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一次性施肥技术是指在作物根际附近只进行一次基施肥的新技术,具有简化施肥管理、降低劳动成本等优点,但其对环境的影响如氮素淋失等仍需进一步分析.本研究以长江中下游地区典型的水稻-油菜轮作模式为例,设置了空白对照(CK)、农民习惯施肥(FP)、优化施肥(OPT)、一次性基施尿素(UA)、一次性基施控释肥(CRF)5个处理,采用地下淋溶原位监测的方法,获取了不同处理下水稻-油菜轮作系统土壤90 cm深度处氮素(N)淋失特征,评估了一次性施肥技术对氮素淋失的影响,并综合分析了其经济效应.结果表明: 油菜季和水稻季土壤渗漏液中氮素的主要形态不同,油菜季渗漏液中以NO3--N为主,水稻季渗漏水中NO3--N和NH4+-N各占约50%.从整个轮作周期看,氮素淋失主要发生在水稻季,与FP、OPT和UA相比,CRF氮淋失总量分别显著减少33.7%、20.8%和20.7%;但各施肥处理对油菜季氮素淋失影响不显著.在相同施氮量的条件下,与OPT相比,UA不仅保证油菜和水稻均稳产,而且使油菜季氮肥农学效率显著提高了15.1%,但是没能提高水稻季氮肥农学效率;CRF水稻产量和氮肥农学效率均差异不显著,但油菜产量和氮肥农学效率分别显著提高10.7%和18.9%.经济效益上,与OPT相比,UA和CRF处理油菜分别增收3660和3048 元·hm-2,水稻分别增收3162和2220元·hm-2.因此,对于长江中下游典型种植系统而言,综合考虑对氮素淋失、作物产量和经济效益的影响,一次性基施控释肥技术能在保证作物稳产或增产、提高农民经济效益的同时显著降低氮淋失量,是未来水稻-油菜轮作系统值得推荐的一种生产技术.  相似文献   

农田秸秆覆盖对冬小麦水氮效应的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过田间试验研究了杨凌红油土农田秸秆覆盖条件下冬小麦的水氮效应.结果表明,秸秆覆盖使土壤水分状况明显改善,从而使补充灌水的效果相应减小,氮肥的作用更加突出;无覆盖条件下,水氮交互效应均为负值,而秸秆覆盖时水氮有正的交互作用.旱地秸秆覆盖条件下更应重视养分的投入.无秸秆覆盖条件下小麦取得高产的基础是良好的土壤底墒和充足的氮肥.秸秆覆盖使小麦达到最高产量所需要的灌水量降低,灌水时期后延.不论有无秸秆覆盖,拔节期灌水对冬小麦籽粒产量没有显著影响.  相似文献   

周旋  吴良欢  董春华  贾磊 《生态学报》2019,39(5):1804-1814
揭示尿素类肥料添加生化抑制剂组合后,在黄泥田土壤中硝态氮(NO~-_3-N)和铵态氮(NH~+_4-N)的淋溶损失规律。采用室内土柱淋溶培养试验,研究脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)和硝化抑制剂2-氯-6-(三氯甲基)吡啶(CP)单独添加及配合施用对尿素和尿素硝铵(300 kg N/hm~2)中氮(N)素在土体中淋溶损失的影响。结果表明:尿素和尿素硝铵处理淋溶液中NH~+_4-N和NO~-_3-N浓度均呈先升后降的变化趋势,而出峰时间不一。NH~+_4-N和NO~-_3-N淋失量随着时间的延长,处理间差异逐渐变大。NBPT处理可以减缓尿素水解,有效抑制NH~+_4-N生成,延缓其出峰时间,减少NH~+_4-N流失;CP处理可以有效抑制NH~+_4-N向NO~-_3-N转化,减少NO~-_3-N流失。与单独添加NBPT和CP处理相比,两者配施对N素淋溶损失有明显的协同抑制效果在黄泥田土壤中,既能减缓尿素水解,保持土壤中较高NH~+_4-N含量,又能降低淋溶液中NO~-_3-N浓度。培养结束时(第72天),UAN处理中NO~-_3-N、NH~+_4-N、矿质态N淋失总量及硝化率较U处理高34.39%、5.32%、31.72%和15.71%。U+NBPT、U+CP和U+NBPT+CP处理较U处理分别显著降低NO~-_3-N淋失总量达15.58%、114.77%和73.45%;UAN+NBPT、UAN+CP和UAN+NBPT+CP处理较UAN处理分别显著降低达15.88%、54.87%和37.46%。不同处理NO~-_3-N淋失总量大小表现为:UAN UAN+NBPT U UAN+NBPT+CP U+NBPT UAN+CP U+NBPT+CP U+CP CK。在一定施肥量条件下,NBPT和CP单独施用或配施均可降低黄泥田土壤中NO~-_3-N累积淋失量。对各处理淋溶液中NO~-_3-N淋失量(y)随时间(x)的变化进行拟合,其中以线性方程(y=ax+b)的拟合度较高,且各抑制剂处理a、b值均存在明显差异。总体认为,在黄泥田土壤中施用CP及其与NBPT配施可以显著降低土壤NO~-_3-N淋溶损失,减少N素淋失风险,提高肥料利用率。  相似文献   

灌溉量和施氮量对冬小麦产量和土壤硝态氮含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Jiang DY  Yu ZW  Xu ZZ 《应用生态学报》2011,22(2):364-368
研究了大田条件下灌溉量和施氮量对小麦产量和土壤硝态氮含量的影响.结果表明:增加灌溉量,0~200 cm土层硝态氮含量呈先降后升又降的趋势.0~80 cm土层硝态氮含量显著低于对照,而80~200 cm土层硝态氮含量显著高于对照.随灌溉量的增加,土壤硝态氮向深层运移加剧,在成熟期,0~80 cm土层硝态氮含量降低,120~200 cm土层硝态氮含量升高,并在120~140 cm土层硝态氮含量出现高峰.灌溉量不变,施氮量由210 kg·hm-2增加到300 kg·hm-2,开花期、灌浆期、成熟期0~200 cm各土层土壤硝态氮含量显著升高.随灌溉量的增加,小麦籽粒产量先增加后降低,以全生育期灌溉量为60 mm的处理籽粒产量最高.增加施氮量,籽粒产量、蛋白质含量和蛋白质产量显著提高.本试验中,施氮量为210 kg.hm-2、两次灌溉总量为60 mm的处理籽粒产量、蛋白质含量、蛋白质产量和收获指数均较高,且土壤硝态氮损失少,是较合理的水氮运筹模式.  相似文献   

灌溉与施氮对紫花苜蓿干草产量及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在甘肃省河西绿洲灌区石羊河流域设计大田试验,研究了不同灌溉量[常规灌溉(330mm)、节水20%灌溉(264mm)和节水40%灌溉(198mm)]和施氮量(0、40、80和120kgN.hm-2)对紫花苜蓿(Medicagosativa)株高、干草产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:灌溉与施氮对紫花苜蓿植株高度产生一定的影响,但其效果不明显;各茬紫花苜蓿干草产量随灌溉量增加而增加,不同灌溉之间的干草产量相差显著,节水40%灌溉、节水20%灌溉和常规灌溉的全生育期(3茬)平均干草产量分别为7232、7603和7796kg.hm-2;节水40%灌溉的水分利用效率(15.56kg.hm-2.mm-1)显著高于节水20%灌溉(13.86kg.hm-2.mm-1),节水20%灌溉的水分利用效率显著高于常规灌溉(12.60kg.hm-2.mm-1),水分利用效率随灌溉量增加而显著降低;当施氮量达到40kgN.hm-2时,紫花苜蓿干草产量(8223kg.hm-2)和水分利用效率(15.18kg.hm-2.mm-1)达到最大值,总干草产量比0、80和120kgN.hm-2施氮处理分别提高15%、16%和7%,水分利用效率分别提高14%、14%和8%。在河西绿洲灌区石羊河流域第一年种植紫花苜蓿,从经济、生态和环境方面考虑,节水40%灌溉和施氮40kgN.hm-2处理是较高干草产量和高水分利用效率取得一致的处理,应大面积推广。  相似文献   

设置高水(260 mm)、中水(200 mm)、低水(140 mm)3水平的灌水量和高氮(270 kg·hm-2)、中氮(180 kg·hm-2)、低氮(90 kg·hm-2)3水平的施氮量,进行完全组合设计,研究膜下分区交替滴灌和施氮对棉花干物质累积与氮肥利用的影响.结果表明:膜下分区交替滴灌棉花干物质量在中氮高水和高氮高水处理最高;与高氮高水处理相比,中氮高水处理干物质累积的施氮利用效率提高了34.0%~ 44.6%(平均提高34.7%),灌水利用效率降低了6.4%~10.7%(平均降低10.2%).对于棉花氮素累积,中氮高水处理的的施氮利用效率最高,高氮中水处理的灌水利用效率最高;与高氮中水处理相比,中氮高水处理的施氮利用效率提高了29.0%~41.7%,灌水利用效率下降了5.5%~14.0%.在棉花产量较高的水氮耦合处理中,中氮高水处理的棉花氮回收率、氮肥农学利用效率和表观利用效率均高于高氮中水和高氮高水处理,而氮肥吸收比例和氮肥生理利用效率无显著差异.表明中氮高水处理最有利于膜下分区交替滴灌水氮耦合效应的发挥.  相似文献   

不同灌水施肥策略对土壤微生物量碳氮和酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗慧  刘水  李伏生 《生态学报》2014,34(18):5266-5274
根区局部灌溉形成一个土壤水分分布不均匀的环境,影响了土壤微生物量和酶活性。为探明这种影响,在2种灌水水平(正常灌水和轻度缺水)和2种有机无机N肥配施(单施无机N肥和有机无机N肥配施)下,以常规灌溉(CI)为对照,研究分根区交替灌溉(AI)和固定部分根区灌溉(FI)对土壤微生物量C(MBC)、微生物量N(MBN)和酶活性的影响。与CI相比,AI提高拔节期土壤MBC和抽雄期土壤脲酶活性,但是降低大喇叭口期土壤MBC以及拔节期和抽雄期土壤MBN和拔节期土壤脲酶活性;FI增加抽雄期土壤转化酶活性,但是降低大喇叭口期土壤MBC和可溶性碳(DOC)以及3个时期土壤MBN。与正常灌水相比,AI下轻度亏水增加拔节期和抽雄期土壤DOC,但是降低大喇叭口期土壤MBC和拔节期土壤MBN。与单施无机N肥相比,AI下有机无机N肥配施增加拔节期土壤DOC、MBN和过氧化氢酶活性,而FI下则降低大喇叭口期土壤MBC和转化酶活性。因此,在轻度缺水和有机无机氮配施条件下,分根区交替灌溉可以提高玉米拔节期土壤微生物量碳和可溶性碳。  相似文献   

Insam  H.  Palojärvi  A. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):75-81
Several boreal and alpine forests are depleted in nutrients due to acidification. Fertilization may be a remedy, but rapidly-soluble salts (N, P, K, Mg) may pose nitrate problems for the groundwater or decrease microbial activity.With the aim to investigate potential nitrogen leaching after fertilization we set up an experiment employing intact soil cores (11 cm diameter, 20–40 cm long) from a mixed forest and a Picea abies stand (soil type Rendsina) in the Northern Calcareous Alps of Austria. The cores were fertilized with a commercial NPK fertilizer or a methylene-urea-apatite-biotite (MuAB) fertilizer at a rate corresponding to 300 kg N ha-1 and incubated for 28 weeks together with unfertilized controls. Both soil water (retrieved 5 cm below the soil surface) and leachate were analyzed for nitrate and ammonium in regular intervals. After the incubation, soil microbial biomass and basal repiration were determined and a nitrogen mineralization assay was performed.For the control, in the soil water and leachate maximum NH4 + and NO3 - concentrations of 5 and 11 mg N L-1, respectively, were found. Compared to that, MuAB fertilizer resulted in a slow increase of NH4 + and NO3 - in the soil water (up to 11 and 35 mg N L-1 respectively) and in the leachate (4 mg NH4 +-N L-1 and 44 mg NO3 --N L-1). Highest nitrogen loads were found for the fast release NPK fertilizer, with NH4 + and NO3 - concentrations up to 170 and 270 mg N L-1, respectively, in the soil water. NH4 +-N levels in the leachate remained below 5, while NO3-N levels were up to 190 mg L-1. Fast- release NPK caused a significant decrease of microbial biomass and basal respiration. These parameters were not affected by MuAB fertilizer.The results suggest that the MuAB fertilizer may be an ecologically appropriate alternative to fast-release mineral fertilizers for improving forest soils.  相似文献   

为了研究水氮耦合对于小桐子生长和灌溉水利用效率的影响,采用3个供水水平(W1,15.3mm;W2,25.5mm;W3,40.7mm)和3个施氮水平(N1,0g·kg-1;N2,0.3g·kg-1;N3,0.6g·kg-1)进行盆栽实验。结果表明:与W3相比,W1和W2处理的株高、茎粗、叶面积和总干物质量分别降低了61%和34%、57%和35%、46%和32%、49%和35%,根冠比在W2处理时达到最大值;对不同氮素处理,株高和叶面积最大值均出现在N2处理,而茎粗和根冠比则随着施氮量的增加而减小;与W3N3相比,W2N2处理节省灌溉用水38%,节约氮肥施用量50%,其株高、茎粗和总干物质量分别减少了12%、21%和12%,根冠比和叶面积分别显著增加了48%和16%,灌水后第2天、第3天和第4天的蒸腾量分别显著降低21%、15%和12%,从而使灌溉水利用效率提高了40%。  相似文献   


With the huge intensification of agriculture and the increasing awareness to human health and natural resources sustainability, there was a shift towards the development of environmental friendly N application approaches that support sustainable use of land and sustain food production.

The effectiveness of such approaches depends on their ability to synchronize plant nitrogen demand with its supply and the ability to apply favored compositions and dosages of N-species. They are also influenced by farming scale and its sophistication, and include the following key concepts: (i) Improved application modes such as split or localized (“depot”) application; (ii) use of bio-amendments like nitrification and urease inhibitors and combinations of (i) and (ii); (iii) use of controlled and slow release fertilizers; (iv) Fertigation-fertilization via irrigation systems including fully automated and controlled systems; and (v) precision fertilization in large scale farming systems. The paper describes the approaches and their action mechanisms and examines their agronomic and environmental significance. The relevance of the approaches for different farming scales, levels of agronomic intensification and agro-technical sophistication is examined as well.


With the huge intensification of agriculture and the increasing awareness to human health and natural resources sustainability, there was a shift towards the development of environmental friendly N application approaches that support sustainable use of land and sustain food production. The effectiveness of such approaches depends on their ability to synchronize plant nitrogen demand with its supply and the ability to apply favored compositions and dosages of N-species. They are also influenced by farming scale and its sophistication, and include the following key concepts: (i) Improved application modes such as split or localized ("depot") application; (ii) use of bio-amendments like nitrification and urease inhibitors and combinations of (i) and (ii); (iii) use of controlled and slow release fertilizers; (iv) Fertigation-fertilization via irrigation systems including fully automated and controlled systems; and (v) precision fertilization in large scale farming systems. The paper describes the approaches and their action mechanisms and examines their agronomic and environmental significance. The relevance of the approaches for different farming scales, levels of agronomic intensification and agro-technical sophistication is examined as well.  相似文献   

珍贵树种降香黄檀与印度檀香混交种植是当前华南地区人工林发展的一种重要模式.本研究设置对照(不做处理)、铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥4个处理,研究抚育措施对林地土壤净矿化速率、净硝化速率、净铵化速率和氮素淋溶速率的影响.结果表明:4个处理0~10 cm土层在春、秋季有最大净氮矿化速率,分别为18.92、18.13 mg·kg^-1·month^-1;在春、秋季有最大硝化速率,分别为20.35、18.85 mg·kg^-1·month^-1;夏、冬季有最大铵化速率,分别为0.22、0.26 mg·kg^-1·month^-1;秋季的氮素淋溶最严重,为15.98 mg·kg^-1·month^-1,全年最大淋溶为86.69 mg·kg^-1.铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥都在一定程度上抑制了土壤氮的净矿化和硝化速率,铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥处理年氮矿化量分别下降26.2%、16.1%、6.3%,年氮硝化量分别下降17.1%、16.6%、1.4%,同时也抑制了土壤铵态氮的累积.铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥处理全年氮素淋溶量依次减少25.2%、8.6%、6.1%.相对于铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥抚育措施,季节因素对土壤氮素矿化和淋溶过程的影响更显著.铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥措施在一定程度上抑制了土壤氮素硝化和铵化过程,减少了土壤氮素的矿化和淋溶损失量,有利于土壤肥力的保存和氮素的累积.  相似文献   

With the huge intensification of agriculture and the increasing awareness to human health and natural resources sustainability, there was a shift towards the development of environmental friendly N application approaches that support sustainable use of land and sustain food production.The effectiveness of such approaches depends on their ability to synchronize plant nitrogen demand with its supply and the ability to apply favored compositions and dosages of N-species.They are also influenced by farming scale and its sophistication, and include the following key concepts: (i) Improved application modes such as split or localized ("depot") application; (ii) use of bio-amendments like nitrification and urease inhibitors and combinations of (i) and (ii); (iii) use of controlled and slow release fertilizers; (iv) Fertigation-fertilization via irrigation systems including fully automated and controlled systems; and (v) precision fertilization in large scale farming systems. The paper describes the approaches and their action mechanisms and examines their agronomic and environmental significance. The relevance of the approaches for different farming scales, levels of agronomic intensification and agro-technical sophistication is examined as well.  相似文献   

补充灌溉及氮磷配施对冬小麦产量形成和水氮利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用裂区试验设计,对黄土塬区补充灌溉及不同氮磷配施条件下麦田土壤水分利用、氮素吸收及作物产量等进行了研究。结果表明:试验年份补充灌溉及氮磷配施分别提高冬小麦籽粒产量0~24.6%和134.1%~240.2%,方差分析表明,施氮是籽粒产量提高的主要因素,补充灌溉及施磷作用不显著;补充灌溉及不同施氮水平均显著增加冬小麦耗水量,补充灌溉能在一定程度减少冬小麦对土壤储水的利用,而氮磷配施显著增加土壤储水的消耗;补充灌溉处理水分利用效率(WUE)较雨养处理降低0.2~2.3kg.mm-1.hm-2,但差异不显著,氮磷配施WUE较对照提高4.0~7.2kg.mm-1.hm-2,达显著水平;冬小麦氮素积累量受施氮水平影响显著,低氮和高氮处理氮素积累量较对照分别增加26.9~33.4kg.hm-2和60.9~66kg.hm-2;补充灌溉能够促进地上部氮素吸收。本试验表明,补充灌溉与高氮高磷组合处理可获得高产及较高的水分利用效率;在底墒充足的平水年,影响研究区域作物产量、水分利用效率及氮素吸收等的主要因素是施氮水平。  相似文献   

为创建海涂海水种、养复合清洁生产模式,首先要探索海水灌溉经济植物的种植条件,为此,在苏北滩涂布置田间小区试验,研究海水灌溉下氮肥与海水对籽粒苋生长的耦合效应。结果表明:1)20%海水灌溉下,施纯氮量120kg.hm-2,植株鲜草和籽粒产量均显著高于施纯氮量60kg.hm-2下的产量,且与施纯氮量180kg.hm-2处理下的产量差异不显著;40%海水灌溉下,施氮120kg.hm-2时籽粒产量最高,但其产量显著低于20%海水灌溉、施纯氮量120kg.hm-2下的产量。2)鲜草产量在淡水灌溉、施纯氮60kg.hm-2下达到最高值,籽粒产量在淡水灌溉,施纯氮180kg.hm-2下达到最高值。但20%海水灌溉、施纯氮120kg.hm-2组合下,籽粒产量和鲜草产量均未与最高产量达显著差异。3)随施氮量的增加,茎、叶中K+含量增加,而根、茎、叶中Na+含量和Cl-含量均先减少后增加。在施氮量为120kg.hm-2范围内,茎K+/Na+随施氮量的增加而升高,施氮量进一步增加,K+/Na+又随之下降。4)20%海水灌溉下,叶片氮素含量在120kg.hm-2处理下达到最高值,在40%海水处理下,氮肥施用对叶片氮素含量影响不显著。...  相似文献   

In studies of nitrate leaching both experimenters and modellers experience problems arising from soil variability. Because of the small-scale heterogeneity that gives rise to mobile and immobile categories of water, both measurements and modelling are easiest in homogeneous sandy soils and most difficult in strongly structured clay soils. There are also parallels at plot and field scale in the problems caused to experimenters by log-normal distributions of nitrate concentrations and those caused to modellers by non-linearity in models. All researchers need to be aware that a reliable estimate of the mean from a set of measurements or a model may necessitate considerations of variances as well as means.  相似文献   

K. Dilz 《Plant and Soil》1981,61(1-2):269-276
Summary From 1971 to 1979 field trials with increasing rates of fertilizer nitrogen on spring barley with sugar beet as the preceding crop were conducted on a farm on sandy loam in the south western part of The Netherlands. Prior to sowing and fertilizing soil samples were taken and analysed for mineral nitrogen (Nmin). The average yield increase through application of fertilizer nitrogen was only 750 kg of grain per ha per year, the maximum yield being about 5 tonnes per ha. In the case of a fixed rate of fertilizer nitrogen per annum it can be derived from the response curves that 60 kg of N would have given the smallest average yield deficit (170 kg grain per ha) in comparison with maximum yields. With an N-advisory system based on soil analysis the average yield deficit would be at a minimum (163 kg of grain per ha) with a value for mineral soil nitrogen+fertilizer nitrogen totalling 120 kg N per ha.No relationship was found between optimum rate of fertilizer nitrogen and the amount of mineral soil nitrogen at the end of the winter. This was ascribed to the relatively small variation in mineral soil nitrogen and the weak response of the crop to fertilizer nitrogen.Promising results from nitrogen fertilizing systems based on soil analysis can be expected from more responsive crops like winter wheat, sugar beets and potatoes.With the average yield deficit compared with maximum yield as a characteristic, the usefulness of any N-advisory system can be compared, taking a fixed rate of nitrogen system as a standard.Seconded by the Agricultural Bureau of the Netherlands Fertilizer Industry (LBNM).  相似文献   

During three rice-growing seasons in Uruguay, field experiments were conducted to study the contribution of cyanobacterial inoculation and chemical N fertilization to rice production. Neither grain yield nor fertilizer recovery by the plant were affected by inoculation with native cyanobacterial isolates. A low fertilizer use efficiency (around 20%) was observed when labelled (NH4)2SO4 was applied at sowing. Recovery of applied 15N by the soil–plant system was 50%. Inoculation did not modify 15N uptake by the plant when the fertilizer was three-split applied either. The total N-fertilizer recovery was higher when the fertilizer was split than when applied in a single dose. Plant N-fertilizer uptake was higher when the fertilizer was applied at tillering. Uptake of 15N from cyanobacteria by rice was studied in a greenhouse pots experiment without chemical nitrogen addition. Recovery of 15N from labelled cyanobacteria by rice in greenhouse growth conditions was similar to that of partial recovery of (NH4)2SO4 applied at sowing in the field. Cyanobacterial N mineralization under controlled conditions was fast as cyanobacterial N was detected in plants after 25 days. Moreover 40 days after inoculation non-planted and inoculated soil had more inorganic N than the non-inoculated one.  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区猪粪还田对稻作土壤硝态氮淋失的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以宁夏引黄灌区稻田为例,探索猪粪还田条件下稻田土壤硝态氮淋失规律。试验设置3个处理:常规施肥300 kg纯N kg/hm2(CK)、常规施肥条件下施用4500kg/hm2(T1)和9000 kg/hm2(T2)猪粪。利用树脂芯法吸附稻田30cm、60cm和90cm土层的硝态氮流失量。结果表明:在常规施肥的基础上增施猪粪,可以减少稻田生育期内60cm与90cm处土壤硝态氮淋失量,与CK相比,T1、T2在两个土层处淋失量的减少比例分别为4.93%、13.92%与7.48%、13.77%。同一土层不同处理之间差异显著性比较看(P0.05),30cm处T1、T2与CK相比没有达到显著性差异;60cm处,T1与CK未达到显著差异,T2与CK达到显著差异;90cm处,T1、T2与CK相比达到显著差异;60cm和90cm土层处的T2与T1之间均达到显著差异。T1和T2在30cm处的淋失量高于CK,但增加不明显,处理之间以及处理与对照相比差异不显著。稻田生育期内不同土层硝态氮淋失量在13.61—17.77 kg/hm2(纯N)。硝态氮淋失集中在插秧至分蘖期(5月中旬—6月下旬),该阶段的硝态氮淋失量占生育期内总淋失量的61.62%—72.84%;后期淋失量明显减少。处理T1、T2的水稻产量增产率分别为15.86%与12.85%。由此可见,在引黄灌区稻田,一定数量的猪粪还田,不仅能够减少土壤硝态氮向深层淋失,防控地下水污染,还有利于水稻增产。  相似文献   

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