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Elastin-like proteins (ELPs) are known to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation reversibly above a concentration-dependent transition temperature. Previous studies suggested that, as temperature increases, ELPs experience an increased propensity for type II β-turns. However, how the ELPs behave below the phase transition temperature itself is still elusive. Here, we investigate the importance of β-turn formation during the early stages of ELP self-association. We examined the behavior of two ELPs, a 150-repeat construct that had been investigated previously (ELP[V5G3A2-150] as well as a new 40-repeat construct (ELP40) suitable for nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. Structural analysis of ELP40 reveals a disordered conformation, and chemical shifts throughout the sequence are insensitive to changes in temperature over 20°C. However, a low population of β-turn conformation cannot be ruled out based on chemical shifts alone. To examine the structural consequences of β-turns in ELPs, a series of structural ensembles of ELP[V5G3A2-150] were generated, incorporating differing amounts of β-turn bias throughout the chain. To mimic the early stages of the phase change, two monomers were paired, assuming preferential interaction at β-turn regions. This approach was justified by the observation that buried hydrophobic turns are commonly observed to interact in the Protein Data Bank. After dimerization, the ensemble-averaged hydrodynamic properties were calculated for each degree of β-turn bias, and the results were compared with analytical ultracentrifugation experiments at various temperatures. We find that the temperature dependence of the sedimentation coefficient (s20,wo) can be reproduced by increasing the β-turn content in the structural ensemble. This analysis allows us to estimate the presence of β-turns and weak associations under experimental conditions. Because disordered proteins frequently exhibit weak biases in secondary structure propensity, these experimentally-driven ensemble calculations may complement existing methods for modeling disordered proteins generally.  相似文献   

Nuclear translocation of stimulated Smad heterocomplexes is a critical step in the signal transduction of transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) from transmembrane receptors into the nucleus. Specifically, normal nuclear accumulation of Smad2/Smad4 heterocomplexes induced by TGF-β1 is involved in carcinogenesis. However, the relationship between nuclear accumulation and the nucleocytoplasmic transport kinetics of Smad proteins in the presence of TGF-β1 remains obscure. By combining a high-speed single-molecule tracking microscopy and Förster resonance energy transfer technique, we tracked the entire TGF-β1-induced process of Smad2/Smad4 heterocomplex formation, as well as their transport through nuclear pore complexes in live cells, with a high single-molecule localization precision of 2 ms and <20 nm. Our single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer data have revealed that in TGF-β1-treated cells, Smad2/Smad4 heterocomplexes formed in the cytoplasm, imported through the nuclear pore complexes as entireties, and finally dissociated in the nucleus. Moreover, we found that basal-state Smad2 or Smad4 cannot accumulate in the nucleus without the presence of TGF-β1, mainly because both of them have an approximately twofold higher nuclear export efficiency compared to their nuclear import. Remarkably and reversely, heterocomplexes of Smad2/Smad4 induced by TGF-β1 can rapidly concentrate in the nucleus because of their almost fourfold higher nuclear import rate in comparison with their nuclear export rate. Thus, we believe that the determined TGF-β1-dependent transport configurations and efficiencies for the basal-state Smad or stimulated Smad heterocomplexes elucidate the basic molecular mechanism to understand their nuclear transport and accumulation.  相似文献   

Dielectrophoresis (DEP) and electrorotation (ROT) are two electrokinetic phenomena exploiting nonuniform electric fields to exert a force or torque on biological particles suspended in liquid media. They are widely used in lab-on-chip devices for the manipulation, trapping, separation, and characterization of cells, microorganisms, and other particles. The DEP force and ROT torque depend on the respective polarizabilities of the particle and medium, which in turn depend on their dielectric properties and on the field frequency. In this work, we present a new software, MyDEP, which implements several particle models based on concentric shells with adjustable dielectric properties. This tool enables the study of the variation in DEP and ROT spectra according to different parameters, such as the field frequency and medium conductivity. Such predictions of particle behavior are very useful for choosing appropriate parameters in DEP experiments. The software also enables the study of the homogenized properties of spherical or ellipsoidal multishell particles and provides a database containing published cell properties. Equivalent electrical conductivity and relative permittivity of the cell alone and in suspension can be calculated. The software also offers the ability to create graphs of the evolution of the crossover frequencies with the electric field frequency. These graphs can be directly exported from the software.  相似文献   

The overexpression of multidrug efflux pumps is an important mechanism of clinical resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. Recently, four small molecules were discovered that inhibit efflux in Escherichia coli and interact with the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump component AcrA. However, the binding site(s) for these molecules was not determined. Here, we combine ensemble docking and molecular dynamics simulations with tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy, site-directed mutagenesis, and antibiotic susceptibility assays to probe binding sites and effects of binding of these molecules. We conclude that clorobiocin and SLU-258 likely bind at a site located between the lipoyl and β-barrel domains of AcrA.  相似文献   

Mechanics plays a key role in the development of higher organisms. However, understanding this relationship is complicated by the difficulty of modeling the link between local forces generated at the subcellular level and deformations observed at the tissue and whole-embryo levels. Here we propose an approach first developed for lipid bilayers and cell membranes, in which force-generation by cytoskeletal elements enters a continuum mechanics formulation for the full system in the form of local changes in preferred curvature. This allows us to express and solve the system using only tissue strains. Locations of preferred curvature are simply related to products of gene expression. A solution, in that context, means relaxing the system’s mechanical energy to yield global morphogenetic predictions that accommodate a tendency toward the local preferred curvature, without a need to explicitly model force-generation mechanisms at the molecular level. Our computational framework, which we call SPHARM-MECH, extends a 3D spherical harmonics parameterization known as SPHARM to combine this level of abstraction with a sparse shape representation. The integration of these two principles allows computer simulations to be performed in three dimensions on highly complex shapes, gene expression patterns, and mechanical constraints. We demonstrate our approach by modeling mesoderm invagination in the fruit-fly embryo, where local forces generated by the acto-myosin meshwork in the region of the future mesoderm lead to formation of a ventral tissue fold. The process is accompanied by substantial changes in cell shape and long-range cell movements. Applying SPHARM-MECH to whole-embryo live imaging data acquired with light-sheet microscopy reveals significant correlation between calculated and observed tissue movements. Our analysis predicts the observed cell shape anisotropy on the ventral side of the embryo and suggests an active mechanical role of mesoderm invagination in supporting the onset of germ-band extension.  相似文献   

Relating ion channel (iCh) structural dynamics to physiological function remains a challenge. Current experimental and computational techniques have limited ability to explore this relationship in atomistic detail over physiological timescales. A framework associating iCh structure to function is necessary for elucidating normal and disease mechanisms. We formulated a modeling schema that overcomes the limitations of current methods through applications of artificial intelligence machine learning. Using this approach, we studied molecular processes that underlie human IKs voltage-mediated gating. IKs malfunction underlies many debilitating and life-threatening diseases. Molecular components of IKs that underlie its electrophysiological function include KCNQ1 (a pore-forming tetramer) and KCNE1 (an auxiliary subunit). Simulations, using the IKs structure-function model, reproduced experimentally recorded saturation of gating-charge displacement at positive membrane voltages, two-step voltage sensor (VS) movement shown by fluorescence, iCh gating statistics, and current-voltage relationship. Mechanistic insights include the following: 1) pore energy profile determines iCh subconductance; 2) the entire protein structure, not limited to the pore, contributes to pore energy and channel subconductance; 3) interactions with KCNE1 result in two distinct VS movements, causing gating-charge saturation at positive membrane voltages and current activation delay; and 4) flexible coupling between VS and pore permits pore opening at lower VS positions, resulting in sequential gating. The new modeling approach is applicable to atomistic scale studies of other proteins on timescales of physiological function.  相似文献   

The protein kinase catalytic domain is one of the most abundant domains across all branches of life. Although kinases share a common core function of phosphoryl-transfer, they also have wide functional diversity and play varied roles in cell signaling networks, and for this reason are implicated in a number of human diseases. This functional diversity is primarily achieved through sequence variation, and uncovering the sequence-function relationships for the kinase family is a major challenge. In this study we use a statistical inference technique inspired by statistical physics, which builds a coevolutionary “Potts” Hamiltonian model of sequence variation in a protein family. We show how this model has sufficient power to predict the probability of specific subsequences in the highly diverged kinase family, which we verify by comparing the model’s predictions with experimental observations in the Uniprot database. We show that the pairwise (residue-residue) interaction terms of the statistical model are necessary and sufficient to capture higher-than-pairwise mutation patterns of natural kinase sequences. We observe that previously identified functional sets of residues have much stronger correlated interaction scores than are typical.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous distribution of components in the biological membrane is critical in the process of cell polarization. However, little is known about the mechanisms that can generate and maintain the heterogeneous distribution of the membrane components. Here, we report that the propagating wave patterns of the bacterial Min proteins can impose steric pressure on the membrane, resulting in transport and directional accumulation of the component in the membrane. Therefore, the membrane component waves represent transport of the component in the membrane that is caused by the steric pressure gradient induced by the differential levels of binding and dissociation of the Min proteins in the propagating waves on the membrane surface. The diffusivity, majorly influenced by the membrane anchor of the component, and the repulsed ability, majorly influenced by the steric property of the membrane component, determine the differential spatial distribution of the membrane component. Thus, transportation of the membrane component by the Min proteins follows a simple physical principle, which resembles a linear peristaltic pumping process, to selectively segregate and maintain heterogeneous distribution of materials in the membrane.
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