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The three Caenorhabditis elegans beta-catenin each function in distinct processes: BAR-1 in canonical Wnt signaling that controls cell fates and cell migrations, HMP-2 in cell adhesion and WRM-1 in Wnt signaling pathways that function in conjunction with a mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) pathway to control the orientations, or cell polarities, of cells that undergo asymmetric cell divisions. In addition, WRM-1 does not interact with the canonical beta-catenin binding site in POP-1/Tcf. Thus, Wnt signaling through WRM-1 is noncanonical and, except for one division that might not include any of the three C. elegans beta-catenin, controls cell polarity in C. elegans.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Embryonic patterning mechanisms regulate the cytoskeletal machinery that drives morphogenesis, but there are few cases where links between patterning mechanisms and morphogenesis are well understood. We have used a combination of genetics, in vivo imaging, and cell manipulations to identify such links in C. elegans gastrulation. Gastrulation in C. elegans begins with the internalization of endodermal precursor cells in a process that depends on apical constriction of ingressing cells. RESULTS: We show that ingression of the endodermal precursor cells is regulated by pathways, including a Wnt-Frizzled signaling pathway, that specify endodermal cell fate. We find that Wnt signaling has a role in gastrulation in addition to its earlier roles in regulating endodermal cell fate and cell-cycle timing. In the absence of Wnt signaling, endodermal precursor cells polarize and enrich myosin II apically but fail to contract their apical surfaces. We show that a regulatory myosin light chain normally becomes phosphorylated on the apical side of ingressing cells at a conserved site that can lead to myosin-filament formation and contraction of actomyosin networks and that this phosphorylation depends on Wnt signaling. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that Wnt signaling regulates C. elegans gastrulation through regulatory myosin light-chain phosphorylation, which results in the contraction of the apical surface of ingressing cells. These findings forge new links between cell-fate specification and morphogenesis, and they represent a novel mechanism by which Wnt signaling can regulate morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The simplicity of C. elegans makes it an outstanding system to study the role of Wnt signaling in development. Many asymmetric cell divisions in C. elegans require the Wnt/beta-catenin asymmetry pathway. Recent studies confirm that SYS-1 is a structurally and functionally divergent beta-catenin, and implicate lipids and retrograde trafficking in maintenance of WRM-1/beta-catenin asymmetry. Wnts also regulate short-range events such as spindle rotation and gastrulation, and a PCP-like pathway regulates asymmetric divisions. Long-range, cell non-autonomous Wnt signals regulate vulval induction. Both short-range and long-range Wnt signal s are regulated by recycling of MIG-14/Wntless via the retromer complex. These studies indicate that C. elegans continues to be useful for identifying new, conserved mechanisms underlying Wnt signaling in metazoans.  相似文献   

Axin is a central component of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway that interacts with the adenomatous polyposis coli protein APC and the kinase GSK3beta to downregulate the effector beta-catenin. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, canonical Wnt signaling is negatively regulated by the highly divergent Axin ortholog PRY-1. Mutation of pry-1 leads to constitutive activation of BAR-1/beta-catenin-dependent Wnt signaling and results in a range of developmental defects. The pry-1 null phenotype is however not fully penetrant, indicating that additional factors may partially compensate for PRY-1 function. Here, we report the cloning and functional analysis of a second Axin-like protein, which we named AXL-1. We show that despite considerable sequence divergence with PRY-1 and other Axin family members, AXL-1 is a functional Axin ortholog. AXL-1 functions redundantly with PRY-1 in negatively regulating BAR-1/beta-catenin signaling in the developing vulva and the Q neuroblast lineage. In addition, AXL-1 functions independently of PRY-1 in negatively regulating canonical Wnt signaling during excretory cell development. In contrast to vertebrate Axin and the related protein Conductin, AXL-1 and PRY-1 are not functionally equivalent. We conclude that Axin function in C. elegans is divided over two different Axin orthologs that have specific functions in negatively regulating canonical Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

Secreted Wnt proteins influence neural connectivity by regulating axon guidance, dendritic morphogenesis and synapse formation. We report a new role for Wnt and Frizzled proteins in establishing the anteroposterior polarity of the mechanosensory neurons ALM and PLM in C. elegans. Disruption of Wnt signaling leads to a complete inversion of ALM and PLM polarity: the anterior process adopts the length, branching pattern and synaptic properties of the wild-type posterior process, and vice versa. Different but overlapping sets of Wnt proteins regulate neuronal polarity in different body regions. Wnts act directly on PLM via the Frizzled LIN-17. In addition, we show that they are needed for axon branching and anteriorly directed axon growth. We also find that the retromer, a conserved protein complex that mediates transcytosis and endosome-to-Golgi protein trafficking, plays a key role in Wnt signaling. Deletion mutations of retromer subunits cause ALM and PLM polarity, and other Wnt-related defects. We show that retromer protein VPS-35 is required in Wnt-expressing cells and propose that retromer activity is needed to generate a fully active Wnt signal.  相似文献   

While endocytosis can regulate morphogen distribution, its precise role in shaping these gradients is unclear. Even more enigmatic is the role of retromer, a complex that shuttles proteins between endosomes and the Golgi apparatus, in Wnt gradient formation. Here we report that DPY-23, the C. elegans mu subunit of the clathrin adaptor AP-2 that mediates the endocytosis of membrane proteins, regulates Wnt function. dpy-23 mutants display Wnt phenotypes, including defects in neuronal migration, neuronal polarity, and asymmetric cell division. DPY-23 acts in Wnt-expressing cells to promote these processes. MIG-14, the C. elegans homolog of the Wnt-secretion factor Wntless, also acts in these cells to control Wnt function. In dpy-23 mutants, MIG-14 accumulates at or near the plasma membrane. By contrast, MIG-14 accumulates in intracellular compartments in retromer mutants. Based on our observations, we propose that intracellular trafficking of MIG-14 by AP-2 and retromer plays an important role in Wnt secretion.  相似文献   

In C. elegans, a bilateral pair of neuroblasts, QL and QR, give rise to cells that migrate in opposite directions along the anteroposterior (A/P) body axis. QL and its descendants migrate posteriorly whereas QR and its descendants migrate anteriorly. We find that a Wnt family member, EGL-20, acts in a dose-dependent manner to specify these opposite migratory behaviors. High levels of EGL-20 promote posterior migration by activating a canonical Wnt signal transduction pathway, whereas low levels promote anterior migration by activating a separate, undefined pathway. We find that the two Q cells respond differently to EGL-20 because they have different response thresholds. Thus, in this system two distinct dose-dependent responses are specified not by graded levels of the Wnt signal, but instead by left-right asymmetrical differences in the cellular responsiveness to Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans can sense and respond to hundreds of different chemicals with a simple nervous system, making it an excellent model for studies of chemosensation. The chemosensory neurons that mediate responses to different chemicals have been identified through laser ablation studies, providing a cellular context for chemosensory signaling. Genetic and molecular analyses indicate that chemosensation in nematodes involves G protein signaling pathways, as it does in vertebrates, but the receptors and G proteins involved belong to nematode-specific gene families. It is likely that about 500 different chemosensory receptors are used to detect the large spectrum of chemicals to which C. elegans responds, and one of these receptors has been matched with its odorant ligand. C. elegans olfactory responses are also subject to regulation based on experience, allowing the nematode to respond to a complex and changing chemical environment.  相似文献   

Bowerman B 《Cell》2005,121(5):662-664
In this issue of Cell, Kidd and colleagues (Kidd et al., 2005) describe their identification of a novel beta-catenin that functions in noncanonical C. elegans Wnt signaling pathways to specify the different fates of daughter cells produced by asymmetric cell division.  相似文献   

Aberrant activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway is associated with numerous human cancers and often correlates with the overexpression or amplification of the c-myc oncogene. Paradoxical to the cellular transformation potential of c-Myc is its ability to also induce apoptosis. Using an inducible c-MycER expression system, we found that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling suppressed apoptosis by inhibiting c-Myc-induced release of cytochrome c and caspase activation. Both cyclooxygenase 2 and WISP-1 were identified as effectors of the Wnt-mediated antiapoptotic signal. Soft agar assays showed that neither c-Myc nor Wnt-1 alone was sufficient to induce cellular transformation, but that Wnt and c-Myc coordinated in inducing transformation. Furthermore, coexpression of Wnt-1 and c-Myc induced high-frequency and rapid tumor growth in nude mice. Extensive apoptotic bodies were characteristic of c-Myc-induced tumors, but not tumors induced by coactivation of c-Myc and Wnt-1, indicating that the antiapoptotic function of Wnt-1 plays a critical role in the synergetic action between c-Myc and Wnt-1. These results elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which Wnt/beta-catenin inhibits apoptosis and provide new insight into Wnt signaling-mediated oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Mutations in tcl-2 cause defects in the specification of the fates of the descendants of the TL and TR blast cells, whose polarity is regulated by lin-44/Wnt and lin-17/frizzled, during Caenorhabditis elegans development. In wild-type animals, POP-1/TCF/LEF, is asymmetrically distributed to the T cell daughters, resulting in a higher level of POP-1 in the nucleus of the anterior daughter. The POP-1 asymmetric distribution is controlled by lin-44 and lin-17. However, in tcl-2 mutants, POP-1 is equally distributed to T cell daughters as is observed in lin-17 mutants, indicating that, like lin-17, tcl-2 functions upstream of pop-1. In addition, tcl-2 mutations cause defects in the development of the gonad and the specification of fate of the posterior daughter of the P12 cell, both of which are controlled by the Wnt pathway. Double mutant analyses indicate that tcl-2 can act synergistically with the Wnt pathway to control gonad development as well as P12 descendant cell fate specification. tcl-2 encodes a novel protein. A functional tcl-2::gfp construct was weakly expressed in the nuclei of the T cell and its descendants. Our results suggest that tcl-2 functions with Wnt pathways to control T cell fate specification, gonad development, and P12 cell fate specification.  相似文献   

Genetic approaches in flies and worms continue to dissect the intricate molecular machinery of chemical synapses. Investigations carried out in the last year provide important new insights into the development and modulation of the presynaptic active zones and postsynaptic receptor fields mediating synaptic function. Mutant screens have identified overlapping gene classes mediating synaptogenesis. The leucocyte common antigen-related receptor tyrosine phosphatase interacts with liprin in the formation of the active zone. Spectrins are essential for the spatial restriction of synaptic proteins to define active zones. Glutamate acts as a negative regulator of its cognate postsynaptic receptor to sculpt receptor field size. Finally, protein translation and degradation regulation emerge as possible key regulators of synaptic efficacy.  相似文献   

Challenging the neurocentric view of neuromuscular synapse formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ferns M  Carbonetto S 《Neuron》2001,30(2):311-314

BACKGROUND: Different environmental stimuli, including exposure to dauer pheromone, food deprivation, and high temperature, can induce C. elegans larvae to enter the dauer stage, a developmentally arrested diapause state. Although molecular and cellular pathways responsible for detecting dauer pheromone and temperature have been defined in part, other sensory inputs are poorly understood, as are the mechanisms by which these diverse sensory inputs are integrated to achieve a consistent developmental outcome. RESULTS: In this paper, we analyze a wild C. elegans strain isolated from a desert oasis. Unlike wild-type laboratory strains, the desert strain fails to respond to dauer pheromone at 25 degrees C, but it does respond at higher temperatures, suggesting a unique adaptation to the hot desert environment. We map this defect in dauer response to a mutation in the scd-2 gene, which, we show, encodes the nematode anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) homolog, a proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase. scd-2 acts in a genetic pathway shown here to include the HEN-1 ligand, the RTK adaptor SOC-1, and the MAP kinase SMA-5. The SCD-2 pathway modulates TGF-beta signaling, which mediates the response to dauer pheromone, but SCD-2 might mediate a nonpheromone sensory input, such as food. CONCLUSIONS: Our studies identify a new sensory pathway controlling dauer formation and shed light on ALK signaling, integration of signaling pathways, and adaptation to extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific stem cells combine proliferative and asymmetric divisions to balance self-renewal with differentiation. Tight regulation of the orientation and plane of cell division is crucial in this process. Here, we study the reproducible pattern of anterior-posterior-oriented stem cell-like divisions in the Caenorhabditis elegans seam epithelium. In a genetic screen, we identified an alg-1 Argonaute mutant with additional and abnormally oriented seam cell divisions. ALG-1 is the main subunit of the microRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC) and was previously shown to regulate the timing of postembryonic development. Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy of developing larvae revealed that reduced alg-1 function successively interferes with Wnt signaling, cell adhesion, cell shape and the orientation and timing of seam cell division. We found that Wnt inactivation, through mig-14 Wntless mutation, disrupts tissue polarity but not anterior-posterior division. However, combined Wnt inhibition and cell shape alteration resulted in disordered orientation of seam cell division, similar to the alg-1 mutant. Our findings reveal additional alg-1-regulated processes, uncover a previously unknown function of Wnt ligands in seam tissue polarity, and show that Wnt signaling and geometric cues redundantly control the seam cell division axis.  相似文献   

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