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Prof. Haruki Nakamura, who is the former head of Protein Data Bank Japan (PDBj) and an expert in computational biology, retired from Osaka University at the end of March 2018. He founded PDBj at the Institute for Protein Research, together with other faculty members, researchers, engineers, and annotators in 2000, and subsequently established the worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) in 2003 to manage the core archive of the Protein Data Bank (PDB), collaborating with RCSB-PDB in the USA and PDBe in Europe. As the former head of PDBj and also an expert in structural bioinformatics, he has grown PDBj to become a well-known data center within the structural biology community and developed several related databases, tools and integrated with new technologies, such as the semantic web, as primary services offered by PDBj.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and creation of the Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB), a deposition and searchable data bank for validated circular dichroism spectra located at http://pcddb.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/.  相似文献   

Biotin protein ligase (BPL) is an essential enzyme responsible for the activation of biotin-dependent enzymes through the covalent attachment of biotin. In yeast, disruption of BPL affects important metabolic pathways such as fatty acid biosynthesis and gluconeogenesis. This makes BPL an attractive drug target for new antifungal agents. Here we report the cloning, recombinant expression and purification of BPL from the fungal pathogen Candida albicans. The biotin domains of acetyl CoA carboxylase and pyruvate carboxylase were also cloned and characterised as substrates for BPL. A novel assay was established thereby allowing examination of the enzyme’s properties. These findings will facilitate future structural studies as well as screening efforts to identify potential inhibitors.  相似文献   

As a discipline, structural biology has been transformed by the three-dimensional electron microscopy (3DEM) “Resolution Revolution” made possible by convergence of robust cryo-preservation of vitrified biological materials, sample handling systems, and measurement stages operating a liquid nitrogen temperature, improvements in electron optics that preserve phase information at the atomic level, direct electron detectors (DEDs), high-speed computing with graphics processing units, and rapid advances in data acquisition and processing software. 3DEM structure information (atomic coordinates and related metadata) are archived in the open-access Protein Data Bank (PDB), which currently holds more than 11,000 3DEM structures of proteins and nucleic acids, and their complexes with one another and small-molecule ligands (~ 6% of the archive). Underlying experimental data (3DEM density maps and related metadata) are stored in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB), which currently holds more than 21,000 3DEM density maps. After describing the history of the PDB and the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) partnership, which jointly manages both the PDB and EMDB archives, this review examines the origins of the resolution revolution and analyzes its impact on structural biology viewed through the lens of PDB holdings. Six areas of focus exemplifying the impact of 3DEM across the biosciences are discussed in detail (icosahedral viruses, ribosomes, integral membrane proteins, SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins, cryogenic electron tomography, and integrative structure determination combining 3DEM with complementary biophysical measurement techniques), followed by a review of 3DEM structure validation by the wwPDB that underscores the importance of community engagement.  相似文献   

The field of structural genomics emerged as one of many 'omics disciplines more than a decade ago, and a multitude of large scale initiatives have been launched across the world. Development and implementation of methods for high-throughput structural biology represents a common denominator among different structural genomics programs. From another perspective a distinction between “biology-driven” versus “structure-driven” approaches can be made. This review outlines the general themes of structural genomics, its achievements and its impact on biomedicine and drug discovery. The growing number of high resolution structures of known and potential drug target proteins is expected to have tremendous value for future drug discovery programs. Moreover, the availability of large numbers of purified proteins enables generation of tool reagents, such as chemical probes and antibodies, to further explore protein function in the cell.  相似文献   

Modeling protein structures is critical for understanding protein functions in various biological and biotechnological studies. Among representative protein structure modeling approaches, template‐based modeling (TBM) is by far the most reliable and most widely used approach to model protein structures. However, it still remains as a challenge to select appropriate software programs for pairwise alignments and model building, two major steps of the TBM. In this paper, pairwise alignment methods for TBM are first compared with respect to the quality of structure models built using these methods. This comparative study is conducted using comprehensive datasets, which cover 6185 domain sequences from Structural Classification of Proteins extended for soluble proteins, and 259 Protein Data Bank entries (whole protein sequences) from Orientations of Proteins in Membranes database for membrane proteins. Overall, a profile‐based method, especially PSI‐BLAST, consistently shows high performance across the datasets and model evaluation metrics used. Next, use of two model building programs, MODELLER and SWISS‐MODEL, does not seem to significantly affect the quality of protein structure models built except for the Hard group (a group of relatively less homologous proteins) of membrane proteins. The results presented in this study will be useful for more accurate implementation of TBM.  相似文献   

The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) [https://pcddb.cryst.bbk.ac.uk] is an established resource for the biological, biophysical, chemical, bioinformatics, and molecular biology communities. It is a freely-accessible repository of validated protein circular dichroism (CD) spectra and associated sample and metadata, with entries having links to other bioinformatics resources including, amongst others, structure (PDB), AlphaFold, and sequence (UniProt) databases, as well as to published papers which produced the data and cite the database entries. It includes primary (unprocessed) and final (processed) spectral data, which are available in both text and pictorial formats, as well as detailed sample and validation information produced for each of the entries. Recently the metadata content associated with each of the entries, as well as the number and structural breadth of the protein components included, have been expanded. The PCDDB includes data on both wild-type and mutant proteins, and because CD studies primarily examine proteins in solution, it also contains examples of the effects of different environments on their structures, plus thermal unfolding/folding series. Methods for both sequence and spectral comparisons are included.The data included in the PCDDB complement results from crystal, cryo-electron microscopy, NMR spectroscopy, bioinformatics characterisations and classifications, and other structural information available for the proteins via links to other databases. The entries in the PCDDB have been used for the development of new analytical methodologies, for interpreting spectral and other biophysical data, and for providing insight into structures and functions of individual soluble and membrane proteins and protein complexes.  相似文献   

The interface between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum is emerging as a crucial hub for calcium signalling, apoptosis, autophagy and lipid biosynthesis, with far reaching implications in cell life and death and in the regulation of mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum function. Here we review our current knowledge on the structural and functional aspects of this interorganellar juxtaposition. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium Signaling In Health and Disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

We present immunophysical modeling for VCP, SPICE, and three mutants using MD simulations and Poisson-Boltzmann-type electrostatic calculations. VCP and SPICE are homologous viral proteins that control the complement system by imitating, structurally and functionally, natural regulators of complement activation. VCP and SPICE consist of four CCP modules connected with short flexible loops. MD simulations demonstrate that the rather complex modules of VCP/SPICE and their mutants exhibit a high degree of intermodular spatial mobility, which is affected by surface mutations. Electrostatic calculations using snapshots from the MD trajectories demonstrate variable spatial distribution of the electrostatic potentials, which suggests dynamic binding properties. We use covariance analysis to identify correlated modular oscillations. We also use electrostatic similarity indices to cluster proteins with common electrostatic properties. Our results are compared with experimental data to form correlations between the overall positive electrostatic potential of VCP/SPICE with binding and activity. We show how these correlations can be used to predict binding and activity properties. This work is expected to be useful for understanding the function of native CCP-containing regulators of complement activation and receptors and for the design of antiviral therapeutics and complement inhibitors.  相似文献   

After decades of progress in computational protein design, the design of proteins folding and functioning in lipid membranes appears today as the next frontier. Some notable successes in the de novo design of simplified model membrane protein systems have helped articulate fundamental principles of protein folding, architecture and interaction in the hydrophobic lipid environment. These principles are reviewed here, together with the computational methods and approaches that were used to identify them. We provide an overview of the methodological innovations in the generation of new protein structures and functions and in the development of membrane-specific energy functions. We highlight the opportunities offered by new machine learning approaches applied to protein design, and by new experimental characterization techniques applied to membrane proteins. Although membrane protein design is in its infancy, it appears more reachable than previously thought.  相似文献   

The gene 5 protein (g5p) of the Ff virus contains five Tyr, individual mutants of which have now all been characterized by CD spectroscopy. The protein has a dominant tyrosyl 229-nm L(a) CD band that is shown to be approximately the sum of the five individual Tyr contributions. Tyr41 is particularly important in contributing to the high cooperativity with which the g5p binds to ssDNA, and Y41F and Y41H mutants are known to differ in dimer-dimer packing interactions in crystal structures. We compared the solution structures and binding properties of the Y41F and Y41H mutants using CD spectroscopy. Secondary structures of the mutants were similar by CD analyses and close to those derived from the crystal structures. However, there were significant differences in the binding properties of the two mutant proteins. The Y41H protein had an especially low binding affinity and perturbed the spectrum of poly[d(A)] in 2 mM Na(+) much less than did Y41F and the wild-type gene 5 proteins. Moreover, a change in the Tyr 229 nm band, assigned to the perturbation of Tyr34 at the dimer-dimer interface, was absent in titrations with the Y41H mutant under low salt conditions. In contrast, titrations with the Y41H mutant in 50 mM Na(+) exhibited typical CD changes of both the nucleic acid and the Tyr 229-nm band. Thus, protein-protein and g5p-ssDNA interactions appeared to be mutually influenced by ionic strength, indicative of correlated changes in the ssDNA binding and cooperativity loops of the protein or of indirect structural constraints.  相似文献   

We describe an enhancement of traditional genomics-based approaches to improve the success of structure determination of membrane proteins. Following a broad screen of sequence space to identify initial expression-positive targets, we employ a second step to select orthologs with closely related sequences to these hits. We demonstrate that a greater percentage of these latter targets express well and are stable in detergent, increasing the likelihood of identifying candidates that will ultimately yield structural information.  相似文献   

The epithelial and endothelial barriers of the human body are major obstacles for drug delivery to the systemic circulation and to organs with unique environment and homeostasis, like the central nervous system. Several transport routes exist in these barriers, which potentially can be exploited for enhancing drug permeability. Beside the transcellular pathways via transporters, adsorptive and receptor-mediated transcytosis, the paracellular flux for cells and molecules is very limited. While lipophilic molecules can diffuse across the cellular plasma membranes, the junctional complexes restrict or completely block the free passage of hydrophilic molecules through the paracellular clefts. Absorption or permeability enhancers developed in the last 40 years for modifying intercellular junctions and paracellular permeability have unspecific mode of action and the effective and toxic doses are very close. Recent advances in barrier research led to the discovery of an increasing number of integral membrane, adaptor, regulator and signalling proteins in tight and adherens junctions. New tight junction modulators are under development, which can directly target tight or adherens junction proteins, the signalling pathways regulating junctional function, or tight junction associated lipid raft microdomains. Modulators acting directly on tight junctions include peptides derived from zonula occludens toxin, or Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin, peptides selected by phage display that bind to integral membrane tight junction proteins, and lipid modulators. They can reversibly increase paracellular transport and drug delivery with less toxicity than previous absorption enhancers, and have a potential to be used as pharmaceutical excipients to improve drug delivery across epithelial barriers and the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Mitophagy, the selective degradation of mitochondria by autophagy, affects defective mitochondria following damage or stress. At the onset of mitophagy, parkin ubiquitylates proteins on the mitochondrial outer membrane. While the role of parkin at the onset of mitophagy is well understood, less is known about its activity during later stages in the process. Here, we used HeLa cells expressing catalytically active or inactive parkin to perform temporal analysis of the proteome, ubiquitylome, and phosphoproteome during 18 h after induction of mitophagy by mitochondrial uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazine. Abundance profiles of proteins downregulated in parkin-dependent manner revealed a stepwise and “outside–in” directed degradation of mitochondrial subcompartments. While ubiquitylation of mitochondrial outer membrane proteins was enriched among early parkin-dependent targets, numerous mitochondrial inner membrane, matrix, and cytosolic proteins were also found ubiquitylated at later stages of mitophagy. Phosphoproteome analysis revealed a possible crosstalk between phosphorylation and ubiquitylation during mitophagy on key parkin targets, such as voltage-dependent anion channel 2.  相似文献   

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2002,83(6):1543-1546

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2003,87(6):1579-1582

Alexander disease (AxD) is a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). In this report, a mouse model of AxD (GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H) was analyzed that contains a heterozygous R236H point mutation in murine Gfap as well as a transgene with a GFAP promoter to overexpress human GFAP. Using label-free quantitative proteomic comparisons of brain tissue from GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H versus wild-type mice confirmed upregulation of the glutathione metabolism pathway and indicated proteins were elevated in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathway, which had not been reported previously in AxD. Relative protein-level differences were confirmed by a targeted proteomics assay, including proteins related to astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Of particular interest was the decreased level of the oligodendrocyte protein, 2-hydroxyacylsphingosine 1-beta-galactosyltransferase (Ugt8), since Ugt8-deficient mice exhibit a phenotype similar to GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice (e.g., tremors, ataxia, hind-limb paralysis). In addition, decreased levels of myelin-associated proteins were found in the GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice, consistent with the role of Ugt8 in myelin synthesis. Fabp7 upregulation in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice was also selected for further investigation due to its uncharacterized association to AxD, critical function in astrocyte proliferation, and functional ability to inhibit the anti-inflammatory PPAR signaling pathway in models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Within Gfap+ astrocytes, Fabp7 was markedly increased in the hippocampus, a brain region subjected to extensive pathology and chronic reactive gliosis in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice. Last, to determine whether the findings in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice are present in the human condition, AxD patient and control samples were analyzed by Western blot, which indicated that Type I AxD patients have a significant fourfold upregulation of FABP7. However, immunohistochemistry analysis showed that UGT8 accumulates in AxD patient subpial brain regions where abundant amounts of Rosenthal fibers are located, which was not observed in the GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice.  相似文献   

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