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大瑶山有大小银杉(Cathaya argyro-phylla)143株,树干通直高大,一般高在20米左右,最高者可达30.65米,胸径最大者约88.6厘米。大瑶山的银杉林与广西花坪及其它林区的银杉林不同,因此,在科学研究和生产实践上有着重要意义。大瑶山是一座古老的山休,有二亿多年的历史,位于广西中部稍偏东,北纬23°40′—24°24′地段。地层主要是由寒武系砂页岩和泥盆系紫红色碎屑岩或砂页岩组成。地貌属中山  相似文献   

四川古蔺县地处云贵高原,东径105°34′至106°21′,北纬27°41′至28°41′之间。海拔最低300米,最高1870米,相对高差1500米。年平均气温17.1℃,月平均最高气温26.8℃,最低气温6.8℃、年平均雨量855.6毫米,无霜期230~302.7天。日照1197.9小时以上。山大沟深,土地肥沃,气候温和,虽是边远山区,但无严寒酷暑,最适宜各种野生植物果品资源的生长,特别是红子,遍地皆是,预计产量不少于1500万斤以上。  相似文献   

1.概述一、金佛山的自然状况金佛山位于京经107°27′,北伟28°53′。在四川省的东南部,属四川省南川县管辖。金佛山南面与黔北之大娄山接壤,山势为东西走向,东西长约百余华里,南北宽约三、四十华里。海拔约为1,800米。1956年1—12月份,金佛山的平均温度、最高温度、最低温度如下表:  相似文献   

我国金花茶组植物的地理分布   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
苏宗明  莫新礼   《广西植物》1988,(1):75-81
世界产金花茶组植物22种,其中我国20种,特有18种,仅产广西。其分布区在北纬21°30′—23°40′,东经106°40′—108°35′,北界基本上与广西北热带半常绿季雨林、湿润雨林地带北界吻合。该组植物分布于石灰(岩)土的13种,红壤的7种。它们出现的地段比较固定,天然林下,沟谷或溪边处,相对高度10—15米;峰丛圆洼地底部和荫蔽的坡面下部。该组植物个体最多的地区(几何中心)一个在防城县,一个在龙州县;种类最多的地区(最大变异中心)一个也在龙州县,9种,一个在扶绥县,7种。该分布区从南到北分化成六个小分区。其垂直分布一般在海拔700米以下。水平分布种的更替表现为:北纬21°31′为小瓣金花茶等五种;北纬22°10′—22°45′为鼻岗金花茶等八种更替;北纬22°50′为顶生金花茶等三种更替;北纬23°40′为平果金花茶更替。金花茶分布幅度最宽,可由北纬21°31′到22°55′。在土山,东西以东经107°30′为界,以东为金花茶等四种,以西为小瓣金花茶等二种。  相似文献   

湖南省越城岭北部罗汉洞的银杉与长苞铁杉混交林   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
银杉(Cathaya argyrophylla)是第三纪残遗植物,在当时曾广泛分布于欧亚大陆后在第四纪冰川期遭到浩劫而濒临灭绝[1—3]。由于我国南方山地具有得天独厚的地史条件,近年来不断发现幸存的银杉林,迄今已发现广西,湖南、四川及贵州省(区)拥有天然银杉。湖南省于1979年10月在越城岭北部,城步县与新宁县交邻的罗汉洞(沙角洞、乱岩洞)发现1)。位置为北纬26˚33′10″,东经110˚36′32″。先后于1979年10月,1981年4月2),1981年8月进行了三次调查,本文系在此三次调查的基础上写成。  相似文献   

青岛市地处山东半岛西南端 ,位于北纬 3 5°3 5′~3 7°0 9′、东经 1 1 9°3 1′~ 1 2 1°。由于濒临黄海 ,受海洋季风的影响 ,雨量充沛 ,温度适中 ,冬无严寒 ,夏无酷暑 ,年平均气温 1 2 2℃ ,最低月均温 -1 2℃ ,最高月均温 2 5℃ ,植物资源丰富 ,昆虫及海洋生物多 ,是东部沿海候鸟迁徙的主要停歇地。青岛鸟类保护环志站是中国大陆最早建立开展鸟类环志研究的站点之一。迄今已环志鸟类 5 8万只。在 1 3处环志点开展了鸟类迁徙环志研究 ,积累了一些资料。目前已查明境内有旅鸟 2 52种、冬候鸟 3 4种、夏候鸟 4 9种。1 环志点及工作方…  相似文献   

徐中辉 《四川动物》2001,20(1):35-36
1 自然概况广元市位于四川盆地北部周缘 ,东经 1 0 5°1 2′~1 0 6°1 7′ ,北纬 31°53′~ 32°52′。地势由北向南逐步降低 ,海拔多为 60 0~ 90 0m ,以林、草覆盖为主 ,间有部分耕地的浅丘地带 ,市区内有嘉陵江及其支流南河、白龙江及清江河。市区北部属秦巴区北亚热带湿润季风气候。市区南部属四川盆地中亚热带湿润季风气候。区内四季分明 ,雨量充沛。 7、8月最高气温 38 6℃ ,1月份最低气温零下 5℃ ,年平均 1 6 1℃ ,无霜期 2 63天。降水主要集中在 6~ 9月份 ,年降雨量 972 6mm。2 自然环境与鸟类数量分布的历史变迁2 0世纪 …  相似文献   

土壤因子对野生植物AM真菌的影响   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
1 引  言关于生态因子对AM真菌发生和分布的影响 ,国内外均有报道[1,2 ,7] ,张美庆等[6] 比较系统地研究了我国东、南沿海七省AM真菌的生态分布 ;吴铁航[5] 报道了几种土壤因子对栽培作物根围内AM真菌分布的影响 .本文主要介绍土壤类型、质地、营养状况、pH等对野生植物根围AM真菌的侵染、孢子密度和种属分布的影响 .2 研究地区与研究方法2 1 研究地区概况山东省位于 33°2 5′~ 38°2 3′N ,114°36′~ 12 2°4 3′E之间 ,属暖温带大陆性季风气候 ,年平均气温 11~ 14℃ ,年平均降水量为 5 5 0~ 95 0mm .根据地貌不…  相似文献   

陕西米仓山自然保护区发现藏酋猴分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年8月下旬至2013年12月上旬,在陕西米仓山自然保护区首先通过走访询问确定预调查区域,然后采用“V”型路线法进行调查。发现保护区内茶园附近山体中部陡峭悬崖区域向阳侧的落叶阔叶林带(107°38′~107°39′E, 32°62′N, 海拔: 1 424 m~1 589 m)至少有1群藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana)分布,共有个体约35只,并按年龄结构组成初步预测该群体处于增长中。  相似文献   

<正> 广西百色茶场,地处广西西部的云贵高原边缘山区,西起东经106°18′10″,东至东经106°26′36″,南起北纬23°54′53″,北至北纬23°56′54″。平均海拔240米以上,最高563米,耕作区平均坡度35度以上。日照充足,热量丰富,但又是“十年九旱”之地。近几年来,假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca pirisuga(Matsumura)在该场茶园普遍发生,猖獗为害,受害面积连年扩大。为了寻求科学的防治对策,摸清此虫在这一山  相似文献   

For 26 tree species in very dry tropical forest in Mexico, the developmental trends of relationships among trunk diameter, tree height, and crown diameter were inferred from a one‐time measurement of dispersed individuals across the size range from saplings to large, mature trees. On hillside sites in this high diversity forest, maximum dimensions were usually <10‐m height, 4‐m crown diameter, and 0.3‐m trunk diameter. The relationship of height to trunk diameter was characterized by an asymptotic, three‐parameter model. Crown diameter was a linear function of trunk diameter. The parameter values for both models varied widely among the species. In general, the dispersion among species of the height–crown diameter relationship increased linearly with trunk diameter (up to 0.2 m). Arborescent cacti were distant from other species at all sizes, although they were well modeled using the same equations. Empirical and theoretical features and limitations of the present and previous models, including mechanical buckling and water‐stress theories, are considered.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate growth along the stem of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze trees competing in overstocked stands, in order to identify periods when growth and trunk shape are differentiated during the trees' lifespan. The research was carried out in a planted forest of Araucaria angustifolia established in 1946 in the Açungui National Forest in Campo Largo, Paraná, Brazil, when these trees were 65 years old. One thinning was recorded, at some time between 1970 and 1980. Forty-six trees were selected and divided into three development classes (DC) at 65 years of age; these classes considered diameter at 1.30 m (breast height, dbh) with a range of 20 cm (from 10 cm to 70 cm). In addition to dbh, total tree height, and crown height and diameter were measured in the field. From each tree, 14 disks were removed to analyze growth rings and confirm the age of the stand. Some trees in the smallest DC (10 ≤ dbh < 30 cm) were the product of natural regeneration (younger trees that grew after the initial planting). In 63% of the trees, at least one growth ring was missing at breast height. Missing rings at breast height were more common in trees with smaller dbh and crown diameters. The need for more growing space was observed at different periods during the studied lifespan of the trees from three DCs. It resulted in changes in stems shape from conical to cylindrical. Different growth patterns could be observed during the lives of some trees as they outgrew their competition.  相似文献   

广西大瑶山的银杉研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莫新礼  钟业聪  李法炎  谭海明   《广西植物》1992,12(3):254-268
银杉自1955年首次在广西花坪林区发现之后,时隔30多年,而于1986年在大瑶山土县,即北纬24°9′—24°24′发现了银杉的新分布,从而把我国银杉的分布区向南推移了约1°30′,成为目前已知银杉地理分布的最南界。大瑶山的银杉不但植株高大,树干圆满通直,而且在水平、垂直分布、生境条件和所处林带等方面均与各地的分布点有明显的不同。 大瑶山银杉的上层林木以松科为主,中下层以壳斗科、樟科和山茶科占优势。按照Raunkia生活型分类系统的分类结果,常绿成分和革质叶占绝对优势(分别占98.1%和90.4%)。革质叶和细型叶常绿针叶大高位芽植物是群落的主要成分;单叶、革质、小型叶和中型叶的常绿阔叶中高位芽和小商位芽植物在中下层发育最好。根据样地内幼苗幼树少,和缺乏中下层林木的事实表明,它在群落中的稳定已受到严重的影响。在样地外和其他林地上,虽可见到少量中下层林木和幼苗幼树,但从群落的发展趋势来看,这里的银杉混交林最终要由常绿阔叶林所更替。 本文亦根据树干解析论述了银杉的生长情况。 1981—1982年大瑶山综考后,金秀瑶族自治县林业局和国营金秀林场,在进行杯区树种资源调查时,在县城东北方约15公里,地名为土县一带天然林中,首先发现了银杉(Cathaya argyro-phylla Chun et Kuang)。从1986年开始  相似文献   

中亚热带常绿阔叶林林隙及其自然干扰特征的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
通过对福建万木林中亚热带常绿阔叶林中96个林隙的调查,研究了中亚热带常绿阔叶林的基本特征和自然干扰规律,结果表明,在中亚热带常绿阔叶林中,扩展林隙(EG)和冠空隙(CG)在中亚热带常绿阔叶林景观中的面积比例分别为50.86%和16.66%,每年干扰频率分别为0.85%·年^-1和0.28%·年^-1,林隙干扰的返回间隔期约为357年.林隙形成方式由树木折干形成的最为普遍,占形成木总数58.04%。其次是由于掘根风倒而形成的,占33.48%.林隙大多由两株树木形成,平均每个林隙拥有形成木2.33株.扩展林隙的大小多在100~300m^2之间,其中以200~300m^2者所占的面积比例最大,而以100~200m^2者所占的数量比例最大,冠空隙的大小多在100m^2以下,其中50m^2以下所占的数量比例和面积比例都是最大的.林隙形成木分布最多的径级在20~30cm之间。  相似文献   

Carrie L. Woods 《Biotropica》2017,49(4):452-460
Epiphytes are integral to tropical forests yet little is understood about how succession proceeds in these communities. As trees increase in size they create microhabitats for late‐colonizing species in both small and large branches while maintaining small tree microhabitats for early colonizing species in the small and young branches. Thus, epiphyte succession may follow different models depending on the scale: at the scale of the entire tree, epiphytes may follow a species accumulation model where species are continuously added to the tree as trees increase in size but at the scale of one zone on a branch (e.g., inner crown: 0–2 m from the trunk), they may follow the replacement model of succession seen in terrestrial ecosystems. Assuming tree size as an indicator of tree age, I surveyed 61 Virola koschnyi trees of varying size (2.5–103.3 cm diameter at breast height) in lowland wet tropical forest in Costa Rica to examine how epiphyte communities change through succession. Epiphyte communities in small trees were nested subsets of those in large trees and epiphyte communities became more similar to the largest trees as trees increased in size. Furthermore, epiphyte species in small trees were replaced by mid‐ and late‐successional species in the oldest parts of the tree crown but dispersed toward the younger branches as trees increased in size. Thus, epiphyte succession followed a replacement model in particular zones within treecrowns but a species accumulation model at the scale of the entire tree crown.  相似文献   

桂林岩溶石山阴香种群结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了桂林岩溶石山阴香种群的高度、胸径和冠幅结构以及三者间的相互关系,并采用分异指数量化了种群个体间高度、胸围和冠幅结构的差异程度。结果表明:阴香种群个体高度集中分布在2-8m;胸径集中分布在2-6cm;冠幅多集中分布在1-4m,少数分布在5-7m之间;阴香种群个体的高度、胸围和冠幅多数为中等分异;阴香种群以幼树和小树个体占多数,自然更新能力较好,处于稳定的增长状态,这将有利于增加种群结构的复杂性和稳定性。  相似文献   


Because trees can positively influence local environments in urban ecosystems, it is important to measure their morphological characteristics, such as height and diameter at breast height (DBH). However, measuring these data for each individual tree is a time-consuming process that requires a great deal of manpower. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of using mobile LiDAR to estimate tree height and DBH along urban streets and in urban parks. We compared measurements from a mobile LiDAR unit with field measurements of tree height and DBH in urban parks and streets. The height-above-ground and Pratt circle fit methods were applied to calculate tree height and DBH, respectively. The LiDAR-estimated tree heights were highly accurate albeit slightly underestimated, with a root mean square error of 0.359 m for the street trees and 0.462 m for the park trees. On the other hand, the estimated DBHs were moderately accurate and overestimated, with a root mean square error of 3.77 cm for the street trees and 8.95 cm for the park trees. Densely planted trees in the park and obstacles in urban areas result in “shadows” (areas with no data), reducing accuracy. Irregular trunk shapes and scanned data that did not include full data point coverage of every trunk were the reasons for the errors. Despite these errors, this study highlights the potential of tree measurements obtained with mobile terrestrial LiDAR platforms to be scaled up from point-based locations to neighborhood-scale and city-scale inventories.


 利用多维时间序列分析方法,建立长苞铁杉(Tsuga longibracteata)种群胸径生长的多维时间序列模型,即Yt=1.7870785Yt-1-0.8950167Yt-2+0.4509997Ut-0.8036035Ut-1+0.3950577Ut-2,其中Yt、Yt-1、Yt-2分别为t年、t-5年、t-10年长苞铁杉胸径值(cm),Ut、Ut-1、Ut-2分别为t年、t-5年、t-10年长苞铁杉种群个体年龄(a),模型相关系数为0.9998。以年轮确定种群个体年龄法与多维时间序列模型相结合,建立能  相似文献   

Stand structure and spatial distribution of Picea jezoensis (Siebold et Zucc.) Carrière on Mt. Gyebang, Korea was investigated to provide information on the structural characteristics and the maintenance of P. jezoensis population in northern temperate mixed coniferous forests. Height and diameter at breast height (DBH) distribution, age, growth, and spatial distribution patterns of P. jezoensis were examined in thirty nine 100-400 m2 quadrats or circular plots. The overall stand structure attributes in the study sites are stem density of 709 trees ha−1, a mean DBH of 12.8 cm, and a mean height of 5.6 m, with reverse J shapes of DBH and height distributions. The stem density of P. jezoensis population was 81 trees ha−1, a mean DBH of 20.7 cm, and a mean height of 9.1 m, showing bimodal-like shapes in age and DBH distributions. Several growth release periods implied that P. jezoensis stands experienced small disturbances. The radius of patches of similar-sized P. jezoensis in the variogram was equivalent with the height of the tallest trees, indicating that patches were established following the fall of trees in the upper canopy layer. Small windthrows in this region contributed to the maintenance of the P. jezoensis stand by releasing sapling growth and providing nursing logs and space for seedlings.  相似文献   

This paper proposes some guidelines to compute complexity index in those mangroves where either seasonal or strong disturbances have occurred. We surveyed 31 mangrove localities in Buenaventura Bay, Central Pacific Coast of Colombia, where structural parameters were measured within a 0.1 ha plot. Also, most likely disturbances were noted for each plot. Complexity index was calculated in its classical form using the arithmetic mean of the three tallest trees(maximal mean) and alternatively using: a) the total mean: the height average of all trees recorded in each plot; and b) the mode: the most frequent tree height class (10 cm intervals) within each plot. Afterwards, we compared the three computations and discussed there liability of each one according to the current state by plot. In addition, all structural parameters were sorted in two diameter at breast height (dbh) cohorts (2.5–10 cm and ≥ 10 cm) to figure out which contributes more to the forest structure. We conclude the following: (a) The mean of the three tallest trees is not a good estimator of forest development when seasonal or strong disturbances occur since complexity index based in it always overestimates forest structure. (b) Seasonal disturbances and recruitment produce mosaic forests. The best estimator of this condition is the mean height which encompasses both central tendency and variability. (c) The modal height is also helpful to establish the dominant cohort when forests show two or more storied-canopies, or intermediate cohorts are missing. It also applies when a new stock of recruits is entering in a mature forest (the modal or maximal heights can be used interchangeably in this case). (d) Maximal height is the best estimator for uniformly developed forests with closed canopies and/or a single dominant tall-cohort. (e) If one is not confident about which height type to include to compute the complexity index, we recommend to sort out structure data by dbh-cohorts and calculate indices for both of them. This will show which cohort is contributing most to forest complexity. Finally, we suggest to exclude non-mangrove species from the complexity index computation since they mostly do not contribute significantly to forest basal area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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