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中国独活属果实的解剖学研究及独活属的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道了我国独活属17种植物的果实解剖结构的基本牲作变异幅度。根据果实的油管数目,形态,分布以及表皮毛的有无,侧翅发达程度,果实分晨鼎及胚乳形态等,结合该属植物的外部形态,细胞学,花粉形态和叶柄解剖等特征;将独活属分为5组。并提出我国西南的横断山区不仅是该属的分布中心和多样性中心,而且也是其变异中心;  相似文献   

中国独活属果实的解剖学研究及对独活属的修订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次报道了我国独活属(Heracleum)17种植物的果实解剖(横切)结构的基本特征和变异幅度。根据果实的油管数目、形态、分布以及表皮毛的有无,侧翅发达程度,果实分果爿及胚乳(横切面观)形态等,结合该属植物的外部形态、细胞学、花粉形态和叶柄解剖等特征;将独活属分为5组。并提出我国西南的横断山区不仅是该属的分布中心和多样性中心,而且也是其变异中心;文中讨论了独活属植物果实的进化趋势和属下分类处理。在综合各分支学科依据的基础上作者对独活属的分类进行了修订,提出了属下分类系统,建立一个新组———多管组Sect.Plurivitata,并列出了分组检索表。  相似文献   

本文首次观察了我国藁本属(Ligusticum)21种植物的叶柄解剖结构、基本特征和变异幅度。根据叶柄的维管束排列,结合横切面形状、近轴面沟槽的有无及形状、周缘的变化及髓腔的有无等特征,把21种藁本的叶柄解剖分为4个类型。依据各类型的结构特点及植物的外部形态,讨论了这4个类型可能的演化关系。作者认为滇西北地区不仅藁本属植物种类丰富,而且集中了叶柄解剖的全部类型,形态分化活跃,应是这个属的最大变异中心。  相似文献   

中国独活属叶柄的解剖学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文首次观察了我国独活属15种地柄解剖的结构的基本特变异幅度。根据叶柄的维管束排列,结合横切面形态,近轴面沟槽的有无及形态周缘的变化及髓腔的有无等特征,把15种独活的叶柄剖分为5个类型。依据各类型的结构特点结合其植物的外部形态,以及细胞学和花粉形态等特征,讨论了这5个类型可能的演化关系和独活属的属下分类问题,作者认为我国西南部的横断山区不仅独活属植物的种类丰富。是该属的频度中心,而且形态分化活跃,  相似文献   

马蹄香属营养器官解剖及其分类位置的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对马蹄香属Saruma Oliv.营养器官的形态解剖进行了研究,首次报道该属植物叶片宏观结构;叶表皮和叶表面的微观结构;叶柄和茎的初生结构特征与次生结构特征,并与近缘属植物细辛属Asarum L.的解剖学资料作了比较研究,发现两属的叶形均为心形;叶脉都是掌状脉序;叶沿无齿都具毛;且都是单毛;气孔器都是“毛茛科”型;叶柄维管束都呈“V”字形排列;从近轴端到远轴端都是呈3-4-4束的变化;茎的初生结构  相似文献   

木犀属植物叶柄的比较解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对木犀属(Osmanthus)26种植物叶柄的解剖结构进行了研究.结果表明,木犀属植物叶柄的解剖特征存在比较丰富的变异,叶柄横切面形状有3种类型(U型、V型、Y型),周缘波状、浅波状或近平滑;表皮毛有或无;维管束一般为1大2小,维管束轮廓在种问变异丰富,维管束类型有周韧、近周韧、外韧3种;小叶月桂、牛矢果、厚边木犀、美洲木犀叶柄中央具髓腔,部分种叶柄有硬化细胞或石细胞存在.木犀属植物叶柄的解剖结构特征比较稳定,可作为该属的分种特征.  相似文献   

该文采用光学显微镜,首次对九种瘤足蕨属植物的叶柄和羽片横切面进行了解剖学比较研究。结果表明:九种瘤足蕨属植物在叶柄中部横切面的表皮、基本组织和中柱以及营养叶羽片的表皮、叶肉和主脉等结构特征是相似的,如叶柄中部横切面的表皮不被毛或是鳞片,表皮细胞形状呈类圆形,具有厚壁组织,中柱为周韧型维管束;营养叶羽片横切面的气孔只分布于下表皮,表皮细胞形状呈扁平状,主脉的结构类型属于周韧型维管束。在系统的演化中,瘤足蕨与桫椤科植物有一定的亲缘关系,两者既有相似的特征但也表现出一定的差异,支持瘤足蕨属是一个自然分类的观点。九种瘤足蕨属植物叶柄中部横切面形状有梯形、椭圆形和三角形,叶柄中部横切面维管束的形状成"U"字形、"V"字形或"品"字形;维管束数目1个或3个;维管束结构中的木质部成"八"字形、"U"字形或"一"字形;羽片主脉下侧形成了以三角形、弧形或梯形的突起;叶柄中的木质部形态有两种,即典型的海马形状以及非典型的海马形状,其中典型的海马形状的特点为叶柄的木质部两侧都呈现弯曲成钩的形态,非典型的海马形状特点为2个木质部束的两侧都未出现弯曲成钩的形态或者是其中的一个木质部一端无弯曲成钩的形态,这些形态解剖特征稳定且具类群特异性,为瘤足蕨属植物的分类和系统学研究提供了新的依据。同时,依据其叶柄和羽片横切面解剖叶柄学特征列出了瘤足蕨属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

中国滇芎属果实解剖特征及分类学意义   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
应用比较解剖学方法对国产滇芎属(Physospermopsis Wolff)以及瘤果芹属(Trachydium Lindl.)和棱子芹属(Pleurospermum Hoffm.)共10种植物果实横切面的解剖特征进行了系统研究,比较分析了分生果的压扁程度、果棱大小、果壁各层果皮的特点、油管数目、胚乳形状等,归纳出上述各属果实的解剖特征,同时结合外部形态及花粉特征,将滇芎属果实分为3个类型.结合已有的研究结果,探讨了滇芎属果实的进化趋势以及属下分类和种间关系,并分析了与瘤果芹属和棱子芹属的演化关系,认为滇芎属果实较后二者果实演化程度低.  相似文献   

堇菜属(Viola)植物种类多、分布广、形态变异大,物种鉴定和分类系统争议较大。因此,为解决该属物种的分类学问题,以中国云南产的8种堇菜属植物为研究对象,利用显微镜和石蜡切片技术观察叶形态解剖特征,结果如下(:1)叶型可分为4种:肾形、戟形、卵形和三深裂(;2)叶片边缘和叶脉处稀疏分布着单细胞单列毛状体,可分为3类:短柱状、中柱状和长柱状(;3)叶表皮细胞垂周壁式样有平直-弓形、浅波状和深波状,气孔器类型有平列型、横列型和无规则型;气孔多为椭圆形,少数为近圆形;(4)叶中脉处上下表皮突起有均等型和不等型(;5)叶柄横切面轮廓和主维管束形态相关,前者为椭圆形、半圆形和近圆形,后者为浅U型、深U型和圆形。分析结果表明,堇菜属的叶型、表皮毛被、叶表皮细胞形态、气孔类型、叶中脉处的上下表皮形态、叶柄横切面及主维管束轮廓等,在种间差异明显,可以用作属内物种划分和近似种间的区别,支持长萼堇菜(V. inconspicua)、早开堇菜(V. prionantha)和紫花地丁(V. philippica)是一组有近缘关系的独立种。  相似文献   

星果泻属的果实形态特征及其分类学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用解剖镜和扫描电子显微镜详细观察了泽泻科星果泻属全部5种植物的果实形态和微形态特征,发现该属植物的果实:常为蓇葖果具2~6枚种子;稀瘦果具1枚种子,扁压,不规则长方形,顶端一侧延伸成尾状长喙;或果实三角形,喙不明显。果皮上有角质层覆盖,角质层的纹饰为条状或细条状,上面密被碎屑状、颗粒状或稀疏的颗粒状蜡质附属物。这些特征可作为属下分类的依据。本文在前人研究的基础上对该属的分类进行了讨论并写出新的分种检索表。笔者认为将星果泻和星状星果泻各自作为独立的种可能更为合理;加州星果泻仍应放在星果泻属内,而星果泻则可能是加州星果泻与该属其它种联系的一个中间过渡类型;多籽星果泻不宜与星果泻全并,仍应保留为一独立的种。笔者还首次发现该属植物的果皮上分布有气孔。  相似文献   

中国蹄盖蕨属植物孢子形态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常缨  王全喜  包文美 《植物研究》2001,21(3):T001-T005
利用扫描电子显微镜对我国产蹄盖蕨属44种植物的孢子进行了观察。结果表明,该属孢子形态为单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为豆形。外壁表面光滑,由周壁形成表面纹装饰。根据周壁的结构和表面纹饰,可分为两种类型;一是周壁外层发达,形成粗大的脊状纹饰,有11种属此类型;二是周壁外层很薄或不完全发育,由周壁内层或中层形成表面纹饰,有33种属此类型纹饰。本文还就本属的孢子形态特征以及与本属的属下分类关系、本属与邻近属的关系等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

中国苏铁属花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国苏铁属花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜观察。花粉中等大,极轴长26.5-35.7μm,赤道轴长20.6-26.4μm;极面观椭圆形至近圆形,赤道面观船形或肾形,具远极单沟,达两端,其开闭和形状随花粉干燥或潮湿而变化,内部具多种不规则突起,两端具皱纹;远极面外壁光滑或稀具微突起,近极面具穿孔,孔穴或蜂窝状纹饰。  相似文献   

Phillips  L.E.  Nelson  W.A.  & Kraft  G.T. 《Journal of phycology》2000,36(S3):54-55
The genus Lenormandia is composed of nine species from Australia and New Zealand. Some of the these are well known, but others are rare, obscure and ill-defined. We have examined material of all described species and found that they fall into two discrete groups that differ in apex morphology and position of reproductive structures. Plants of the first group, containing the type species L. spectabilis , have a cleft apex and reproductive structures produced directly on the blade surface, whereas those of the second group have a strongly inrolled apex and produce reproductive structures dorsally on small branchlets which arise either from the margins or the midrib. The groups were also found to form discrete clades on analysis of 18S rRNA sequences. All the members of the first group are endemic to Australia, whereas the second group, designated by the new genus name Adamsiella , contains two previously described New Zealand species and a single Australian representative. In addition, two new species are described in this group from New Zealand. Members of the closely related genus Lenormandiopsis were also examined and the type species, L. latifolia , was found to conform in apex morphology and position of reproductive structures to the genus Lenormandia. Accordingly Lenormandiopsis has been subsumed within Lenormandia. The remaining three members of the former genus Lenormandiopsis , however, were found to differ from both the type species and the genus Lenormandia and consequently have been transferred to the separate genus Geraldia , along with a new species from Geraldton, Western Australia which is designated as the type.  相似文献   

中国栝楼属(Trichosanthes L.)花粉形态的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文系统地研究了我国栝楼属30种及分布于日本的多裂栝楼的花粉形态,观察了各种花粉在光学显微镜及扫描电镜下的形态特征.同时通过花粉形态的研究,验证了在分类上本属所分各组的合理性。并观察了栝楼族另一属植物油瓜的花粉,探讨了二属之间的亲缘关系。由于本属植物多数为药用,而花粉形态特征为本属药材真伪的鉴别提供了依据。  相似文献   

囊萼紫草属与滇紫草属花粉形态比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了囊萼紫草属3种和滇紫草属12种植物的花粉形态。囊萼紫草属的花粉为哑铃形或茧形,中等大小,P/E比为1.6一1.67,三孔沟,内孔横长;具小刺状纹饰。滇紫草属的花粉为近长球形或近卵球形,P/E为l—1.23;三孔沟或三合沟孔,内孔一般纵长,具皱波状纹饰,在皱波上具密集的小瘤或微颗粒。从花粉形态的角度,本文支持把囊萼紫草属从滇紫草属(广义)中分离出来的观点。值得注意的是,在滇紫草属的花粉中首次观察到了一种比较少见且特化的花粉即单极三合沟孔的花粉。  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy and transmitted light microscopy are used in a palynological study of Lophosoria, Metaxya, Sphaeropteris, Alsophila, and Nephelea of the tree fern family Cyatheaceae. The monotypic American genera Lophosoria and Metaxya each have a unique spore morphology which reinforces the taxonomic distinctness of these genera as indicated by their other characters. All investigated paleotropical species of Sphaeropteris develop a single type of perine characterized by coarse, pointed projections. In the neotropics, the Sphaeropteris horrida group shares this perine type, whereas all other neotropical Sphaeropteris species appear to have a different kind of perine with fine hair-like processes. The exine in paleotropical Sphaeropteris appears uniformly unsculptured, whereas in the neotropics several exine morphologies are found. In Alsophila all investigated neotropical species and the vast majority of the paleotropical species are characterized by a basically ridged perine morphology and an unsculptured exine. In several paleotropical Alsophila species, however, a perine with hair-like processes similar to those in neotropical Sphaeropteris is found, and the exine in several species is variously pitted. In at least one paleotropical Alsophila species, the porate exine morphology is indistinguishable from that in the neotropical genus Cnemidaria. The spores of the American genus Nephelea are similar to those of the majority of Alsophila species in ridged perine morphology and unsculptured exine. Several new instances of atypical spore numbers per sporangium are reported in Sphaeropteris and Alsophila. These and the palynological data are discussed in a taxonomic framework. The spore morphology in these genera is consistent with Tryon's recent generic revision of the family.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the gross morphology, fine venation and cuticular features of Leitneria fioridana Chapman, the single living representative of the order Leitneriales and Leitneria eocenica (Berry) Brown, presumbaly a related fossil species. In addition to the type material, newly collected fossil specimens were investigated from clay pits in the Middle Eocene, Claiborne Formation, of western Tennessee and Kentucky. Foliate stipules attached to the petioles of several specimens suggest the assignment of this fossil leaf type to the genus Leitneria is incorrect. The nature of the gross morphology, fine venation and cuticular features confirms the misidentification. Previously, various specimens of this fossil leaf type have been placed in eight species of seven genera in seven families of six angiosperm orders, none of which are correct systematically. The gross morphology, venation and cuticular characters of the fossil leaf are distributed among a few extant South American genera of arborescent Rubiaceae. The fossil is an extinct rubiaceous leaf type which cannot be placed within a single modern subfamily, tribe or genus of the family. The organ genus, Paleorubiaceophyllum is proposed for these leaves. Three varieties of a single fossil species, P. eocenicum, are recognized. One variety with epidermal cells nearly twice the size of the others may represent a polyploid population.  相似文献   

中国金粉蕨属孢子形态的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
于晶  王全喜  包文美 《植物研究》2001,21(2):227-230,T001,T002,T003
利用扫描电子显微镜对我国产金粉蕨属8种2变种蕨类植物的孢子进行了观察。结果表明,该属孢子形态较为一致。三裂缝,辐射对称,极面观为钝三角形或三角圆形,赤道面观为椭圆形,超半圆形成或扇形,周壁较薄,外壁突起形成表面纹饰的基本轮廓,具赤道环,近极脊和远极脊等结构,种间差异主要表现在远极面的纹饰形态上,从孢子形态上看,金粉蕨属与中国蕨科其它属差异较大,而与凤尾蕨属相似,建议将本属放在凤尾蕨科。  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy supported by light microscopic L-O analysis is used in a palynological study of the genus Trichipteris of the tree fern family Cyatheaceae. The spores of all but two of the 55 species are investigated and the results are related to previous findings for Trichipteris species in the literature. A perine layer consisting of a network of slender, smooth- or rough-textured interlocking strands with free ends uniformly characterizes the genus and is the same as the perine type previously reported in neotropical species of Sphaeropteris excluding the S. horrida group. The exine is analyzed both in spores which have not yet developed the perine layer and in spores whose perine has been removed by chemical treatment. Exine sculpturing shows great variation in the genus, ranging from essentially psilate to variously pitted (foveolate, foraminate), with topography ranging from plane to verrucate-tuberculate, and with the verrucae-tubercles themselves often variously pitted. In many instances, exine sculpturing types correlate with the infrageneric species groupings or affinities hypothesized by the recent monographers. In other cases, palynological characters offer new insight into species relationships that were previously unclear to monographers or that were interpreted differently on the basis of other characters. The exine sculpturing types reinforce the relationship evident between Trichipteris and neotropical Sphaeropteris on the basis of perine morphology.  相似文献   

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