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Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) was shown to inhibit the transepithelial NaCl transport and the apical Na+-Cl? symport and to depolarize the apical membrane potential in the rabbit gallbladder epithelium. The depolarization was likely related to the opening of a Cl? conductance. To better understand whether an apical Cl? leak is involved in the mechanism of action of HCTZ, the transapical Cl? backflux was measured radiochemically by the washout technique. The gallbladder wall, pretreated with pronase on the serosal side to homogenize the subepithelium, was loaded with 36Cl? on the luminal side; mucosal and serosal 36Cl? effluxes (J m , J s ) were then measured every 2 min. The pretreatment with pronase did not alter the membrane potentials and the selectivity of the epithelium. Under control conditions and the tissue in steady-state, J m and J s time courses were each described by two exponential decays (A,B); the rate constants, k A and k B , were 0.71 ±0.03 and 0.16±0.01 min?1, respectively, and correspondingly the half-times (t 1 2A , t 1 2B ) were 1.01±0.05 and 5.00±0.44 min (n=10); these parameters were not significantly different for J m and J s time courses. J s was always greater than J m (J s /J m =2.02±0.22 and 1.43 ±0.17 for A and B decays). Under SCN? treatment in steady-state conditions, both J m and J s time courses were described by only one exponential decay, the component B being abolished. Moreover t 1 2A was similar to that predictable for the subepithelium. It follows that it is the component B which exits the epithelial compartment. Based on the intracellular specific activity and 36Cl? J m B at 0 min time of the washout experiment, the cell-lumen Cl? backflux in steady-state was calculated to be equal to about 2 μmol cm?2hr?1, in agreement with the value indirectly computable by other techniques. The experimental model was well responsive to different external challenges (increases in media osmolalities; luminal treatment with nystatin). HCTZ (2.5 · 10?4 m) largely increased 36Cl? J m B . The increase was abolished by luminal treatment with 10?4 m SITS, which not only brought back the efflux time courses to the ones observed under control conditions but even increased J s /J m of the cellular component, an indication of a reduced J m B . It is concluded that HCTZ opens an apical, SITS-sensitive Cl? leak, which contributes to dissipate the intracellular Cl? accumulation and to inhibit the NaCl transepithelial transport. Moreover, the drug is likely to reduce the basal electroneutral Cl? backflux supported by Na+-Cl? cotransport, in agreement with the inhibition of the cotransport itself.  相似文献   

Summary In the epithelium of rabbit gallbladder, in the nominal absence of bicarbonate, intracellular Cl activity is about 25mm, about 4 times higher than intracellular Cl activity at the electrochemical equilibrium. It is essentially not affected by 10–4 m acetazolamide and 10–4 m 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate (SITS) even during prolonged exposures; it falls to the equilibrium value by removal of Na+ from the lumen without significant changes of the apical membrane potential difference. Both intracellular Cl and Na+ activities are decreased by luminal treatment with 25mm SCN; the initial rates of change are not significantly different. In addition, the initial rates of change of intracellular Cl activity are not significantly different upon Na+ or Cl entry block by the appropriate reduction of the concentration of either ion in the luminal solution. Luminal K+ removal or 10–5 m bumetanide do not affect intracellular Cl and Na+ activities or Cl influx through the apical membrane. It is concluded that in the absence of bicarbonate NaCl entry is entirely due to a Na+–Cl symport on a single carrier which, at least under the conditions tested, does not cotransport K+.  相似文献   

Z. Ping  I. Yabe  S. Muto 《Protoplasma》1992,171(1-2):7-18
Summary K+, Cl, and Ca2+ channels in the vacuolar membrane of tobacco cell suspension cultures have been investigated using the patch-clamp technique. In symmetrical 100mM K+, K+ channels opened at positive vacuolar membrane potentials (cytoplasmic side as reference) had different conductances of 57 pS and 24 pS. K+ channel opened at negative vacuolar membrane potentials had a conductance of 43 pS. The K+ channels showed a significant discrimination against Na+ and Cl. The Cl channel opened at positive vacuolar membrane potentials for cytoplasmic Cl influx had a high conductance of 110pS in symmetrical 100mM Cl. When K+ and Cl channels were excluded from opening, no traces were found of Ca2+ channel activity for vacuolar Ca2+ release induced by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate or other events. However, we found a 19pS Ca2+ channel which allowed influx of cytoplasmic Ca2+ into the vacuole when the Ca2+ concentration on the cytoplasmic side was high. When Ca2+ was substituted by Ba2+, the conductance of the 19 pS channel became 30 pS and the channel showed a selectivity sequence of Ba2+Sr2+Ca2+Mg2+= The reversal potentials of the channel shifted with the change in Ca2+ concentration on the vacuolar side. The channel could be efficiently blocked from the cytoplasmic side by Cd2+, but was insensitive to La3+, Gd3+, Ni2+, verapamil, and nifedipine. The related ion channels in freshly isolated vacuoles from red beet root cells were also recorded. The coexistence of the K+, Cl, and Ca2+ channels in the vacuolar membrane of tobacco cells might imply a precise classification and cooperation of the channels in the physiological process of plant cells.  相似文献   

Summary In rabbit gallbladder epithelium, a Na+/H+, Cl/HCO 3 double exchange and a Na+–Cl symport are both present, but experiments on intact tissue cannot resolve whether the two transport systems operate simultaneously. Thus, isolated apical plasma membrane vesicles were prepared. After preloading with Na+, injection into a sodium-free medium caused a stable intravesicular acidification (monitored with the acridine orange fluorescence quenching method) that was reversed by Na+ addition to the external solution. Although to a lesser extent, acidification took place also in experiments with an electric potential difference (PD) equal to 0. If a preset pH difference (pH) was imposed ([H+]in>[H+]out, PD=0), the addition of Na-gluconate to the external solution caused pH dissipation at a rate that followed saturation kinetics. Amiloride (10–4 m) reduced the pH dissipation rate. Taken together, these data indicate the presence of Na+ and H+ conductances in addition to an amiloride-sensitive, electroneutral Na+/H+ exchange.An inwardly directed [Cl] gradient (PD=0) did not induce intravesicular acidification. Therefore, in this preparation, there was no evidence for the presence of a Cl/OH exchange.When both [Na+] and [Cl] gradients (outwardly directed, PD=0) were present, fluorescence quenching reached a maximum 20–30 sec after vesicle injection and then quickly decreased. The decrease was not observed in the presence of a [Na+] gradient alone or the same [Na+] gradient with Cl at equal concentrations at both sides. Similarly, the decrease was abolished in the presence of both Na+ and Cl concentration gradients and hydrochlorothiazide (5×10–4 m). The decrease was not influenced by an inhibitor of Cl/OH exchange (10–4 m furosemide) or of Na+–K+–2Cl symport (10–5 m bumetanide).We conclude that a Na+/H+ exchange and a Na+–Cl symport are present and act simultaneously. This suggests that in intact tissue the Na+–Cl symport is also likely to work in parallel with the Na+/H+ exchange and does not represent an induced homeostatic reaction of the epithelium when Na+/H+ exchange is inhibited.  相似文献   

Summary The net loss of KCl observed in Ehrlich ascites cells during regulatory volume decrease (RVD) following hypotonic exposure involves activation of separate conductive K+ and Cl transport pathways. RVD is accelerated when a parallel K+ transport pathway is provided by addition of gramicidin, indicating that the K+ conductance is rate limiting. Addition of ionophore A23187 plus Ca2+ also activates separate K+ and Cl transport pathways, resulting in a hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. A calculation shows that the K+ and Cl conductance is increased 14-and 10-fold, respectively. Gramicidin fails to accelerate the A23187-induced cell shrinkage, indicating that the Cl conductance is rate limiting. An A23187-induced activation of42K and36Cl tracer fluxes is directly demonstrated. RVD and the A23187-induced cell shrinkage both are: (i) inhibited by quinine which blocks the Ca2+-activated K+ channel. (ii) unaffected by substitution of NO 3 or SCN for Cl, and (iii) inhibited by the anti-calmodulin drug pimozide. When the K+ channel is blocked by quinine but bypassed by addition of gramicidin, the rate of cell shrinkage can be used to monitor the Cl conductance. The Cl conductance is increased about 60-fold during RVD. The volume-induced activation of the Cl transport pathway is transient, with inactivation within about 10 min. The activation induced by ionophore A23187 in Ca2+-free media (probably by release of Ca2+ from internal stores) is also transient, whereas the activation is persistent in Ca2+-containing media. In the latter case, addition of excess EGTA is followed by inactivation of the Cl transport pathway. These findings suggest that a transient increase in free cytosolic Ca2+ may account for the transient activation of the Cl transport pathway. The activated anion transport pathway is unselective, carrying both Cl, Br, NO 3 , and SCN. The anti-calmodulin drug pimozide blocks the volume- or A23187-induced Cl transport pathway and also blocks the activation of the K+ transport pathway. This is demonstrated directly by42K flux experiments and indirectly in media where the dominating anion (SCN) has a high ground permeability. A comparison of the A23187-induced K+ conductance estimated from42K flux measurements at high external K+, and from net K flux measurements suggests single-file behavior of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel. The number of Ca2+-activated K+ channels is estimated at about 100 per cell.  相似文献   

Transport of 86Rb+/K+, 22Na+, 36Cl?, and [3H]indole acetic acid (IAA) has been studied on suspension-cultured cells of the parsley, Petroselinum crispum (Mill) Nym. By compartmental analysis two intracellular compartments of K+, Na+, and Cl? have been identified and ascribed to the cytoplasm and vacuole; half-times of exchange were around 200 s and 5 h, respectively. According to the Ussing-Teorell flux equation, active transport is required for the influx into the cytoplasm at the plasmalemma (K+, Cl?) and the tonoplast (K+, Na+, Cl?). The plasmalemma permeability pattern, PK:PNa:PCl=1.00:0.24:0.38, features an increased chloride permeability compared with cells from higher plant tissues. IAA uptake showed an exponential timecourse, was half-maximal after 10 min, and a linear function of the IAA concentration from 10?9 to 10?5 M. IAA and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid reduce the apparent influx of K+, Na+, Cl? during the initial 30 min after addition and subsequently accelerate both in- and efflux of these ions. We discuss that auxins could affect the ion fluxes in a complex way, e.g. by protonophorous activity and by control of the hypothetical proton pump.  相似文献   

The present work examines serotonin-induced changes in cell potential difference and barrier resistances in the corneal epithelium in vitro using voltage-measuring microelectrodes and related techniques. Component resistances were determined using voltage and resistance profiles of the epithelium before and during the serotonin response. Serotonin, added to the stromal side of the cornea in the presence of nialamide, markedly reduced transcorneal and apical membrane resistances, while basal barrier resistance increased slightly and shunt resistance was unchanged. The marked drop in apical membrane resistance after serotonin treatment reflects an increase in apical membrane chloride permeability, inasmuch as the serotonin-stimulated short-circuit current is indistinguishable from the increase in net chloride flux. Prolonged (more than 1 h) exposure of corneas to serotonin markedly depolarized the epithelial cells and reduced the voltage divider ratio from 12.3 ± 2.1 to 1.5 ± 0.5, while not significantly affecting the stimulated short-circuit current. These later effects suggest changes in epithelial ion distribution during long periods of stimulation by serotonin.  相似文献   

Summary This study concerns the properties of rapid K+ and Cl transport pathways that are present in the (H++K+)-ATPase membrane from stimulated, and secreting, gastric oxyntic cells. Ion permeabilities in the isolated stimulation-associated vesicles were monitored via the rates of H+ efflux under conditions of exclusive H+/K+ counterflux or H+–Cl co-efflux, as well as by comparison of equilibration rates for86Rb and36Cl under conditions of equilibrium exchange and unidirectional salt flux. These latter studies suggest that Rb+ and Cl pathways are conductive and independent. In spite of the functional independence of the ion pathways, several divalent cations inhibit Rb+ and Cl isotopic exchange as well as the H+ efflux that is dependent on either K+ or anion (Cl, SCN, NO2) fluxes. Zn2+ is the more potent inhibitor, reducing by 50% the sensitive component of K+, Cl, and NO2 fluxes at about 20 m; Mn2+ has a similar effect at 200 m. Ni2+ and Co2+ were roughly equipotent to Mn2+ while Mg2+ and Ca2+ had not inhibitory effect. These results suggest that the stimulation-induced permeabilities, while functioning independently, may be physically linked, i.e., residing within a single entity. In similar studies carried out in (H++K+)-ATPase vesicles obtained from nonstimulated cells, no vestiges of sensitivity to the inhibitory divalent cations could be detected. The implications of these findings for the physiology of the oxyntic cell in the context of a model for membrane fusion are discussed.  相似文献   

The whole-cell patch-clamp technique has been used to study membrane currents in cultured rabbit medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) epithelial cells. A Ca2+-activated K+ current was characterized by its voltage-dependent and Ca2+-dependent properties. When the extracellular K+ ion concentration was increased from 2 to 140 mm, the rereversal potential (Ek) was shifted from –85 to 0 mV with a slope of 46 mV per e-fold change. The Ca2+-activated K+ current is blocked by charybdotoxin (CTX) in a manner similar to the apical membrane Ca2+-activated K+ channel studied with the single channel patch-clamp technique. The results suggest that the Ca2+-activated K+ current is the predominant, large conductance and Ca2+-dependent K+ pathway in the cultured MTAL cell apical membrane. The biophysical properties and physiological regulation of a Cl current were also investigated. This current was activated by stimulation of intracellular cAMP using forskolin and isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). The current-voltage (I–V) relationship of the Cl current showed an outward-rectifying pattern in symmetrical Cl solution. The Cl selectivity of the whole-cell current was confirmed by tail current analysis in different Cl concentration bath solutions. Several Cl channel blockers were found to be effective in blocking the outward-rectifying Cl current in MTAL cells. The cAMP-dependent Cl transport in MTAL cells was further confirmed by measuring changes in the intensity of Cl sensitive dye using fluorescence microscopy. These results suggest that the Cl channel in the apical or basolateral membrane of MTAL cells may be regulated by cAMP-dependent protein-kinase-induced phosphorylation.This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health grants GM46834 to L.L. and DK32753 to W.B.G., and by a Grant-in-Aid from the American Heart Association of Ohio to L.L.  相似文献   

Effects of the extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] o ) on whole cell membrane currents were examined in mouse osteoclastic cells generated from bone marrow/stromal cell coculture. The major resting conductance in the presence of 1 mm Ca2+ was mediated by a Ba2+-sensitive, inwardly rectifying K+ (IRK) current. A rise in [Ca2+] o (5–40 mm) inhibited the IRK current and activated an 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonate (DIDS)-sensitive, outwardly rectifying Cl (ORCl) current. The activation of the ORCl current developed slowly and needed higher [Ca2+] o than that required to inhibit the IRK current. The inhibition of the IRK current consisted of two components, initial and subsequent late phases. The initial inhibition was not affected by intracellular application of guanosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS) or guanosine 5′-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) (GDPβS). The late inhibition, however, was enhanced by GTPγS and attenuated by GDPβS, suggesting that GTP-binding proteins mediate this inhibition. The activation of the ORCl current was suppressed by pretreatment with pertussis toxin, but not potentiated by GTPγS. An increase in intracellular Ca2+ level neither reduced the IRK current nor activated the ORCl current. Staurosporine, an inhibitor for protein kinase C, did not modulate the [Ca2+] o -induced changes in the IRK and ORCl conductances. These results suggest that high [Ca2+] o had a dual action on the membrane conductance of osteoclasts, an inhibition of an IRK conductance and an activation of an ORCl conductance. The two conductances modulated by [Ca2+] o may be involved in different phases of bone resorption because they differed in Ca2+ sensitivity, temporal patterns of changes and regulatory mechanisms. Received: 28 May 1996/Revised: 28 January 1997  相似文献   

The ionic fluxes associated with the ATP-dependent acidification of endocytic vesicles were studied in a preparation isolated from rabbit reticulocytes enriched for transferrin-transferrin receptor complexes. No vesicle acidification was observed in the absence of intra- and extravesicular ions (sucrosein/sucroseout), while maximal acidification was observed with NaClin/KClout·K in + was a poor substitute for Na in + , and Cl out could be replaced by other anions with the following efficacy of acidification: Cl>Br>I>PO 4 3– >gluconate>SO 4 2– . Flux studies using36Cl and22Na+ showed that the vesicles had a permeability for Cl and Na+, and that ATP-dependent H+ pumping was accompanied by a net influx of Cl and a net efflux of Na+ provided that there was a Na+ concentration gradient. After 3 mins, the time necessary to maximal acidification, the electrical charge generated by the entrance of H+ was countered to about 45% by the Cl influx and to about 42% by the Na+ efflux. These studies demonstrated that both Cl and Na+ fluxes are necessary for optimal endocytic vesicle acidification.  相似文献   

Summary Cl influx at the luminal border of the epithelium of rabbit gallbladder was measured by 45-sec exposures to36Cl and3H-sucrose (as extracellular marker). Its paracellular component was evaluated by the use of 25mm SCN which immediately and completely inhibits Cl entry into the cell. Cellular influx was equal to 16.7eq cm–2 hr–1 and decreased to 8.5eq cm–2 hr–1 upon removal of HCO 3 from the bathing media and by bubbling 100% O2 for 45 min. When HCO 3 was present, cellular influx was again about halved by the action of 10–4 m acetazolamide, 10–5 to 10–4 m furosemide, 10–5 to 10–4 m 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate (SITS), 10–3 m amiloride. The effects of furosemide and SITS were tested at different concentrations of the inhibitor and with different exposure times: they were maximal at the concentrations reported above and nonadditive. In turn, the effects of amiloride and SITS were not additive. Acetazolamide reached its maximal action after an exposure of about 2 min. When exogenous HCO 3 was absent, the residual cellular influx was insensitive to acetazolamide, furosemide and SITS. When exogenous HCO 3 was present in the salines, Na+ removal from the mucosal side caused a slow decline of cellular Cl influx; conversely, it immediately abolished cellular Cl influx in the absence of HCO 3 . In conclusion, about 50% of cellular influx is sensitive to HCO 3 , inhibitable by SCN, acetazolamide, furosemide, SITS and amiloride and furthermore slowly dependent on Na+. The residual cellular influx is insensitive to bicarbonate, inhibitable by SCN, resistant to acetazolamide, furosemide, SITS and amiloride, and immediately dependent on Na+. Thus, about 50% of apical membrane NaCl influx appears to result from a Na+/H+ and Cl/HCO 3 exchange, whereas the residual influx seems to be due to Na+–Cl contranport on a single carrier. Whether both components are simultaneously present or the latter represents a cellular homeostatic counterreaction to the inhibition of the former is not clear.  相似文献   

In this study the properties of the 45Ca2+ influx in human red blood cells (RBC) induced by NaVO3 or ATP-depletion were compared. Both NaVO3-induced and ATP-depletion-induced 45Ca2+ influxes were in the range 10(-6)-10(-5) mol Ca2+ x l(-1)cells x h(-1). The saturatability of ATP-depletion-induced 45Ca2+ influx with Ca2+ was much less pronounced than that of NaVO3-induced 45Ca2+ influx. The NaVO3-induced Ca2+ influx was sensitive to nifedipine (IC50 = 50 micromol/l) and Cu2+ (IC50 = 9 micromol/l) but these inhibitors had only a marginal effect when ATP-depletion was used as the Ca2+ influx inducer. On the other hand, polymyxin B (PXB) (1-5 mg/ml) strongly stimulated the ATP-depletion-induced 45Ca2+ influx whereas its effect on the NaVO3-induced Ca2+ influx was biphasic, with about 10% stimulation at lower PXB concentrations and an inhibition of 40% at higher concentrations. SDS-PAGE revealed that both NaVO3 and PXB induced changes in the protein phosphorylation pattern in the presence of Ca2+. NaVO3 stimulated the phosphorylation of several proteins and this effect was counteracted by PXB. The comparison of the kinetics and temperature dependencies of the Gárdos effect induced by NaVO3 and the ATP-depletion showed marked differences. The ability of NaVO3 to induce the Gárdos effect dramatically increased in ATP-depleted cells. These findings indicate that the 45Ca2+ influxes preceding the activation of the Ca2+-activated K+ efflux (Gárdos effect) stimulated by NaVO3 and by ATP-depletion, are mediated by different transport pathways. In addition, obtained results demonstrate that ATP-depletion and NaVO3-treatment exert additive action in triggering the Gárdos effect.  相似文献   

Transepithelial fluid transport was measured gravimetrically in rabbit gallbladder (and net Na+ transport was calculated from it), at 27 degrees C, in HCO(3-)-free bathing media containing 10(-4) M acetazolamide. Whereas luminal 10(-4) M bumetanide or 10(-4) M 4-acetamido-4'-iso-thiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (SITS) did not affect fluid absorption, 25 mM SCN- abolished it; hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) in the luminal medium reduced fluid absorption from 28.3 +/- 1.6 (n = 21) to 8.6 +/- 1.6 microliters cm-2 hr-1 (n = 10), i.e., to about 30%. This maximum effect was already obtained at 10(-3) M concentration; the apparent IC50 was about 2 x 10(-4) M. The residual fluid absorption, again insensitive to SITS, was completely inhibited by SCN- or bumetanide. Cl- influx at the luminal border of the epithelium, measured under the same conditions and corrected for the extracellular space and paracellular influx, proved insensitive to 10(-4) M bumetanide, but was slowly inhibited by 10(-3) M HCTZ, with maximum inhibition (about 54%) reached after a 10-min treatment; it subsequently rose again, in spite of the presence of HCTZ. However, if the epithelium, treated with HCTZ, was exposed to 10(-4) M bumetanide during the measuring time (45 sec), inhibition was completed and the subsequent rise of Cl- influx eliminated. Intracellular Cl- accumulation with respect to the predicted activity value at equilibrium decreased significantly upon exposure to 10(-3) M HCTZ, reached a minimum within 15-30 min of treatment, then rose again significantly at 60 min. Simultaneous exposure to HCTZ and bumetanide decreased the accumulation to a significantly larger extent as compared to HCTZ alone, already in 15 min, and impeded the subsequent rise. Intracellular K+ activity rose significantly within 30 min treatment with HCTZ; the increase proved bumetanide dependent. The results obtained show that Na(+)-Cl- symport, previously detected under control conditions, is the HCTZ-sensitive type; its inhibition elicits bumetanide-sensitive Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl- cotransport. Thus, the three forms of neutral Na(+)-Cl(-)-coupled transport so far evidenced in epithelia, Na+/H+, Cl-/HCO3- double exchange (in the presence of exogenous bicarbonate), HCTZ-sensitive Na(+)-Cl- symport and bumetanide-sensitive Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl- cotransport, are all present in the apical membrane of rabbit gallbladder.  相似文献   

Summary Models of epithelial salt secretion, involving secondary active transport of Cl [9], locate the K+ conductance of the plasma membrane exclusively in the basolateral membrane, although there is considerable experimental evidence to show that many secretory epithelia do have a significant apical K+ conductance. We have used an equivalent circuit model to examine the effect of an apical K+ conductance on the composition and flow rate of the fluid secreted by an epithelium in which secretion is driven by the secondary active transport of Cl. The parameters of the model were chosen to be similar to those measured in the dog tracheal mucosa when stimulated with adrenaline to secrete. We find that placing a K+ conductance in the apical membrane can actually enhance secretion provided that proportion of the total cell K+ conductance in the apical membrane is not greater than about 60%, the enabling effect on secretion being maximal when the proportion is around 10–20%. We also find that even when the entire cell K+ conductance is located in the apical membrane, the secreted fluid remains relatively Na+ rich. Analysis of the sensitivity of model behavior to the choice of values for the parameters shows that the effects of an apical K+ conductance are enhanced by increasing the ratio of the paracellular resistance to the transcellular resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Ehrlich ascites tumor cells resuspended in hypotonic medium initially swell as nearly perfect osmometers, but subsequently recover their volume within 5 to 10 min with an associated KCl loss. 1. The regulatory volume decrease was unaffected when nitrate was substituted for Cl, and was insensitive to bumetanide and DIDS. 2. Quinine, an inhibitor of the Ca2+-activated K+ pathway, blocked the volume recovery. 3. The hypotonic response was augmented by addition of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 in the presence of external Ca2+, and also by a sudden increase in external Ca2+. The volume response was accelerated at alkaline pH. 4. The anti-calmodulin drugs trifluoperazine, pimozide, flupentixol, and chlorpromazine blocked the volume response. 5. Depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores inhibited the regulatory volume decrease. 6. Consistent with the low conductive Cl permeability of the cell membrane there was no change in cell volume or Cl content when the K+ permeability was increased with valinomycin in isotonic medium. In contrast, addition of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 in isotonic medium promoted Cl loss and cell shrinkage. During regulatory volume decrease valinomycin accelerated the net loss of KCl, indicating that the conductive Cl permeability was increased in parallel with and even more than the K+ permeability. It is proposed that separate conductive K+ and Cl channels are activated during regulatory volume decrease by release of Ca2+ from internal stores, and that the effect is mediated by calmodulin.  相似文献   

Summary The potential dependence of unidirectional36Cl fluxes through toad skin revealed activation of a conductive pathway in the physiological region of transepithelial potentials. Activation of the conductance was dependent on the presence of Cl or Br in the external bathing solution, but was independent of whether the external bath was NaCl-Ringer's, NaCl-Ringer's with amiloride, KCl-Ringer's or choline Cl-Ringer's To partition the routes of the conductive Cl ion flow, we measured in the isolated epithelium with double-barrelled microelectrodes apical membrane potentialV a , and intracellular Cl activity,a Cl c , of the principal cells indentified by differential interference contrast microscopy. Under short-circuit conditionsI sc=27.0±2.0 A/cm2, with NaCl-Ringer's bathing both surfaces,V a was –67.9±3.8mV (mean ±se,n=24, six preparations) anda Cl c was 18.0±0.9mM in skins from animals adapted to distilled water. BothV a anda Cl a were found to be positively correlated withI sc (r=0.66 andr=0.70, respectively). In eight epithelia from animals adapted to dry milieu/tap waterV a anda Cl c were measured with KCl Ringer's on the outside during activation and deactivation of the transepithelial Cl conductance (G Cl) by voltage clamping the transepithelial potential (V) at 40 mV (mucosa positive) and –100 mV. AtV=40 mV; i.e. whenG Cl was deactivated,V a was –70.1±5.0 mV (n=15, eight preparations) anda Cl c was 40.0±3.8mm. The fractional apical membrane resistance (fR a) was 0.69±0.03. Clamping toV=–100 mV led to an instantaneous change ofV a to 31.3±5.6 mV (cell interior positive with respect to the mucosal bath), whereas neithera Cl c norfR a changed significantly within a 2 to 5-min period during whichG Cl increased by 1.19±0.10 mS/cm2. WhenV was stepped back to 40 mV,V a instantaneously shifted to –67.8±3.9 mV whilea Cl c andfR a remained constant during deactivation ofG Cl. Similar results were obtained in epithelia impaled from the serosal side. In 12 skins from animals adapted to either tap water or distilled water the density of mitochondria-rich (D MRC) cells was estimated and correlated with the Cl current (I Cl though the fully activated (V=–100mV) Cl conductance). A highly significant correlation was revealed (r=–0.96) with a slope of –2.6 nA/m.r. (mitochondria-rich cell and an I-axis intercept not significantly different from zero. In summary, the voltage-dependent Cl currents were not reflected infR a anda Cl a of the principal cells but showed a correlation with the m.r. cell density. We conclude that the pricipal cells do not contribute significantly to the voltage-dependent Cl conductance.  相似文献   

Activation of Ca2+ and cAMP-dependent Cl conductances by extracellular ATP was studied using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. Immediately after addition of extracellular ATP (10 m), activation of wholecell Cl current exhibiting delayed inactivation and activation kinetics at hyperpolarizing and depolarizing voltages, respectively, was observed. After prolonged activation, the kinetic characteristics of the ATP-induced Cl current became time- and voltage-independent. When applied to the later phase of the ATP-activated whole-cell current, the disulfonic acid stilbene DIDS (200 m) could only inhibit 64% of the current while diphenylamine-dicarboxylic acid (DPC, 1 mm) completely inhibited it. Inclusion of a peptide inhibitor for protein kinase A (PKI, 10 nm) in the pipette solution blocked ATP-induced time- and voltage-independent current activation but did not affect the delayed activating and inactivating current activation but did not affect the delayed activating and inactivating current which could be totally blocked by DIDS. Anion selectivity sequence was determined in the presence of either PKI or DIDS and found to be significantly different. Increased pipette EGTA (10 mm) or treatment of the cells with trifluoperazine (40 m), an inhibitor of calmodulin, suppressed both types of ATP-induced Cl currents. No current activation by ATP was observed when cells were dialyzed with the IP3 receptor blocker, heparin (10 ng/ml). These results suggest that extracellular ATP activates IP3-linked Ca2+-dependent regulatory pathway, which in turn activates cAMP-dependent pathway, leading to activation of both Ca2+ and cAMP-dependent Cl conductances in epididymal cells.The authors wish to thank Mr. W.O. Fu for technical assistance. This work was supported by the Croucher Foundation, the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee.  相似文献   

Summary The high transverse resistance of the isolated rabbit cornea (6–12 k·cm2) is associated with the corneal epithelium, a Cl-secreting tissue which is modulated by -adrenergic and serotonergic receptors. Three methods were employed to determine the resistances for the apical membrane, basolateral membrane, and paracellular conductive pathways in the epithelium. In the first method, the specific resistance of the apical membrane was selectively and reversibly changed. Epinephrine was used to increase apical Cl conductance and Ag+ was used to increase apical cation permeability. The second method utilized a direct measure of the spontaneous cellular ionic current. The third method obtained estimates of shunt resistance using transepithelial electrophysiological responses to changes in apical membrane resistance. The results of the first method were largely independent of the agent used. In addition, the three methods were in general agreement, and the ranges of mean values for apical membrane, basolateral membrane, and shunt resistances were 23–33, 3–4, and 12–16 k·cm2, respectively, for the normal cornea. The apical membrane was the major, physiologically-modulated barrier to ion permeation. The shunt resistance of the corneal epithelium was comparable to that found previously for other tight epithelia. Experiments using Ag+ in tissues that were bathed in Cl and HCO3-free solutions indicated that under resting conditions the apical membrane is anion-selective.  相似文献   

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