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天目山银杏群体遗传变异的同工酶分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文利用同工酶电泳方法,研究了天目山银杏群体的遗传变异性,计算了4种同工酶(GDH,G-6PDH,PRX,SDH)8个位点上的等位基因频率和每个位点的平均杂合率。结果表明:天目山银杏群体的遗传变异性较小,各位点的平均杂合率仅为0.150±0.004,呈现较大程度的遗传同一性,因此认为天目山银杏很可能是僧人在寺庙旁栽植的银杏留下的后代。  相似文献   

通过重复试验方差分析获得误差方差以探索只利用B、:2和B2:2或F2:3家系世代鉴定多基因存在的方法,混合分布参数的估计采用IECM算法,以油菜株高B1:2和B2:2家系平均数资料和千粒重F2:3家系平均数资料为例阐明该方法。  相似文献   

多位点连锁分析是构建人类以及动植物的遗传连锁图谱的关键步骤之一。但是由于林木遗传背景的复杂性,多位点连锁分析在林木的全同胞群体中还没有得到应用.本文将多位点连锁分析应用到林木的F1代全同胞群体中.对于全同胞群体的任意分离比的两个位点,给出了在不同的连锁相下从一个位点到另一个位点的转移概率矩阵.对于给定的一列标记位点,考虑了不同分离比位点以及两位点间的连锁相信息,采用隐马尔可夫链模型计算极大似然函数和相邻位点间的重组率.本文的方法有助于构建完整的高密度的林木遗传连锁图谱.  相似文献   

花鲈群体的遗传变异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术对花鲈群体的遗传结构进行了研究 ,共检测了中国沿海花鲈 14 6尾和 40尾日本东京湾花鲈。其群体的多态位点比例为 0 2 667— 0 53 3 3 ,观测杂合度和预期杂合度分别为 0 0 2 11— 0 0 515和0 0 3 98— 0 0 797。中日花鲈在LDH ,GPI 1 ,GPI 2 基因位点上的等位基因接近完全置换。中国花鲈各群体之间的根井遗传距离为 0 0 0 0 4— 0 0 0 11,平均值约为 0 0 0 80 ;而中日花鲈间的根井遗传距离为 0 1870— 0 1954,平均值为 0 192 6。以上结果表明中国花鲈群体间遗传变异很小 ,中日花鲈间遗传变异远大于中国花鲈群体间的遗传距离。  相似文献   

Pollen dispersal is a major component of gene flow in plant populations. It can influence microevolution within and among populations as well as the evolution of floral characters that affect dispersal. Most previous studies have relied on point estimates to characterize dispersal distances, even though there is likely to be substantial intrapopulational and interpopulational variation. We measured variation in pollen dispersal for the hummingbird-pollinated herb Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae), using powdered fluorescent dyes to estimate pollen movement. Analysis of 5–6 natural populations in each of three years indicated that mean and mean squared distances of pollen dispersal, measured over the reproductive lifespan of individual plants, varied more than threefold among populations and years. Dispersal distances also shifted over the season within a given population. Unlike the variation among populations, these seasonal changes were associated in part with changes in flower density. The mean distance of pollen dispersal from an individual plant was unrelated to the date of first flowering, but did reflect two floral characters. Plants with higher variance in stamen length across flowers delivered pollen farther on average, as predicted by computer simulations of pollen carryover. Plants with lower mean stamen lengths also delivered pollen farther. Such effects of plant characters on pollen dispersal are a critical prerequisite for dispersal to evolve in response to its effects on fitness.  相似文献   

In an archipelago in northern Sweden, populations of the perennial, dioecious, and insect-pollinated herb Silene dioica are commonly infected by the sterilising anther-smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum. The results from transplantation and inoculation experiments in this study show that variation between populations in the incidence of disease may partly be due to variation in resistance among populations. In the transplantation experiment in which plants were naturally exposed to the fungus, disease levels varied greatly among transplants from three healthy populations when transplanted to three diseased populations in the archipelago. Clear genotypic differences in susceptibility among 25 replicated genotypes of the host plants were found when inoculated manually with two different isolates. Susceptibility varied between 0-90%, but the two isolates used did not differ in inoculation success. The results also suggest a geographical structuring in resistance of the host and virulence of the fungus. First, disease levels among experimental plants from two of the disease-free populations of S. dioica (originating from inner and outer archipelago, respectively), were high when transplanted to a diseased population nearby, but low when transplanted far away. Second, regardless of origin, plants from all healthy populations became diseased in the diseased experimental populations located in the middle part of the archipelago. Due to isostatic land upheaval in the studied archipelago, there is a vertical age-axis within islands such that the highest point on an island is the oldest. Since this may affect the demography of the host, disease spread, and the dynamics of disease, spatial patterns in adult and seedling densities, and disease and spore deposition along the age-axis were studied within three diseased populations. A low incidence of disease was found in the young, low and old, high parts of the populations and a high incidence in the vertical, middle parts of the populations. The higher disease incidence in the middle part compared with the lower part of the population may reflect less disturbance and an increased probability of disease with age.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of isolates of the fungus Phomopsis subordinaria, sampled in three scarcely or heavily infected populations of Plantago lanceolata, was investigated on three different host genotypes. The expression of the pathogen appeared to be quantitative rather than qualitative in character, which suggests polygenic inheritance of host susceptibility. Significant statistical interaction between pathogen and host pointed to some degree of physiological specialization between them. None of the individual host-pathogen combinations was found to contribute significantly to the interaction. Differences in mean pathogenicity between the pathogen populations could not explain the different intensities of disease observed in the field. As the variation in susceptibility between populations of the host at the same three locations also cannot account for the differences in intensity of disease in the field, it can be concluded that environmental factors (in particular weevils that spread the disease) are important for the development of the disease. In one of the populations, the spatial scale at which variation within the pathogen occurs was determined. It appeared that the pathogen varied in pathogenicity in the field, even among scapes within an individual host plant. The consequences of this scale of variation in the pathogen are discussed for the dynamics and evolution of the pathosystem.  相似文献   

利用RAPD 标记技术对白桦种源遗传变异的分析及种源区划   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)分子标记方法对白桦17 个种源152 个个体进行了遗传变异的比较分析, 通过14 个随机引物扩增共检测到233 个位点, 各种源多态位点百分率差异明显, 范围在20.17%~32.19%之间, 多态位点百分率最高的是帽儿山种源和清源种源, 最低的是绰尔种源。遗传变异在种源间占43.53%, 在种源内个体间占56.47%。根据种源间的遗传距离, 构建了白桦17 个种源的遗传关系聚类图, 结果将东北地区的白桦聚为一类, 华北、西北地区的白桦聚为另一类。同时根据地理气候因子和遗传距离对白桦群体进行了种源区的划分。  相似文献   

Guppies were sampled from eight populations representing four river drainage basins in northern Trinidad, and from one population on the nearby island of Tobago. For each individual, a 465 base pair (bp) segment of the control region of the mitochondrial genome was sequenced. The resulting DNA sequences were subjected to sequence divergence calculations and the populations were linked by maximum parsimony analysis to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation was found both within and between river drainages, correlated with the geographic features of northern Trinidad. The variation observed exists primarily between drainages, particularly between the Oropuche drainage and all other Trinidad drainages examined. Estimates of time of divergence between guppy populations of different drainages, based on mtDNA sequence variation, ranged from 100,000 to 200,000 for the most recently separated populations and from 600,000 to 1.2 million years between the Oropuche populations and all others examined. Examination of fish from northeastern South America will be required to determine whether these populations differentiated in their present locations or were the result of separate invasions of Trinidad from different Venezuelan sources. However, genetic isolation of these populations appears to predate the current physical separation of the island of Trinidad from the Venezuelan mainland.  相似文献   

中国水域江豚种群遗传变异的研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
杨光  周开亚 《动物学报》1997,43(4):411-419
运用PCR产物的银染测序技术,测定了中国水域江豚长江豚长江种群、黄海种群和南海种群共12头个休的2个长度分别为317bp和245bp的mtDNA控制区序列,并以此分析了江豚种遗传变异。结果表明:中国水域江豚各种群的控制区序列所定义的单倍型互不相同,无共有的单保型。以2个mtDNA控制区片段的核苷酸序旬,以及把2个片段合并后产生的较大片段的序列,用MEGA软件中的UPGMA法构建的系统树把江豚聚类为  相似文献   

Very little is known about the distribution of genetic variance within and among populations of parasitic helminths. In this study we used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction fragment analysis to describe the population genetic structure of Ostertagia ostertagi, a nematode parasite of cattle, in the United States. Estimates of within-population mtDNA diversity are 5 to 10 times greater than typical estimates reported for species in other taxa. Although populations are genetically differentiated for a key life–history trait, greater than 98% of the total genetic diversity is partitioned within populations, and the geographic distribution of individual mtDNA haplotypes suggests high gene flow among populations.  相似文献   

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