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Patients treated for Hodgkin''s disease and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma have a better prognosis than other patients with cancer so may have a lower prevalence of psychological and social morbidity. Trained interviewers used standardised methods to assess 90 patients at a mean of 32 months after the diagnosis of Hodgkin''s disease or non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy had commonly caused adverse effects including hair loss, vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite. Although most patients were free of disease and not receiving treatment at follow up, some still suffered from a lack of energy (31 patients), loss of libido (19), irritability (22), and tiredness (19); 30 patients complained of continued impairment of thinking or disturbance of short term memory. After diagnosis 21 patients had suffered from an anxiety state or depressive illness, or both, while 27 had experienced borderline anxiety or depression, or both. Mood disturbance was positively correlated with adverse effects of treatment, particularly those affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Social adjustment was less affected, but failure to return to work, or a long delay in returning to work, and a persistent lack of interest in leisure activities gave cause for concern. These findings of substantial psychiatric and social morbidity in patients with Hodgkin''s disease and non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma prompted a prospective study of these patients to determine their nature and duration.  相似文献   

The non-Hodgkin's lymphomas encompass a wide spectrum of hematologic neoplasms that exhibit different clinical and biological features. Lymphomas classically have been initially assessed based on their cytologic and histologic features. Morphology alone is often inadequate as similar appearing neoplasms may be immunophenotypically and molecularly heterogeneous. Molecular diagnostic methods can provide an additional level of testing that not only helps refine diagnoses but can provide prognostic information. New methods are being refined that may provide information to establish precise diagnostic profiles, provide targets for therapy and provide more sensitive methods for monitoring the success of treatment. Molecular methods will be increasingly utilized and eventually required as the accepted method of diagnosis and for monitoring the disease. Understanding of the molecular abnormality and the pathogenesis of the neoplasm hopefully will lead to therapeutic intervention aimed at the specific molecular defect or its product. The molecular pathology of the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas is discussed.  相似文献   

In a phase II cooperative study involving eleven Italian haematological units, the efficacy and toxicity of a new alkylating compound, PTT-119, was evaluated in 53 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Forty-five of the patients had been previously treated with various regimens of chemotherapy, the remaining eight were at the onset of the disease. PTT-119 was scheduled at 3.0 mg/kg every three weeks for a minimum of three administrations. Seven patients achieved a complete remission (CR), 19 a partial remission (PR); the overall response rate was 49%. The median duration of response was 6 months. Most frequent adverse effects were alopecia, nausea and vomiting and phlebitis due to the drug infusion. Myelosuppression was severe only in patients with bone marrow involvement or who were heavily pretreated. No liver, cardiac or renal toxicity was recorded. These data indicate that PTT-119 is an effective drug in the treatment of NHL; the matter of its non-cross-resistance with other alkylating compounds warrants further studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To find out whether a 10-14 days'' course of antibiotics early in the course of reactive arthritis associated with enteric infections could reduce the severity and duration of the disease and whether the antibody response in patients with reactive arthritis associated with yersinia infection differed between those treated and those not treated with the antibiotics. DESIGN--Prospective multicentre trial in which patients were randomised to treatment or no treatment with antibiotics. Patients were seen at three and six weeks and three, six, nine, 12, and 18 months after their first visit. SETTING--Departments of infectious diseases in three hospitals in Linköping, Malmö, and Stockholm, Sweden. PATIENTS--40 Consecutive patients who had had symptoms of reactive arthritis associated with enteric infection for less than four weeks. INTERVENTIONS--20 Patients were allocated to treatment with antibiotics and 20 patients did not receive antibiotics. All patients received non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and four also received intra-articular steroid injections after at least six weeks'' observation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Arthritic symptoms assessed clinically and by using Ritchies'' index; blood measurements reflecting inflammatory activity; serum IgG, IgM, and IgA antibody titres; HLA tissue type. RESULTS--No difference was observed concerning duration of arthritis, grade of inflammation, and number of joints affected between patients treated and those not treated with antibiotics. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the two groups in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and haptoglobin, IgG, and IgA concentrations. All values had returned to normal within three months. No patient developed chronic arthritis, but sustained slight arthralgia occurred in three patients. The HLA-B27 antigen was found in 23 (58%) of the patients, and its presence did not affect clinical outcome. The IgG, IgM, and IgA antibody responses were similar in patients treated with antibiotics and those not treated. CONCLUSION--Short term antibiotic treatment has no beneficial effect on the clinical outcome of reactive arthritis associated with enteric infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess current practice and opinions of general practitioners in London about managing psychological and social problems relating to HIV infection. DESIGN--A stratified random sample of general practitioners, including those with a range of experience of people with HIV infection, were interviewed by medically trained interviewers. SETTING--Doctor''s surgeries. PARTICIPANTS--270 General practitioners working within the area covered by London postcodes. RESULTS--Two thirds of doctors had treated at least one patient with HIV infection and described their work with these patients. General practitioners were counselling and educating many of their patients about AIDS and associated risk behaviours and were aware of the need for careful attention to confidentiality. Doctors with no experience of patients with HIV infection were often older, in singlehanded practice, less inclined to deal with drug abusers or to counsel their patients on risk behaviours, and more in favour of insurance companies'' policies towards people with HIV infection. CONCLUSIONS--General practitioners in London are quickly becoming involved in the care of patients with HIV infection and their relatives and friends. Many are counselling patients and testing for antibodies themselves and regard this as an integral part of their work. A considerable workload in primary care comprised patients who obsessively fear contracting HIV infection.  相似文献   

隐球菌是实体器官移植术后最常见的致病性真菌之一,主要通过呼吸道入侵机体并播散至全身,尤嗜中枢神经系统。隐球菌感染如不及时治疗,病死率极高。实体器官移植术后隐球菌感染的主要危险因素包括术前发热、术后免疫抑制剂和抗生素使用、术后导管留置时间、术后感染及大剂量糖皮质激素使用等。其临床症状缺少特异性,早期诊断较困难。实体器官移植术后抗隐球菌治疗主要包括两性霉素B、氟胞嘧啶、氟康唑等,具体方案通常视患者免疫状态和器官功能而定。本文综述了实体器官移植术后隐球菌病诊断和治疗方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

In a randomized study the effectiveness of a modified MOPP scheme (CVPP scheme) and a so-called partial synchronisation treatment (vincristine or vinblastine respectively and cyclophosphamide) was compared in 72 patients predominantly pretreated with Hodgkin lymphomas and non-Hodgkin lymphomas. From 49 patients affected with lymphogranulomatosis of stage IIIB and IV, 24 were treated according to CVPP scheme; in 10 of them a complete remission was achieved and in 4 of them a partial remission. 25 patients were treated in the control group with synchronization therapy. In 13 of them a complete remission and in 12 of them a partial remission was achieved. With CVPP therapy the mean remission time amounted to 14.4 months and with synchronization therapy 9.2 months. There was no significant statistical difference. From 23 patients with advanced non-Hodgkin lymphomas of a high malignancy 11 received a therapy with CVPP scheme; 2 of them came into a complete remission and 3 of them into a partial one. 12 patients received a synchronization therapy; 7 of them came into a partial remission. With CVPP therapy the mean remission time amounted to 14.4 months, with partial synchronization therapy--10.8 months. Even in non-Hodgkin lymphomas there was no significant difference between the forms of therapy used. Even a comparison of the two survival times of both forms of treatment does not reveal any significance. Thus, both procedures of treatment seem to be comparable in their therapeutic efficaciousness, even if the number of complete remissions during the treatment with CVPP scheme was greater in our investigations. The assumed lower toxicity of synchronization therapy could not be confirmed by our study. In addition to the controversial synchronization effect, the good efficaciousness of treatment according to the so-called synchronization therapy may be due to sensibilizing phenomena and recruitment phenomena.  相似文献   

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