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过路黄的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 植物名称 过路黄 (Lysimachiachristinae)。2 材料类别 茎段。3 培养条件 芽生长培养基 :( 1 )MS + 6 BA 0 .5mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) +IBA 0 .2。增殖培养基 :( 2 )MS+ 6 BA 1 .0 +IBA 0 .2 ;( 3)MS + 6 BA 1 .5 +IBA 0 .5 ;( 4 )MS + 6 BA 1 .5 +NAA 0 .5。生根培养基 :( 5 )MS ;( 6)MS +IBA 0 .1。所用培养基均加 0 .8%~ 0 .9%琼脂、3%白砂糖 ,pH 5 .6~5 .8,培养温度为 ( 2 5± 2 )℃ ,相对湿度 65 %~ 75 % ,光照 1 2~ 1 4h·d- 1 ,光照度 1 5 0 0~ 2 0 0 0lx。4 生长与分化情况4.1 无菌材料的获得 选取秦…  相似文献   

非洲菊组织培养(简报)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以非洲菊嫩叶切段作外植体进行组织培养,与以花托作外植体相比,明显缩短愈伤组织诱导期,该方法尤其适合于种子繁殖(盆栽)的品种。  相似文献   

以非洲菊嫩叶切段作外植体进行组织培养,与以花托作外植体相比,明显缩短愈伤组织诱导期.该方法尤其适合于种子繁殖(盆栽)的品种.  相似文献   

植物材料、外植体 培养基 (mg·L- 1 ) 结  果作者 (单位 )普通甜菜(Betavulgaris)无菌苗顶芽种子萌发培养基 :( 1)MS 6 BA 0 .5 TIBA0 .1 IAA 0 .2 ;芽增殖培养基 :( 2 )MS 6 BA 0 .5 TIBA 0 .2 ;壮苗培养基 :( 3)MS 6 BA 0 .2  相似文献   

周丽 《生物学杂志》2003,20(4):42-42
在优良蔬莱品种——米邦塔的推广过程中,采用组织培养的方法,即使在种源较少的情况下在有限的时间内可以获得大量的优质种苗。  相似文献   

猫耳朵的组织培养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
1 植物名称 猫耳朵 (Boeahygrometrica) ,别名中耳草、牛耳草、八宝茶、石花子、地膏药、还魂草。2 材料类别 叶片。3 培养条件 诱导愈伤组织培养基 :( 1 )MS +6 BA 1 .0mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) +NAA 0 .1 ;( 2 )MS + 6 BA 2 .0 +NAA 0 .1 ;( 3)MS + 6 BA 3.0 +NAA 0 .1。诱导芽培养基 :( 4 )MS + 6 BA 2 .0 ;( 5 )MS + 6 BA 1 .0 +NAA 0 .2 ;( 6)MS + 6 BA 2 .0 +NAA 0 .2 ;( 7)MS + 6 BA 3.0 +NAA 0 .2 ;( 8)MS +6 BA 4.0 +NAA 0 .2。生根培养基 :( 9) 1 /2MS ;( 1 0 ) 1 /2MS +NAA 0 .0 1 ;( 1 1 ) 1 /2MS…  相似文献   

黄花蒿的组织培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
TissueCultureofArtemisiaannuaLUOGui-Fen;HUHong;DUANJin-Yu(KunmingInstituteofBotany,TheChineseAcademyofSciences,kunming650204)1.植物名称黄花蒿(Artmisiaannua)。2材料类别种子、幼嫩顶芽及侧芽。3培养条件(1)种子:在低倍解剖镜下挑选饱满粒(种皮有光泽,呈黄灰色)。在75%酒精中过一下,置于1‰升汞中浸泡5min,然后用无菌水冲洗数次后播于无激素的MS培养基中。(2)幼芽:取幼嫩植株上的项芽及侧芽,经自来水冲洗后在75%酒精中消毒30S,再放入1%。升汞中10~15min,然后用无菌水冲洗数次后,接于MS+6-…  相似文献   

黄花蒿组织培养研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:筛选黄花蒿组织培养的配方,以寻求黄花蒿生长的最佳自然条件。方法:在MS基本培养基中添加不同激素,制备不同培养配方,筛选黄花蒿愈伤组织诱导与分化的最适培养基配方。结果与结论:诱导黄花蒿愈伤组织形成的最佳培养基配方为MS+6-苄氨基嘌呤(6-BA)(2.0mg/L)+激动素(KT)(2.0mg/L);诱导黄花蒿愈伤组织分化的最佳培养基配方为MS+6-BA(1.0mg/L)+吲哚乙酸(IAA)(1.0mg/L)。叶片诱导愈伤组织出愈时间最慢,出愈率较低,但其愈伤组织为胚性愈伤组织,后期愈伤组织的分化率、出苗率都很高,且不易产生褐变;带腋芽的茎段诱导愈伤组织形成最快,但分化率不及叶片愈伤组织,易褐变,适于快速转入生根培养基中直接用于快繁;花序基本不形成肉眼可见愈伤组织,直接形成幼苗。  相似文献   

马齿苋的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马齿苋又名长命菜 ,长寿菜 ,为马齿苋科 1年生肉质草本植物。全草入药 ,具清热、凉血、解毒之功效 ,用于湿热泄泻、疔疮肿毒、蛇虫咬伤、痔疮肿痛、湿疹等。据现代医学研究报道 ,马齿苋中含有较高浓度的去甲肾上腺素 (每 g鲜品含量达 2 .5 mg) ,对糖尿病具有食疗作用 ;含有 ω- 3脂肪酸 ,对心血管有保护作用 ;含有较丰富的铜元素 (每 g干品含 2 1μg) ,可作为白癜疯患者和因缺铜元素而造成白发的患者的辅助食疗菜肴 ;还含有大量的钾盐 ,对维持心肌功能、参与细胞新陈代谢 ,维持渗透压 ,维持神经肌肉正常功能等 ,具有良好的保健作用。作为野…  相似文献   

广藿香的组织培养和快速繁殖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 植物名称 广藿香 (Pogostemoncablin)。2 材料类别 幼嫩叶片。3 培养条件  (1 )诱导愈伤组织培养基 :MS 2 ,4 D 0 .5mg·L-1(单位下同 ) 6 BA 1 .5 NAA 1 .2 5 ;(2 )诱导丛生芽培养基 :MS 6 BA 2 ;(3 )生根培养基 1 2MS ;(4)复壮培养基 1 2MS 马铃薯泥 5 %。上述培养基均加入 6g·L-1琼脂、3 .0 %蔗糖 ,pH 5 .8。培养温度为 (2 5± 2 )℃ ,光照度 1 5 0 0lx ,每日光照 8h。4 生长与分化情况4.1 无菌材料的获得 供试植株来源于本校药圃。将叶片用自来水冲洗干净 ,滤纸吸干表…  相似文献   

Four new patchoulol-type sesquiterpenoids, including 6α,9β-dihydroxypatchoulol 6-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (1), 6α-hydroxypatchoulol 6-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (2), 3α,9β-dihydroxypathoulol (3), and 4β-hydroxynorpatchoulol 4-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (10), were isolated from the roots of Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth, together with eleven known sesquiterpenoids. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of extensive NMR spectral and high resolution mass spectrometry analysis. This is the second report of patchoulol glucopyranoside from P. cablin and compound 10 represented as the first example of nor-patchoulol glucopyranoside. The anti-influenza virus activities of 1–10 against A/WSN/33/2009 and A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strains (tamiflu resistant viruses) were evaluated. Compounds 2β,12-dihydroxypathoulol (5) and (5R)-5-hydroxypatchoulol (8) exhibited moderate anti-influenza activity against A/WSN/33/2009 strain with EC50 value of 52.7 μM and 49.6 μM (positive control oseltamivir, EC50 = 6.75 μM). Compounds 8 and pogostol (12) showed potent anti-influenza activity against A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain with EC50 values of 3.06 μM and 0.07 μM, respectively, versus the postive control (amantadine, EC50 = 67.9 μM).  相似文献   

Bioassay-guided fractionation of anti-emetic extracts and constituents of 8 traditional Chinese herbal drugs was performed. Twenty extracts described in Table 1 showed anti-emetic activity on copper sulfate induced-emesis in young chicks. From the n-hexane extract of Pogostemon cablin, patchouli alcohol (1), pogostol (2), stigmast-4-en-3-one (3), retusin (4), and pachypodol (5) were tested and exhibited anti-emetic effects.  相似文献   

Culture of cells of Pogostemon cablin Benth. on both solid andliquid media is described. In these cultures no free, volatilesesquiterpenes typical of the parent plant were detected bycapillary gas liquid chromatography and combined gas liquidchromatography-mass spectrometry using methods sensitive to4 x 10–10 g sesquiterpene per mg fresh weight of planttissue. Under the culture conditions used, cultures freshlyinitiated from explants regenerated shoot-like structures. Thesewere developed into autotrophic plantlets. The morphology ofthese plantlets was unlike that of the parent plant, althoughglandular trichomes were present as in the parent plant. Onlyunidentifiable trace amounts of mass fragmentation patternstypical of sesquiterpenes could be detected in these plantlets,even when grown under similar conditions to the parent plants.  相似文献   

目的:采用气相色谱法建立海南广藿香药材的指纹图谱,为海南广藿香药材提供质量控制标准。方法:岛津GC-14C气相色谱仪,SE-54弹性石英毛细管色谱柱(30 m×0.32 mm×0.25μm),FID检测器,程序升温。结果:共有峰相对保留时间与相对峰面积的精密度、重复性和稳定性的RSD均小于3%,符合有关规定。结论:该方法可用于海南广藿香药材质量标准控制。  相似文献   

The isotope ratio in α- and γ-patchoulenes in Pogostemon cablin, that has been fed with [2-14C, 4R-3H1]MVA, suggests that a proton loss is followed by a 1,2-alkyl shift and two 1,2-hydrogen shifts during the biosynthesis of these two sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Whereas isotope ratios in β- and δ-patchoulene suggests that a proton loss is followed by one 1,2-hydrogen shift in β-patchoulene and two 1,2-hydrogen shifts in δ-patchoulene.  相似文献   

Alpha-bulnesene is a sesquiterpenoid isolated from the water extract of Pogostemon cablin. It showed a potent and concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on platelet-activating factor (PAF) and arachidonic acid (AA) induced rabbit platelet aggregation. In a radioligand binding assay for the PAF receptor, alpha-bulnesene competitively inhibited [(3)H]PAF binding to the PAF receptor with an IC(50) value of 17.62+/-5.68microM. alpha-Bulnesene also dose-dependently inhibited PAF-induced intracellular Ca(2+) increase in fluo-3/AM-loaded platelets (IC(50) values of 19.62+/-1.32microM). Furthermore, alpha-bulnesene inhibited AA-induced thromboxane B(2) (TXB(2)) formation and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) formation. These results indicate that the inhibitory effect of alpha-bulnesene on platelet aggregation was due to a dual activity; specifically the chemical blocked PAF-induced intracellular signal transduction and interfered with cyclooxygenase activity, which resulted in a decrease in thromboxane formation. This study is the first to demonstrate that alpha-bulnesene is a PAF receptor antagonist as well as an anti-platelet aggregation agent.  相似文献   

广藿香大极性化学成分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从广藿香(Pogostemon cablin (Blance)Benth.)地上部分乙醇提取物的正丁醇萃取部位分离得到13个化合物.通过光谱和波谱分析,分别鉴定为:芹菜素(1)、3,5,4'-三羟基-7-甲氧基黄酮(2)、3,5-二羟基_4',7-二甲氧基黄酮(3)、Apigenin 7-galacturonide(4)、Apigenin 7-(O-methylghacuronide)(5),Luteolin 7-O-(6-O-methyl-β-D-glucuronopyranoside)(6),4',5-二羟基-3',7-二甲氧基二氢黄酮(7)、Quercetha-7-β-D-ghcoside(8),3,23-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-28-oic acid(9)、Syringaresinol-β-D-glucoside(10),毛蕊花糖苷(11)、列当苷(12)、紫葳新苷(13),化合物2~13均为首次从该植物中分离得到.  相似文献   

The sesquiterpene cyclase, patchoulol synthase, from Pogostemon cablin (patchouli) leaves was purified to apparent homogeneity by chromatofocusing, anion exchange, gel permeation, and hydroxylapatite chromatography. The enzyme showed a maximum specific activity of about 20 nmol/min/mg protein, and a native molecular weight of 80,000 as determined by gel permeation chromatography. The protein was very hydrophobic, as judged by chromatographic behavior on several matrices, and possessed a pI value of about 5.0, as determined by isoelectric and chromatofocusing. SDS-PAGE showed the enzyme to be composed of two apparently identical subunits of Mr approximately 40,000. Maximum activity was observed at pH 6.7 in the presence of Mg2+ (Km approximately 1.7 mM); other divalent metal ions were ineffective in promoting catalysis. The Km value for the substrate, farnesyl pyrophosphate, was 6.8 microM. Patchoulol synthase copurified with the ability to transform farnesyl pyrophosphate to cyclic olefins (alpha- and beta-patchoulene, alpha-bulnesene, and alpha-guiaene) and this observation, plus evidence based on differential inhibition and inactivation studies, suggested that these structurally related products are synthesized by the same cyclase enzyme. In general properties, the patchoulol synthase from patchouli leaves resembles fungal sesquiterpene olefin cyclases except for the ability to synthesize multiple products, a property more typical of monoterpene cyclases of higher plant origin.  相似文献   

广藿香毛状根多倍体诱导及其植株再生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高药用植物广藿香的次生物质广藿香醇含量,采用秋水仙素人工诱导染色体加倍技术,进行了广藿香毛状根多倍体诱导及其植株再生、倍性鉴定和挥发油组分广藿香醇含量的测定。结果表明,广藿香毛状根多倍体诱导的最佳条件为0.05%秋水仙素处理36 h,其多倍体诱导率可达40%以上;经秋水仙素加倍的广藿香毛状根在MS+6-BA 0.2 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L培养基中培养60 d后可获得毛状根多倍体再生植株。与对照(二倍体植株)相比,广藿香毛状根多倍体再生植株根系更发达、茎更粗、节间变短、叶片的长度、宽度和厚度均较二倍体明显增大。根尖细胞染色体压片观察证实,所获得的广藿香毛状根多倍体再生植株为四倍体,其根尖细胞染色体数约为128;同时,其叶片的气孔保卫细胞体积及其叶绿体数目均约为对照的两倍;但其气孔密度则随着倍性增加而下降,二倍体植株叶片的气孔密度约为四倍体植株叶片的1.67倍。GC-MS测定结果表明,广藿香毛状根多倍体再生植株的广藿香挥发油组分广藿香醇的含量为4.25 mg/g干重,约为二倍体植株的2.30倍。该结果证实毛状根多倍体化可提高药用植物广藿香的广藿香醇含量。  相似文献   

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