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ELISA "sandwich" techniques have been developed and the optimum assay conditions for detecting specific antibodies in human serum samples have been determined. The possibility of using these techniques for the determination of the level of antibodies to tularemia antigens in the sera of persons immunized with live tularemia vaccine has been shown. Statistically significant differences in the level of antibodies to tularemia antigen in the sera of immunized and nonimmunized persons have been established. The comparative study of five serological methods - ELISA, the agglutination test, the passive hemagglutination test, the immunofluorescence test and the defined antigen substrate sera ( DASS ) techniques - has revealed the advantage of ELISA, whose sensitivity has proved to be considerably higher than that of all other methods used in our work.  相似文献   

An ELISA system for the detection of allergen-specific IgE antibodies to ragweed allergen has been developed. The system is highly sensitive and specific. Ragweed pollen allergen has been obtained by the dialysis of water-soluble extract through a kidney membrane. The high molecular fraction of ragweed allergen, showing the whole of the allergenic activity detected by skin tests in untreated patients, has been used for coating polystyrene assay plates. To detect IgE antibodies to ragweed allergen, the conjugate of sheep anti-IgE antibodies with horse-radish peroxidase has been used. The level of allergen-specific IgE antibodies has been determined on the basis of the data on the optical density of the samples in comparison with that of the normal sera. The correlation factor of the results obtained in the assay of specific IgE antibodies with the newly developed assay system and with the commercial kit Phadezyme RAST manufactured by Pharmacia AB (Sweden) has proved to be 0.82 at n = 39, p less than 0.01, while the variation factor in the reproduction of the assay results has proved to be 12% at n = 40.  相似文献   

The conditions of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of Francisella tularensis were worked out. In the study of 27 strains differing in their biological characteristics, the sensitivity of the assay was determined, varying within the range of 1 X 10(4)--5 X 10(4) million cells/ml and exceeding the sensitivity of the currently used methods for the immunodiagnosis of tularemia by 1-2 orders. ELISA also proved to be a highly effective technique for the detection of the specific antigen in the organs of infected animals. The antigen was regularly detected in the organs of white mice, beginning from day 3 after their infection with the minimal doses of F. tularensis. The method may be recommended both for the identification of isolated cultures and for the early diagnosis of tularemia infection.  相似文献   

The problems of selecting the concentration of reagents with the aim of increasing the accuracy and sensitivity of reactions, as well as decreasing the consumption of reagents, are shown as exemplified by the antigen-antibody reaction of the first order. A new approach to the ELISA reaction is proposed, which makes it possible to present the totality of consecutive interactions of the reagents as block diagrams described by known mathematical expressions. The limitations of the linear dependence of the results of the reaction are shown, and the methodological recommendations for overcoming these limitations are given.  相似文献   

The diagnostic test system based on the solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the detection of antibodies to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in the sera of patients with the use of Soviet-made preparations and reagents has been developed. The test has been performed in microchambers for immunological reactions, thus making it possible to decrease the consumption of reagents 10-20 times in comparison with the traditional technique with the use of plates. The results of the titration of 42 sera in EIA and in the passive hemagglutination test (PHAT) are indicative of the presence of positive correlation (r = 0.78; p less than 0.05) between antibody titers in EIA and PHAT. A fourfold or greater increase in antibody titers has been determined by means of EIA in 80% of cases and with the use of PHAT in 55% of cases. The minimum diagnostic titer yielded by EIA has been determined: 1:256.  相似文献   

A variant of EIA techniques for the determination of cholera enterotoxin is proposed. This method is based on the selective sorption of the toxin on ganglioside-containing magnetic granules with its subsequent detection by means of immune serum and antispecific immunoperoxidase conjugate. The proposed method permits the detection of 0.052 +/- 0.02 ng of protein of the purified toxin.  相似文献   

The results of the work on the development of an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) system for the determination of secretory IgA (S-IgA) are presented. A first, S-IgA was isolated from human colostrum and used as the basis for obtaining biologically active immunosorbent; then antibodies to S-IgA were isolated and the specific conjugate was obtained. The determination of S-IgA was carried out by the method of sandwich EIA. The newly developed EIA system permitted the determination of S-IgA only, giving no positive reactions with serum immunoglobulins. The data thus obtained make it possible to regard this assay system as specific, sensitive and suitable for further trials.  相似文献   

To control the effectiveness of vaccination against influenza, the optimum conditions for making the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with a view to determine the level of anti-influenza antibodies in human blood sera have been established. The kinetics of influenza virus adsorption in the wells of ELISA polystyrene plates and the kinetics of the interaction between the immobilized antigen and species-specific peroxidase-labeled antibodies have been studied. The method has been shown to be more sensitive than the hemagglutination inhibition test in the determination of seroconversion in persons immunized with influenza vaccine.  相似文献   

The use of the artificial antigen abequosylmannoside copolymer with acrylamide in the enzyme immunoassay for the determination of antibodies in the sera of salmonellosis patients has enhanced the specificity of the serological diagnosis of group B salmonellosis in comparison with the use of the natural antiren, S. typhimurium lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

The immunological survey of 3435 cattle-breeders of the Rostov region was carried out with the use of the enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The survey made it possible not only to establish the intensity of collective anti-tetanus immunity, but also to evaluate the quality of immunization. Among subjects with the known history of immunization the protective antitoxic titer was detected in 96.8 +/- 1.2% of cases and among subjects whose immunization history was unknown, in 75.3 +/- 0.8% of cases.  相似文献   

A diagnostic EIA system for the detection of antibacterial antibodies in diphtheria infection has been developed. As antigen, homogeneous membrane protein (mol. wt. 64 KD) obtained from Corynebacterium diphtheriae cell walls has been used. This protein antigen has been prepared with the use of nonionic detergent NP-40.  相似文献   

A high correlation between the current index of the effectiveness of tick-borne encephalitis vaccine, its protective activity in mice, and the results of the direct solid-phase enzyme-immunoassay has been established, which permits the use of this assay as an auxiliary method for the immunological evaluation of newly prepared commercial purified tick-borne-encephalitis vaccine.  相似文献   

A technique for immunoenzymatic diagnosis of dysentery by Shigella sonnei O-antigen was developed. For induction of antibodies to O-antigen rabbits were immunized by intravenous administration of a commercial antidysentery vaccine. Specific antibodies to O-antigen belonging to class G immunoglobulins and not binding to O-antigens of Sh. flexneri and Salmonella typhimurium were obtained. beta-Lactamase of Bacillus licheniformis 749/c was used as a marker enzyme in the immunoenzymatic assay. To increase the sensitivity, beta-lactamase molecules were preliminarily linked with glutaric aldehyde into oligomers. Conjugates of Sh. sonnei O-antigen with the oligomers of B. licheniformis 749/c beta-lactamase were prepared with the periodate method by oxidizing O-antigen. The conjugate was used in competing solid phase immunoenzymatic assay for determination of Sh. sonnei O-antigen in blood serum of patients with dysentery. The sensitivity of the assay is 0.5-1 ng per 1 ml of O-antigen.  相似文献   

An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) system for the detection of fodder yeast antigens in the air of production areas at fodder protein producing plants has been developed. The method has proved to be highly sensitive and specific and shows advantages in comparison with the nonspecific method of low sensitivity, currently used at such plants. The sensitivity of solid-phase EIA techniques is 0.001 micrograms/ml (for protein) or 10(2)-10(3) cells/ml, and 10 ng/ml for soluble antigen. No cross reactions with bakers' yeast antigen have been observed.  相似文献   

The method of quantitative enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the determination of circulating immune complexes (CIC) was developed on the basis of solid-phase human C1q. The calibration curve was plotted with the use of aggregated human gamma-globulin (AHGG), the optimum range of concentration being 15-500 microg/ml. In the process of approbation on clinical material the method revealed an elevated level of CIC in the sera of patients in comparison with their level in the sera of healthy donors. Out of 40 studied serum samples from patients with Yersinia infection, in 3 serum samples the levels of CIC was 26, 65 and 94 microg of AHGG equivalents per ml. In 4 out of 46 studied serum samples obtained from patients with diagnosed Yersinia arthritis the level of CIC was 12, 27, 46 and 186 microg of AHGG per ml, and in serum samples from healthy donors this level was 8.6 microg/ml [corrected].  相似文献   

A dipeptide of the formula Fmoc-Leu-Asp and some other related dipeptides were synthesized in solution by standard methods. When such peptides are dissolved in water at concentrations below 1% at 100 °C and cooled below 60 °C they form turbid solutions and eventaully visocelastic gels at lower temperatures. Such gels are thermoreversible and can also be disrupted by mechanical agitation. At a concentration of 2 mg/ml the peptide Fmoc-Leu-Asp forms an aqueous gel at 60 °C with a shear modulus of 80 Pa measured at a frequency of 1 rad/s. Peptide solutions undergo an abrupt increase in light scattering between 1 and 1.5 mg/ml at both 23 and 60 °C. By analogy with previous observations of other systems, this increse appears to be due to the formation of filamentous micelles and the aggregation of filamaents into a three-dimensional network. When low molecular weight adamantanamine derivatives, which are inherently non-antigenci antiviral drugs, were incorporated into the Fmoc-Leu-Asp gel and injected into rabbits, high titre specific antibodies were efficiently produced without the need for additional adjuvant. Both the physical properties of the gel and its effect on the antigenicity of low molecular weight compounds suggest a number of practical applications.  相似文献   

The microdot enzyme immunoassay (EIA) has been used for the determination of antibodies to M. tuberculosis protein fractions, crude antigenic preparations, PPD and old tuberculin in tuberculosis patients and healthy persons. Purified protein fractions have been found to possess the highest sensitivity and specificity in microdot EIA. The determination of antibodies to these fractions has permitted the differentiation of persons infected with M. tuberculosis from healthy ones. The use of M. tuberculosis protein fractions permits the determination of IgA and IgC in the sera of tuberculosis patients.  相似文献   

The possibility of detecting P. aeruginosa antibodies in patients by means of indirect solid-phase EIA techniques is shown. This assay is carried out with the use of reagents produced in the USSR: polystyrene assay plates manufactured by the Lenigrad Medpolymer Works are used as carriers, P. aeruginosa vaccine (pyoimmunogen) obtained under semi-industrial conditions at the Mechnikov Central Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera is used as antigenic complex and the commercial preparation produced by the Gamaleia Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology serves as conjugate. The studies have revealed that in 95% of cases the level of antibodies in the sera of patients with acute destructive pneumonia accompanied by pleural empyema, abscesses of internal organs and acute hematogenic osteomyelitis is essentially higher than the level of "normal" antibodies in healthy donors from whom biologically confirmed P. aeruginosa cultures can be isolated. In the groups of patients with similar nosological forms of diseases caused by other infective agents such difference in antibody titers is not detected. These results suggest that the detection of antibodies to P. aeruginosa in patients' sera by means of EIA can be used as an additional test for the diagnosis of P. aeruginosa infections.  相似文献   

The competitive EIA technique with the use of peroxidase-labeled B. pertussis antigen has been developed. The data obtained in our investigations suggest the possibility of using this technique for the detection of B. pertussis antigen in faucial smears obtained from patients.  相似文献   

A cooperative sandwich enzyme immunoassay (EIA) based on the newly produced pair of cooperative monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against human tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was developed and characterized. It was found that, when used simultaneously, cooperative mAbs was capable to bind TNF from its preformed complexes with soluble TNF receptors (sTNF-R), thus providing the effective TNF detection in ex vivo samples by the respective one-step cooperative EIA. While demonstrating typical analytical characteristics regarding variability, dynamic range and specificity, a cooperative EIA offers an advantageous combination of high sensitivity (< 2 pg/ml) and short-time TNF capture protocol (1 hour). Application of cooperative EIA for TNF detection in clinical samples has demonstrated an increased serum TNF levels in patients with the mixed connective disease and infectious endocarditis that positively correlated with severity of systemic inflammatory reactions. Production and EIA application of cooperative mAbs would be promising in development of standardized and clinically applicable immunoassays for cytokines.  相似文献   

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