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Hermes R Hildebrandt TB Walzer C Göritz F Patton ML Silinski S Anderson MJ Reid CE Wibbelt G Tomasova K Schwarzenberger F 《Theriogenology》2006,65(8):1492-1515
White rhinoceroses suffer from a low reproductive rate in captivity. Intensive efforts to propagate specifically the northern white rhinoceros have been very limited. The dismal outlook for this subspecies in the wild makes successful ex situ breeding programs paramount. In this context, this study examined 48 southern and 6 northern white rhinoceroses using ultrasound and faecal hormone analysis to elucidate causes for female reproductive failure and to determine whether long non-reproductive periods have a detrimental impact on genital health. Results showed that 76% of the nulliparous females had intact hymenal membrane indicating these females had never been bred, at an age when their wild counterparts have delivered multiple offspring. Fifty-six percent of the studied population had various reproductive pathology. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia; leiomyomas of the cervix, uterus and ovary, adenoma; para-ovarian cysts and hydromucometra represent the scope of lesions identified. The stages of the lesions in nulliparous females correlated with age (r = 0.4, P < 0.05). Due to the severity of the lesions, 28% of the study population was considered post-reproductive. Therefore, the reproductive life span in some individuals was 10-20 years shorter than expected. However, in parous females the incidence of pathological lesions was significantly lower (P < 0.0001). Seventy-eight percent females studied had erratic or absent luteal activity. The hormone data corresponded with two ultrasonographic levels of ovarian activity, active and inactive, occurring within an age range of 3-19 years and 15-38 years, respectively. This suggests the lack of ovarian activity by reproductive mid-life in non-reproducing females. The accuracy of the ultrasound findings was validated by necropsy in nine animals showing a strong positive correlation (r2 = 0.9, p < 0.001). Our data suggests that the development of reproductive pathology and ovarian inactivity in white rhinoceros is an age-related consequence of long non-reproductive periods. This asymmetric ageing process of the genital organs can be prevented with the achievement of at least one pregnancy. 相似文献
Reid CE Hermes R Blottner S Goeritz F Wibbelt G Walzer C Bryant BR Portas TJ Streich WJ Hildebrandt TB 《Theriogenology》2009,71(2):275-291
To increase the quality of cryopreserved sperm in white rhinoceros, the liquid nitrogen vapour (LN vapour) freezing and the multi-thermal gradient directional freezing methods were compared. Sixteen white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum sp.) were electro-ejaculated. Semen samples were diluted with cryoextender (Tris, lactose, egg-yolk, DMSO) and aliquoted into straws for LN vapour freezing, and glass hollow tubes for directional freezing. The sperm quality was evaluated before and after freezing by assessing the following parameters: motility, morphologic state, acrosomal integrity and plasma membrane function and integrity (i.e. sperm viability) as defined by the hypo-osmotic swelling. Directional freezing improved the sperm viability by 5.6% (p < 0.005), progressive motility score by 34.7% and sperm motility index (SMI) by 8.1% (p < 0.005) versus LN vapour freezing. When data was categorized into groups of low (<19%), moderate (20-39%) and high (>40%) percentages of morphologically normal, directional freezing (DF) resulted in 31.4% less abnormal acrosomes for the low quality group as well as 18.7% increase in intact acrosomes and 10.9% increase in motility for the high quality group compared to LN vapour freezing (LN) (p < 0.01, p < 0.03, p < 0.01, respectively). LN showed a significant reduction in sperm head volume (5.7%, p < 0.05) compared to the prefreeze; whereas, no significant reduction in head volume was demonstrated after DF. Several additives (xanthenuric acid, cytochalasin D, potassium, EDTA) to the basic cryoextender provided no significant improvement in spermatozoal survival after directional freezing. In conclusion, directional freezing proved to facilitate higher gamete survival compared to LN vapour freezing. This is especially effective in ejaculates of low sperm quality and is important in endangered species where high quality semen donors are often not accessible. These results suggest that directional freezing could be valuable particularly for species with limited freezability of spermatozoa. 相似文献
We conducted a longitudinal study of the endocrine activity of free-range male white rhinos. An enzyme immunoassay to measure androgens in the feces was developed and validated to show that it can be used to study testicular activity. We identified two fecal metabolites similar to testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Several lines of evidence suggest that these metabolites clearly reflect testicular activity. Firstly, the stimulation of testicular activity with synthetic GnRH caused a 156% increase in androgen metabolite concentrations in the feces 1 day after treatment. Secondly, androgen metabolite concentrations increased with sexual maturity in rhinos, and finally there was a correlation between testosterone concentrations in plasma and androgen metabolite concentrations in feces. Using the method that we developed, it was possible to establish whether a relationship exists between androgen metabolite concentrations, the behavior and environmental factors. Adult territorial males (n = 5) had elevated androgen metabolite concentrations during months of high rainfall (September-February) compared to months of little or no rainfall (March-August). The increase in concentrations coincided with the beginning of the rainy season, suggesting a seasonal trend in reproduction. This trend was confirmed by behavior observations showing both a higher frequency of conceptions within the first 4 months of increased androgen metabolite concentrations, and a higher number of inter-sexual conflicts, reflecting the initial aggression between the sexes during the consort period. It was also evident that males accompanying a receptive female had higher fecal androgen metabolite concentrations compared to being alone. The elevated levels were likely induced by female presence. 相似文献
Reproductive tracts were collected from three black rhinoceros and two white rhinoceros at necropsy. All females were nulliparous, except for one primiparous white rhinoceros. The animals ranged in age from 7 days to 28 years. All nulliparous animals had a constriction in the vaginal canal, which appeared to be a hymen. The primiparous female had only remnants of a hymen. The total length of the tract averaged 102 cm in three adult animals (≥21 years old). The distance from the vulva to the external cervical os averaged 40 cm in these animals. The endometrium of a 28-year-old nulliparous black rhinoceros and a 27-year-old nulliparous white rhinoceros exhibited signs of hyperplasia, whereas this condition was not present in the other animals. It is not known if this condition was related to the fertility of these animals. The cervix of the rhinoceros was firm, and the lumen followed a very tortuous path through eccentric rings of tissue. Visual examination of the ovaries revealed the presence of surface follicles on the ovaries in both species. The overall size of the reproductive tract, especially the vagina and uterine horns, and the extremely tortuous cervical lumen will present obstacles that must be overcome when developing artificial insemination and embryo transfer proceduers for use in rhinoceros. 相似文献
F. Lahnsteiner B. Berger T. Weismann R. Patzner 《Zeitschrift fur angewandte Ichthyologie》1996,12(2):99-106
The influence of permeating and of non-permeating cryoprotectants on motility, eosin permeability (sperm cells viability test) and leaking lactate dehydrogenase activity of spermatozoa of the rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) was investigated. Correlations between sperm motility rate, percentage of eosinimpermeable (viable) cells and LDH activities established the three parameters as indicators for damages to rainbow trout spermatozoa. High sperm motility rates, velocities, and numbers of linear swimming sperm cells, high numbers of eosinimpermeable spermatozoa and a low extracellular LDH activity were evaluated as positive quality characteristics of semen. With a buffered physiological saline solution as basic extender we found a mixture of 0.67 mol L (5%) dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and 0.13 mol/L (1%) glycerol to be the most effective cryoprotectant, followed by DMSO (0.67 mol/L [5%]-1.85 mol/L [15%]) and glycerol (0.65 mol/L [5%]-1.78 mol/L [15%]) and propanediol (1.24mol L [10%]-1.78 mol/L [15%]). Addition of hen egg yolk (7%, 20%) and of 15 mmol/L (0.5%) sucrose significantly increased the semen quality in comparison to the same extender without these additives. Bovine serum albumin (1.5%, 3%) had no influence on the investigated semen parameters. 相似文献
Eric H. Harley Margaretha de Waal Shane Murray Colleen O’Ryan 《Conservation Genetics》2016,17(6):1285-1291
The probable extinction of the last confirmed population of northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) in the world has ignited debate regarding its species status compared to the southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Previous studies, based on partial mitochondrial sequences, have reported conflicting results regarding the species status of the northern white rhinoceros. We use whole mitochondrial genomes obtained using Next Generation Sequencing of four northern white rhinoceros and three southern white rhinoceros using novel primers in three overlapping fragments. Phylogenetic relationships were constructed, using Maximum Likelihood, and recovered monophyletic clades for northern white rhinoceros and southern white rhinoceros. The divergence time between the two mitochondrial DNA lineages was estimated to be between 0.46 and 0.97 million years ago using Bayesian inferences. Since there are currently only three surviving northern white rhinoceros individuals these results put into sharp focus the ongoing debate regarding the methods of species definition, and in particular the consequences of such definitions in conservation management of endangered species and subspecies. We conclude that the designation of sub-species status is more applicable to northern and southern white rhinoceros. 相似文献