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Extreme weather events may be just as important as gradual trends for the long‐term trajectories of ecosystems. For alpine lakes, which are exposed to both exacerbated atmospheric warming and intense episodic weather events, future conditions might not be appropriately forecast by only climate change trends, i.e. warming, if extreme events have the potential to deflect their thermal and metabolic states from their seasonal ranges. We used high‐frequency monitoring data over three open‐water seasons with a one‐dimensional hydrodynamic model of the high‐altitude Lake Muzelle (France) to show that rainstorms or windstorms, notwithstanding their intensity, did not trigger long‐lasting consequences to the lake characteristics when light penetration into the lake was not modified. In contrast, storms associated with high turbidity input from the watershed (“turbid storms”) strongly modified the lacustrine hydrodynamics and metabolism for the rest of the open‐water season through reduced light penetration. The long‐lasting effects of turbid storms were related to the inputs and in‐lake persistence of very light glacial suspensoids from the watershed. The occurrence of the observed turbid storms was not related to the wind or rain intensities during the events. Instead, the turbid storms occurred after dry and atypically warm spells, i.e. meteorological conditions expected to be more frequent in this alpine region in the upcoming decades. Consequently, storm events, notwithstanding their intensity, are expected to strongly imprint the future ecological status of alpine lakes under climate warming.  相似文献   

How climate change will affect the community dynamics and functionality of lake ecosystems during winter is still little understood. This is also true for phytoplankton in seasonally ice‐covered temperate lakes which are particularly vulnerable to the presence or absence of ice. We examined changes in pelagic phytoplankton winter community structure in a north temperate lake (Müggelsee, Germany), covering 18 winters between 1995 and 2013. We tested how phytoplankton taxa composition varied along a winter‐severity gradient and to what extent winter severity shaped the functional trait composition of overwintering phytoplankton communities using multivariate statistical analyses and a functional trait‐based approach. We hypothesized that overwintering phytoplankton communities are dominated by taxa with trait combinations corresponding to the prevailing winter water column conditions, using ice thickness measurements as a winter‐severity indicator. Winter severity had little effect on univariate diversity indicators (taxon richness and evenness), but a strong relationship was found between the phytoplankton community structure and winter severity when taxon trait identity was taken into account. Species responses to winter severity were mediated by the key functional traits: motility, nutritional mode, and the ability to form resting stages. Accordingly, one or the other of two functional groups dominated the phytoplankton biomass during mild winters (i.e., thin or no ice cover; phototrophic taxa) or severe winters (i.e., thick ice cover; exclusively motile taxa). Based on predicted milder winters for temperate regions and a reduction in ice‐cover durations, phytoplankton communities during winter can be expected to comprise taxa that have a relative advantage when the water column is well mixed (i.e., need not be motile) and light is less limiting (i.e., need not be mixotrophic). A potential implication of this result is that winter severity promotes different communities at the vernal equinox, which may have different nutritional quality for the next trophic level and ecosystem‐scale effects.  相似文献   

1. Linking a regional climate model (RCM) configured for contemporary atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, with a phytoplankton community model (PROTECH) produced realistic simulations of 20 years of recent phytoplankton data from Bassenthwaite Lake, in the North‐West of England. 2. Meteorological drivers were derived from the RCM to represent a future climate scenario involving a 1% per annum compound increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations until 2100. Using these drivers, PROTECH was run for another 20 year period representing the last two decades of the 21st century. 3. Comparison of these present and future simulations revealed likely impacts on the current seasonal phytoplankton development. Under future climate conditions, the simulated spring bloom showed an increase in cyanobacteria dominance caused by greater success of Planktothrix. Also, the summer cyanobacteria bloom declined earlier because of nutrient limitation caused by the increased spring growth. Overall productivity in the lake did not change. 4. Analysis showed that these predicted changes were driven by changes in water temperature, which were in turn triggered by the higher air temperatures predicted by the RCM.  相似文献   

The impacts of changing climate regimes on emergent processes controlling the assembly of ecological communities remain poorly understood. Human alterations to the water cycle in the western United States have resulted in greater interannual variability and more frequent and severe extremes in freshwater flow. The specific mechanisms through which such extremes and climate regime shifts may alter ecological communities have rarely been demonstrated, and baseline information on current impacts of environmental variation is widely lacking for many habitats and communities. Here, we used observations and experiments to show that interannual variation in winter salinity levels in San Francisco Bay controls the mechanisms determining sessile invertebrate community composition during the following summer. We found consistent community changes in response to decadal‐scale dry and wet extremes during a 13‐year period, producing strikingly different communities. Our results match theoretical predictions of major shifts in species composition in response to environmental forcing up to a threshold, beyond which we observed mass mortality and wholesale replacement of the former community. These results provide a window into potential future community changes, with environmental forcing altering communities by shifting the relative influences of the mechanisms controlling species distributions and abundances. We place these results in the context of historical and projected future environmental variation in the San Francisco Bay Estuary.  相似文献   

Because smaller habitats dry more frequently and severely during droughts, habitat size is likely a key driver of survival in populations during climate change and associated increased extreme drought frequency. Here, we show that survival in populations during droughts is a threshold function of habitat size driven by an interaction with population density in metapopulations of the forest pool dwelling fish, Neochanna apoda. A mark–recapture study involving 830 N. apoda individuals during a one‐in‐seventy‐year extreme drought revealed that survival during droughts was high for populations occupying pools deeper than 139 mm, but declined steeply in shallower pools. This threshold was caused by an interaction between increasing population density and drought magnitude associated with decreasing habitat size, which acted synergistically to increase physiological stress and mortality. This confirmed two long‐held hypotheses, firstly concerning the interactive role of population density and physiological stress, herein driven by habitat size, and secondly, the occurrence of drought survival thresholds. Our results demonstrate how survival in populations during droughts will depend strongly on habitat size and highlight that minimum habitat size thresholds will likely be required to maximize survival as the frequency and intensity of droughts are projected to increase as a result of global climate change.  相似文献   

Recent models predict contrasting impacts of climate change on tropical and temperate species, but these models ignore how environmental stress and organismal tolerance change during the life cycle. For example, geographical ranges and extinction risks have been inferred from thermal constraints on activity during the adult stage. Yet, most animals pass through a sessile embryonic stage before reaching adulthood, making them more susceptible to warming climates than current models would suggest. By projecting microclimates at high spatio-temporal resolution and measuring thermal tolerances of embryos, we developed a life cycle model of population dynamics for North American lizards. Our analyses show that previous models dramatically underestimate the demographic impacts of climate change. A predicted loss of fitness in 2% of the USA by 2100 became 35% when considering embryonic performance in response to hourly fluctuations in soil temperature. Most lethal events would have been overlooked if we had ignored thermal stress during embryonic development or had averaged temperatures over time. Therefore, accurate forecasts require detailed knowledge of environmental conditions and thermal tolerances throughout the life cycle.  相似文献   

内蒙古地处生态环境脆弱区,对气候变化尤为敏感。在全球气候变暖背景下,探究极端气候变化及其影响显得尤为重要。基于内蒙古地区115个气象站点1982—2020年的逐日气象数据,从强度、持续时间、频率3个维度出发计算了18个极端气候指数,在综合分析极端气候的时空变化特征的基础上,运用地理探测器和皮尔逊相关分析方法,定量评估极端气候对该区植被的影响。结果表明:(1)极端暖指数均呈增加趋势,说明1982—2020年期间内蒙古地区极端偏暖现象增多。(2)持续干旱日数与持续湿润日数呈减少趋势,说明39年来内蒙古地区连续性无降水天数和降水天数均减少。(3)极端气候指数与归一化植被指数(NDVI)的相关关系表现出明显的空间异质性,表明内蒙古不同区域NDVI对各极端气候指数的响应程度不同。(4)因子探测器结果表明极端降水指数相对于极端气温指数来说,对内蒙古植被生长变化的影响较大。研究结果可为内蒙古地区防灾减灾与生态修复工程提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

Aims For temperate regions such as Northern Europe, predicted climate change patterns include an increase in winter precipitation causing increased risk of flooding, whereas periods of droughts will become more frequent in summer. The aim of this study is to explore variations in plant functional trait distributions along a hydrological gradient spanning from recurrent drought events to recurrent flooding—mimicking future precipitation patterns.  相似文献   

The effects of the recent warming trend in many northern temperate lakes on the species composition of spring phytoplankton remain poorly understood, especially because a recent change in nutrients has complicated efforts, and previous studies have defined spring according to the calendar. We analysed data from 1979 to 2004 from Lake Müggelsee (Berlin, Germany), using physical and biological parameters to define the spring period. We show that a change in timing of spring plankton events in warm years led to the paradox of lower mean water temperatures during the growth period, favouring cold-adapted diatoms over cyanobacteria, and within the diatoms, some cold-adapted centric forms over pennate forms. Under high P : Si ratios, the increased time between phytoplankton and cladoceran peaks opened a loophole for filamentous cyanobacteria (Oscillatoriales) in warm years to establish dominance after the diatoms, which are silicate limited. Therefore, the warming trend promotes filamentous cyanobacteria, a well-known nuisance in eutrophic lakes, and surprisingly, cold-adapted diatoms.  相似文献   

Drought‐induced tree mortality is projected to increase due to climate change, which will have manifold ecological and societal impacts including the potential to weaken or reverse the terrestrial carbon sink. Predictions of tree mortality remain limited, in large part because within‐species variations in ecophysiology due to plasticity or adaptation and ecosystem adjustments could buffer mortality in dry locations. Here, we conduct a meta‐analysis of 50 studies spanning >100 woody plant species globally to quantify how populations within species vary in vulnerability to drought mortality and whether functional traits or climate mediate mortality patterns. We find that mortality predominantly occurs in drier populations and this pattern is more pronounced in species with xylem that can tolerate highly negative water potentials, typically considered to be an adaptive trait for dry regions, and species that experience higher variability in water stress. Our results indicate that climate stress has exceeded physiological and ecosystem‐level tolerance or compensating mechanisms by triggering extensive mortality at dry range edges and provides a foundation for future mortality projections in empirical distribution and mechanistic vegetation models.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to increase climate variability and the occurrence of extreme climatic events, with potentially devastating effects on aquatic ecosystems. However, little is known about the role of climate extremes in structuring aquatic communities or the interplay between climate and local abiotic and biotic factors. Here, we examine the relative influence of climate and local abiotic and biotic conditions on biodiversity and community structure in lake invertebrates. We sampled aquatic invertebrates and measured environmental variables in 19 lakes throughout California, USA, to test hypotheses of the relationship between climate, local biotic and environmental conditions, and the taxonomic and functional structure of aquatic invertebrate communities. We found that, while local biotic and abiotic factors such as habitat availability and conductivity were the most consistent predictors of alpha diversity, extreme climate conditions such as maximum summer temperature and dry‐season precipitation were most often associated with multivariate taxonomic and functional composition. Specifically, sites with high maximum temperatures and low dry‐season precipitation housed communities containing high abundances of large predatory taxa. Furthermore, both climate dissimilarity and abiotic dissimilarity determined taxonomic turnover among sites (beta diversity). These findings suggest that while local‐scale environmental variables may predict alpha diversity, climatic variability is important to consider when projecting broad‐scale aquatic community responses to the extreme temperature and precipitation events that are expected for much of the world during the next century.  相似文献   

气候变化与人类活动双重驱动的冷水湖泊富营养化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕笑天  吕永龙  宋帅  王铁宇 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7375-7386
富营养化对水生生态系统造成的负面影响已在世界范围内广泛发生,尤其对淡水水源地湖泊的水环境质量影响深远,进而引起当地居民的饮用水安全与健康隐患。在人类活动和气候变化的双重驱动下,富营养化辐射的范围不断扩大,从过去主要集中于温带大型浅水湖泊已经扩展到寒冷地区的冷水湖泊。分析了近年来世界范围内高寒地区冷水湖泊富营养化的趋势特征与研究进展,探讨了气候变化、人类干扰(农业活动、畜牧业生产、管理措施不当等)在不同地区冷水湖泊富营养化进程中的作用。在未来的研究中,应进一步加强对冷水湖泊富营养化机制的探讨,并对已有富营养化症状的湖泊进行生态修复,以确保冷水湖泊生态系统健康并改善饮用水源地的环境质量。  相似文献   

水培条件下营养元素对枳幼苗根毛发育及根生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以柑橘砧木枳实生苗为试材,研究水培条件下N、P、 K、Ca、Mg、Fe和Mn等7种营养元素分别缺乏对其根系主根长度、侧根数和主、侧根根毛密度、根毛长度及根毛直径等的影响.结果表明: 水培条件下,不同缺素处理枳实生幼苗的根毛均能生长,但根毛主要集中在近根基段,根尖处分布较少;侧根的根毛密度显著大于主根,而其根毛长度显著小于主根.不同缺素处理对根毛的生长发育影响较大,主根根毛密度为55.0~174.3 条·mm-2.与对照相比,缺Ca诱发主根的根毛密度、长度显著增加;缺P使主根的根基段、中段及侧根的根毛密度、长度显著增加;缺Fe使主根根尖段根毛密度显著增加,而长度显著降低;缺K使主根、侧根的根毛密度、长度及根毛直径均显著降低;缺Mg使主根根毛长度显著增加.各处理主根的生长较一致;侧根除缺N、Mg处理外,其他处理均出现脱落后再生的现象.  相似文献   

Michael P. Perring  Markus Bernhardt‐Römermann  Lander Baeten  Gabriele Midolo  Haben Blondeel  Leen Depauw  Dries Landuyt  Sybryn L. Maes  Emiel De Lombaerde  Maria Mercedes Carón  Mark Vellend  Jörg Brunet  Markéta Chudomelová  Guillaume Decocq  Martin Diekmann  Thomas Dirnböck  Inken Dörfler  Tomasz Durak  Pieter De Frenne  Frank S. Gilliam  Radim Hédl  Thilo Heinken  Patrick Hommel  Bogdan Jaroszewicz  Keith J. Kirby  Martin Kopecký  Jonathan Lenoir  Daijiang Li  František Máliš  Fraser J.G. Mitchell  Tobias Naaf  Miles Newman  Petr Petřík  Kamila Reczyńska  Wolfgang Schmidt  Tibor Standovár  Krzysztof Świerkosz  Hans Van Calster  Ondřej Vild  Eva Rosa Wagner  Monika Wulf  Kris Verheyen 《Global Change Biology》2018,24(4):1722-1740
The contemporary state of functional traits and species richness in plant communities depends on legacy effects of past disturbances. Whether temporal responses of community properties to current environmental changes are altered by such legacies is, however, unknown. We expect global environmental changes to interact with land‐use legacies given different community trajectories initiated by prior management, and subsequent responses to altered resources and conditions. We tested this expectation for species richness and functional traits using 1814 survey‐resurvey plot pairs of understorey communities from 40 European temperate forest datasets, syntheses of management transitions since the year 1800, and a trait database. We also examined how plant community indicators of resources and conditions changed in response to management legacies and environmental change. Community trajectories were clearly influenced by interactions between management legacies from over 200 years ago and environmental change. Importantly, higher rates of nitrogen deposition led to increased species richness and plant height in forests managed less intensively in 1800 (i.e., high forests), and to decreases in forests with a more intensive historical management in 1800 (i.e., coppiced forests). There was evidence that these declines in community variables in formerly coppiced forests were ameliorated by increased rates of temperature change between surveys. Responses were generally apparent regardless of sites’ contemporary management classifications, although sometimes the management transition itself, rather than historic or contemporary management types, better explained understorey responses. Main effects of environmental change were rare, although higher rates of precipitation change increased plant height, accompanied by increases in fertility indicator values. Analysis of indicator values suggested the importance of directly characterising resources and conditions to better understand legacy and environmental change effects. Accounting for legacies of past disturbance can reconcile contradictory literature results and appears crucial to anticipating future responses to global environmental change.  相似文献   

1. Positive effects of fish on algal biomass have variously been attributed to cascading top‐down effects and to nutrient enrichment by fish excretion. 2. Here, we used a combination of field and laboratory approaches to test an additional hypothesis, namely that the physical resuspension of settled algal cells by fish enhances algal biomass and alters community composition. 3. A multi‐lake survey showed that phytoplankton biomass and the fraction of motile algae increased with the concentration of inorganic suspended solids. This correlation could not be explained by wind‐induced resuspension because of the small size of the lakes. 4. In an enclosure experiment, chlorophyll‐a concentration, phytoplankton abundance and inorganic suspended solids increased significantly in the presence of Cyprinus carpio (common carp), but only if the fish had access to the sediment. No such effects were seen when a net prevented carp reaching the sediment. 5. The effects of enhanced nutrients and reduced zooplankton grazing as a result of fish feeding could not (fully) explain these observations, suggesting that the resuspension by carp of settled algae from a surface film on the sediment was the major factor in the outcome of the experiment. 6. An increase in diatoms and green algae (organisms with a relatively large sedimentation velocity) only in enclosures where carp could reach the sediment supported this view. 7. Several lines of evidence indicate that fish‐induced resuspension of algal cells from the sediment is an important mechanism that affects phytoplankton biomass and community composition in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Climate models predict, and empirical evidence confirms, that more extreme precipitation regimes are occurring in tandem with warmer atmospheric temperatures. These more extreme rainfall patterns are characterized by increased event size separated by longer within season drought periods and represent novel climatic conditions whose consequences for different ecosystem types are largely unknown. Here, we present results from an experiment in which more extreme rainfall patterns were imposed in three native grassland sites in the Central Plains Region of North America, USA. Along this 600 km precipitation–productivity gradient, there was strong sensitivity of temperate grasslands to more extreme growing season rainfall regimes, with responses of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) contingent on mean soil water levels for different grassland types. At the mesic end of the gradient (tallgrass prairie), longer dry intervals between events led to extended periods of below-average soil water content, increased plant water stress and reduced ANPP by 18%. The opposite response occurred at the dry end (semiarid steppe), where a shift to fewer, but larger, events increased periods of above-average soil water content, reduced seasonal plant water stress and resulted in a 30% increase in ANPP. At an intermediate mixed grass prairie site with high plant species richness, ANPP was most sensitive to more extreme rainfall regimes (70% increase). These results highlight the inherent complexity in predicting how terrestrial ecosystems will respond to forecast novel climate conditions as well as the difficulties in extending inferences from single site experiments across biomes. Even with no change in annual precipitation amount, ANPP responses in a relatively uniform physiographic region differed in both magnitude and direction in response to within season changes in rainfall event size/frequency.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence for impacts of increased climatic variability and extremes on ecosystems is urgently needed. The constraint in our knowledge, however, is not caused by the uncertainty in the applied climate scenarios. We need mechanistic understanding from experiments challenging ecological thresholds coupled with ecosystem models to allow for meaningful up‐scaling.  相似文献   

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