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Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) analysis enables visualization of the subcellular locations of protein interactions in living cells. Using fragments of different fluorescent proteins, we investigated the temporal resolution and the quantitative accuracy of BiFC analysis. We determined the kinetics of BiFC complex formation in response to the rapamycin-inducible interaction between the FK506 binding protein (FKBP) and the FKBP-rapamycin binding domain (FRB). Fragments of yellow fluorescent protein fused to FKBP and FRB produced detectable BiFC complex fluorescence 10 min after the addition of rapamycin and a 10-fold increase in the mean fluorescence intensity in 8 h. The N-terminal fragment of the Venus fluorescent protein fused to FKBP produced constitutive BiFC complexes with several C-terminal fragments fused to FRB. A chimeric N-terminal fragment containing residues from Venus and yellow fluorescent protein produced either constitutive or inducible BiFC complexes depending on the temperature at which the cells were cultured. The concentrations of inducers required for half-maximal induction of BiFC complex formation by all fluorescent protein fragments tested were consistent with the affinities of the inducers for unmodified FKBP and FRB. Treatment with the FK506 inhibitor of FKBP-FRB interaction prevented the formation of BiFC complexes by FKBP and FRB fusions, but did not disrupt existing BiFC complexes. Proteins synthesized before the addition of rapamycin formed BiFC complexes with the same efficiency as did newly synthesized proteins. Inhibitors of protein synthesis attenuated BiFC complex formation independent of their effects on fusion protein synthesis. The kinetics at which they inhibited BiFC complex formation suggests that they prevented association of the fluorescent protein fragments, but not the slow maturation of BiFC complex fluorescence. Agents that induce the unfolded protein response also reduced formation of BiFC complexes. The effects of these agents were suppressed by cellular adaptation to protein folding stress. In summary, BiFC analysis enables detection of protein interactions within minutes after complex formation in living cells, but does not allow detection of complex dissociation. Conditional BiFC complex formation depends on the folding efficiencies of fluorescent protein fragments and can be affected by the cellular protein folding environment.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin/proteasome system (UPS) is responsible for the regulated processive degradation of proteins residing in the cytosol, nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulum. The two central players are ubiquitin, a small protein that is conjugated to substrates, and the proteasome, a large multi-subunit proteolytic complex that executes degradation of ubiquitylated proteins. Ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation are highly dynamic processes. During the last decade, many researchers have started taking advantage of fluorescent proteins, which allow studying the dynamic nature of this system in the context of its natural environment: the living cell. In this review, we will summarize studies that have implemented this approach to examine the UPS and discuss novel insights in the dynamic organization of the UPS.  相似文献   

Two-component signal transduction pathways consisting of a histidine kinase and a response regulator are used by prokaryotes to respond to diverse environmental and intracellular stimuli. Most species encode numerous paralogous histidine kinases that exhibit significant structural similarity. Yet in almost all known examples, histidine kinases are thought to function as homodimers. We investigated the molecular basis of dimerization specificity, focusing on the model histidine kinase EnvZ and RstB, its closest paralog in Escherichia coli. Direct binding studies showed that the cytoplasmic domains of these proteins each form specific homodimers in vitro. Using a series of chimeric proteins, we identified specificity determinants at the base of the four-helix bundle in the dimerization and histidine phosphotransfer domain. Guided by molecular coevolution predictions and EnvZ structural information, we identified sets of residues in this region that are sufficient to establish homospecificity. Mutating these residues in EnvZ to the corresponding residues in RstB produced a functional kinase that preferentially homodimerized over interacting with EnvZ. EnvZ and RstB likely diverged following gene duplication to yield two homodimers that cannot heterodimerize, and the mutants we identified represent possible evolutionary intermediates in this process.  相似文献   

The rough energy landscape of superfolder GFP is linked to the chromophore   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many green fluorescent protein (GFP) variants have been developed for use as fluorescent tags, and recently a superfolder GFP (sfGFP) has been developed as a robust folding reporter. This new variant shows increased stability and improved folding kinetics, as well as 100% recovery of native protein after denaturation. Here, we characterize sfGFP, and find that this variant exhibits hysteresis as unfolding and refolding equilibrium titration curves are non-coincident even after equilibration for more than eight half-lives as estimated from kinetic unfolding and refolding studies. This hysteresis is attributed to trapping in a native-like intermediate state. Mutational studies directed towards inhibiting chromophore formation indicate that the novel backbone cyclization is responsible for the hysteresis observed in equilibrium titrations of sfGFP. Slow equilibration and the presence of intermediates imply a rough landscape. However, de novo folding in the absence of the chromophore is dominated by a smoother energy landscape than that sampled during unfolding and refolding of the post-translationally modified polypeptide.  相似文献   

MyD88 is a cytoplasmic adaptor protein that is critical for Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling. The subcellular localization of MyD88 is characterized as large condensed forms in the cytoplasm. The mechanism and significance of this localization with respect to the signaling function, however, are currently unknown. Here, we demonstrate that MyD88 localization depends on the entire non-TIR region and that the correct cellular targeting of MyD88 is indispensable for its signaling function. The Toll-interleukin I receptor-resistance (TIR) domain does not determine the subcellular localization, but it mediates interaction with specific TLRs. These findings reveal distinct roles for the TIR and non-TIR regions in the subcellular localization and signaling properties of MyD88.  相似文献   

Oligomerization of G protein-coupled receptors has been proposed to affect receptor function and regulation; however, little is known about the molecular nature of such complexes. We previously utilized bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) to demonstrate that the prototypic Family B secretin receptor can form oligomers. We now explore the order of oligomerization present utilizing unique bimolecular fluorescence complementation and energy transfer techniques. The non-fluorescent carboxyl-terminal and amino-terminal halves of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) were fused to the carboxyl terminus of the secretin receptor. These constructs bound secretin normally and signaled in response to secretin like wild type receptor. When co-expressed on COS cells, these constructs physically interacted to yield typical YFP fluorescence in biosynthetic compartments and at the plasma membrane, reflecting receptor homo-dimerization. However, the addition of another potential partner in form of Rlu- or CFP-tagged secretin receptor yielded no significant BRET or FRET signal, respectively, under conditions in which intact YFP-tagged secretin receptor yielded such a signal. Absence of higher-order receptor oligomers was further confirmed using saturation BRET techniques. Absence of significant resonance transfer to the secretin receptor homo-dimer was true for carboxyl-terminally-tagged secretin receptor, as well as for receptor incorporating the transfer partner into each of the three distinct intracellular loop domains. These results suggest that the secretin receptor can exist only as a structurally-specific homo-dimer, without being present as higher-order oligomers.  相似文献   

Li H  Liu L  Xing D  Chen WR 《FEBS letters》2010,584(22):4672-4678
Here we studied the mechanism by which heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) prevents Bax activation during ultraviolet (UV)-induced apoptosis. UV treatment led to c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) phosphorylation, Bim redistribution and subsequent Bax activation. Bim depletion caused a smaller reduction in apoptosis than that by JNK inhibition, indicating that Bim activation is not entirely responsible for induction of apoptosis and other mechanisms are involved. Hsp70 knockdown resulted in high levels of activated JNK and Bax, while Hsp70 overexpression inhibited these processes. These findings demonstrate that Hsp70 prevented Bax activation via inhibiting the JNK/Bim pathway. Simultaneously, increased binding of Hsp70 to Bax was observed. Collectively, our results for the first time demonstrate that Hsp70 prevents Bax activation both by inhibiting the JNK/Bim pathway and by interacting with Bax in UV-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Hammer E  Heilbronn R  Weger S 《FEBS letters》2007,581(28):5418-5424
Human Topors has originally been identified as binding partner of p53 and DNA topoisomerase I (TOP1). It can function as both an ubiquitin and SUMO-1 E3 ligase for p53. Here we demonstrate that Topors enhances the formation of high-molecular weight SUMO-1 conjugates of TOP1 in a reconstituted in vitro system and also in human osteosarcoma cells, similar to treatment with CPT. In contrast to the situation observed with p53, overall sumoylation levels were rather unaffected. Experiments with TOP1 point mutants strongly suggest that the high-molecular weight conjugates represent SUMO-1 chains formed on a limited number of SUMO-1 acceptor sites.  相似文献   

During our research on apelin receptor (APJ) signalling in living cells with BRET and FRET, we demonstrated that apelin-13 stimulation can lead to the activation of Gαi2 or Gαi3 through undergoing a molecular rearrangement rather than dissociation in HEK293 cells expressing APJ. Furthermore, Gαo and Gαq also showed involvement in APJ activation through a classical dissociation model. However, both FRET signal and BRET ratio between fluorescent Gαi1 subunit and Gβγ subunits demonstrated little change after apelin-13 stimulation. These results demonstrated that stimulation of APJ with apelin-13 causes activation of Gαi2, Gαi3, Gαo, Gαq; among which Gαi2, Gαi3 were activated through a novel rearrangement process. These results provide helpful data for understanding APJ mediated G-protein signalling.  相似文献   

Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) represents one of the most advanced and powerful tools for studying and visualizing protein-protein interactions in living cells. In this method, putative interacting protein partners are fused to complementary non-fluorescent fragments of an autofluorescent protein, such as the yellow spectral variant of the green fluorescent protein. Interaction of the test proteins may result in reconstruction of fluorescence if the two portions of yellow spectral variant of the green fluorescent protein are brought together in such a way that they can fold properly. BiFC provides an assay for detection of protein-protein interactions, and for the subcellular localization of the interacting protein partners. To facilitate the application of BiFC to plant research, we designed a series of vectors for easy construction of N-terminal and C-terminal fusions of the target protein to the yellow spectral variant of the green fluorescent protein fragments. These vectors carry constitutive expression cassettes with an expanded multi-cloning site. In addition, these vectors facilitate the assembly of BiFC expression cassettes into Agrobacterium multi-gene expression binary plasmids for co-expression of interacting partners and additional autofluorescent proteins that may serve as internal transformation controls and markers of subcellular compartments. We demonstrate the utility of these vectors for the analysis of specific protein-protein interactions in various cellular compartments, including the nucleus, plasmodesmata, and chloroplasts of different plant species and cell types.  相似文献   

The monoamine transporters for dopamine (DAT), norepinephrine (NET) and serotonin (SERT) facilitate the homeostatic balance of neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft and thus, play a fundamental role in regulating neuronal activity. Despite the importance of these monoamine transporters in controlling brain function, only relatively little information is available regarding the cellular and molecular regulation of these proteins. The monoamine transporters have been found to associate with a number of different proteins that regulate the function and subcellular localization of the transporters. We recently reported a functional interaction between SERT and the Secretory Carrier Membrane Protein 2 (SCAMP2). Here, we demonstrate that SCAMP2 also plays a role in the functional regulation of DAT. DAT and SCAMP2 interaction is here verified by co-immunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy. Moreover, co-expression of DAT and SCAMP2 results in a decrease in DAT-mediated dopamine uptake caused by reduced levels of DAT molecules on the cell surface. Our finding that SCAMP2 interacts with and regulates the subcellular distribution of both DAT and SERT suggests that interaction with SCAMP2 may constitute an important mechanism for coordinating cell surface expression of monoamine transporters.  相似文献   

LIBRA is a fluorescent biosensor of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and is composed of the ligand-binding domain of the rat type 3 IP3 receptor and cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins. We examined the responses of LIBRA and its IP3-insensitive mutant LIBRA-N to compounds known to inhibit IP3-induced Ca2+ release. Heparin, a competitive antagonist of IP3 receptors, increased the emission ratio of LIBRA but not that of LIBRA-N. In contrast, 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, a known non-competitive inhibitor of IP3 receptor, decreased the emission ratios of both LIBRA and LIBRA-N. Thus, the concurrent use of LIBRA-N with LIBRA identifies nonspecific responses. These results indicate that LIBRA and its mutant control can be used to detect specific agonists and antagonists of IP3 receptors. We also demonstrate the utility of LIBRA and LIBRA-N in discriminating between specific and nonspecific responses in intact cells.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol kinases (DGKs) catalyze the phosphorylation of diacylglycerol into phosphatidic acid. To fulfill their role in many signalling processes, DGKs must be located at, or in, membranes. Most mammalian DGKs are cytosolic and are recruited to membranes upon stimulation, except for epsilon type DGKs that are permanently membrane-associated through a hydrophobic segment. Nothing is known about the mechanism(s) involved in the membrane localization of plant DGKs. By fusion to fluorescent proteins, we show that two DGKs from cluster I in Arabidopsis thaliana possess amino-terminal hydrophobic segments that are sufficient to address them to endoplasmic reticulum membranes.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk1 and the related kinase Ime2 act in concert to trigger progression of the meiotic cell cycle in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These kinases share several functions and substrates during meiosis, but their regulation seems to be clearly different. In contrast to Cdk1, no cyclin seems to be involved in the regulation of Ime2 activity. Ime2 is a highly unstable protein, and we aimed to elucidate the relevance of Ime2 instability. We first determined the sequence elements required for Ime2 instability by constructing a set of deletions in the IME2 gene. None of the small deletions in Ime2 affected its instability, but deletion of a 241 amino acid C-terminal region resulted in a highly stabilized protein. Thus, the C-terminal domain of Ime2 is important for mediating protein instability. The stabilized, truncated Ime2 protein is highly active in vivo. Replacement of the IME2 gene with the truncated IME2ΔC241 in diploid strains did not interfere with meiotic nuclear divisions, but caused abnormalities in spore formation, as manifested by the appearance of many asci with a reduced spore number such as triads and dyads. The truncated Ime2 caused a reduction of spore number in a dominant manner. We conclude that downregulation of Ime2 kinase activity mediated by the C-terminal domain is required for the efficient production of normal four-spore asci. Our data suggest a role for Ime2 in spore number control in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The HA of influenza virus is a paradigm for a transmembrane protein thought to be associated with membrane-rafts, liquid-ordered like nanodomains of the plasma membrane enriched in cholesterol, glycosphingolipids, and saturated phospholipids. Due to their submicron size in cells, rafts can not be visualized directly and raft-association of HA was hitherto analyzed by indirect methods. In this study, we have used GUVs and GPMVs, showing liquid disordered and liquid ordered domains, to directly visualize partition of HA by fluorescence microscopy. We show that HA is exclusively (GUVs) or predominantly (GPMVs) present in the liquid disordered domain, regardless of whether authentic HA or domains containing its raft targeting signals were reconstituted into model membranes. The preferential partition of HA into ld domains and the difference between lo partition in GUV and GPMV are discussed with respect to differences in packaging of lipids in membranes of model systems and living cells suggesting that physical properties of lipid domains in biological membranes are tightly regulated by protein-lipid interactions.  相似文献   

The NPC is the portal for the exchange of proteins, mRNA, and ions between nucleus and cytoplasm. Many small molecules (<10 kDa) permeate the nucleus by simple diffusion through the pore, but molecules larger than 70 kDa require ATP and a nuclear localization sequence for their transport. In isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei, diffusion of intermediate-sized molecules appears to be regulated by the NPC, dependent upon [Ca2+] in the nuclear envelope. We have applied real-time imaging and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching to examine the nuclear pore permeability of 27-kDa EGFP in single intact cells. We found that EGFP diffused bidirectionally via the NPC across the nuclear envelope. Although diffusion is slowed ~100-fold at the nuclear envelope boundary compared to diffusion within the nucleus or cytoplasm, this delay is expected for the reduced cross-sectional area of the NPCs. We found no evidence for significant nuclear pore gating or block of EGFP diffusion by depletion of perinuclear Ca2+ stores, as assayed by a nuclear cisterna-targeted Ca2+ indicator. We also found that EGFP exchange was not altered significantly during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized previously that synergistic effect of both amyloid precursor protein intracellular C-terminal domain (AICD) and Aβ aggregation could contribute to Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Structural studies of AICD have found no stable globular fold over a broad range of pH. Present work is based on the premises that a conformational switch involving the flipping of C-terminal helix of AICD would be essential for effective binding with the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of growth factor receptor binding protein-2 (Grb2) and subsequent initiation of Grb2-mediated endo-lysosomal pathway. High-resolution crystal structures of Grb2-SH2 domain bound to AICD peptides reveal a unique mode of binding where the peptides assume a noncanonical conformation that is unlike other structures of AICD peptides bound to protein-tyrosine-binding domains or that of its free state; rather, a flipping of the C-terminal helix of AICD is evident. The involvement of different AICD residues in Grb2-SH2 interaction is further elucidated through fluorescence-based assays. Our results reveal the significance of a specific interaction of the two molecules to optimize the rapid transport of AICD inside endosomal vesicles presumably to reduce the cytotoxic load.  相似文献   

Rapamycin-triggered heterodimerization strategy is becoming an excellent tool for rapidly modifying phosphatidylinositol(4,5)-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] levels at the plasma membrane and for studying their influence in different processes. In this work, we studied the effect of modulation of the PtdIns(4,5)P2 concentration on protein kinase C (PKC) α membrane localization in intact living cells. We showed that an increase in the PtdIns(4,5)P2 concentration enlarges the permanence of PKCα in the plasma membrane when PC12 cells are stimulated with ATP, independently of the diacylglycerol generated. The depletion of this phosphoinositide decreases both the percentage of protein able to translocate to the plasma membrane and its permanence there. Our results demonstrate that the polybasic cluster located in the C2 domain of PKCα is responsible for this phosphoinositide-protein interaction. Furthermore, the C2 domain acts as a dominant interfering module in the neural differentiation process of PC12 cells, a fact that was also supported by the inhibitory effect obtained by knocking down PKCα with small interfering RNA duplexes. Taken together, these data demonstrate that PtdIns(4,5)P2 itself targets PKCα to the plasma membrane through the polybasic cluster located in the C2 domain, with this interaction being critical in the signaling network involved in neural differentiation.  相似文献   

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