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The genetic contribution to canine personality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The domestic dog may be exceptionally well suited for behavioral genetic studies owing to its population history and the striking behavior differences among breeds. To explore to what extent and how behavioral traits are transmitted between generations, heritabilities and genetic correlations for behavioral traits were estimated in a cohort containing over 10,000 behaviorally tested German shepherd and Rottweiler dogs. In both breeds, the pattern of co-inheritance was found to be similar for the 16 examined behavioral traits. Furthermore, over 50% of the additive genetic variation of the behavioral traits could be explained by one underlying principal component, indicating a shared genetic component behind most of the examined behavioral traits. Only aggression appears to be inherited independently of the other traits. The results support a genetic basis for a broad personality trait previously named shyness-boldness dimension, and heritability was estimated to be 0.25 in the two breeds. Therefore, breeds of dogs appear to constitute a valuable resource for behavioral genetic research on the normal behavioral differences in broad personality traits.  相似文献   

There has been extensive recent interest in the concepts of behavioral types, behavioral syndromes, and personalities in nonhuman animal species. Evidence for behavioral types now exists from a wide range of taxa, from mollusks to mammals. However, marine mammals are poorly represented in this literature. Here, we describe an in‐field experimental test of behavioral types in breeding gray seals, using a remotely controlled vehicle to deliver a standardized test stimulus to target individuals. We report on the design and implementation of this test and on the behavioral responses of individuals. Analysis of behavioral responses from both males and females revealed consistent individual differences across tests, suggesting that this is a practical and viable technique for determining individual variation in behavioral type in the field. Despite extensive literature on behavioral types, studies of behavioral types in wild populations remain rare. It is, therefore, important to develop ways to identify and quantify the existence of behavioral types in natural populations, because only by doing this, can we hope to ascertain the ecological and evolutionary relevance of behavioral types.  相似文献   

Increasingly, individual variation in personality has become a focus of behavioral research in animal systems. Boldness and shyness, often quantified as the tendency to explore novel situations, are seen as personality traits important to the fitness landscape of individuals. Here we tested for individual differences within and across contexts in behavioral responses of captive mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) to novel objects, novel foods, and handling. We report consistent differences in behavioral responses for objects and handling. We also found that the responses to handling and novel objects were correlated and repeatable. Lastly, we show that shyer individuals may show less variability in their behavioral responses. This study provides new information on the potential for behavioral syndromes in this species and highlights differences in the degree to which behavioral types (e.g., shy/bold) vary in their behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Information about proximate behavioral mechanisms is requiredto answer a variety of important questions about the evolutionof behavioral and other traits. For instance, theoretical studiesof maternal effects indicate that the behavior of parents mayhave profound effects on the evolution of phenotypic traitsin their offspring, and that maternal effects may provide nongeneticpathways for the inheritance of both behavioral and nonbehavioraltraits. Similarly, the recent emphasis on genetic correlationsamong traits cautions that correlations among behavioral traitsmay have surprising effects on behavioral evolution, and providesfurther impetus for studies of the proximate bases of behavioraltrait syndromes. Finally, the literature on information acquisitionsuggests that the behavioral processes used in assessment mayaffect the evolution of behavioral and other traits. For instance,if information is costly to obtain, individuals may prefer familiarto unfamiliar situations. In a social context, a preferencefor familiar individuals could have a variety of effects onthe evolution of social and nonsocial behavior patterns. Theseand other examples suggest that interest in behavioral processeswill continue to grow during the next decade, and that proximateand ultimate approaches to behavioral problems will be moreclosely integrated than was true in the past.  相似文献   

Effective behavioral management plans are tailored to unique behavioral patterns of each individual species. However, even within a species behavioral needs of individuals can vary. Factors such as age, sex, and temperament can affect behavioral needs of individuals. While some of these factors, such as age and sex, are taken into account, other factors, such as an individual's temperament, are rarely specifically provided for in behavioral management plans. However, temperament may affect how animals respond to socialization, positive reinforcement training and other forms of enrichment. This review will examine how individual differences in temperament might affect, or be affected by, behavioral management practices for captive primates. Measuring temperament may help us predict outcome of social introductions. It can also predict which animals may be difficult to train using traditional methods. Further, knowledge of temperament may be able to help identify individuals at risk for development of behavioral problems. Taken together, understanding individual differences in temperament of captive primates can help guide behavioral management decisions.  相似文献   

Established methods for analyzing behavioral traits in mutant lines of mice allow researchers to understand the outcomes of genetic manipulations in the nervous system. A rigorous six-tiered behavioral phenotyping strategy is described. Recommendations are offered for the design of mouse behavioral testing suites in animal housing facilities.  相似文献   

We have applied the Neuro Behavior Ontology (NBO), an ontology for the annotation of behavioral gene functions and behavioral phenotypes, to the annotation of more than 1,000 genes in the mouse that are known to play a role in behavior. These annotations can be explored by researchers interested in genes involved in particular behaviors and used computationally to provide insights into the behavioral phenotypes resulting from differences in gene expression. We developed the OntoFUNC tool and have applied it to enrichment analyses over the NBO to provide high-level behavioral interpretations of gene expression datasets. The resulting increase in the number of gene annotations facilitates the identification of behavioral or neurologic processes by assisting the formulation of hypotheses about the relationships between gene, processes, and phenotypic manifestations resulting from behavioral observations.  相似文献   

Behavioral planning in the prefrontal cortex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent studies have presented evidence that the prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in every aspect of the cognitive processes necessary for behavioral planning: processing and integration of perceived or memorized information, associative learning, reward-based behavioral control, behavioral selection/decision-making and behavioral guidance. We propose that the creation of novel information is the means by which the prefrontal cortex operates to achieve executive control over behavioral planning. The prefrontal cortex is the site of operation of nodal points, where neural circuits integrate currently available or memorized information to generate the information that is necessary to perform an action. The prefrontal cortex also regulates the flow of information through multiple nodes to meet behavioral demands.  相似文献   

For decades, studying the behavioral effects of individual drugs and genetic mutations has been at the heart of efforts to understand and treat nervous system disorders. High-throughput technologies adapted from other disciplines (e.g., high-throughput chemical screening, genomics) are changing the scale of data acquisition in behavioral neuroscience. Massive behavioral datasets are beginning to emerge, particularly from zebrafish labs, where behavioral assays can be performed rapidly and reproducibly in 96-well, high-throughput format. Mining these datasets and making comparisons across different assays are major challenges for the field. Here, we review behavioral barcoding, a process by which complex behavioral assays are reduced to a string of numeric features, facilitating analysis and comparison within and across datasets.  相似文献   

Re-introduction programs for endangered animals operate under the hope that protected habitats can sustain viable populations that rely little on humans. The goal of these programs is to supply animals with the resources and skills they need to succeed in the modern wild. However, predicting the set of skills necessary to respond to unpredictable selection events is difficult and efforts sometimes fail as animals respond inappropriately to environmental variation because they lack behavioral flexibility. Population resilience to environmental change may be enhanced if all members of a population do not exhibit the same response when selection pressures change. In many species individual animals express behavioral types that exhibit alternative responses to the same stimuli. Yet when animals are prepared for release to the wild, there is rarely consideration of consistent behavioral variation between individuals. Since experience influences both behavioral and physiological responses to varied stimuli and can shape the future behavioral type of captive animals, pre-release environmental enrichment may be successful in facilitating the expression of varied behavioral types in populations slated for release. This approach to environmental enrichment requires a departure from a ‘one size fits all’ strategy and may also involve exposure to increased challenge and competition. In addition, there is a need for empirical evidence to better understand the role of environmental enrichment and behavioral types on post-release success. The zoo environment provides an excellent arena for examining the development and expression of behavioral types and for taking a novel functional approach to environmental enrichment research that may prove to be very important to re-introduction efforts.  相似文献   

This paper discusses problems associated with the use of optimality models in human behavioral ecology. Optimality models are used in both human and non-human animal behavioral ecology to test hypotheses about the conditions generating and maintaining behavioral strategies in populations via natural selection. The way optimality models are currently used in behavioral ecology faces significant problems, which are exacerbated by employing the so-called ‘phenotypic gambit’: that is, the bet that the psychological and inheritance mechanisms responsible for behavioral strategies will be straightforward. I argue that each of several different possible ways we might interpret how optimality models are being used for humans face similar and additional problems. I suggest some ways in which human behavioral ecologists might adjust how they employ optimality models; in particular, I urge the abandonment of the phenotypic gambit in the human case.  相似文献   

In the past three decades, behavioral interventions (chiefly relaxation, biofeedback, and stress-management) have become standard components of the armamentarium for management of migraine and tension-type headaches. Meta-analytic literature reviews of these behavioral interventions have consistently identified clinically significant reductions in recurrent headache. Across studies, behavioral interventions have yielded approximately 35–50% reduction in migraine and tension-type headache activity. Although we have only recently begun to directly compare standard drug and nondrug treatments for headache, the available evidence suggests that the level of headache improvement with behavioral interventions may rival those obtained with widely used pharmacologic therapies in representative patient samples. In recent years, some attempts have been made to increase the availability and cost effectiveness of behavioral interventions through alternative delivery formats and mass communications. Recent developments within diagnosis and classification are summarized, pointing out implications for behavioral researchers. Select future directions are discussed, which include impact of the triptans, cost and cost effectiveness, and integration of behavioral treatments into primary care settings, the place where the great majority of headache sufferers receive treatment.  相似文献   

The current status of the behavioral management of chimpanzees housed in US research facilities is examined, and recent advances are described. Behavioral management includes the application of environmental enrichment, animal training, and environmental design for improving animal welfare. Authors surveyed the six major chimpanzee holding facilities and found that the vast majority of chimpanzees are housed socially, with access to the outdoors. The institutions currently invest in behavioral scientists, enrichment specialists, and, most recently, chimpanzee trainers to implement and study chimpanzee behavioral management. This review is based on the substantial scientific literature related to managing social behavior, identifying the behavioral effects of restricted socialization, evaluating various forms of enrichment, and describing positive reinforcement animal training. Authors outline recent accomplishments in behavioral management, summarize behavioral issues that have been evaluated, and identify issues for future consideration. It is proposed that the enhanced application of behavioral management techniques, including training, could significantly reduce chimpanzee stress that is generally associated with experimental manipulations, and could improve animal welfare and the quality of biomedical research. The next challenge is to implement effectively and thoroughly the approaches that have been shown to be beneficial.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the adrenocortical response to stress can be modulated by a variety of environmental and physiological factors, such as daylength and body condition. To determine the consequences of this modulation for the organism, one also needs to investigate behavioral sensitivity to glucocorticoids. We examined the behavioral response of Gambel's white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) to elevated glucocorticoids. Using a behavioral assay in which a rapid and transient dose of corticosterone (CORT: the avian glucocorticoid) rapidly increases perch hopping, we first investigated the photoperiodic regulation of this behavioral response. Intermediate levels of CORT ( approximately 24 ng/ml), which increased activity in sparrows exposed to a long-day (breeding) photoperiod, had no behavioral effect in sparrows exposed to a short-day (winter) photoperiod. Hence, the neural mechanisms which regulate the behavioral response to CORT appear to be less sensitive under a winter photoperiod. Using the same behavioral assay, we also measured a dose-response curve for CORT's effects on activity in sparrows exposed to the long-day photoperiod. Intermediate levels (24 and 40 ng/ml) increased activity to threefold background levels, whereas high physiological levels (65 and 97 ng/ml) had no effect. Given that the behavioral response does not increase linearly with CORT, we can no longer assume that modulation of the adrenocortical response to stress will result in linear changes in behavior.  相似文献   

Behavioral phenotyping of transgenic and knockout mice requires rigorous, formal analyses. Well-characterized paradigms can be chosen from the established behavioral neuroscience literature. This review describes (1) a series of neurological and neuropsychological tests which are effectively used as a first screen for behavioral abnormalities in mutant mice, and (2) a series of specific behavioral paradigms, clustered by category. Included are multiple paradigms for each category, including learning and memory, feeding, analgesia, aggression, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and drug abuse models. Examples are given from the experiences of the authors, in applying these experimental designs to transgenic and knockout mice. Extensive references for each behavioral paradigm are provided, to allow new investigators to access the relevant literature on behavioral methodology.  相似文献   

Effects of dehydration on the behavioral response to humidity have been examined in the cockroach, Periplaneta americanaL. Under normal conditions cockroaches prefer lower humidity, but the preference is reversed by dehydration. Dehydrated cockroaches can distinguish smaller differences between two air streams compared with normal individuals. Cockroach behavioral responses to humidification include swing of antennae and locomotion. The period from onset of humidification to behavioral response decreases with increasing dehydration, indicating that the humidity threshold required for behavioral response decreases. Observed modulations of the behavioral response are discussed in relation to the contribution of the antennal hygroreceptors.  相似文献   

The presence of phenotypic behavioral correlations and their connection to fitness consequences of organisms have received considerable debate within the literature. Yet, little work has been carried out to connect any behavioral correlates found within a set of laboratory studies to natural behavior observed under complex environmental conditions. To help fill this gap, individual crayfish, collected from the same local population, completed five different behavioral assays in a laboratory setting in a random order. These data were used to reveal any possible correlations for behavioral scores across all of the laboratory tests. Subsequently, these same individuals were placed into the field and video recorded for 24 hr. A separate set of field behaviors, related to the laboratory assays, were quantified from the field videos. The normalized laboratory and field behaviors were used in three stepwise statistical analyses. First, normalized data were loaded into a PCA to generate a priori hypotheses on potential behavioral correlates. These hypotheses were subsequently tested using general multiple linear regression. Finally, structural equation modeling was performed to elucidate any behavioral modules from the laboratory assays that correlated with behavioral patterns present from the fieldwork. Three laboratory‐based behavioral modules were connected to three separate field assays: exploration–avoidance, bold–shy, and aggressiveness. Yet, some behaviors exhibited in the laboratory assays were uncorrelated with any behaviors found in the field and vice versa. Results from this study provide evidence that although many different behavioral correlates may exist within laboratory settings, these same modules may not translate directly into predicting behavior under natural settings.  相似文献   

行为特征可在外来动物建立种群和扩张过程中发挥重要作用,因此,要正确理解动物入侵,常常需要仔细研究其行为机制。20世纪80年代以来,随着动物入侵规模在世界各地的迅速加剧,有关其行为机制的研究也受到了广泛关注。最近一些研究表明,一些入侵动物种内攻击和觅食等行为具有可塑性,因此它们能够灵活应对多变的环境条件,这对于种群的建立和维持至关重要;入侵动物与土著物种发生行为互作时,往往占据优势,从而取代土著物种,并有助于其地域扩张;入侵动物长距离扩散可以提高其地域扩张速度,许多行为可与扩散行为结合进一步促进扩张。今后需要加强对入侵动物的行为分析,使之全面地融合到生物入侵的研究之中。这不仅可以提高对外来物种入侵的预警和治理能力,而且为探索动物行为的奥秘以及动物间行为互作在物种进化中的意义提供了独特的机会。  相似文献   

GABA and the behavioral effects of anxiolytic drugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D J Sanger 《Life sciences》1985,36(16):1503-1513
Much recent research has shown that benzodiazepine binding sites in the central nervous system are associated with GABA receptors. It is therefore possible that the pharmacological and therapeutic effects of benzodiazepines and drugs with similar profiles are mediated through GABAergic mechanisms. In this paper the evidence is considered for a possible involvement of GABA in the behavioral effects of anxiolytic drugs. There are a number of reports that the behavioral actions of anxiolytics can be antagonised by GABA antagonists such as bicuculline or picrotoxin but there are many contradictory findings and these drugs are difficult to use effectively in behavioral studies. In general, GABA agonists do not exert anxiolytic-like behavioral effects after systemic injection but intracerebral administration of muscimol has been shown to produce benzodiazepine-like actions. Although a number of questions remain unanswered, current evidence does not provide strong support for a role for GABA in the behavioral effects of anxiolytic drugs.  相似文献   

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