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庐山外来植物物种   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生物入侵正日益成为普遍关注的生态环境问题.在庐山野外调查的基础上,再结合庐山植物引种记录资料的分析,发现庐山引入的2285种植物中,有1301种是室外栽培的,其中有127种82属35科逸为野生,成为庐山的外来物种.通过对这127种外来物种从物种组成、生活型、引入时间和方式、原生地和入侵性进一步分析,可以看出:外来物种主要由菊科、玄参科、禾本科、石竹科和苋科组成,这5科含种数占到总种数的63%;外来物种绝大多数为草本植物,含114种,占总种数的86.76%;原生地主要来源北美洲、其次是欧洲和亚洲,大部分是有意引进,引种目的主要用于观赏,其次是药用;在庐山127种外来物种中,有70种是列于中国100主要外来入侵物种,可见其入侵性还是很强.  相似文献   

Coastal and regional sea ecosystems suffer from several human-induced stressors, including human mediated bioinvasions. The Baltic Sea is generally considered to be susceptible to invasions by non-indigenous species (NIS). Out of the total of 132 NIS and cryptogenic species recorded, 59% are currently established in at least one country surrounding the Baltic Sea. On average, each country currently hosts 27 such species with 15% of the established species being found in at least 50% of the countries. Benthic macroinvertebrates dominate, both among those recorded (48%) and established (59%) species. Shipping, deliberate stocking and natural spread of NIS previously introduced to the North Sea are the main introduction pathways, with considerable dynamics over time. Amongst the pathways responsible for the currently established species, shipping and natural spread strongly dominate. Substantial uncertainty in the information on introduction pathways (except for deliberate releases) hampers detailed analyses and poses major challenges for management. Spatio-temporal variability in the invasion dynamics reflects both the spatial differences in the main hydrographic conditions of the Baltic Sea as well as the availability of introduction pathways. We conclude that the Baltic Sea cannot be considered as a uniform waterbody in terms of the established introduced species and at least two major regions with differing hydrographic conditions and introduction pathways can be clearly distinguished. Due to the importance of natural spread of NIS from the North Sea, regional cooperation in bioinvasion management should be enhanced in the future.  相似文献   

More than 1,000 non-indigenous aquatic species have been recorded, in total, from coastal Europe, i.e. navigational inland waterways for ocean-going vessels and adjacent water bodies in close proximity. Regions considered in this overview range from European Arctic waters to the Mediterranean Sea and Irish waters to the Black Sea. The majority of introduced taxa have been first recorded since the 1950s. Approximately 600 taxa (ranging from unicellular algae to vertebrates) are established with self-sustaining populations. The dominating group of exotic species across all seas is zoobenthos organisms. Introduction vectors are predominantly shipping (ballast water and hull fouling) and species movements for aquaculture or stocking purposes.  相似文献   

In one of the largest European rivers, the Elbe, from its source in the Czech Republic to the German North Sea, 31 alien macrozoobenthic species have been recorded in total. Most of these species have been introduced by shipping activities. With a total number of 21 species, many of the established aliens occur—partly exclusively—in the brackish area of the Elbe estuary. In order to explain this observed settlement characteristic, four main arguments come into consideration: (1) estuaries with intensive international shipping have a higher potential infection rate than other aquatic zones; (2) brackish water species have, due to specific physiological characteristics, a better chance of being transported alive than euhaline or freshwater species and they also probably have a higher perennation and establishment potential after release; (3) brackish waters have the greatest natural ‘indigenous species minimum’, so that more alien species can potentially establish; and (4) salt-tolerant limnetic alien species introduced into inland water reached the coast at first in the estuaries. It seems that the combination of brackish water with its unsaturated ecological niches and intensive international ship traffic has the highest potential infection rate for aquatic systems with alien macrozoobenthic species. And, estuaries are subjected to a two-sided invasion pressure by alien species, via the ocean (mainly shipping) and via inland waters (mainly shipping canal construction). The identification of such patterns is an important prerequisite for the development of a forward-looking alien monitoring and management strategy.  相似文献   

This study provides an updated catalogue of non-indigenous species (NIS) of polychaetes reported from the continental coasts of the Iberian Peninsula based on the available literature. A list of 23 introduced species were regarded as established and other 11 were reported as casual, with 11 established and nine casual NIS in the Atlantic coast of the studied area and 14 established species and seven casual ones in the Mediterranean side. The most frequent way of transport was shipping (ballast water or hull fouling), which according to literature likely accounted for the introductions of 14 established species and for the presence of another casual one. To a much lesser extent aquaculture (three established and two casual species) and bait importation (one established species) were also recorded, but for a large number of species the translocation pathway was unknown. About 25% of the reported NIS originated in the Warm Western Atlantic region, followed by the Tropical Indo West-Pacific region (18%) and the Warm Eastern Atlantic (12%). In the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, nearly all the reported NIS originated from warm or tropical regions, but less than half of the species recorded from the Atlantic side were native of these areas. The effects of these introductions in native marine fauna are largely unknown, except for one species (Ficopomatus enigmaticus) which was reported to cause serious environmental impacts. In other cases, the displacement of native species or economic damages are suspected.  相似文献   

S Gollasch 《Biofouling》2013,29(2):105-121

Ships have long been recognized as a major vector for the introduction of non-native and harmful organisms. From 1992 to 1996 a shipping study was undertaken in Germany, focusing on the fauna transported by ships, to assess the importance of species introductions by international shipping traffic. Ballast water, tank sediment or hull fouling of 186 vessels was sampled. A total of 257 species were identified, ranging from Foraminifera to Teleostei, and 57% of the species sampled were considered to be non-native to the North Sea region, originating from elsewhere in the world including the north eastern Atlantic (west of the English Channel). Non-native species were recorded in 38% of all ballast water samples, 57% of all sediment samples and 96% of all hull samples, indicating that hull fouling is an important vector of introduction. Four species (1.6%) of unknown origin (cryptogenic species) were identified. The potential for establishment in the North Sea region of all non-native species found was classified into three categories based on the degree of similarity of climatic conditions in the North Sea and the donor region. Based on this criterion 19 of the species found in the fouling communities on ships' hulls were deemed to have a high potential for establishment in the North Sea.  相似文献   

Fishes have been introduced worldwide with deleterious effects on various native ecosystems. To gain insight into this phenomenon in Israel, we studied the introduced ichthyofauna. There are 27 species of introduced fishes in the freshwater habitats of Israel, a large number for a nation this size. Ten of these species reproduce in the wild. Most of these fishes were introduced for aquaculture; some are constantly restocked. The proportion of restocked versus established species in Israel is high compared to other regions. New fish introductions continue in recent decades, unlike the global trend. In Israel these species are found in the Jordan Basin, Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), and the coastal plain rivers. A few species are widespread, and most are found in Lake Kinneret. Harmful effects of introduced fishes have been suspected and in several cases demonstrated. We encourage further caution when new introductions are contemplated; in some regions eradication should be attempted.  相似文献   

The recent introduction of the macroalgaUndaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar into the North Atlantic is the latest of a large number of introductions, which have occurred over many years. Some have been deliberate introductions for mariculture or research, while most have been accidental, via vectors such as shipping and shellfish imports. Not all newly recorded species are introductions; some are thought to be merely extensions of distribution, e.g.Laminaria ochroleuca, while others may have been overlooked previously, e.g.Scytosiphon dotyi. Subsequent to its accidental introduction into the waters around the Mediterranean French coast at Sete, most likely with imported oysters,Undaria was deliberately introduced into the North Atlantic, to Brittany, in 1983 by IFREMER for commercial exploitation.Undaria has since spread from the original sites in Brittany, and is now established at several sites on the south coast of England. This paper discusses the introduced brown algae in the North Atlantic and outlines the establishment ofUndaria in the UK.  相似文献   

Invasive exotic plant species effects on soil biota and processes in their new range can promote or counteract invasions via changed plant–soil feedback interactions to themselves or to native plant species. Recent meta-analyses reveale that soil influenced by native and exotic plant species is affecting growth and performance of natives more strongly than exotics. However, the question is how uniform these responses are across contrasting life forms. Here, we test the hypothesis that life form matters for effects on soil and plant–soil feedback. In a meta-analysis we show that exotics enhanced C cycling, numbers of meso-invertebrates and nematodes, while having variable effects on other soil biota and processes. Plant effects on soil biota and processes were not dependent on life form, but patterns in feedback effects of natives and exotics were dependent on life form. Native grasses and forbs caused changes in soil that subsequently negatively affected their biomass, whereas native trees caused changes in soil that subsequently positively affected their biomass. Most exotics had neutral feedback effects, although exotic forbs had positive feedback effects. Effects of exotics on natives differed among plant life forms. Native trees were inhibited in soils conditioned by exotics, whereas native grasses were positively influenced in soil conditioned by exotics. We conclude that plant life form matters when comparing plant–soil feedback effects both within and between natives and exotics. We propose that impact analyses of exotic plant species on the performance of native plant species can be improved by comparing responses within plant life form.  相似文献   

A total of ten red seaweed species are recognized as introduced into the North Sea from other parts of the world. These areAsparagopsis armata andBonnemaisonia hamifera (Bonnemaisoniales),Grateloupia doryphora (Halymeniales),Antithamnionella spirographidis, Antithamnionella ternifolia, Anotrichium furcellatum, Dasya baillouviana, ?Dasysiphonia sp.,Polysiphonia harveyi andPolysiphonia senticulosa (Ceramiales). The oldest of these isB. hamifera, introduced prior to 1890, while the most recent,?Dasysiphonia sp., was first found in 1994 and still requires taxonomic investigation. A variety of distribution patterns is seen, with geographical ranges varying from general within the North Sea to very restricted. The diversity of introduced red algae on eastern coasts of the North Sea is much greater than in the west. The most likely explanation for this pattern is that French coasts were the initial site of introduction for many of the seaweeds, which were then distributed northwards by the residual surface currents. Their increasing success in the Netherlands has probably been promoted by the drastically changed local hydrodynamic conditions which have also permitted the recent introduction of many native European species. Of the biological features of species that may favour their success as introductions, clonal vegetative propagation, often with specialized propagules or fragmentation mechanisms, is almost ubiquitous. Low-temperature tolerances can be inferred, but data are sparse. Many of the alien red algae in the North Sea contain anti-grazing compounds such as bromophenols, which may contribute to their invasive potential by deterring grazing sufficiently to permit establishment of an inoculum.  相似文献   

Abundant populations of Marenzelleria spp. were reported for the first time in the North Sea during the late 1970s and then in the Baltic Sea in 1985. Genetic analysis by means of allozyme electrophoresis and sequencing of a segment of mitochondrial 16srDNA showed that two different genetic types or sibling species of Marenzelleria were present in Europe. Marenzelleria Type I is found only in the North Sea, whereas Type II has been found in both the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The North Sea animals (Type I) correspond to Type I specimens found in North American coastal waters between Nova Scotia and Cape Henlopen (Delaware), while Marenzelleria Type II from the Baltic Sea correspond to Marenzelleria type II animals from the Arctic (Tuktoyaktuk Harbor, Northwest Territories, Canada), New Hampshire and coastal waters between Chesapeake Bay southward to the Ogeechee River (Georgia). Human mediated introduction (by shipping) and natural range expansion are discussed as the possible causes of these virtually simultaneous invasions by two sibling species. Marenzelleria Type I appears to colonize habitats with a higher salinity and/or in which salinities tend to fluctuate considerably. The osmolality of the coelomic fluid after acclimation to various salinities between 0.25 and 18 is the same for both sibling species/genetic types. Although the two types do not differ in respect of hyperosmoregulation (<10), differences may exist in their cell volume regulation or its time course in the almost isoosmotic range at salinities >10.  相似文献   

Abstract. A geographic and taxonomic overview of the non-indigenous plant species of Europe, based on the ‘Flora Europaea’ is given. The flora of Europe includes 1568 species which have either expanded their ranges within Europe under human influence (naturalized European species) or are of non-European origin (exotic species). The latter group consists of 580 species (37%) which form a diverse group in terms of their taxonomic composition and geographic origin. The exotics are represented by 113 families, of which the Compositae, Rosaceae and Gramineae are most important. The ratio of species to families is low. Most exotic species in Europe originate from the Americas and Asia. Countries of southern Europe have a higher relative number of exotics in their non-native flora than northern ones. The species-range size distribution differs between naturalized European and exotic species; the latter are on average more widespread than the naturalized.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of an area to invasion by exotic species is often judged by the fraction of introduced species in the local biota. However, the degree of invasion, particularly in mainland areas, has often been underestimated because of the exclusion of ‘domestic exotics’ (those introduced to internal units from within the national border) in calculations. Because all introduced species on islands are considered as exotics, this contributes to the perception that islands are more susceptible to invasion than are continental regions. Here, we determine the contribution of domestic exotic species to the degree of invasion (exotic fraction) in mainland areas. We quantify the relationships of exotic fraction to the area, human population density and land use within each of the 48 conterminous US states to identify mechanisms that potentially influence the degree of invasion. For each of the 48 conterminous US states, we compiled the number of species introduced from outside the United States (‘foreign exotics’) and the number of exotics introduced from other conterminous US states (‘domestic exotics’). The status of each species as foreign or domestic was determined for each state by researching its precise origins through vouchered herbarium records, supplemented by literature ( Kartesz, 2010 ). We found that (1) the exotic fraction inevitably decreases with increasing area as the pool of potential exotic species decreases; (2) exotic richness of areas within large mainland regions is underestimated to the extent that species introduced among areas within a region are considered as natives; and (3) human activities contribute disproportionately more exotics to smaller than to larger administrative areas. How we define ‘exotic’ influences how we count non‐native species and perceive invasibility. Excluding domestic exotics in mainland regions leads to a biased perception of increased invasibility on islands, where all introduced species are considered exotic. Thus, future documentation and interpretation of invasion patterns and management of exotics should account for these biases in quantifying the exotic fraction.  相似文献   

Marine mites (Halacaroidea: Acari): a geographical and ecological survey   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Halacarid mites (Acari), with almost 700 species described, inhabit marine and freshwater habitats. The majority of genera are recorded from at least two ocean basins or continents. There is no evidence of endemic genera, in either littoral faunal provinces or in deep-sea regions. Copidognathus, a genus comprising 1/4 of all species described, is found in almost all geographic regions, depths and habitats. Other genera dominate or are restricted to cold waters, to warm waters or to distinct habitats.Corresponding habitats on either side of the boreal Atlantic Ocean harbour congeneric, identical, sibling or morphologically similar species. The fauna in the western Atlantic is less diverse than that in the eastern. Amphiatlantics are restricted to certain genera. Transatlantic distribution is independent of the niche inhabited.Of the marine halacarid species recorded from the boreal western Atlantic, 41% are amphiatlantics, while only one species is recorded from both the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. The Caribbean and the Mediterranean faunas are dominated by genera in which amphiatlantics are unknown.Most of the Black Sea species of the genus Halacarellus also occur in the Baltic, North Sea or North Atlantic, whereas the Copidognathus fauna of the Black Sea is similar to that of the Mediterranean.Halacarids are thought to be an ancient taxon, with most genera probably having been present since the Mesozoic and with several species having an age of at least 50 million years. Evidence for their antiquity is found in the distributional pattern of marine and limnic genera and species, in the lack of endemic genera despite low fecundity and lack of dispersal stages, and in the fact that amphiatlantics are restricted to certain genera without relationships to the niches inhabited.  相似文献   

Aquatic and semi-aquatic plants comprise few species worldwide, yet the introduction of non-indigenous plants represents one of the most severe examples of biological invasions. My goal is to compare the distribution and the biology of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants in their introduced ranges and in their native ranges. The primary objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that invasive species have evolved traits likely to increase their success in the new range. I made two reciprocal comparisons, i.e. I compared European species in France and in North America, and North American species in France and in North America. Twenty-seven species were classified according to their invasiveness in their introduced area. I␣found six invasive macrophyte species in France native to North America and 17 invasive species in North America native to Europe. Four species are invasive in both areas. There is no general tendency for macrophytes to be more vigorous in their introduced ranges. Most non-indigenous aquatic and semi-aquatic species are potentially invasive or widespread and well-established in their introduced country, while few species seem to be restricted in their distribution.  相似文献   

B. S. Galil 《Hydrobiologia》2008,606(1):105-116
A critical evaluation of more than 2,200 publications, some dating back to the late 1800s, established the presence, and traced the spatio-temporal spread, of 558 alien metazoan species in the Mediterranean Sea. The majority of aliens in the eastern Mediterranean entered through the Suez Canal, whereas mariculture and shipping are powerful means of introduction in the northwestern Mediterranean and in the Adriatic Sea. Most aliens are thermophilic species. The possible causes for the epic scale of invasion in the Mediterranean Sea are discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: J. Davenport, G. Burnell, T. Cross, M. Emmerson, R. McAllen, R. Ramsay & E. Rogan Challenges to Marine Ecosystems  相似文献   

No global synthesis of the status of baleen whales has been published since the 2008 IUCN Red List assessments. Many populations remain at low numbers from historical commercial whaling, which had ceased for all but a few by 1989. Fishing gear entanglement and ship strikes are the most severe current threats. The acute and long‐term effects of anthropogenic noise and the cumulative effects of multiple stressors are of concern but poorly understood. The looming consequences of climate change and ocean acidification remain difficult to characterize. North Atlantic and North Pacific right whales are among the species listed as Endangered. Southern right, bowhead, and gray whales have been assessed as Least Concern but some subpopulations of these species ‐ western North Pacific gray whales, Chile‐Peru right whales, and Svalbard/Barents Sea and Sea of Okhotsk bowhead whales ‐ remain at low levels and are either Endangered or Critically Endangered. Eastern North Pacific blue whales have reportedly recovered, but Antarctic blue whales remain at about 1% of pre‐exploitation levels. Small isolated subspecies or subpopulations, such as northern Indian Ocean blue whales, Arabian Sea humpback whales, and Mediterranean Sea fin whales are threatened while most subpopulations of sei, Bryde's, and Omura's whales are inadequately monitored and difficult to assess.  相似文献   

Recently, several studies indicated that species from the Ponto‐Caspian region may be evolutionarily predisposed to become nonindigenous species (NIS); however, origin of NIS established in different regions has rarely been compared to confirm these statements. More importantly, if species from certain area/s are proven to be better colonizers, management strategies to control transport vectors coming from those areas must be more stringent, as prevention of new introductions is a cheaper and more effective strategy than eradication or control of established NIS populations. To determine whether species evolved in certain areas have inherent advantages over other species in colonizing new habitats, we explored NIS established in the North and Baltic Seas and Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River regions—two areas intensively studied in concern to NIS, highly invaded by Ponto‐Caspian species and with different salinity patterns (marine vs. freshwater). We compared observed numbers of NIS in these two regions to expected numbers of NIS from major donor regions. The expected numbers were calculated based on the available species pool from donor regions, frequency of shipping transit, and an environmental match between donor and recipient regions. A total of 281 NIS established in the North and Baltic Seas and 188 in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River. Ponto‐Caspian taxa colonized both types of habitats, saltwater areas of the North and Baltic Seas and freshwater of the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River, in much higher numbers than expected. Propagule pressure (i.e., number of introduced individuals or introduction effort) is of great importance for establishment success of NIS; however in our study, either shipping vector or environmental match between regions did not clarify the high numbers of Ponto‐Caspian taxa in our study areas. Although we cannot exclude the influence of other transport vectors, our findings suggest that the origin of the species plays an important role for the predisposition of successful invaders.  相似文献   

Exotic macrophytes, invertebrates and fish are found in most coastal habitats in the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea has been subjected to introductions of non-indigenous species by ship traffic since the opening of interoceanic maritime routes five centuries ago. The Sea, a hub of shipping, is exceptionally susceptible to invaders that arrive in fouling communities or ballast. The Suez Canal has been the largest pathway for the entry of these species: more than 300 Erythrean species – principally molluscs, fish, decapod crustaceans, polychaetes and algae – have become established in the eastern Mediterranean, primarily along the Levantine coasts. Mariculture of nonindigenous shellfish predominates in the northern Mediterranean lagoonar environments. Unrestricted transport of commercially important exotic shellfish has resulted in numerous unintentional introductions of pathogens, parasites and pest species. Some invaders have outcompeted or replaced native species locally, severely reducing biodiversity; some other invaders are so abundant they are exploited commercially. The rate of these biotic invasions has increased in recent decades, and they collectively have significant ecological and economic impacts in the Mediterranean Sea. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of the first national inventory of non-indigenous species in Austria. In summary, 1110 vascular plant species (27 of the entire flora), 83 mycetes and at least 500 animal species (approximately 1 of the entire fauna) were documented for Austria, which are introduced intentionally or unintentionally by humans after 1492 and reported from the wild. About 25 of non-indigenous vascular plant species have become naturalized. Most non-indigenous vascular plants are native to the Palaearctic region (55%; with 33% originating from the Mediterranean subregion) and North America (20%). More than 90% of non-indigenous plant species are confined to naturally and anthropogenically disturbed (ruderal, urban, arable land, and riverine) habitats. Aquatic ecosystems are more affected and vulnerable to changes in their animal species composition. The current data demonstrate that non-indigenous species continue to invade and disperse and it also emphasize the necessity and responsibility to develop scientific strategies to minimize the impact of biological invasions and to raise public awareness of the problem.  相似文献   

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