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The exon 16-encoded juxtamembrane (JM) domain of human insulin receptor (hIR) harbors the NPEY motif which couples the insulin-activated hIR kinase to downstream signal transduction molecules. We sought to determine if signal transduction requires the entire exon 16-encoded 22-amino acid JM domain. Transfected CHO cells were generated stably expressing either the wild-type hIR (hIR-WT) or two mutant hIRs (hIRDeltaEx16 in which the JM domain was deleted, and hIRrosJM in which the deleted segment was replaced by the corresponding domain of v-ros protein). The mutant hIRDeltaEx16 and hIRrosJM exhibited similar insulin-binding as the hIRWT. Insulin internalization and insulin dose-response experiments toward activation of downstream signal transduction molecules demonstrated that: i) the presence of intact hIR-JM domain which harbors the NPEY motif is essential for Shc phosphorylation but not for IRS-1 phosphorylation; ii) insulin signal transduction can occur independent of the JM domain of hIR and without participation of the NPEY motif; iii) engagement of this putative alternative downstream signal transduction is Shc independent and is dependent on insulin concentration; and iv) insulin internalization does not necessarily require the hIR specific aa sequence of the JM domain which can be partially substituted by the JM domain of the v-ros tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

The juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor (IR) beta-subunit contains an unphosphorylated tyrosyl residue (Tyr960) that is essential for insulin-stimulated tyrosyl phosphorylation of some endogenous substrates and certain biological responses (White, M.F., Livingston, J.N., Backer, J.M., Lauris, V., Dull, T.J., Ullrich, A., and Kahn, C.R. (1988) Cell 54, 641-649). Tyrosyl residues in the juxtamembrane region of some plasma membrane receptors have been shown to be required for their internalization. In addition, a juxtamembrane tyrosine in the context of the sequence NPXY [corrected] is required for the coated pit-mediated internalization of the low density lipoprotein receptor. To examine the role of the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor during receptor-mediated endocytosis, we have studied the internalization of insulin by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing two mutant receptors: IRF960, in which Tyr960 has been substituted with phenylalanine, and IR delta 960, in which 12 amino acids (Ala954-Asp965), including the putative consensus sequence NPXY [corrected], were deleted. Although the in vivo autophosphorylation of IRF960 and IR delta 960 was similar to wild type, neither mutant could phosphorylate the endogenous substrate pp185. CHO/IRF960 cells internalized insulin normally whereas the intracellular accumulation of insulin by CHO/IR delta 960 cells was 20-30% of wild-type. However, insulin internalization in the CHO/IR delta 960 cells was consistently more rapid than that occurring in CHO cells expressing kinase-deficient receptors (CHO/IRA1018). The degradation of insulin was equally impaired in CHO/IR delta 960 and CHO/IRA1018 cells. These data show that the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor contains residues essential for insulin-stimulated internalization and suggest that the sequence NPXY [corrected] may play a general role in directing the internalization of cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have implicated the cytosolic juxtamembrane region of the Kit receptor tyrosine kinase as an autoinhibitory regulatory domain. Mutations in the juxtamembrane domain are associated with cancers, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors and mastocytosis, and result in constitutive activation of Kit. Here we elucidate the biochemical mechanism of this regulation. A synthetic peptide encompassing the juxtamembrane region demonstrates cooperative thermal denaturation, suggesting that it folds as an autonomous domain. The juxtamembrane peptide directly interacted with the N-terminal ATP-binding lobe of the kinase domain. A mutation in the juxtamembrane region corresponding to an oncogenic form of Kit or a tyrosine-phosphorylated form of the juxtamembrane peptide disrupted the stability of this domain and its interaction with the N-terminal kinase lobe. Kinetic analysis of the Kit kinase harboring oncogenic mutations in the juxtamembrane region displayed faster activation times than the wild-type kinase. Addition of exogenous wild-type juxtamembrane peptide to active forms of Kit inhibited its kinase activity in trans, whereas the mutant peptide and a phosphorylated form of the wild-type peptide were less effective inhibitors. Lastly, expression of the Kit juxtamembrane peptide in cells which harbor an oncogenic form of Kit inhibited cell growth in a Kit-specific manner. Together, these results show the Kit kinase is autoinhibited through an intramolecular interaction with the juxtamembrane domain, and tyrosine phosphorylation and oncogenic mutations relieved the regulatory function of the juxtamembrane domain.  相似文献   

Tyrosine 984 in the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor, between the transmembrane helix and the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain, is conserved among all insulin receptor-like proteins from hydra to humans. Crystallographic studies of the tyrosine kinase domain and proximal juxtamembrane region reveal that Tyr-984 interacts with several other conserved residues in the N-terminal lobe of the kinase domain, stabilizing a catalytically nonproductive position of alpha-helix C. Steady-state kinetics measurements on the soluble kinase domain demonstrate that replacement of Tyr-984 with phenylalanine results in a 4-fold increase in kcat in the unphosphorylated (basal state) enzyme. Moreover, mutation of Tyr-984 in the full-length insulin receptor results in significantly elevated receptor phosphorylation levels in cells, both in the absence of insulin and following insulin stimulation. These data demonstrate that Tyr-984 plays an important structural role in maintaining the quiescent, basal state of the insulin receptor. In addition, the structural studies suggest a possible target site for small molecule activators of the insulin receptor, with potential use in the treatment of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

The C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) contains two tyrosine residues, Tyr668 and Tyr734. Previous work identifying Tyr734 as a critical residue in the endocytosis of the pIgR in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells also suggested that a second functional internalization signal was present (Breitfeld, P. P., Casanova, J. E., McKinnon, W. C., and Mostov, K. E. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13750-13757). To test this hypothesis, Tyr668 and Tyr734 were mutated singly or together by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of pIgR cDNA, and the mutants were expressed in MDCK cells. The amount of ligand internalized within 5 min from the basolateral membrane by the pIgR in which cytoplasmic tyrosines were mutated separately to Cys668 or Ser734 or together to Cys668, Ser734 was 58, 39, and 20%, respectively, of the internalized by the wild-type pIgR. The cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of the pIgR, when joined to the external domain of the influenza virus hemagglutinin, retained the capacity to mediate rapid internalization. As with the full-length pIgR, mutation of either tyrosine in the chimera resulted in impairment of endocytosis, with mutation of Tyr734 having a significantly greater effect than mutation on Tyr668 on the initial rate of endocytosis (3 and 44% of control values, respectively). However, unlike the full-length pIgR, mutation of both tyrosines together in the chimera did not reduce internalization further. The two tyrosines in the cytoplasmic sequence of the pIgR, although widely separated in the linear amino acid sequence, both contribute to internalization of the protein, suggesting that both can function as internalization signals. In addition, the correlation between endocytosis and basolateral targeting of the pIgR in MDCK cells was investigated. Neither tyrosine of the cytoplasmic domain was necessary for basolateral targeting of the pIgR.  相似文献   

Insulin internalization and degradation, insulin receptor internalization and recycling, as well as long term receptor down-regulation were comparatively studied in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines, either parental or expressing the wild-type human insulin receptor (CHO.R) or a mutated receptor in which the tyrosine residues in positions 1162 and 1163 were replaced by phenylalanines (CHO.Y2). The two transfected cell lines presented very similar binding characteristics, and their pulse labeling with [35S]methionine revealed that the receptors were processed normally. As expected, the mutation of these twin tyrosines resulted in a defective insulin stimulation of both receptor kinase activity and glycogen synthesis. We now present evidence that compared to CHO.R cells, which efficiently internalized and degraded insulin, CHO.Y2 cells exhibited a marked defect in hormone internalization, leading to impaired insulin degradation. Moreover, the mutated receptors were found to be less effective than the wild-type receptors in transducing the hormone signal for receptor internalization, whereas the process of receptor recycling after internalization seemed not to be altered. In parental CHO cells, insulin induced long term receptor down-regulation, but was totally ineffective in both transfected cell lines. These results reveal that the tyrosines 1162 and 1163 in the kinase regulatory domain of the receptor beta-subunit play a pivotal role in insulin and receptor internalization.  相似文献   

CHO/IRF960/T962 cells express a mutant human insulin receptor in which Tyr960 and Ser962 in the juxtamembrane region of the receptor's beta-subunit are replaced by Phe and Thr, respectively. The mutant insulin receptor undergoes autophosphorylation normally in response to insulin; however, insulin fails to stimulate thymidine incorporation into DNA, glycogen synthesis, and tyrosyl phosphorylation of an endogenous substrate pp185 in these cells. Another putative substrate of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase is phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (Ptdlns 3-kinase). We have previously shown that Ptdlns 3-kinase activity in Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the wild-type human insulin receptor (CHO/IR) increases in both antiphosphotyrosine [anti-Tyr(P)] immunoprecipitates and intact cells in response to insulin. In the present study a new technique (detection of the 85-kDa subunit of Ptdlns 3-kinase using [32P]phosphorylated polyoma virus middle T-antigen as probe) is used to monitor the Ptdlns 3-kinase protein. The 85-kDa subunit of Ptdlns 3-kinase is precipitated by anti-Tyr(P) antibodies from insulin-stimulated CHO/IR cells, but markedly less protein is precipitated from CHO/IRF960/T962 cells. The amount of Ptdlns 3-kinase activity in the immunoprecipitates was also reduced in the CHO/IRF960/T962 cells compared to CHO/IR cells. In intact CHO/IRF960/T962 cells, insulin failed to stimulate phosphate incorporation into one of the products of activated Ptdlns 3-kinase, phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate [Ptdlns(3,4)P2], whereas it caused a 12-fold increase in CHO/IR cells. In contrast, phosphate incorporation into another product, phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate [PtdlnsP3], was only partially depressed in the CHO/IRF960/T962 cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Wybenga-Groot LE  Baskin B  Ong SH  Tong J  Pawson T  Sicheri F 《Cell》2001,106(6):745-757
The Eph receptor tyrosine kinase family is regulated by autophosphorylation within the juxtamembrane region and the kinase activation segment. We have solved the X-ray crystal structure to 1.9 A resolution of an autoinhibited, unphosphorylated form of EphB2 comprised of the juxtamembrane region and the kinase domain. The structure, supported by mutagenesis data, reveals that the juxtamembrane segment adopts a helical conformation that distorts the small lobe of the kinase domain, and blocks the activation segment from attaining an activated conformation. Phosphorylation of conserved juxtamembrane tyrosines would relieve this autoinhibition by disturbing the association of the juxtamembrane segment with the kinase domain, while liberating phosphotyrosine sites for binding SH2 domains of target proteins. We propose that the autoinhibitory mechanism employed by EphB2 is a more general device through which receptor tyrosine kinases are controlled.  相似文献   

We report that the erythropoietin receptor cytosolic juxtamembrane region is conformationally rigid and contains a hydrophobic motif, composed of residues L253, I257, and W258, that is crucial for Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) activation and receptor signaling. Alanine insertion mutagenesis shows that the orientation of this motif and not its distance from the membrane bilayer is critical. Intragenic complementation studies suggest that L253 is contained within an alpha helix functionally continuous to the transmembrane alpha helix. The alpha-helical orientation of L53 is required not for JAK2 activation but for activated JAK2 to induce phosphorylation of the erythropoietin receptor. This motif is highly conserved among cytokine receptors and couples ligand-induced conformational changes in the receptor to intracellular activation of JAK2.  相似文献   

Ephrin receptors (Eph) affect cell shape and movement, unlike other receptor tyrosine kinases that directly affect proliferative pathways. The kinase domain of EphA3 is activated by ephrin binding and receptor oligomerization. This activation is associated with two tyrosines in the juxtamembrane region; these tyrosines are sites of autophosphorylation and interact with the active site of the kinase to modulate activity. This allosteric event has important implications both in terms of understanding signal transduction pathways mediated by Eph kinases as well as discovering specific therapeutic ligands for receptor kinases. In order to provide further details of the molecular mechanism through which the unphosphorylated juxtamembrane region blocks catalysis, we studied wild-type and site-specific mutants in detail. High-resolution structures of multiple states of EphA3 kinase with and without the juxtamembrane segment allowed us to map the coupled pathway of residues that connect the juxtamembrane segment, the activation loop, and the catalytic residues of the kinase domain. This highly conserved set of residues likely delineates a molecular recognition pathway for most of the Eph RTKs, helping to characterize the dynamic nature of these physiologically important enzymes.  相似文献   

The 3'-untranslated region of apolipoprotein II (apoII) mRNA contains target sites for mRNA breakdown (Binder, R., Hwang, S.-P. L., Ratnasabapathy, R., and Williams, D. L. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 16910-16918). Degradation occurs via endonucleolytic cleavage at 5'-AAU-3'/5'-UAA-3' elements in single-stranded loop domains of the 3'-untranslated region. Degradation target sites occur in two clusters that are localized within two larger domains of secondary structure. In this study, gel shift and label transfer assays were used to identify liver cytosolic factors that recognize the 3'-untranslated region of apoII mRNA. The results show preferential binding of cytosolic factors to the 3'-untranslated region as compared to the coding region. UV cross-linking experiments confirmed that cytosolic factors labeled by the 3'-untranslated region are a subset of proteins labeled by the entire mRNA. Two distinct binding domains were identified within the 3'-untranslated region. The upstream domain encompassing nucleotides 400-547 extends from the translation stop codon through the complex stem-loop D structure described previously. This domain labeled primarily a 34-kDa protein in UV cross-linking experiments. The downstream binding domain encompassing nucleotides 568-643 includes another region of secondary structure and terminates within the universal polyadenylation signal. The downstream domain labeled primarily a 60-kDa protein in UV cross-linking experiments. The upstream and downstream binding domains did not compete with each other in gel shift or cross-linking experiments. These results indicate that the 3'-untranslated region can form two independent messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes localized to domains that include target sites for apoII mRNA degradation. We speculate that these messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes may play a role in the degradation of apoII mRNA or in the regulation of this process.  相似文献   

Vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) are responsible for the vesicular storage of l-glutamate and play an essential role in glutamatergic signal transmission in the central nervous system. The molecular mechanism of the transport remains unknown. Here, we established a novel in vitro assay procedure, which includes purification of wild and mutant VGLUT2 and their reconstitution with purified bacterial F(o)F(1)-ATPase (F-ATPase) into liposomes. Upon the addition of ATP, the proteoliposomes facilitated l-glutamate uptake in a membrane potential (DeltaPsi)-dependent fashion. The ATP-dependent l-glutamate uptake exhibited an absolute requirement for approximately 4 mm Cl(-), was sensitive to Evans blue, but was insensitive to d,l-aspartate. VGLUT2s with mutations in the transmembrane-located residues Arg(184), His(128), and Glu(191) showed a dramatic loss in l-glutamate transport activity, whereas Na(+)-dependent inorganic phosphate (P(i)) uptake remained comparable to that of the wild type. Furthermore, P(i) transport did not require Cl(-) and was not inhibited by Evans blue. Thus, VGLUT2 appears to possess two intrinsic transport machineries that are independent of each other: a DeltaPsi-dependent l-glutamate uptake and a Na(+)-dependent P(i) uptake.  相似文献   

Using peptides epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-13 and EGFR-14, which correspond to residues 645-657 and 679-692, respectively, in the juxtamembrane, cytosolic region of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) we have investigated the role of specific regions of the receptor in regulating its autophosphorylation and protein tyrosine kinase activity. EGFR-13, but not EGFR-14, increased autophosphorylation (by twofold) of the full-length and two truncated forms (Delta1022-1186 and a constitutively active receptor kinase domain) of the EGFR. EGFR-13 increased the stoichiometry of tyrosine phosphorylation of the full-length receptor from 4.2 to 10.1 mol Pi/mol EGFR and that of EGFRDelta1022-1186 from 1.0 to 2 mol Pi/mol receptor. Increased receptor autophosphorylation in the presence of EGFR-13 cannot solely be attributed to an increase in tyrosine kinase activity because EGFR-14 and polylysine increased tyrosine kinase activity of EGFRDelta1022-1186 and full-length EGFR, respectively, to the same extent as EGFR-13 without any effects on receptor autophosphorylation. Phosphorylation of EGFR-13 (P-EGFR-13) on the threonine residue corresponding to Thr654 in EGFR obliterated the ability of the peptide to increase autophosphorylation and markedly diminished its capacity to increase receptor tyrosine kinase activity. Additionally, EGFR-13, but not EGFR-14 or P-EGFR-13, decreased the migration of the receptor on nondenaturing gels, indicating that EGFR-13 induces some conformational change. Phosphopeptide maps of the EGFR phosphorylated in the presence of EGFR-13 or pp60(c-src) demonstrated that the additional sites phosphorylated in the presence of EGFR-13 were the same as those phosphorylated by pp60(c-src) (i.e., Y803, Y845, Y891, Y920, and Y1101). Thus, we conclude that EGFR-13, but not EGFR-14 or P-EGFR-13, competes to disrupt interactions between amino acids 645-657 and some other region(s) on the EGFR to either alleviate a conformational constraint or alter dimer conformation. This change increases the protein tyrosine kinase activity of the EGFR and provides access to additional tyrosine autophosphorylation sites in the receptor.  相似文献   

Upon the binding of insulin or epidermal growth factor to their cognate receptors on the liver parenchymal plasmalemma, signal transduction and receptor internalization are near co-incident. Indeed, the rapidity and extent; of ligand mediated receptor internalization into endosomes in liver as well as other organs predicts that signal transduction is regulated at this intracellular locus. Although internalization has been thought as a mechanism to attenuate ligand mediated signal transduction responses, detailed studies of internalized receptors in isolated liver endosomes suggest an alternative scenario whereby selective signal transduction pathways can be accessed at this locus.  相似文献   

It is fundamentally important to define how agonist-receptor interaction differs from antagonist-receptor interaction. The V1a vasopressin receptor (V1aR) is a member of the neurohypophysial hormone subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. Using alanine-scanning mutagenesis of the N-terminal juxtamembrane segment of the V1aR, we now establish that Glu54 (1.35) is critical for arginine vasopressin binding. The mutant [E54A]V1aR exhibited decreased arginine vasopressin affinity (1700-fold) and disrupted signaling, but antagonist binding was unaffected. Mutation of Glu54 had an almost identical pharmacological effect as mutation of Arg46, raising the possibility that agonist binding required a mutual interaction between Glu54 and Arg46. The role of these two charged residues was investigated by 1) substituting Glu54; 2) inserting additional Glu/Arg in transmembrane helix (TM) 1; 3) repositioning the Glu/Arg in TM1; and 4) characterizing the reciprocal mutant [R46E/E54R]V1aR. We conclude that 1) the positive/negative charges need to be precisely positioned in this N terminus/TM1 segment; and 2) Glu54 and Arg46 function independently, providing two discrete epitopes required for high-affinity agonist binding and signaling. This study explains why Glu and Arg, part of an -R(X3)L/V(X3)E(X3)L- motif, are conserved at these loci throughout this G protein-coupled receptor subfamily and provides molecular insight into key differences between agonist and antagonist binding requirements.  相似文献   

The adenovirus-encoded receptor internalization and degradation (RID) protein (previously named E3-10.4K/14.5K), which is composed of RIDalpha and RIDbeta subunits, down-regulates a number of cell surface receptors in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily, namely Fas, TRAIL receptor 1, and TRAIL receptor 2. Down-regulation of these "death" receptors protects adenovirus-infected cells from apoptosis induced by the death receptor ligands Fas ligand and TRAIL. RID also down-regulates certain tyrosine kinase cell surface receptors, especially the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). RID-mediated Fas and EGFR down-regulation occurs via endocytosis of the receptors into endosomes followed by transport to and degradation within lysosomes. However, the molecular interactions underlying this function of RID are unknown. To investigate the molecular determinants of RIDbeta that are involved in receptor down-regulation, mutations within the cytoplasmic tail of RIDbeta were constructed and the mutant proteins were analyzed for their capacity to internalize and degrade Fas and EGFR and to protect cells from death receptor ligand-induced apoptosis. The results demonstrated the critical nature of a tyrosine residue near the RIDbeta C terminus; mutation of this residue to alanine abolished RID function. Mutating the tyrosine to phenylalanine did not abolish the function of RID, arguing that phosphorylation of the tyrosine is not required for function. These data suggest that this tyrosine residue forms part of a tyrosine-based sorting signal (Yxxphi). Additional mutations that target another potential sorting motif and several possible protein-protein interaction motifs had no discernible effect on RID function. It was also demonstrated that mutation of serine 116 to alanine eliminated phosphorylation of RIDbeta but did not affect any of the functions of RID that were examined. These results suggest a model in which the tyrosine-based sorting signal in RID plays a role in RID's ability to down-regulate receptors.  相似文献   

A runaway-replication plasmid pSY343 contains two ssi signals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J D Bahk  N Kioka  H Sakai  T Komano 《Plasmid》1988,20(3):266-270
Taking advantage of the plaque morphology method, we detected two single-stranded initiation (ssi) signals in the plasmid pSY343; one was in the 170-nucleotide (nt) EcoRV-ThaI segment (170P), and the other was in the 93-nt DraI-FnuDII segment (93F), which were designated as ssiA and ssiB, respectively. We cloned the two ssi signals in the filamentous phage vectors M13 delta lac184 and flR199. A conserved 7-nt consensus sequence involved in the n' recognition site for priming DNA initiation on single-stranded (ss) DNA templates (A. Van der Ende, R. Teerstra, H. Van der Avoort, and P.J. Weisbeek, 1983, Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 4957-4975) was found, three copies in 170P and one in 93F. These two ssi signals contain possible stem and loop structures. The 170P overlapped partly with the origin (ori) region of pSY343 and the 93F was away from the ori region. Growth of chimera phages such as M13 delta lac184/ssiA and M13 delta lac184/ssiB was 38- and 71-fold greater, respectively, than that of M13 delta lac184, 8 h after phage infection. The conversion efficiency in vivo of ss to replicative form (RF) DNA of these chimera phages carrying ssiA and ssiB was 1.9- and 2.2-fold greater, respectively, than that of M13 delta lac184, 50 min after infection.  相似文献   

In Metazoans a number of cellular functions are controlled by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) during development and in postnatal life. The execution of these programs requires that signals of adequate strength are delivered for the appropriate time within precise spatial boundaries. Several RTK inhibitors have been identified in invertebrate and mammalian organisms. Because they are involved in tuning and termination of receptor signals, negative regulators of RTK activity fulfill a fundamental function in the control of receptor signaling.  相似文献   

Human insulin receptor (HIR) is expressed in two isoforms which differ in the C-terminal end of the alpha-subunit (HIR-A = -12 aa, HIR-B = +12 aa). We studied internalization kinetics of HIR-A and HIR-B in Rat1 fibroblasts. Internalized receptors were quantified by 125I-insulin binding after cell trypsinisation and solubilization, surface receptors were determined by 125I-insulin binding to intact cells and by chemical crosslinking with B26-125I-insulin. HIR-A and HIR-B show different kinetics of receptor internalization. While in HIR-A cells the maximum of internalization (approx. 65% of total) is reached after 10 min followed by a high recycling rate (approx. 80% of internalized receptors after 20 min), the internalization in HIR-B cells reaches a maximum (approx. 60% of total) after 15 min without detectable recycling within 30 min. The data show that the different alpha-subunits of both receptor types determine different velocities of internalization and determine whether a fast recycling occurs.  相似文献   

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