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目的:建立高纯度的新生SD大鼠皮质神经元原代培养方法。方法:取24h内的新生SD大鼠皮质,用木瓜酶和DNaseⅠ共同消化,5%胎牛血清终止消化,吹打分离组织获得单细胞悬液,进行细胞计数,用无血清DMEM/F12种植培养,4h后换成用无血清Neurobasal配制的维持培养液继续培养,尼氏小体染色和免疫荧光法鉴定神经元的纯度。结果:培养第10d,神经元胞体饱满,结构清晰完整,光晕明显,折光性强,可见粗长的树突和轴突,相邻细胞形成紧密网状联系,神经元纯度达到96%以上。结论:经改良和优化,无须添加阿糖胞苷抑制胶质细胞的生长即能够获得生长状态良好、高纯度的神经元。  相似文献   

目的:经改良和优化,建立高纯度BALB/c小鼠大脑皮质神经元培养的方法.方法:采用L-多聚赖氨酸包被细胞培养板,取新生BALB/c小鼠(出生24 h内)大脑皮质组织,经0.25%胰酶消化后吹打成单个细胞,按1×106/孔接种于35 mm的六孔板中,用神经元细胞培养种植液培养6 h后换神经元细胞培养饲养液,培养40 h时...  相似文献   

Abstract: The displacement of Na+-dependent d -[3H]-aspartate binding by unlabeled d -aspartate or the inhibitors dl - threo -β-hydroxyaspartate, l -cysteate, l -glutamate, dihydrokainate, dl -α-aminoadipate, α-methyl- dl -glutamate, and 1-aminocyclobutane- cis -1,3-dicarboxylate was used to characterize the high-affinity glutamate/aspartate uptake site in human cerebral cortex. Synaptosomal membranes were prepared from tissue obtained at autopsy from nondemented control, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and diffuse Lewy body disease (DLBD) cases. Areas that are damaged in AD (midtemporal, frontal, caudal cingulate, and hippocampal cortices) were compared with those that are spared (occipital and motor cortices). Profiles of the affinities ( K a values) of the ligands showed that areas spared from damage in AD cases differed significantly from equivalent areas in control ( p < 0.001) and DLBD ( p < 0.001) cases and also from areas susceptible to damage in the same AD cases ( p < 0.001). Areas susceptible to damage in AD showed comparable profiles across the three case groups ( p = 0.980). The glutamate/aspartate uptake site may be regionally variant in AD cases, and this may underlie local excitotoxicity. d -[3H]Aspartate binding site density was significantly lower in both dementia groups (control vs. AD, p < 0.001; control vs. DLBD, p = 0.009; but AD vs. DLBD, p = 0.528); within-group differences were not significant (control, p = 0.874; AD, p = 0.285; DLBD, p = 0.741).  相似文献   

The appearance of presumptive NO-ergic nerve cells and their differentiation in the rat neocortex were studied. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of the development and differentiation of NADPH-D-positive neurons in the neocortex transplants taken from the embryos of different ages and transplanted in the occipital cortex of adult rats and in the normally developing cerebral cortex was undertaken. The nervous tissue was stained histochemically for NADPH-D. The results we obtained suggest that no NADPH-D-containing neurons were found in the transplants from 15-day embryos, while they developed in those from 18-day embryos. Hence, precursors of NO-ergic neurons were still absent in the presumptive neocortex of 15-day embryos and appeared only on day 16–18 of embryogenesis. Expression of NADPH-D begins in them only within four to five days, but the neurons are differentiated during a relatively short period of time. Most NADPH-D-positive neurons reach their structural–functional maturity already by the end of the first week of postnatal development, while their complete maturation takes place by the end of the second week of postnatal development.  相似文献   

The input/output relationship in primary visual cortex neurons is influenced by the history of the preceding activity. To understand the impact that membrane potential trajectory and firing pattern has on the activation of slow conductances in cortical neurons we compared the afterpotentials that followed responses to different stimuli evoking similar numbers of action potentials. In particular, we compared afterpotentials following the intracellular injection of either square or sinusoidal currents lasting 20 seconds. Both stimuli were intracellular surrogates of different neuronal responses to prolonged visual stimulation. Recordings from 99 neurons in slices of visual cortex revealed that for stimuli evoking an equivalent number of spikes, sinusoidal current injection activated a slow afterhyperpolarization of significantly larger amplitude (8.5±3.3 mV) and duration (33±17 s) than that evoked by a square pulse (6.4±3.7 mV, 28±17 s; p<0.05). Spike frequency adaptation had a faster time course and was larger during plateau (square pulse) than during intermittent (sinusoidal) depolarizations. Similar results were obtained in 17 neurons intracellularly recorded from the visual cortex in vivo. The differences in the afterpotentials evoked with both protocols were abolished by removing calcium from the extracellular medium or by application of the L-type calcium channel blocker nifedipine, suggesting that the activation of a calcium-dependent current is at the base of this afterpotential difference. These findings suggest that not only the spikes, but the membrane potential values and firing patterns evoked by a particular stimulation protocol determine the responses to any subsequent incoming input in a time window that spans for tens of seconds to even minutes.  相似文献   

Leaf functional traits are important because they reflect physiological functions, such as transpiration and carbon assimilation. In particular, morphological leaf traits have the potential to summarize plants strategies in terms of water use efficiency, growth pattern and nutrient use. The leaf economics spectrum (LES) is a recognized framework in functional plant ecology and reflects a gradient of increasing specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and cation content, and decreasing leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and carbon nitrogen ratio (CN). The LES describes different strategies ranging from that of short-lived leaves with high photosynthetic capacity per leaf mass to long-lived leaves with low mass-based carbon assimilation rates. However, traits that are not included in the LES might provide additional information on the species'' physiology, such as those related to stomatal control. Protocols are presented for a wide range of leaf functional traits, including traits of the LES, but also traits that are independent of the LES. In particular, a new method is introduced that relates the plants’ regulatory behavior in stomatal conductance to vapor pressure deficit. The resulting parameters of stomatal regulation can then be compared to the LES and other plant functional traits. The results show that functional leaf traits of the LES were also valid predictors for the parameters of stomatal regulation. For example, leaf carbon concentration was positively related to the vapor pressure deficit (vpd) at the point of inflection and the maximum of the conductance-vpd curve. However, traits that are not included in the LES added information in explaining parameters of stomatal control: the vpd at the point of inflection of the conductance-vpd curve was lower for species with higher stomatal density and higher stomatal index. Overall, stomata and vein traits were more powerful predictors for explaining stomatal regulation than traits used in the LES.  相似文献   

Relating Cerebral Ischemia and Hypoxia to Insult Intensity   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The contributions of five variables believed to influence the brain's metabolism of O2 during hypoxia [duration, PaO2, delta CMRO2 (the difference between normal and experimental oxygen uptake), O2 availability (blood O2 content.CBF), and O2 deficit (delta CMRO2.duration)] were assessed by stepwise and multiple linear regression. Levels of brain tissue carbohydrates (lactate, glucose, and glycogen) and energy metabolites [ATP, AMP, and creatine phosphate (CrP)] were significantly influenced by O2 deficit during hypoxia, as was final CMRO2. After 60 min of reoxygenation, levels of tissue lactate, glucose, ATP, and AMP were related statistically to the O2 deficit during hypoxia; however, CMRO2 changes were always associated more significantly with O2 availability during hypoxia. Creatine (Cr) and CrP levels in the brain following reoxygenation were correlated more to delta CMRO2 during hypoxia. Changes in some brain carbohydrate (lactate and glucose), energy metabolite (ATP and AMP) levels, and [H+]i induced by complete ischemia were also influenced by O2 deficit. After 60 min of postischemic reoxygenation, brain carbohydrate (lactate, glucose, and glycogen) and energy metabolite (ATP, AMP, CrP, and Cr) correlated with O2 deficit during ischemia. We conclude that "O2 deficit" is an excellent gauge of insult intensity which is related to observed changes in nearly two-thirds of the brain metabolites we studied during and following hypoxia and ischemia.  相似文献   

GPR56, a member of the adhesion G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family, is integral to the development of the cortex, as mutations in GPR56 cause bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria (BFPP). BFPP is a cobblestone-like cortical malformation, characterized by overmigrating neurons and the formation of neuronal ectopias on the surface of the brain. Since its original cloning a decade ago, GPR56 has emerged from an orphaned and uncharacterized protein to an increasingly well-understood receptor, both in terms of its signaling and function. Collagen III is the ligand of GPR56 in the developing brain. Upon binding to collagen III, GPR56 activates RhoA via coupling to Gα12/13. This pathway appears to be particularly critical in the preplate neurons, which are the earliest born neurons in the cortex, as the expression pattern of GPR56 in these neurons mimics the anterior to posterior gradient of malformation associated with loss of GPR56 in both humans and mice. Further characterizing the role of GPR56 in the preplate will shed light on the mechanism of cortical development and patterning.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (ACR) is a known industrial toxic chemical that produce neurotoxicity characterized by progressive neuronal degeneration. This study was designed to investigate the protective effect of fish oil on ACR-induced neuronal damage in Wistar rats. ACR enhances the production of reactive oxygen species and potentially affects brain. ACR administered rats showed increased levels of lipid peroxidative product, protein carbonyl content, hydroxyl radical and hydroperoxide which were significantly modulated by the supplementation of fish oil. The activities of enzymic antioxidants and levels of reduced glutathione were markedly lowered in ACR-induced rats; fish oil treatment augmented these antioxidant levels in cortex. Free radicals generated during ACR administration reduced the activities of membrane adenosine triphosphatases and acetylcholine esterase. Fish oil enhanced the activities of these enzymes near normal level. Histological observation represented the protective role of fish oil in ACR-induced neuronal damage. Fish oil reduced the ACR-induced apoptosis through the modulation in expressions of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2)-associated X protein and Bcl2-associated death promoter. Further, fish oil increases the expression of heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27) in ACR-induced rats. This study provides evidence for the neuroprotective effect of fish oil on ACR-induced neurotoxicity by reducing oxidative stress and apoptosis with modulation in the expression of Hsp27.  相似文献   

Neuronal migration is essential for proper cortical layer formation and brain function, because migration defects result in neurological disorders such as mental retardation and epilepsy. Neuronal migration is divided into several contiguous steps: early phase (multipolar mode), locomotion mode, and terminal translocation mode. The locomotion mode covers most of the migration route and thereby is the main contributor to cortical layer formation. However, analysis of the molecular mechanisms regulating this mode is difficult due to the secondary effects of defects at the early phase of migration. In this study, we established an ex vivo chemical inhibitor screening, allowing us to directly analyze the locomotion mode of migration. Roscovitine and PP2, inhibitors for Cdk5 and Src family kinases, respectively, suppressed the locomotion mode of migration. In line with this, a small percentage of Cdk5- or Src family kinase (Fyn)-knockdown cells exhibited locomoting morphology but retarded migration, although the majority of cells were stalled at the early phase of migration. We also showed that rottlerin, widely used as a specific inhibitor for protein kinase Cδ (PKCδ), suppressed the locomotion mode. Unexpectedly, however, the dominant-negative form as well as RNA interference for PKCδ hardly affected the locomotion, whereas they may disturb terminal translocation. In addition, we found JNK to be a potential downstream target of rottlerin. Taken together, our novel chemical inhibitor screening provides evidence that Cdk5 and Src family kinases regulate the locomotion mode of neuronal migration. It also uncovered roles for Fyn and PKCδ in the early and final phases of migration, respectively.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis occurs during the embryonic stage and throughout life. Brain injuries such as ischemic insults enhance cell proliferation in some areas of the brain. We examined proliferation of newly generated cells in each layer of the gerbil main olfactory bulb (MOB) after 5 min of transient cerebral ischemia using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunohistochemistry. Ischemia-related neuronal death in the MOB was not detected using Fluoro-Jade B histofluorescence and TUNEL staining. Many BrdU-positive (+) cells were found in the rostral migratory stream in control and ischemic MOBs. Significant increase of BrdU+ cells was observed in the granule cell layer (GCL) and glomerular layer (GL) from 15 days post-ischemia, and BrdU+ cells were very much higher than those of the control group 30 days post-ischemia. At this time point after ischemia/reperfusion, a few BrdU+ cells in the GL and GCL were co-localized with calretinin+ cells, and many BrdU+ cells expressed doublecortin, a marker of immature neurons. These results indicate that cell proliferation is increased in the GCL and GL without apparent neuronal loss from 15 days after transient cerebral ischemia in gerbils.  相似文献   

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is accompanied by atypical brain structure. This study first presents the alterations in the cortical surface of patients with MDD using multidimensional structural patterns that reflect different neurodevelopment. Sixteen first-episode, untreated patients with MDD and 16 matched healthy controls underwent a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. The cortical maps of thickness, surface area, and gyrification were examined using the surface-based morphometry (SBM) approach. Increase of cortical thickness was observed in the right posterior cingulate region and the parietal cortex involving the bilateral inferior, left superior parietal and right paracentral regions, while decreased thickness was noted in the parietal cortex including bilateral pars opercularis and left precentral region, as well as the left rostral-middle frontal regions in patients with MDD. Likewise, increased or decreased surface area was found in five sub-regions of the cingulate gyrus, parietal and frontal cortices (e.g., bilateral inferior parietal and superior frontal regions). In addition, MDD patients exhibited a significant hypergyrification in the right precentral and supramarginal region. This integrated structural assessment of cortical surface suggests that MDD patients have cortical alterations of the frontal, parietal and cingulate regions, indicating a vulnerability to MDD during earlier neurodevelopmental process.  相似文献   

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