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The non-structural protein NS2B/NS3 serine-protease complex of the dengue virus (DENV) is required for the maturation of the viral polyprotein. Dissociation of the NS2B cofactor from NS3 diminishes the enzymatic activity of the complex. In this study, we identified a small molecule inhibitor that interferes with the interaction between NS2B and NS3 using structure-based screening and a cell-based viral replication assay. A library containing 661,417 small compounds derived from the Molecular Operating Environment lead-like database was docked to the NS2B/NS3 structural model. Thirty-nine compounds with high scores were tested in a secondary screening using a cell-based viral replication assay. SK-12 was found to inhibit replication of all DENV serotypes (EC50 = 0.74–4.92 μM). In silico studies predicted that SK-12 pre-occupies the NS2B-binding site of NS3. Steady-state kinetics using a fluorogenic short peptide substrate demonstrated that SK-12 is a noncompetitive inhibitor against the NS2B/NS3 protease. Inhibition to Japanese encephalitis virus by SK-12 was relatively weak (EC50 = 29.81 μM), and this lower sensitivity was due to difference in amino acid at position 27 of NS3. SK-12 is the promising small-molecule inhibitor that targets the interaction between NS2B and NS3.  相似文献   

Dengue virus is endemic throughout tropical and subtropical regions, and cause severe epidemic diseases. The NS2B/NS3 protease is a promising drug target for dengue virus. Herein, we report the discovery and modification of a novel class of thiadiazoloacrylamide derivatives with potent inhibitory activity against the NS2B/NS3 protease. Thiadiazolopyrimidinone 1 was firstly determined as a new chemical structure against NS2B/NS3 from a commercial compound library. Then, we sought to identify similar compounds with the thiadiazoloacrylamide core that would exhibit better activity. A series of analogues were synthesized and fourteen of them were identified with strong inhibitory activities, in which the nitrile group in the linker part was discovered as an essential group for the inhibitory activity. The best of these (8b) demonstrated an IC50 at 2.24 μM based on in vitro DENV2 NS2B-NS3pro assays.  相似文献   

Membrane protein structural biology is a rapidly developing field with fundamental importance for elucidating key biological and biophysical processes including signal transduction, intercellular communication, and cellular transport. In addition to the intrinsic interest in this area of research, structural studies of membrane proteins have direct significance on the development of therapeutics that impact human health in diverse and important ways. In this article we demonstrate the potential of investigating the structure of membrane proteins using the reverse micelle forming surfactant dioctyl sulfosuccinate (AOT) in application to the prototypical model ion channel gramicidin A. Reverse micelles are surfactant based nanoparticles which have been employed to investigate fundamental physical properties of biomolecules. The results of this solution NMR based study indicate that the AOT reverse micelle system is capable of refolding and stabilizing relatively high concentrations of the native conformation of gramicidin A. Importantly, pulsed-field-gradient NMR diffusion and NOESY experiments reveal stable gramicidin A homodimer interactions that bridge reverse micelle particles. The spectroscopic benefit of reverse micelle-membrane protein solubilization is also explored, and significant enhancement over commonly used micelle based mimetic systems is demonstrated. These results establish the effectiveness of reverse micelle based studies of membrane proteins, and illustrate that membrane proteins solubilized by reverse micelles are compatible with high resolution solution NMR techniques. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Peptides are preferred for designing inhibitors because of their high activity and specificity. Seven cyclopentapeptide inhibitors were designed in this study against dengue virus type 2 (DEN-2) NS3-NS2B protease: CKRRC, CGRRC, CRGRC, CRTRC, CTRRC, CKRKC and CRRKC. Docking analysis was performed to study the enzyme-inhibitor binding interactions. The free energy binding and estimated Ki values for all the inhibitors were found to be small (within micromolar range), indicating that the inhibitors bind considerably well to the binding site. The results showed that the cyclopentapeptide CKRKC was the best peptide inhibitor candidate with estimated free binding energy of -8.39 kcal/mol and Ki of 0.707 μM when compared to the standard inhibitor Bz-Nle-Lys-Arg-Arg-H that has been experimentally tested and shown to exhibit Ki value of 5.8 μM. Several modes of weak interactions were observed between the cyclopentapeptide CKRKC and the active site of DEN-2 NS3-NS2B protease. Thus, the cyclopentapeptide is proposed as a potential inhibitor to the NS3-NS2B protease activities of DEN-2. While these preliminary results are promising, further experimental investigation is necessary to validate the results.  相似文献   

The pathogenic West Nile virus (WNV) and Dengue virus (DV) are growing global threats for which there are no specific treatments. Both viruses possess a two component NS2B/NS3 protease which cleaves viral precursor proteins. Whereas for the WNV protease two crystal structures in complex with an inhibitor have been solved recently, no such information is available for the DV protease. Here, we report the generation of a homology model of DV NS2B/NS3 protease. Since it is known from the related WNV protease that it adopts a distinct conformation in free and in inhibitor‐complexed form, a special emphasis was given to the analysis of the protease flexibility. Therefore, several models of DV NS2B/NS3 protease complexed with the peptidic inhibitor (Bz‐Nle(P4)‐Lys(P3)‐Arg(P2)‐Arg(P1)‐H) were generated. The first DV protease model (DV‐1) was constructed using the available crystal structure of the apo DV NS2B/NS3 protease. The second model (DV‐2) was built taking the WNV NS3/NS2B protease in the inhibitor‐complexed form as the template structure. Molecular dynamics simulations which were carried out for the WNV crystal structures as well as for the DV models provided an understanding of the role of NS2B for maintaining the protease in the active conformation. It was also demonstrated that NS2B is not only important for maintaining NS3 in the active form, but is also essential for establishing the interaction between residues from the S2 pocket and the peptidic inhibitor. The DV NS2B/NS3 model in the productive conformation can now be used for structure‐based design purposes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current HBsAg vaccine has performed a vital role in preventing the transmission of HBV during the past 20 years. However, a number of individuals still show no response or a low response to the vaccine. In the present study, the HBV envelope large protein gene was cloned into the eukaryotic expression vector pPIC9k and was subsequently expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris. The HBV large protein (L protein) was produced and secreted into the medium, where some of the L protein formed particles. The soluble L protein and particles were purified by column chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Western blot analysis demonstrated that the particle was composed of both HBV L and S protein. To compare the antigenicity of the L protein and HBsAg, rabbits were immunized with the soluble L protein and the commercially available HBV vaccine and the increasing level of antibodies was determined by ELISA. The results showed that the anti-HBsAg antibody, from rabbits injected with the L protein at a dose of 2 and 10microg, was detected on day 14, whereas rabbits vaccinated with 10 and 2microg HBsAg did not develop antibodies until day 21 and 28, respectively. The antibody level in groups inoculated with the L protein was approximately 50% higher than in the group injected with HBsAg using the same dose. Furthermore, 2microg L protein induced a significant and rapid anti-HBsAg antibody response than 10microg HBsAg. Therefore, we suggest that the L protein is an ideal candidate for a new generation HB vaccine to protect people from HBV infection.  相似文献   

One approach to treating the dengue virus infection is to inhibit its NS2B-NS3 protease that plays a vital role in virus maturation. However, the lack of structural information on the active conformation of the protease hindered related drug design. With a co-expression system, we obtained the active two-component protease in its unlinked form. BPTI shows strong competitive inhibitory activity (Ki = 6.5 nM) against this unlinked protease, which adopts a closed conformation. Based on the biochemical and NMR perturbation information, an inhibition model of BPTI to NS2B-NS3 protease is proposed.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) encoded nonstructural one (NS1) is a 352 amino acid protein that exists in multiple oligomeric states and is conserved within the flavivirus family. Although NS1 has been heavily researched for its diagnostic utility, there is a gap in the understanding of its role in a range of viral processes, including replication and development of clinical pathologies such as vascular leakage. Many of these functions involve unknown interactions with viral and host proteins. This study describes the generation of a mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb 56.2) that reacts with NS1 from DENV1 and 2, and the expression of recombinant SUMOstar-tagged DENV2 NS1 (DENV2 S-NS1) in baculovirus. This is the first time dengue NS1 has been produced as a SUMOstar fusion with the S-tag increasing protein solubility and secretion compared with a non-S-tagged NS1 construct. The protein was readily purified using a mAb 56.2 immunoaffinity column and untagged NS1 was obtained by treatment with tobacco etch virus protease to remove the S-tag. Size exclusion chromatography and glycosylation assays showed that both secreted S-NS1, and cleaved NS1, are hexameric and glycosylated, and will be useful tools in elucidating dengue NS1 protein interactions and functions.  相似文献   

OATP2B1 is an important member of the organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATP) family and is implicated in the intestinal and hepatic disposition of endo- and xenobiotics. The purpose of this work was to produce a highly purified protein for use as a reference standard for quantification of OATP2B1 in human tissue and in vitro assay systems. Here, we report the successful expression, purification and characterization of OATP2B1 in a heterologous expression system. Protein expressed by the Sf9-baculovirus expression system is functionally active as demonstrated by saturable uptake kinetics with a K(m) of 5.9+/-0.76 microM for estrone-3-sulfate. OATP2B1 was extracted from Sf9-membranes with ABS-14-4 detergent and purified using a one-step FLAG-tag purification method. Yield of OATP2B1 from Sf9 cells was 1.1mg per liter of culture, for a final recovery of 1.8%. SDS-PAGE resolution and Western blot of purified protein displayed multiple banding of OATP2B1-specific protein, which was thoroughly investigated to confirm homogeneity of the sample. C-terminal FLAG-tag purification and immunoblot detection, together with N-terminal sequencing, confirmed the presence of only full-length protein. Treatment with endoglycosidases had little effect on the migration pattern in SDS-PAGE, suggesting that multiple banding was not due to different glycosylation states of the protein. Amino acid analysis further confirmed the homogeneity of the protein with a calculated extinction coefficient of 80,387 cm(-1) M(-1). Physical, biochemical and functional characterization show that purified human OATP2B1 is pure, homogeneous and appropriate for use as a standard to quantitate expression of OATP2B1 in in vitro systems and tissue samples.  相似文献   

Phospholamban (PLB) and Sarcolipin (SLN) are integral membrane proteins that regulate muscle contractility via direct interaction with the Ca-ATPase in cardiac and skeletal muscle, respectively. The molecular details of these protein-protein interactions are as yet undetermined. Solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopies have proven to be effective tools for deciphering such regulatory mechanisms to a high degree of resolution; however, large quantities of pure recombinant protein are required for these studies. Thus, recombinant PLB and SLN production in Escherichia coli was optimized for use in NMR experiments. Fusions of PLB and SLN to maltose binding protein (MBP) were constructed and optimal conditions for protein expression and purification were screened. This facilitated the large-scale production of highly pure protein. To confirm their functionality, the biological activities of recombinant PLB and SLN were compared to those of their synthetic counterparts. The regulation of Ca-ATPase activity by recombinant PLB and SLN was indistinguishable from the regulation by synthetic proteins, demonstrating the functional integrity of the recombinant constructs and ensuring the biological relevance of our future structural studies. Finally, NMR spectroscopic conditions were established and optimized for use in investigations of the mechanism of Ca-ATPase regulation by PLB and SLN.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is a member of the flavivirus genus belonging to the Flaviviridae family. The viral serine protease NS2B/NS3 has been considered an attractive target for the development of anti-WNV agents. Although several NS2B/NS3 protease inhibitors have been described so far, most of them are reversible inhibitors. Herein, we present a series of α-aminoalkylphosphonate diphenyl esters and their peptidyl derivatives as potent inhibitors of the NS2B/NS3 protease. The most potent inhibitor identified was Cbz-Lys-Arg-(4-GuPhe)P(OPh)2 displaying Ki and k2/Ki values of 0.4 µM and 28 265 M?1s?1, respectively, with no significant inhibition of trypsin, cathepsin G, and HAT protease.  相似文献   

登革病毒 (Dengue virus,DENV) 是全球传播最为广泛的虫媒病毒,由于缺乏快速鉴别感染病毒血清型的诊断技术,导致异型交叉感染引起重症登革出血热病例居高不下。为实现免疫学方法快速鉴别诊断不同血清型DENV感染,本研究采用哺乳动物细胞293T表达并纯化了4种DENV血清型NS1蛋白,免疫小鼠后通过杂交瘤技术制备了针对NS1蛋白的单克隆抗体。利用酶联免疫吸附方法 (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)、间接免疫荧光法 (Indirect immunofluorescence assay,IFA)、免疫斑点杂交试验 (Dot blotting) 以及蛋白质免疫印迹试验 (Western blotting) 确认所制备的单克隆抗体能够有效识别天然病毒NS1以及重组NS1蛋白。获得的单克隆抗体包含2株可识别1–4型DENV NS1蛋白的通用型抗体及3株分别针对DENV-1、DENV-2和DENV-4的血清型特异抗体。以所制备的DENV NS1抗体为基础,采用双抗体夹心ELISA可快速鉴别不同血清型DENV。DENV血清型特异单克隆抗体的制备和甄别DENV血清型ELISA方法的建立为快速鉴别感染DENV血清型的临床诊断奠定了基础。  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) and Dengue virus (DENV) replication depends on the viral NS2B-NS3 protease and the host enzyme furin, which emerged as potential drug targets. Modification of our previously described WNV protease inhibitors by basic phenylalanine analogs provided compounds with reduced potency against the WNV and DENV protease. In a second series, their decarboxylated P1-trans-(4-guanidino)cyclohexylamide was replaced by an arginyl-amide moiety. Compound 4-(guanidinomethyl)-phenylacetyl-Lys-Lys-Arg-NH2 inhibits the NS2B-NS3 protease of WNV with an inhibition constant of 0.11?µM. Due to the similarity in substrate specificity, we have also tested the potency of our previously described multibasic furin inhibitors. Their further modification provided chimeric inhibitors with additional potency against the WNV and DENV proteases. A strong inhibition of WNV and DENV replication in cell culture was observed for the specific furin inhibitors, which reduced virus titers up to 10,000-fold. These studies reveal that potent inhibitors of furin can block the replication of DENV and WNV.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization of Sindbis virus nonstructural protein nsP2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In early infection, approximately 10% of nonstructural protein nsP2 of Sindbis virus was transported into the nuclei of virus-infected BHK-21 cells. Nuclear asP2 was dominantly associated with nuclear matrix. During the course of infection, increasing amounts of nsP2 accumulated in the nuclear fraction. A prominent accumulation of nuclear nsP2 occurred early in infection, from 1 h to 3 h postinfection. Meanwhile. a weak NTPase activity was found to be associated with the immunocomplexed nsP2. Nuclear localization of nsP2 and its possible role were diseussed in relation to the inhibition of host macromolecular synthesis.  相似文献   

Bacterial resistance to arsenical salts encoded on plasmid pI258 occurs by active extrusion of toxic oxyanions from cells of Staphylococcus aureus. The operon encodes for three gene products: ArsR, ArsB and ArsC. The gene product of arsB is an integral membrane protein and it is sufficient to provide resistance to arsenite and antimonite. A poly His-ArsB fusion protein was generated to purify the staphylococcal ArsB protein. Cells containing the His-tagged arsB gene were resistant to arsenite and antimonite. The levels of resistance to these toxic oxyanions by the His-tagged construct were greater than the levels obtained with the wild type gene. These data would indicate that the His-tagged protein is functionally active. A new 36 kDa protein band was visualized on 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), which was confirmed as the His-ArsB protein by immunodetection with polyclonal Hisantibodies. The His-ArsB fusion protein was purified by the use of metal-chelate affinity chromatography with a Ni+2-nitrilotriacetic acid column and size-exclusion chromatography suggests that the protein was a homodimer.  相似文献   

乙肝病毒S蛋白是病毒的包膜蛋白,与病毒进入细胞有关,它存在逆转录过程并且具有极强的潜伏性。本论文应用生物信息学分析乙肝病毒S蛋白的序列特征,利用在线分析软件预测乙肝病毒S蛋白的理化性质和亲疏水性、跨膜区域、信号肽特征、磷酸化位点、二级结构以及乙肝病毒S蛋白的最佳抗原表位形成位置等。结果显示了乙肝病毒S蛋白由226个氨基酸组成,理论等电点是8.21,为不稳定蛋白,总平均亲水性为0.649,是疏水蛋白质,并且该蛋白存在信号肽,有4个跨膜区,有30个潜在的磷酸化位点,主要二级结构为α螺旋和无规则卷曲,同时,结合乙型肝炎病毒S蛋白的序列可及性、线性表位、β转角、柔性、抗原性的预测结果,可以找到潜在的抗原表位区域,为乙型肝炎的表位疫苗研制提供重要的参考依据,有利于进一步对乙型肝炎S蛋白的抗原性进行研究。  相似文献   

The FXYD membrane proteins constitute a family of conserved auxiliary subunits of the Na,K-ATPase, and have been the focus of recent attention due to their ability to finely regulate the activity of the enzyme complex in various physiological settings. In this review we describe the structures of the proteins, as well as their dynamics and their associations with the lipid bilayer membrane, which we have recently determined by NMR spectroscopy. Although the proteins are relatively small, their genes contain as many as six to nine small exons, and the coincidence of structured protein segments with their genetic elements suggests assembly from discrete structural modules through exon shuffling. The three-dimensional structures and backbone dynamics provide the foundation for understanding their intra-membrane association with the Na,K-ATPase α subunit, and the structure of FXYD1 suggests a mechanism whereby the phosphorylation of conserved Ser residues, by protein kinases A and C, could induce a conformational change in the cytoplasmic domain of the protein, to modulate its interaction with the α subunit.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus X protein (HBx) is a multifunctional protein that interacts directly with many host proteins. For example, HBx interacts with anti-apoptotic proteins, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, through its BH3-like motif, which leads to elevated cytosolic calcium levels, efficient viral DNA replication and the induction of apoptosis. To facilitate sample preparation and perform detailed structural characterization of the complex between HBx and Bcl-xL, we designed and purified a recombinant HBx BH3-like motif-linker-Bcl-xL fusion protein produced in E. coli. The fusion protein was characterized by size exclusion chromatography, circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Our results show that the fusion protein is a monomer in aqueous solution, forms a stable intramolecular complex, and likely retains the native conformation of the complex between Bcl-xL and the HBx BH3-like motif. Furthermore, the HBx BH3-like motif of the intramolecular complex forms an α-helix. These observations indicate that the fusion protein should facilitate structural studies aimed at understanding the interaction between HBx and Bcl-xL at the atomic level.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒X蛋白 (HBx) 具有广泛的转录激活作用,但是由于细胞类型和实验条件的差异,外源启动子介导的HBx瞬时表达水平常表现出不均一性,为其功能的研究带来困难。为了解决HBx研究过程中遇到的这些难题,利用PCR扩增获得HBx及含转导肽TLM的EGFP编码序列,经酶切后插入pGEX-4T-1原核表达载体,成功构建重组质粒pGEX-HBx-EGFP-TLM和pGEX-EGFP-TLM。重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3) 感受态细胞,融合蛋白经IPTG诱导表达,采用?KTATM Purifier 蛋白纯化系统纯化并进行SDS-PAGE和Western blotting分析,确定为目的蛋白。将纯化后的融合蛋白分别与AML12和SMMC-7721细胞共孵育,Western blotting和激光共聚焦显微镜检测证实TLM转导肽能够介导HBx-EGFP和EGFP进入细胞,同时进入细胞的HBx-EGFP-TLM能够发挥转录激活活性,为HBx功能的深入研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Vpu is an 81-residue accessory protein of HIV-1. Because it is a membrane protein, it presents substantial technical challenges for the characterization of its structure and function, which are of considerable interest because the protein enhances the release of new virus particles from cells infected with HIV-1 and induces the intracellular degradation of the CD4 receptor protein. The Vpu-mediated enhancement of the virus release rate from HIV-1-infected cells is correlated with the expression of an ion channel activity associated with the transmembrane hydrophobic helical domain. Vpu-induced CD4 degradation and, to a lesser extent, enhancement of particle release are both dependent on the phosphorylation of two highly conserved serine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of Vpu. To define the minimal folding units of Vpu and to identify their activities, we prepared three truncated forms of Vpu and compared their structural and functional properties to those of full-length Vpu (residues 2-81). Vpu(2-37) encompasses the N-terminal transmembrane alpha-helix; Vpu(2-51) spans the N-terminal transmembrane helix and the first cytoplasmic alpha-helix; Vpu(28-81) includes the entire cytoplasmic domain containing the two C-terminal amphipathic alpha-helices without the transmembrane helix. Uniformly isotopically labeled samples of the polypeptides derived from Vpu were prepared by expression of fusion proteins in E. coli and were studied in the model membrane environments of lipid micelles by solution NMR spectroscopy and oriented lipid bilayers by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The assignment of backbone resonances enabled the secondary structure of the constructs corresponding to the transmembrane and the cytoplasmic domains of Vpu to be defined in micelle samples by solution NMR spectroscopy. Solid-state NMR spectra of the polypeptides in oriented lipid bilayers demonstrated that the topology of the domains is retained in the truncated polypeptides. The biological activities of the constructs of Vpu were evaluated. The ion channel activity is confined to the transmembrane alpha-helix. The C-terminal alpha-helices modulate or promote the oligomerization of Vpu in the membrane and stabilize the conductive state of the channel, in addition to their involvement in CD4 degradation.  相似文献   

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