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Grey wastewater (GW) treatment via down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) system was the subject of the study. The reactor was operated at different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 11.7, 5.8 and 2.9 h, corresponding to organic loading rates (OLRs) of 1.9, 3.6 and 6.8 kgCOD/m3 day, respectively. The results obtained revealed that decreasing the HRT from 11.7 to 2.9 h negatively affected on the performance of the DHS system. CODtotal, CODsoluble, CODparticulate and detergent removal efficiency were reduced from 96 ± 2.4 to 90 ± 2.3%, from 83 ± 10 to 69 ± 8%, from 98 ± 2 to 94 ± 3% and from 96 ± 12 to 88 ± 6.9%, respectively. However, the removal efficiency of the distinguished COD fractions and detergent remained unaffected when decreasing the HRT from 11.7 to 5.8 h. The DHS system provided a removal efficiency of 95 ± 1% for CODtotal, 79 ± 8% for CODsoluble, 98 ± 2 for CODparticulate and 94.7% for detergent at an HRT of 5.8 h. Based on these results, it is recommended to operate such a system at an HRT of 5.8 h and OLR not exceeding 3.6 kgCOD/m3 day for producing an effluent quality complying for reuse in unrestricted irrigation purposes. The removal of TKj-N and nitrification efficiency in the DHS system was significantly affected by increasing the OLR from 1.9 to 3.6 kgCOD/m3 day and from 3.6 to 6.8 kgCOD/m3 day. At an OLR of 1.9 kgCOD/m3 day, the DHS system removed 80 ± 12% of TKj-N and 91 ± 22% of ammonia which is significantly higher than that at an OLR of 3.6 (58.5 ± 13%) and 6.8 kgCOD/m3 day (26.8 ± 16%). Similar results were recorded for the removal of total coliform (TC), viz., the efficiencies dropped for TC from 99.8 ± 0.2 to 99.4 ± 0.8% and from 99.4 ± 0.8 to 90.0 ± 7.6%, respectively. DHS profile results showed that the major part of COD was removed in the upper portion of the system while the nitrification process was taken place in the lower part of the DHS system at OLR of 1.9 kgCOD/m3 day and HRT of 11.7 h.  相似文献   

The performance of down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) system treating UASB reactor effluent at different sponge volume of 38.2, 28.7, 19.1 and 9.6% was investigated. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) and flow rate were kept constant at 2.6 h and 0.46 m3/day, respectively. The results obtained indicated that reducing the sponge volume of the DHS system from 38.2 to 19.1% significantly decreased the removal efficiency of CODtotal from 80 ± 8 to 62 ± 14%; CODsoluble from 71.2 ± 10 to 53.7 ± 18% and CODparticulate from 86 ± 10 to 62 ± 15%. With further reduction of the sponge volume down to 9.6%, the removal efficiency was dropped to 54 ± 15% for CODtotal; 44.1 ± 14% for CODsoluble and 42 ± 12% for CODparticulate. Likewise, the nitrification efficiency and fecal coliform (FC) removal was strongly affected by decreasing the sponge volume of the DHS system, i.e., the nitrification efficiency was dropped by a value of 48.3% when reducing the sponge volume of the DHS system from 38.2 to 19.1%. At sponge volume of 38.2%, the DHS system removes 2.6 ± 0.3 log10/100 ml of FC which is significantly higher than that at sponge volume of 28.7, 19.1 and 9.6%. Accordingly, it is recommended to design and operate such a system at a bulk sponge volume not exceeding 38.2% of the total reactor volume and at an HRT of 2.6 h.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale experiment of a down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) reactor for treatment of low-strength municipal wastewater was conducted over 1 year in Bangkok, Thailand, to establish an appropriate method for treatment under tropical climate conditions. Municipal wastewater with an average BOD of 19 mg/L was fed directly into the DHS reactor. Superior effluent quality (5.1 ± 3.4 mg/L TSS, 21.1 ± 9.0 mg/L COD, 2.8 ± 1.4 mg/L BOD, and 4.1 ± 1.0 mg/L TN) was achieved at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 h under an average temperature of 30 °C. The DHS reactor reached an actual HRT of 19.0 min, indicating good contact efficiency between wastewater and retained sludge. The DHS reactor retained dense sludge at 15.3–26.4 g VSS/L based on the sponge media volume. The sludge activity in terms of specific oxygen uptake rate was good. Excess sludge was produced as 0.051 g TSS/g COD removed (0.11 g TSS/g BOD removed), and a good SVI of 28 mL/g was observed. The sufficient performance was attributed to dense sludge with high activity, regardless of the low-strength wastewater. Overall, the DHS was advantageous owing to its simple operation, lack of operational problems, and low power consumption.  相似文献   

Post-treatment of anaerobic wastewater was undertaken to biologically oxidize dissolved methane, with the aim of preventing methane emission. The performance of dissolved methane oxidation and competition for oxygen among methane, ammonium, organic matter, and sulfide oxidizing bacteria were investigated using a lab-scale closed-type down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) reactor. Under the oxygen abundant condition of a hydraulic retention time of 2h and volumetric air supply rate of 12.95m(3)-airm(-3)day(-1), greater than 90% oxidation of dissolved methane, ammonium, sulfide, and organic matter was achieved. With reduction in the air supply rate, ammonium oxidation first ceased, after which methane oxidation deteriorated. Sulfide oxidation was disrupted in the final step, indicating that COD and sulfide oxidation occurred prior to methane oxidation. A microbial community analysis revealed that peculiar methanotrophic communities dominating the Methylocaldum species were formed in the DHS reactor operation.  相似文献   

Effect of hydraulic retention time on anaerobic hydrogenesis in CSTR   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of this work was to evaluate the production of hydrogen in a continuous system as a function of hydraulic retention time (HRT). The intermediates accumulated and other parameters of pH, oxidation-reduction potential were quantified. The heat treatment (103 degrees C for 24 h) of the compost from a cattle dung composting facility was able to select H2-producing spores; this product was used as a seed for continuous systems. The brewery waste was used as substrate. For the eight runs with combinations of five HRTs and four pHs, the results indicate that at pH=5.5, a maximum H2 production of 47% H2 concentration, 43 ml H2/g COD(added), and 3.1 l H2/l reactor d was achieved at HRT=18 h. Nevertheless, at HRT=18 h, pH 5.5 was also the optimum pH for the maximum H2 production among four pHs evaluated from 5 to 6.5. There was a significant accumulation of volatile acid and alcohols during the entire study.  相似文献   

In this study, a promising system consisting of up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor followed by down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) reactor was investigated for onion dehydration wastewater treatment. Laboratory experiments were conducted at two different phases, i.e., phase (1) at overall hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 11 h (UASB reactor: 6 h and DHS reactor: 5 h) and phase (2) at overall HRT of 9.4 h (UASB reactor: 5.2 h and DHS reactor: 4.2 h). Long-term operation results of the proposed system showed that its overall TCOD, TBOD, TSS, TKN and NH4N removal efficiencies were 92 ± 5, 95 ± 2, 95 ± 2, 72 ± 6 and 99 ± 1.3%, respectively (phase 1). Corresponding values for the 2nd phase were 85.4 ± 5, 86 ± 3, 87 ± 6, 65 ± 8 and 95 ± 2.8%. Based on the available results, the proposed system could be more viable option for treatment of wastewater generated from onion dehydration industry in regions with tropical or sub-tropical climates and with stringent discharge standards.  相似文献   

Low-strength saline wastewater may be generated by tourist facilities, industries and communities located in coastal areas. Sea salts, mostly chlorides, when present in wastewaters at high concentrations, can cause inhibition on biological treatment processes. In this study, a laboratory down-flow anaerobic fixed bed reactor (DFAFBR) was used for treating saline wastewater. This wastewater was simulated by dilution of piggery manure in a synthetic saline water to obtain a final total COD concentration in the range of 1100-2900 mg/l and a salt concentration of 15 g/l. The DFAFBR was operated at hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 96, 48, 24 and 12 h. The results showed that at sea salts concentrations in the range from 5 to 15 g/l, total coliform concentration reduction efficiencies higher than 97% were achieved. A decrease in the total and faecal coliform concentration reduction efficiencies from 99.5% to 90.5% and 92.5%, respectively, was observed when the HRT decreased from 96 to 12 h. Enumeration of coliform bacteria isolated from the biofilm in different zones of the reactor showed that more than 94% of the total amount was removed in the upper zone. A HRT of 24 h was required to obtain total COD, organic-N, total-P and faecal coliform concentration reduction efficiencies higher than 72%, 51%, 39% and 98%, respectively. A concentration of 8.4 g/l for chlorides, 1.25 g/l for sulphates and 4.6 g/l for sodium did not affect the process performance.  相似文献   

An acetic-acid-based synthetic wastewater of different organic concentrations was successfully treated at 35 degrees C in anaerobic downflow fixed-film reactors operated at high organic loading rates and short hydraulic retention times (HRTs). Substrate removal and methane production rates close to theoretical values of complete volumetric chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal and maximum methane conversion were obtained. A high concentration of biofilm biomass was retained in the reactor. Steady-state biofilm concentration increased with increased organic loading rate and decreased HRTs, reaching a maximum of 8.3 kg VFS/m(3) at a loading rate of 17 kg COD/m(3) day. Biofilm substrate utilization rates of up to 1.6 kg COD/kg VFS day were achieved. Soluble COD utilization rates at various COD concentrations can be described by half-order reaction kinetics.  相似文献   

Summary It was found that the increase of the hydraulic retention time improved the organic matter removal and the conversion of organic to ammonia nitrogen. Methane concentration in the biogas was not affected by the hydraulic retention time.The reactor in operation during one year was not clogged.  相似文献   

A fixed-film (biofilm) reactor was designed and its performance was determined at various retention times. The goal was to find the optimal retention time for recycling plant nutrients in an advanced life support system, to minimize the size, mass, and volume (hold-up) of a production model. The prototype reactor was tested with aqueous leachate from wheat crop residue at 24, 12, 6, and 3 h hydraulic retention times (HRTs). Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrates and other plant nutrients, carbohydrates, total phenolics, and microbial counts were monitored to characterize reactor performance. BOD removal decreased significantly from 92% at the 24 h HRT to 73% at 3 h. Removal of phenolics was 62% at the 24 h retention time, but 37% at 3 h. Dissolved oxygen concentrations, nitric acid consumption, and calcium and magnesium removals were also affected by HRT. Carbohydrate removals, carbon dioxide (CO2) productions, denitrification, potassium concentrations, and microbial counts were not affected by different retention times. A 6 h HRT will be used in future studies to determine the suitability of the bioreactor effluent for hydroponic plant production.  相似文献   

The use of membrane sequencing batch reactors, operated at HRT of 8, 16 and 24 h, was considered for the treatment of a synthetic petroleum wastewater. Increase in HRT resulted in statistically significant decrease in MLSS. Removal efficiencies higher than 97% were found for the three model hydrocarbon pollutants at all HRTs, with air stripping making a small contribution to overall removal. Particle size distribution (PSD) and microscopic analysis showed reduction in the protozoan populations in the activated sludge with decreasing HRT. PSD analysis also showed a higher proportion of larger and smaller sized particles at the lowest HRT. The rate of membrane fouling was found to increase with decreasing HRT; SMP, especially carbohydrate SMP, and mixed liquor apparent viscosity also showed a pronounced increase with decreasing HRT, whereas the concentration of EPS and its components decreased. FTIR analysis identified organic compounds as the main component of membrane pore fouling.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and temperature (T) on bacterial community structure and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production of an acidogenic process, and VFA production and changes in the bacterial community in three identical automated anaerobic continuously-stirred tank reactors were analyzed using response surface analysis (RSA) and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). For RSA, 11 trials were conducted to find the combination of T and HRT under which VFA production was greatest; VFA production was affected more by HRT than by T. To identify the bacterial community structure in each trial, DNA from each experimental point of the RSA was analyzed using denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and eight bacteria species were detected. NMDS was conducted on band intensities obtained using DGGE, and bacterial community structure was affected more by T than by HRT. Taken together, these results suggest that VFA production during acidogenesis was more dependent on the physicochemical properties of acidogens, such as their specific growth rate or contact time with of substrates, than on changes in the microbial community.  相似文献   

In this paper, three identical membrane bioreactors (MBRs) were operated in parallel in order to specify the influence mechanism of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on MBR. The results showed that the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was stable though it decreased slightly as HRT decreased, but biomass activity and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in sludge suspension decreased as HRT decreased. The filamentous bacteria grew easily with decreasing HRT. The extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) concentration and sludge viscosity increased significantly as filamentous bacteria excessively grew. The over growth of filamentous bacteria, the increase of EPS and the decrease of shear stress led to the formation of large and irregular flocs. Furthermore, the mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS) concentration and sludge viscosity increased significantly as HRT decreased. The results also indicated that sludge viscosity was the predominant factor that affecting hydrodynamic conditions of MBR systems.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the potential of subsurface flow (SSF) constructed wetlands (CWs) for tertiary treatment of wastewater at four shorter HRTs (1–4 days). The CWs were planted with Typha angustata, which was observed in our earlier study to be more efficient than Phragmites karka and Scirpus littoralis. The CWs comprised four rectangular treatment cells (2.14 m × 0.76 m × 0.61 m) filled with layers of gravel of two different sizes (approximately 2.5 cm and 1.5 cm diameter) to a depth of 0.61 m. The inflow rates of the secondary effluent in the four cells were accordingly fixed at 300 L d?1, 150 L d?1, 100 L d?1 and 75 L d?1, respectively, for 1, 2, 3 and 4 days HRT. The hydraulic loads ranged between 59.05 mm d?1 and 236.22 mm d?1.The wastewater inflow into the CW system as well as the treated effluent were analyzed, using standard methods, at regular intervals for various forms of nitrogen (NH4-N, NO3-N and TKN), orthophosphate-P and organic matter (BOD and COD) concentrations over a period of five weeks after the development of a dense stand.The higher HRT of 4 days not only helped maximum removal of all the pollutants but also maintained the stability of the treatment efficiency throughout the monitoring period. For the nutrients (NH4-N, NO3-N and TKN), HRT played a more significant role in their removal than in case of organic matter (BOD3 and COD). More than 90% of NO3-N and TKN and 100% of NH4-N were removed from the wastewater at 4 days HRT.At lower HRTs, the mass loading rate was higher with greater fluctuation. However mass reduction efficiency of the T. angustata CW for all forms of nitrogen was >80% with the HRTs of 2, 3 and 4 days.  相似文献   

Continuous anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge pretreated at low temperatures below 100°C increased methane generation by 30%. pH values of the digestion mixture increased, approximately from 0.3 to 0.55 by pretreatment, although its volatile fatty acids concentration was greater than the control. An abrupt increase in propionate : acetate ratio in digestion stage (e.g. from less than 1:1 to over 3.5 :1), provided a reliable indicator for impending failure.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Huang M  Li Y  Gu G 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(17):8107-8111
A laboratory-scale anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (AAA) activated sludge wastewater treatment system was employed to investigate the effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and sludge retention time (SRT) on the removal and fate of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). In the range from 5 to 14h, HRT had no significant effect on DEHP removal. However, longer HRT increased DEHP accumulation in the system and DEHP retention in the waste sludge. When SRT was increased from 15 to 25d, DEHP removal efficiency stayed above 96%. Compared to the removal of only 88% at SRT of 10d, longer SRT enhanced DEHP degradation efficiency. The optimal HRT and SRT for both nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and DEHP removal were 8h and 15d. At these retention times, about 71% of DEHP was degraded by the activated sludge process, 26% was accumulated in the system, 2% was released in the effluent, and 1% remained in the waste sludge. The anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic reactors were responsible for 15%, 19% and 62% of the overall DEHP removal, respectively.  相似文献   

A rotating biodisc contactor (RBC) was used for biological treatment of synthetic saline wastewater with and without sludge (cell) recycle. Synthetic wastewater composed of diluted molasses, urea, KHzPO4, MgSO4 and 3% salt (NaCl) was fed to the RBC unit with different flow rates. Underflow from a sedimentation tank placed at the end of RBC unit was recycled to the RBC unit with a constant flow rate. COD removal rates and efficiencies were determined for the cases of with and without sludge recycle and compared. COD removal efficiencies and rates obtained with sludge recycle were higher than those obtained without sludge recycle at low A/Q ratios (high flow rate) because of extra residence time provided by sedimentation tank. However, no significant difference was observed in the performance of RBC with and without sludge recycle at high A/Q ratios (low flow rates). Because of poor sedimentation characteristics of the culture no significant increase in biomass concentration in the RBC was observed when the system was operated with sludge recycle.  相似文献   

Performance of a wastewater treatment system utilizing a sulfur-redox reaction of microbes was investigated using a pilot-scale reactor that was fed with actual sewage. The system consisted of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) reactor with a recirculation line. Consequently, the total CODCr (465 ± 147 mg L−1; total BOD of 207 ± 68 mg L−1) at the influent was reduced (70 ± 14 mg L−1; total BOD of 9 ± 2 mg L−1) at the DHS effluent under the conditions of an overall hydraulic retention time of 12 h, a recirculation ratio of 2, and a low-sewage temperature of 7.0 ± 2.8 °C. A microbial analysis revealed that sulfate-reducing bacteria contributed to the degradation of organic matter in the UASB reactor even in low temperatures. The utilized sulfur-redox reaction is applicable for low-strength wastewater treatment under low-temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Small pilot ponds in a glasshouse at the Scottish Agricultural College (Auchincruive) were used to investigate the effects of changing C:N:P loading rate and retention time on pond performance as measured by nutrient removal and dry matter biomass. One experiment investigated ponds operated at two C:N:P ratios: low (9:7:1) and high (104:10:1) and two retention times (4 and 7 days θ. Increasing retention time from 4 to 7 days increased the concentration of total (dry matter) and algal (chlorophyll a) biomass and the degree of nitrification. It also increased removal of phosphorus, but had no effect on nitrogen or COD removal. Cyanobacteria predominated in ponds operated at both 4 and 7 days, and the density of cyanobacteria increased with increased retention time. Nitrogen removal was independent of C:N:P ratio; indeed the lower C:N:P ratio favoured increased nitrification. A high C:N:P ratio increased phosphorus and COD removal and increased the concentration of algal biomass (chlorophyll a), but had little effect on total biomass (dry matter). A second experiment varied COD loading rate (600, 350 and 100 kg COD ha-1 d-1) while maintaining a constant retention time (either 5 or 7 days θ). Species composition was independent of retention time. The longer retention time increased both total and algal biomass concentration and also percentage of nitrogen removed. Nitrification was independent of retention time. Increasing loading rate increased dry matter production and resulted in a predominance of cyanobacteria over Chlorophyceae. Increased loading rate was related to increase in nitrogen removal, however more complete nitrification occurred at low COD loading rates. Phosphorus removal in the pond with 5-day (θ) remained constant independent of loading rate, but in the pond with 7-day θ phosphorus removal increased with increased COD loading. COD removal was independent of both retention time and loading rate. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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