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Gently trypsinized Swiss 3T3 cells inoculated into medium MCDB 402 attach readily to polylysine-coated surfaces and remain viable for several days in the absence of exogenously added protein. Short-term multiplication under defined conditions can be obtained by supplementing the MCDB 402 with fibroblast growth factor (FGF), insulin (INS), and dexamethasone (DEX). Addition of bovine plasma fibronectin further improves attachment and viability. This system does not require initial plating in serum or the addition of poorly defined extracts for cellular attachment or for multiplication. In the complete system minus FGF, cells plated at a low density attach to the culture surface and become quiescent. The addition of FGF or PDGF 48–72 h after plating stimulates a high level of DNA synthesis during the following 24 h. EGF also stimulates DNA synthesis in these cells, but to a lesser extent. Insulin and dexamethasone are not needed for the initial DNA synthesis response to FGF, but are needed for continuing multiplication over a period of several days. This system provides a means for studying the effects of specific mitogens on Swiss 3T3 cells in the absence of undefined supplements, and without complications due to density-dependent inhibition.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of newborn rat heart cells were grown for up to 3 weeks in serum-free medium supplemented by insulin, hydrocortisone, transferrin and fetuin. The cells resumed spontaneous beating at 20 h post plating. Mean rates of beating on the second and third day were 79.5 and 94 beats per min, respectively. Cell proliferation occurred during the first 3 days of culture with maximal rates of DNA and protein synthesis on the second day. The highest values of creatine kinase activity were observed on days 2–5 and the three cytoplasmic isozymes, MM, MB and BB, were present in the cultures in proportions similar to those of the newborn heart, indicating stability of the differentiated state of the cells. The relative amount of each isozyme remained unchanged throughout the experiments, MM constituted 70–90% of enzyme activity, MB contributed up to 30% and BB did not exceed 15% of activity. The very low proportion of BB and the lack of increase in this isozyme with age of culture support our earlier morphological observations that non-myocytes do not overgrow the culture.  相似文献   

Swiss 3T3 cells can be made quiescent at low density by plating in medium MCDB 402 supplemented with dexamethasone (DEX), insulin (INS) and bovine plasma fibronectin (BPFn) for 3 days. One hour after stimulation of these cells by fibroblast growth factor (FGF), an increase in the rate of protein synthesis can be measured. Nine hours after stimulation by FGF, the rate at which the cells enter S phase increases abruptly. This increased rate of entry into S phase is delayed when methylamine is added to the medium before FGF treatment and later removed. The delay is only for the amount of time that the cells are exposed to methylamine, with no subsequent effect on the rate at which the cells enter S. The early increase in rate of protein synthesis caused by FGF is not blocked by concentrations of methylamine that stop the progression of FGF-treated cells toward S phase. The assay system that has been developed provides a means for detailed analysis of the prereplicative phase of Swiss 3T3 cells in a serum-free medium and in the absence of density-dependent inhibition.  相似文献   

Clonal growth of primary cultures of rabbit ear chondrocytes in a defined medium without serum or other undefined additives has been achieved. The clonal inoculum is a suspension of fully differentiated chondrocytes prepared by collagenase digestion of rabbit ear cartilage and used with no prior adaptation or selection in culture. When inoculated into medium MCDB 104 supplemented with 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor (FGF), 1 microgram/ml insulin, and 5 micrograms/ml of a lipid supplement previously developed for human fibroblasts, the isolated chondrocytes undergo clonal multiplication to form large colonies of epithelial-like cells. Colonies grown in the defined medium for 14 days accumulate at their centers refractile cartilage-like matrix that is stained by acidified Alcian green, although the amount is significantly less than with undefined additives. This system opens the way for detailed studies, in a defined background medium, of factors that regulate phenotypic expression of cartilage-like differentiated properties.  相似文献   

The addition of retinoic acid to cultures of HeLa-S3 cells caused a reduction in cell proliferation rate which became apparent after 72 h and was linearly dependent on retinoic acid concentration in the range 10−9–10−5 M. After 72 h of exposure to retinoic acid, the cells assumed a flattened appearance and no longer formed multilayers. These changes were reversed within 48 h after removal of retinoic acid from the medium. Structural analogs of retinoic acid with a free ---COOH group at C-15 were usually more potent in growth inhibition than compounds with an alcohol, aldehyde, ether or ester group. A cellular retinoic acid-binding protein was detected in cell homogenates, and the binding of [3H]retinoic acid to the binding protein was inhibited by most, but not all, analogs possessing a free terminal ---COOH group. For example, the 4-oxo analog of retinoic acid, while capable of inhibiting cellular proliferation, failed to bind to the retinoic acid-binding protein. Analysis of cell surface and cellular glycoproteins by lactoperoxidase-catalysed 125I iodination and by metabolic labeling with [3H]glucosamine revealed that a 190000 D glycoprotein which was labeled by both methods and a 230000 D glycoprotein which was labeled only with [3H]glucosamine were labeled more intensely in retinoic acid-treated cells compared with untreated cells. The electrophoretic mobility of the 230000 D glycoprotein could be modified by treatment of intact cells with either neuraminidase or proteolytic enzymes, suggesting that this glycoprotein is also exposed on the cell surface. The cell surface alterations were detected much earlier than the onset of growth inhibition and appeared as early as 24 h after exposure to retinoic acid. The possible relationship between retinoic acid-induced changes in cell membrane structure, cell morphology, and cell proliferation is discussed.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factors are known to induce anchorage-independent growth of non-transformed cells, and are released by a variety of cells, including MSV-transformed cells. This study demonstrates that the differentiated cells derived from F9 and PC-13 embryonal carcinoma cells, but not the parental cells themselves, respond by increased growth to several factors released by MSV-transformed cells, including partially purified sarcoma growth factor. The chemical properties of the growth-promoting activity are shown to match the chemical properties of the transforming growth factors released by MSV-transformed cells. Furthermore, F9 and PC-13 embryonal carcinoma cells, which do not respond to factors released by MSV-transformed cells, are shown to release factors with transforming growth factor activity. Based on the close relationship between mouse embryonal carcinoma cells and cells of early mouse embryos, it is suggested that molecules with transforming growth factor activity may play a role during the early stages of mammalian development.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the effects of the mouse skin tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on cultured human epidermal cells for comparison with known effects on mouse keratinocytes. In contrast to its effect on mouse cells, TPA did not stimulate human epidermal cell DNA synthesis. TPA stimulated differentiation in human keratinocytes resulting in sloughing of many cells by the 3rd day after exposure. Quantitative assays revealed that 50% of the TPA-exposed population was composed of cornified cells as opposed to 8% in untreated controls. A morphologically distinct cell type (TT cell) emerged after TPA treatment which was triangular in shape, did not stratify, appeared to proliferate rapidly and at most TPA concentrations became the predominant cell type within 1–2 weeks. Cultures composed predominantly of TT cells formed few cornified envelopes, grew well in the absence of TPA and formed colonies at low cell input. In contrast to its effect on keratinocytes, TPA enhanced TT colony formation 3–4-fold and decreased the doubling time of TT cells. Studies were performed to determine the origin of TT cells. Immunofluorescent staining indicated that TT cells lacked the keratinocyte antigens keratin, pemphigus and pemphigoid. Tonofilaments and desmosomes were not seen by electron microscopy. The lack of both melanosomes and standard histochemical DOPA oxidase staining indicated that TT cells were probably not of melanocyte origin. Tests used to identify Langerhans cells were negative. Whereas TT cells, as well as dermal fibroblasts, yielded positive immunofluorescence with antibodies to vimentin, TT cells gave a weak histochemical leucine aminopeptidase reaction, while the reaction of fibroblasts exposed to TPA was strong. Treatment of human dermal fibroblasts with TPA did not yield TT cells. The endothelial cell antigen factor VIII-associated protein was absent by immunofluorescence. These results suggest that the primary effect of TPA on cultured human epidermis is to accelerate terminal differentiation in the keratinocyte population and to stimulate growth of an as yet unidentified cell type.  相似文献   

The transformed phenotype is believed to be dominant in fusions between limited lifespan cells and transformed cells, based on heterokaryon experiments and on the isolation of transformed hybrids from mass cultures of fused cells. A series of fusions has been performed between limited lifespan Lesch-Nyhan fibroblast cells and a permanent HeLa cell line with a complementary genetic marker. The growth of independently isolated hybrid clones was followed in parallel with Lesch-Nyhan cells. In fusions involving Lesch-Nyhan cells which had completed about 50% of their lifespan, all hybrids initially show fibroblastic properties. Thirty-five hybrids had a limited lifespan slightly longer than Lesch-Nyhan controls. Three other hybrid clones, and all mass cultures of hybrids, showed the appearance of transformed colonies at a rate of approx. one transformant in 2 × 105 hybrid cells. These transformed cells showed anchorage independence, low serum requirement, chromosome loss, and have been maintained in culture for 50–100 population doublings with no signs of senescence. Fusions involving enucleated HeLa cells did not show transformation. Fusions with senescent Lesch-Nyhan cells yielded hybrids which grew beyond the normal Lesch-Nyhan cell lifespan, but which again showed limited lifespan and low frequency transformation. It is concluded that limited lifespan is expressed in a dominant manner in these fusions, and that transformation or “escape from senescence” is a low frequency event requiring the presence of the HeLa nucleus.  相似文献   

Mitogen-stimulated DNA synthesis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes is dependent on extracellular Na. DNA synthesis was similarly inhibited in:
1. 1. Cells that were suspended in hypotonic media containing decreased extracellular Na.
2. 2. Cells that were suspended in media containing decreased Na and equimolar replacement with choline.
3. 3. Cells that were suspended in media containing decreased Na and equiosmolar replacement with mannitol.
A decreased PHA-induced DNA synthesis was observed at day 3 even when lymphocytes were exposed to low Na for only the first 3 h and then returned to normal levels of Na. Our studies of protein synthesis indicate that the effect of lowered extracellular Na on DNA synthesis and cell division is not due to an initial inhibition of overall protein synthesis. These data suggest that reduced external Na has a significant effect on some specific early event(s) (3 h) in lymphocyte mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Substantial multiplication of human diploid fibroblasts (HDF) has been obtained in medium MCDB 108 supplemented with epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin, and dexamethasone (DEX). Growth rate is somewhat slower than in serum-supplemented medium. However, large wellformed colonies can be obtained in 14 days, and sequential monolayer subculture is possible up to a total of about ten population doublings. A basal medium that has been optimized specifically for HDF is essential for such multiplication. In addition, polylysine-coated culture surfaces, low temperature trypsinization, and careful removal or neutralization of residual trypsin are also needed. The culture system contains no deliberately-added undefined components, and is chemically defined except for possible roles of contaminants in the materials that are used for its preparation.  相似文献   

Studies with rodent cells have indicated that the abilities of various tumour promoters to inhibit metabolic cooperation correlate with their potencies as mitogens. Here we have examined the effects of the most potent phorbol ester tumour promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), on metabolic cooperation and growth of human epidermal cells transformed by SV40 (SVK14 cells). In this system, TPA inhibits Junctional communication and at the same concentration also inhibits growth in a reversible fashion. These effects appear to be mediated by binding of phorbol ester to a single class of high affinity binding site with a Kd similar to that reported for rodent cells (Kd = 20.9 nM at 4 °C). Further studies on the effects of phorbol esters on other human epithelial cell lines reveal that the inhibitory effects of TPA on growth and metabolic cooperation may be completely dissociated. Alternative mechanisms by which TPA may exert its growth-inhibitory effects are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution of the tau and HMW microtubule-associated proteins (MAPS) and their relationship to microtubules in vivo, we have examined a wide variety of avian and mammalian cell types by immunofluorescence with antisera to these two proteins. Anti-HMW serum stains cytoplasmic microtubules in all mammalian cell types so far examined. However, anti-tau serum did not stain cytoplasmic microtubules in rat glial cells or in pig kidney cells. In mammalian neurons, fibroblasts and neuroblastoma cells, the staining of microtubules with both sera was similar. Anti-HMW serum did not stain primary cilia or cilia on isolated tracheal epithelial cells, whereas anti-tau serum did stain these ciliary microtubules. We believe these results indicate that some types of microtubules may be associated with only the tau or the HMW protein, whereas others may be associated with both tau and HMW protein. With respect to avian cells, anti-HMW serum did not stain microtubules in any of the three cell types examined, whereas the anti-tau serum stained them in two cell types. Furthermore, double diffusion tests indicated that anti-pig tau serum will precipitate both pig brain tau and tau protein isolated from chick brain, whereas anti-HMW serum will precipitate only pig brain and not chick brain HMW protein. We believe tau protein is antigenically similar in both avian and mammalian cells, whereas the HMW protein from these two sources is antigenically distinct.  相似文献   

Rat glioma cells (clone C6TK) were hybridized with mouse neuroblastoma cells (clone NA), and 18 primary and secondary hybrid clones containing one chromosome set from each parent were isolated. The hybrids were assayed for the glial marker enzymes 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase (CNP) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH). In many of the hybrid clones, the levels of CNP and GPDH were reduced to 5–20% of the activity of C6TK, as has been observed in other classes of glial X non-glial cell hybrids. In some hybrid clones, however, GPDH and CNP were expressed at high activity. Rat (glial) GPDH activity was not reduced in these clones, but mouse GPDH activity remained low, and was not “de-repressed” or “activated”. This suggests that the controls governing differentiation in neuroblastoma cells and extinction in hybrids may differ in some important details. There was a strong positive correlation between the specific activities of CNP and GPDH in the hybrid clones, suggesting that a mechanism regulates the activity of these two glial enzymes coordinately.  相似文献   

When exponentially growing NHIK 3025 cells were shifted from medium containing 30% serum to medium containing 0.03% serum the rate of net protein accumulation was reduced due to both a reduction in the rate of protein synthesis and an increase in the rate of protein degradation. This change in growth conditions increased the protein doubling time from 18 to 140 h. The cell cycle duration of cells synchronized by mitotic selection was, however, only increased from 17 to 26 h by this treatment. Therefore, when the cells divide by the end of the first cell cycle following synchronization, the cells shifted to 0.03% serum contained far less protein than those growing continuously in 30% serum. Hence, the attainment of a critical cell mass is probably not controlling cell division for cells growing in a balanced state.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that the in vitro development and differentiation of mouse blastocysts require serum, but the number and nature of serum factors involved remains unclear. In this article, we describe a culture medium, EM-2, containing as a source of protein only commercially purified bovine serum albumin (BSA) and fetuin. This medium supports hatching, attachment and outgrowth of mouse blastocysts. Although attachment and outgrowth are delayed in EM-2 medium 12–15 and 5–8 h, respectively, these events occur at frequencies comparable to those observed in serum-containing media. Trophoblast cells are capable of differentiating in this medium: they synthesize Δ5,3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and their nuclei become polyploid. The inner cell mass also appears to differentiate to some extent in EM-2 medium as evidenced by the appearance of cells with characteristics of parietal endoderm. The fetuin factor is necessary at least for trophoblast outgrowth and the albumin factor is required for the survival and/or growth of the inner cell mass. It is, however, not evident from these studies whether the serum fractions used are actually involved in the induction of differentiation, or whether the early differentiative steps in the mouse blastocyst are preprogrammed and require for expression only a normal cellular metabolic rate.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated a drug-dependent increase in the capacity of HeLa and 3T3 cells, grown in the presence of lethal and sublethal concentrations of adriamycin, to bind epidermal growth factor (EGF). Scatchard analysis ascribes this effect to an increase in the number of binding sites, with little change in affinity. The time course of binding of 125I-EGF is unchanged by adriamycin treatment, in both 3T3 and HeLa cells, at both 0 and 37 °C. This increase appears gradually over 3 or 4 days' exposure to the drug and is reversible over a similar period. Although in HeLa cells the increase reaches a maximum of about 4-fold, regardless of cell density, the maximum observed in 3T3 cells, over 100-fold, is seen only at low cell densities. This could be related to the density-dependent growth regulation seen in 3T3 cells, but not in HeLa cells. We suggest that the ability of the anticancer agent adriamycin to alter the cellular response to a growth-regulatory substance may be related to the mechanism of its cytotoxic action.  相似文献   

3-Aminobenzamide (3AB), an inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, is a potent inducer of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs). Because of the possible relation between SCEs and DNA synthesis, the effects of 3AB on DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were examined. Unlike all other SCE-inducing agents whose effects on DNA synthesis have been studied, short term exposures (30–120 min) of 3AB did not inhibit the overall rate of DNA synthesis and this result was independent of the amount of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in the DNA. Longer exposure times (>24 h) did result in an extended S phase, but this was not due to an effect on the rate of DNA chain elongation. 3AB also delayed the entry of cells into S phase. The overall cell cycle delay was dose dependent, approaching 9 h after a 54 h exposure to 10 mM 3AB. Earlier reports that 3AB is neither mutagenic nor cytotoxic were confirmed. Thus 3AB acts to increase SCE frequency by a mechanism distinct from that which causes cytotoxicity and mutagenicity, and does not involve any inhibition in the rate of DNA chain growth.  相似文献   

The ccl mutation in Paramecium tetraurelia reversibly and rapidly blocks cell cycle progression and DNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Progression through the cell cycle is blocked during both the G1 and S portions of the cell cycle, while at the restrictive temperature there is neither residual cell cycle progression nor induction of excess delay of subsequent cell cycle events. DNA synthesis activity is reduced to 50% of the normal level in about 5 min and is completely blocked at 30 min after a shift to restrictive temperature. On return to permissive conditions, DNA synthesis is reactivated with similar kinetics.  相似文献   

Cyclosporin A (CsA) is a cyclic endecapeptide of fungal origin displaying strong immunosuppressive properties. CsA and another active member of the cyclosporin (Cs) family, but not an inactive one, can interfere with the proliferation of some, but not all, T-lymphoid cell lines. Cells from Cs-sensitive lines accumulate in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. No effect is detected on the cycle of Cs-resistant lines. Both Cs-sensitive and Cs-resistant lines are arrested by another G1 blocker (actinomycin D) and DNA synthesis inhibitors (cytosine arabinoside, hydroxyurea), become multinucleated/polyploid when exposed to cytochalasin B (CB), are arrested in mitosis by colchicine and accumulate in G2 phase in the presence of Taxol. The effect of Cs is best evidenced when the drug is applied to cells which were already delayed in G1 by saturation density cultivation or serum deprivation. By the combined use of Cs and of other drugs working at a later phase of the cycle, results were obtained which suggest that the effect of Cs is either to delay very much the cells throughout the G1 phase or to arrest them at that G1 phase or at the following one. A correlation of the G1-blocking property of Cs with their immunosuppressive properties may be possible but is still speculative.  相似文献   

In the presence of 1–5 mM n-butyrate, murine leukemic L1210 cells cease proliferation and become arrested in the G1A compartment of the G1 phase. Cells in this compartment, in comparison with the remaining cells of the G1 phase (G1B), are characterized by low RNA content and more condensed chromatin. During unperturbed growth the cell residence times in G1A are of indeterminate duration (exponentially distributed); the half-time of L1210 cell residence in G1A is about 1.4 h. The effect of n-butyrate in arresting cells in G1A was concentration-dependent. However, the sensitivity of L1210 cells to this drug was markedly enhanced when cells were treated for longer than one generation (12 h). Cells arrested in G1A remained viable and when n-butyrate was removed, after a lag period, they resumed progression through the cycle.The effect of n-butyrate on cell progression through various parts of the cycle was studied in a stathmokinetic experiment. The rate of cell entrance into mitosis was decreased by 30, 60 and 110%, in the presence of 1, 2.5 and 5 mM n-butyrate respectively, thus indicating a slowdown in cell progression through G2 and S. The duration of G2 was prolonged by 20, 70 and 140% at 1, 2.5 and 5 mM n-butyrate respectively. The half-time of cell residence in G1A was increased by as much as 1.5-, 6.3- and 15.6-fold by 1, 2.5 and 5 mM n-butyrate. Progression through late G1 (G1B) was not affected at 1 mM, and could not be estimated at higher drug concentrations. The effects on cell cycle progression were evident 1 h after addition of n-butyrate.DNA in situ in nuclei of n-butyrate-treated cells had lowered (by 2–8 °C) stability to thermal denaturation and increased (by 15%) accessibility to DNase I. The decrease in DNA stability to heat was more pronounced when permealized cells were heated in the presence of 1 mM MgCl2 rather than EDTA. DNA in situ in the nuclei of n-butyrate-treated cells also showed decreased sensitivity to acid-induced denaturation. Changes in chromatin were seen in all cells, regardless of cell cycle phase, within the first hours after addition of n-butyrate. Mitotic cells, however, reacted to n-butyrate more rapidly than interphase cells. The observed changes in L1210 cells are most likely a consequence of histone modifications (acetylation of inner histones, dephosphorylation of histone H1) induced by n-butyrate.  相似文献   

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