis morphospecies, and MCs were integrated into different network structures. The sensitive analysis illustrated that Microcystis aeruginosa biomass was overall the best predictor of MCs risk, and its high biomass relied on the combined condition that water temperature exceeded 24 °C and total phosphorus was above 0.2 mg/L. Simulated scenarios suggested that the probability of hazardous MCs (≥1.0 μg/L) was higher under interactive effect of temperature increase and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) imbalance than that of warming alone. Likewise, data-driven model development using a naïve Bayes classifier and equal frequency discretization resulted in a substantial technical performance (CCI = 0.83, K = 0.60), but the performance significantly decreased when model excluded species-specific biomasses from input variables (CCI = 0.76, K = 0.40). The BN framework provided a useful screening tool to evaluate cyanotoxin in three studied lakes in China, and it can also be used in other lakes suffering from cyanobacterial blooms dominated by Microcystis.  相似文献   

Oneida Lake is a shallow, eutrophic lake with a well-established cyanobacterial population with reported toxic blooms containing hepatotoxic microcystins (MC). Peak bloom events from the summers of 2002 and 2003 were analyzed to determine the principal cyanobacterial genera containing microcystin synthetase (mcy) genes. Sequence analysis of a partial mcyA amplicon targeting Microcystis, Anabaena and Planktothrix sp. indicated that Microcystis sp. was the dominant mcy genotype. This Microcystis clade was split into two distinct sub-clades. Bloom events contained members of both sub-clades with the higher MC concentrations found when both sub-clades were present in near equal proportions. The proportion of Microcystis containing the mcyD gene ranged from 0 to 37% of the total Microcystis population as determined by quantitative PCR (qPCR). The total concentration of Microcystis containing mcyD genes was linearly related to the concentration of MCs (r2 = 0.63). The relationship between mcy genotype and physiochemical variables was examined to determine the factor(s) controlling the periodicity in MC production in Oneida Lake. Multivariate statistical analyses, used to correlate the continuous-response variables, revealed a strong relationship between chlorophyll a, MCs and total Microcystis.  相似文献   

As a step towards setting conservation priorities for declining moist forests in southeast Kenya, we assessed for small mammal diversity and distribution. These habitats are under severe pressure due to increased demand an forests products and arable land, yet there is a dearth of information an impacts an biodiversity. Over an eight-month period, we used a combination of box and pitfall traps with drift fences to study 13 forest fragments in five geographic areas ranging between 3°28′−4°10′ S and 38°28′−39°2b′ E. We recorded 12 species including 10 soricids and two macroscelids in 31440 trap nights. Diversity estimates using rarefaction method indicate a species richness of 12, consistent with our collection. There were six unique species, each limited in distribution to one forest fragment. Our record of Crocidura cf. selina in Kyulu Hills is the first outside Mabira forest in Uganda where it is considered endemic and endangered. We also report the first record of C. fuscomurina in Kenya, white those of C. Luna and Suncus megalura are first in the southeast of the country. By providing new ranges to four species, our study is of significance to the biogeography and conservation of forest small mammals in the region.  相似文献   

This paper describes cercopithecid craniodental and postcranial fossils recovered by L. S. B. Leakey at Kanam East, Kenya during the early 1930s. These fossil monkeys have been generally assumed to have been derived from early Pliocene horizons, but their exact geographical and stratigraphical provenience is unknown. Although the question of the evolutionary significance of these specimens must await the recovery of more securely dated material from Kanam East, some general conclusions can be drawn concerning their taxonomic affinities and paleobiology. Based on comparative studies of the craniodental material, at least three extant genera are represented—Colobus,Lophocebus, andCercopithecus. The postcranial fossils include a number of hindlimb specimens, as well as the manubrium of a sternum and a caudal vertebra. Identification of the postcranial remains to particular genera is not possible, but they are similar in morphology to modern arboreal and semiterrestrial cercopithecid monkeys of small to medium size. It is evident that Kanam East had a diverse cercopithecid community, similar to those found today in forested and woodland habitats, and this may be of some significance in reconstructing the paleoecology of the site. Because the fossil record of most extant cercopithecid genera is rather sparse at Plio-Pleistocene sites in Africa, Kanam East represents one of only a few sites that has yielded material that can be assigned toColobus,Lophocebus, orCercopithecus. The fossil monkeys from the site, therefore, provide additional evidence to help reconstruct the paleobiology, as well as the patterns of species diversity and community structure that characterized the cercopithecid radiation during the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The morphology of mandibular molars of the twoProconsulspecies,Proconsul majorandProconsul africanus, from the Tinderet region, Kenya was analyzed. While the molar size variability within the TinderetP. majorwas slightly greater than those of local African ape subspecies, the shape variability was comparable. Because the twoProconsulspecies show some differences in cusp areal proportions,P. majoris not just a largerP. africanusin molar morphology. Napak specimens are generally similar to the TinderetP. major.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial biovolume is used as a guide to the public health risk from these organisms for users of potable and recreational waters. Most routine surveillance programs preserve phytoplankton samples before analysis. We tested the effect of Lugol's Iodine, a common preservative, on the cell biovolume of four common freshwater cyanobacteria, Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena circinalis, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Aphanocapsa incerta. Linear dimensions and cell area were measured with an image analyser. All four species shrank after preservation. The magnitude of shrinkage varied with species and preservation time but was not affected by Lugol's concentration. The maximum shrinkage in each species was a 30–40% reduction compared to the live cell biovolume. These results suggest shrinkage can be a greater source of uncertainty in estimating the biovolume of toxigenic cyanobacteria in aquatic environments than natural variability in the cell dimensions, instrument precision or cell counting. Standardised cyanobacterial biovolume lists based on agreed geometric shapes and formulae would improve the value of this information for public health risk assessment.  相似文献   

Microcystins are harmful hepatotoxins produced by many, but not all strains of the cyanobacterial genera Anabaena, Microcystis, Anabaena, Planktothrix, and Nostoc. Waterbodies have to be monitored for the mass development of toxic cyanobacteria; however, because of the close genetic relationship of microcystin-producing and non-producing strains within a genus, identification of microcystin-producers by morphological criteria is not possible. The genomes of microcystin-producing cells contain mcy genes coding for the microcystin synthetase complex. Based on the sequence information of mcy genes from Microcystis and Planktothrix, a primer pair for PCR amplification of a mcyA gene fragment was designed. PCR with this primer pair is a powerful means to identify microcystin-producing strains of the genera Anabaena, Microcystis, and Planktothrix. Moreover, subsequent RFLP analysis of the PCR products generated genus-specific fragments and allowed the genus of the toxin producer to be identified. The assay can be used with DNA from field samples.Abbreviations RFLP Restriction fragment length polymorphism - MALDI-TOF Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight spectrometry - HPLC High performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

The ldpA gene is an element of the cyanobacterial circadian system and mediates input to the clock. Using complete prokaryotic genomes from various public databases, I analyzed the structure and phylogeny of the ldpA genes. This gene belongs to the large superfamily of ferredoxins and has a HycB domain as a core element of its structure. In addition to this domain, ldpA has two conserved terminal domains that are specific to this gene and have no homologs in the databases. All three domains are under different selective constraints. The ldpA tree topology features two very distinct clades that are essentially the same as those in the previously reported trees of the sasA gene and the kaiBC operon, two other elements of the circadian system. The data on the ldpA polymorphism and evolutionary patterns give further support to the existence of two types of the system, kaiABC- and kaiBC-based, respectively. Each type has specific functional and selective constraints, which have likely been attained through highly concordant evolution of the systems components.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rasmus Nielsen  相似文献   

The parasitic dinoflagellate Amoebophrya sp. ex Karlodinium veneficum was used to test two hypotheses: (1) infection of cells decreases with increasing host toxicity and (2) parasitism causes the catabolism of host toxin. To test the first hypothesis, host strains differing in toxin content were inoculated with dinospores of Amoebophrya sp. derived from infected cultures of toxic and non-toxic K. veneficum, with resulting infections assessed following 24-h incubations. Contrary to expectations, infection of K. veneficum by Amoebophrya sp. was positively correlated with host toxicity. To examine the second hypothesis, synchronous infection with >80% of cells being parasitized was induced using a toxic strain of K. veneficum, and total toxin concentration (intracellular plus extracellular levels of KmTX1) was followed over the 3-day infection cycle. Toxin content ml−1 increased with growth of K. veneficum in uninfected control cultures, but declined in infected cultures as the parasite completed its life cycle. On a cellular basis, toxin content of infected and uninfected cultures differed little during the experiment, suggesting that the parasite does not actively catabolise host toxin. Rather, infection appears to promote degradation of toxins via death of host cells and subsequent bacterial activity. Results indicate that Amoebophrya sp. ex K. veneficum has greater potential to impact toxic strains relative to non-toxic host strains in natural systems. Thus, Amoebophrya sp. ex. K. veneficum may limit the occurrence of toxic K. veneficum blooms in marine and estuarine environments, while simultaneously functioning as a pathway for dissipation of host toxin.  相似文献   

Seasonality of burden and prevalence of phototrophic (microalgal) epibionts Characidiopsis ellipsoidea, Colacium vesiculosum and Colacium sp. on dominating crustacean zooplankton (Daphnia longispina, Cyclops vicinus and Mesocyclops leuckarti) were studied in a small reservoir Bugach with cyanobacterial bloom. The correlations between the seasonal dynamics of prevalence and the dynamics of others biotic and abiotic factors were calculated. The conclusions were as follows. The substrate species, that determined the development of the epibionts on the three studied crustacean zooplankton, was Daphnia longispina (Cladocera). Despite intensive epibiotic infestation of crustacean zooplankton, epibionts did not appear to have caused non-consumptive mortality of the crustacean zooplankton. But they could have contributed to the Daphnia summer decline by increasing mortality due to its consumption by planktivorous fishes. The phototropic epibionts may successfully coexist with cyanobacterial bloom. The possible role of the epibionts in changing nutrient fluxes in pelagic food web is discussed.  相似文献   

In black cotton uplands in East Africa, four symbiotic acacia-ant species compete for possession of a single swollen thorn tree species, Acacia drepanolobium, and yet coexist at fine spatial scales. Three of the four ant species produce independent foundress queens that establish colonies claustrally within swollen thorns, most often on small saplings. We conducted surveys of such saplings at two sites in 2001 and 2004, and examined foundresses and incipient colonies within their swollen thorns to determine what factors influence their success. Competition among foundresses for nest initiation sites was intense, with an average of over one founding attempt per swollen thorn in all samples, and with living and dead queens significantly hyper-dispersed among available thorns. Combat with other foundresses was the most common cause of death among claustral queens, especially for Tetraponera penzigi. In interspecific battles for nest initiation sites, T. penzigi was dominant over Crematogaster nigriceps and C. mimosae, and C. nigriceps won over 80% of its contests with C. mimosae foundresses. For singleton foundresses, brood parasitism by the braconid wasp Trigastrotheca laikipiensis typically results in the death of the entire ant brood. Host queens defend parasite larvae, pupae and eclosed adults, apparently unable to distinguish the wasps from legitimate offspring. Rates of brood parasitism were as high as 15–20% for incipient colonies of both Crematogaster species, but were extremely low for T. nigriceps in all samples. Although T. penzigi and C. nigriceps foundresses are always solitary, approximately 18% of claustral C. mimosae colonies contain cooperating pleometrotic queens. For unparasitized, claustral C. mimosae colonies, brood production per queen did not differ between solitary and cooperating foundresses. However, the per-capita risks associated with parastitism were reduced for pleometrotic queens. Received 8 March 2005; revised 23 May 2005; accepted 3 June 2005.  相似文献   

刘树霞  徐军田  邹定辉 《生态学报》2015,35(21):7089-7096
为了研究经济海藻羊栖菜对大气CO2浓度增加与紫外辐射(UVR)相互作用的响应,设置两个CO2浓度(380μL/L和800μL/L)以及两种辐射处理,即PAR处理(滤除UV-A、UV-B,藻体仅接受可见光,400—700nm)和PAB处理(全波长辐射280—700nm)培养海藻,探讨了羊栖菜生长、光合作用、呼吸作用、光合色素含量、可溶性糖和蛋白以及硝酸还原酶活性的变化情况。结果表明高浓度CO2显著提高羊栖菜藻体的相对生长速率,并且紫外辐射的负面效应在高CO2处理下表现不显著。高CO2降低了藻体的光合作用速率,而UVR的负面效应和生长体现为一致性,但是羊栖菜的呼吸作用没有受到环境变化的明显影响。羊栖菜的光合色素叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素在高浓度CO2处理下明显降低,而UVR没有明显影响。环境因子对羊栖菜的可溶性糖没有影响,但是在高CO2和全波长辐射处理下,藻体可溶性蛋白的含量显著增加。同时高CO2明显提高了硝酸还原酶的活性,并且仅在高浓度CO2处理下藻体中UVR对其活性有抑制作用。CO2和UVR对羊栖菜的大多数生理特性存在明显的交互作用,在未来CO2浓度进一步增加的情况下,UVR的负面效应将会得到一定程度的缓解,这样有利于羊栖菜在养殖海区获得更高的产量。  相似文献   

A polyphasic taxonomic study was performed on seven Bacillus-like bacteria isolated from three hypersaline and alkaline lakes located in China, Kenya and Tanzania. All strains were moderately halophilic and alkaliphilic, Gram positive, motile rods. The DNA G+C content from the seven isolates ranged from 42.2 to 43.4 mol% and their major fatty acid was anteiso-C15:0. Strain CG1T, selected as representative strain of the isolates, possesses meso-diaminopimelic acid in the cell wall peptidoglycan, MK-7 as the predominant menaquinone and diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylethanolamine as the major polar lipids. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that the isolates belonged to the genus Bacillus. The seven isolates shared 97.7–99.9% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, and formed a branch that was distinct from the type strains of the recognized species of the genus Bacillus. They were most closely related to Bacillus agaradhaerens DSM 8721T (92.6–93.8% 16S rRNA sequence similarity). DNA–DNA hybridization values between the seven isolates were 85–100%. According to the polyphasic characterization, the strains represent a novel species, for which the name Bacillus locisalis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CG1T (CCM 7370T = CECT 7152T = CGMCC 1.6286T = DSM 18085T).  相似文献   

This study identifies environmental predictors of the condition of two introduced tilapia species (Oreochromis leucostictus and Tilapia zillii) that are known to have divergent trophic niches (planktivore and herbivore, respectively) in 17 crater lakes in western Uganda. We asked whether fish condition differs among lakes characterized by differences in fishing pressure and catchment deforestation; and we related relative condition factor to gradients of environmental variation across lakes. Lakes characterized by severe catchment deforestation tended to be lakes with high fishing pressure, so it was difficult to explore independent and interactive effects. However, mean relative condition factor was higher in populations with high fishing pressure compared to populations with low fishing pressure for both O. leucostictus and T. zillii. The condition of O. leucostictus populations was higher in lakes with severely deforested catchments; but mean relative condition factor of T. zillii did not differ between deforestation categories. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to describe the major environmental gradients of variation among the lakes; and PCA factor scores were regressed against relative fish condition. The association between fish condition and environmental gradients was stronger for O. leucostictus than for T. zillii. For O. leucostictus, fish condition was related to PC1 (43% of the variance) and factors that loaded most heavily included Chl-a, water transparency, lake area and depth, suggesting higher condition in lakes characterized by higher primary productivity and smaller size. For T. zillii, PC3 (11%) was the only axis related to fish condition; and factors that loaded most heavily included lake area (positive), and conductivity and total nitrogen (negative). Some of the larger lakes are characterized by higher availability of macrophytes that may positively affect the food base for T. zillii.  相似文献   

A Gram-negative bacterium designated AC-49T was isolated from an alkaline groundwater with a pH 11.4. This organism formed rod-shaped cells, was strictly aerobic, catalase and oxidase positive, with an optimum growth temperature of 35 degrees C and an optimum pH value of 8.0. Strain AC-49T assimilated primarily amino acids and some Krebs cycle metabolites, did not use sugars for growth. The organism did not grow on L-phenylalanine or antipyrin. The G+ C content of DNA was 66.9 mol%. The phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rRNA sequencing showed that the closest relatives of strain AC-49T were Phenylobacterium lituiforme and Phenylobacterium immobile, indicating that the organism is a member of the order Caulobacterales of the Alphaproteobacteria. Based on the phylogenetic analyses and distinct phenotypic characteristics, we are of the opinion that strain AC-49T, represents a novel species of the genus Phenylobacterium for which we propose the name Phenylobacterium falsum sp. nov.  相似文献   

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