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Higher yields and lower methane emissions with new rice cultivars   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Breeding high‐yielding rice cultivars through increasing biomass is a key strategy to meet rising global food demands. Yet, increasing rice growth can stimulate methane (CH4) emissions, exacerbating global climate change, as rice cultivation is a major source of this powerful greenhouse gas. Here, we show in a series of experiments that high‐yielding rice cultivars actually reduce CH4 emissions from typical paddy soils. Averaged across 33 rice cultivars, a biomass increase of 10% resulted in a 10.3% decrease in CH4 emissions in a soil with a high carbon (C) content. Compared to a low‐yielding cultivar, a high‐yielding cultivar significantly increased root porosity and the abundance of methane‐consuming microorganisms, suggesting that the larger and more porous root systems of high‐yielding cultivars facilitated CH4 oxidation by promoting O2 transport to soils. Our results were further supported by a meta‐analysis, showing that high‐yielding rice cultivars strongly decrease CH4 emissions from paddy soils with high organic C contents. Based on our results, increasing rice biomass by 10% could reduce annual CH4 emissions from Chinese rice agriculture by 7.1%. Our findings suggest that modern rice breeding strategies for high‐yielding cultivars can substantially mitigate paddy CH4 emission in China and other rice growing regions.  相似文献   

Methyl bromide (CH3Br) and methyl chloride(CH3Cl) emission rates from southernCalifornia coastal salt marshes show largespatial and temporal variabilities that arestrongly linked to biological and environmentalfactors. Here we discuss biogeochemical linesof evidence pointing to vegetation as theprimary source of CH3Br and CH3Clemissions from salt marshes. Sediments andmacroalgae do not appear to be major producersof these compounds, based on observations thatthe highest fluxes are not inhibited by soilinundation; their emissions are not correlatedwith those of certain gases produced in soils;and emissions from mudflat- andmacroalgae-dominated sites are relativelysmall. In contrast, the seasonal and spatialvariabilities of methyl halide fluxes in thesesalt marshes are consistent with the productionof these compounds by vascular plants, althoughthe possibility of production by microflora orfungi associated with the salt marsh vegetationis not ruled out. Flux chamber measurements ofemission rates are largely correlated to theoverall plant biomass enclosed in the chamber,but appear also to be highly dependent on thepredominant plant species. Emission ratesfollow a diurnal trend similar to the trends ofambient air temperature and photosyntheticallyactive radiation, but not surface soiltemperature. Diurnal variabilities in thecarbon isotope compositions of CH3Cl andCH3Br and their relative ratios ofemissions are consistent with simultaneouslycompeting mechanisms of uptake andproduction.  相似文献   

Recent attention has focused on the high rates of annual carbon sequestration in vegetated coastal ecosystems-marshes, mangroves, and seagrasses-that may be lost with habitat destruction ('conversion'). Relatively unappreciated, however, is that conversion of these coastal ecosystems also impacts very large pools of previously-sequestered carbon. Residing mostly in sediments, this 'blue carbon' can be released to the atmosphere when these ecosystems are converted or degraded. Here we provide the first global estimates of this impact and evaluate its economic implications. Combining the best available data on global area, land-use conversion rates, and near-surface carbon stocks in each of the three ecosystems, using an uncertainty-propagation approach, we estimate that 0.15-1.02 Pg (billion tons) of carbon dioxide are being released annually, several times higher than previous estimates that account only for lost sequestration. These emissions are equivalent to 3-19% of those from deforestation globally, and result in economic damages of $US 6-42 billion annually. The largest sources of uncertainty in these estimates stems from limited certitude in global area and rates of land-use conversion, but research is also needed on the fates of ecosystem carbon upon conversion. Currently, carbon emissions from the conversion of vegetated coastal ecosystems are not included in emissions accounting or carbon market protocols, but this analysis suggests they may be disproportionally important to both. Although the relevant science supporting these initial estimates will need to be refined in coming years, it is clear that policies encouraging the sustainable management of coastal ecosystems could significantly reduce carbon emissions from the land-use sector, in addition to sustaining the well-recognized ecosystem services of coastal habitats.  相似文献   

Carbon emissions from fires in tropical and subtropical ecosystems   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Global carbon emissions from fires are difficult to quantify and have the potential to influence interannual variability and long‐term trends in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We used 4 years of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS) satellite data and a biogeochemical model to assess spatial and temporal variability of carbon emissions from tropical fires. The TRMM satellite data extended between 38°N and 38°S and covered the period from 1998 to 2001. A relationship between TRMM fire counts and burned area was derived using estimates of burned area from other satellite fire products in Africa and Australia and reported burned areas from the United States. We modified the Carnegie‐Ames‐Stanford‐Approach (CASA) biogeochemical model to account for both direct combustion losses and the decomposition from fire‐induced mortality, using both TRMM and Sea‐viewing Wide Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS) satellite data as model drivers. Over the 1998–2001 period, we estimated that the sum of carbon emissions from tropical fires and fuel wood use was 2.6 Pg C yr?1. An additional flux of 1.2 Pg C yr?1 was released indirectly, as a result of decomposition of vegetation killed by fire but not combusted. The sum of direct and indirect carbon losses from fires represented 9% of tropical and subtropical net primary production (NPP). We found that including fire processes in the tropics substantially alters the seasonal cycle of net biome production by shifting carbon losses to months with low soil moisture and low rates of soil microbial respiration. Consequently, accounting for fires increases growing season net flux by ~12% between 38°N and 38°S, with the greatest effect occurring in highly productive savanna regions.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to understand the influence of plant type on the monthly variations of diel CH4 fluxes from Spartina alterniflora and Suaeda salsa of coastal salt marshes at three growth stages (July, August and September). Dissolved CH4 concentrations in porewater and sediment redox potentials were monitored, as were aboveground plant biomass and stem densities. CH4 fluxes exhibited clear monthly variations and peaked in September in the S. alterniflora and S. salsa mesocosms. However, no discernible diel variation was observed in the CH4 flux in the S. salsa mesocosm, probably due to its weak gas transport capacity. By contrast, notable diel variations of CH4 flux with the peak of 1.42 and 3.67 mg CH4 m−2 h−1 at 12:00 and the lowest of 0.75 and 2.11 mg CH4 m−2 h−1 at 3:00 or 6:00 were observed in the S. alterniflora mesocosm on 11 August and 11 September, respectively, but not in July mainly due to low plant biomass masking diel variations in the porewater CH4 concentration. The ratios of the maximum flux to minimum flux over the course of the day in the S. alterniflora mesocosm on 10 July, 11 August and 11 September were 1.28, 1.89 and 1.76, respectively, and corresponding values for porewater CH4 concentration were 1.31, 1.39 and 1.17, respectively. CH4 flux significantly correlated with CH4 concentration in porewater, and both were significantly related to air temperature. These findings indicate that CH4 production and CH4 flux at the middle growth stage (August) exhibited greater responses to changes in air temperature, which in turn induced the higher diel variation. The higher diel cycle for CH4 flux in August than in September was likely due to the higher proportion of CH4 oxidized during diffusion within the aerenchyma system. Our results suggest that the extent of diel variations in CH4 flux may have depended on the gas transport capacity of plants, and the highest diel variation occurred at the middle growth stage.  相似文献   

Global vegetated coastal habitats (VCHs) represent a large sink for organic carbon (OC) stored within their soils. The regional patterns and causes of spatial variation, however, remain uncertain. The sparsity and regional bias of studies on soil OC stocks from Chinese VCHs have limited the reliable estimation of their capacity as regional and global OC sinks. Here, we use field and published data from 262 sampled soil cores and 181 surface soils to report estimates of soil OC stocks, burial rates and losses of VCHs in China. We find that Chinese mangrove, salt marsh and seagrass habitats have relatively low OC stocks, storing 6.3 ± 0.6, 7.5 ± 0.6, and 1.6 ± 0.6 Tg C (±95% confidence interval) in the top meter of the soil profile with burial rates of 44 ± 17, 159 ± 57, and 6 ± 45 Gg C/year, respectively. The variability in the soil OC stocks is linked to biogeographic factors but is mostly impacted by sedimentary processes and anthropic activities. All habitats have experienced significant losses, resulting in estimated emissions of 94.2–395.4 Tg CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) over the past 70 years. Reversing this trend through conservation and restoration measures has, therefore, great potential in contributing to the mitigation of climate change while providing additional benefits. This assessment, on a national scale from highly sedimentary environments under intensive anthropogenic pressures, provides important insights into blue carbon sink mechanism and sequestration capacities, thus contributing to the synchronous progression of global blue carbon management.  相似文献   

滨海盐沼湿地有机碳的沉积与埋藏研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滨海盐沼湿地有着较高的碳沉积速率和固碳能力,在缓解全球变暖方面发挥着重要作用,而盐渍土壤是滨海盐沼湿地碳收支研究中最大的有机碳库,研究其碳沉积与埋藏对于理解滨海湿地碳收支有着重要的意义.本文从滨海盐沼湿地土壤有机碳的来源、土壤有机碳库与沉积速率、盐沼湿地有机碳的埋藏机制、全球变化与滨海盐沼湿地碳封存等几方面对滨海盐沼湿地有机碳沉积与埋藏的相关研究进行综述.今后研究应侧重:1)加强对控制滨海盐沼湿地碳储存变异的基本因素的迸一步研究;2)对测量滨海盐沼湿地沉积物碳储量和沉积碳埋藏速率的方法进行标准化;3)对潮汐影响下滨海盐沼湿地碳与邻近生态系统之间的横向交换通量进行量化;4)探明全球变暖的影响和生产力的提高是否可以抵消因呼吸增强而造成的有机碳降解速率的升高.确定固碳速率变化驱动因子,理解气候变化和人类活动对碳埋藏的影响机制,有助于提升我国滨海盐沼湿地的固碳能力.  相似文献   

潘小翠  管铭  张崇邦 《生态学杂志》2016,27(4):1145-1151
在浙江省台州市附近滩涂湿地设置3个不同互花米草入侵密度梯度,即仅有本土植物样地、互花米草与本土植物混生样地和互花米草单优群落样地,研究互花米草入侵对滩涂湿地CH4排放的影响.结果表明: 3个样地CH4排放通量为0.68~5.88 mg·m-2·h-1,CH4排放通量随着互花米草入侵梯度的增加而显著升高,互花米草单优群落样地CH4排放通量分别为本土植物样地和混生样地的8.7和2.3倍.互花米草入侵显著提高了产甲烷菌数量、产甲烷潜力、甲烷氧化菌数量、甲烷氧化潜力、植物生物量、土壤有机碳含量和土壤pH,降低了土壤全氮含量.CH4排放通量与土壤全氮呈显著负相关,与产甲烷菌数量、产甲烷潜力、甲烷氧化菌数量、甲烷氧化潜力、植物生物量和土壤pH呈显著正相关.互花米草的入侵提高了滩涂湿地植物群落生物量和土壤pH,促进了产甲烷菌数量和产甲烷潜力,从而提高了滩涂湿地的CH4排放.  相似文献   

During coastal wetland restoration, foundation plant species are critical in creating habitat, modulating ecosystem functions, and supporting ecological communities. Following initial hydrologic restoration, foundation plant species can help stabilize sediments and jump‐start ecosystem development. Different foundation species, however, have different traits and environmental tolerances. To understand how these traits and tolerances impact restoration trajectories, there is a need for comparative studies among foundation species. In subtropical and tropical climates, coastal wetland restoration practitioners can sometimes choose between salt marsh and/or mangrove foundation species. Here, we compared the early life history traits and environmental tolerances of two foundation species: (1) a salt marsh grass (Spartina alterniflora) and (2) a mangrove tree (Avicennia germinans). In an 18‐month study of a recently restored coastal wetland in southeastern Louisiana (USA), we examined growth and survival along an elevation gradient and compared expansion and recruitment rates. We found that the rapid growth, expansion, and recruitment rates of the salt marsh grass make it a better species for quickly establishing ecological structure at suitable elevations. The slower growth, limited expansion, and lower recruitment of the mangrove species show its restricted capacity for immediate structural restoration, especially in areas where it co‐occurs with perennial salt marsh species. Our findings suggest that the structural attributes needed in recently restored areas can be achieved sooner using fast‐growing foundation species. Following salt marsh grass establishment, mangroves can then be used to further assist ecosystem development. This work highlights how appropriate foundation species can help jump‐start ecosystem development to meet restoration objectives.  相似文献   

Abstract Methane formation from formaldehyde and H2 or from carbon dioxide and H2, as performed by cell suspensions of Methanosarcina barkeri , was coupled to ATP synthesis. In correspondence with this, methane formation was inhibited by N , N '-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), which at the same time, caused a decrease of the intracellular ATP concentration but only a slow decrease of the membrane potential. Addition of the uncoupler tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS) led to a relief of the inhibition of methane formation from CH2O + H2, but not from CO2+ H2.  相似文献   

Wetlands are the largest natural source of atmospheric methane. Here, we assess controls on methane flux using a database of approximately 19 000 instantaneous measurements from 71 wetland sites located across subtropical, temperate, and northern high latitude regions. Our analyses confirm general controls on wetland methane emissions from soil temperature, water table, and vegetation, but also show that these relationships are modified depending on wetland type (bog, fen, or swamp), region (subarctic to temperate), and disturbance. Fen methane flux was more sensitive to vegetation and less sensitive to temperature than bog or swamp fluxes. The optimal water table for methane flux was consistently below the peat surface in bogs, close to the peat surface in poor fens, and above the peat surface in rich fens. However, the largest flux in bogs occurred when dry 30‐day averaged antecedent conditions were followed by wet conditions, while in fens and swamps, the largest flux occurred when both 30‐day averaged antecedent and current conditions were wet. Drained wetlands exhibited distinct characteristics, e.g. the absence of large flux following wet and warm conditions, suggesting that the same functional relationships between methane flux and environmental conditions cannot be used across pristine and disturbed wetlands. Together, our results suggest that water table and temperature are dominant controls on methane flux in pristine bogs and swamps, while other processes, such as vascular transport in pristine fens, have the potential to partially override the effect of these controls in other wetland types. Because wetland types vary in methane emissions and have distinct controls, these ecosystems need to be considered separately to yield reliable estimates of global wetland methane release.  相似文献   

滨海盐沼湿地有着较高的碳沉积速率和固碳能力,在缓解全球变暖方面发挥着重要作用,而盐渍土壤是滨海盐沼湿地碳收支研究中最大的有机碳库,研究其碳沉积与埋藏对于理解滨海湿地碳收支有着重要的意义.本文从滨海盐沼湿地土壤有机碳的来源、土壤有机碳库与沉积速率、盐沼湿地有机碳的埋藏机制、全球变化与滨海盐沼湿地碳封存等几方面对滨海盐沼湿地有机碳沉积与埋藏的相关研究进行综述.今后研究应侧重:1)加强对控制滨海盐沼湿地碳储存变异的基本因素的进一步研究;2)对测量滨海盐沼湿地沉积物碳储量和沉积碳埋藏速率的方法进行标准化;3)对潮汐影响下滨海盐沼湿地碳与邻近生态系统之间的横向交换通量进行量化;4)探明全球变暖的影响和生产力的提高是否可以抵消因呼吸增强而造成的有机碳降解速率的升高.确定固碳速率变化驱动因子,理解气候变化和人类活动对碳埋藏的影响机制,有助于提升我国滨海盐沼湿地的固碳能力.  相似文献   

潮汐作用对黄河三角洲盐沼湿地甲烷排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐沼湿地作为陆海交互作用的过渡带是CH4重要的自然来源。潮汐活动通过影响CH4的产生、氧化和传输驱动了湿地CH4间歇性、周期性的排放。利用涡度相关和微气象监测技术,对黄河三角洲一个盐地碱蓬生态系统CH4通量、环境因子和水文要素(潮汐)进行了长期连续监测分析了该生态系统生长季CH4排放的季节动态及潮汐作用对CH4排放的影响。结果表明:生长季该生态系统是CH4的排放源,排放日均值为0.063 mg m-2 h-1,(范围为-0.36-0.57 mg m-2 h-1)。潮汐淹水阶段和落潮后湿润阶段表现为CH4的显著源。此外我们发现,短期潮汐活动引起土壤干湿状况的变化促进了CH4脉冲式的排放,因此未来气候变化下温度升高和降雨季节分配引起的土壤干湿变化将会对该区域CH4排放甚至碳循环产生积极影响。  相似文献   

Nearly 5000 chamber measurements of CH4 flux were collated from 21 sites across the United Kingdom, covering a range of soil and vegetation types, to derive a parsimonious model that explains as much of the variability as possible, with the least input requirements. Mean fluxes ranged from ?0.3 to 27.4 nmol CH4 m?2 s?1, with small emissions or low rates of net uptake in mineral soils (site means of ?0.3 to 0.7 nmol m?2 s?1) and much larger emissions from organic soils (site means of ?0.3 to 27.4 nmol m?2 s?1). Less than half of the observed variability in instantaneous fluxes could be explained by independent variables measured. The reasons for this include measurement error, stochastic processes and, probably most importantly, poor correspondence between the independent variables measured and the actual variables influencing the processes underlying methane production, transport and oxidation. When temporal variation was accounted for, and the fluxes averaged at larger spatial scales, simple models explained up to ca. 75% of the variance in CH4 fluxes. Soil carbon, peat depth, soil moisture and pH together provided the best sub‐set of explanatory variables. However, where plant species composition data were available, this provided the highest explanatory power. Linear and nonlinear models generally fitted the data equally well, with the exception that soil moisture required a power transformation. To estimate the impact of changes in peatland water table on CH4 emissions in the United Kingdom, an emission factor of +0.4 g CH4 m?2 yr?1 per cm increase in water table height was derived from the data.  相似文献   

Missing methane emissions from leaves of terrestrial plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The controversial claim that attached leaves of terrestrial plants emit CH4 aerobically remains to be corroborated. Here, we report CH4 fluxes and CO2 exchange rates for leaves of the C4 species Zea mays using a high-accuracy traceable online analytical system. In contrast to earlier results for Z. mays , our measurements provide no evidence for substantial aerobic CH4 emissions from photosynthesizing leaves illuminated with photosynthetically active radiation ( λ =400–700 nm), or from dark-respiring leaves. Preliminary measurements with the same system indicated a similar lack of aerobic CH4 emissions in the light or dark from leaves of the C3 species Nicotiana tabacum . These findings are supported by independent high-precision 13C-labeling studies that also failed to confirm substantial aerobic CH4 emissions from plants. Nevertheless, we are not able to exclude the possibility that CH4 emissions from plants may be linked to nonenzymatic processes with an action spectrum lying outside the wavelength range for photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Mangrove sediments can act as sources of the greenhouse trace gases, nitrous oxide (N(2) O) and methane (CH(4) ). Confident reporting of trace gas emissions from mangrove sediments at local levels is important for regional emissions inventories, since small changes in N(2) O and CH(4) fluxes greatly influence greenhouse gas budgets due to their high global warming potentials. It is also important to identify the drivers of trace gas emission, to prioritize management for minimising emissions. We measured N(2) O and CH(4) fluxes and abiotic sediment parameters at midday low tide in winter and summer seasons, at four sites (27°33'S, 152°59'E) ranging from estuary to ocean sub-tropical mangrove sediments, having varied anthropogenic impacts. At all sites, sediment N(2) O and CH(4) emissions were significantly lower during winter (7-26 μg N(2) O m(-2) · h(-1); 47-466 μg CH(4) m(-2) · h(-1)) compared to summer (28-202 μg N(2) Om(-2) · h(-1); 247-1570 μg CH(4) m(-2) · h(-1)). Sediment temperature, ranging from 18 to 33°C, strongly influenced N(2) O and CH(4) emissions. Highest emissions (202 μg N(2) O m(-2) · h(-1), 1570 μg CH(4) m(-2) · h(-1) ) were detected at human-impacted estuary sites, which generally had higher total carbon (<8%) and total nitrogen (<0.4%) in sediments and reduced salinity (<16 dS · m(-1)). Large between-site variation highlights the need for regular monitoring of sub-tropical mangroves to capture short-lived, episodic N(2) O and CH(4) flux events that are affected by sediment biophysico-chemical conditions at site level. This is important, particularly at sites receiving anthropogenic nutrients, and that have variable freshwater inputs and tidal hydrology.  相似文献   

海岸带盐沼生态系统卤代甲烷释放研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卤代甲烷是破坏臭氧层的主要物质,也是重要的痕量温室气体和有机污染物.目前,其源汇格局和全球收支存在很大的不确定性.受海陆两相交互作用影响的海岸带盐沼是卤代甲烷重要的自然来源.本文综述了卤代甲烷自然源汇的研究现状、海岸带盐沼卤代甲烷的释放规律以及主要影响因素.鉴于当前研究中存在的问题,其后的研究需在以下几个方面进一步加强: 1)较长时间尺度、更大区域范围的盐沼卤代甲烷释放规律及源汇评估研究;2)利用目前已比较成熟的稳定同位素技术,更精确地定量不同盐生植物种类以及各种生物类型对盐沼卤代甲烷的贡献比率;3)关注潮水对其产生的直接或间接影响,进一步研究潮汐涨落过程、淹水时长等对盐沼卤代甲烷释放的影响;4)人类活动和气候变化对盐沼卤代甲烷释放的影响.  相似文献   

Human activities in coastal areas frequently cause loss of benthic macrophytes (e.g. seagrasses) and concomitant increases in microalgal production through eutrophication. Whether such changes translate into shifts in the composition of sediment detritus is largely unknown, yet such changes could impact the role these ecosystems play in sequestrating CO2. We reconstructed the sedimentary records of cores taken from two sites within Botany Bay, Sydney – the site of European settlement of Australia – to look for human‐induced changes in dominant sources of detritus in this estuary. Cores covered a period from the present day back to the middle Holocene (~6000 years) according to 210Pb profiles and radiocarbon (14C) dating. Depositional histories at both sites could not be characterized by a linear sedimentation rate; sedimentation rates in the last 30–50 years were considerably higher than during the rest of the Holocene. C : N ratios declined and began to exhibit a microalgal source signature from around the time of European settlement, which could be explained by increased nutrient flows into the Bay caused by anthropogenic activity. Analysis of stable isotopic ratios of 12C/13C showed that the relative contribution of seagrass and C3 terrestrial plants (mangroves, saltmarsh) to detritus declined around the time of rapid industrial expansion (~1950s), coinciding with an increase in the contribution of microalgal sources. We conclude that the relative contribution of microalgae to detritus has increased within Botany Bay, and that this shift is the sign of increased industrialization and concomitant eutrophication. Given the lower carbon burial efficiencies of microalgae (~0.1%) relative to seagrasses and C3 terrestrial plants (up to 10%), such changes represent a substantial weakening of the carbon sink potential of Botany Bay – this occurrence is likely to be common to human‐impacted estuaries, and has consequences for the role these systems play in helping to mitigate climate change.  相似文献   

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