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α‐Crystallin is a multimeric eye lens protein having molecular chaperone‐like function which is crucial for lens transparency. The stability and unfolding‐refolding properties of α‐crystallin plays important roles for its function. We undertook a multi probe based fluorescence spectroscopic approach to explore the changes in the various levels of organization of this protein at different urea concentration. Steady state fluorescence studies reveal that at 0.6M urea a compact structural intermediate is formed which has a native‐like secondary structure with enhanced surface exposure of hydrophobic groups. At 2.8M urea the tertiary interactions are largely collapsed with partial collapse of secondary and quaternary structure. The surface solvation probed by picosecond time resolved fluorescence of acrylodan labeled α‐crystallin revealed dry native‐like core of α‐crystallin at 0.6M urea compared to enhanced water penetration at 2.8M urea and extensive solvation at 6M urea. Activation energy for the subunit exchange decreased by 22 kJ mol?1 on changing urea concentration from 0 to 0.6M compared with over 75 kJ mol?1 on changing urea concentration from 0 to 2.8M. Light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques were used to determine size and oligomerization of the unfolding intermediates. The data indicated swelling but no oligomer breakdown at 0.6M urea. At 2.8M urea the oligomeric size is considerably reduced and a monomer is produced at 6M urea. The data clearly reveals that structural breakdown of α‐crystallin does not follow hierarchical sequence as tertiary structure dissolution takes place before complete oligomeric dissociation. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 549–560, 2014.  相似文献   

Human age‐onset cataracts are believed to be caused by the aggregation of partially unfolded or covalently damaged lens crystallin proteins; however, the exact molecular mechanism remains largely unknown. We have used microseconds of molecular dynamics simulations with explicit solvent to investigate the unfolding process of human lens γD‐crystallin protein and its isolated domains. A partially unfolded folding intermediate of γD‐crystallin is detected in simulations with its C‐terminal domain (C‐td) folded and N‐terminal domain (N‐td) unstructured, in excellent agreement with biochemical experiments. Our simulations strongly indicate that the stability and the folding mechanism of the N‐td are regulated by the interdomain interactions, consistent with experimental observations. A hydrophobic folding core was identified within the C‐td that is comprised of a and b strands from the Greek key motif 4, the one near the domain interface. Detailed analyses reveal a surprising non‐native surface salt‐bridge between Glu135 and Arg142 located at the end of the ab folded hairpin turn playing a critical role in stabilizing the folding core. On the other hand, an in silico single E135A substitution that disrupts this non‐native Glu135‐Arg142 salt‐bridge causes significant destabilization to the folding core of the isolated C‐td, which, in turn, induces unfolding of the N‐td interface. These findings indicate that certain highly conserved charged residues, that is, Glu135 and Arg142, of γD‐crystallin are crucial for stabilizing its hydrophobic domain interface in native conformation, and disruption of charges on the γD‐crystallin surface might lead to unfolding and subsequent aggregation.  相似文献   

In the tightly regulated glycogenolysis cascade, the breakdown of glycogen to glucose‐1‐phosphate, phosphorylase kinase (PhK) plays a key role in regulating the activity of glycogen phosphorylase. PhK is a 1.3 MDa hexadecamer, with four copies each of four different subunits (α, β, γ and δ), making the study of its structure challenging. Using hydrogen‐deuterium exchange, we have analyzed the regulatory β subunit and the catalytic γ subunit in the context of the intact non‐activated PhK complex to study the structure of these subunits and identify regions of surface exposure. Our data suggest that within the non‐activated complex the γ subunit assumes an activated conformation and are consistent with a previous docking model of the β subunit within the cryoelectron microscopy envelope of PhK.  相似文献   

The study of the kinetics of thermal aggregation of glycogen phosphorylase b (Phb) from rabbit skeletal muscles by dynamic light scattering at 48°C showed that 2‐hydroxypropyl‐β‐cyclodextrin (HP‐β‐CD) accelerated the aggregation process and induced the formation of the larger protein aggregates. The reason of the accelerating effect of HP‐β‐CD is destabilization of the protein molecule under action of HP‐β‐CD. This conclusion was supported by the data on differential scanning calorimetry and the kinetic data on thermal inactivation of Phb. It is assumed that destabilization of the Phb molecule is due to preferential binding of HP‐β‐CD to intermediates of protein unfolding in comparison with the original native state. The conclusion regarding the ability of the native Phb for binding of HP‐β‐CD was substantiated by the data on the enzyme inhibition by HP‐β‐CD. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 986–993, 2010.  相似文献   

α‐Crystallin is a member of small heat shock proteins and is believed to play an exceptional role in the stability of eye lens proteins. The disruption or denaturation of the protein arrangement or solubility of the crystallin proteins can lead to vision problems including cataract. In the present study, we have examined the effect of chemical denaturants urea and guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) on α‐crystallin aggregation, with special emphasis on protein conformational changes, unfolding, and amyloid fibril formation. GdnHCl (4 M) induced a 16 nm red shift in the intrinsic fluorescence of α‐crystallin, compared with 4 nm shift by 8 M urea suggesting a major change in α‐crystallin structure. Circular dichroism analysis showed marked increase in the ellipticity of α‐crystallin at 216 nm, suggesting gain in β‐sheet structure in the presence of GdnHCl (0.5–1 M) followed by unfolding at higher concentration (2–6 M). However, only minor changes in the secondary structure of α‐crystallin were observed in the presence of urea. Moreover, 8‐anilinonaphthalene‐1‐sulfonic acid fluorescence measurement in the presence of GdnHCl and urea showed changes in the hydrophobicity of α‐crystallin. Amyloid studies using thioflavin T fluorescence and congo red absorbance showed that GdnHCl induced amyloid formation in α‐crystallin, whereas urea induced aggregation in this protein. Electron microscopy studies further confirmed amyloid formation of α‐crystallin in the presence of GdnHCl, whereas only aggregate‐like structures were observed in α‐crystallin treated with urea. Our results suggest that α‐crystallin is susceptible to unfolding in the presence of chaotropic agents like urea and GdnHCl. The destabilized protein has increased likelihood to fibrillate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rates of deamidation of α-synuclein and single Asn residues in 13 Asn-sequence mutants have been measured for 5 × 10−5M protein in both the absence and presence of 10−2M sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). In the course of these experiments, 370 quantitative protein deamidation measurements were performed and 37 deamidation rates were determined by ion cyclotron resonance Fourier transform mass spectrometry, using an improved whole protein isotopic envelope method and a mass defect method with both enzymatic and collision-induced fragmentation. The measured deamidation index of α-synuclein was found to be 0.23 for an overall deamidation half-time of 23 days, without or with SDS micelles, owing primarily to the deamidation of Asn(103) and Asn(122). Deamidation rates of 15 Asn residues in the wild-type and mutant proteins were found to be primary sequence controlled without SDS. However, the presence of SDS micelles slowed the deamidation rates of nine N-terminal region Asn residues, caused by the known three-dimensional structures induced through protein binding to SDS micelles.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase (PhK), a 1.3 MDa regulatory enzyme complex in the glycogenolysis cascade, has four copies each of four subunits, (αβγδ)4, and 325 kDa of unique sequence (the mass of an αβγδ protomer). The α, β and δ subunits are regulatory, and contain allosteric activation sites that stimulate the activity of the catalytic γ subunit in response to diverse signaling molecules. Due to its size and complexity, no high resolution structures have been solved for the intact complex or its regulatory α and β subunits. Of PhK's four subunits, the least is known about the structure and function of its largest subunit, α. Here, we have modeled the full‐length α subunit, compared that structure against previously predicted domains within this subunit, and performed hydrogen‐deuterium exchange on the intact subunit within the PhK complex. Our modeling results show α to comprise two major domains: an N‐terminal glycoside hydrolase domain and a large C‐terminal importin α/β‐like domain. This structure is similar to our previously published model for the homologous β subunit, although clear structural differences are present. The overall highly helical structure with several intervening hinge regions is consistent with our hydrogen‐deuterium exchange results obtained for this subunit as part of the (αβγδ)4 PhK complex. Several low exchanging regions predicted to lack ordered secondary structure are consistent with inter‐subunit contact sites for α in the quaternary structure of PhK; of particular interest is a low‐exchanging region in the C‐terminus of α that is known to bind the regulatory domain of the catalytic γ subunit.  相似文献   

α‐Crystallin, the major protein of mammalian eye lens, is a member of the small heat shock protein family and is a molecular chaperone. We previously reported that its molecular chaperone function as well as stability increased in presence of Zn+2. Despite the effect of Zn+2 on the structure and function of α‐crystallin, evidence for direct interaction between them remained elusive. We now present the MALDI mass spectrometric data that shows direct evidence of Zn+2 binding to recombinant αA‐ and αB‐crystallin. The binding stoichiometry was over three Zn+2 per subunit of α‐crystallin at zinc/protein molar ratio of 20. Observation of multiple Zn+2 binding is consistent with the large increase in thermodynamic stability. Sequence‐based analysis of αA‐ and αB‐crystallin predicted both proteins to be nonzinc binding proteins. Our dynamic light scattering data shows that Zn+2 stabilizes the oligomeric structure of α‐crystallin by bridging neighboring subunits in multiple centers. Despite the low affinity binding, the intersubunit bridging by multiple Zn+2 makes the oligomer so stable that oligomer breakdown does not occur even at 6M urea. The subunit bridging has been supported by our FRET data that showed absence of subunit exchange in presence of zinc. MALDI data also showed that the interaction of α‐crystallin with Zn+2 is quite different from other bivalent metal ions. Bound Zn+2 could be easily removed by dialysis of the complex. The relevance of such weak interaction on the stability of the oligomeric structure of α‐crystallin and its function in the eye lens has been discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 95: 105–116, 2011.  相似文献   

The DH‐PH domain tandems of Dbl‐homology guanine nucleotide exchange factors catalyze the exchange of GTP for GDP in Rho‐family GTPases, and thus initiate a wide variety of cellular signaling cascades. Although several crystal structures of complexes of DH‐PH tandems with cognate, nucleotide free Rho GTPases are known, they provide limited information about the dynamics of the complex and it is not clear how accurately they represent the structures in solution. We used a complementary combination of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS), and hydrogen‐deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS) to study the solution structure and dynamics of the DH‐PH tandem of RhoA‐specific exchange factor PDZRhoGEF, both in isolation and in complex with nucleotide free RhoA. We show that in solution the DH‐PH tandem behaves as a rigid entity and that the mutual disposition of the DH and PH domains remains identical within experimental error to that seen in the crystal structure of the complex, thus validating the latter as an accurate model of the complex in vivo. We also show that the nucleotide‐free RhoA exhibits elevated dynamics when in complex with DH‐PH, a phenomenon not observed in the crystal structure, presumably due to the restraining effects of crystal contacts. The complex is readily and rapidly dissociated in the presence of both GDP and GTP nucleotides, with no evidence of intermediate ternary complexes.  相似文献   

The quaternary structure of α‐crystallin is dynamic, a property which has thwarted crystallographic efforts towards structural characterization. In this study, we have used collision‐induced dissociation mass spectrometry to examine the architecture of the polydisperse assemblies of α‐crystallin. For total α‐crystallin isolated directly from fetal calf lens using size‐based chromatography, the αB‐crystallin subunit was found to be preferentially dissociated from the oligomers, despite being significantly less abundant overall than the αA‐crystallin subunits. Furthermore, upon mixing molar equivalents of purified αA‐ and αB‐crystallin, the levels of their dissociation were found to decrease and increase, respectively, with time. Interestingly though, dissociation of subunits from the αA‐ and αB‐crystallin homo‐oligomers was comparable, indicating that strength of the αA:αA, and αB:αB subunit interactions are similar. Taken together, these data suggest that the differences in the number of subunit contacts in the mixed assemblies give rise to the disproportionate dissociation of αB‐crystallin subunits. Limited proteolysis mass spectrometry was also used to examine changes in protease accessibility during subunit exchange. The C‐terminus of αA‐crystallin was more susceptible to proteolytic attack in homo‐oligomers than that of αB‐crystallin. As subunit exchange proceeded, proteolysis of the αA‐crystallin C‐terminus increased, indicating that in the hetero‐oligomeric form this tertiary motif is more exposed to solvent. These data were used to propose a refined arrangement for the interactions of the α‐crystallin domains and C‐terminal extensions of subunits within the α‐crystallin assembly. In particular, we propose that the palindromic IPI motif of αB‐crystallin gives rise to two orientations of the C‐terminus. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The small heat shock protein (sHSP) from Methanococcus jannaschii (Mj Hsp16.5) forms a monodisperse 24mer and each of its monomer contains two flexible N‐ and C‐terminals and a rigid α‐crystallin domain with an extruding β‐strand exchange loop. The minimal α‐crystallin domain with a β‐sandwich fold is conserved in sHSP family, while the presence of the β‐strand exchange loop is divergent. The function of the β‐strand exchange loop and the minimal α‐crystallin domain of Mj Hsp16.5 need further study. In the present study, we constructed two fragment‐deletion mutants of Mj Hsp16.5, one with both the N‐ and C‐terminals deleted (ΔNΔC) and the other with a further deletion of the β‐strand exchange loop (ΔNΔLΔC). ΔNΔC existed as a dimer in solution. In contrast, the minimal α‐crystallin domain ΔNΔLΔC became polydisperse in solution and exhibited more efficient chaperone‐like activities to prevent amorphous aggregation of insulin B chain and fibril formation of the amyloidogenic peptide dansyl‐SSTSAA‐W than the mutant ΔNΔC and the wild type did. The hydrophobic probe binding experiments indicated that ΔNΔLΔC exposed much more hydrophobic surface than ΔNΔC. Our study also demonstrated that Mj Hsp16.5 used different mechanisms for protecting different substrates. Though Mj Hsp16.5 formed stable complexes with substrates when preventing thermal aggregation, no complexes were detected when preventing aggregation under non‐heat‐shock conditions. Proteins 2014; 82:1156–1167. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus core-antigen (capsid protein) and e-antigen (an immune regulator) have almost complete sequence identity, yet the dimeric proteins (termed Cp149d and Cp(−10)149d, respectively) adopt quite distinct quaternary structures. Here we use hydrogen deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) to study their structural properties. We detect many regions that differ substantially in their HDX dynamics. Significantly, whilst all regions in Cp(−10)149d exchange by EX2-type kinetics, a number of regions in Cp149d were shown to exhibit a mixture of EX2- and EX1-type kinetics, hinting at conformational heterogeneity in these regions. Comparison of the HDX of the free Cp149d with that in assembled capsids (Cp149c) indicated increased resistance to exchange at the C-terminus where the inter-dimer contacts occur. Furthermore, evidence of mixed exchange kinetics were not observed in Cp149c, implying a reduction in flexibility upon capsid formation. Cp(−10)149d undergoes a drastic structural change when the intermolecular disulphide bridge is reduced, adopting a Cp149d-like structure, as evidenced by the detected HDX dynamics being more consistent with Cp149d in many, albeit not all, regions. These results demonstrate the highly dynamic nature of these similar proteins. To probe the effect of these structural differences on the resulting antigenicity, we investigated binding of the antibody fragment (Fab E1) that is known to bind a conformational epitope on the four-helix bundle. Whilst Fab E1 binds to Cp149c and Cp149d, it does not bind non-reduced and reduced Cp(−10)149d, despite unhindered access to the epitope. These results imply a remarkable sensitivity of this epitope to its structural context.  相似文献   

The intermediate filament protein keratin 8 (K8) interacts with the nucleotide‐binding domain 1 (NBD1) of the cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane regulator (CFTR) with phenylalanine 508 deletion (ΔF508), and this interaction hampers the biogenesis of functional ΔF508‐CFTR and its insertion into the plasma membrane. Interruption of this interaction may constitute a new therapeutic target for CF patients bearing the ΔF508 mutation. Here, we aimed to determine the binding surface between these two proteins, to facilitate the design of the interaction inhibitors. To identify the NBD1 fragments perturbed by the ΔF508 mutation, we used hydrogen–deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry (HDX‐MS) on recombinant wild‐type (wt) NBD1 and ΔF508‐NBD1 of CFTR. We then performed the same analysis in the presence of a peptide from the K8 head domain, and extended this investigation using bioinformatics procedures and surface plasmon resonance, which revealed regions affected by the peptide binding in both wt‐NBD1 and ΔF508‐NBD1. Finally, we performed HDX‐MS analysis of the NBD1 molecules and full‐length K8, revealing hydrogen‐bonding network changes accompanying complex formation. In conclusion, we have localized a region in the head segment of K8 that participates in its binding to NBD1. Our data also confirm the stronger binding of K8 to ΔF508‐NBD1, which is supported by an additional binding site located in the vicinity of the ΔF508 mutation in NBD1.  相似文献   

β-Lactamase inhibitory protein (BLIP) consists of a tandem repeat of αβ domains conjugated by an interdomain loop and can effectively bind and inactivate class A β-lactamases, which are responsible for resistance of bacteria to β-lactam antibiotics. The varied ability of BLIP to bind different β-lactamases and the structural determinants for significant enhancement of BLIP variants with a point mutation are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the conformational dynamics of BLIP upon binding to three clinically prevalent class A β-lactamases (TEM1, SHV1, and PC1) with dissociation constants between subnanomolar and micromolar. Hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry revealed that the flexibility of the interdomain region was significantly suppressed upon strong binding to TEM1, but was not significantly changed upon weak binding to SHV1 or PC1. E73M and K74G mutations in the interdomain region improved binding affinity toward SHV1 and PC1, respectively, showing significantly increased flexibility of the interdomain region compared to the wild-type and favorable conformational changes upon binding. In contrast, more rigidity of the interfacial loop 135–145 was observed in these BLIP mutants in both free and bound states. Consistently, molecular dynamics simulations of BLIP exhibited drastic changes in the flexibility of the loop 135–145 in all complexes. Our results indicated for the first time that higher flexibility of the interdomain linker, as well as more rigidity of the interfacial loop 135–145, could be desirable determinants for enhancing inhibition of BLIP to class A β-lactamases. Together, these findings provide unique insights into the design of enhanced inhibitors.  相似文献   

The stability and aggregation of NIST monoclonal antibody (NISTmAb) were investigated by hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX‐MS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and nano‐differential scanning fluorimetry (nanoDSF). NISTmAb was prepared in eight formulations at four different pHs (pH 5, 6, 7, and 8) in the presence and absence of 150 mM NaCl and analyzed by the three methods. The HDX‐MS results showed that NISTmAb is more conformationally stable at a pH near its isoelectric point (pI) in the presence of NaCl than a pH far from its pI in the absence of NaCl. The stabilization effects were global and not localized. The midpoint temperature of protein thermal unfolding transition results also showed the CH2 domain of the protein is more conformationally stable at a pH near its pI. On the other hand, the onset of aggregation temperature results showed that NISTmAb is less prone to aggregate at a pH far from its pI, particularly in the absence of NaCl. These seemingly contradicting results, higher conformational stability yet higher aggregation propensity near the pI than far away from the pI, can be explained by intramolecular and intermolecular electrostatic repulsion using Lumry‐Eyring model, which separates folding/unfolding equilibrium and aggregation event. The further a pH from the pI, the higher the net charge of the protein. The higher net charge leads to greater intramolecular and intermolecular electrostatic repulsions. The greater intramolecular electrostatic repulsion destabilizes the protein and the greater intermolecular electrostatic repulsion prevents aggregation of the protein molecules at pH far from the pI.  相似文献   

Dysfunctional accumulation of amyloid β‐protein (Aβ) mediated by Cu2+ exhibits higher neurotoxicity and accelerates the progress of Alzheimer's disease, so inhibition of Cu2+‐mediated Aβ aggregation and cytotoxicity has been considered as a therapeutic strategy for the disease. Herein, a nonapeptide was designed by linking HH to the C‐terminus of a peptide inhibitor of Aβ aggregation, LVFFARK (LK7). We found that the nonapeptide, LK7‐HH, possessed dual functionality, including enhanced inhibition capability on Aβ aggregation as compared to LK7, and chelating Cu2+ with a dissociation constant of 5.50 μM. This enabled LK7‐HH to arrest the generation of reactive oxygen species catalyzed by Cu2+ or Cu2+‐Aβ complex, and to inhibit Cu2+‐induced Aβ aggregation. Moreover, in contrast with the cytotoxicity of LK7 aggregates, LK7‐HH was biocompatible because HH conjugation made its aggregation behavior different from LK7. Thus, LK7‐HH efficiently suppressed Cu2+‐mediated Aβ aggregation and cytotoxicity. An equimolar concentration of LK7‐HH increased cell viability from 50% to 90% when treating Aβ40‐Cu2+ complexes. The results provided insights into the roles of HH in enhancing the inhibition of Aβ and Cu2+‐induced Aβ aggregations, in eliminating Cu2+‐induced cytotoxicities by arresting generation of reactive oxygen species, and in making the peptide biocompatible. Therefore, this work would contribute to the design of potent peptide‐based inhibitors of Cu2+‐mediated Aβ aggregation and cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

There has been great interest in enhancing endogenous protein maintenance pathways such as the heat‐shock chaperone response, as it is postulated that enhancing clearance of misfolded proteins could have beneficial disease modifying effects in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other neurodegenerative disorders. In cultured cell models of mutant SOD1 aggregation, co‐expression of αB‐crystallin (αB‐crys) has been shown to inhibit the formation of detergent‐insoluble forms of mutant protein. Here, we describe the generation of a new line of transgenic mice that express αB‐crys at > 6‐fold the normal level in spinal cord, with robust increases in immunoreactivity throughout the spinal cord grey matter and, specifically, in spinal motor neurons. Surprisingly, spinal cords of mice expressing αB‐crys alone contained 20% more motor neurons per section than littermate controls. Raising αB‐crys by these levels in mice transgenic for either G93A or L126Z mutant SOD1 had no effect on the age at which paralysis developed. In the G93A mice, which showed the most robust degree of motor neuron loss, the number of these cells declined by the same proportion as in mice expressing the mutant SOD1 alone. In paralyzed bigenic mice, the levels of detergent‐insoluble, misfolded, mutant SOD1 were similar to those of mice expressing mutant SOD1 alone. These findings indicate that raising the levels of αB‐crys in spinal motor neurons by 6‐fold does not produce the therapeutic effects predicted by cell culture models of mutant SOD1 aggregation.


Environmental factors, such as acidic pH, facilitate the assembly of α‐synuclein (α‐Syn) in aggregates, but the impact of pH on the very first step of α‐Syn aggregation remains elusive. Recently, we developed a single‐molecule approach that enabled us to measure directly the stability of α‐Syn dimers. Unlabeled α‐Syn monomers were immobilized on a substrate, and fluorophore‐labeled monomers were added to the solution to allow them to form dimers with immobilized α‐Syn monomers. The dimer lifetimes were measured directly from the fluorescence bursts on the time trajectories. Herein, we applied the single‐molecule tethered approach for probing of intermolecular interaction to characterize the effect of acidic pH on the lifetimes of α‐Syn dimers. The experiments were performed at pH 5 and 7 for wild‐type α?Syn and for two mutants containing familial type mutations E46K and A53T. We demonstrate that a decrease of pH resulted in more than threefold increase in the α‐Syn dimers lifetimes with some variability between the α‐Syn species. We hypothesize that the stabilization effect is explained by neutralization of residues 96–140 of α‐Syn and this electrostatic effect facilitates the association of the two monomers. Given that dimerization is the first step of α‐Syn aggregation, we posit that the electrostatic effect thereby contributes to accelerating α‐Syn aggregation at acidic pH. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 715–724, 2016.  相似文献   

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