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Common carp Cyprinus carpio were introduced into Australia on several occasions and are now the dominant fish in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), the continent's largest river system. In this study, variability at 14 microsatellite loci was examined in C. carpio ( n = 1037) from 34 sites throughout the major rivers in the MDB, from 3 cultured populations, from Prospect Reservoir in the Sydney Basin and from Lake Sorrell in Tasmania. Consistent with previous studies, assignment testing indicated that the Boolara, Yanco and koi strains of C. carpio are present in the MDB. Unique to this study, however, the Prospect strain was widely distributed throughout the MDB. Significant genetic structuring of populations (Fisher's exact test, AMOVA and distribution of the different strains) amongst the MDB sub-drainages was detected, and was strongly associated with contemporary barriers to dispersal and population history. The distributions of the strains were used to infer the history of introduction and spread of C. carpio in the MDB. Fifteen management units are proposed for control programmes that have high levels of genetic diversity, contain multiple interbreeding strains and show no evidence of founder effects or recent population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Common carp Cyprinus carpio, stressed by fish handling practices, responded with a decrease in cortisol secretion when temperature was lowered from 20 to 14° C within 3·5 h compared to those kept at 20° C.  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记探讨镜鲤的种群结构与遗传变异   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
全迎春  李大宇  曹鼎辰  孙效文  梁利群 《遗传》2006,28(12):1541-1548
采用30个微卫星分子标记, 对5个镜鲤群体的观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)、多态信息含量(PIC)和有效等位基因数(Ae)等进行了遗传检测, 根据基因频率计算遗传相似系数和Nei氏标准遗传距离, 以c2检验估计Hardy-Weinberg平衡, 以近交系数(FST)和基因流(Nm)分析群体的遗传分化。同时, 使用PHYLIP3.63软件绘制基于Nei氏标准遗传距离的UPGMA聚类图, 并进行bootstrap自举检验验证进化树的可靠性。在德国镜鲤选育系(Scattered Cyprinus carpio L.)和来自4个不同养殖场(松浦、东岗、奉城和辽中)的德国镜鲤群体中共检测到7 083个扩增片段, 长度在102 ~ 446 bp之间, 在群体内扩增出等位基因1~16个不等, 共计356个等位基因。结果表明: (1)5个群体检测的有效等位基因数在1.07~12.30个不等, 平均多态信息含量为0.74、0.74、0.69、0.75和0.75, 无偏期望杂合度的平均值为0.74、0.78、0.70、0.76和0.78, 说明这几个群体属于高度多态, 遗传多样性水平较高。(2)群体间相似系数在0.52以上, 相似性较高。聚类分析显示, 东岗、奉城和辽中3个养殖场的德国镜鲤群体聚类成一个分支, 而德国镜鲤选育系与松浦群体聚类成另一分支。聚类的先后与它们在地理分布上距离远近有一定的相关性。(3)在与功能基因相关的多个微卫星基因座位上, 扩增产物呈现不同程度的缺失现象, 这些无效等位基因的产生可能与结构基因在育种中受到人工选择的影响较大有关。  相似文献   

Carp (Cyprinus carpio) as a powerful invader in Australian waterways   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. The invasion of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Australia illustrates how quickly an introduced fish species can spread and dominate fish communities. This species has become the most abundant large freshwater fish in south‐east Australia, now distributed over more than 1 million km2. 2. Carp exhibit most of the traits predicted for a successful invasive fish species. In addition, degradation of aquatic environments in south‐east Australia has given them a relative advantage over native species. 3. Derivation of relative measures of 13 species‐specific attributes allowed a quantitative comparison between carp and abundant native fish species across five major Australian drainage divisions. In four of six geographical regions analysed, carp differed clearly from native species in their behaviour, resource use and population dynamics. 4. Climate matching was used to predict future range expansion of carp in Australia. All Australian surface waters appear to be climatically suitable for carp. 5. This assessment strongly reinforces the need for immediate management of carp in Australia to include targeted control of human‐assisted dispersal, such as use of carp as bait by anglers, distribution to new locations by anglers and the use of the ‘Koi’ strain in the aquarium industry. 6. Given their historical spread, dispersal mechanisms and ecological requirements, the expansion of carp across most of the remainder of Australia is to be expected.  相似文献   

Summary Physiological compartmentation in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) gonads was investigated after intracardial injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and two mouse anti-carp-sperm monoclonal antibodies.Immunohistochemistry revealed that a physiological barrier exists in carp testis for HRP and mouse IgG monoclonal antibody around the central lumina of the tubules in which the spermatozoa are located, but not around the cysts containing the precursor germ cells. The results with HRP were confirmed by electron microscopy. Mouse IgM monoclonal antibody did not penetrate the spermatogenic cysts. Probably because of its large size, it was almost exclusively located inside blood capillaries and only sparsely in the interstitial tissue.In the ovary, HRP was regularly distributed in the gonadal tissue, whereas the IgG antibody was predominantly localised on oogonia and early prophase oocytes. The results indicate that in contrast with the testis, no barrier around germ cells exists in the carp ovary.  相似文献   

Genetic evolution and diversity of common carp Cyprinus carpio L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of genetic variation and population structure of existing strains of both farmed and wild common carp Cyprinus carpio L. is absolutely necessary for any efficient fish management and/or conservation program. To assess genetic diversity in common carp populations, a variety of molecular markers were analyzed. Of those, microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA were most frequently used in the analysis of genetic diversity and genome evolution of common carp. Using microsatellites showed that the genome evolution in common carp exhibited two waves of rearrangements: one whole-genome duplication (12–16 million years ago) and a more recent wave of segmental duplications occurring between 2.3 and 6.8 million years ago. The genome duplication event has resulted in tetraploidy since the common carp currently harbors a substantial portion of duplicated loci in its genome and twice the number of chromosomes (n = 100–104) of most other cyprinid fishes. The variation in domesticated carp populations is significantly less than that in wild populations, which probably arises from the loss of variation due to founder effects and genetic drift. Genetic differentiation between the European carp C.c. carpio and Asian carp C.c. haematopterus is clearly evident. In Asia, two carp subspecies, C.c. haematopterus and C.c. varidivlaceus, seem to be also genetically distinct.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Microsatellite markers of the poly (CA) type in common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) are described. Clones containing a (CA) repeat were isolated from a common carp genomic library and sequenced. The number of repeats found was high compared to mammals but comparable with other teleost fishes. Classification of the repeats (perfect, imperfect and compound) are compared with the Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.), rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), and Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.). A total of 41 primer sets were designed and tested for polymorphism on a test panel of eight animals (derived from outbred lines, inbred lines and gynogenetic clones). Thirty-two markers were found to be polymorphic. The heterozygosity in the outbred animals was 60·4%, 51·1% in the inbred animals and 0% in the gynogenetic clones. The average number of alleles among the eight animals was 4·7 per marker. Six markers (18·8%) gave an additional polymorphic amplification product besides the polymorphic amplification product in the expected size range. The possibility that these loci are tetraploid is discussed. The polymorphic loci described for common carp will be valuable as genetic markers for use in population, breeding, and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Genomic resources and microarrays for the common carp Cyprinus carpio L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The common carp is an important fish species satisfying ornamental, food and recreational fisheries' needs worldwide, but in common with other cyprinid fishes, it is particularly renowned for its environmental tolerance. Investigating the mechanistic basis of growth, disease and environmental tolerance is greatly enhanced by access to a comprehensive list of gene sequences and post-genomic technologies. The current status of genomic resources is described for this species including 40 k cDNA clone collections, their associated expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and a developing series of 13 k–26 k cDNA microarrays fabricated from amplicons. The arrays have been directed at questions of response to environmental stress (cold and hypoxia), viral and bacterial disease and ectoparasite infection. Consequently, clones from a wide range of tissues were prepared. The authors discuss how these resources were generated and their application. Evidence is presented supporting that the carp microarray may also be useful as a heterologous set of probes in studies of other fish species.  相似文献   

Moderate hypoxia (Pio2, = 50 mmHg) caused tachycardia in carp, Cyprinus curpio Linnaeus, whereas severe hypoxia (Pio2, from 30 to 5 mmHg) coincided with bradycardia accompanied by alterations of the waveforms of the electrocardiogram. A cardio respiratory synchronization developed during hypoxia and was maintained during bradycardia. The data raised the question: Does hypoxic bradycardia in part result from myocardial dysfunction or only from regulatory adjustments?  相似文献   

A wrap method adaptation combined with AutoCAD2005 and Scion Image for Windows were used to determine the surface area of a fish. Compared with the corresponding r2 and F of many models, the most accurate formula: S = 752.15W0.675 (r2 = 0.999, F = 18362.94, P < 0.0001) for estimating the surface area of common carp was obtained. Similarly, the fin formula: S = 1834.12W0.708 (r2 = 0.992, F = 2690.47, P < 0.0001) was also obtained for the same purpose. It was proven that these two formulae gave good estimates of surface and fin areas of four strains of common carp: Yellow‐river carp, fancy carp, mirror carp and Xingguo red carp.  相似文献   

Miniaturized acceleration data loggers were attached to the lower mandible of common carp Cyprinus carpio to remotely identify feeding behaviour. Whether the acceleration signal could distinguish the quantity and quality of food was also investigated. The frequency and amplitude of the lower mandible stroke, calculated from surging acceleration determined by continuous wavelet transformation, significantly increased during the feeding period compared to that during the non-feeding period. These characteristic movement patterns were maintained for mean ±s.e. 187·3 ± 38·2 s when the fish were fed a single item of food and for mean ±s.e. 419·3 ± 28·6 s when they consumed multiple items. The dominant cycle and amplitude calculated according to feeding event duration, however, did not differ significantly between the two types of diets the fish consumed. Surging acceleration could detect mean ±s.e. 89·8 ± 13·5% of feeding events, although the false detection rate was mean ±s.e. 25·9 ± 10·9%. The results indicate that the mandible acceleration measurement method could be utilized to detect and record the feeding events in fishes that use a suction feeding mode similar to C. carpio.  相似文献   

Groups of large (65 -75 g) and small (8-17 g) common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) fingerlings were exposed to the bacterium Chromobacterium violaceurn in order to establish whether they could detect and ingest unattached bacteria. Small fish exposed to both bacteria and to cell-free bacterial extracts showed a significant increase in opercular beat rates, thus demonstrating that they are able to detect the presence of unattached bacteria in suspension. Examination of carp gut contents showed that the proportion of small fish ingesting bacteria increased with exposure time although no significant relationship was observed among larger fish. Significant, positive correlations between numbers of viable bacteria isolated from the intestinal tracts and concentration in the environment were observed. Possible mechanisms of bacterial ingestion are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Oxygen uptake attributable to Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) was measured in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. (63.6–84.0 g) fed on 20, 35 and 50% dietary protein at 0.40 to 1.00% ration levels at 28°C.
  • 2.2. After feeding both SDA magnitude and mean peak oxygen consumption increased directly with dietary protein and ration levels. SDA duration was not significantly related to dietary protein but significantly increased with ration levels.
  • 3.3. SDA coefficients were 8.99, 13.51 and 15.94% with 20, 35 and 50% dietary protein showing a direction relationship to the protein content. The SDA coefficient did not change with ration size.
  • 4.4. SDA models resulting from this work are of great interest for the aquaculturist, as post-feeding oxygen requirements in an intensive fish culture can be predicted where dietary protein and ration levels are known.

Summary Ascorbate metabolism was analyzed in fasted common carp and carp offered diets lacking ascorbic acid or supplemented with ascorbic acid (AA) or ascorbic sulfate (AS). Ascorbic acid and ascorbic sulfate were analyzed in the contents collected from various parts of the digestive tract. The major site of the dietary ascorbate absorption was located in the first 20% of the anterior intestine region (58.7±10.2%), whereas absorption increased to 94.3±1.9% (in the whole gut). Considerable secretion of ascorbate into the initial part of the intestine was found (71 g AA · g-1 dry food) in fish offered the diet lacking ascorbate, but this amount was completely reabsorbed in the following portions of the intestine. AS was concentrated in the contents of the digestive tract and the external marker method revealed no absorption of AS from the intestine. In fish fed the AA-supplemented diet, the concentration of ascorbate in plasma, hepatopancreas, kidney, intestine, spleen, and brain was significantly (P<0.01) higher than in similar tissues from the other groups, suggesting that ascorbic sulfate hydrolysis was ineffective. Small amounts of AS were found in the intestine and spleen of fish fed a diet supplemented with AS. Ascorbate analysis in the whole fish allowed the estimate of the catabolic rate of fasting and scorbutic-diet-fed fish, which amounted to 0.7% and 1.46% daily of the ascorbate body pool, respectively. There was no indication that ascorbic sulfate sulfohydrolase activity was induced in hepatic, kidney, or intestinal tissue of fish offered a diet with AS in comparison to other groups. It seems unlikely that cyprinid fish are able to utilize ascorbic sulfate as a vitamin C source, and thus resemble scurvy-prone mammals in this respect.Abbreviations AA ascorbic acid - AS ascorbic sulfate - TCA trichloroacetic acid - PCA perchloric acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetate dihydrate - DNPH dinitrophenyl hydrazine - ASS-ase ascorbic sulfate sulfohydrolase - AR-ase arylsulfatase - NCS p-nitrocatechol sulfate - DHA-rase dehydroascorbate reductase - DHA dehydroascorbic acid - GSH glutathione - G-6-Pase glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - G-6-P glucose-6-phosphate  相似文献   

There is much interest in managing invasive freshwater fish, but little is known about the dynamics of these populations following establishment. We used annual commercial catch-per-unit-effort data at multiple spatio-temporal scales to test hypotheses about the population dynamics of invading common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. We hypothesised that following establishment of the Boolara strain of this species in the Murray-Darling Basin in 1961/1962: (1) carp would undergo exponential or logistic-type population growth; and (2) carp population growth rates would be highest following over-bank flood events that provided extensive off-channel spawning and feeding habitats. The logistic (w i  = 0.73) and delayed-logistic (w i  = 0.27) models best explained the population dynamics of common carp in the Murray-Darling Basin during 1962/1963–2001/2002; there was negligible support for exponential growth (w i  ≤ 0.01). Although we cannot exclude the possibility that floods may have been important in the early years of the invasion we found little evidence that carp population growth rates increased following flood events. Our logistic-type model-based estimates of the maximum annual population growth rate (r m; 0.378 and 0.384) indicate that >0.315 or 0.319 of the adult population would need to be removed annually to achieve eradication. We conclude that the rapid spread of the Boolara strain of common carp through the Murray-Darling Basin was facilitated by high initial population growth rates. More generally, we suggest that the lag period between an invader establishing and increasing to high abundances will be characterised by logistic-type population growth. We encourage others to investigate the long-term population dynamics of invading freshwater fish using time series and models such as those reported here.  相似文献   

M H Wong  K C Luk  W K Liu  S H Kwan 《Acta anatomica》1979,103(2):130-133
The effects of sewage sludge on the survival of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio, were investigated. It was noted that, when the concentrations of the sludge used for rearing carp exceeded 0.6%, the fish died within 42 days, whereas those reared in 0.2% sludge remained alive and healthy during the trial period. The body and the gills of the dead fish were covered by a veil-like film which looked like coagulated mucus and was formed by the heavy metal ions from the sludge reacting with some constituents of the mucus secreted by the gill. The histopathological symptoms of the various organs further demonstrated that internal injury in liver and kidney was also an important feature of the intoxicants as well as external damage, especially the particles observed around the gills. It was concluded that the optimum concentration of sludge to any species of fish should be determined by testing a series of concentrations before using it as a supplementary fish feed or fish pond fertilizer.  相似文献   

The validity of the use of the weight of dried eye lenses as an indicator of age in the common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., is tested. There is a significant difference between males and females for fish of two and three years old. Otherwise no significant difference is noted between sexes. The linear relationship between the dry weight of eye lenses and age + 1 are: In Y + 1= 0.5202 + 16.4928 X ( r = 0.93) for female and ln Y + 1=0.4276 + 16.7364 X ( r = 0.94) for male.
The method for determining age is valuable for fish until three years old. However for older fish, in spite of a correlation coefficient between lens weight and age and even with a significant difference between annual groups, the age determination may be misleading due to the overlap in lens weights. In conclusion therefore this method may not be useful for back calculation of growth, for production estimates or studies in which accurate estimates of age are needed.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Lu CY  Cao DC  Xu P  Wang S  Li HD  Zhao ZX  Sun XW 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):561-564
利用150个微卫星分子标记在F1代家系的基因型分析过程中,共有27600个等位基因从亲本向子代传递,其中在5个微卫星座位上检测到6个突变的等位基因。对突变的等位基因数目进行统计分析后得出:鲤鱼平均每个世代每个微卫星座位的突变速率为2.53×10-4。在发现突变的5个位点中,经测序发现,突变序列中插入1个以上的重复单元就导致了突变的发生。这些突变表明,鲤鱼的微卫星突变没有遵循严格的渐变突变模型(stepwise mutation model,SMM)。该文关于鲤鱼微卫星突变速率和模式的研究将会对统计鲤鱼有效群体的统计提供有效参数。  相似文献   

Summary Eleven monoclonal antibodies that recognize membrane determinants on spermatozoa of the carp Cyprinus carpio L. have been produced. Indirect immunofluorescence revealed that these determinants are uniformly distributed on the surface of head and midpiece. Most of them are also present on the outer membrane of precursor sperm cells. Although none of the monoclonal antibodies reacted with carp somatic tissue, five monoclonal antibodies were positive for surface membrane determinants of oogonia and early prophase oocytes in carp ovary. Preliminary analysis of the testis and ovary of three other species of fish showed that some carp determinants are shared with germ cells from Barbus conchonius, Clarias lazera, or Salmo gairdneri.Abbreviation WCS Wageningen Carp Sperm antibody  相似文献   

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