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Synopsis Eel samples from Lake Ellesmere, a brackish water lake in the South Island, New Zealand, were taken at approximately monthly intervals from January 1974 to April 1976. Nets were set for 24 h and emptied every three hours. Total lengths and stomach fullness values of 498 eels were recorded. Analysis using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test showed that eels ⩽40 cm and 40.1–50 cm in length increased in fullness through the night with greatest fullness values at 0300 and 0600 h. Seasonal analyses revealed greatest eel activity in spring, summer and autumn. There was little eel activity in winter.  相似文献   

Seventeen microsatellite DNA loci from the Australian short‐finned eel (Anguilla australis Richardson) were isolated and their amplification characteristics were described. The polymerase chain reaction primers were tested on 40 eel individuals. The primers amplified loci with relatively high numbers of alleles, ranging from five to 14 with an average of nine per locus. Mean observed heterozygosity (HO) and expected heterozygosity (HE) were 0.6779 and 0.7374, respectively, indicating that these markers would be useful for population studies. No loci deviated significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P = 0.05) and no evidence was found for genotypic disequilibrium among loci at a 5% significance level.  相似文献   

Variability at seven microsatellite loci was used to survey the genetic population structure of the shortfinned eel Anguilla australis . Samples were collected from six estuaries along the east coast of Australia and from three estuaries around New Zealand. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance of the five loci with good fit to Hardy–Weinberg genotypic proportions detected highly significant differences among samples ( F ST= 0·016, P < 0·001). The fixation index between countries ( F CT= 0·012, P < 0·001) was more than double the index among samples within countries ( F SC= 0·005, P < 0·05). An unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) tree also supported the separation of Australian and New Zealand populations, as did assignment tests, which correctly assigned 80 and 84% of the individuals to Australia and New Zealand, respectively. Isolation-by-distance appeared among samples overall ( r = 0·807, P < 0·001), but not among samples within countries ( r = 0·027, P > 0·05 in Australia; r = 0·762, P > 0·05 in New Zealand). These findings indicate that populations of A. australis in East Australia and in New Zealand may be reproductively isolated from one another. Genetic differentiation among populations of A. australis was two- to 10-fold higher than that among populations of other temperate eels in the North Atlantic Ocean, suggesting that two group of A. australis may reflect sub-species. Anguilla australis in the two countries have different genetic structures and thus require separate management. Genetic isolation between Australian and New Zealand populations indicates that juveniles recruit independently into these two regions from geographically or temporally isolated spawning areas.  相似文献   

The androgen 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) is associated with the physiological and morphological changes that occur during the transformation of sedentary ('yellow') freshwater eels (Anguilla spp.) into their migratory form ('silver') prior to their spawning migration in the ocean. In this study, we investigate the possible role of 11KT in modulating behaviors consistent with downstream migration; i.e., downstream and salinity preference in the New Zealand shortfinned eel (A. australis). Unlike silvering, 11KT did not induce preference for downstream locations, scored as presence at the downstream ends of 35 m raceways. Likewise, there was no evidence for increased salinity preference in 11KT-treated yellow eels, scored as preference for sea water over fresh water in a choice experiment. However, the 11KT treatment induced higher frequency of movements between fresh water and sea water, which may indicate restlessness.  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物的体重和产热特征的季节调节对其生存至关重要。为探讨中缅树鼩的能量代谢适应特征随季节的变化,采用耗氧量测定、食物平衡法、形态测量等方法,分别对其冬季和夏季的基础代谢率(BMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)、体温、体重、蒸发失水、能量收支和消化道的长度和重量进行了测定。中缅树鼩冬季体温、体重、基础代谢率、NST、蒸发失水散热分别为37. 9℃ ± 0.14℃ ,126.1 ± 2.1 g,42. 94 ± 2.65 J/g· h,54. 97 ±2.14 J/ g·h,5. 69 ±0.33 J/ g·h;夏季体温、体重、基础代谢率、NST、蒸发失水散热分别为38.5℃ ± 0. 27℃ ,106.9 ±5.1 g,28. 69 ±3.06 J/ g·h,47.43 ± 2.45 J / g·h,7.12 ±0. 57 J/ g·h;中缅树鼩的每日摄入能、消化能、可代谢能冬季均比夏季显著增加,消化道特征冬季和夏季存在变化,随着温度降低、食物质量下降,小肠长度和重量增加。这些结果表明:中缅树鼩在冬季,通过增加体重、基础代谢率和NST、能量摄入、消化能和可代谢能,降低蒸发失水等方式应对季节性环境变化。代谢产热和消化生理调节在季节性适应过程中具有重要地位。  相似文献   

This study tested the hypotheses, using glass eels of longfin eels Anguilla dieffenbachii and shortfin eels Anguilla australis migrating into fresh waters, (1) that both species prefer water from their river of collection to well water, (2) that shortfin eels prefer lowland, pastoral stream water to mainstem river water, (3) that longfin eels are attracted to both waters but do not prefer one to the other, and (4) both prefer water scented with geosmin, a widely occurring metabolite of bacteria and algae, to well water. Glass eels of both species from a river on the west coast of South Island, New Zealand, and shortfin glass eels from an east coast river significantly preferred water from their river of capture to well water. Two to three times as many eels chose their own river water as chose well water. Longfin eels were rare in the east coast river. Shortfin glass eels from the two rivers chose lowland stream water to mainstem river water about two to one in three experiments with different pairs of waters to which they had no prior exposure. Longfin glass eels significantly chose mainstem river water over lowland water in one pair but showed no preference when presented with a different pair. Reactions to solutions of geosmin at concentrations of 10–5-10–7 mg 1–1 were inconclusive, with geosmin being preferred significantly, by shortfin eels, in only one experiment. The interspecific differences in discrimination of natural waters demonstrated in this study, with shortfin eels preferring lowland waters and longfin eels more indifferent to water types, are in broad agreement with both the distribution of adults and observations on their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

In young non-exercised rats, plasma triglyceride and plasma phospholipid levels increased in summer and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) increased in winter. As for lipids samples from the wall of the aorta, total cholesterol, cholesteryl ester and triglyceride decreased in summer and phospholipid decreased in winter. Exercise diminished the gain in body mass (delta m) and suppressed seasonal changes in the levels of LDL-C and plasma triglyceride. Seasonal changes in the aorta lipids in this case were similar to those found in non-exercised animals. The values of total energy intake (Q) and of delta m.Q-1 were found to change with season in both non-exercised and exercised rats. Seasonal changes in plasma and in aorta lipids observed in these animals ran in parallel with the respective levels of delta m.Q-1 and/or of Q. The training effect on the lipid values detected in summer and/or in winter was also found to be dependent on the reduction in delta m.Q-1 with exercise. In the non-exercised and in the exercised animals, plasma phospholipid was associated with aorta phospholipid and inversely related to aorta cholesteryl ester and aorta triglyceride. The relationship between these estimations suggests that an increase in the plasma phospholipid in summer would remove non-polar lipids from the walls of the aortae.  相似文献   

Heart output, arterial pressures, and heart rate were measured directly in conscious unrestrained eels (Anguilla australis) and responses to intra-arterial injection of adrenaline monitored. Adrenaline increased systemic vascular resistance, heart output, and cardiac stroke volume in all animals. In some cases small transient decreases in stroke volume and hence heart output were seen at the peak of the pressor response: These probably reflect a passive decrease in systolic emptying due to increased afterload on the heart. In most cases, adrenaline produced tachycardia; but two animals showed consistent and profound reflex bradycardia, which was accompanied by a concomitant increase in stroke volume such that heart output was maintained or increased slightly. The interaction of changes in heart output and systemic vascular resistance produced complex and variable changes in arterial pressure. There was no consistent pattern of changes in branchial vascular resistance. Atropine treatment in vivo revealed vagal cardio-inhibitory tone in some animals and always blocked the reflex bradycardia seen during adrenaline induced hypertension. In some animals, adrenaline injection after atropine pretreatment led to the establishment of cyclic changes in arterial pressure with a period of about 1 min (Mayer waves).  相似文献   

Lake Ellesmere, a large coastal lake in the South Island of New Zealand, supports an important commercial eel fishery, based mainly on migrating (silver) male Anguilla australis . Lengths of silver female eels from samples collected in 1942, 1974–1982 and 1998–1999 showed an initial decline between 1942 and 1974 but an increase from 1979 onwards. Back-calculated growth rates of 50 female silver eels caught in 1998 showed that most (90%) exhibited a period of accelerated linear growth commencing at lengths between 380 and 660 mm (mean 598 mm); this accelerated growth coincided with a change in diet to piscivory. The onset of maturity was more closely associated with length than age, condition, or growth rate. The increase in average length of female silver eels of 250 mm over the past 20 years is consistent with the hypothesis that female eels adopt a size-maximizing growth strategy to ensure maximum fecundity; this is the first time this hypothesis has been demonstrated from temporal changes within a single population.  相似文献   

In the present study, glass eels Anguilla anguilla in the Minho River estuary (41·5° N, 8·5° W) decreased in size (standard length, L S and mass, M ) from the beginning (autumn) to the end of the sampling season (summer). On the other hand elvers increased in L S and M from spring to summer and were significantly larger than glass eels in paired comparisons. Branchial Na+/K+-ATPase and vacuolar (V-type) proton ATPase ( in vitro activities), two important ion transporting pumps, did not show significant seasonal changes in either glass eels or elvers although in glass eels Na+/K+-ATPase (activity) expression was significantly higher than in elvers. In a single month comparison Na+/K+-ATPase branchial mRNA expression was also higher in glass eels as was the protein level expression of both Na+/K+-ATPase and NKCC (Na+:K+:2Cl co-transporter). Immunofluorescence microscopy indicated apical CFTR Cl channel labelling in Na+/K+-ATPase positive chloride cell in glass eels which was absent in elvers. Whole body sodium concentration and percentage water did not show significant seasonal differences in either glass eels or elvers although there were significant differences between these two groups during some months.  相似文献   

Fyke net captures of both the shortfinned eel, Anguilla ausrralis Richardson, and the longfinned eel. A. dieffenbachü Gray, were recorded over a 4-year period in Lake Pounui. New Zealand. Eel activity measured as catch per unit effort (CPUE) was correlated to 36 indices of water temperature water level, barometric pressure, amount of light at night and lunar period using multiple regression analysis. For longfinned eels, water temperature was the only individual parameter significantly related (P<0.001) to CPUE. The multiple regression model was improved (R2= 0.29. P <0.01) by the addition of lunar phase and change in barometric pressure. Water level was the most important parameter in the model for shortfinned eels, although water temperature and change in barometric pressure were significant influences in the predictability of the model (R2= 0.51. P<0.001.  相似文献   

Eels acclimatized in nature show a significant annual variation in erythrocytic guanosine triphosphate (GTP) concentration, temperature range 0.5-17 degrees C. A similar but smaller annual variation is also present in eels acclimated in the laboratory at constant temperature, 17 degrees C. Hematocrit and blood oxygen capacity showed no seasonal variation. Natural minimal and maximal red cell GTP concentrations were found at the end of the dormancy period (March) and in the late summer, respectively. Furthermore, a chronological connection of the erythrocytic GTP values versus ambient temperature, in the natural environment, demonstrates a hysteresis. This allows for a prediction of a slowly progressing enhancement of the temperature effect on Hb-O2 binding throughout autumn, whereas a relatively fast and pronounced enhancement predictably takes place in spring (April-May) coincident with the "awakening" of the eels.  相似文献   

Lake Ellesmere (Te Waihora) is a nationally important coastal brackish lake in New Zealand, however degradation in water quality and loss of submerged macrophytes over past decades have raised concerns in regards to the declining status of the lake’s commercial and customary fisheries, predominantly targeted at shortfin eels (Anguilla australis). We investigated foodweb dynamics and trophic linkages to shortfin eels in Lake Ellesmere using a combination of abundance assessments, dietary studies, and stable isotope analyses. Data from our study are compared with historical data sets on benthic invertebrate community composition and shortfin eel diets to trace changes in the trophic linkages to top predators that have occurred since the late 1960s. Stable isotope analyses indicate that the foodweb is predominantly driven by epipelic and phytoplankton derived carbon sources, although it was difficult to discriminate between these two carbon pools because of wind-driven resuspension of lake sediments. Comparison of our survey results with historical data sets indicates a clear shift in benthic biota from being dominated by phytofaunal species such as Potamopyrgus antipodarum (comprising 90% of total invertebrate biomass) during the 1960s, to now being almost entirely comprised of subterranean species such as Chironomus zealandicus and oligochaetes (together comprising 82% of total invertebrate biomass). This shift in benthic communities has resulted in significant changes in the size-specific diet of juvenile shortfin eels (<400 mm) from those reported for Lake Ellesmere during the mid 1970s, with Chironomus larvae now comprising 65% of the diets of juvenile eels, whereas historically P. antipodarum was the dominant food item (>30% of total biomass). This shift towards foraging on smaller sediment-dwelling species could have implications for juvenile eel bioenergetics, and may help explain why juvenile shortfin growth rates have significantly decreased in past decades. Juvenile shortfins now appear to switch to foraging on preyfish (mainly common bullies, Gobiomorphus cotidianus) at a smaller size (≈400 mm) than historically recorded (>500 mm). Dietary and stable isotope signatures indicated that small shortfins (100–299 mm) have considerable overlap in trophic position (δ13C = −20.4‰, δ15N = 13.6‰) with common bullies (δ13C = −20.5‰, δ15N = 13.7‰), the dominant fish in Lake Ellesmere (92% of total abundance CPUE), potentially indicating that these two species may directly compete for food resources. These findings again highlighted the importance of C. zealandicus in sustaining the fish populations of the lake. Handling editor: S. Declerck  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of sex steroids on silvering in the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, the development of oocytes, eye size, digestive tract, and swim bladder were studied in relation to observations of the profiles of plasma levels of sex steroids (estradiol 17β, E2; testosterone, T; 11-ketotestosterone; 11-KT) during silvering for each sex and by administrating 11-KT to yellow eels. All steroids examined in the study increased in female eels after silvering had begun, whereas in males, only 11-KT increased significantly, and no statistical differences were found in plasma levels of E2 and T between eels in both developmental stages. 11-KT appeared to induce the early stage of oocyte growth, enlargement of the eyes, degeneration of the digestive tract and the development of the swim bladder. This suggested that 11-KT synchronously accelerates early development of the ovaries and the morphological changes, possibly in adaption to oceanic migration, and that 11-KT is one of the most important factors in early stages of development in the Japanese eel, as it appears to be in other anguillid eels.  相似文献   

Effects of changes in environmental Ca2+ on the secretion of prolactin, a possible hypercalcemic hormone, were examined both in vivo and in vitro in the Japanese ecl, Anguilla japonica. Transfer of seawater- or freshwater-adapted fish to fresh water, fresh water containing 10 mmol Ca2+ · 1-1 sea water, Ca2+-free sea water, or deionized water was accompanied by significant changes in plasma Ca2+ levels after 7 days, except for the fish transferred from fresh water to fresh water and from sea water to sea water. Changes in external Ca2+ concentrations did not affect plasma prolactin levels, although plasma prolactin levels as well as pituitary prolactin contents were significantly greater in fish in a hypotonic environment than those in a hypertonic environment, regardless of the external Ca2+ concentration. Hypercalcemia, induced by removal of the corpuscles of Stannius, did not alter plasma prolactin levles. Incubation of the pituitary in the medium with different Ca2+ concentrations (up to 2.9 mmol·l-1) did not affect the basal release of prolactin, except at an extremely low Ca2+ concentration (less than 0.1 mmol·l-1) where prolactin release was inhibited. Addition of Ca2+ ionophore (A23187) to the medium led to a marked and significant increase in prolactin release, indicating that an increase in intracellular Ca2+ stimulates prolactin release. However, the effect was not specific to prolactin cells; a similar increase was seen in growth hormone release. These results indicate that changes in environmental Ca2+ concentration may not be the primary factor influencing prolactin secretion in the eel; changes in environmental osmolality or Na+ levels seem to be more critical for the regulation of prolactin secretion.Abbreviations CSX stanniectomy - DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - DW deionized water - FW fresh water - GH growth hormone - PRL prolactin - SW sea water  相似文献   

Aim:  To determine the relationship between the presence of thermotolerant campylobacters and their bacteriophages (phages) in surface waters for the potential to use phages as an indicator of Campylobacter spp.
Methods and Results:  Thermotolerant campylobacters were enumerated in 53 water samples using a three tube most probable number (MPN) series in m-Exeter broth. The presence of phages in the same samples was tested using two approaches: qualitative enrichment with five different Campylobacter hosts and a quantitative membrane concentration method. Phages infecting an Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolate were also enumerated by the membrane concentration method. Campylobacter spp. were isolated from 45/53 (85%) of the samples at 0.4–110 MPN 100 ml−1. No Campylobacter phages were isolated, but coliphages were present in 43/46 (93%) of samples.
Conclusions:  The membrane concentration method recovered >80% of Campylobacter phages from spiked samples. The absence of Campylobacter phages in environmental samples, from both enrichment and concentration methods, suggests that, if present, they are at very low titres.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Testing for Campylobacter phages as an indicator of Campylobacter spp. presence is not effective. The quantitative data for Campylobacter spp. will be useful for risk assessment purposes.  相似文献   

To examine the relative importance of leaf age and season on the occurrence of phyllosphere fungi, temporal patterns of epiphytic and endophytic phyllosphere fungi of giant dogwood (Swida controversa) were studied with reference to leaf emergence at first occurrence and in the middle of the growing season. A total of 15 and 44 species were isolated from the surface and interior of leaves, respectively. On the leaf surface, detection rate of fungi was consistently 100% and their frequencies increased during the growing season, whereas in the leaf interior, detection rate of fungi and their frequencies were low at leaf emergence and gradually increased during the growing season. Six epiphytic and two endophytic fungi were observed frequently. A white sterile mycelium was frequent only on the surface of newly emerged leaves in the first-order shoot in May. The other 7 species increased during the growing season. The frequencies of Phomopsis sp., Pestalotiopsis sp. 1, and Trichoderma viride were higher on the leaves of first-order shoots than those of higher-order shoots that emerged between July and September, suggesting the possible effects of leaf age on their occurrence. On the other hand, the frequencies of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Clonostachys rosea, Cladosporium cladosporioides, and Phoma sp. 1 were not different between the first- and higher-order shoots, suggesting the negligible effect of leaf age. The influence of phenological patterns of leaf emergence of deciduous trees on the diversity and composition of assemblages of phyllosphere fungi is discussed.  相似文献   

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