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Water and 1 mg1–1 each of IAA and IBA completely inhibitedon the cuttings of Phaseolus mungo obtained from the seedlingsraised under far-red light but rooting took place in the darkand under white and red lights. Sucrose, however, caused rootingunder far-red light and its effectiveness increased with theaddition of IAA and IBA to the sucrose medium IBA being moreeffective. Culturing in 1 and 5 mg 1–1 each of FudR, actinomycin-D,cycloheximide and chloramphenicol after pre-treatment with water,IAA, IBA, sucrose and IAA/IBA + sucrose inhibited rooting. Theeffect increased with the concentration of each inhibitor. Incontrast to this, the culturing in water, IAA, IBA, sucroseand IAA/IBA + sucrose after pre-treatment with these metabolicinhibitors produced varying effects. While the inhibition persistedin water, IAA and IBA and even in 5 mg 1–1 of each inhibitorthat in sucrose stimulated rooting and the effect increasedwith the addition of IAA and IBA to sucrose, the effect of IBA+ sucrose being more pronounced. This stimulation was irrespectiveof the inhibitor and light condition except that 1 mg 1–1actinomycin-D inhibited rooting in the dark and under far-redlight.  相似文献   

Exogenously supplied nitrogenous bases in combination with IAA + sucrose hastened the formation of roots on hypocotyl cuttings of Phaseolus mungo L. cv. G31. While purine and pyrimidine bases had little effect when used alone, together with IAA or sucrose they increased the number of roots and the effect was even more pronounced in combination with (IAA + sucrose). By contrast, guanine inhibited rooting completely in higher concentrations even in combination with (IAA + sucrose), and cuttings died within 48–72 h.  相似文献   

氧化磷酸化抑制剂对光滑球拟酵母糖酵解速度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了不同浓度电子传递链抑制剂 ( 鱼藤酮和抗霉素 A) 和 FOF1-ATPase 抑制剂 ( 寡霉素 ) 对光滑球拟酵母胞内 ATP 水平、葡萄糖消耗速度、糖酵解途径关键酶的影响 . 在培养液中添加 10 mg/L 鱼藤酮和抗霉素 A ,相对于对照组,胞内 ATP 分别下降了 43% 和 27.7% ,使糖酵解关键酶磷酸果糖激酶 (PFK) 的活性分别提高 340% 和 230% ,从而导致葡萄糖消耗速度增加 360% 和 240% ,丙酮酸生成速度提高了 17% 和 8.5%. 改变胞内 ATP 水平并不影响糖酵解途径其他关键酶 HK 、 PK 活性 . 微量的寡霉素 (0.05 mg/L) 可使胞内 ATP 含量下降 64.3% ,当培养液中寡霉素浓度达到 0.4 mg/L 时,细胞不能继续生长,葡萄糖消耗速度和丙酮酸的生成速度却随着寡霉素浓度 ( 小于 0.6 mg/L) 的增加而增加 . 表明氧化磷酸化途径中, ATPase 决定着 ATP 的生成 . 降低胞内 ATP 含量能显著提高 PFK 活性 (r2=0.9971) ,葡萄糖消耗速度 (r2= 0.9967) 以及丙酮酸生产速度 (r2= 0.965) ,葡萄糖消耗速度的增加是糖酵解途径中关键酶 PFK 活性 (r2 = 0.9958) 和 PK 活性 (r2= 0.8706) 增加所导致的 . 这一结果有利于揭示真核微生物细胞中氧化磷酸化与中心代谢途径 ( 酵解 ) 的关系 .  相似文献   

Adventitious roots are initiated on stem cuttings of Phaseolusaureus Roxb. by treatment with IBA for 24 h, although subsequenttransfer to boric acid is essential for their development. Cordycepinenhances auxin-induced rooting when supplied for 4 h withinthe first twenty hours of IBA treatment, but not thereafter.Cordycepin alone does not enhance rooting. IBA treatment ofcuttings for 12 h results in a marked inhibition of RNA synthesis,including poly(A)-rich RNA, in the hypocotyl. After 24 h treatmentRNA synthesis is seen to increase, with a more marked recoveryin the synthesis of poly(A)+RNA relative to other RNAs. Subsequenttransfer to boric acid maintains this recovery. Cordycepin doesnot inhibit RNA synthesis below the level induced by IBA althoughon subsequent transfer to boric acid is seen to enhance synthesisand turnover of both polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated RNA. (Received August 28, 1982; Accepted November 25, 1982)  相似文献   

为了筛选易生根的优良微型月季品种,采用主成分分析、隶属函数和聚类分析方法,对7个微型月季品种扦插的7个根系形态指标进行综合评价。结果表明,微型月季品种之间的生根能力存在差异,7个根系形态指标用3个相互独立的综合指标代替,即第1主成分、第2主成分和第3主成分,7个微型月季品种扦插生根效果依次为:‘淑女’、 ‘红色恋人’、‘绝恋’、‘女儿红’、‘维纳斯’、‘春色’、‘灵感’,其中‘淑女’在种苗生产上采用常规扦插方法即可保证较高的插穗成活率。  相似文献   

为了筛选易生根的优良微型月季品种,采用主成分分析、隶属函数和聚类分析方法,对7个微型月季品种扦插的7个根系形态指标进行综合评价。结果表明,微型月季品种之间的生根能力存在差异,7个根系形态指标用3个相互独立的综合指标代替,即第1主成分、第2主成分和第3主成分,7个微型月季品种扦插生根效果依次为:‘淑女’、 ‘红色恋人’、‘绝恋’、‘女儿红’、‘维纳斯’、‘春色’、‘灵感’,其中‘淑女’在种苗生产上采用常规扦插方法即可保证较高的插穗成活率。  相似文献   

Cuttings of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. cv. Moesiana were storedat 15 or 760 mmHg (2 or 101.3 kPa) for 3, 5, 8 or 11 weeks.No ethylene production could be detected regardless of treatment.No chlorophyll degradation, proline accumulation or respiratoryincrease were seen during storage. Stomata were open under lowpressure and closed under normal pressure. The open stomatacaused water loss from cuttings after removal from storage becausethey were unable to respond normally to low humidity. Rootingability decreased as storage time increased, but satisfactoryresults were obtained up to a storage period of five weeks. Adventitious rooting, cuttings, ethylene production, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L., hypobaric storage, low-pressure storage, senescence, stomatal resistance  相似文献   

The Physiology of Rooting Populus Cuttings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Activity of endogenous cytokinin of cuttings was investigated in relation to the process of rotting. The levels of cytokinin in hardwood cuttings of easy-to-root Populus × euramericana (Dode) Guinier and difficult-to-root Populus tremula L. were monitored at various stages of root formation. In cuttings of P. tremula was found a higher cytokinin activity than in P. × euramericana and this condition persisted throughout the rooting period. There was a general initial decrease of cytokinin activity in both upper and lower halves of cuttings of both species. The declining level was reversed in the easy-to-root species when roots had formed and to a lesser extent in the difficult-to-root species when leaves expanded. In both cases this increase was relatively higher in the lower halves than in the upper halves.  相似文献   

The changing levels of carbohydrates and the rates of photosynthesis in rooting Populus cuttings are described. The cuttings were planted in a sand medium, in controlled environment conditions. There was no evidence to support the view that failure to root in P. tremula was caused by insufficient carbohydrate reserves. In leafless hardwood cuttings, the carbohydrate levels were initially very high (14–19%) but fell rapidly (to 5–10%) as roots, callus or shoots developed. In leafy softwood cuttings, a steady accumulation of carbohydrate reserves was observed, rising from 5–10% on planting to 15–25% when roots had developed. One of the differences between the easy-to-root P. × euramericana and the hard-to-root P. tremula was the apparent downward transport of assimilates in P. × euramericana softwood cuttings.  相似文献   

Auxin Synergists in Rooting of Cuttings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leafy cuttings of Eranthemum tricolor were treated with tannic acid, gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and salicylic acid at the concentrations of 1000, 100, 10 and 1 nig/1 for 24 hours, whereafter they were dipped quickly in a 1000 mg/l solution of IAA, IBA and NAA for ten seconds. None of the phenolics showed any root promoting effect when used singly. In combination with NAA and IBA tannic acid promoted rooting, however, with IAA there was no effect to be seen. Gallic acid also markedly increased the number of roots of cuttings treated with NAA and IBA. Even in this case there was no effect with IAA. Synergism was also recorded between p-hydroxybenzoic acid and IAA or NAA but not with IBA. Salicylic acid greatly promoted rooting in combination with both IAA, IBA and NAA.  相似文献   

Indole, α- and β-naphtol are synergistic with auxins in enhancing root production of cuttings of Phaseolus vulgaris. To find an explanation for this synergism the activity was compared with that of phenolic compounds which are known to be: a. inhibitors of the IAA oxidase system, b. cofactors of the conversion of tryptophane to IAA. Both processes appeared to occur in the bean cuttings (as estimated by root production), but none of the phenols bad an activity equally strong as the “synergists”. It is suggested that indole as well as α- and β-naphtol act as other injurious substances in “just sublethal” dose (Soekarjo 1966).  相似文献   

Four cytokinins have been separated from extracts of root nodulesof Phaseolus mungo by thin-layer chromatography. Their activitywas determined on the basis of their ability to induce betacyaninsynthesis in cotyledons of Amaranthus caudatus. Zeatin and itsriboside showed greater activity than N6 (2-(isopentenyl)) aminopurine and its riboside in the bioassay. Phaseolus mungo, mung bean, cytokinins, isopentenyl, amino-purine, zeatin, betacyanin synthesis, Amaranthus caudatus  相似文献   

A doubleheaded protease inhibitor showing inhibition of bovine pancreatic trypsin and α-chymotrypsin was isolated and purified from the seeds of Phaseolus mungo. The molecular weight of the protease inhibitor was found to be 14.2 kD by SDS-PAGE analysis and gel filtration. The native inhibitor inhibited trypsin and α-chymotrypsin stoichiometrically at the molar ratio 1:1 and 2:1 respectively. The Ki app for trypsin was found to be 0.35 nM and for α-chymotrypsin to be 2.4 nM. Bovine pepsin was not inhibited by the inhibitor. However, the pepsin treated inhibitor was still able to inhibit trypsin and α-chymotrypsin. The inhibitor was stable in 8M urea. Addition of 0.2 M mercaptoethanol resulted in significant loss of inhibitory activity. The inhibitor was extremely heat stable with only 50% loss of inhibitory activity after heating for 100°C for 20 min. Thus, the Phaseolus mungo trypsin/chymotrypsin inhibitor resembles other Bowman-Birk protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

Quinate:NAD oxidoreductase, which catalyzes the interconversionof quinic acid and 3-dehydroquinic acid, has been extractedfrom liquid N2-frozen powders of 2-day-old etiolated seedlingsof Phaseolus mungo. The enzyme was partially purified by ammoniumsulfate fractionation and by DEAE-cellulose and gel filtrationcolumn chromatographies, and was separable from shikimate: NADPoxidoreductase and 3-dehydroquinate hydrolyase. The activityappeared to be maximal at pH 8.6–9.0. The apparent Kmvalues at pH 8.6 were 0.48 mM for quinic acid and 0.043 mM forNAD. The involvement of sulfhydryl group in the reaction wasdemonstrated by the potent inhibitory action of both heavy metalions and sulfhydryl inhibitors. The purified preparation ofthe enzyme was reasonably stable for storage in the presenceof dithiothreitol. The metal ions tested, except Hg2+ and Ag+,showed practically no inhibitory action on the enzyme activity.Aromatic amino acids and other aromatic and alicyclic compoundstested had little or no effect on the activity. 1 Part 9 of "Alicyclic acid metabolism in plants". (Received January 20, 1977; )  相似文献   

采用常规石蜡切片法,观察油茶插穗不定根发育的解剖学特征。结果表明:油茶当年生插穗茎内无潜伏根原基, 插条的皮部存在连续排列成环状的厚壁细胞,这些结构特征可能与油茶插条生根时间较长有关。不定根由诱生根原基发育形成, 诱生根源于形成层、韧皮部及愈伤组织等部位,不定根属于诱导根原始体型、混合生根型。只有极少数插条的不定根由愈伤组织长出,不定根的发生与愈伤组织没有直接关系。  相似文献   

为了筛选适宜的多穗石柯(Lithocarpus polystachyus)扦插基质,以半木质化枝条为插穗,选取5种原料(园土、黄心土、泥炭土、河沙、椰糠)设置8个基质配方,并对各基质容重、总孔隙度、pH、电导率进行测定,探讨不同基质对多穗石柯扦插成活率、生根数量及根系长度的影响。结果表明,不同配方基质的理化性质不同,多穗石柯扦插成活率、根系数量和根系长度具有显著性差异;成活率、根系数量和根系长度与基质的理化性质存在显著相关,总孔隙度大的基质不利于多穗石柯扦插成活和根系生长,pH和电导率较低的基质中多穗石柯扦插成活率较高;基质园土:黄心土:河沙(1:1:1)最适宜多穗石柯扦插繁殖,扦插成活率最高,为86.75%,其次是基质黄心土:河沙(2:1)。  相似文献   

Mung bean cuttings were dipped in solutions of wild type and mutant forms of the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Pseudomonas putida GR12-2 and then incubated for several days until roots formed. The bacteria P. putida GR12-2 and P. putida GR12-2/aux1 mutant do not produce detectable levels of the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, whereas P. putida GR12-2/acd36 is an ACC deaminase minus mutant. All bacteria produce the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and P. putida GR12-2/aux1 overproduces it. Treatment of cuttings with the above-mentioned bacteria affected the rates of ethylene production in the cuttings in a way that can be explained by the combined effects of the activity of ACC deaminase localized in the bacteria and bacterial produced IAA. P. putida GR12-2 and P. putida GR12-2/acd36-treated cuttings had a significantly higher number of roots compared with cuttings rooted in water. In addition, the wild type influenced the development of longer roots. P. putida GR12-2/aux1 stimulated the highest rates of ethylene production but did not influence the number of roots. These results are consistent with the notion that ethylene is involved in the initiation and elongation of adventitious roots in mung bean cuttings. Received October 21, 1998; accepted January 3, 1999  相似文献   

Black gram (Vigna mungo) seeds are shown to contain a lectin with certain unusual features. The lectin agglutinates only trypsinized red cells, and its sugar specificity is complex as none of the common sugars, oligosaccharides or complex polysaccharides exhibit any affinity for the lectin. The purified lectin has a molecular weight of 58 kDa and is a monomer. Unlike other plant lectins, antibodies to the P. mungo lectin do not exhibit any immunological cross reactivity. The clot forming ability of the lectin is unusual in that the clot once formed is rapidly disaggregated indicated that it induces, as yet undefined, certain membrane alterations.  相似文献   

Photoperiod controls the initiation and development of roots on cuttings of Bryophyllum tubiflorum. Root initiation occurred when either the mother plant or the cuttings were exposed subsequently to SD conditions. Cuttings from LD plants exposed to LD did not root at all even after 4 weeks showing that short days are necessary for rooting of cuttings of this plant. The short day requirement can be substituted by IAA or IBA as roots were initiated in cuttings from LD plants when treated with the auxins under LD conditions. GA stimulates rooting of cuttings under SD conditions but does not replace the SD requirement. It failed to induce rooting under LD conditions.  相似文献   

The auxin transport inhibitors 2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA)and naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) inhibited adventitious rootformation (ARF) induced by indol-3-butyric acid (IBA) on cuttingsfrom etiolated mung-bean seedlings floated on solutions of thegrowth regulators. The concentrations of TIBA and NPA requiredfor a 25 per cent reduction in ARF with 10 µM IBA wereestimated by linear interpolation to be 11.3 µm and 0.42µM respectively. NPA is a particularly potent inhibitorof IBA-induced ARF. The inhibitory effect of either compoundwas reversible by higher concentrations of IBA. NPA had no effectwhen applied after the auxin treatment. The inhibitory effects of TIBA or NPA could not be explainedby effects on the uptake or metabolism of [2-14C]IAA. Consideringthis and other evidence, it is suggested that NPA and possiblyTIBA are acting as specific antagonists of auxin in the inductionof ARF. Vigna radiata (L.), mung-bean, root induction, hypocotyl cuttings, auxin inhibitors, indol-3-butyric acid, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, naphthylphthalamic acid, auxin uptake, auxin metabolism, adventitious roots  相似文献   

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